View Full Version : Do you have any sort of a disability?

August 7th, 2007, 01:31 AM
I posted this long ago on Gearbox and it was actually rather interesting to read. Can include things like eye sight loss, ADD, hearing loss, buzzing ear non stop, ect.

To start out, I'm hearing impaired and wear hearing aids. Although I can hear much better with them, there are times where I would need things repeated as I didn't really catch it the first time. My hearing has also affected my speech, in fact I was barely even understandable when I was younger. I took speech classes to improve it and I ended up with a voice that some say sounds European/British. Another is eye sight loss although that isn't too bad. Thank god for contacts..

Mr Buckshot
August 7th, 2007, 01:32 AM
I'm flat footed and short-sighted (450 degree I believe for my glasses).

Overall my biggest "disability" is poor physical fitness, but that's been steadily improving since summer of 2006 because I work out every day.

August 7th, 2007, 01:33 AM
I'm extremely near sighted. Basically.........I can't read anything more than a few inches away from my face.............hell I can barely make out the huge letters on those sight charts.

August 7th, 2007, 01:39 AM
My brother is autistic and I, like buckshot, am flat footed. Meaning now I can't serve as an infantry man in the US Army. Woo-hoo! I guess.

August 7th, 2007, 01:50 AM
Red-green color blindness, my grandpa had it. Not really disabled, but I guess it's a drawback :|

August 7th, 2007, 01:53 AM
I didn't know being flat-footed was a disability >.>

I am flat footed and double jointed, even though I think being double jointed is a disability.

August 7th, 2007, 02:01 AM
Does being able to click your tongue extremely loud count? Probably not, but nobody I know can do it. And I know lots of people.

August 7th, 2007, 02:20 AM
Glaucoma, near-sighted, muscle failure. I'm also flat-footed.

Bad Waffle
August 7th, 2007, 02:27 AM
i have a dent in my chest, as well as a cleft pallete that has been completely fixed. I look normal now, and chicks dig the scar on my face, WOOT!

Mind my SHOOP DA WOOP face, i couldnt think of anything else to do (oh yeah, you get to see my famous mole thats right under my chin--its famous where i come from because im the only 'cute' guy with a mole on my face--lol)


August 7th, 2007, 02:43 AM
Not really a disability, but two of my toes on both feet are stuck together. I also have tinnitus.

Edit: Also a little bit allergic to peanuts.

August 7th, 2007, 02:45 AM
I'm nearsighted but that's really all I can think of right now. Oh also you won't believe that this kid rossmum i know, has an EXTREME fondness of the internetz and forums. He has Post Whoreium Syndrome I believe it's called.

August 7th, 2007, 02:53 AM
joke made me cry instead of laugh :(

also i'm practically perfect in everyway :D

no illness's, no allegy's, no disability's.
i guess u could call a random nosebleed every now and then as an annoyance (spelling?) but not really a illness. when temperatures change and i havnt had enough water or Vitamin C i'll sometimes get them.

It's also a Running joke in our family that all of us have hearing loss. but we are born fine we just like music too loud/ work in trade industrys/ heavy machines, ect, which has contributed to some hearing loss.

Bad Waffle
August 7th, 2007, 02:59 AM

August 7th, 2007, 03:02 AM
Short-sighted, dent-chest like WoL's, mild Asperger's Syndrome (disability my ass, this epic logic shit is great), otherwise I'm almost normal :downs:

August 7th, 2007, 03:04 AM
Short-sighted, dent-chest like WoL's, mild Asperger's Syndrome (disability my ass, this epic logic shit is great), otherwise I'm almost normal :downs:
you forgot sunlight burns you

August 7th, 2007, 03:05 AM
What's that? A tan? I forgot they were such a new concept to you, sorry :(

August 7th, 2007, 03:06 AM
When doctors ask me what I'm allergic to, it's easier to tell them the things I can take. I'm also allergic to a lot of foods, ranging from chicken to bananas.

August 7th, 2007, 03:30 AM
I'm near sighted, but not extremely, just at the point were I can get by without glasses if I need to, but I use glasses anyways.

I broke my Fibula and Tibia in my left leg in two spots (if your looking at my x-ray horizontally it would look like this: knee---|--|-----foot) in the same DH biking incident about three years ago, I was doing something like a 18 foot drop to a steep slope, I was going to fast, so the drop ended up being about 24 feet, I came down, busted my rear tire which threw me off my bike, and I somehow got my leg wedged between a big rock a tree and jagged edge of a rock. You have no fucking idea how much it hurts to break a bone twice. Unless of course you've had a similar smashup ;).

As for how this is a "disability", you can't tell by looking at my leg, but if you feel it, you can feel it "wave" were all three parts of my bones now join :). Needless to say, it's not quite "up-to-spec" with my other leg :awesome:.

August 7th, 2007, 03:34 AM
joke made me cry instead of laugh :(

Who said it was a joke. Ask him. I dare you. You won't.

August 7th, 2007, 03:37 AM
I'm nearsighted to the degree that Freelancer is, and I've got mild Tinnitus.

Ross, is your Aspergers actually diagnosed, or are you just saying that because you read the symptoms and think you have it?

August 7th, 2007, 03:50 AM
i once got all my front teeth knocke off while racing biked on the track. steering blocked, and crashed down a 2 and a half metre deep ditch with my face on the handlebar. i'm also supposed to wear glasses but i don't.

used to have ADHD, but got past that. now i'm normal... kinda...
i'm still an internet-retard though.

August 7th, 2007, 03:52 AM
Short-sighted, dent-chest like WoL's, mild Asperger's Syndrome (disability my ass, this epic logic shit is great), otherwise I'm almost normal :downs:

all the asperger's guys I know are faggots :saddowns:

though this does explain abit >_>

August 7th, 2007, 03:53 AM
I'm nearsighted to the degree that Freelancer is, and I've got mild Tinnitus.

Ross, is your Aspergers actually diagnosed, or are you just saying that because you read the symptoms and think you have it?

Bad Waffle
August 7th, 2007, 04:25 AM
ross, in your case, does mild just mean that you get the logic and none of the faggotry? or is it the other way around

August 7th, 2007, 04:43 AM
or does it alternate :downs:

IIRC aspergers also has abit of obsessive compulsive thrown in (which goes somewhat towards explaning his post whoring ways)

August 7th, 2007, 04:56 AM
Hell, I had a look at the Asperger's Syndrome symptoms and through I might have it. I'm a bit obsessive compulsive, and I can think more visually than anyone I know. While I'm walking, I'm usually careful to step in between any geometrical lines cast out by corners and lines of furniture and objects nearby. Stepping on them makes me feel uncomfortable, and I have no idea why. However, I don't think any doctor would diagnose me with it.

August 7th, 2007, 05:43 AM
I do that stepping in shapes thing too :raise:

Bad Waffle
August 7th, 2007, 06:00 AM
Hell, I had a look at the Asperger's Syndrome symptoms and through I might have it. I'm a bit obsessive compulsive, and I can think more visually than anyone I know. While I'm walking, I'm usually careful to step in between any geometrical lines cast out by corners and lines of furniture and objects nearby. Stepping on them makes me feel uncomfortable, and I have no idea why. However, I don't think any doctor would diagnose me with it.

same here. i dunno if this is aspergers or not but sometimes when i look at a 3d object in rl, i can see it in 2d as like a silhouette and it all meshes together, but i have un uncanny ability to see different things than others.

August 7th, 2007, 06:44 AM
Asperger's Syndrome

whoa, really?

MY brother has that, but I guess his is severe, because he has a vocabulary of about 20 words, and is pretty much a 4 year old in an 18 year olds body.

I would never have thought that you'd have aspurgers Ross o_O

Also, I'm near sighted, and I've noticed a trend.

I think we all need to sit a bit further from our monitors :haw:

Um, I'm allergic to some sort of bronchitis treatment, I have asthma and both my pinky fingers are missing a bone.

August 7th, 2007, 06:52 AM
lol broken bones a dissability?

if u incist. i broke my arm when i was 6 and went to the doctor.

the doctor took some x-rays and was like WTF!!! it's allready healed O_o

turns out i actually broke it earlier but i was just tough (stop laughing <:U) and rode it out, it was never reset in place, no cast, no xrays and no pain killers.

god i'm awesome.

August 7th, 2007, 07:29 AM
ross, in your case, does mild just mean that you get the logic and none of the faggotry? or is it the other way around
Obsessive-compulsive, extreme aversion to change, failing at socialising with 'normal' people (to a degree), slight paranoia, visualising things insanely well, no sense of when people don't actually care what I'm blathering on about, stuff like that.

August 7th, 2007, 08:42 AM
The arch in my foot is very long (and so is my foot) and low, so the doctor says I'm not flat footed. But I have an undiagnosed condition (that I believe resides with my nervous system) that I'm trying to get diagnosed but the so far a series of events have blocked me from getting to a doctor that cares or knows what they're doing. Don't you just love the army :awesome:[/sarcasm]

August 7th, 2007, 10:19 AM
oh yeah, im allergic to some kind of narcose.

they found that out the hard way.
after some minor surgery to my bellybutton once, they were unable to wake me up.
slept for 2 weeks. so much for a little routine operation.

