View Full Version : Adding geometry

August 4th, 2007, 03:15 AM
Ok, I have a BSP. There is a part of it I don't like, or it needs something extra. I go into the max file, and I, lets say, add a box. I UVW it, give it a material, and link it to frame node. I export. Open the scenario again in Sapien, only to not find my geometry. Anything extra I have to do when creating new geometry? I'm stumped, and frustrated. Suggestions?

August 4th, 2007, 03:25 AM
If it's not a part of the main level geometry, you must instance it.

Search for instancing in the help files, but as for the main instanced character used:

-Be sure to add % to it's object name.

So in 3ds max, you'd see, %box, and link that to the b_levelroot.

August 4th, 2007, 03:42 AM
NVM IM AN IDIOT. I shouldn't do this stuff late at night. I'm too embarassed to even say what I was doing wrong.