View Full Version : Post Your Wierd Dream/Nightmare
July 30th, 2007, 08:30 AM
Ever had a weird fucked up tripped out dream/nightmare that you can remember? Lets see em.
Heres mine: (this is all the one dream)
I was outside standing beside a trampoline, looking up at a strange golden tower, with my brother and uncle. A tower standing in the middle of a city, standing above the rest, with a single person walking around in the top floor.
Then, I'm outside this hotel lobby, across from the hospital where my sister was, and i suddenly get bitten by a large black snake. I grab the snake, bash it to death, lift it up, and see that it was infact a crow or a raven, and the whole time, I knew it was a crow/raven, but at the same time, I thought it was a snake?
Then, I'm at a ramp in a street at about sunset, with a bunch of people I've never seen before, on TV or in reality, who are jumping bikes off of the ramp. A dude flies off the ramp and hits his elbow, which bends back the wrong way and snaps.
Then, I'm looking at a river, and a creek, with the same guy who just got injured, who isn't injured anymore, is riding a bike around a path. Suddenly, he falls off his bike into the creek and a pile of rocks cover him up.
Then, it shows this same guy again (still, have no idea who it is I'm dreaming about) and hes in a living room, with a girl, who I have also never seen before, and hes talking in rhyme, almost like fucked up song lyrics, so complex so disturbed, yet, I've NEVER heard those words strung together in that one hearing before in my life (Did I make the song up in my head, almost instantaneously without even thinking?).
All of a sudden, I'm inside the massive golden tower at the start, holding onto the bars near the top, griping onto a railing, then I wake up.
Sometimes I feel like dreams are just too strange to be random thoughts. It seemed so fucking real. And faces, that I've never seen before.
Anyone else got any?
July 30th, 2007, 08:34 AM
You're weird.
July 30th, 2007, 08:42 AM
:( I know
When I had the dream, I remembered ALOT more of it. Theres a whole bunch of shit I can't remember now. The whole time I felt in danger, and woke up seeing like, for a few seconds the static of a TV. Thats not totally abstract to me though, I get it
all the time when I get headspins. Never when I've woken up though.
Just thought this might have been a cool thread, seeing if other people get this weird sort of shit :P
July 30th, 2007, 08:52 AM
That's nothing compared to mine. Nothing at all. I would go on to explain, but I'd rather not be typing until 5AM :|
July 30th, 2007, 08:55 AM
and woke up seeing like, for a few seconds the static of a TV. Thats not totally abstract to me though, I get it
all the time when I get headspins. Never when I've woken up though.
It's because you're a damned robot.
I once had a dream about vampires
then anime vampires
And then I had another dream; I don't really remember the contents, but first I was some short character who I can't recall, then I was some hot chick, then I was me, and it all flowed; as in no one noticed the difference.
Oh, and I used to have dreams about my parents dying.
I don't remember them very well, if you couldn't tell.
July 30th, 2007, 08:55 AM
@ Ross: Well, do it tommorow :P
I'd love to hear it :D
July 30th, 2007, 10:15 AM
I just had a dream where I was stuck in a white room for 4 hours. It sucked.
July 30th, 2007, 10:18 AM
I just have the usual dream where I believe I'm at work and then I wake up and panic 'cause I have no pants on and for a few seconds I believe I'm still at work.
Other than that, I don't remember any really odd dreams. The odd part is, I know that I've had a really odd dream recently, but I'll be damned if I can remember a single detail from it...
Dr Nick
July 30th, 2007, 10:33 AM
I just had one about the Simpsons(Because a lot of people keep telling me about the movie) and some mansion, and asian house-keepers, and some bratty little shit who fucks everything up...
I don't even know the point...
July 30th, 2007, 10:38 AM
Ive got 2 different reoccuring dreams.
One is where I'm in my garden, theres like a small ledge thingy then it drops down 3 feet or so and carries on down the garden. I run down jump off the ledge and flap my arms and fly.
The other one does my head in, it starts with my looking at a door, its got a class blurred window (like in movies where they have detectives inside the door) the door opens and everything is flat and really smooth then the whole world is flat and smooth, and time to time a little bob comes up and makes it unflat/smooth and squares indent the surface and move around.