Dr Nick
August 7th, 2007, 10:31 AM
The arch in my foot is very long (and so is my foot) and low, so the doctor says I'm not flat footed. But I have an undiagnosed condition (that I believe resides with my nervous system) that I'm trying to get diagnosed but the so far a series of events have blocked me from getting to a doctor that cares or knows what they're doing. Don't you just love the army :awesome:[/sarcasm]I'm flat footed! I used to climb walls!

August 7th, 2007, 10:56 AM
ross has assburgers..i mean aspurgers? :o

I have the dent-chest thing like WOL and ross, other than that I'm fine. It's not really a disability.

August 7th, 2007, 11:10 AM
holy shit we must be related


August 7th, 2007, 11:58 AM
I'm 16 years old and I have as much gray hair as my 43 year old father. Does that count?

I'm also allergic to a lot of foods, ranging from chicken to bananas.
Are you by any chance a Hasidic Jew?

slept for 2 weeks.
That is awesome, you are awesome.

Everything I see in this picture is frightfully unnatural, I must say.

August 7th, 2007, 12:02 PM
Through worrying, or did it just turn out like that? I'm surprised most of mine hasn't gone grey by now... :p

August 7th, 2007, 12:13 PM
People say it's because I'm stressed, but as far as I'm concerned I'm very calm and content.

The way some people have blond highlights in blond hair (dirty blond... I can't help but laugh at that phrasing), I have the same with gray.
When I was three years old I had a full head of blond hair, and then that became over grown with dark brown, and now I'm getting streaks of gray, some hairs even being grizzled. I have three hair colors on three diferent layers, the way Istanbul was built on Constantinople, which in turn was built on Byzantium (I love anecdotes like that).

August 7th, 2007, 12:51 PM
I was born with a messed up muscle in my mouth causing me to have a lisp when I was younger, although speech therapy had that fixed before I started Kindergarten. I'm dyslexic and ADHD but I see neither of those as disabilities, since I've learned to overcome each.

I guess I don't have any major disabilities, nothing that affects my day to day life.

August 7th, 2007, 01:54 PM

August 7th, 2007, 01:56 PM
My disability?

I look like Korn.

AEHHH I mean...

ok Korn has balls of steel and I have his thinking cawk as a brainreplacement as this quote proves

kornman00 (8:16:02 PM): i let my cawk think for me
Patrickssj6 (8:16:41 PM): I want to implant your cawk into my head then
kornman00 (8:17:07 PM): doh

August 7th, 2007, 02:03 PM
Asperger's syndrome.
Slight autism, mixed with anger issues.

Neuro Guro
August 7th, 2007, 02:27 PM
You know the stretchy skin between your index finger and thumb? I was really bored one night and decided to pierce that, lulz. Unfortunately I forgot that I should have done it on my left hand instead of my right due to it being a little awkward to fap with. So I took the needle back out and let it heal back, and now its a little weird looking. Still has scar tissue around it. d:


August 7th, 2007, 02:33 PM
I have amblyopia in my right eye, creating 20/200 vision that is not correctable past 20/40. My left eye is 20/20, but the iris is now 25&#37; torn away from the sclera (white part of the eye) due to a BB impact from a misfire (I admit I was stupid for having removed my goggles temporarily). The result is a 25% halo around any light source I look at, and a slight blurriness in the same area in my field of vision in ambient light. It is correctable with an opaque lens to block light entering the whole, or a mirrored lens to reduce light (while allowing my iris to dilate properly).

August 7th, 2007, 02:33 PM
I Have the add's or adhd
RANDOM FACE :lol::lol:

August 7th, 2007, 02:39 PM
Astigmatism and farsightedness.

I also think I have depression, but my mom doesn't believe in going to a doctor for that. She says the drugs fuck you up. XD and I believe that. But then again, everyone is depressed :p

Soooo... yeah.

Neuro Guro
August 7th, 2007, 02:40 PM
Oh yes and I forgot, I have a very hairy legs syndrome, I have to shave my legs constantly or It'll look like I have black sheep wool wrapped around my legs. Oh and lets not mention how things are up north..

August 7th, 2007, 02:51 PM
People say it's because I'm stressed, but as far as I'm concerned I'm very calm and content.

The way some people have blond highlights in blond hair (dirty blond... I can't help but laugh at that phrasing), I have the same with gray.
When I was three years old I had a full head of blond hair, and then that became over grown with dark brown, and now I'm getting streaks of gray, some hairs even being grizzled. I have three hair colors on three diferent layers, the way Istanbul was built on Constantinople, which in turn was built on Byzantium (I love anecdotes like that).I was born with yellowish-white hair. Like some sort of freakishly light blond. It's darkened by now, to normal blond.

Neuro Guro
August 7th, 2007, 03:12 PM
Good thing you weren't born in Sparta a couple hundred years ago.

August 7th, 2007, 03:13 PM
Good thing you weren't born in Sparta a couple hundred years ago.

As for me, I have kidney disease in my family, so there is a very good chance I have it too. I'm already showing signs of high blood pressure and heartburn. As a child I had some sort of leg problems that I wore a cast for, but I don't know what the problem was.....everything seems fine now. I also have allergies like...all the time. I get like 10 hours of sleep each night and am still tired during the day, it sucks. I'm physical very fit though.

August 7th, 2007, 03:31 PM

August 7th, 2007, 03:53 PM
Oh yeah, I also have 3 kidneys. All fully working, not really a disability but my mother has it too. :)

August 7th, 2007, 03:54 PM
Good thing you weren't born in Sparta a couple hundred years ago.
thousand* :-3

August 7th, 2007, 03:56 PM
Dont really have any disabilities, I do have really bad circulation (some idiot put me under a cold vent in the hospital when I was baby and I nearly died because of it) I swear thats the reason I have really bad circulation.

August 7th, 2007, 03:58 PM
Your one big disability, stop posting.

Neuro Guro
August 7th, 2007, 04:05 PM
Slightly Psychotic. I already know I probably am and have for a while now. I'm very in control of my actions though so I'm not dangerous, so don't feel like you need to report this or anything.

I'm very apathetic and I wish I wasn't. I wish I didn't think the kind of things I think sometimes but I can't help it. I'm not ever open about this around people and if I was they may not believe it because I know how to act very well. And thats all I do when I'm around people. But I had to learn what to do and how to act in most social situations and how to look like I'm giving some sort of emotion about something so I'm not totally turned away. So if I'm around people and hear or see something typically thought to be extremely disturbing I actually look like I give a shit and feel some pity.

It might sound very weird to most of you, but not all people are born knowing how to be normal and some of us have to put on a show everyday just to appear normal. I'm going to be honest with you though, theres a reason why a lot of people like me don't go and get help. Its because I'd rather prefer acting as this good person and actually have a good life then admit who I really am and end up in the loony bin my whole life.

August 7th, 2007, 04:07 PM
I am the same way. I know how it is.

August 7th, 2007, 04:08 PM
Omigosh 911! (Or 991 for Limited :p)

If you can control yourself thats no problem, but if you do crazy things don't find an excuse.. It's your actions, your responsibility :p

August 7th, 2007, 04:23 PM
Dont really have any disabilities, I do have really bad circulation (some idiot put me under a cold vent in the hospital when I was baby and I nearly died because of it) I swear thats the reason I have really bad circulation.
or maybe just too much fast food :-3?

August 7th, 2007, 04:31 PM
I have curly hair.

August 7th, 2007, 04:34 PM
That's a disability?

August 7th, 2007, 04:34 PM
I'm Chinese...........living in an extremely racist neighborhood..........

August 7th, 2007, 04:51 PM
I have curly hair.

Jew...lol :p.

August 7th, 2007, 04:56 PM
I'm Chinese...........living in an extremely racist neighborhood..........
Wonton soup is good :)

I'm guessing you're either in california, or somewhere lodged in Texas.

August 7th, 2007, 05:06 PM
flat feet, one of my legs is a few centimeters longer then the other, which screwed up my back a little, giving me some minor schlorosis (sp?). Can't remember the actual name of it at the moment. Basically my back near the tailbone has a slight twist, and lifting really heavy stuff makes it worse. though I'm too stupid to take it seriously and ended up having to go to a chiropracter (splol) for a little bit cause I went on a hiking trip with a heavy bag.

August 7th, 2007, 05:10 PM
Damn nature and its asymmetry, right?

August 7th, 2007, 05:37 PM
Slightly Psychotic. I already know I probably am and have for a while now. I'm very in control of my actions though so I'm not dangerous, so don't feel like you need to report this or anything.

I'm very apathetic and I wish I wasn't. I wish I didn't think the kind of things I think sometimes but I can't help it. I'm not ever open about this around people and if I was they may not believe it because I know how to act very well. And thats all I do when I'm around people. But I had to learn what to do and how to act in most social situations and how to look like I'm giving some sort of emotion about something so I'm not totally turned away. So if I'm around people and hear or see something typically thought to be extremely disturbing I actually look like I give a shit and feel some pity.

It might sound very weird to most of you, but not all people are born knowing how to be normal and some of us have to put on a show everyday just to appear normal. I'm going to be honest with you though, theres a reason why a lot of people like me don't go and get help. Its because I'd rather prefer acting as this good person and actually have a good life then admit who I really am and end up in the loony bin my whole life.

Someone just stepped up in my books. I'm almost exactly the same.

