View Full Version : Why forums interest me.
Neuro Guro
August 13th, 2007, 03:46 AM
I just like how interesting the way of forums' society is, that there are those who are in charge and contribute to making decisions and are apart of a secret society (the conspiracy) within the society of the forums, and not many of the regulars know who is who within the society sorta. Its just fun like watching a social experiment if a old world government was put to use in the future, which is practically what this is. Our rules in this society we created have somewhat different structures to that of real governments, but do have certain similarities too like giving certain rights to the common members. The way things happen here are very inspiring and give good examples of things to make a story based around social conflicts with. The complexity of the relationships between members and how they effect each other here remind me of stories with intricate conflicts with individuals and groups of people like "Julius Caesar".
Some of the more regular people here that don't like certain members because of what they've observed go to deal with it by consulting each other in the conspiracy on what sort of action to take. EX: Some noob is making dumb comments, so a -Rep raid is assembled in secret.
I just think thats really cool and that you can just sit here and watch conflicts unfold just like chillin on a bench at recess in middle school and watching conflicts unfold between individuals and s cliques, but instead with groups like "Nerds", "Jocks" and "Preps" you have groups like "Noobs", "Regulars" and "Those that are apart of the conspiracy". Its like being invisible at high school and you can walk to all the different tables and listen in on people for yourself and observe how the social structure is and what sorta of relations other members have with each other. Thats the similar feeling I get when I'm browsing forums and thats why I don't care if I see a flame war going on here and there because I think it just makes things more interesting/entertaining. A great thing about it too is the fact that the physical traits of people don't matter here, if in reality you're big and tough, it counts for nothing in here if you can't make a witty comment once in awhile or if you can't use reasoning, logic, and humor to your posts. And thats the defining property about what makes a forum societies uniquely interesting as in comparison to other types of society in humanity, its all based on your character and intelligence.
And now I'm going to hit the sack because I've been working all day and watching the meteor shower with some friends/smokin a bowl, lulz and I'm tired d;
August 13th, 2007, 03:53 AM
Pretty much summed it up right there for me. Especially this bit:
"if I see a flame war going on here and there because I think it just makes things more interesting/entertaining. A great thing about it too is the fact that the physical traits of people don't matter here, if in reality you're big and tough, it counts for nothing in here if you can't make a witty comment once in awhile or if you can't use reasoning, logic, and humor to your posts."
August 13th, 2007, 04:23 AM
NEURO SHUT UP OK :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
August 13th, 2007, 04:37 AM
I just like how interesting the way of forums' society is, that there are those who are in charge and contribute to making decisions and are apart of a secret society (the conspiracy) within the society of the forums, and not many of the regulars know who is who within the society sorta. Its just fun like watching a social experiment if a old world government was put to use in the future, which is practically what this is. Our rules in this society we created have somewhat different structures to that of real governments, but do have certain similarities too like giving certain rights to the common members. The way things happen here are very inspiring and give good examples of things to make a story based around social conflicts with. The complexity of the relationships between members and how they effect each other here remind me of stories with intricate conflicts with individuals and groups of people like "Julius Caesar".
Some of the more regular people here that don't like certain members because of what they've observed go to deal with it by consulting each other in the conspiracy on what sort of action to take. EX: Some noob is making dumb comments, so a -Rep raid is assembled in secret.
I just think thats really cool and that you can just sit here and watch conflicts unfold just like chillin on a bench at recess in middle school and watching conflicts unfold between individuals and s cliques, but instead with groups like "Nerds", "Jocks" and "Preps" you have groups like "Noobs", "Regulars" and "Those that are apart of the conspiracy". Its like being invisible at high school and you can walk to all the different tables and listen in on people for yourself and observe how the social structure is and what sorta of relations other members have with each other. Thats the similar feeling I get when I'm browsing forums and thats why I don't care if I see a flame war going on here and there because I think it just makes things more interesting/entertaining. A great thing about it too is the fact that the physical traits of people don't matter here, if in reality you're big and tough, it counts for nothing in here if you can't make a witty comment once in awhile or if you can't use reasoning, logic, and humor to your posts. And thats the defining property about what makes a forum societies uniquely interesting as in comparison to other types of society in humanity, its all based on your character and intelligence.
