View Full Version : The 35W Bridge Collapse

August 3rd, 2007, 09:12 PM
On Wednesday, August 1st at 6:05 PM the 35W 8 lane bridge collapsed located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I myself live in Duluth, Minnesota about 150 miles north so I was pretty freaked out.


Last time I checked, their were 5 confirmed dead

My thoughts and prayers are to the familys, victims, and others affected by this terrible tragedy.

August 3rd, 2007, 09:19 PM
Weird. My dad showed me this too.

August 3rd, 2007, 09:25 PM
It's rediculous. How many accidents have had major warning signs? New Orleans, the other bridge that colapsed a few years ago. FFS, why don't we have an agency that monitors this type of shit. People are always cutting corners to save money, and then a bunch of people never come home to their families after a day of work.

August 3rd, 2007, 09:25 PM
Yeah this is on UK news all the time, insane stuff huh? Apparently there was a school bus with like 52 people on that was SO close to the edge, thank god it didnt fall.


Masters, the fuck are you talking about? Bridge was inspected last year, this bridge has "puzzled scientists" because it just suddenly collapsed.

August 3rd, 2007, 10:41 PM
I heard it was labeled structurally compromised >_>

August 3rd, 2007, 10:43 PM
Dont think so, they were doing routine maintence on the bridge..

August 3rd, 2007, 10:49 PM
I just need to say that the fact that this topic is only coming around today is really sad. This happened two days ago, and only now the message is getting through. It kinda shows how little everyone here is in touch with the real world. Bring on the -rep

Anyway, all of this can be linked, as masterz said, to the people holding the money, the politics. People die because the men in power want to cut budgets from particular parts of the tax dollar (like bridge and highway maintenance as seen here) to direct the flow of money into their pockets. It's a shame that people always care more about the money that they already have enough of rather than the average tax paying person who gave it do them. Thats humanity for you.

August 3rd, 2007, 10:54 PM
It's a shame that people always care more about the money that they already have enough of rather than the average tax paying person who gave it do them. Thats humanity for you.Yup, I think people should be able to vote whether government spends money on things, the war is costing a ton of money, is bush and his goonies paying? of course not, instead they are getting paid themselves, for spending other peoples money. Its truely insane, happens in every country though :P

I'm sure road tax covers roads and bridges repair, that is if USA has road tax (I dont think they have)

ALso, experts think if any thing it was pigeons wearing down the steel gurders holding up the bridge (this was as of 1st aug might have changed now.)

August 3rd, 2007, 11:10 PM
@flyboy: I don't know about you, but when I hear about tradegy's like this, posting about it on the forum's isn't the first thing on my to-do list >_>

August 3rd, 2007, 11:13 PM
@flyboy: I don't know about you, but when I hear about tradegy's like this, posting about it on the forum's isn't the first thing on my to-do list >_>
Why do you think you don't see my name under author of this thread. and there are plenty of people who WOULD post this first day on the forums, however, seeing as none of those people did that means that the majority haven't heard about this till now. People like you and I just kept to ourselves.

August 3rd, 2007, 11:17 PM
Yeah this is on UK news all the time, insane stuff huh? Apparently there was a school bus with like 52 people on that was SO close to the edge, thank god it didnt fall.


Masters, the fuck are you talking about? Bridge was inspected last year, this bridge has "puzzled scientists" because it just suddenly collapsed.
The bridge was deemed unstable in 1990. This is 2007.

August 3rd, 2007, 11:19 PM
i guess like 20 years ago it was rated structurally deficient, and was given a 50/100 on a safety scale. And there are many in the same condition as it. I heard on CNN that it would cost 9.4 Billion a year for 20 years to repair all US bridges.

O and the school bus was full of 6 year olds

August 3rd, 2007, 11:23 PM
O and the school bus was full of 6 year olds
In that case let it claps.

August 3rd, 2007, 11:54 PM
In that case let it claps.

August 3rd, 2007, 11:55 PM
Read about it in the paper today.