Oh, and all these ADD and ADHD people



August 7th, 2007, 05:41 PM

August 7th, 2007, 05:47 PM
i've got a similar thing. it's hard for me to care. about/for anythign at all.

i mean i care about my family and stuff, but that's about where it stops.
i don't mean care as in love. i mean care as in giving a shit. i've never really had a problem with it, besides the fact that i know it's not normal.
recently i saw a cat get run over by a car. half its body was crushed, and the thing was still alive. i managed to care enough to wring it's neck, and put it out of it's pain, but i didn't really feel much about it, even when i know i'm actually supposed to.

August 7th, 2007, 05:52 PM
I'm not sure if it is a situational disorder or a genetic disorder.

August 7th, 2007, 06:12 PM
flat feet, one of my legs is a few centimeters longer then the other, which screwed up my back a little, giving me some minor schlorosis (sp?). Can't remember the actual name of it at the moment. Basically my back near the tailbone has a slight twist, and lifting really heavy stuff makes it worse. though I'm too stupid to take it seriously and ended up having to go to a chiropracter (splol) for a little bit cause I went on a hiking trip with a heavy bag."Sclerosis", I think.

August 7th, 2007, 06:47 PM
I'm Chinese...........living in an extremely racist neighborhood..........

Ouch. Keep a gun close. :S

August 7th, 2007, 06:50 PM
Preferably .45 ACP or larger.

August 7th, 2007, 06:50 PM
i've got a similar thing. it's hard for me to care. about/for anythign at all.

i mean i care about my family and stuff, but that's about where it stops.
i don't mean care as in love. i mean care as in giving a shit. i've never really had a problem with it, besides the fact that i know it's not normal.
recently i saw a cat get run over by a car. half its body was crushed, and the thing was still alive. i managed to care enough to wring it's neck, and put it out of it's pain, but i didn't really feel much about it, even when i know i'm actually supposed to.

Yeah, I was saying this to trinx. I never really am in tune with how a situation is ment to be handled. I don't care.

August 7th, 2007, 07:26 PM
I have some sort of tourette's syndrome.

August 7th, 2007, 07:39 PM
Uh does a messed up nerve system (causing me to sweat more than normal) count?

August 7th, 2007, 09:43 PM
The arch in my foot is very long (and so is my foot) and low, so the doctor says I'm not flat footed. But I have an undiagnosed condition (that I believe resides with my nervous system) that I'm trying to get diagnosed but the so far a series of events have blocked me from getting to a doctor that cares or knows what they're doing. Don't you just love the army :awesome:[/sarcasm]
thats your ticket out KM00!

mb the army just wants all the Hax for themselves :O

August 7th, 2007, 09:52 PM
I think I just found out I have Aspergers syndrome.

August 7th, 2007, 10:13 PM
"Sclerosis", I think.

August 7th, 2007, 10:16 PM
Sclerosis would be a condition involving the sclera.

Dole is correct.

August 7th, 2007, 11:33 PM
Your one big disability, stop posting.
Uncalled for.

JUST LIKE YOU OOOOOH BURN http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-downsowned.gif

Slightly Psychotic. I already know I probably am and have for a while now. I'm very in control of my actions though so I'm not dangerous, so don't feel like you need to report this or anything.

I'm very apathetic and I wish I wasn't. I wish I didn't think the kind of things I think sometimes but I can't help it. I'm not ever open about this around people and if I was they may not believe it because I know how to act very well. And thats all I do when I'm around people. But I had to learn what to do and how to act in most social situations and how to look like I'm giving some sort of emotion about something so I'm not totally turned away. So if I'm around people and hear or see something typically thought to be extremely disturbing I actually look like I give a shit and feel some pity.

It might sound very weird to most of you, but not all people are born knowing how to be normal and some of us have to put on a show everyday just to appear normal. I'm going to be honest with you though, theres a reason why a lot of people like me don't go and get help. Its because I'd rather prefer acting as this good person and actually have a good life then admit who I really am and end up in the loony bin my whole life.
Knowing you, I'm not surprised. :p

I do care about most things, but things people tend to find sickening don't bother me (usually). I went to a short course on brain injuries over the holidays a few years back at the Uni of NSW (great fun, part of the gifted/talented kids programs they run) and we went into the anatomy section of the medical school... I was just about the only one who didn't feel sick. I felt a tiny bit queasy, but I suspect that was the smell of the formaldehyde rather than the sight of dissected bodies. Different story when I witness a living thing die, though, and I actually hold a very high level of respect for everything, be it animate or inanimate. Ignorant idiots are the exception, as is obvious.

I think I just found out I have Aspergers syndrome.
Christ, we need our own user group. Any other takers?

August 7th, 2007, 11:36 PM
I am perfectly normal.:dance:

and WOL, that pic is looking kind of scary :-/

August 7th, 2007, 11:53 PM
I think thats a mis-shaped spine.

August 7th, 2007, 11:54 PM
^And by any chance did you see Leiuk's post?

August 8th, 2007, 12:34 AM
Yar that's right Dole. lol, I don't even know what Sclerosis is, silly me.

August 8th, 2007, 12:46 AM
I'm very apathetic and I wish I wasn't. I wish I didn't think the kind of things I think sometimes but I can't help it. I'm not ever open about this around people and if I was they may not believe it because I know how to act very well. And thats all I do when I'm around people. But I had to learn what to do and how to act in most social situations and how to look like I'm giving some sort of emotion about something so I'm not totally turned away. So if I'm around people and hear or see something typically thought to be extremely disturbing I actually look like I give a shit and feel some pity.

It might sound very weird to most of you, but not all people are born knowing how to be normal and some of us have to put on a show everyday just to appear normal. I'm going to be honest with you though, theres a reason why a lot of people like me don't go and get help. Its because I'd rather prefer acting as this good person and actually have a good life then admit who I really am and end up in the loony bin my whole life.

I am the same way, the worst for me was when I forced my self to feel bad and such at a funeral. I mean honestly I would have rather had the person live, but hey if some one is dead then their dead and nothing is changing that.

August 8th, 2007, 01:08 AM

Flat footed

I'm similar to a few people in that I could give a shit about a lot of things that most people would find disturbing or disgusting. Ex. I was hotlinked to this (http://poetry.rotten.com/clinic/) (Really, dont look in there if you don't want to vomit) and it really didn't affect me at all.

My hands get really really shaky all the time for no reason, makes trying to take pictures a bitch.

I have some screwed up teeth. I have next to no enamel due to the fact I got Meningitis a few days after I was born.

Also, my family has a pack rat gene that I thankfully missed, but my grandma, aunt and brother are all sloppy as hell. I'm a bloody neat-freak for the most part.

Short for my age

My vision is something like 20/15, which if I remember correctly means I'm slightly farsighted. Also a genetic thing.

Double jointed.

I'm a wizard, so bow down you silly muggles!

August 8th, 2007, 01:11 AM
I find goatse funny and not really disturbing >______>

August 8th, 2007, 01:18 AM

then it doesn't really count :D

August 8th, 2007, 01:28 AM
then it doesn't really count :D
Exactly! Not to mention I got myself under control years ago.

August 8th, 2007, 01:51 AM
Um, I'm shortsighted and I have extremely severe ADD, I can't focus on anything for too long, but I refuse to take the drugs for it because they suppress my emotions really badly. Other than that there's not much wrong with me.

August 8th, 2007, 02:02 AM
Slightly Psychotic. I already know I probably am and have for a while now. I'm very in control of my actions though so I'm not dangerous, so don't feel like you need to report this or anything.

I'm very apathetic and I wish I wasn't. I wish I didn't think the kind of things I think sometimes but I can't help it. I'm not ever open about this around people and if I was they may not believe it because I know how to act very well. And thats all I do when I'm around people. But I had to learn what to do and how to act in most social situations and how to look like I'm giving some sort of emotion about something so I'm not totally turned away. So if I'm around people and hear or see something typically thought to be extremely disturbing I actually look like I give a shit and feel some pity.

It might sound very weird to most of you, but not all people are born knowing how to be normal and some of us have to put on a show everyday just to appear normal. I'm going to be honest with you though, theres a reason why a lot of people like me don't go and get help. Its because I'd rather prefer acting as this good person and actually have a good life then admit who I really am and end up in the loony bin my whole life.
My respect for you just went through the roof.

August 8th, 2007, 02:14 AM
Scoliosis?Probably. I was just correcting his spelling of Sclerosis.

August 8th, 2007, 03:44 AM
My hands get really really shaky all the time for no reason, makes trying to take pictures a bitch.
You too? I get shaky hands whenever I get excited/shocked (as in, actually in shock... it doesn't take much to do it, usually a row with a close friend) or when I try and concentrate on doing something delicate.

August 8th, 2007, 04:05 AM
lol i get tha as well ross but normally it means i've been into the Thinners at work cleaning cupboards.

it makes booze so much more potent :D

Reaper Man
August 8th, 2007, 04:36 AM
I get random twitches every so often. Also, I am addicted to breasts :3.

Dr Nick
August 8th, 2007, 05:16 AM
I get random twitches every so often. Also, I am addicted to breasts :3.We knew that!:lol:

August 8th, 2007, 04:46 PM
I get random twitches every so often. Also, I am addicted to breasts :3.My eyes twitch every few days, alternately. It makes me look like I'm about to snap :P
I've actually had my tongue twitch while speaking, too, which gets annoying.

