View Full Version : So.....I just finished LoZ:Twilight Princess

July 28th, 2007, 12:30 PM
What were your insights on the game and favorite parts. My problem was it was too short. Otherwise the boss battles were fun!!!

July 28th, 2007, 12:44 PM
The game was too easy, but I liked the boss battle in the desert temple (i don't remember the name).

July 28th, 2007, 12:48 PM
I loved how epic the boss battles were :rolleyes: Especially when you are fighting the water temple boss, and Link flips the sword around and starts stabbing in and out of the "eye" of the boss. The Sky Temple boss was epic too, how the lightning started and the rain began to pour. I love Zelda pretty much no matter what. I have the Wii version, but it pissed me off when I accidentally did the "Cannon room glitch". So I had to start over... How long did it take you to complete it, it took me a little of 30 hours.

July 28th, 2007, 12:51 PM
It took me 41 hours to complete.

Teh Ganon
July 28th, 2007, 01:12 PM
I beat the game twice, the second time I bothered to collect everything. I beat the trial thingy too, but the second time was too hard. Kind of ironic becuase I thought the game was too easy. But it had the classic shigero miyamoto puzzle style that I loved. Ganon was way too easy to beat at the end. took me like 53 hours to beat the first time around.

July 28th, 2007, 02:01 PM
I just got this game the other day, I am currently on that city in the sky thing... It is pretty fun, just ridiculously easy.

July 28th, 2007, 05:33 PM
It's easy.


July 28th, 2007, 05:55 PM
I have yet to get my hands on that game. One question though, Does it live up to Ocarina of Time?

July 28th, 2007, 05:57 PM
It's easy.


Please don't shit up this topic. I have nothing against you but Loz is
Serious Business

I have yet to get my hands on that game. One question though, Does it live up to Ocarina of Time?

I believe it does if not VERY CLOSE.

July 28th, 2007, 06:01 PM
I have yet to get my hands on that game. One question though, Does it live up to Ocarina of Time?
Meh, it's epic, but most of what you do is WW styled or something... not really OoT styled. Many of the people remind me of WW as well, it seems as though Link and the kids and Ilia are the only ones that really look serious besides the bosses. Though, it's still a great game, allows for lots of game play time... there are a lot of things to do, and it can take a while (depending on what you do) just to beat the game. Also, some of the things, like water, are very pleasing too the eye. It's like an-all-in-one Zelda game, mixing a variety of styles and weapons from the other games, with mostly better graphics, actually.

July 28th, 2007, 06:03 PM
I have yet to get my hands on that game. One question though, Does it live up to Ocarina of Time?
Depends. There isn't a Water Temple in this game, if that's what you mean.

July 28th, 2007, 06:05 PM
Depends. There isn't a Water Temple in this game, if that's what you mean.
Yeah there is; it's the third one! It isn't the best water temple (the OoT water temple kicked ass), but it is still a water temple. D:
To keep it literal, it's called Lakebed Temple, or something or other.

July 28th, 2007, 06:09 PM
Yeah there is; it's the third one! It isn't the best water temple (the OoT water temple kicked ass), but it is still a water temple. D:
To keep it literal, it's called Lakebed Temple, or something or other.
You didn't get what I said. And the OoT Water Temple being "awesome"? That's just wrong.

July 28th, 2007, 06:12 PM
Yea I HATED the OOT Water temple.

July 28th, 2007, 06:30 PM
Oh come on. the water temple on OoT wasn't that bad. But then again, I haven't replayed the whole game in about a year. After I passed the game I got bored, bought a gameshark and went skiing in Lake Hylia using the infinite hover and the super speed.