Holy shit.

August 3rd, 2007, 11:56 PM
In that case let it claps.
I'm going to assume you meant "collapse", with which I'm going to say this.

You're a fucking asshole. You're like somebody going up to a dying homeless person on the street and peeing on them.

August 4th, 2007, 12:23 AM
and your gov't estimates there's 70 000 more bridges in the US that are under risk of collapsing due to age and overuse.

August 4th, 2007, 12:30 AM

I wonder if it ever occurred to them how much easier it would be to maintain them properly than clean up the mess when they do collapse, not to mention the compo payouts for the families and all the fucking trauma.

August 4th, 2007, 12:38 AM
The bridge was deemed unstable in 1990. This is 2007.
Well, for once, people can't take the "Blame Bush!" approach.

EDIT: I take that back. It collapsed during his presidency, which means he obviously planted C4 charges to deliberately collapse the bridge.

August 4th, 2007, 12:40 AM
I'd think the majority of the people would understand sarcasm, no matter how crappy my sarcasm is, I'm not a cruel heartless bastard who enjoys a bunch of 6 year olds meeting their grave at the bottom of a river (thanks for the-rep on that). This was a tragedy, I'll admit it, but I care less about the dead people rather than the living people who allow things like that to happen. Anyone here who acts like they care is really kinda lost. You might think about it, take a second to take it in, but in reality people mistake caring for different emotions which would be anger and confusion. People are angry at the authorities for doing a crap job at keeping us safe. They're also confused why, even after reports state this bridge, and many others, have been in need of repair, and yet that repair never comes for years after the reports.

Bottom line, unless you loose sleep at night over something like this, or take great action over it, your simply just another idle citizen. Just like the environmentalist who buys products made from china and plays on their Ps2 during protests.

August 4th, 2007, 12:42 AM
In that case let it claps.wtf man? what you saying that for dude? I hope it was a joke even though thats a really sick joke

August 4th, 2007, 03:35 AM
That was still an absolutely horrific thing to say, sarcastic or not. I doubt you'd be so quick to make jokes about it if that happened to someone you cared about, would you?

Don't even try and justify such disgusting behaviour. People like you make me sick.

August 4th, 2007, 03:40 AM
I doubt he'd be so quick to make jokes about it if this was RL and their were proper reprocussions >_>

gosh, giving the internet a bad name (looks at that anon thing xD)

August 4th, 2007, 11:19 AM

That will make you scared. The problem about all the bridges structurally deficient at the same time, is because they were all built at the same time, and like i said before if we wanted to repair them all it would cost 9.4 Billion a year for 20 years.

The thing that destroys these bridges are all the salt that they put on them in the winter. Its really sad seeing ho theres other solutions then salt, but they cost more.

August 4th, 2007, 08:03 PM
what does the salt do?

August 4th, 2007, 08:09 PM
Rusts the metal, I think.

August 4th, 2007, 08:12 PM
wow, that's fucking genious O__o

Ima go help my house now (raids pantry)

August 4th, 2007, 08:34 PM
they cost more.
Money before people eh. Thats a hard choice for the politics. Give them time to think it over.

August 5th, 2007, 12:35 AM
but no people means no voters D:

lol who cares about the long term.

August 5th, 2007, 12:49 AM
Long term to them is the small multi year term they can actually run.

August 5th, 2007, 12:57 AM

that's why I think leaders need a longer term.

or better leaders <_<

August 5th, 2007, 01:00 AM
Unfortunately only one of those is going to happen, you know which.

August 5th, 2007, 02:18 AM
i reckon the 2 term presidency is the greatest thing in american politics.

i mean look at australia, we've been stuck with john howard for fucking 12 years.......

August 5th, 2007, 02:40 AM
Would you rather have had Kim Beazley?

August 5th, 2007, 05:17 AM
I'd rather have Kevin rudd though >_>

not our fault labour couldn't get a good candidate.

August 5th, 2007, 06:25 AM
Would you rather have had Kim Beazley?
well wat your asking me to do is vote for either a turd sandwhich or a giant dousche

i cant decide.