August 8th, 2007, 05:10 PM
I get random twitches every so often.

Same here dude, although they happen very rarely. Heck once in 2nd grade a teacher told me to do something I nodded my head and then I twitched. The teacher thought I was telling her no and I got in trouble. :(

August 8th, 2007, 05:14 PM
I got a dent inbetween my rips because i was riding my bike at a bmx course, did a flip, and landed on my handlebars cause them to jab up into my chest. Was in the hospital for a week :X

Llama Juice
August 8th, 2007, 05:21 PM
I suffer from amblyopia.

Yea, it's lame.

August 8th, 2007, 05:28 PM
you suffer from alot of things.

August 8th, 2007, 05:30 PM
That's not Llamaboy772/Llamamaster, it's someone different Tweek.

August 8th, 2007, 05:36 PM
o damn
whats with all the llamas anyway?!

August 8th, 2007, 05:39 PM
Other than that there's not much wrong with me.
Unless you no longer find males sexually attractive, I wouldn't be so concise.

August 8th, 2007, 06:05 PM
Lets see.

I'm up there with Neuro and everyone else that agreed with him, except for a few cases.

I have an astigmatism in each eye.

I get nervous in front of small crowds.

Whenever I DO get nervous, my leg will twitch and I'll stand a little straighter than normal.

...And I'm alergic to dust and get nosebleeds whenever it's too hot out. Everything else is fine.

August 8th, 2007, 06:17 PM
Same here dude, although they happen very rarely. Heck once in 2nd grade a teacher told me to do something I nodded my head and then I twitched. The teacher thought I was telling her no and I got in trouble. :(
I got the same twitch thing, except its a cold chill that runs up my spine and makes me like seizure real fast for just a second. After that I get a warm fuzzy feeling.

August 8th, 2007, 06:52 PM
Wow that's weird, I've never experienced it that way before.

August 8th, 2007, 06:54 PM
My patellas aren't correctly alligned with my leg's bones, so I have to constantly keep in touch with my active side, or else the patella grinds and does an really loud click when I bend. As long as I exercise, it won't click/grind.

I have astigmatism in my left eye, my eyesight is 20/400. I'm very far past the legally blind range. (20/200)

I have patches of grey hair. And the males on my moms side are all bald, so that pretty much means I'm going bald. At it's current rate I'll be bald before or around my mid-20's.

August 8th, 2007, 07:11 PM
Most of these "disabilities" aren't disabilities.

August 8th, 2007, 07:16 PM
I posted this long ago on Gearbox and it was actually rather interesting to read. Can include things like eye sight loss, ADD, hearing loss, buzzing ear non stop, ect.


ADD is not a disease. It's "symptoms" are purely subjective, and having been diagnosed with it at age 7 myself, after going cold turkey on the "medication", I notice absolutely no difference whatsoever, although my meth lab is booming, thanks to the large amounts of amphetamines in Ritalin.

On topic:
I have :downs:

teh lag
August 8th, 2007, 07:16 PM
I got the same twitch thing, except its a cold chill that runs up my spine and makes me like seizure real fast for just a second. After that I get a warm fuzzy feeling.

I get that too sometimes, especially if I'm sitting for a long time... Though it could be something entirely different. I don't have the fuzzy feeling, and seizure isn't what I'd use to discribe it. More of just my back wiggles for 1/2 a second.

Also, all this talk of Aspergers is making me think I have it D:

August 8th, 2007, 07:32 PM
I'm Asian. :downs:

Not that's bad or anything, but it fucking sucks because everyone expects you to be super smart ("WHIP OUT YO CALC AN CALCULATE THE ANGLE AND FORCE YOU HAVE TO DO N SHIT SO YOU HIT DA GUY") and think you have small 'egos'.

On the other note, I have floaters. :suicide:

August 8th, 2007, 07:56 PM
I don't have telekinesis :(

otherwise, nothing wrong with me :downs:

except maybe too much pr0n

August 8th, 2007, 11:02 PM
and think you have small 'egos

wait what :o ... think ... nah

August 8th, 2007, 11:14 PM
oh, and im asian too :downs:

Llama Juice
August 8th, 2007, 11:19 PM
you suffer from alot of things.

Xetsuei™;135066']That's not Llamaboy772/Llamamaster, it's someone different Tweek.

I need to put in my sig... "The Llama who ISN'T retarded."

I'm the only Llama that matters..

August 8th, 2007, 11:23 PM
I need to put in my sig... "The Llama who ISN'T retarded."

yes, yes i like this llama more. :downs:

August 8th, 2007, 11:23 PM
I wonder if all of this llama business started after the Llama Song came out :/

August 8th, 2007, 11:54 PM
You too? I get shaky hands whenever I get excited/shocked (as in, actually in shock... it doesn't take much to do it, usually a row with a close friend) or when I try and concentrate on doing something delicate.
Yeah, same exact thing here. If I don't actually stop what I'm doing for a sec and let my hand stop flipping out they'll turn into noticeable tremors. It's especially a pain in the ass when I'm about to get a headshot off a guy and out of the blue my fucking hand twitches and moves the crosshair half way across the screen =P.

My eyes sometimes will do the twitch thing like ExAm said, but mine usually is a slight but prolonged annoying series of twitchs.

August 8th, 2007, 11:54 PM
Slight overweight problem since I moved into a motel for 4 months... talk about not having a way of excercize, and a vending machine right outside your door... :X

But yea, it's not really a problem, since I have a HOUSE *I don't know who ever thought of it* I can run around.

Also, double jointed, and I seem to get colds and fevers REALLY often....

August 9th, 2007, 01:09 AM
You have a weak* immune system. :)

Ask STL Ramsfan for some advice on how to fix that.

August 9th, 2007, 01:24 AM
Does it count if the girl doctor says DAMN! during a physical?

August 9th, 2007, 01:34 AM
I got the same twitch thing, except its a cold chill that runs up my spine and makes me like seizure real fast for just a second. After that I get a warm fuzzy feeling.
I get that from time to time, no idea why.


ADD is not a disease. It's "symptoms" are purely subjective, and having been diagnosed with it at age 7 myself, after going cold turkey on the "medication", I notice absolutely no difference whatsoever, although my meth lab is booming, thanks to the large amounts of amphetamines in Ritalin.

On topic:
I have :downs:
LOL :v

Also, double jointed, and I seem to get colds and fevers REALLY often....
I get a lot of colds and the fact I'm prone to hayfever doesn't exactly help, but I rarely get really sick.

Does it count if the girl doctor says DAMN! during a physical?
Please leave.

August 9th, 2007, 01:37 AM
Oh yeah I forgot to mention my really unstable digestive system. I need to lie down and visit the bathroom a bit too often........It really sucks. Not to mention my sucky immune system so I stay in bed for at least a few weeks during the summer........HOWEVER during the school time I only get sick on holidays and weekends and am somehow in good shape when school starts again...........I really REALLY hate that.

August 9th, 2007, 01:43 AM
Does it count if the girl doctor says DAMN! during a physical?

Please leave.
Yes, please do. I'm also pretty sure it's always the same sex taking the a physical exam of a patient, due to molestation or illegal sexual intercourse..

August 9th, 2007, 02:08 AM

ADD is not a disease. It's "symptoms" are purely subjective, and having been diagnosed with it at age 7 myself, after going cold turkey on the "medication", I notice absolutely no difference whatsoever, although my meth lab is booming, thanks to the large amounts of amphetamines in Ritalin.

On topic:
I have :downs:
it is a disease tbh.

my brother has it fairly severely. he can have about 3-4 times the lethal dosage of speed and it puts him to sleep.
it's all to do about how fast your brain patterns are, sure there are alot of bullshit diagnosed add ppl that dont actually have it, or it's mild to the point of laughable but there are some people that really are affected by this.
not all the symptoms are Loud, twitchy screaming kids. and sometimes i think u people need to remember this.

my brother got it and it also lead to depression and other problems purely because of how outcast he felt because he couldnt act or think at the same rate of other ppl. he is so insanely fast when it comes to certain situations that Books, lectures and ppl simply cant relay information or messages to him fast enough. once he got into building and maintaining computers he was able to calm himself down Purely because all the information u need is there Blinking in front of your face in an instant.

if u have met my brother when he is in a chain of thought u will know wat i'm talking about.

All u kids that think u have ADD and u want to know for certain, Take large dosages of speed or amphetamines. if it makes u incredibly drowzie congrats u have ADD.

August 9th, 2007, 04:12 AM
Slight overweight problem since I moved into a motel for 4 months... talk about not having a way of excercize, and a vending machine right outside your door... :X

But yea, it's not really a problem, since I have a HOUSE *I don't know who ever thought of it* I can run around.

Also, double jointed, and I seem to get colds and fevers REALLY often....

so you're a weak fatty that can touch his toes

August 9th, 2007, 02:14 PM
talk about not having a way of excercize

Also, all this talk of Aspergers is making me think I have it D:
You have mild autism? :-X

All u kids that think u have ADD and u want to know for certain, Take large dosages of speed or amphetamines. if it makes u incredibly drowzie congrats u have ADD.
You do realize that advice only validates Emmzee's point even more, right?

Also, speed is illegal.

August 9th, 2007, 02:34 PM
Unless you no longer find males sexually attractive, I wouldn't be so concise.