And now I'm going to hit the sack because I've been working all day and watching the meteor shower with some friends/smokin a bowl, lulz and I'm tired d;
QFT. It is interesting to see what happens and it is easy to short out the bad members from the decents far 80% of this forum to me is VERY immature and they do not see things from an adult perspective. I am not going to pick out know who you are.
Forums are are place to help each other out and to seek nothing in return. This is also why the rep system needs to be disabled as it causes way too much conflict.
I agree it is fun to watch things unfold if you are bored. Responses like Nicks are quite well thought out ( if not rude ) and true....others are quite retarded like rossmums above. These are signs of a CLOSED MIND and should be deleted, -repped and then ignored.
Now I have to say this about these forums. This forum, while administered by a few great admins and mostly garbage. 70% of the posts are attacks against someone and is NOT a friendly environment at all. There needs to be more actions taking against swearing and attacks against other members on the forums. Why I come here is beyond me but in the hopes of someday coming here to some GOOD posts like this and Neuro's are hard to come by and make my visit worth it.
Not trying to start anything here....just going along with it since it is quite correct.
August 13th, 2007, 06:45 AM
Yup, also the fact most people here arent English makes me wanna come here and not to some UK site, makes it more interesting as you have a totally different way of life :)
Only person I enjoy arguing with is Nick :) Thats entertaining.
Forums a bit slow for any one else??
August 13th, 2007, 06:50 AM
Not trying to start anything here....just going along with it since it is quite correct.
You're not? Then why would you go on about Rossmum again? Give it a rest. We don't need another thread thrown into the ground after the 4th post.
August 13th, 2007, 06:52 AM
Wow, funny how I'm not the only one who noticed that.
See, Zeph?
August 13th, 2007, 09:03 AM
And now I'm going to hit the sack because I've been working all day and watching the meteor shower with some friends/smokin a bowl, lulz and I'm tired d;
You bucky lastard. I wasn't able to see jack shit where I was, and yet you had clear view of the meteor shower WHILE grass-ass'd. Well, at least you enjoyed it to the fullest. :P
Forums a bit slow for any one else??
Pfft... anyone who wants controversy and disgruntled self-congradulating pseuodcynics can find it at Gearbox. Except of course for you. :-/
August 13th, 2007, 09:30 AM
Now I have to say this about these forums. This forum, while administered by a few great admins and mostly garbage. 70% of the posts are attacks against someone and is NOT a friendly environment at all. There needs to be more actions taking against swearing and attacks against other members on the forums. 1)Why I come here is beyond me but in the hopes of someday coming here to some GOOD posts like this and Neuro's are hard to come by and make my visit worth it.
2)Not trying to start anything here....just going along with it since it is quite correct.
1) If you like how he makes worth-while posts, why don't you do that yourself? You are right, he does make good posts--you just flame bait (don't kid yourself into thinking that that isn't flame bait).
2) Of course you are, otherwise you wouldn't have said anything. Mentioning Rossmum wasn't just flame bait, it was also immature. Join the other "80%" (I love how you make statistics up on the top of your head) of the forum.
Now, quit mentioning this, and so will everyone else. That's how it works.
Also, I love forums because I like watching drama bombs. I also like them because you do not judge people by appearance, but on their actions and what they produce. It gives people who otherwise would have been outcasts a chance to be popular. It's also a place where you don't have to sugar coat your messages with political correctness, or worry of hurting someone's feelings. Here, if someone is hurt emotionally, then it's "OSHI- call the internets police! SLANDER!" Also, people are generally cooler, at least on these forums. I like seeing the relationships between everybody. Some people can joke a lot, some can't, some are dolts, some are awesome possums, etc.
August 13th, 2007, 09:34 AM
Wow Zeph, you may as well restore that post... because it's now been brought up twice.
Can't silence the truth.
August 13th, 2007, 10:23 AM
1) If you like how he makes worth-while posts, why don't you do that yourself? You are right, he does make good posts--you just flame bait (don't kid yourself into thinking that that isn't flame bait)..