July 28th, 2007, 08:41 PM
I liked it up until the second to last dungeon (the dark relm one) From the beginning of the game they led you to believe that Zant was this awesome evil bad guy, makes you respect him. Then when it comes time to fight him, his more of a loon and an annoyance then a threat, completley ruined the game for me

July 28th, 2007, 08:47 PM
Loved the tiny bit I was able to play at a friend's house. D:

July 28th, 2007, 10:17 PM
You didn't get what I said. And the OoT Water Temple being "awesome"? That's just wrong.
I must not have, as I am lolwtfconfused. D:

Also, you can't quote that I said, awesome, as I said it "kicked ass." =p

But yeah, it was a pain (OoT Water Temple) until I got to my 3rd run through, then it wasn't hell. Was pretty fun imo, considering the complexity and how much it required you to think and how original it was. Makes me wish this game was more like that. D:

[edit] Oh shit, I am a dumbass, mirite? =p I guess what you meant was that this game was easy and the water temple in OoT was hard as shit; therefore, this game can't have a water temple since it isn't hard. I sort of get it. Or I don't, and I am wrong.

Emmzee, you fucked with my mind D:

July 29th, 2007, 02:59 AM
Oh come on. the water temple on OoT wasn't that bad. But then again, I haven't replayed the whole game in about a year. After I passed the game I got bored, bought a gameshark and went skiing in Lake Hylia using the infinite hover and the super speed.

Oh look, a pool of water, this looks like a good place for my new iron boots!

*equip iron boots*

Oh, I need to get out of the water.

*un-equip iron boots*

Oh... another pool of water.

*equip iron boots*

Oh come the thing is fucking 3 feet long!

*un-equip iron boots*

Oh hey... a pool, of fucking water!

Fuck the water temple.

July 29th, 2007, 06:43 AM
The water temple in OOT wasn't that bad compared to... um... the shadow temple... Ugh! That place still makes me :sick:. Wasn't expecting that at all anywhere in the game.

Bad Waffle
July 29th, 2007, 11:50 AM
hahaa, just admit it jahrain, you were scared of the ominous voices and all the skulls on the walls.

i think my favorite part of TP was at the very end, the swordfight with ganon. They should have used that gameplay mechanic more, because i replay the end of the game sometimes to play it. And another always fun thing to do is fish, i love the surroundings. Or...that temple in the desert that has all the rooms of stuff you fight. Its like going on a raid, you prepare and everything and its great. Overall, i just love TP, its a wonderful wii game.

July 29th, 2007, 01:35 PM
I was 11 when I played the game. The only thing that really scared me in the game was those zombie things that would stop you from moving while the sounds of some lady screaming played in the background, oh and those hand spider things that drop from the ceiling and send you back the beginning of the level. I would kill for thrills like that in TP. That was the only thing missing from the game that would have made it as epic as OOT.

July 29th, 2007, 02:18 PM
Last fight with ganon was too easy. If ya pull out the fishing rod and cast it he stares at the worm in a daze and gives you a chance to hit him a bit without him attacking back

July 30th, 2007, 07:38 AM
Last fight with ganon was too easy. If ya pull out the fishing rod and cast it he stares at the worm in a daze and gives you a chance to hit him a bit without him attacking back.

Seriously? Weird. Never would of thought of that.

July 30th, 2007, 11:58 AM
actually, i just finished the game today. (borrowed GC from a friend)

really epic adventure i must say.
overall, i thought the game was a bit too easy, and to cast any doubt aside.
the OOC Watertemple is fucking torture. and jahrain, ya, those hands in the spirit temple scared me too when i played it :<

the entire game comes pretty damn close to the OoT quality level, but due to the fact it's just a bit too easy, it doesn't quite match up to it.

still one of the best damn games ive played in a loooooooong looooooooooooooong time. finished the whole thing in 3 days.

at the end, i was like WTF, why'd she break the mirror.
along with ALOT of other cutscenes that made me go WHAAAAT?!!!?!?!
but oh well.

anyone else thing the imp-midna is cooler than the un-cursed "hot" version?

Teh Ganon
July 30th, 2007, 12:13 PM
(borrowed GC from a friend)

The wii version was a bit better I think. lol, they just reversed (mirrored) the world to make the GC version.

July 30th, 2007, 12:32 PM
The wii version was a bit better I think. lol, they just reversed (mirrored) the world to make the GC version.
Actually it's the other way around, they mirrored the GC version for the Wii so make Link was right-handed since the majority of players are right-handed.