August 5th, 2007, 06:29 AM
vote green :downs:

August 5th, 2007, 09:13 AM
To be fair, Howard isn't doing that bad of a job...

August 5th, 2007, 11:49 AM
I'll trade for George Bush. Meet me in China Bodz and we'll make the exchange.

August 5th, 2007, 12:04 PM
I just need to say that the fact that this topic is only coming around today is really sad. This happened two days ago, and only now the message is getting through. It kinda shows how little everyone here is in touch with the real world. Bring on the -rep

Notice how on here people responded late?

Maybe they have a life to get on with rather than trying to post it on some forums.

People use the forums for DISCUSSING news, not to tell people that aren't in touch with a TV with a news station. :downs:

August 6th, 2007, 01:30 AM
I'll trade for George Bush. Meet me in China Bodz and we'll make the exchange.

what do you take us for? New Zealend-ers?

get out >:U

(jks guys <3)

August 6th, 2007, 12:02 PM
Notice how on here people responded late?

Maybe they have a life to get on with rather than trying to post it on some forums.

People use the forums for DISCUSSING news, not to tell people that aren't in touch with a TV with a news station. :downs:

Well I was at my relatives campground on Wednesday and Thursday, so I never had a chance to start a thread.

Neuro Guro
August 6th, 2007, 12:24 PM
Good thing I don't go under bridges that often.

August 6th, 2007, 10:09 PM
Notice how on here people responded late?

Maybe they have a life to get on with rather than trying to post it on some forums.

People use the forums for DISCUSSING news, not to tell people that aren't in touch with a TV with a news station. :downs:

Why do you think you don't see my name under author of this thread. and there are plenty of people who WOULD post this first day on the forums, however, seeing as none of those people did that means that the majority haven't heard about this till now. People like you and I just kept to ourselves.
I'm quoting myself to get you to look back in the thread to prove how stupid you are. The people with lives didn't post about this because it isn't the top priority. The people without lives (the majority on this forums...and/or any other forum on the interweb) didn't hear about this till now, which shows how stupid the majority of the American youth is.

August 6th, 2007, 10:16 PM
............Man your starting to remind of those "experts" on teenage behavior........

August 6th, 2007, 10:25 PM
Like that "Dr. Laura Schlessinger" character? That person was downright laughable.

August 6th, 2007, 10:28 PM
There was a bridge collapse?!

August 7th, 2007, 01:07 AM
There was a bridge collapse?!
I'm not sure if thats sarcasm, just like other people when I talk about condemning six year olds.

August 7th, 2007, 02:34 AM
I'm quoting myself to get you to look back in the thread to prove how stupid you are. The people with lives didn't post about this because it isn't the top priority. The people without lives (the majority on this forums...and/or any other forum on the interweb) didn't hear about this till now, which shows how stupid the majority of the American youth is.

:fail: tbh
i'm an australian and i'm annoyed by your preconceptions. what makes u assume that because it waasnt posted on a forum they havnt seen it? i mean wat kind of stupid fucking logic is that.

and you say that american youth is stupid?

jesus <_<

August 7th, 2007, 04:01 AM
The fact it wasn't instantly off to the forums is proof that they have a life >__>

and what's going on forums got to do with being stupid?

August 7th, 2007, 04:23 AM
I just need to say that the fact that this topic is only coming around today is really sad. This happened two days ago, and only now the message is getting through. It kinda shows how little everyone here is in touch with the real world.

Uh, hello? We do more than troll http://h2vista.net/ daily. I heard about this the day it happened on my local news channel. I discussed it with my mother and her friend, who were right in front of me at the time of the report. The next day, I discussed it with my co-workers in the break room.

If anything, it should show how slow real-world news is to hit a forum based around discussion of a video game.

In that case let it claps.

I'd think the majority of the people would understand sarcasm, no matter how crappy my sarcasm is, I'm not a cruel heartless bastard who enjoys a bunch of 6 year olds meeting their grave at the bottom of a river (thanks for the-rep on that).