It sounds weird, it is, it just bugs the crap out of me in the dream (I get a headache >_<)
July 30th, 2007, 10:43 AM
I don't have dreams anymore :(
July 30th, 2007, 11:20 AM
I almost never remember my dreams, but a lot of them are things that happen in the next few days after I dreamed that they happen (in other words, I see things in my dreams before they happen). It's odd because it happens so frequently.
July 30th, 2007, 11:59 AM
I have those kind of dreams too and the funny thing is, that everything happens and looks just like in the dream that I had a few nights before.
July 30th, 2007, 01:52 PM
I have those kind of dreams too and the funny thing is, that everything happens and looks just like in the dream that I had a few nights before.
Ya, I know, it's really wierd.
July 30th, 2007, 02:06 PM
My dreams are fantasticly weird when I do have them, but I havn't has one in a while...(probly because I'm sick and arn't getting a good nights sleep) That last dream I remember having was wiring my house with ethernet cables.(which I did earlier that day) I kept on wiring the same fucking cable over and over and over and over again, and so getting so unbelievably pissed off it was unbelievable. I was half asleep too, so time went slow as hell. I eventually just got up.
July 30th, 2007, 02:09 PM
I had a dream I was at my wedding, although instead of being myself I was my wife, trapped in a womans body. Good thing I was a pretty woman. :)
Thats about as weird as it gets for my dreams...
teh lag
July 30th, 2007, 02:13 PM
Strangest one of mine yet :
I'm... somewhere between playing Halo and actually in the game. I meet the Chief, and we do some random shit in the game... then somewhere along the way it transpires that he's a single mother.
I've also dreamed of a way to rhyme "purple" with "orange."
July 30th, 2007, 02:18 PM
I've also dreamed of a way to rhyme "purple" with "orange."
You're very The only dream that I can think of right now was one that I had many years ago.
First, I was at a carnival with my family eating a triple layered peanut butter sandwich/cake. Then I saw myself in third person riding my bike in a multicolored tunnel.
July 30th, 2007, 03:54 PM
I almost never remember my dreams, but a lot of them are things that happen in the next few days after I dreamed that they happen (in other words, I see things in my dreams before they happen). It's odd because it happens so frequently.I had my first of those recently. It was night, and I was sitting in my dad's truck, on the passenger side, and he and my brother were talking about something having to do with a movie, then my dad says something containing the phrase, "little compton", then we go through an intersection on the street adjacent to mine.
Then, the next day, we went to see the Simpsons movie. After that, we drove home. It was dark. My dad and my brother were talking about the movie. Then my dad makes a crack about "little compton". We pass the intersection. I sit board-stiff the rest of the way home.
July 30th, 2007, 04:31 PM
I almost never remember my dreams, but a lot of them are things that happen in the next few days after I dreamed that they happen (in other words, I see things in my dreams before they happen). It's odd because it happens so frequently.Déjà vu. (
I get it a lot. Way more than anyone else I've talked to. I'm talking about daily, sometimes more than twice a day. But I've gotten used to it.
On the topic of weird dreams, I have this recurring dream I've had since I as 6, and nothing in the dream has changed over the years. It's always exactly the same.
I buy a nice sports car (which is weird, because I prefer muscle cars). All I remember is that it's a red convertible. I take it home. But whenever I try to back it out of the driveway, a mail truck slams into me. I'm fine, and apparently my car's fine, because I go up the driveway and try to back out again. Again, the mail truck hits the back of my car. Repeat that about 3 times, then I wake up.
July 30th, 2007, 04:37 PM
I have this one dream.
It starts off as me at home working( school work) then all of the sudden everything gets bright white then the light dimmers down again. Now I'm in the middle of a desert and theres a plant that's like made of bodies with a wierd glow around it and whatnot sucking the energy from the earth, I look up and the moon is red and cracked.theres more but I can never remeber it just that part.
July 30th, 2007, 06:15 PM
So I was walking through this forest with my bulbisore (the green pokeman) and then out of nowhere this big red dragon pokeman (it was like the second evolved red one but evil looking). so then I've run into a cave and got out my pokedex and it says some shit about how it's the most dangerous pokeman ever and professor oak who was behind me starts coming up with a plan to get away and then the evil pokeman comes in and burns us all up D:
I must have been 6 or 7 when I had this dream >__>
July 30th, 2007, 06:20 PM
So I was walking through this forest with my bulbisore (the green pokeman) and then out of nowhere this big red dragon pokeman (it was like the second evolved red one but evil looking). so then I've run into a cave and got out my pokedex and it says some shit about how it's the most dangerous pokeman ever and professor oak who was behind me starts coming up with a plan to get away and then the evil pokeman comes in and burns us all up D:
I must have been 6 or 7 when I had this dream >__>
July 30th, 2007, 06:48 PM
I have this one dream.