Unless at some point you no longer make prejudiced and ignorant statements (which makes little sense as you're otherwise quite intelligent) I would say, likewise.

Neuro Guro
August 9th, 2007, 02:47 PM
Also, speed is illegal.

,also it does this to your teeth:


August 9th, 2007, 02:50 PM

Yes, please do. I'm also pretty sure it's always the same sex taking the a physical exam of a patient, due to molestation or illegal sexual intercourse..
I thought it was most people's preferance?

And Ross, don't be upset just because the doctor yawns everytime he checks yours out.

August 9th, 2007, 03:11 PM
prejudiced and ignorant
You stick your dick in the fecal-lined sphincters of 17 year old boys. That's the most ignorant pastime I could possibly conceive.

August 9th, 2007, 04:16 PM
You do realize that advice only validates Emmzee's point even more, right?

Also, speed is illegal.
to be honest it dooesnt. "purely subjective symptoms...".

It's not the way your brain thinks, moves and changes. it's how fast it does it. when u have ADD your brain wave patterns are faster then normal people.

think of it like a wave of sound where u have high's and low points of thought. the closer the waves are together the faster your thought patterens are.
before medication.

ADD peoples thoughts have massive contrasts between high and low and the wave is tighter together. by taking hte amphetamins it raise's the bottom of the wave Closer to the top end which slows down how there thinking
After medication.

By taking the amphetamins your thought pattern slows down which makes u drowzie and exhausted.

where as if u where normal taking the amphetamines would significantly raise the top of the "wave" creating the contrast and speeding u up.

thats pretty much how my broter explained it to me.

August 9th, 2007, 07:16 PM
dent-chest like WoL's,
Holy shit, you too? Hooray for indented sternums!

That's the medical term.

August 9th, 2007, 07:19 PM
I'm flat footed, but that's about it.

August 9th, 2007, 07:21 PM
You do realize that advice only validates Emmzee's point even more, right?
No it doesn't. Amphetamines, when used in small, therapeutic doses, increase stamina, energy, and sex drive. When abused, amphetamines increase bodily temperature, perspiration, and induce hyperactivity. They in no way make you drowsy.

it is a disease tbh.
That's like saying alcoholism is a disease.

August 9th, 2007, 07:26 PM
Unless you no longer find males sexually attractive, I wouldn't be so concise.
That was uncalled for.

You stick your dick in the fecal-lined sphincters of 17 year old boys. That's the most ignorant pastime I could possibly conceive.
You are WAY out of line. I wouldn't normally expect that kind of immature and outright asshole-ish comeback out of you Dole. Fix the attitude.

That's the most ignorant pastime I could possibly conceive.You obviously haven't seen Jackass, Jackass 2 or the whole damned series for that matter.

August 9th, 2007, 07:45 PM
You stick your dick in the fecal-lined sphincters of 17 year old boys. That's the most ignorant pastime I could possibly conceive.

Dole, elaborate for me. What, if anything, do you actually know about homosexuality?

Answer this for me, being a self righteous heterosexual as you are, do you approve of beating girls while you fist them?

I thought not.

Why then do you assume that anyone who finds men attractive enjoys anal sex? That's a generalisation, and is the basis of all ignorance. I'd suggest you re-think your preconceptions before you go to post again.

EDIT: Since my point appears to be unclear, here's a little clarification

Andrew says:
my point was that all heterosexuals dont approve of fisting
Andrew says:
nor do all homosexals approve of anal
Andrew says:
just because one person has a certain sexual fetish doesnt mean everyone does

August 9th, 2007, 07:56 PM
Lol, fisting. So, who's the fag?

August 9th, 2007, 08:37 PM
do you approve of beating girls while you fist them?

I do!

August 9th, 2007, 09:00 PM
Why then do you assume that anyone who finds men attractive enjoys anal sex?
You've managed to find a man who has a vagina? Or do you have a thing for hermaphrodites?

Answer this for me, being a self righteous heterosexual as you are, do you approve of beating girls while you fist them?

I thought not.
Veegie, it looks like we have a contender for the most relevant comment of the day! Give the man a prize! :woop:

August 9th, 2007, 09:01 PM
Do you have any sort of a disability?

I do!

Sorry, I couldn't resist. Anyway, as Dole posted.. you've found a man with a vagina?

August 9th, 2007, 09:13 PM
Cerebral Palsy and Scisospaoriaofjwikfnjwfnjwkf (I can't pronounce or spell it, but it's basically a cyst in the spinal cord, or do I have those mixed? Shit.)I dunno if you could really call them disabilities, more so than birth related stuff.

August 9th, 2007, 09:34 PM
Getting off the potentially combustible topics:

What qualifies an "indented sternum?"

Also, my left hand shakes and twitches in varying degrees when I get nervous, and I get cold.

Elite Killa
August 9th, 2007, 09:45 PM
I have 12/20 vision.

I'm also allergic to grass if that counts.

August 9th, 2007, 09:55 PM
You stick your dick in the fecal-lined sphincters of 17 year old boys. That's the most ignorant pastime I could possibly conceive.

+ rep

August 9th, 2007, 10:16 PM
20/15 vision.

Yes, that means better than average; but it's the only thing I can think of. (It's not fun thinking that distant textures in games are blurry :saddowns: )

I've been diagnosed with ADD as a child, but I think it was just the way I was behaving; I can concentrate now. <_<;

My father is manic-depressive, and I think I may have inherited a bit of it.

August 9th, 2007, 10:25 PM

ADD is not a disease. It's "symptoms" are purely subjective, and having been diagnosed with it at age 7 myself, after going cold turkey on the "medication", I notice absolutely no difference whatsoever, although my meth lab is booming, thanks to the large amounts of amphetamines in Ritalin.

On topic:
I have :downs:

A little more backing up there might help... Just because your symptoms never changed after going off the medication, doesn't mean the whole population of the world is going to be the exact same way. And let's face it, medication just doesn't work sometimes. Also, just even think of the word disability. Being able to concentrate would be an ability. So, not being able to, what does that mean? Disability!

PS don't take this personally : )

August 9th, 2007, 10:27 PM
All ADD is is red fucking cordial. However, Zilla's brother Dillan had real bad ADD.

August 9th, 2007, 10:39 PM
I have some hearing loss in my left ear. Oh and I'm a "hands on" learner, I'm better at learning things if I use my hands.

August 10th, 2007, 01:05 AM
User: 01223 (http://www.h2vista.net/forums/member.php?u=223) | Violation: 01125 (http://www.h2vista.net/forums/showpost.php?p=135648&postcount=132) | Recommended Action: Upload@unseen (http://www.h2vista.net/forums/report.php?p=135648) |
Uh oh, someone made a no-no :-3

August 10th, 2007, 01:10 AM
My eyes sometimes will do the twitch thing like ExAm said, but mine usually is a slight but prolonged annoying series of twitchs.Same as mine, but mine are visible. The catch is that you have to look closely to notice much.

I get a lot of colds and the fact I'm prone to hayfever doesn't exactly help, but I rarely get really sick.Same here. The last time I was really sick was when I got the stomach flu after going to a restaurant. It wasn't food poisoning, the symptoms were different. Coincidence, probably. Eating anything for a time after would cause me to vomit.

August 10th, 2007, 01:23 AM
User: 01223 (http://www.h2vista.net/forums/member.php?u=223) | Violation: 01125 (http://www.h2vista.net/forums/showpost.php?p=135648&postcount=132) | Recommended Action: Upload@unseen (http://www.h2vista.net/forums/report.php?p=135648) |

oh nos! an AI bot!

August 10th, 2007, 02:01 AM
Holy shit, you too? Hooray for indented sternums!

That's the medical term.
It must be common amongst :awesome: people.

You stick your dick in the fecal-lined sphincters of 17 year old boys. That's the most ignorant pastime I could possibly conceive.
As much as I like you, that was pretty damn ignorant of you. I seriously doubt his sexual orientation affects you in the slightest; why concern yourself with something as petty as whether some guy hundreds or thousands of miles away likes guys or not? Think what it'd be like if every time one of us declared how much we love women, several gay guys instantly jumped onto our backs about it and continued to bring the matter up every time we spoke. If you're going to troll, at least troll someone who deserves it.

Getting off the potentially combustible topics:

What qualifies an "indented sternum?"

Also, my left hand shakes and twitches in varying degrees when I get nervous, and I get cold.
What WoL posted, basically. Bottom half of sternum is concave in shape and bottom 2 or 3 ribs are bent out slightly. I don't think it's any real issue and it seems a lot more common than I thought, but it can be a bit of a bitch at times.

August 10th, 2007, 02:21 AM
That's like saying alcoholism is a disease.
Sorry man but alcoholism IS a disease by definition because you have "impaired function".
not all diseases are forced apon someone and i will look down on anyone who is an alcoholic simply because it is self-induced.

like i tried to explain to dole a while ago, any impaired function qualify's as a disease. if u have one leg longer then the other, congrats u have a disease.
i'm tall and grew reasonably fast and as a result i had pretty bad growing pains where my leg bones had grown faster then my muscles. it basically only slowed me down and it was still classified as a disease because my normal ability had become impaired.

all it takes is 5 minutes with my brother and u while realise that ADD is a disease. it's just it's been so sloppily and hastily labeled on kids as an excuse for bad behaviour any credability of having it has gone out the window.
i had a friend who they tried to label as having ADD. we just laughed in there face and called them ignorant fucking idiots.

also dane it's Dylan :P

August 10th, 2007, 07:14 AM
I got an STD, joking, plus their called STI's now, GET WITH THE TIMES :O

I do have a really bad memory problem, cant remember things that just happened, but I have a PERFECT memory of what happened 2+ years ago.