Right. Crack a stupid and offensive joke, and then attempt to play it off cool. I practically invented that bit when I found myself unable to shut my mouth at one point in middle school. The fact that you came into the thread all condescending and know-it-allish doesn't help your image at all.


At any rate, it's sad that the condition of the bridge was ignored this long and that this had to happen.

August 7th, 2007, 06:18 AM
I'm quoting myself to get you to look back in the thread to prove how stupid you are. The people with lives didn't post about this because it isn't the top priority. The people without lives (the majority on this forums...and/or any other forum on the interweb) didn't hear about this till now, which shows how stupid the majority of the American youth is.

Yeah, you just proved how stupid you are too.

I'm British.

You aren't proving anything Flyboy, this is a forums for discussion. You're just agreeing with my post.

You see, I was on holiday when this happened. How depressing would it be for me to go to a freaking internet cafe about 2 miles from where I am to just to talk about something I know has happened.

You're starting shit with nobody son. You're saying it's upsetting no-one posted this 2 days ago. Maybe you didn't know about it until it was posted either eh? You say people have no lives. People comment the way they did in this thread because they're discussing it, not because they just heard it.

In that case let the next bridge you cross claps on you.

August 7th, 2007, 07:12 AM
Flyboy, why don't you just do us all a favour and go ingest your internet cable now?

August 7th, 2007, 10:51 AM
First of all, let me clarify that I heard about this within an hour of when it happened. So you can forget that deal Rosco. Second, my way of thinking on people isn't exclusively derived from the fact someone didn't post this on a forum the day it came out. I'm pointing the fact out, but I can go through a number of different reasons why I think society is stupid. And I agree that there is no point on going to a internet cafe' or just going online to this forum, or going online at all for this kind of subject. However, lets check out the population of this forum shall we. Either everyone here decided not to discuses this until their own priorities settled, or just didn't care about a subject like this on a Halo forum, both of which I think are alright. But then, there are the hundreds of other people on here, guess what they would do? After hearing this tragedy and getting some kind of info they might go and do some things, maybe eat a meal, play a game or watch TV, but at night when they log on here (I do at least once a day), I'm 100&#37; sure those people would post something on this. But seeing as we saw this topic two days after the event makes me infer that a lot of people had no idea that this happened until around that time.

August 7th, 2007, 10:56 AM
yes so what the fuck are you trying to prove.

August 7th, 2007, 11:09 AM
I'm not, nor ever was, trying to "prove" anything. I'm making a point.

August 7th, 2007, 11:09 AM
That he's an idiot with no idea what he's talking about, apparently.

August 7th, 2007, 11:18 AM
You think I'm wrong about the american public eh? Look at how this country has gone downhill in the past 50 years. Back in the 40-70's we weren't just the words super power, we were the central hub of the world. All the manufacturing was done here, all the business, all the cash flow, all the great scientists (excepts for the soviets). China comes along with all it's plastic crap and the hippy baby bloomers fuck the entire way things worked with a whole load of caring and loving crap. Now nothing is made here, our education is bellow several foreign countries, our dependency on trade with the middle east and china increases by the day, but hey! We can bomb the shit out of whoever we want eh!

August 7th, 2007, 11:28 AM
Wow, you act like it's not common knowledge that things aren't going so well in the US.

You're just shitting up the thread by stating the blindingly obvious. And in any case, I'm sleeping a lot easier knowing that the US isn't the central hub of the world (which it honestly never was to begin with, it's just that the average overzealous patriot tends to forget Europe actually exists).


Oh, don't forget, you guys only ever got into space at all thanks to Wehrner von Braun.

A German scientist.

August 7th, 2007, 11:45 AM
Denying that the US is the super power of the world, weather you or I like it or not is like denying Rome owned all of Europe. The US is still a super power, a good super power is the question. And yes I'm stating the obvious, and yes I wasn't alive back then. Nor are a lot of people preaching about Roman history. It's the same fucking deal. You can realize what went on back then though, not with first hand knowledge, but you can get a pretty good picture of what did go on by listening to first hand sources from books or people who are still alive.