It starts off as me at home working( school work) then all of the sudden everything gets bright white then the light dimmers down again. Now I'm in the middle of a desert and theres a plant that's like made of bodies with a wierd glow around it and whatnot sucking the energy from the earth, I look up and the moon is red and cracked.theres more but I can never remeber it just that part.
Reminds me of the Hyper Space gate incident from cowboy bebop.
July 30th, 2007, 09:37 PM
I don't have dreams anymore :(
me either D:
I used to have some seriously fucked up and disturbing ones, before I became Christian... but that's kind of personal.
July 30th, 2007, 09:39 PM
I once dreamed the Internet was a safe place for intellectuals, it was crazy.
July 30th, 2007, 09:47 PM
My favorite teddy-bear grew fangs and chased me around the house trying to kill me. You have any idea how disturbing this is to a little kid?
July 30th, 2007, 09:55 PM
My teeth, fingernails and/or thick layers of skin are ripped out in my dreams or before my dreams start. It feels quite real and unsettling, yet reflects my thoughts, anxieties, and concerns at the time. In the past, I have had surreal dreams that have given me inspiration for art and literature projects. I have had vivid dreams that have been easy for me to analyze. I sometimes feel like I've cracked the dam between my conscious and subconscious a bit too much.
And as a child, I had many falling dreams, all during a clear yet overly dark California night, all from the ridge of the roof of our old house, and all plummeting into the backyard with our deck at the bottom, the sandbox at the middle left, the shed/garage at the lower right, the trees (one with our blue swing) and fence at the top, and the basketball court in the upper-mid right, with four parking lot lights shining on it. I would always wake up in a jolt that I would always expect and always welcome. I miss those dreams. :(
July 30th, 2007, 09:56 PM
me either D:
I used to have some seriously fucked up and disturbing ones, before I became Christian... but that's kind of personal.
aaawww did jebus save you from the bad guys :rolleyes:
I once dreamed the Internet was a safe place for intellectuals, it was crazy.
July 30th, 2007, 10:20 PM
I like to look at goatse :D:D:D:lol:
Yeah, kinda.
July 30th, 2007, 10:35 PM
*I fall asleep*
*I start dreaming*
I dream about me going to my high school to talk to my sister or something (she's going to be a jr. this up coming school year) and two jack asses I know/seen from school get in my car and crash it and other cars and the dream at some point ends up with me trying to find my way home in a sports car that looks like it had a few fender benders. >.> and that's a dream I had over the week end when I was at bear lake SCUBA diving. but I geuss it's better then dreaming about getting hit by lighten as I'm sleeping and there is a thunder storm out side and I'm sleeping in a 5th wheel camper.
July 30th, 2007, 10:36 PM
Cut me deep man
July 31st, 2007, 02:21 AM
Ok, so. Here comes a few of my recent weird dreams, including a few recurring locations/themes.
Well, the most recent one... I can't remember all of it, but I can remember the major details. I was at a beach with a ton of randoms, when all of a sudden some evil monstery-machiney things (I'd been playing way too much DoW, they were probably my mind's twisted manifestation of the Necron) appeared and started killing people and generally causing havoc. We had to release the rabbits, which were the only things that could harm them, but it was too late and I grabbed the nearest person, dragged them into a car and got the fuck out of there. It turned out to be my friend Dave, and as the car had suddenly broken down at the fallback point, we helped as much as we could and then legged it. We headed down the right fork when the road split, towards what looked to be a safe and happy village. It was sometime around now that Dave vanished into who knows where and was suddenly replaced by some chick (can't remember if she was a random or if I actually knew her). Over the horizon we could see a pink glow and hear screams from the place we were headed, so I looked at the map and saw some Soviet-Bloc gulag down the other fork, now roughly west of us. I decided it would at least be some protection, no matter how terrible, and soon found it was simply over the next hill. I stopped to scoop up an AK-47 and Mosin-Nagant sniper, but they both vanished as I did so... and then I realised it wasn't a gulag, just a rather dismal-looking campsite. I talked briefly with the owner, a middle-aged woman who informed me that there was a 17th happening that night. Turns out it was my ex's, so we all got smashed (my travelling companion having also simply vanished), and I talked to some friends before all of a sudden the site owner transformed into some sort of hideous Chaos-like monster, followed by others appearing, apparently, out of the concrete that ran around the small bunker-like cabins. After some combat (I honestly can't remember how it happened, maybe a bunch of Space Marines appeared), we were able to get away. I can't remember anything past that.
