View Full Version : Halo: Combat Evolved PC Sightjacker.
July 27th, 2007, 01:24 PM
Would it be possible to port the Sightjacker to work on Halo PC? Or do the Developer commands just not exist?
Dr Nick
July 27th, 2007, 01:27 PM
I think this should be in HCE general discussion.
Love De Lux
July 27th, 2007, 01:29 PM
No. Worst idea ever.
I don't want more kids saying "i sightjacked you ! you're botting !!!§§" even if I don't. ( If you're quite good, go to MSK server, you'll see what I'm talking about ;__; )
July 27th, 2007, 02:06 PM
I think this should be in HCE general discussion.
I don't know why, I'm talking about Halo PC, not CE. However, it involves a CE program, so ok...
No. Worst idea ever.
I don't want more kids saying "i sightjacked you ! you're botting !!!§§" even if I don't. ( If you're quite good, go to MSK server, you'll see what I'm talking about ;__; )
I don't care, as long as server admin's know what to look for, we don't have anything to worry about do we?
July 27th, 2007, 07:43 PM
Would it be possible to port the Sightjacker to work on Halo PC? Or do the Developer commands just not exist?Not possible. CE is more user friendly when it comes to commands, halo pc has very limited ones.
July 27th, 2007, 07:46 PM
No. Worst idea ever.
I don't want more kids saying "i sightjacked you ! you're botting !!!§§" even if I don't. ( If you're quite good, go to MSK server, you'll see what I'm talking about ;__; )
Same thing happened with my friend on their server. Random guy named Mech came along and claimed to have sightjacked him and said he was botting, when he provided no video evidence of it when I gave him my Xfire so he could send me a recording of it. And when he was recording, he said he "turned it off". MSK's got issues... And noobs
July 27th, 2007, 08:05 PM
Ive seen tons of good regulars on the MSK server. Myself included. Its just that unfortunately mech is one of the regulars.
July 27th, 2007, 08:12 PM
i will sacrifice n00b1n8r for a PC sight jacker.
July 27th, 2007, 08:32 PM
Lol, so would I.
But yeah, I was just there yesterday and demonstrating sheer pwnage with a sniper rifle, and everyone said I was botting. They claimed to have sightjacked me. MSK was on at the time, and he sightjacked me for a little bit, and said I was just good, but they persisted. Meh, I didn't get banned, they got so bad I left and came back under a different name.
July 27th, 2007, 08:38 PM
But why do you even play PC any more, its full of noob mods where they put teleporters in rocks to cheat =\ Funny idea but its becoming ridiculous
July 27th, 2007, 08:57 PM
But why do you even play PC any more, its full of noob mods where they put teleporters in rocks to cheat =\ Funny idea but its becoming ridiculous
Because it has players. Good players. And good clans, worth fighting.
I'm not saying that CE doesn't have people or clans worth fighting either, but there are like... five maybe.
July 28th, 2007, 01:03 AM
Because it has players. Good players. And good clans, worth fighting.
I'm not saying that CE doesn't have people or clans worth fighting either, but there are like... five maybe.
Five people or five clans?
I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but on CE, and CE only for some reason, I can start a server like a normal player for 5 minutes, and then I start absolutely pwning everyone, I can get headshots with no zoom, I can throw a grenade around a corner and get a Killtacular, the like, but it only lasts for 5-10 minutes, then I become suckier then ever for the rest of the game. It doesn't always happen, and only on CE. It just so happened that I was like that on the MSK server when I almost got banned from it. Does it happen to anyone else?
July 28th, 2007, 01:12 AM
I stay with CE for the pplz yo.
July 28th, 2007, 01:15 AM
I barely play anymore... There are no good servers and there are no mature/smart players. One of them couldn't spell hat correctly without putting an f in between :/
Anyways, it probably can be done.
July 28th, 2007, 04:42 AM
Well, at least the people in CE have to take the time to get the maps and figure out the daunting task of putting them in the maps folder, that shows a BIT more dedication to the game than some PC players.. but not much. And on topic, a PC sightjacker would be cool, but would end up getting used for evil.
July 28th, 2007, 09:59 AM
I know a lot of people on CE, PC is just a bunch of randoms =\
Yah CE is more of a closer community. I run into people I seen before all the time. PC is just random people after random people.
