View Full Version : A Useful Screenshot Script
July 30th, 2007, 07:19 PM
I must admit to discovering this mostly by accident, although I swiftly applied it to something useful once I realized what I'd done...
1. Download this: (
2. Open your map and make a trigger volume named "camera" (without quotes).
3. Add some scenery so you know where it is. I made a little camera stand for this if you want to xfire me for it - lol.
4. Put the hsc file in the RAR into data\levels\<mapname>\scripts
5. Compile the map in Sapien
6. Go to the camera scenery/trigger in game
7. Take amazing screenshots.
Here's some updated code for you to look at. This is a more-commented version of what's in the RAR.
; Welcome to Tarzan's Amazing First Person Sceenshot Script
; Mainly, what this code does is move the camera track of the player to the dead position
; and then back to first person. There are some bells and whistles on the script in case it
; works client side, but that hasn't been tested. Besides. Who takes client-side screenies?
; When the camera moves back to FP, the biped doesn't render, because the script still has
; control of the camera... fairly simple, but it lets you move as though you were in first
; person, but without the HUD, and without MC's annoying arms in the screen. VERY useful for
; movie makers if they need to do FP work, I should think.
; X-Fire me if you have questions, answers, comments, etc... - mbawraith
(global short number 0)
(script continuous camera
(if (= (volume_test_object camera (list_get (players) number)) true)
(sleep 250)
(sv_say "five")
(sleep 33)
(sv_say "four")
(sleep 33)
(sv_say "three")
(sleep 33)
(sv_say "two")
(sleep 33)
(sv_say "one - prepare for camera adjustment.")
(sleep 33)
(camera_control true)
(camera_set_dead (unit (list_get (players) number)))
(sleep 165)
(camera_set_first_person (unit (list_get (players) number)))
(sv_say "Go back to the camera to reset this mode")
(sleep 1000)
(if (= (volume_test_object camera (list_get (players) number)) true)
(sv_say "Exit screenshot mode")
(sleep 165)
(camera_control false)
) ;End begin
) ;End if
) ;End begin
) ;End if
(set number (+ 1 number))
(if (> 15 number)
(set number 0)
) ;End Script
July 30th, 2007, 10:16 PM
Actual screenie mb :P
July 31st, 2007, 01:18 AM
Btw, 30 ticks = 1 second, if thats what you were trying to achieve.
July 31st, 2007, 02:08 AM
I think it just sets you to first person cam (like in 343 GS) on yourself. I've done this before. It just gets rid of your HUD. It's the basis for bitterbanana's sight jacker. I dunno why you wouldn't just use dev and hide your hud.. Meh, nifty anyway.
July 31st, 2007, 06:51 AM
I think it just sets you to first person cam (like in 343 GS) on yourself. I've done this before. It just gets rid of your HUD. It's the basis for bitterbanana's sight jacker. I dunno why you wouldn't just use dev and hide your hud.. Meh, nifty anyway.
Because when you hide your HUD, you can still see MC's arms. I'll get some screenies this afternoon after work.
@ CtrlAltDestroy - I thought a second was 33 ticks... I think I remember reading that somewhere, but I could be wrong.
July 31st, 2007, 06:57 AM
awsome. sounds cool.
July 31st, 2007, 01:47 PM
Yeah, 30 ticks = 1 second.
I think it just sets you to first person cam (like in 343 GS) on yourself. I've done this before. It just gets rid of your HUD. It's the basis for bitterbanana's sight jacker. I dunno why you wouldn't just use dev and hide your hud.. Meh, nifty anyway.
Yelo Battery lets you turn the hud off COMPLETELY. And it was rec0's sight jacka.
July 31st, 2007, 02:03 PM
Hell I have a trainer that does the same thing. (Yelo no worky on my comp as you know)
July 31st, 2007, 04:18 PM
Look at the pics: this is roughly the same scene taken Normally, HUD-less, Devcam, and TarzanCam. ONLY the devcam is third person. Meaning you move the camera exactly the same as you move MC. So you can move around much faster than with just devcam. And on top of that, you can get into vehicles, which you CANNOT do with devcam.
See the difference now?
July 31st, 2007, 05:53 PM
Could be useful, but I don't see the point in yet another cam, especially this one, when you could do much better with just devcam. This only allows for angles on the pictures that anyone could get to, but devcam allows you to go everywhere.
July 31st, 2007, 06:20 PM
Yeah, Devcam already does this. Not to mention camera rotation as well (as already mentioned).
July 31st, 2007, 06:22 PM
1. Devcam doesn't get into vehicles.
2. You can't take good action shots with devcam.
3. Devcam can't be activated automatically.
4. Devcam makes you a sitting duck while picture taking
Basically, it's an add-on for any map that would be hugely useful for movie making, capturing in-game action shots, vehicle stunts, and even debugging...
In any event, I think it's useful, and will definitely include it in my future maps. I'm saddened you guys don't like it :eek: - lol
July 31st, 2007, 06:27 PM
1. Why would you put the camera in the vehicle?
2. Say's who?
3. It's there. It's always been there.
4. So? You're not going to go filming while pubbing, are you?
Further more, this method only allows ground camera work via your fov. Devcam allows you to go any where.
And if you think it's useful, then you probably haven't used Devcam then.