It isn't. I just call em as I see em. It is called Honesty. Something that this generation knows nothing about.
2) Of course you are, otherwise you wouldn't have said anything. Mentioning Rossmum wasn't just flame bait, it was also immature. Join the other "80%" (I love how you make statistics up on the top of your head) of the forum..
Again I only thought up the name of the first person that came to my mind. next time it may be YOUR name.
Now, quit mentioning this, and so will everyone else. That's how it works.
Also, I love forums because I like watching drama bombs. I also like them because you do not judge people by appearance, but on their actions and what they produce. It gives people who otherwise would have been outcasts a chance to be popular. It's also a place where you don't have to sugar coat your messages with political correctness, or worry of hurting someone's feelings. Here, if someone is hurt emotionally, then it's "OSHI- call the internets police! SLANDER!" Also, people are generally cooler, at least on these forums. I like seeing the relationships between everybody. Some people can joke a lot, some can't, some are dolts, some are awesome possums, etc.
Yeah...come dreaming there kid...keep dreaming. When you reach puberty or grow up you will then understand what I am talking about. Trust me.:p
August 13th, 2007, 10:33 AM
1) At that last part... what?
2) Glad to see you were mature enough to take my advice. </sarcasm>
Want to talk about honesty? I believe everyone that was having a ball in that topic last night was being honest in their opinions about you. Apparently your generation is a deficient group that is completely self-centered, immature, ignorant, and arrogant. This shows more than it would normally by the very fact that you resort to insulting or denouncing an entire group of people. Nothing could show your ignorance and holier-than-thou feelings more. Apparently they didn't teach you in school either. It's common knowledge that others my age have hit puberty, and have for at least 4 years. Go back to school, and quit sponging your face for the grease and putting it into your hair (I've got to admit though, that's a cheap way to get it, huh?).
August 13th, 2007, 10:40 AM
Exactly how I would expect a immature member to post. Well Done.
August 13th, 2007, 10:59 AM
Mr. Bucket, you put your balls in his mouth...
August 13th, 2007, 11:05 AM
Exactly how I would expect a immature member to post. Well Done.
Don't you love how he automatically just replies with us being immature after a while? For the love of god is it REALLY necessary to add 6+ exclamation marks?
I'm really starting to see this thread turning into another Burn, baby, burn thread (What happened to that thread anyway?)
teh lag
August 13th, 2007, 11:07 AM
I'm really starting to see this thread turning into another Burn, baby, burn thread (What happened to that thread anyway?)
It went down in flames.
August 13th, 2007, 11:18 AM
Roster and digikid, quit your goddamn bitching ok? Theres no need to turn this thread into yet another failure.
Forums are are place to help each other out and to seek nothing in return. This is also why the rep system needs to be disabled as it causes way too much conflict.
I know everybody else will disagree with me on this, but I agree with this commit. The rep system doesn't meen diddly shit. From what I've seen all it does is cause drama bombs and other problems. It has nothing to do with how skilled you are in anything, or how much you help people out. All the rep system does is tell how good you are at making smart ass post. I know this is coming from a guy with like 2 bars, but still my point stands. And just watch, I'll get completely unwarranted -reps from this post like so many others.
August 13th, 2007, 11:24 AM
The rep system got somewhat annoying for me since I keep getting requests to make the person a sig in the comment.
August 13th, 2007, 11:55 AM
I like stoned Neuro better than horny spam-happy Neuro. :p
August 13th, 2007, 12:05 PM
Exactly how I would expect an immature member to post. Well Done.
You made a spelling error there Mr.Mature. Btw how can you judge your own maturity, maybe you are the one that is immature but your thoughts are too clouded to realise this.
August 13th, 2007, 12:09 PM
EDITED: I removed my post because Neuro doesn't deserve this kinda shit. Way to go DigiDouche, you wrecked the whole thread. :rolleyes: +rep for Neuro for putting up with this. -rep to you for being stupid.
My post in a nutshell:
August 13th, 2007, 12:12 PM
The word immature is being slung around too freaking much.