Teh Ganon
July 30th, 2007, 01:02 PM
That makes sense I geuss. hehe we should do that to halo for the lefties among us.

July 30th, 2007, 08:41 PM
anyone else thing the imp-midna is cooler than the un-cursed "hot" version?I do! I love it when your fighting, getting badly early injured, and in life threating situation and midna is just sitting on top your back yawning.

July 30th, 2007, 09:00 PM
I just beat it just now =p. After 3 days of on and off playing, of course. I say the ending is meh. I liked the old midna because she didn't talk like she did when she went back to normal. D:

July 30th, 2007, 11:42 PM
That makes sense I geuss. hehe we should do that to halo for the lefties among us.
The game was flipped due to the use of a motion sensing controller, the flip actually servers a purpose.

July 31st, 2007, 04:32 AM
I do! I love it when your fighting, getting badly early injured, and in life threating situation and midna is just sitting on top your back yawning.

haha yeah, and in that desert temple, if you drowned in the sand she just flies there shaking her head, thinking: god, whats wrong with this fucking moron, jesus christ. >_<

win win win

also: i'm just starting Wind Waker now, but i have to say, i don't really like it at all.
i mean wtf, a magic conductors rod? it's jsut so un-zelda. i don't mind the cel-shaded style, in fact, it propably couldnt have been executed better. its just the game itself has a totally different feeling about it. i'm going to toss this one to the side, and go fish in twilight princess, and collect some bugs :/

July 31st, 2007, 08:08 AM
Wind Waker was good too in my opinion. Could you give it a chance? Play a couple dungeons and that Zelda feel will be sure to come back. If you don't, oh well, at least I tried to broaden your expanses.

July 31st, 2007, 08:24 AM
You only just now finished it?

Was a fun game though. Lengthy enough for me, it took up 40+ hours.

Also, hot version Midna is just hot. But I missed Navi though. XD

July 31st, 2007, 01:42 PM
got the 3 pearls now, but cba playing more, it just not the same.

at least i give things a chance, unlike my mod, i made her play pokemon on the GBA, and entered the house, and like 30 seconds later it was like i dont like this game. WRHRE$BTVY&#37;$# WTF, you didnt even play a THOUSANTH of a percent onf the game. laemz

i think ill plat OoT again on the cube, also got this master quest thing, what is it anyway, haven't tried it out yet.
should feel like a new game, since last time i played it was like 10 years ago.

July 31st, 2007, 02:08 PM
i think ill plat OoT again on the cube, also got this master quest thing, what is it anyway, haven't tried it out yet.
should feel like a new game, since last time i played it was like 10 years ago.

Same game, harder dungeons.

July 31st, 2007, 02:46 PM

July 31st, 2007, 04:08 PM
Anybody here did the cave of ordeals?

July 31st, 2007, 04:27 PM
Anybody here did the cave of ordeals?

Yeah, I managed all the way through.

And I beat TP and accidentally saved over my newly 100% complete 70 HOUR SAVE FILE.

Needless to say, I cried for about 20 minutes.

July 31st, 2007, 06:44 PM
I usually get several error messages saying my memory card is corrupt... when I first saw it, I started cussing the shit out. Then I turned the GC off, blew in the memory card, did the start menu thing, then started up and it was fine. I was pissed when I thought all of my stuff was gone before I had even beaten it. D:

I'd be almost fine with it now, since I did. =p

August 1st, 2007, 10:12 AM
Anybody here did the cave of ordeals?

Where is the cave of ordeals located?

August 1st, 2007, 01:09 PM
Where is the cave of ordeals located?
In the desert, look for a bridge part then move it back to the bridge that get cut off by some monsters. After that you can go in the cave.

Teh Ganon
August 1st, 2007, 05:24 PM

in the beginning off that video it shows you where it is.

August 1st, 2007, 06:22 PM
cool, i'll do that tomorrow :D

also: in reply to the navi wasnt that bad-strip.


August 2nd, 2007, 02:37 AM
God I want to play this game badly :(