Look, I might not be a historian, and I might just be an asshole, but I'm certainly not an idiot. The way society has changed in modern democracy has changed big time over the past fifty years. The world is shrinking (figuratively not literally) and with a lot of information flying back and forth each way people are starting to become followers and puppets to what the government and media tells them. See, I do this incredibly stupid thing called thinking, and to tell you the truth, I like it.

August 7th, 2007, 12:07 PM
Denying that the US is the super power of the world, weather you or I like it or not is like denying Rome owned all of Europe.
They didn't. Brush up on your history.

The US is still a super power, a good super power is the question.
No shit?

And yes I'm stating the obvious, and yes I wasn't alive back then. Nor are a lot of people preaching about Roman history. It's the same fucking deal.
No, it's not. You see, they actually had some solid evidence to back up their points. They knew what they were talking about.

You can realize what went on back then though, not with first hand knowledge, but you can get a pretty good picture of what did go on by listening to first hand sources from books or people who are still alive.
You clearly don't have a clue, since I can tell you right now that the 39 years between 1940 and 1979 were no better than the last 39.

Look, I might not be a historian, and I might just be an asshole, but I'm certainly not an idiot.
I've yet to see you post anything that supports that claim...

The way society has changed in modern democracy has changed big time over the past fifty years. The world is shrinking (figuratively not literally) and with a lot of information flying back and forth each way people are starting to become followers and puppets to what the government and media tells them. See, I do this incredibly stupid thing called thinking, and to tell you the truth, I like it.
That's not thinking, that's regurgitating common ignorant misconceptions spouted by people who want to sound intelligent. Get back to your conspiracy sites and blame the demise of the dinosaurs on the Jews or something. :rolleyes:

August 7th, 2007, 12:22 PM
You're making a point, but you're trying to prove something by starting shit with people because they didnt post it in a time you'd like it posted.

August 7th, 2007, 12:33 PM
You're making a point, but you're trying to prove something by starting shit with people because they didnt post it in a time you'd like it posted.
And that suddenly makes anything I say worthless crap?

And Rossum. First of all. Fuck you, just wanted to say that. Second of all. Show me some evidence that I'm wrong rather than just pulling that out of your ass.

August 7th, 2007, 12:35 PM
And that suddenly makes anything I say worthless crap?

And Rossum. First of all. Fuck you, just wanted to say that. Second of all. Show me some evidence that I'm wrong rather than just pulling that out of your ass.

Look at history. :downs:

Actually, it's not worthless crap. It's offensive crap.

August 7th, 2007, 12:43 PM
Guys, I just had the best idea ever:

Let's get the fuck back on topic! :haw:

El Lobo
August 7th, 2007, 12:53 PM
Let's get the fuck back on topic! :haw:No.

j/k <3 Polar.

I remember seeing the collapse on the news, and remembering that I had driven over several bridges that same day, I was like fuck that could have been me, ya know.


August 7th, 2007, 01:07 PM

j/k <3 Polar.

I remember seeing the collapse on the news, and remembering that I had driven over several bridges that same day, I was like fuck that could have been me, ya know.


no, couldn't have been you. you already faked your death :lobo:

well, in any case, i doubt that this will spur better bridge safety and maintainence protocols of any kind.

El Lobo
August 7th, 2007, 01:13 PM
I'm really going to die one of these days, that will show you guys.:(


August 7th, 2007, 03:09 PM
I'm really going to die one of these days, that will show you guys.:(

says the boy who cried...o wait... :lobo: ?

August 7th, 2007, 06:03 PM

j/k <3 Polar.

I remember seeing the collapse on the news, and remembering that I had driven over several bridges that same day, I was like fuck that could have been me, ya know.


The man who survived death.

It wasn't fake.