The other one, I can remember quite a lot more of. It's not actually all the one dream, but actually a series of recurring segments placed in their approximate order.
From what I can remember, it began in the swamps in Narara (near where I live). I can't recall exactly what happened but it led to me going on an epic journey to a deserted city, with high, forested hills rising above it. As it happens, there were fortresses on the hills which were frequently attacked by dinosaurs, of all things. After a bit of running the fuck away and traversing narrow mountain paths, I came to a train station of sorts. I caught the train, finding myself caught in a tunnel full of Star Wars fanboys dressed as Storm Troopers (I shit you not). In came the Halo and Harry Potter fanboys, and the epic 3-way battle ensued, with me and some other 'normal' people hiding in canvas prisms. Once we finally got away, we took a journey along some insanely dangerous roads at insanely dangerous speeds, ending up in a wide plain covered in wheat and a few small settlements. I can't remember what happened here, so I'll just skip this part. Anyway, we then ended up climbing a mountain. As it happened, this particular mountain was held by a joint force of possessed Mexicans and cloaked Elites. We stopped at the public bathrooms, a group of brown vans buried underground and refitted with toilets, and drove the Mexicans out of them. We continued to climb, pushing them back. Eventually we came down the other side and found ourselves in a city by the sea, where Harry Potter, the Mexicans, and the Elites fought us. I had an M4 and nightvision, so I kept the Elites and Mexicans back, but I couldn't do shit against Harry, who simply vanished just as suddenly as he'd appeared. We moved into a building - a hospital, I think - and were ambushed by... an incredibly hot chick. It was clearly a trap, but my awesome manliness forced me to screw her anyway, and then she turned out to be incredibly possessive. Literally. I started tripping badly (considering the dream, that was quite a feat) and then found myself on a familiar green hill, a massive, bleached whale ribcage jutting its splintered tips into the stormy sky. Far below, at the edge of the sheer cliff, lies the roaring sea. After rolling down the hill, I pass the skeleton, knowing I have been to this place constantly throughout my life and I will probably return again some day, and at length come to a small village of white picket fences, miniature cottages and narrow cobblestoned streets. I walk through the village, talking to a few people I know on the way. I eventually traverse several miles of open country before I reach another large city, which is actually a Halo map where random shit is going on. Again, my memory fails me. Eventually I leave, but I'm being tailed. I make haste across the country and then back to Narara, then to my school oval, where I frantically try to shake my pursuers. Eventually, I succeed. I walk into my school, which has somehow multiplied dramatically in terms of size and has also become a derro-magnet, with randoms lying all around the canteen vomiting their guts outover empty bottles.
I think I woke up sometime around now.
That's just the stuff I remember clearly, there's a LOT more random shit I can't be assed to dredge up and, of course, some parts I'd rather keep to myself :embarrassed:
July 31st, 2007, 02:30 AM
That is pretty fucked up.... Kinda gave me some chills >.>
July 31st, 2007, 02:33 AM
now thats a dream.
I love having fucked up dreams.
It's even wierder when theres people in them you've never even seen before...
Btw, I'm going to paint a picture of the strange tower from my dream. It was really fucking odd, standing in the middle of the city, this old ancient pure gold tower. I have a feeling its either symbolic for the foundation of man, heaven or my own personal tower I have to climb in life (was going through some rough shit at the time). Not sure about the snake turning into a raven though..
July 31st, 2007, 04:54 AM
Not sure about the snake turning into a raven though..
the snake was Lee.
i'd go into my dreams if i remembered them. but sadly i dont unless i think aobut them the second i wake up. Depending on who i've been talking to and what is going on around me affects my dream.
if your on my bad side then chances are i've had a dream of murdering you.
kinda scares me a little lol.