August 10th, 2007, 08:10 PM
A little more backing up there might help... Just because your symptoms never changed after going off the medication, doesn't mean the whole population of the world is going to be the exact same way. And let's face it, medication just doesn't work sometimes. Also, just even think of the word disability. Being able to concentrate would be an ability. So, not being able to, what does that mean? Disability!
Wrong. Kids can't concentrate because they're stupid, and their parents give them too much sugar. They start to believe they have no hope of concentrating when their doctors and parents tell them they can't. Children look up to their parents, even if it's subconsciously.

August 10th, 2007, 08:14 PM
Sorry man but alcoholism IS a disease by definition because you have "impaired function".
not all diseases are forced apon someone and i will look down on anyone who is an alcoholic simply because it is self-induced.

like i tried to explain to dole a while ago, any impaired function qualify's as a disease. if u have one leg longer then the other, congrats u have a disease.
i'm tall and grew reasonably fast and as a result i had pretty bad growing pains where my leg bones had grown faster then my muscles. it basically only slowed me down and it was still classified as a disease because my normal ability had become impaired.

I'm going to have to stop you there.

Alcoholism is a physical dependency, not a disease. By that logic, AIDS is a disease because people are dependent on it to get through the day. Awesome logic there.

all it takes is 5 minutes with my brother and u while realise that ADD is a disease.
Your brother is stupid. That's why he's hyperactive, can't pay attention, etc. Kids are stupid. The problem is that doctors are diagnosing stupidity as some barely treatable disease, and that just enables the kids, as they grow older, to blame their shortcomings on this conveniently incurable disease. ADD just enables stupid people to chalk their behaviour off as something they can't control.

August 10th, 2007, 08:14 PM
i'm sorry emmzee but Sugar or "red cordial" has to be the lamest excuse for bad behaviour.


how quickly you assume.
in the last 4-5 years(?) of doing hardcore network engeneering at Uni my brothers lowest test score was 92.
the last exam he had went for 3 hours and he finished it in 10 minutes and got 98&#37;.

he has had no short commings.

he has also been (up until a week ago) working Full-time and doing a double degree in electrical engeneering and software engineering and he's been doing this for over 6 months.
his ADD is a gift and a curse.

he is in no way stupid and he has never blamed his disease on bad behaviour or poor decisions.

August 10th, 2007, 08:16 PM
i'm sorry emmzee but Sugar or "red cordial" has to be the lamest excuse for bad behaviour.

It's not as bad an excuse as ADD.

August 10th, 2007, 08:21 PM
I got an STD, joking, plus their called STI's now, GET WITH THE TIMES :O

I do have a really bad memory problem, cant remember things that just happened, but I have a PERFECT memory of what happened 2+ years ago.STIs lead to STDs. I took Health class too, you know.

On topic, I also have an excellent long-term memory. My short term memory doesn't work for crap, though.

It's not as bad an excuse as ADD.That depends on who's making that excuse, and whether their case is genuine or not.

August 10th, 2007, 08:27 PM
It's not as bad an excuse as ADD.
read my edit.

August 10th, 2007, 08:46 PM
read my edit.
There's always a few exceptions to the rule, kthx.

And, you didn't read my post thoroughly, did you? I said children use it as an excuse for their shortcomings. Your brother has no problem with paying attention, obviously, he's just hyper, and that's not what I was talking about.

August 10th, 2007, 09:57 PM
Emmzee, I have a feeling this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.

August 10th, 2007, 11:19 PM
I have Crohns disease. At the age of 12 i believe. I found it out. It was the begging of a end. I was a skinny kid, mostly due to the Crohns, and because i was a active kid. Well there is much to tell what happened before i found out but ill skip that part.
My life became a open book, what i ate, what i did, how long i did something, how much i ate, remembering to take meds and so on. This went on for about a year, then they deiced to take out my Gul blater due to a stone that could block it. I was at a Children's hospital at the time and thats where they did the operation. Well while they where in there digging about, they found i had a hernia in my belly button. Well they fixed that too. My parents said i was a brave kid, i don't really say anything to that. Because there are kids, even younger than me at that time that went threw things more life threatening then i did. They say i was brave? I cried before i went in, didn't bitch or complain, didn't scream just said i want to go home. And i look back and say wow i was a fucking baby. I'm not as tough as a Stone, i was quite weak. Well after the surgery that was hard. Recovering getting back to life. Never did. The life part anyway. That was the end of that. Shortly after i went back to middle school and finished up the fith grade. B and a A. Some unclepetes and could not be graded where there. Didn't give a fuck. As i went on to 6th grade pains, aches, and other shit began to happen. I can't remember dates and times and my age or the month it happened, but i remember a lot of what did happen. Somewhere in the 6th grade and 7th grade i had a colonoscopy. That, was, hard. No solids for 2 days. I barfed more than i ate jello. I had to drink this piss tasting, crap. Basically, made going to the bathroom a living hell. I sometimes say i had to take a Nuke. Not because of the smell but bec...well i think you get the idea. So i missed some time from school in the 6th and 7th grade i believe i got straight B's and C's mixed up in those years. What came in 8th grade fucked me up to this day. I was in pain like no tomorrow. The Doc ordered another colonoscopy, nukes included. She found a good 1' of my intesten was going to have to go. Over the years the meds weren't so much as to cure the disease but prevent it from spreading, because this shit can go anywhere. Well she said that she could remove it, 1' of infect instesten. Now just remember you have 36" of intestine i believe, not sure on that. But she said it wouldn't affect me eating and going to the rest room. I had been threw so many trips to the Hospital i was a pro, clam as hell. I sat on my bed waiting for them to call me in. You know what drives me crazy? Waiting. I could cry because of the waiting, just drove me, mad. My parents where worked up, they had my old church pastor there, wishing me luck and such. And i went it. Passed out like 2 seconds. What they failed to mention, was THE FUCKING TUBE IN MY PENIS. Now i was so high on morphine i could say the most pettiest person there was most like a acine infested man. So i had no idea it was down there. I was doped for 2 days. That is, until that had to replace the cathiter. Male nurse was a pro, but it hurt like no one should expense. Simply put things are not MEANT to go there. Just isn't. Well he came back again and i said fuck no. Get out please thank you. Limped my way like the hunchback to the toilet and attempted to, well, get doing its thing. Slapped it, nothing. Cold water, nothing. Hot water, BANG. I was so glad he didn't have to stick that THING down there. Recovery took a week, then i went home a recouped for about 9 weeks. School, was, a , Bitch. I was looking at a possible fail and stay back. Well i didn't and ill save you the details.
Remember how i said my life became a open book? It did. Shortly after things headed bad, had to go to therapy, witch made my life worse. He thought the pain right, all in my head. K. Well things began to calm down, and sure enough life had its own funny way of saying, "WAKE THE FUCK UP LOOOL!". My parents had paid for most everything, of course i was a kid, but they never bitched or moaned about it to me, or said it was fault. It was and i knew it. We sold our house in the country. I left my cousins who where like my best friends behind. Many memory's, bad, mostly bad. But good ones too. I left what little school friends i had left. I still see 2 of them from time to time. But the one person i never got to see, to this day, was a girl named Amber. She and i had met in 5th grade, and we "dated" though truth be told it was like saying i love you to a computer. Hey, it was a fad, everyone was doing it. Well it fell apart rather quickly, what she didn't know was that she had done something to me i will never forget. She woke me up. I spare the goo-goo crap, we kissed and for some reason that one time after i actually got nervous around the teacher in my school, who before this i couldn't give a rats ass if i handed in my work or not. But i cared, got scared. Never told her this to this day it remains a sole part of my memory. Now i did date another girl years later, long story short didn't work out and never did feel that kind of awaking i felt with Amber. Well i won't forget the day she told me she had done it with another guy. i don't mean kiss...btw. Ill put it this way, i felt sick to my stomach. When we "broke up" i had told her that i really did hope she found someone better and that she did like more than me, someone she could be happy with. She found him and has been with him since, about 3 years roughly. But when i was with her, i felt as if i could fly threw life. Just Flying.
My life was always a open book, to her i told her lots, i would tell a absolute stranger lots about my ordeal, what i went threw. It was just instinct. You ask ill tell. I haven't really changed much and i feel so closed.
Those surgery's took a tole though, money included. I am overweight, not extremely but i think enough that i am disgusted with the way i look. I blame myself for that.
My disability? My lliness. My weakness to stand down and let myself become overweight. To let my social life collapses and just sit and stare at it. My suppressed feelings for someone i care so much about, and wish i could see.
My disability is myself. And constant struggle. And no cure.
My life is a open book. Flying by me, while i drop like a Stone.

Good night, take care everyone.

August 11th, 2007, 03:44 AM
yes... well...


August 11th, 2007, 03:46 AM
Good night, take care everyone.

wub u fs :3

August 11th, 2007, 03:53 AM
Wow. Uh, okay. Wasn't expecting that. Well, if this isn't a reminder that none of us know jack shit about each other, then I don't know what is. :o

gg, fs, gg.

