View Full Version : General Legend of Zelda discussion

August 6th, 2007, 01:02 AM
It came to my surprise that many people played LoZ after I made my Twilight Princess thread so I wanted to make a thread based on Legend of Zelda in general. Future projects, past games, etc. I'd like to start off disscusing Phantom Hourglass. I haven't played it but I have the necessary equipment. What do you guys think of it before I go to buy it?

August 6th, 2007, 05:49 PM
it's not out yet?

August 6th, 2007, 06:06 PM
Not sure if I dig the windwaker style. Plus, I don't have a DS.

August 6th, 2007, 06:11 PM
Ya the wind waker was a fail in the Zelda series, sitting in that boat for hours got pretty boring.

August 6th, 2007, 06:21 PM
Let's discuss then.

It was great back in the 80's and late 90's. Nowadays I see it as I do Mario, Final Fantasy, Metroid Prime, Metal Gear, and Ninja Gaiden; lack of imagination of creating anything new.

Yes, I'm sure we're all a bunch of old-time fans of Mario and what not, but I'm sick and tired of this crap being recycled into the same kind of game play. Sure, every five years or so there's a new bit in the game play, but these characters/series are old. Where the hell is the new innovation for platform series games?

Bad Waffle
August 6th, 2007, 06:24 PM
i never thought WW was boring. there was always something to do in on the high seas. I think you just were playing it a bit too minimalistically.

Funny this topic was made, because i just got finished playing some TP. Ive beaten the game, but the one thing that i cant seem to finish is the Cave of Ordeals. i get up to the VERY LAST ROOM full of 3 darknuts, but then A) i dont have enough rupees for my magic armor B) i have no bombs/arrows for exploding arrows C) i have no blue potion/fairies. I swear, i had 3 hearts left and managed to kill a darknut and was just about to end another (making it easy for me to just take out that last one) but then they double teamed me and killed meh D:

i nearly stabbed the wall with my fist, i was SO CLOSE. ill try again in another month or so D:

August 6th, 2007, 08:15 PM
i never thought WW was boring. there was always something to do in on the high seas. I think you just were playing it a bit too minimalistically.

Funny this topic was made, because i just got finished playing some TP. Ive beaten the game, but the one thing that i cant seem to finish is the Cave of Ordeals. i get up to the VERY LAST ROOM full of 3 darknuts, but then A) i dont have enough rupees for my magic armor B) i have no bombs/arrows for exploding arrows C) i have no blue potion/fairies. I swear, i had 3 hearts left and managed to kill a darknut and was just about to end another (making it easy for me to just take out that last one) but then they double teamed me and killed meh D:

i nearly stabbed the wall with my fist, i was SO CLOSE. ill try again in another month or so D:
I can't get far in the cave of ordeals at all.

Bad Waffle
August 7th, 2007, 02:52 AM
theres a few techniques i discovered which are handy.

1. sometimes you can edge yourself to the end of the drop off before hopping down to the lower level, and enemies will think you fell (so they'll end up going right under you). if they dont detect you, try using your slingshot to coax them over. When they are under you, drop a bomb on them. This is especially handy in the one room with the all the zombies that can stun you (two bombs kills one) and is also useful for rooms that contain a lot of goblins.

2. the magic armor is VERY VERY useful in the rooms containing all the ice monsters--make sure you have a large wallet and at least 600 rupees going into the dungeon. If you use it wisely, you can keep a fair amount of money from all the rupees enemies drop.

3. make sure you have 4 bottles, and fill them all with blue potion. The last try i just realized that its not worth having the fairies (if you're smart you will always be able to drink the potion before you die, and you also get full hearts instead of just 8). You can buy blue potion for 50 rups down at the malo mart castle branch--which is also a great place to stock up on bombs and arrows as well. Also, make sure you have all three bomb bags.

4. the gloopy purple things that drop from the ceilings in some rooms are pointless--UNLESS you scoop up the goo made from the shiny golden blobs. i've never actually grabbed it because i would still have all bottles full of blue potion, but im guessing it REALLY helps.

5. also, what ive just found out this last run is that bomb arrows will shoot off the darknut armor. i wouldnt bother with this until its two/three darknuts standing next to eachother so that the splash damage effects more. Also, shoot at the feet. they might dodge it otherwise.
Im thinking ill beat the ordeals the next time through, but we'll see. I think ill go fishing a few times first. Thats my favorite part of the whole game, other than the dueling scene at the very end :D

August 7th, 2007, 02:56 AM
I never could get into the 2D scroller zelda games. The N64 was where I really picked up on it and really enjoyed it. I played OoT just the other day. I also think I'm going to try and make a Majoras Mask mod for Crysis since it already has a nice time and scripting/event system in place. I've played Twilight Princess up to a point after you switch back from being a wolf and do a few things. I must say I just about sold things just to buy a Wii after that.

Bad Waffle
August 7th, 2007, 03:05 AM
yeah the 2d zeldas were meh. OOT really did resurrect and then some the zelda series, i dont think we would have a TP or WW if OOT wasnt popular. People would have lost faith in myamoto with the zelda series.