July 28th, 2007, 10:16 AM
Yeah I play both. On PC I'm in a clan called FUN you should check their servers out. I agree with FriedMetroid that PC is random people. Thats why CE is a lot more fun. :D
Edward Elrich
July 28th, 2007, 11:50 AM
PC is random people and random mods, most of which are really dumb. (just jump up in a corner of a base on Blood Gulch and magically get teleported above the map! And then stay up becasue of the lag!) CE is better because CMT makes awesome maps and there is enough variety to keep everyone happy.
July 28th, 2007, 02:27 PM
Some of you are talking like I haven't played CE enough to know what I'm talking about. Trust me, I know more about CE then most of you. I've been with it and the community since it first came out. Check out my xfire profile ( Triple the times and they're about accurate, I only play with xfire running about 1/3 of the time.
As for 5 of them, I was referring to good, anti-cheat clans.
You just need to find a good, well built clan on PC, get accepted, and then you get yourself a community just as good as the CE one.
But the unfortunate thing is, is that since there are more players on PC, there are more noobs that aimbot on PC. Thats why I want to get a SightJacker out there for the server admins to use.
July 28th, 2007, 07:09 PM
But why do you even play PC any more, its full of noob mods where they put teleporters in rocks to cheat =\ Funny idea but its becoming ridiculous
What. Halo PC is home to the best players this game has to offer. Halo ce is a noob game by comparison. And if you don't like the mods, avoid them. It's not that hard, I assure you.
July 29th, 2007, 06:40 PM
What. Halo PC is home to the best players this game has to offer. Halo ce is a noob game by comparison. And if you don't like the mods, avoid them. It's not that hard, I assure you.Its easy to avoid the noob mods? Weird, when ever I try to join a halo pc snipers game, i see the admin teleport over the map onto the top of the map in BG. I see thousands of vehicles spawned in the middle of the map.
It has the best players? Perhaps, but you probably consider them best when contrasting them against the total noobs in halo pc.
CE is a noob game? Whatever, it actually takes a brain to get CE thats part of the reason it has less noobs.
July 29th, 2007, 07:05 PM
Halo pc is home of the best halo PC/CE players, break your keyboard over your head now. And yes, it's really easy to avoid modded servers. CE if full of faggots.
July 30th, 2007, 01:21 AM
What. Halo PC is home to the best players this game has to offer. Halo ce is a noob game by comparison. And if you don't like the mods, avoid them. It's not that hard, I assure you.
Halo pc is home of the best halo PC/CE players, break your keyboard over your head now. And yes, it's really easy to avoid modded servers. CE if full of faggots.
I agree. PC is only retarded if you play the pubs, and since CE is nothing but pubbing, gets boring and quite frankly it's too easy now.
Anyways, a PC sightjacker would do alot of good for HPT and such.
CE is a noob game? Whatever, it actually takes a brain to get CE thats part of the reason it has less noobs.
It takes ALOT more brain to click a download button, that's for sure.
July 30th, 2007, 03:18 AM
CE > PC for 1 simple reason.
it has more stuff.
and i enjoy a good pubbing so CE ftw. it's a shame there isnt an aussie community in it.
July 30th, 2007, 07:54 AM
CE has custom content, and not retarded modding. PC while it may have a few better players, has a LOT more horrible ones. Generally the players in CE aren't nearly as stupid either. One time in PC someone was trying to drive around death island and not get shot at, and complained every time someone killed him.
July 30th, 2007, 09:37 PM
I don't know where you are playing at, these scrubs don't even have an idea. I guess no one here has actually PLAYED halo pc.
July 30th, 2007, 09:48 PM
CE has alot less vehicles in the servers, I cant stand loads of tanks/banshees it drives me crazy, I'm fine with hogs and ghosts as long as they dont flag cap 24/7. Yes all vehicles are part of the game "get used to it" but I just prefer it without them :P
August 2nd, 2007, 05:08 PM
CE has alot less vehicles in the servers,
Maybe because
CE has alot less vehicles in the servers,
I'm fine with hogs and ghosts as long as they dont flag cap 24/7. Yes all vehicles are part of the game "get used to it" but I just prefer it without them :P
Capping is not only part of the game, but generally is the game when you're playing CTF.