This it the internet, I dont come on the internet to be made to act 100% correctly, 100% maturely, in a well and organised manner. For my the internet is leisure, if I want to laugh at a picture of a wang, I'm going to laugh at the picture of the wang, why? Because I want to. I dont come online to be bitched at like I'm at school.
I think people on here need to chill and remember this is just a bit of fun (forums) and no need to get too worked up about it.
August 13th, 2007, 12:25 PM
long read :saddowns:
/useless post
August 13th, 2007, 12:27 PM
LlamaMaster, there was a reason I quit answering him after I slammed him, ok? Don't feed fuel to the fire (you were, believe it or not. Despite your good intentions, it was only making it worse). I felt I had derailed the topic enough, and my good buddy Neuro doesn't deserve that. D:
Limited, your approach is nice. I know what you mean, but these forums are serious business mister! No seriously, I can understand being witty and having fun in your posts, but not complete spam and acting like an asshole to everyone around you.
August 13th, 2007, 12:39 PM
I like forums because it really shows how people can act when they get behind that monitor. What really makes me laugh is the members who don't contribute anything to the community and act like they're "the shit".
Also, it really does seem to show that some people really do mature faster than others. You can really see mental age (having nothing to do with IQ) far ahead of physical age, and well behind for that matter.
BUT the biggest reason I like forums is because it gives me the opportunity to give realistic critique of people's work, and help them get an understanding of where they really are, because too many people pump them up with bs comments. I really love helping people learn about modeling and design, and applying it to their hobbies
August 13th, 2007, 12:58 PM
What really makes me laugh is the members who don't contribute anything to the community and act like they're "the shit".
:( *sulks in the corner*
Yeah...come dreaming there kid...keep dreaming. When you reach puberty or grow up you will then understand what I am talking about. Trust me.:p
Those are big words from someone who looks like they stalled halfway through puberty. :eyesroll:
Yeah...come dreaming there kid...keep dreaming.
It is interesting to see what happens and it is easy to short out the bad members from the decents far 80% of this forum to me is VERY 1. immature and they do not see things from an adult perspective. I am not going to pick out names.... 2. you know who you are.
I agree it is fun to watch things unfold if you are bored. Responses like Nicks are quite well thought out ( if not rude ) and true....others are quite retarded like rossmums above. These are signs of a 3. CLOSED MIND and should be deleted, -repped and then ignored.
Now I have to say this about these forums. This forum, while administered by a few great admins and mostly garbage. 4. 70% of the posts are attacks against someone and is NOT a friendly environment at all. There needs to be more actions taking against swearing and attacks against other members on the forums. Why I come here is beyond me but in the hopes of someday coming here to some 5. GOOD posts like this and Neuro's are hard to come by and make my visit worth it.
1. Very overused, yet sparingly comprehended term on the internet. Requires blacklisting, tbqh.
2. Don't kid yourself. For your own sake, climb down off that pedestal of yours before someone tosses a stick and knocks you off.
3. Like #1, Another term that should be blacklisted and used only by people who would know what to do with it.
4. This isn't a Communist Eutopia. If people can't take the heat or shape up they're out of here.
The system of acceptance and rejection is a selective process that perpetuates itself naturally for the good of our Forum.
5. His every other post is a reference to sex, pot, hairy legs, or an amalgamated picture of homos dressed as teddy bears. :-|
Note: Teh Lag, Neuro, Ross, Llama, Skyline, and 9mm are all getting +rep in a few hours.
August 13th, 2007, 02:10 PM
I like forums because it really shows how people can act when they get behind that monitor.
I like the people who think they can hop on and be e-bullies because they fail at social interaction in the real world.
August 13th, 2007, 02:31 PM
You made a spelling error there Mr.Mature. Btw how can you judge your own maturity, maybe you are the one that is immature but your thoughts are too clouded to realise this.
You surprise me Skyline. I thought that you understood....guess not. Yes there is that possibility. I will admit that but it is doubtful. As for the spelling error...this forum IMHO does not deserve me to go through each of my posts and correct my spelling.