August 7th, 2007, 09:41 PM
Denying that the US is the super power of the world, weather you or I like it or not is like denying Rome owned all of Europe. The US is still a super power, a good super power is the question. And yes I'm stating the obvious, and yes I wasn't alive back then. Nor are a lot of people preaching about Roman history. It's the same fucking deal. You can realize what went on back then though, not with first hand knowledge, but you can get a pretty good picture of what did go on by listening to first hand sources from books or people who are still alive.

Look, I might not be a historian, and I might just be an asshole, but I'm certainly not an idiot. The way society has changed in modern democracy has changed big time over the past fifty years. The world is shrinking (figuratively not literally) and with a lot of information flying back and forth each way people are starting to become followers and puppets to what the government and media tells them. See, I do this incredibly stupid thing called thinking, and to tell you the truth, I like it.

:lmao:!!!!!!!!!! bahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahah

get out.

August 7th, 2007, 11:15 PM
Since this thread seems to have passed the point of no return:

And that suddenly makes anything I say worthless crap?
That's all it is, worthless crap. You have nothing to back up your bullshit bitching.

And Rossum. First of all. Fuck you, just wanted to say that.
Awww, did I upset you? :saddowns:

Second of all. Show me some evidence that I'm wrong rather than just pulling that out of your ass.
The evidence is fucking everywhere, I hardly need to point it out. Oh, wait, I forgot that the immediate aftermath of two nuclear bomb attacks pales in the face of the world's current problems.

Show me some evidence that you're right, asshole, and I might actually consider you to be on the same level as a half-dead rat.

August 7th, 2007, 11:23 PM
Wrong about the degrading America and the stupidity of the average youth!? Jesus man, i have no where to start, there's just too much of it. I'm going to agree with everyone else and end this little tea party, because though I do enjoy arguing, I don't enjoy talking to people like you who lack an open mind, seeing as anything I say from this point out obviously deflect off your shinny fat head.

Yes, you did upset me :saddowns:.

August 7th, 2007, 11:47 PM


Eight wasn't enough??

August 7th, 2007, 11:52 PM
Wrong about the degrading America and the stupidity of the average youth!? Jesus man, i have no where to start, there's just too much of it. I'm going to agree with everyone else and end this little tea party, because though I do enjoy arguing, I don't enjoy talking to people like you who lack an open mind, seeing as anything I say from this point out obviously deflect off your shinny fat head.
You're one to talk.

Yes, you did upset me :saddowns:.
Good, now you can get the fuck off of these forums and stay off of them.

August 8th, 2007, 02:03 AM
Oh rossum doesn't want me. I think I might cry.

August 8th, 2007, 02:23 AM
Oh rossum doesn't want me. I think I might cry.
you should be crying lol.

one -rep from rossmum and your burried into the ground.:lol:

August 8th, 2007, 03:33 AM
Thats why I disabled it before he could take away 5 points again.:ssh:

August 8th, 2007, 03:56 AM

Also, I'm obviously not the only one sick of your know-it-all attitude. Neither of us were around back then and very few members on this site were, but at least the rest of us have the good sense not to make idiotic assumptions about that time period based on hearsay and exaggerated rhetoric spewed by ignorant zealots who use weak-willed and equally uninformed children like yourself to benefit themselves.

August 8th, 2007, 06:03 AM
Wrong about the degrading America and the stupidity of the average youth!? Jesus man, i have no where to start, there's just too much of it. I'm going to agree with everyone else and end this little tea party, because though I do enjoy arguing, I don't enjoy talking to people like you who lack an open mind, seeing as anything I say from this point out obviously deflect off your shinny fat head.

Yes, you did upset me :saddowns:.

Where did offending american youths come in, you're arguing with an Austrailian guy and a British guy, why are you taking shots at a bunch of kids who are american?

August 8th, 2007, 06:28 AM
Considering he's only 15 himself and quite obviously a bigoted brat, I'm wondering that too.

August 8th, 2007, 11:14 AM
Hey! Not all 15 year olds are "bigoted brats."