July 31st, 2007, 08:38 AM
One I remember from more recent nights:
So half my class and I are in some kind of restaurant. Suddenly, Zombies start to come! We fight them off, but it's a really huge restaurant with alot of confusing corridors, which was awesome by the way, might model it sometime. Anyhoo, Zombies follow us, but we don't have anything except for a couple of bats. We try to fight them off, and we flee. So we get in this really weird corridor with a door to outside.
We started making a plan to kill all the zombies, so I thought "let's set 'm up the bomb!" (placing a bomb, not literally thinking AYBABTU XD)
me and some friends went inside and saw all the zombies sipping tea (WTF, I know) So we thought fuck this, placed a bomb in the middle of the restaurant, ran out and it blew up.
Also, the fat kid in our class got eaten.
July 31st, 2007, 08:56 AM
Tea-sipping zombies, eh?
I like your thinking, Neo.
July 31st, 2007, 09:00 AM
I have this other recurring dream that there's a monster in the house, and my whole family piles into the car and leaves, but I'm not with them because I have to tie my shoes.
July 31st, 2007, 10:35 AM
Bah, I just had a seriously screwed up dream but can't remember 98% of it. :( The part I do remember is where I was in speed boats on the ocean. I driving by Drake from Drake and Josh, and I was Josh... Something happened and the ocean started rising really quicky, then something else happend.....big gap......I'm in a hugeass mansion.
July 31st, 2007, 04:51 PM
so i'm at the damn in cairs (I went there last holidays), my brother and I are the only ones there. then he goes "lets go for a swim!" and I go "that's not such a good idea.." but he's allready jumped over the rails, had a 5 m drop and went under the water.
so then he surfaces and gets on a log, and I'm yelling at him to get out because I just spotted a croc heading towards him. but he either doesn't care or doesn't hear me (my voice is shit in this dream like it is atm irl because I has a bed cold :(). then the log looks up at me and stants standing on it's back legs in the water trying to bite me (the log is now another croc btw) and my brother is riding it like he's at a rodeo and i'm like "GTFO NOW THEIRS 2 CROCS WTF ARE YOU DOING D: ) and then I run down stairs and I find him dripping wet and laughing and i give him the yelling of his life >_>
I had that dream about 15 mins ago <_<
July 31st, 2007, 05:04 PM
See: Lucid Dreaming Thread.
July 31st, 2007, 05:35 PM
I have this other recurring dream that there's a monster in the house, and my whole family piles into the car and leaves, but I'm not with them because I have to tie my shoes.
I had one like that. My family got on a big yellow bus while I was tying my shoes.
July 31st, 2007, 05:51 PM
This was like my worst dream ever D:
Ok, so in this mangled mess of a dream, there is a mafia/mob type thing. There is a passageway from my house that they use to get to places faster. And seeing them was a normal thing. All of a sudden I am at this fair, and I feel someone is trying to kill me. I am at the top of the faris wheel (spelling? =p) and I see everything, bright lights and all of it is like an island, completely surrounded by water. I see someone and slide down the railings all the way to the bottom and have to somehow get home while randomly being shot at, by a person I can't see (it also seems I don't remember anyone being at the fair). So I am magically back at home, and this is the point when the dream becomes really clear. Like, I can feel, hear, see, and smell everything. So I am sitting here at this computer. I, ever so often (out of paranoia), take a look behind me at the gate like things separating this room from the next, knowing someone will be coming out of there. So, one time I hear the door to the passage way, and I hurry up and grab a pillow. A guy pops out with a butcher's knife--my dad! He tries to stab me while I thrust the pillow at the knife and twist, yanking it free from my dad's hands. Feeling in danger, I grab the knife, drive my dad back into the next room, and stab him in the back, over and over (his face is facing me, so I am reaching over him). I feel this part so much, so vividly... about the blade going in, emotions, etc. Once I think I've killed him, I stop, but he says he isn't dead yet. To show mercy I have to continue stabbing him, and just before he dies, I tell him, "I won't hold anything against you." (Which I found ironic. I killed him. Then again, he tried to kill me, I suppose that is what it was for.) He replied in an a indifferent voice, "Okay." Like it didn't even matter. I was just trying to give him some kind of comfort.
