View Full Version : [phpBB Plugin][RC2] phpBB 3.0.B5 To phpBB 3.0.x Converter (v0.0.RC2)

August 1st, 2007, 04:38 PM
I have jcap's permission to post this here, since phpBB is a huge fucking crybaby about its beta software.
MOD Title: phpBB 3.0.B5 To phpBB 3.0.x Converter
MOD Description: Converts vital data and settings from a phpBB v3.0.B5 database to a v3.0.x database.
MOD Version: v0.0.RC2

Version History:
v0.0.RC2: Fixed user/forum style bug; all users and forums now default to the board's default style instead of style ID 1.
v0.0.RC1: Initial release.

MOD Download: http://yoyorast.com/convert_phpBB30B5.zip


Yeah, I was one of the people dumb enough to go live with BETA 5. So, I coded a converter using the supplied framework. This thing works on my board; it transferred over everything from B5 to RC3 with no problem (after plenty of bug and syntax fixes :| ), but my board wasn't used to its fullest, i'd like to send out a test version to see if anyone else gets problems with it.

This converter transfers pretty much all vital stuff over; forums, topics, users, groups, settings, etc. It DOES NOT transfer styles, logs, language packs, or search data/results.

To use it, simply drop it into the install\convertors directory prior to installing your board. Install your board, and then click the "Convert" tab after you're finished. Be sure to back up your source database.


Because phpBB won't. I invite anyone who has a copy of BETA 5 installed to run this plugin on RC4 and report any bugs/errors/missing data.

November 21st, 2007, 10:32 AM
i runned your mod but there's nothing changed, I just get the standard category
I installed in the database pieter_forumm
The old database is pieter_forum
In you mod I gived pieter_forum in
but when I want to use the old database in the new forum it doens't work

November 21st, 2007, 03:33 PM
The convertor plugin transfers data over from the old database; it doesn't upgrade the old one. You have to install this into the install\convertors directory when installing a new board, and after you install your new board on a different database, run the convertor.