I'm 15

August 8th, 2007, 12:10 PM
Ah, my age obviusly effects my judgment. Making me an ignorant child, not worthy of an opinion and entitled to go with the flow of the public. To worship "god" and listen to greenday all the time eh?

If you wanted this damn topic to end then you could have stopped countering, and none of this would have kept going on. I tried to end it, but you continue on the offense, odd how you want this to stop and continue edging it forth.

And what I say aren't assumptions, and as it was previously pointed out, I'm arguing with a British and Australian guy, meaning even though I'm young, I should keep the credibility here. And I don't base this off of crap I pull out of my ass. I have enough information from several resources to form at least an opinion on this matter. America is dying, thats my opinion, everyone knows it, including you might I add, don't agree with my reasoning, too fucking bad. I'm not some little prick you can brush off, the more you come at me the more I'll come back, and though I obviusly don't have support on topics like this from multiple people, that doesn't mean I'm not going to stop talking.

So, for both our sakes, shut the fuck up...

August 8th, 2007, 12:13 PM
Your age shows exactly that. Don't worry though. We all went through that phase of "I know everything because I read Wikipedia/watch MTV!" Come back in a few years and we'll accept you with open arms.

August 8th, 2007, 12:16 PM
I need an asprin after reading his crap.

August 8th, 2007, 12:23 PM
I'm not a fucking genius, I'll admit that, I don't know everything, thats frekkin obvious, that doesn't mean anything I spit out is crap.

August 8th, 2007, 12:25 PM
I'm not a fucking genius, I'll admit that, I don't know everything, thats frekkin obvious, that doesn't mean anything I spit out is crap.

No it doesn't, but in this thread it just happens to be crap.

August 8th, 2007, 01:49 PM
Ah, my age obviusly effects my judgment. Making me an ignorant child, not worthy of an opinion and entitled to go with the flow of the public. To worship "god" and listen to greenday all the time eh?

If you wanted this damn topic to end then you could have stopped countering, and none of this would have kept going on. I tried to end it, but you continue on the offense, odd how you want this to stop and continue edging it forth.

And what I say aren't assumptions, and as it was previously pointed out, I'm arguing with a British and Australian guy, meaning even though I'm young, I should keep the credibility here. And I don't base this off of crap I pull out of my ass. I have enough information from several resources to form at least an opinion on this matter. America is dying, thats my opinion, everyone knows it, including you might I add, don't agree with my reasoning, too fucking bad. I'm not some little prick you can brush off, the more you come at me the more I'll come back, and though I obviusly don't have support on topics like this from multiple people, that doesn't mean I'm not going to stop talking.

So, for both our sakes, shut the fuck up...

You assumed we were american, by saying how american youth is stupid. Now you're trying to get out of that logic by saying it in general, you failed, you lost.

August 8th, 2007, 02:03 PM
what faggotry is flyboy? massive faggotry and lack of logic. you lose, you fail, you spout bullshit. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP.

August 9th, 2007, 01:00 AM
Hey! Not all 15 year olds are "bigoted brats."

I'm 15
I know that, and I never intended for anyone to take my statement in that manner. I was merely questioning how he could supposedly know so much about the 70s when he wasn't even born until the 90s, and stating that he is indeed bigoted.

Ah, my age obviusly effects my judgment. Making me an ignorant child, not worthy of an opinion and entitled to go with the flow of the public. To worship "god" and listen to greenday all the time eh?
Wow, here was me thinking you couldn't get any more ignorant, yet you decide to go with the "YOU HATE ME JUST CUZ I DONT BELIEVE IN GOD AND I H8 GREEN DAY" tack. You fucking tool, the flow of the public? You wouldn't know about that if it slapped you in the face. You think the general public all listen to Green Day and worship God? Wow. Have you ever actually stepped outside of your own home?

