View Full Version : Oh how I love my neighbors...

July 29th, 2007, 02:53 AM
So over the summer I've gotten in this thing where I can't sleep and so I've started to go running/jogging at like 11 o'clock at night, well tonight I was on the phone until about two and wasn't tired so I thought what the hell, I'll just go run a few laps around the streets.

Now I live in a development thats got two sets of streets with about 20 Houses on each street that ends in a circle loop and then doubles back, then there is a street that snakes straight behind us we've named the back 40 (because there is 40 houses back there along the snake like road.) Well usually I'll just run a sort of lap from my house around the street straight across the main road, back down and back up my street, and I'll do that a few times before calling it a night (usually about 20 - 30 minutes of running.) Well tonight some kids that live in the back fourty were on their way home and saw me running across the main road, I stopped and waved so that they didn't think I'm so weirdo stalking around, but I guess for some reason they decided to call the cops on me...

Now I'm not some weird looking kid, I'm an average 17 year old, and I wasn't wearing all black or camo or something, I'm wearing my old PE shorts and a white undershirt, and so as I'm on my way back down on my 2nd lap just coming out of the loop on the second street I see a car coming down the main road with a spotlight and I instantly recognize it as a police car (even though it's night all the houses have those light sets out side to illuminate flower beds and the various water designs infront their house.) The police car was shining a spot light around the houses and between them to see if anyone was there (or so I suppose) and they kept driving back into the back 40 street, so I continued running home down the street into my house, and then they came down my street right after I had gotten inside my garage, they didn't stop or even shine their light near my house, so I know they didn't see me but still, what the ****? Why the hell call the police for a harmless kid running....

So yeah, morale of the story: Don't go running at 3AM...especially if you've got stupid neighbors looking to cause a scene.

Whats funny though is that I probably could've gotten away from it all without anything happening, most of the Officers that work this side of town all know me through my computer work. I've done various PC related jobs for them or their familes and have gotten to know them, so chances are I knew whoever was looking for me tonight, but still...

July 29th, 2007, 02:56 AM
With my neighborhood its more of don't sit on your front steps at 2AM. I seriously wonder whats with the abundance of stupid neighbors nowadays.

July 29th, 2007, 03:00 AM
how do you know they were looking for you :raise:

July 29th, 2007, 03:03 AM
Because the timing was way too perfect. I saw those kids driving away and then they slowed down, I thought in my head how lulz it would be if they called the cops on me. They had to of been looking for me, there is no one else to be looking for at this time of night. We haven't ever had a break in and this area is possibly the safest area to live in, apart from the super-rich gated communities.

July 29th, 2007, 03:13 AM

co-incidence mb?

July 29th, 2007, 03:51 AM
no matter what u say they arnt as bad as the neighbours we used to have.
they would film leaves falling in there pool from there neighbours trees so they could take them to court.
not to mention complaining about the noise the pool pump makes and how it was keeping them awake. when after we checked out the distance between there bedrooms and our pool pump And the Abundance of Trees and hedges (hello natural silencer) u could not hear the pump at all.

also called the cops for various things such as when they moved out the fuckhead must of dropped his birdbath. he then calls the cops and claims that we snuck into his yard and smashed it.
in the final weeks of the mliving there we would of had the cops over a dozen times.... "your music is to loud at midday....(music was in a shed and wasnt audible after a 20M radius"
it was just court case's, threats, cops and stupid behaviour for years.

Thankfully all the other neighbours are fucking awesome.
We threw a party after they left. it was :awesome:

July 29th, 2007, 06:28 AM
If I went out at 2 in the morning, I'd get stabbed.

July 29th, 2007, 06:39 AM
i would rather get stabbed then live next to these people again.

and i'm deadly serious, as long as i dont die in the stabbin.

July 29th, 2007, 09:34 AM
why would you want to get penetrated by a foreign object in a part of your body that isn't meant to get penetrated :|

i mean, rly. even if you lived. imagine getting stabbed :|

no rly, just because you don't die doesn't mean you can't get dealt serious body damage, perhaps putting you in a wheelchair and shit. srsly, no stabbing :|

kissy kissy atty :*

July 29th, 2007, 11:31 AM
Korn, you take things way too seriously D:

Bad Waffle
July 29th, 2007, 11:45 AM
i would get stabbed, and then blame it on my neighbors for wanting to increase property value of their home by forcing me out of mine ;)

July 29th, 2007, 01:26 PM
The closest neighbor to me is about 3 miles away. But that suck, running from the cops ain't too fun ;).

July 29th, 2007, 07:04 PM
I'd change direction and run by the cops to see if it was me they were looking for.

July 29th, 2007, 08:52 PM
lol. This one guy called the cops on me and a friend after digging up an ant mound at my yard. After yelling at us for 2 hours, he turned around and told his wife to call the cops. Me and my friend were like WTF??? So we waited at the end of the driveway for the cops to show up. The cop was the most bored person I ever saw.

July 29th, 2007, 11:21 PM
Were you wearing what could be considered "yobbish" clothes? Like hoodie, jeans etc? They probably though wtf is that dude doing at 3am. If you were out drinking then people dont worry its when they dont know what your upto =\

My mate got arrested for wearing a hoodie, fucking cops, always around when you dont want them but never there when you need them.

being stabbed isnt all that its cracked up to be. if had been stabbed and knew I wasnt going to die, then I would alright.

July 30th, 2007, 12:08 AM
I was wearing, as I said in my original post, Physical Education shorts (the shorts my school requires us to wear) and a white under-shirt. I couldn't go running in Jeans...

July 30th, 2007, 12:21 AM
When I was younger, they built a gazebo in the area; everyone that lived in the condo payed for it, and it was useless and unnecessary. So my dad and some neighbors threw a party in it one night; up until about 9:30. And a woman; across the street, third floor, calls the cops on us. The cop comes over, looks at us, and says: "Well, you aren't bothering anyone else, and you can make as much noise as you want until 10. She calls the cops on everyone.
My dad had a business partner; she's freaking crazy. My dad has a business selling silver jewelry, and so one day he walks into her house; and there's a huge freaking butcher's knife laying on a chair by the front door. Note, this lady has a "boyfriend" that just got out of jail; she met him, and he practiced writing her name for credit card fraud or whatever, and so now he's using her to get whatever he wants. Dad took all of the silver away from her now, and isn't giving it back. Dad doesn't want ANYTHING to do with her; she even once called HIM her boyfriend. Which was probably scarier than the knife.
Thank God.

On top of that, at my mom's house; I'm not there on weekends, but apparently, the neighbors that I thought were kinda cool; although they DID leave their cat outside to pretty much DIE, and he got hit by a car; well apparently every weekend they come home drunk, causing a huge disturbance. Yeah.

Text wall :U