August 11th, 2007, 08:26 AM
There's always a few exceptions to the rule, kthx.

And, you didn't read my post thoroughly, did you? I said children use it as an excuse for their shortcomings. Your brother has no problem with paying attention, obviously, he's just hyper, and that's not what I was talking about.
you and dole are incredibly similar.

u can be spot on on certain topics but then be so far off the mark with a warped negative view on other things.
it's one extreme or the other.

this is something i believe you are dead wrong cause in your reply u stupidly assumed that my brother was some idiot who couldnt pay attention and used an illness as an excuse for bad behaviour.
it is not an exception for an ADD affected person to have above average intelligence. similar to how it isnt rare for someone with asperges (spelling?) to have higher intelligence. ask dano about a fella named Dean Rosland that used to go to our school.

and i did read your posts thoughly, you just tried to label my brother as a hyperactive idiot and i corrected you.

Your brother is stupid. That's why he's hyperactive, can't pay attention, etc. Kids are stupid. The problem is that doctors are diagnosing stupidity as some barely treatable disease, and that just enables the kids, as they grow older, to blame their shortcomings on this conveniently incurable disease. ADD just enables stupid people to chalk their behaviour off as something they can't control.
heres where i correct you.

There's always a few exceptions to the rule, kthx.

And, you didn't read my post thoroughly, did you? I said children use it as an excuse for their shortcomings. Your brother has no problem with paying attention, obviously, he's just hyper, and that's not what I was talking about.
heres where you lie.

i thought u said "enables the kids, as they grow older" which makes them a teenager or an adult and not a child.
and how the fuck can you even assume that my brothers Hyper. you dont know shit about my brother at all.
as i said earlier.

all it takes is 5 minutes with my brother and u while realise that ADD is a disease.it's just it's been so sloppily and hastily labeled on kids as an excuse for bad behaviour any credability of having it has gone out the window.
and heres the most important part.

not all the symptoms are Loud, twitchy screaming kids. and sometimes i think u people need to remember this.seems like you need to start reading my posts thoroughly and drop the "holier then thou" close minded opinions.

your just seeing things from a biased personal opinion based on selected experiences rather then evaluating it with an open mind and leaving room for changes to your opinion. That is where i have a problem with some of your posts, similar to doles.
If i say Slipknot are a fucking awesome band you rant and rave saying there garbage and how there a "brand and not a band".... but that is just From your experience. because i sure as hell know i've seem alot more iron maiden merch for sale, yet i dont bring my opinion into it or try and annouce my opinion louder then other people.
i will state that they have become a success from making a unique style of music that has been embraced by millions of people around the world.
that is the difference.

August 11th, 2007, 01:52 PM
K, still doesn't change the fact that ADD isn't a disease.

August 11th, 2007, 02:03 PM
It's a disorder. I think there's a difference. However, that doesn't mean that it's necessarily something the person affected is in complete control of.

August 11th, 2007, 02:03 PM
K, still doesn't change the fact that ADD isn't a disease.

What does the AMA have to say about it? >_>;

EDIT: Or House.

August 11th, 2007, 02:52 PM
The AMA says that so they can have an excuse to peddle pills for no reason.

As for House, I believe he said the same as Emmzee.

August 11th, 2007, 06:11 PM
The main problem with ADD is that the child does not fit in the environment in which they have been placed - namely, school. When you take a child who is creative, won't take no for an answer, is independent, and gets bored easily, and you put them in a classroom for 6 hours, you can't expect a lot. They may be smart, but the ability to sit and focus for the needed time just is not there, and they will be disruptive and/or perform far below potential. (http://trusted.md/blog/dr_rob_lamberts/2006/03/06/add_adhd_disease)

ADHD/ADD is not a disease. Grow up.

August 11th, 2007, 06:56 PM
What does the AMA have to say about it? >_>;
The AMA is looking for any excuse to sell overpriced drugs.

August 11th, 2007, 07:26 PM
STIs lead to STDs. I took Health class too, you know.

On topic, I also have an excellent long-term memory. My short term memory doesn't work for crap, though.

That depends on who's making that excuse, and whether their case is genuine or not.
They used to call it STD's (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) however it implyed you were diseased if you had one, enough though it wasnt, therefore they named it STI to give it more of a friendly name and to not scare people off. STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) are infections that most of the time can be easily treated.

Have you been to a GUM clinic exam?

August 11th, 2007, 11:25 PM
I have 20/40 vision in my left eye. I have exercise/stress induced asthma, it happens quite often in humid whether (asthma attacks). I have a cyst in my lower right back. I think I have some mental instability, not sure what it would be called, really. I seem to be some what anti-social for the most part, yet I still have friends. It is just hard to talk to them, I am usually pretty quiet. I tend not to care about people that are closer to me once they've died, as in, I have absolutely no feeling about them at all. Been through many funerals where I simply wonder why I am there. I guess this goes for everyone else too. When someone's family member has died, it is hard for me to sympathize. As opposed to the internet, I can't just throw insults at people. I think too much about it. I often wonder what they did to have me/us do that to them. Unless I am really angry =p. I often over think everything, and I don't mean like I am constantly worried. I just think... more and more. I can't ever stop, and this partly attributes to the reasons I don't talk much with my friends unless I am engaged in what I am doing. I talk to myself in my head, which is often very entertaining. It's not just two parts of my imagination arguing, it is actually just me talking to myself, getting lost in what ever I am thinking. This actually holds me back from sleeping too, I suppose making me suffer from mild insomnia. I don't find the thinking part a disability, but I find the anti-social part of it being that way. Oh also, is it a bad thing that I think of how many polygons the sidewalk would be? Or any object for that matter? :X

Also, this is my opinion on ADD/ADHD. I wasn't ever purposefully diagnosed with it, but I was just so much like that that the doctor had diagnosed it anyway. However, my parents had a different approach. Instead of drugging me, they decided to handle me in a different way. Not sure what they did really, but since the age of 6 I had stopped being overly hyper, and I had learned to control myself. I even prided myself in that fact. I didn't use ADHD as an excuse (like a few people I know at this school I am going to) to be an annoying ass, or to get low grades (and I'm not saying any of you are). I think people blow this ADHD shit way out of proportion though. Most of it is how the parents handle the children, and you usually find that they don't handle them well. I honestly believe that that is the reason. I am living proof. I also had anger issues, and I'd often beat up my friends. I got over it the same way. I still have trouble concentrating some times, and I get side tracked, but that's when I force myself to pay attention as best I can. I don't want to be viewed as mentally weak, so I make sure I'm not.

August 12th, 2007, 02:42 AM
They used to call it STD's (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) however it implyed you were diseased if you had one, enough though it wasnt, therefore they named it STI to give it more of a friendly name and to not scare people off. STI (Sexually Transmitted Infections) are infections that most of the time can be easily treated.

Have you been to a GUM clinic exam?That's not what I was taught. Unfortunately, schools teach things differently. Makes for a pretty inconsistent knowledge base.

About the clinic, no I haven't. Is it a British thing?

August 13th, 2007, 04:14 PM
I am, in comparison to others here, old and a couple of years ago a piece of my cerebellum died as a result of a blood clot leaving me only partial control of my left arm, hand and left eye. Having lost the vestibular system of my brain I now consciously maintain a sense of balance through visual and tactile sensations, no longer able to process the various underlying signals we normally use. I now stare in awe at the wondrous ability other people have at navigating gravity while I attempt to consciously plot a straight line though the gelatinous ever shifting world I now perceive.

But to answer your original question: No I do not have a disability.

August 13th, 2007, 09:22 PM
I am, in comparison to others here, old and a couple of years ago a piece of my cerebellum died as a result of a blood clot leaving me only partial control of my left arm, hand and left eye. Having lost the vestibular system of my brain I now consciously maintain a sense of balance through visual and tactile sensations, no longer able to process the various underlying signals we normally use. I now stare in awe at the wondrous ability other people have at navigating gravity while I attempt to consciously plot a straight line though the gelatinous ever shifting world I now perceive.

But to answer your original question: No I do not have a disability.

August 13th, 2007, 10:15 PM
That's gotta suck UXB :(

August 13th, 2007, 11:28 PM
I consider my self to be somewhat of a social phobe... I hate most situations that require me being around a ton of people, the part of this I hate most is the fight or flight syndrome because it usualy makes things worse, shakes or sweats when I'm put in these social situations...

idk, it used to control me but ive gotten over it quite a bit...

altho sometimes I'll still be doing somthing simiple like paying for somthing im buying and I'll think im taking too long to look for my money so my hand shakes... really kind of retarded.

One thing I think I might have but never got diagnosed, slight asmtha (spelling..) sometimes when ever I do a regorous activity (mainly in the cold) it feels hard to breath, its never really been a problem, just an annoyance, and no I dont use an inhaler.

Oh yeah... lazyness haha... i guess thats it... unless u wanna hear about my foot problems

EDIT: ow, that suks UXB.

August 14th, 2007, 12:26 AM
Hahah, I kind of stand around constantly trying to talk but not daring to interrupt anyone unless I know them well. :p

August 14th, 2007, 12:54 AM
Hahah, I kind of stand around constantly trying to talk but not daring to interrupt anyone unless I know them well. :pSame. It's like a fear of pissing people off unintentionally.