August 7th, 2007, 10:24 AM
dude the cave of ordeals was easy!

took me 2 tries.
first time i died at the 2 big armored dudes, because i only had 4 hearts and no potions left (came unprepared)

the second time i had some rare chu jelly, and a blue pot (only had 2 bottles) and got all the way trough with getting some fresh rare chu jelly in that 1 room. those armored guys aren't hard at all. what do you need bombs for? just slice and dice em :/ don't see what's so hard about em.

just wait for em to strike, then quickly stab em in the side, you can get off 4 more chops easy. then once one drops his armor, repeat that and kill him.

just one of those guys is easy, kill em in 15 seconds without getting hit once. 2 just takes a while, and 3 just takes longer, and oyu keep hitting another guy when you roll around em, and therefore cant strike the guy you were targetting, so that took a while.

never found it particularly hard though. the hardest room was the one with the armor guy and the 2 flying raptor guys.

August 7th, 2007, 10:48 AM
never found it particularly hard though. the hardest room was the one with the armor guy and the 2 flying raptor guys.

OH SHIT! I just found out that was room 48 out of 50. I was sooo close.

August 7th, 2007, 12:06 PM
I also beat the cave of trials in two goes. I got up to about... well, 30 something at first, because I was unprepared, had low health, and I was out of arrows. I hate those ice sentinels that throw spears at you >=(

Anyway, one thing I never understood about the Zelda series, and my friend was BS-ing me about this once. I see the LoZ series as... they're just taking Link and putting him in a new situation, with disregard to the past games, as if they never happened.

My friend interprets is as... the Links you see are descendants of the original Link from Ocarina of Time. But I ask you--is the OoT Link the same as the Link to the Past Link? That reasoning doesn't exactly make a lot of sense. ... and what are the odds that all the descendants are named Link, they're all born in different places, and their horse is ALWAYS named Epona, and they're always meeting Princess Zelda?

XD there's my two cents.

August 7th, 2007, 06:33 PM
I more-or-less wandered into the cave of trials part-way through the game and made it to the very last battle, but I came in unprepared and thought I still had a few more battles left and would end up losing anyway, so I just let them kill me. I don't care enough to go all the way back down to beat one battle, although it'd be much easier.

As for Wind Waker, it did get pretty boring. The ocean was just a too large for its own good. Near the end when you have to fight four bosses over again, I just stopped. I had only an hour or so left in the game too. I finally got back around to beating it a few months ago, and the last save file was from 2003.

My friend interprets is as... the Links you see are descendants of the original Link from Ocarina of Time. But I ask you--is the OoT Link the same as the Link to the Past Link? That reasoning doesn't exactly make a lot of sense. ... and what are the odds that all the descendants are named Link, they're all born in different places, and their horse is ALWAYS named Epona, and they're always meeting Princess Zelda?

XD there's my two cents.
In Wind Waker, many young boys are named Link, after the great hero of time (OoT Link I think), and on one of their birthdays, they're given a green tunic of their own. The odds are on their side that one of the Links ends up saving the world. :p I wouldn't be surprised if princesses were often named Zelda after the original Zelda too.

It was great back in the 80's and late 90's. Nowadays I see it as I do Mario, Final Fantasy, Metroid Prime, Metal Gear, and Ninja Gaiden; lack of imagination of creating anything new.
I get what you're saying. The last four 3D Zeldas have all played basically the same way, so it's a bit too much, and I do want the next Zelda to be revolutionary.

I'm not sure what you mean about Mario. His main games are SMB1-3, SMW, SM64, SMS, and NSMB, right? SMB3 and SMW were similar, and SM64 and SMS were similar, but the gameplay seems to significantly change overall. And SMG isn't released yet, so we don't really know how it plays.

As for Final Fantasy, I haven't played that many games in the series (have 4 but need to start it [it was the FF4/Chrono Trigger compilation, and I'm playing through CT right now], beat 7, need to get back to 9, beat 10), but from what I can tell, the series seems to be evolving. 7&9 had the ATB system, 10 was pure turnbased, 11 was an MMO, and 12 was some new real-time system. At the very least, all the FF games are distinct due to their different stories, but the battle system is the heart of the gameplay, and that seems to be changing a lot. FF doesn't seem to be the "same ol' game" over and over.

As for Metroid Prime, MP1 was revolutionary and outstanding, so I hardly mind a similar sequel. MP3 isn't released yet, so we don't know how the new control system changes the game, or what else is even planned for it. I don't think you can fairly say that all of the MP games are the same when only two are out.

As for Metal Gear, I don't play those games, so I don't know.

As for Ninja Gaiden, well, yeah. As far as I know, they're rereleasing a new version of that same game again? I still have no interest in the game though. They could try to make a new game instead...

Where the hell is the new innovation for platform series games?
Play the Jak & Daxter or Ratchet and Clank games, or even New Super Mario Bros or Super Paper Mario. Those are pretty fun. There are certainly other good platformers too, but those are the only ones that come to mind.

I never could get into the 2D scroller zelda games. The N64 was where I really picked up on it and really enjoyed it.
Same here. The first Zelda game I actually beat was Ocarina of Time (on one of the Gamecube's Zelda promotional disks. I borrowed the N64 version from a friend but never beat it). The first two never really interested me, and I never did beat Link to the Past or Oracle of Ages. I did beat Ocarina of Time, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess (never did beat Majora's Mask though).

August 7th, 2007, 07:37 PM
I actually liked the wind-waker. Other than it's style the gameplay was pretty similar to normal Zelda, the cartoon-iness didn't bother me a bit.

August 8th, 2007, 01:32 AM

For those who are having questions on why they are named Link and the princesses are named Zelda everytime and it shows a pretty solid link between the games that have been released.

Bad Waffle
August 8th, 2007, 01:41 AM
i dont have that many hearts because im too lazy to go get heart pieces, so its a lot harder for me T_T