August 13th, 2007, 02:40 PM
You shouldn't have to go through your posts... unless your monitor is swamped with about five other windows occpying your current attention, the thoughts should come off the keyboard unerred.
August 13th, 2007, 02:43 PM
Well I just made the transition from a normal keyboard to a Logitech G15....some of the key placements are different and has thrown me off a bit. I will get used to it. :D
Llamamaster: Excellent post! Thank You.
August 13th, 2007, 02:47 PM
conspiracy? what conspiracy? :awesome: move along people.
August 13th, 2007, 02:50 PM
Well I just made the transition from a normal keyboard to a Logitech G15....some of the key placements are different and has thrown me off a bit. I will get used to it. :D
Llamamaster: Excellent post! Thank You.
Considering all QWERTY keyboards have the letters in the same location....
August 13th, 2007, 03:11 PM
Apparently you have never used a G15. Try it. It is the best keyboard out there right now bar none.
August 13th, 2007, 03:13 PM
what's so difficult about that?
Bad Waffle
August 13th, 2007, 03:17 PM
its the same reason its awkward to type on a laptop and then move to a desktop, or vice versa.
August 13th, 2007, 03:24 PM
Forums bear little resemblance to physical societies. The closest analogue would be a benevolent dictatorship. Forums are controlled, the tone is set by and their very existence depends on the administrator/owner of the forum. As such members have no inherent rights in a forum other than what is granted by the administrator and your continued participation is contingent upon the largess of the owner/administrator(s). This is just the way it is. It is neither a good or bad thing but it is something to always remember when participating.
Not being a physical interaction should place more importance on the actual content of a discussion or the persuasiveness of a particular argument and elevate the discourse to a higher level, however the perceived anonymity afforded buy the physical disconnect tends to lower inhibitions, increase posturing and generally reduce most arguments to a crude base level never normally achieved in a physical setting.
Forms are just one part of the Internet's experiment in what some refer to as the great democracy where everyone has a say, everyone can be a publisher, and everyone can count. Even the ancient Greeks knew that pure democracy was nearly indistinguishable from anarchy and instead created a representative republic, as was also done in the United States. But I stray from the main point.
Forums are not societies in and of themselves they are clubs, meeting places where generally like minded people gather to reinforce their already preconceived notions on a particular subject and are designed to exclude other ideas by the very authoritarian nature of their design. Forums are dictatorships and although work best when benevolent, still reinforce the original mind set or ideas they were established to embreace.
August 13th, 2007, 03:30 PM
its the same reason its awkward to type on a laptop and then move to a desktop, or vice versa.
Yes thank you. All of the keys have been shifted due to the macro keys on the left hand side. This decision by Logitech has thrown off loads of G15 owners.
August 13th, 2007, 03:32 PM
Forums bear little resemblance to physical societies. The closest analogue would be a benevolent dictatorship. Forums are controlled, the tone is set by and their very existence depends on the administrator/owner of the forum. As such members have no inherent rights in a forum other than what is granted by the administrator and your continued participation is contingent upon the largess of the owner/administrator(s). This is just the way it is. It is neither a good or bad thing but it is something to always remember when participating.
Not being a physical interaction should place more importance on the actual content of a discussion or the persuasiveness of a particular argument and elevate the discourse to a higher level, however the perceived anonymity afforded buy the physical disconnect tends to lower inhibitions, increase posturing and generally reduce most arguments to a crude base level never normally achieved in a physical setting.
Forms are just one part of the Internet's experiment in what some refer to as the great democracy where everyone has a say, everyone can be a publisher, and everyone can count. Even the ancient Greeks knew that pure democracy was nearly indistinguishable from anarchy and instead created a representative republic, as was also done in the United States. But I stray from the main point.
Forums are not societies in and of themselves they are clubs, meeting places where generally like minded people gather to reinforce their already preconceived notions on a particular subject and are designed to exclude other ideas by the very authoritarian nature of their design. Forums are dictatorships and although work best when benevolent, still reinforce the original mind set or ideas they were established to embreace.
Which is why we need word filters here. Thank you Dennis. Knew that I can count on you. :)
August 13th, 2007, 03:40 PM
No, believe it or not word filters crap up forums, instead of vice-versa.