July 31st, 2007, 06:41 PM
devcam ftw
July 31st, 2007, 11:02 PM
1. Why would you put the camera in the vehicle?
3. It's there. It's always been there.
4. So? You're not going to go filming while pubbing, are you?
And if you think it's useful, then you probably haven't used Devcam then.
1. Film. Dual action shots.
2. Says me - you can't move the devcam with the action to be IN the action as well as you can the FP cam. It's not possible.
3. Yeah, it's always been there, but you have to activate it via devmode. I suppose you could script that too... maybe. idk if hsc can activate those dev commands. Some don't work both in console and HSC.
4. Lots of people do. I'm not, but a lot of other people do. Go look online sometime.
I've used devcam plenty, and I dislike it for a couple reasons: first, it's hard to actually get going at a decent speed (but that might just be my scroll wheel). Second, it's not linked to MC, so you can loose him off the screen easily, and can't get him back without moving the camera or bringing him back into the scene. Additionally, it's hard to control him effectively when he IS in the scene - positioning for screenies...
Basically, the advantages I see to my script are that you can get INTO action scenes and INTO vehicles, while still maintaining control of MC. You can even fight in this mode, but it wouldn't make good screenies because of the weapons effects.
So if you prefer devcam, fine. But I prefer this. Between the cheat_super_jump things and other cheats, you can go pretty much anywhere in FP that you can with the devcam. Granted devcam might get you there faster, but there is no substitute for vehicle-attached cameras or FP-controlled action shots in my opinion. That's all it is - a difference of opinion. If you don't like my script, then don't use it.
August 1st, 2007, 12:12 AM
For some reason, when I'm using the Devcam, it goes ungodly slow when I try to move it. Anyone know why?
August 1st, 2007, 12:21 AM
Common misconception when using devcam. Mousewheel down = speed up. Mousewheel up= slow down.
August 1st, 2007, 02:05 AM
1. Film. Dual action shots.
2. Says me - you can't move the devcam with the action to be IN the action as well as you can the FP cam. It's not possible.
3. Yeah, it's always been there, but you have to activate it via devmode. I suppose you could script that too... maybe. idk if hsc can activate those dev commands. Some don't work both in console and HSC.
4. Lots of people do. I'm not, but a lot of other people do. Go look online sometime.
I've used devcam plenty, and I dislike it for a couple reasons: first, it's hard to actually get going at a decent speed (but that might just be my scroll wheel). Second, it's not linked to MC, so you can loose him off the screen easily, and can't get him back without moving the camera or bringing him back into the scene. Additionally, it's hard to control him effectively when he IS in the scene - positioning for screenies...
Basically, the advantages I see to my script are that you can get INTO action scenes and INTO vehicles, while still maintaining control of MC. You can even fight in this mode, but it wouldn't make good screenies because of the weapons effects.
So if you prefer devcam, fine. But I prefer this. Between the cheat_super_jump things and other cheats, you can go pretty much anywhere in FP that you can with the devcam. Granted devcam might get you there faster, but there is no substitute for vehicle-attached cameras or FP-controlled action shots in my opinion. That's all it is - a difference of opinion. If you don't like my script, then don't use it.
target = -console -devmode
create server
hit tilde
camera_control 1
If that's complicated, then you need some help.
camera_control 0
reverts you back to first person.
Seeing as MANY have created tourney videos using devcam and catching the action, I would say that you're pubbing too much (what do you expect in a pub? Anyone who believes they're going to create ground-breaking machinima in a pub is probably 11-years-old.).
Also also, the common mouse and keyboard controls are still useable while in devcam, allowing you to set up picture-esque shots that allow you to easily follow.
See: Wallpaper ( for examples. (
I think you're just overly defending this too much. Sure, if we didn't already have a multi-purpose all-in-one cam that allowed you to fly any where at any speed and still be able to control the Chief, then yeah, you'd have my vote, but seeing as we already have something that works better then what you're selling...sorry, it's just not happening.
August 1st, 2007, 06:51 AM
I'm not sure why you seem to think I don't know how to use devcam and devmode.... I think my script is a clear indication I know how to use the (camera_control <boolean>) argument, which you just posted about... I know how to use devcam, but I hate the mouse scroll thing to gain speed... Here's a "picturesque shot" I set up with devcam...
I know how to use it perfectly fine... I'm just saying there are advantages to both.
August 1st, 2007, 12:12 PM
I dont think you know the script. You said you did it on accident, so you cant know that much. I can do this just by using (Show_Hud 0) and devcam.
To be honest, its not impressive.
August 1st, 2007, 04:47 PM
I dont think you know the script. You said you did it on accident, so you cant know that much. I can do this just by using (Show_Hud 0) and devcam. To be honest, its not impressive.
No - it's not impressive... but it's useful. The original script read just this:
(sleep 250)
(sv_say "five")
(sleep 33)
(sv_say "four")
(sleep 33)
(sv_say "three")
(sleep 33)
(sv_say "two")
(sleep 33)
(sv_say "one - prepare for camera adjustment.")
(sleep 33)
(camera_control true)
(camera_set_dead (unit (list_get (players) number)))
(sleep 165)
(camera_set_first_person (unit (list_get (players) number)))
It wasn't until I decided it was useful that I wrote the rest of the script. And as you say, n, it's not impressive. It's useful. I'm going to lock this topic since nobody seems to have anything constructive to say. It's here - use it or not. I don't care. But it will do things that devcam won't, and devcam will do things that this won't. I've said that from the beginning, and nobody seems to have listened at all.
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