August 14th, 2007, 12:58 AM
Not just that, I distrust people in general, particularly other teenagers.

August 14th, 2007, 02:35 PM
What.Should I re-phrase, explain further or was your thought just incomplete?

That's gotta suck UXB :(Only in those sometimes frustrating moments when I actually let it get to me.

August 14th, 2007, 03:06 PM
Should I re-phrase, explain further or was your thought just incomplete?
Rephrase, please. It sadly went over my head.

August 14th, 2007, 04:46 PM
Rephrase, please. It sadly went over my head.Oh... very simply I survived a stroke, a blood clot in the brain, and as a result I no longer have full control over portions of the left side of my body; my left arm, my left hand and my left eye. I can control them but have to think about what I am doing. When doing something simple like grasping a glass I have to look at my hand and think about it. The same holds true to a lesser extent with my left eye. If I don’t think about what I am looking at I have double vision – cross-eyed or lazy-eyed.

The other thing that was damaged was the vestibular system of the brain. That is the part of the brain that controls balance and helps you determine your placement in 3D space. It collects the various signals we use like the signals from the inner ear, the feed back from the muscles in your legs and back, your eyesight and the myriad other nervous signals we rely on and never think about to help you determine what is up and down.

My brain has done some re-wiring as a result of the damage and I now rely almost exclusively on visual and tactile (touch) clues to make the determination of up and down. Most of the time people would never know, but when I am tried or not feeling well I can look as if I am drunk and dizzy. Essentially the world I see now is only stable when I concentrate on it where other times it moves spins and tilts.

But I do not feel that I am disabled because of it. I just have to work a litter harder than I use to.

August 14th, 2007, 07:53 PM
Ouch. How in the world did you get a stroke?

August 15th, 2007, 12:04 AM
My dad has Parkinson's disease, so he needs a cane to walk, sometimes he can't even get out of bed, and other times he's practically normal. Very strange condition, hard to understand until you've lived with someone who has it.
But I don't have any allergies, disabilities or anything really. I am nearsighted and wear glasses when I'm awake, but thats about it. There IS a strangely placed lymph node on my neck in a place that I can feel, but thats not really disabling.

August 15th, 2007, 12:07 AM
Just curious, but does anyone ever feel that the term "disabled" can be offending to others?

August 15th, 2007, 12:23 AM
I'm extremely nearsighted, hands are shakey all the time, I have Crohns Disease (which sucks btw), and I'm pretty short for my age.

@STLRamsFan: I don't think it would be offending to others, I don't see how it would. Besides, what else could you say that would be "less offensive"?

August 15th, 2007, 12:29 AM
Probably the fact that how many people posted problems they have instead of actual disabilities?

August 15th, 2007, 01:29 AM
Just curious, but does anyone ever feel that the term "disabled" can be offending to others?Nothing personal to anyone who agrees with him, but...
I hear some of the deaf and the blind say that all the time. Some even refuse treatments that could potentially bring back their lost senses, claiming, "The word 'disabled' implies that the individual is not able, and I am perfectly abl-" BULLSHIT. Frankly, if someone can't see or hear, that's a goddamn disability. It's not an insult or a classification. It means they're not able to do certain things. It's downright insane for them to refuse treatment that could help them SEE or HEAR, two things that would enable them to ENJOY THE FUCKING WORLD THEY LIVE IN.

August 15th, 2007, 01:34 AM

What the...?

August 15th, 2007, 01:44 AM
Nothing personal to anyone who agrees with him, but...
I hear some of the deaf and the blind say that all the time. Some even refuse treatments that could potentially bring back their lost senses, claiming, "The word 'disabled' implies that the individual is not able, and I am perfectly abl-" BULLSHIT. Frankly, if someone can't see or hear, that's a goddamn disability. It's not an insult or a classification. It means they're not able to do certain things. It's downright insane for them to refuse treatment that could help them SEE or HEAR, two things that would enable them to ENJOY THE FUCKING WORLD THEY LIVE IN.
So is that like the chick who had no arms and legs and people told her she couldn't swim the Hudson Bay and she did? But yeah, she was pretty disabled. She did something the majority of the world's population hasn't.

August 15th, 2007, 01:49 AM
What bugs me is the ones who are because they were dumb enough to jump off of a sheer rockface into a pounding sea about 50m straight down, then sue the council for $5 mil. when they wake up to find themselves quadruplegic. The sad part is that the dolt won.

August 15th, 2007, 02:20 AM
So is that like the chick who had no arms and legs and people told her she couldn't swim the Hudson Bay and she did? But yeah, she was pretty disabled. She did something the majority of the world's population hasn't.Noted, but you get my point. Off topic, how the hell did she do that? Having no arms or legs means no paddling power. Zero. She had to have had some kind of special equipment.

August 15th, 2007, 01:24 PM
Ouch. How in the world did you get a stroke?They are not sure if I had high blood pressure that caused the stroke or if the stroke caused the high blood pressure. The evidence points to me having high blood pressure to begin with. But to answer your question I did not exercise enough, ate fast food, didn't get routine checkups and basically didn't take care of myself.

August 15th, 2007, 04:32 PM
Noted, but you get my point. Off topic, how the hell did she do that? Having no arms or legs means no paddling power. Zero. She had to have had some kind of special equipment.
She used her torso in a waving pattern. Also, the Hudson Bay is freezing. It's amazing how she didn't die of hypothermia.

August 15th, 2007, 04:36 PM
They are not sure if I had high blood pressure that caused the stroke or if the stroke caused the high blood pressure. The evidence points to me having high blood pressure to begin with. But to answer your question I did not exercise enough, ate fast food, didn't get routine checkups and basically didn't take care of myself.

It seems I'm doing everything you were doing... uh oh...


August 15th, 2007, 06:37 PM
I think most people our age are. :p

August 17th, 2007, 03:17 PM
It seems I'm doing everything you were doing... uh oh...

I think most people our age are. :pWhat no one tells you is that you pay for it when you get to be my age when it is to late to change. Although t may seems so, you are not invincible for very long in life.

August 17th, 2007, 03:22 PM
I always stare at the kids that stared at some disabled guy in a wheelchair, I made two of them cry following them around. It kinda showed them payback.

August 18th, 2007, 12:52 AM
What no one tells you is that you pay for it when you get to be my age when it is to late to change. Although t may seems so, you are not invincible for very long in life.
Oh, we know it alright. It's just that very few of us really give it much thought. I'm gifted with an incredibly high metabolism rate so I find it hard to put on weight, meaning I can eat as much of whatever I want without gaining... I probably have insane cholesterol, though.

August 18th, 2007, 08:02 PM
Also, I'm not allergic but I'm very sensitive to chlorine. Every time I get out of the pool my eyes are like FREAKIN BLEEDING!

August 18th, 2007, 08:04 PM
Also, I'm not allergic but I'm very sensitive to chlorine. Every time I get out of the pool my eyes are like FREAKIN BLEEDING!

I think everyone has that rain...generally chlorine isn't the best thing to come in contact with anything as sensitive as the eyes.....

August 18th, 2007, 08:05 PM
I love the courthouse's pool which doesn't use chlorine.

August 18th, 2007, 09:18 PM
I think everyone has that rain...generally chlorine isn't the best thing to come in contact with anything as sensitive as the eyes.....

mine sting, but they don't bleed >__>

get some goggles tbh.

August 18th, 2007, 11:59 PM
Scoliosis (Curvature of the spine)
Broken Vertebra (Lowest vertebra of the spine is cracked, thus if i do sports/fall/hurt my back, i could become paralyzed due to breakage of nerves in the spine)
And yes even with these...i can walk...i can live a normal (none sporty) life.

But atm...my greatest disability.... Being single!

August 19th, 2007, 12:06 AM
But atm...my greatest disability.... Being single!
i know right.

theres only one solution
Booze night on the town :D

your shout :embarrassed:

August 19th, 2007, 12:12 AM
i know right.

theres only one solution
Booze night on the town :D

your shout :embarrassed:

LOL...I've had 2 GF's in the space of 2months... i just broke up with one a few days ago actually.

And i was actually..very...Drunk last night :eek: Yea thats why we dont have the whole forum in my Ventrillo Server...Me [Drunk] + People = Embarresment. lol.

August 19th, 2007, 12:52 AM
LOL...I've had 2 GF's in the space of 2months... i just broke up with one a few days ago actually.

And i was actually..very...Drunk last night :eek: Yea thats why we dont have the whole forum in my Ventrillo Server...Me [Drunk] + People = Embarresment. lol.
hahah :highfive:

let me in the vent

Me + alcohol + metallica + halo = Singing and n00b1n8r calling for encores :D

aint that right n00b, i'm :awesome:

August 19th, 2007, 12:56 AM
clearly he's too drunk to remember :3

August 19th, 2007, 12:57 AM
i clearly remember u saying "OMFG Zilla your fucking stupid AWESOME!"
strike out tags illogical

August 19th, 2007, 03:20 AM
hahah :highfive:

let me in the vent

Me + alcohol + metallica + halo = Singing and n00b1n8r calling for encores :D

aint that right n00b, i'm :awesome:
I remember that. Then some other guy came in and started singing too, and it all went downhill from there. And by 'went downhill', I actually meant 'plunged off a cliff'.

August 19th, 2007, 03:26 AM
Kinda makes me wish I joined the Halo community sooner so I could take part in all this shit.