I never told anyone about the dream. Also, I am sure I forgot parts about it, but I remembered the worst parts anyway D:
In the dream I had felt he was forced to do it, but I'm not sure. This is the only real bad nightmare I've really had. Most nightmare's I have are just stupid. It's like my brain still thinks I am a little kid and dumb things still scare me. I just hope I don't have a dream like that ever again.
July 31st, 2007, 05:54 PM
This was actually my dream last night,
I was on a plane with Lightning.. Or what seemed to be Lightning (The guy who goes to the forums.) And we we're running away from an alien that was trying to kill us. Then we jumped out of the plane and landed on a dirt road, we ran down it and came upon a carved out statue of Jesus. Then he did some weird mumbo jumbo and was glowing. After that he said 'Run and never turn back! Don't worry aboot me!' So I did, but I did look back. What I saw was lightning blowing up with like 'holy light' and destroying the alien and him leaving a big crater behind. After that I woke up...
That was the weirdest dream ever.
August 1st, 2007, 12:45 AM
I literally just fell out of my chair. o_o;
August 1st, 2007, 04:35 AM
Lmfao! Oh, and Jesus is canadian?
August 1st, 2007, 04:39 AM
wtf, don't you listen to bush? are you a commie??
jesus is american
August 1st, 2007, 04:53 AM
wtf, don't you listen to bush? are you a commie??
jesus is american was a durka. Do your research.
August 1st, 2007, 04:55 AM
clearly you are not a mormon. :downs:
August 1st, 2007, 09:51 AM
Last night I had a dream that my I was headng out to rent a video, and my mother started telling me how great "300" was. Commenting on visuals, storyline, everything. I just find that weird because she's never seen it, and doesn't seem like the type of person who would want to.
On another note, I think I'll rent "300" tonight.
Reaper Man
August 1st, 2007, 09:55 AM
Recently, two nights in a row, I had lucid wet dreams :3. One of them involved 4 chicks, that is all I will say.
August 1st, 2007, 09:56 AM
I had a dream that t3h_lag and I went to a Beatles concert, but like, two of them were dead.
August 1st, 2007, 09:59 AM
Damn you, Dano, you can read my mind.
I was in my house, just kind of sitting on the computer when words flash across the screen...
So I call my brother... He comes down.... He fixes it... He leaves...... 2 minutes later....
Then, 2 people come out of the computer box with written on their forehead "TROJAN" and "VIRUS" along with two snakes. I battle them for half an hour and finally kill both of them, but the snakes were still there. I went into my computer and ripped out the processor for my computer.
Yes..... pretty fucked up.
August 2nd, 2007, 03:50 AM
People have dreams about computers and online forum members?
no offence to those of you, just lollin
August 2nd, 2007, 04:57 AM
August 2nd, 2007, 06:08 AM
Jesus was a durka. Do your research.
you should ask stealth
He knows these things O:
Recently, two nights in a row, I had lucid wet dreams :3. One of them involved 4 chicks, that is all I will say.
FUCKING :awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome::awesome::awes ome::awesome:
August 2nd, 2007, 06:14 AM
why does our system randomly place spaces in long strings of characters? Notice Zilla's post just now. It slapped a space right there in one of the :awesome:s. When quoted, and in the typing field, the space isn't there.
August 2nd, 2007, 06:42 AM
because J was too busy fapping when he was setting the site up <:mad:>
August 2nd, 2007, 09:46 AM
It's to prevent people from spamming smileys. Not very effective, though.
August 2nd, 2007, 12:35 PM
I buy a nice sports car (which is weird, because I prefer muscle cars). All I remember is that it's a red convertible. I take it home. But whenever I try to back it out of the driveway, a mail truck slams into me. I'm fine, and apparently my car's fine, because I go up the driveway and try to back out again. Again, the mail truck hits the back of my car. Repeat that about 3 times, then I wake up.
I think your mind is secretly just releaving its self by beating up on the sports car that you dont want to get... because you would rather owna muscle car.
What this has to do with a mail truck, I have no idea lmao, do you hate your mail carrier?
EDIT: One dream I had I actualy tried to draw, I didn't spend that much time on it really but it came out kool.. (its not exactly how it looked in the dream..)