If you wanted this damn topic to end then you could have stopped countering, and none of this would have kept going on. I tried to end it, but you continue on the offense, odd how you want this to stop and continue edging it forth.
If you wanted the topic to stop, you'd apologise for making such idiot and generalising statements and assuming you know it all, and then leave. Don't you try and blame me for continuing it when you could've stopped it just as easily.

And what I say aren't assumptions
Oh, so I take it you've spent the last few decades researching society then.

...Yeah, I thought so.

and as it was previously pointed out, I'm arguing with a British and Australian guy, meaning even though I'm young, I should keep the credibility here.
Because 15-year-old, arrogant Americans know best? http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-jerkbag.gif

God, I feel sorry for those in the US who are actually intelligent. It's idiots like you that give your country such a bad name.

And I don't base this off of crap I pull out of my ass.
Could've fooled me.

I have enough information from several resources to form at least an opinion on this matter.
Current affairs shows and Dr. Phil don't count, try again.

America is dying, thats my opinion, everyone knows it, including you might I add, don't agree with my reasoning, too fucking bad.
It's idiots like you bringing it down, but it's hardly dying. Don't agree with my reasoning? Try getting an education, then you might.

I'm not some little prick you can brush off, the more you come at me the more I'll come back, and though I obviusly don't have support on topics like this from multiple people, that doesn't mean I'm not going to stop talking.
Don't try and act tough, little one. If you had the sense you think you do, you'd have realised that there's a reason why almost nobody on this site attempts to argue with me. Someone with as little intelligence as you won't be a problem.

So, for both our sakes, shut the fuck up...
Fucking make me, bitch.

I'm not a fucking genius, I'll admit that, I don't know everything, thats frekkin obvious, that doesn't mean anything I spit out is crap.

August 9th, 2007, 01:12 AM
I'm sorry I'm just getting tired of your crap Flyboy. I generally don't jump into arguements like this but I'm seriously just getting tired of this.

Ah, my age obviusly effects my judgment. Making me an ignorant child, not worthy of an opinion and entitled to go with the flow of the public. To worship "god" and listen to greenday all the time eh?

Oh how wrong that statement was. By the way I'm merely 13 and I know that not everyone here worships God and listens to Greenday. Have you had a look around society in the last 4-5 years huh?

If you wanted this damn topic to end then you could have stopped countering, and none of this would have kept going on. I tried to end it, but you continue on the offense, odd how you want this to stop and continue edging it forth.

It's your idiotic statements that made him counter (and quite recently me too). The only reason that this keeps going on is because YOU can't stop posting idiotic statements that just further push this arguement forward. If anything the one who should stop countering is you.

And what I say aren't assumptions, and as it was previously pointed out, I'm arguing with a British and Australian guy, meaning even though I'm young, I should keep the credibility here.

I'm sorry what? I mean I'm 13 and I can already say I know more about what societies like in this country. And I've only been living here for 9 years here yah know.

And I don't base this off of crap I pull out of my ass. I have enough information from several resources to form at least an opinion on this matter. America is dying, thats my opinion, everyone knows it, including you might I add, don't agree with my reasoning, too fucking bad.

I have to say America is dying. Why? Because of the Idiots that run this country and will grow up to run this country. Like you for example.

I'm not some little prick you can brush off, the more you come at me the more I'll come back, and though I obviusly don't have support on topics like this from multiple people, that doesn't mean I'm not going to stop talking.

^^^I wouldn't mess with him. Hes a tough guy.

So, for both our sakes, shut the fuck up...

^^ Why helo thar ya little hypocrite ^^

Replies in Bold Red.

August 9th, 2007, 08:40 AM
Some new video of it over at comcast.net

August 9th, 2007, 02:26 PM
Also, I'm obviously not the only one sick of your know-it-all attitude. Neither of us were around back then and very few members on this site were, but at least the rest of us have the good sense not to make idiotic assumptions about that time period based on hearsay and exaggerated rhetoric spewed by ignorant zealots who use weak-willed and equally uninformed children like yourself to benefit themselves.

How eloquent ross :3

I didn't realise this thread had gone so far to shit :lol: