View Full Version : So i got this email...

August 10th, 2007, 09:24 AM
Prudent Chambers
56-61 Essex Street
Accra Ghana
Direct Tel: +233 2460 63731

Dear President/Ceo,

I know we have not met in person but I have a very profiting proposal which I am sure you can handle. My name is barrister James Boateng QC. I am a Barrister and a member of the Queen's Council (QC) working with the reputable legal firm - Prudent Chambers in Accra Ghana and I am only contacting you to help claim deposited funds made by one of our clients who was involved in a fatal auto crash accident with his wife and was flown to london medical hopital and they later died.

Late engr. Ali mohammad was a personal client of mine and I managed all thier legal affairs. Today, I stand as the only custodian to the deposit he and her wife made in Time Express Bank here in accra ghana and now I am faced with the task of providing a beneficiary for the cliam of the fund.The amount deposited by my late clients is ($10,600,000 (Ten Million Six hundred thousand United States Dollars Only) and the bank is ready to release the money to whoever I present as the beneficiary and the next-of-kin to my late clients because my late clients issued me a Power of Attorney duly endorsed in the Ghana High Courts of Justice when they made the deposit and I was thier legal advising counselor on the deposit and other issues.

Now the Bank where my client deposited the fund demands that I quickly provide a claimant for the fund because the deposit duration has expired and needs a renewal or withdrawal from their bank otherwise it will be handed over to the government. Because I have not been able to provide anyone due to my fears of releasing the money to someone who might run away with it, I am being very careful about this. I have however decided to try and do this deal with you whether you are truly related to my clients or not and I pray you will not run away with the money when they release it to you. I will arrange to formalize your papers so that you can be approved as next-of-kin to my late clients and the fund can be released to you immediately.

I will draft an agreement between you and me for security of the fund and sharing as soon as you accept to assist in this transaction. I agree to share fifty-fifty with you but we must bear serious responsibilities on both sides to ensure the release of the fund into your account.please if you are interested in this transaction, kindly furnish me with your private telephone and fax number, your ful name and address to enable us move forward.You may get back to me immedietly.May the almighty God bless you.


Barr.James Boateng QC
Direct Tel: +233 2460 63731


August 10th, 2007, 09:47 AM
Very much so.

August 10th, 2007, 09:49 AM
This isn't from your bulk bin? :fail:

It really is spam though. Even if it weren't, you are not CEO of anything, are you?

August 10th, 2007, 09:51 AM
Lovely spam, I prefer getting these types of emails than the "BUY VIAGRA NOW ONLY $1 A PILL!!!!" :( :P

August 10th, 2007, 09:53 AM
I prefer getting none... OH WAIT, I ALREADY DON'T GET ANY.


August 10th, 2007, 10:36 AM
I get them, lol.

teh lag
August 10th, 2007, 11:00 AM
a fatal auto crash accident with his wife and was flown to london medical hopital and they later died.

Dead giveaway that it's spam. Run-on sentences like that (with the redundant "crash accident") make me lol.

Not to mention that you're not a CEO.

August 10th, 2007, 12:01 PM
Become the man you have always wanted to be

Life is short... so make the most of it !!

A few inches can make a real difference

Introducing the new male enhancement product that
has been tested and sold to over 300,000 Men worldwide.

NO negative side effects

Enlarge your manhood today and reap all the benefits, be
the most confident man in town! <website ommitted>
A few inches can make a real difference

100% safe and 100% money back guarantee if not satisfied.

Keep all the girls really happySpam?

August 10th, 2007, 12:15 PM
This isn't from your bulk bin?
No, was in my inbox.

Become the man you have always wanted to be

Life is short... so make the most of it !!

A few inches can make a real difference

Introducing the new male enhancement product that
has been tested and sold to over 300,000 Men worldwide.

NO negative side effects

Enlarge your manhood today and reap all the benefits, be
the most confident man in town! <website ommitted>
A few inches can make a real difference

100% safe and 100% money back guarantee if not satisfied.

Keep all the girls really happy
I don't know...i might have fallen for it. Its funny really because i get these messages in my inbox, and the stuff that i do want in my inbox is in my bulk.

I almost believed one of these because it said it was from a car insurance about a resent accident and was asking if i saw anything.
I thought it was a tad odd, because usually they show up at the door, not my email
Anyway, just found it stood out a little from the ones i have seen.

August 10th, 2007, 12:49 PM
Just reply back hello, goodbye or something, if they want a reponse they got it :haw:

August 10th, 2007, 06:14 PM

don't reply. that show's that your email is active.

but if you have to, string them along. have some fun xD

www.somethingawful.com (http://www.somethingaweful.com) has a heap of good pranks for such dick weeds.

but seriously, you didn't recognise that shit as spam? O_o

August 10th, 2007, 06:22 PM
I get spam all the time.........usually it has to do with enlarging apparently my breasts............even though I don't remember registering as female on ANY site.

August 10th, 2007, 06:30 PM
From: Assistant Director
International Remittance Department
Standard Bank Limited
South Africa.

Dear Sir/Madam


I would like to start by introducing myself as Dr. Richard Khumalo the Assistant Director of the above-mentioned department in the Standard Bank of South Africa. I have been directed to contact you urgently on a very important confidential deal, which needs immediate attention. The decision to contact you was based on the fact that we trust your capability to receive on our behalf a sum of US$8,450,000.00 (Eight Million Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars).

This sum in question was a credit balance of a Foreigner, an oil Merchant/Contractor, a Geologist by profession and a Miner at KRUGER GOLD COMPANY LTD who died since AUGUST 6, 1997 in [Korean Air Flight 801] with the whole passengers onboard. And for your perusal you can view this web site: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9708/06/guam.passenger.list (http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9708/06/guam.passenger.list) This credit was held with our banks here in South Africa and the Director of Account/Operations approached us since he cannot transfer this fund alone without going through us (i.e. The International Remittance Department).

With our position and experience, we have worked out the modalities in such a way that the transaction will take seven bank working days to accomplish. On the receipt of your approvals, I will be in a very good position to give you details on the agreed sharing ratio.

This may come as a surprise to you but as we progress, I will be able to explain to you how I got your contact. Meanwhile, we are 100&#37; positive that you can handle this therefore, contact me on +27-83 3130 810 or E-mail:dr_richard003@myway.com (dr_richard003@myway.com) as soon as you receive this urgent message.

I am anticipating your urgent response while thanking you in advance for your understanding and co-operation.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Richard Khumalo

this isn't the weirdest I've gotten in the last 2 weeks, but it's up there, I keep on getting this "you won the lottery" >.> it's illegal to be in an online lottery in Utah, in fact when I first started getting them, I was under age. >.>

August 10th, 2007, 06:34 PM
I swear, someone fucking signed me up for spam and ads. I'm getting a shit load of them in the last week when I never got any before.

Mr Buckshot
August 10th, 2007, 07:16 PM
This is how to respond to the scammer:


Dr Nick
August 10th, 2007, 07:35 PM
This is how to respond to the scammer:

There's two things in that link that remind me of Halo... God, I'm a nerd!

Anyway, this looks like fun! I'm gonna do it if I get one!

Mr Buckshot
August 10th, 2007, 07:37 PM
I already did it to one scammer (but I didn't send him the goatse pic - I just sent him that .ass picture from H2V). Haven't had any scams ever since (but then again, I use an alternate account when I sign up for internet stuff and that account is so clogged with spam it actually reset itself).

Dr Nick
August 10th, 2007, 08:41 PM
This John Cheese dude is a fucking comedic genius!


A prank sends him to Jail!

August 11th, 2007, 12:24 AM
dude, here is an idea, send the person a file that has all of the *"info" they need.

*a pic of a guys ass, or that one that was in dano's sig some time ago.
From: Assistant Director
International Remittance Department
Standard Bank Limited
South Africa.

Dear Sir/Madam


I would like to start by introducing myself as Dr. Lmfaoyoufail (http://www.youfail.org/) the Assistant Director of the above-mentioned department in the Standard Bank of South Africa. I have been directed to contact you urgently on a very important confidential deal, which needs immediate attention. The decision to contact you was based on the fact that we trust your capability to receive on our behalf a sum of US$8,450,000.00 (Eight Million Four Hundred and Fifty Thousand United States Dollars).

This sum in question was a credit balance of a Foreigner, an oil Merchant/Contractor, a Geologist by profession and a Miner at KRUGER GOLD COMPANY LTD who died since AUGUST 6, 1997 in [Korean Air Flight 801] with the whole passengers onboard. And for your perusal you can view this web site: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9708/06/guam.passenger.list (http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/9708/06/guam.passenger.list) This credit was held with our banks here in South Africa and the Director of Account/Operations approached us since he cannot transfer this fund alone without going through us (i.e. The International Remittance Department).

With our position and experience, we have worked out the modalities in such a way that the transaction will take seven bank working days to accomplish. On the receipt of your approvals, I will be in a very good position to give you details on the agreed sharing ratio.

This may come as a surprise to you but as we progress, I will be able to explain to you how I got your contact. Meanwhile, we are 100&#37; positive that you can handle this therefore, contact me on +27-83 3130 810 or E-mail:dr_Lmfaoyoufail003@myway.com (dr_Lmfaoyoufail003@myway.com) as soon as you receive this urgent message.

I am anticipating your urgent response while thanking you in advance for your understanding and co-operation.

Yours sincerely,

Dr. Lmfaoyoufail (http://www.youfail.org/)

August 11th, 2007, 06:56 AM
Dude, if you EVER get an email that has the word "Africa" anywhere in it, its spam.

August 11th, 2007, 07:23 AM
I swear, someone fucking signed me up for spam and ads. I'm getting a shit load of them in the last week when I never got any before.

Me too. :|

August 11th, 2007, 08:01 AM
I swear, someone fucking signed me up for spam and ads. I'm getting a shit load of them in the last week when I never got any before.
I too, have seen an increase of numbers in my spam box for my gmail account. I smell a h2v.net h8er...

August 11th, 2007, 08:03 AM
This is why I keep two email accounts. One that I register on forums/websites with. And one I send to my friends. Basically a Spam email account and a regular one.

August 11th, 2007, 08:56 AM
This is why I keep two email accounts. One that I register on forums/websites with. And one I send to my friends. Basically a Spam email account and a regular one.
that's what I do, I have two or 3 other email counts, when gets full of Spam, then I move onto the next email acount, just remember, I've learned that you get alot of spam a whole lot quicker if the email address has your real name in there.

Mr Buckshot
August 11th, 2007, 10:39 AM
Dude, if you EVER get an email that has the word "Africa" anywhere in it, its spam.

lol yeah there's next to no internet in Africa, except maybe in South Africa? Probably a lot of latency too...

It's hard to believe that some people, including a few on this forums, actually use their personal/main emails to sign up for internet things. It's essentially an invitation for spam.

August 11th, 2007, 10:51 AM

Personally I use this site nowadays to sign up for stuff. You can understand why.