Also, nice huge double post. I hate when people quote paragraph upon paragraph just to respond to one phrase... talk about crapping up forums. Unfortunately since so many people do it, it has already become irritating beyond compare. :gonk:
the ancient Greeks... created a representative republic,
August 13th, 2007, 03:50 PM
Sorry Dole but I must respectfully disagree. The Filters would make this forum a much more enjoyable, friendly and FAMILY SAFE PLACE TO VISIT.
As for the double happens. Sorry. I went to feed the kittens mispost and when I came back I clicked submit. my bad.
August 13th, 2007, 03:51 PM
These forums about a rated M video game are supposed to be a family safe place to visit? I NEVER KNEW!
August 13th, 2007, 03:53 PM
:P Well now you do. Since when do parents EVER follow the ratings?
teh lag
August 13th, 2007, 04:01 PM
:P Well now you do. Since when do parents EVER follow the ratings?
It is their responsibility to consider ratings. Halo clearly states Language as one of the reasons for the M rating. If you can take it in a game, you can take it in a forum. I don't think someone who can play an M game and accept the language in it should have any trouble here. Halo is not a "family-safe" game, there is no need for these to be "family-safe" forums.
August 13th, 2007, 04:17 PM
but it WOULD make this place a better site overall.
August 13th, 2007, 04:24 PM
Halo is not a "family-safe" game, there is no need for these to be "family-safe" forums.This assertion makes the assumption that the child in question is always following his parent's guidelines and not finding ways to get around restrictions placed in the home. We both know that for the most part that is not the case.
Ultimately how a forum is run is up to the owner/administrator and any restrictions or lack there of such as word filters or language usage is up to the owner/administrator regardless of yours, mine or anyone else's likes or dislikes.
August 13th, 2007, 04:38 PM
but it WOULD make this place a better site overall.
That would be your opinion on it.
Also, I go to these forums for I am a power hungry person. The reputation a user has is how much power he has over others, also I like to spend my time on the internet posting and reading stuff people post.
August 13th, 2007, 04:38 PM
but it WOULD make this place a better site overall.
You leaving would make this site a better place overall. :rolleyes:
August 13th, 2007, 04:40 PM
Sorry Dole but I must respectfully disagree. The Filters would make this forum a much more enjoyable, friendly and FAMILY SAFE PLACE TO VISIT.
As for the double happens. Sorry. I went to feed the kittens mispost and when I came back I clicked submit. my bad.
Fuck. That. Shit.
Sorry for that, but word filters would be completely useless. Like everybody else said, it's an M rated game for a reason. Besides, I hear more curse words from my real-life friends in a hour than from the forum all day. Words filters aren't protecting anybody, because unless the government comes up with a way to censor real life, people will always hear this crap.
August 13th, 2007, 04:42 PM
Besides we would sound retarded in the long run. Depending on how retarded the word filtered words are.
August 13th, 2007, 05:05 PM
Besides we would sound retarded in the long run. Depending on how retarded the word filtered words are.I beg to differ. Although I may have brain damage, I tend to believe that I do not "sound retarded" by eliminating the use of profane or "family-unfriendly" language from my prose. In fact I posit that the opposite is more the case. With rare exceptions, the more a person resorts to profanity to make a point the less intelligent he begins to sound and even if the point is valid the offensive nature of their language renders it less likely to be believed.
August 13th, 2007, 05:44 PM
Digi, for God's sakes, either finish growing up or leave this forum. No one came into this thread to your rescue or to defend you, so stop treating this like some drama bomb fallout war. After all, you did drop the bomb--what, twice now?
You're such a walking contradiction. You tell others to grow up and get mature and yet you yourself lack the maturity of self-control or knowing when to walk away or how horrible your grammar is and then using lame excuses (the dog ate my homework, huh?).
Continuing this behavior isn't giving you a favorable outlook here either, so just back off from the issue or just leave the forum altogether.
August 13th, 2007, 07:48 PM
So do you guys go to any other forums apart from is my one and only home lol :P
August 13th, 2007, 07:51 PM
I go to some, but I post the most in this forum.