August 3rd, 2007, 06:34 PM
Maybe because
Capping is not only part of the game, but generally is the game when you're playing CTF.I like to actually get a few kills rather than some twat flag capping all the time.
Why cant people run to get the flag? Best games I've played where the whole team works with the flag carrier to get it to the base and back.
August 5th, 2007, 09:25 AM
x2 for when I didn't have xfire. And people like HIV still think I'm some kid who doesn't know anything :downs:
I think that's possibly because most of us don't care who you are.
August 6th, 2007, 03:05 AM
Halo PC is great if you're a competitive gamer, you're affiliated with a clan, you play to win or do good, etc, and Halo CE is good if you're just a casual gamer or modder.
I prefer CE simply because games tend to be more mellow. I'd rather not have to play under constant pressure to own everyone in the fucking server, because after all, that is why I'm playing the game in the first place: to relax a bit and bust some caps.
Unfortunately, it's nigh impossible to find any out-of-the-ordinary gametypes on CE that aren't accompanied by a group of total fucking morons. I remember HPC being good to me if I ever wanted to play some Race or Oddball variants; two gametypes that are RARELY played on CE.
August 6th, 2007, 01:21 PM
Okay and everyone get back on topic, now. I didn't create this thread to get into a battle about which game is better, both games have pro's and con's.
Now if anyone with more then basic coding experience in C++ could help me out here, I would appreciate it.
August 6th, 2007, 05:34 PM
To answer your question: Yes, a sigthjacker for halopc is possible. The most difficult part is getting the name of the player you are sigthjacking though.
August 7th, 2007, 01:01 AM
Okay, does anyone still talk to Rec0? Or is he... gone?
August 11th, 2007, 08:40 AM
I made a working sightjacker for haloPC. I'm also working on an advanced Halo Lobby and a server tool for haloPC. But because many people want a sightjacker for haloPC, I dediced to release my current version. It has some bugs, but it does its job.
We have a new website and will now update it every week.
Visit us here:
On the site, click on "Read More" for more details!
August 11th, 2007, 08:49 AM
wow... nice.
i really like the lobby idea..
make it for ce kthnx
-edit- just tried the pc sightjacker, very cool. good job.
August 11th, 2007, 11:45 AM
i really like the lobby idea..
make it for ce kthnx
HaloSpy CE ( :downs:
August 11th, 2007, 12:03 PM
To answer your question: Yes, a sigthjacker for halopc is possible. The most difficult part is getting the name of the player you are sigthjacking though.That parts mega easy, if you know the ID of the player your on 0 - 15 then you can get the name :D
August 12th, 2007, 12:00 AM
I made a working sightjacker for haloPC. I'm also working on an advanced Halo Lobby and a server tool for haloPC. But because many people want a sightjacker for haloPC, I dediced to release my current version. It has some bugs, but it does its job.
We have a new website and will now update it every week.
Visit us here:
On the site, click on "Read More" for more details!
Wow good work Omega! I'll be sure to bookmark your website!
August 12th, 2007, 02:03 AM
wait what?
you have to pay for that?
uh, no?
August 12th, 2007, 02:05 AM
wait what?
you have to pay for that?
Ahem, Read more carefully.
HaloSpy CE is PAYPALWARE, meaning it is totally free, you only pay for support.
August 12th, 2007, 04:37 AM
August 14th, 2007, 01:13 PM
No. Worst idea ever.
I don't want more kids saying "i sightjacked you ! you're botting !!!§§" even if I don't. ( If you're quite good, go to MSK server, you'll see what I'm talking about ;__; )
ohh i hate the msk server. they have no idea what a bot is, they just yell bot whenever somebody gets a nice shot.
i tried to use my bot once there, lol. they never even suspected me, dumbasses.
sightjackers turn decent servers into make-sure-u-cant-cheat sessions. note i said sessions, cus its never a fucking game, just everybody sitting there being 'checked'
August 15th, 2007, 04:22 PM
ohh i hate the msk server. they have no idea what a bot is, they just yell bot whenever somebody gets a nice shot.
i tried to use my bot once there, lol. they never even suspected me, dumbasses.
sightjackers turn decent servers into make-sure-u-cant-cheat sessions. note i said sessions, cus its never a fucking game, just everybody sitting there being 'checked'
Aimbotter, everyone ban him.
And no, when your in a server with competent people, that never happens.
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