View Full Version : Pulling Base models out of maps?
August 9th, 2007, 11:59 PM
How can I pull bases out of the maps, (like those from Infinity, or Blood Gulch) I figure, for my first few maps, it'll be easier with out having to model my bases.
Llama Juice
August 10th, 2007, 12:06 AM
Why does everyone have problems with base designs?....
August 10th, 2007, 12:15 AM
My problem isnt with designing it.... in my head it looks good... modeling it is another thing, and while I can do maps, I cant do the intricate bases, so...
August 10th, 2007, 12:39 AM
I planned on that... but that takes time... and in the meantime, I figured, I would be able to have the bases already in game. Now... without giving me alternatives to what Im asking for, can I just get an answer to my question?
August 10th, 2007, 12:40 AM
draw the model first?
August 10th, 2007, 12:56 AM
Thank you.
August 10th, 2007, 12:57 AM
use HEK +, extract the .gbx files, use blue streak to import them into max and just rip it out with that. (delete the rest of the level)
AHAHAHHAHAH you're funny man!
also, if you don't know how to separate a base, WTF ARE YOU DOING making a map? the world knows it's going to be a fucking nightmare.
August 10th, 2007, 01:03 AM
AHAHAHHAHAH you're funny man!
Funny? o.O He's just saying how to do it.
August 10th, 2007, 01:05 AM
it's wrong though.
August 10th, 2007, 01:07 AM
Well what's the right way? Hmmmm?
August 10th, 2007, 04:24 AM
The bases are part of the map, as in attached to the maps. So, you have to get the 3d models of the maps, and then delete everything that you dont need
August 10th, 2007, 09:06 AM
Yeah, it is. I don't know why everyone diagrees with you. That's how I'd do it.
August 10th, 2007, 09:23 AM
The bsp is not a gbxmodel tag. You have to use jahrains bsp extractor app and get the bsp into max or maya or another 3d program and delete all of the other faces around what ever object you are wanting. So, n00b1n8rs way is wrong. Although, he sort of had the concept idea right.
August 10th, 2007, 10:02 AM
The bsp is not a gbxmodel tag. You have to use jahrains bsp extractor app and get the bsp into max or maya or another 3d program and delete all of the other faces around what ever object you are wanting. So, n00b1n8rs way is wrong. Although, he sort of had the concept idea right.
Amen to that rooster. Also, if you can't model your own base, you'll probably never be able to get the ones unattached from the bsp, because it does take a good amount of work, as well, it will probably be untextured unless you dio the process right.
August 10th, 2007, 12:09 PM
Besides, stock bases look bad. It's much more interesting to see custom bases.
August 10th, 2007, 04:31 PM
if you don't know how to model, why are you trying to make a map? practice first, seriously.
August 10th, 2007, 07:33 PM
WTF ARE YOU DOING making a map? the world knows it's going to be a fucking nightmare.
Also to seperate a base from the model of a level you would need to select all the faces of the base, then press detatch, then just use what you just detatched and weld it into your map how ever you please.
As for getting a map into 3dsmax in order to do this, you will need to open the map up in Hek + and extract the .bsp structure scenerio file (somthing along the lines of that) it would be located in the maps main files location, near the scenerio tag for the map.
Once you have the structure tag file extracted from the map, you can use an application from (I honestly cant remember the name but there are a couple) just search bsp extractor on and you should find somthing that will work. Use this to extract the bsp structure file into a format that 3dsmax can open, then open it up in 3dsmax, then do what I said above with detaching the faces of the base.
Like was stated earlier though, its not so simple where you just press a button and you have the base, you need to extract the maps structure tag file, then extract the model from the structure tag file, and then you need to cut the base out of the model of the level. Its simple really if youve done it before, but with out HEK + and bsp extractors there wouldn't be much of a way to do it other than to re-model it your self.
Theres even probably a tutorial somewhere on this sort of stuff... but I wudn't know where, maybe halomaps, idk...
Good luck and try not to steal too much from other maps (if you do always give credit and u shud have permission, unless your just taking a model from one of the non custom maps). I know you dont mean any harm by reusing already made bases, but you really should learn how to make your own, it makes the map more fun and origional, plus you wont get people yelling at your for stealing stuff. :rolleyes:
EDIT: ty rooster, at least someone here stuck there head out to try and help you before I did...
tweek, you could have just told him the right way to do it instead of entertaining your self by yelling at em.
Also, I say there is nothing wrong with using prexisting bases, I used to do it all the time for stuff I was making, of course you need to be able to model enough to know how to at least detatch a base from the mesh of another level before you do it, otherwise you need more practice before you can rely on premade structures from other maps to help you out.
August 12th, 2007, 01:00 AM
I agree with arteen, custom bases are far superior. And, You really need to learn how to make a base before you should think you're anywhere near ready to make and release a map people would play.
You can PM me if you want a tut or have questions or even if you just want a base, well, maybe.
Actually only if you deserved it by wanting to put it in an awesome map, which I highly doubt.
August 12th, 2007, 01:31 AM
A tutorial on base modeling, I liked it.. Although I model my bases differently, it might come of use to you.
August 14th, 2007, 09:33 AM
make sure that there are no errors though because you normaly have errors when you get the model out that way.
August 14th, 2007, 10:03 AM
make sure that there are no errors though because you normaly have errors when you get the model out that way.
WTF? Seruously, what are you trying to say? You probably have the worst English I've ever seen.
Also, if you model RIGHT, there will be no errors.
August 14th, 2007, 10:25 AM
i didnt realise that there were more pages, so i was replying to the first page, which was when he was importing .gbxmodel models.
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