View Full Version : [WIP] Arms Race M1
Llama Juice
August 1st, 2007, 09:16 AM
you have a few interesting ideas... but you also have a lot of extremely bad ideas.
having a room with all the weapons and whatnot in it is NEVER a good thing... expecially when its enclosed and the only way in is a teleporter or two... you get in...what is stopping you from camping the tele?
the actual way you have that base up there setup won't compile right in 3ds max either... you're going to have to make a box that goes around it for it to function correctly
the modeling is horrible and having a wide open canyon with only a few shields for cover is just a silly idea...
Good job for thinking outside the box, but don't wander too far from it...
August 1st, 2007, 10:25 AM
Nice attempt but, keep practicing your 3d skills, start with more simpler ideas, and keep building off that..
August 1st, 2007, 11:03 AM
Well ive been working on this for bout 2 days. this is an old pic, but gives you an idea. i got the floating purple thing from BF2142 the TITAN but its goinna be for both teams as an Arms Cache for the players to fight for health and ammo. Both Flags will be held in the titan but the bases will not be in there:lol: so this makes for a tough CTF game. and when you go in go with a buddy or you might get killed;). im also going to work on barriers. but the main fight will be on the ground because its going to be nothing there except a few Sheilds(whatever those things are called, like in relic) im thinking of doing a mancannon using the grav lift but set to something super crazy like i know the one in foundation goes -2/5/6 negitive gravity to lift you i might make it -900 just to shoot u up or across very fast(may backfire and you hit a wall and die... oh well:XD:) it will also have very small pipes that you can access to go under the map :( but watch your step because one wrong move and either "Killed By Gaurdians" or "You Fell To your death" (
Hope you like,
FIRSTLY.... use punctuation! It makes your posts readable. To be honest, you were just babbling on and on and on. Emots do NOT count as punctuation!
Secondly, having both flags inside the titan would be extremely stupid. The playing field would only be on/inside the titan. you don't have to get a flag to a base, you get the flag to the other flag.:eyesroll:
Thirdly, work on your modeling. it looks way too high poly, and still wayyyy too boxy at the same time. Look at the bsp mesh of a sp Halo map and you'll realize you're not supposed to tesselate the bottom of a box 50x and use a very very boring displacment.
August 1st, 2007, 11:06 AM
^ i was waiting for you to say that , +rep
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