But yea... pictures XD lol
Anyway, in this dream me my dad and my sister were walking through like snowy mountains, low visibility. The wierd part was if you looked in the distance you could still kind of make out lots of mountains, like shadows of a bunch of mountains, like very vast.
Anyway I'm walking and I fall, then my dad and my sister continue walking without me without me, and by the time I get up and begin walking again I can't find them and there footsteps are gone, and then I begin walking again searching, was wierd because I didnt seem to be searching for my dad or my sister I was just looking for somthing, and it just ended there, or thats about all I remember, I've had this dream 2 times, one was slightly different but overall the same.
I found the enviromental details to be interesting, thus why I messed around in photoshop and made that.
Yeah, not my wierdest dream though I can't even really remember the details about my wierdest one, but it was really wierd, I swore it was some kind of warning about the future too it was really creepy, like this mythical creature was telling me to do somthing and yea.. wierd lol, I dont remember it really though.
August 2nd, 2007, 12:57 PM
I had a dream last night about a 4 strength 4 stam leather belt.
I swear to God.
I was buying something at the mall, and I wound up in a department store. I saw a display with belts on it, and I decided to buy one. The cashier said, "That's a 4 strength 4 stam leather belt." I said, "Oh, I don't have enough money."
Then I woke up.
Dr Nick
August 2nd, 2007, 01:13 PM
August 2nd, 2007, 01:17 PM
wow you guys are computer geeks.
I can safely say I havent really had any pc related dreams...
August 2nd, 2007, 01:45 PM
wow you guys are computer geeks.
I can safely say I havent really had any pc related dreams...
I've never had a PC related dream, well I guess when I used a keyboard to smash back a zombie.. But that didn't work, keyboard too flimsy :(
August 2nd, 2007, 01:56 PM
wow you guys are computer geeks.
I can safely say I havent really had any pc related dreams...
Obviously you haven't heard of VideoCompiler.
Dr Nick
August 2nd, 2007, 04:21 PM
There you go!
Watch it now, because this guy gets banned weekly now!
August 2nd, 2007, 04:26 PM
I remember one from way back.
I was about 15, and I was riding in a car. But, I was only wearing underpants, the car could fly, I had no teeth, and the car was crashing into bluidings.
August 2nd, 2007, 04:39 PM
There you go!
Watch it now, because this guy gets banned weekly now!
teh lag
August 2nd, 2007, 04:53 PM
I remember one from way back.
I was about 15, and I was riding in a car. But, I was only wearing underpants, the car could fly, I had no teeth, and the car was crashing into bluidings.
D: that sounds like one of my strange dreams.
Many of my dreams have me dying in various painful or unpleasant ways. Infact, almost the majority. Among them, I've been...
eaten by scary things
mauled by bears
speared by a bear (go figure, it doesn't make sense to me either)
crushed under wagons
sucked into hydroelectric turbines
sucked into airplane turbines
shot by mickey mouse
starved to death lost in the wilderness
killed falling from many, MANY planes and buildings
shot with arrows
pushed down stairs
consumed some poisonous or otherwise makes-you-die substance
eyes eaten out by mosquitos
stung to death by wasps
released into the vacuum of space
chopped up by death and his reaper thingy
chopped up by a woodchipper
chopped up by helicopter rotors
buried in an avalanche
sucked under a river's current and crushed against rocks
crushed under falling trees
and one time this witch person cut my throat open with her fingernails.
I'm not sure if all of these are worth my really random other ones.
Also, post of the Beast.
Dr Nick
August 2nd, 2007, 04:59 PM
I have one dream where I die, I've only dreamed about 40 times in my life, so I'm sure I'd have more.
I'm in the back of a truck, and it's driving around really bumpy terrain, and I'm bouncing around like nuts, then it stops and giant spikes shoot out of the ground(I'm in the back of a pickup truck) and launch the truck into the air, I fly out and fall towards the spikes, but a split second before I die, I wake up.
I've had it twice.
August 2nd, 2007, 06:04 PM
I've never had any death dreams. I've only ever had one recurring dream, and even then it only happened twice.
My dad and I are walking along on an overcast day. There are a set of bathroom stalls on the side of the road, and I have to use one. My dad keeps walking and manages to fall into a spiked pit. Wtf.
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