August 13th, 2007, 08:01 PM
Domooooooooo, Hard Gay desu!
Admit it Neuro, you like forums because I post on them.
August 13th, 2007, 08:28 PM
Domooooooooo, Hard Gay desu!
That post made me cry =(. Hard Gay scares the crap out of me.
I mainly go to forums because I like to talk to people about things that relate to me. Not too many people I know are as technical (computer/software wise) as me so I usually resort to Forums because most people around me don't have much of a clue of what I'm talking about. I also like seeing how people interact, whether it be ridiculing/flaming each other to death or grouping together or idolizing each other(I'm a 100% WoLunist).
Personally, I prefer the former of those though.
// Also, this post was posted on a Logitech G15 that has been well-worn in. The keys are mushy and the paint is gone. Obviously people must be too mature to proof-read their posts for spelling and grammar errors xD. //
August 13th, 2007, 08:54 PM
Halo is not a "family-safe" game, there is no need for these to be "family-safe" forums.This assertion makes the assumption that the child in question is always following his parent's guidelines and not finding ways to get around restrictions placed in the home. We both know that for the most part that is not the case.
Ultimately how a forum is run is up to the owner/administrator and any restrictions or lack there of such as word filters or language usage is up to the owner/administrator regardless of yours, mine or anyone else's likes or dislikes.
You are right. But, considering the fact that they are already breaking their parents' guidelines, they have no business being here. Being caught on a site that allows for profanity at any given time is that child's own fault. If he didn't want to get caught he shouldn't have visited. There is no reason for an entire community to conform to one rule-breaking child. Now, as you have said before, you find no need for profanity; others do. As I am already sure you understand, not all people have grown up under the same circumstances as you have.
August 13th, 2007, 08:55 PM
70% of the posts are attacks against someone and is NOT a friendly environment at all.
You're confusing these forums with the Gearbox forums.
August 13th, 2007, 08:57 PM
Either that or he was only reading his own posts.
August 13th, 2007, 09:44 PM
The Filters would make this forum a much more enjoyable, friendly and FAMILY SAFE PLACE TO VISIT.
Flarb, guys! This barkle's flarbing snailing us! :eek:
August 13th, 2007, 09:57 PM
You're confusing these forums with the Gearbox forums.
No, he's not. You can't say anything disrespectful what-so-ever at gearbox anymore without getting a warning.
August 13th, 2007, 09:58 PM
No, he's not. You can't say anything disrespectful what-so-ever at gearbox anymore without getting a warning.
You're confusing disrespect with proving you wrong.
August 13th, 2007, 10:06 PM
this thread is lol. so is digikid, tbh.
i like forums becuz they are nice places to talk to and meet numerous people from all walks of life, from all over the world, without any preconceived notions of those people. You learn more, you see more, you experience more.
i also hate forums because they're the ultimate breeding grounds for anonymous fuckwads, elitist bastards, absolute retards, and excessive unnecessary drama.
Oh well. You win some, you lose some.
August 13th, 2007, 10:31 PM
In the past 24 hours I've been indirectly referred to as a non-contributor who acts like I'm the shit, a holier-than-thou, and an elitist bastard.
I'm so useless. :smith:
August 13th, 2007, 10:35 PM
^^ That really sums up my last 13 years of existence. :smithicide:
August 13th, 2007, 10:37 PM
That post made me cry =(. Hard Gay scares the crap out of me.
August 13th, 2007, 10:47 PM
In the past 24 hours I've been indirectly referred to as a non-contributor who acts like I'm the shit, a holier-than-thou, and an elitist bastard.
Just in case you thought I meant you (the 'elitist bastard' part kinda got me concerned), I totally didn't. The only thing in my post that actually referred to anyone was, well, the mentioning of digikid's name.
everything else was just a culmination of my forum that sounds kinda sad in more ways than one. :(
August 13th, 2007, 10:59 PM
I seriously fell out of my chair when I saw that D=.
He's not going to touch me in my special spot is he?
August 13th, 2007, 11:01 PM
In the past 24 hours I've been indirectly referred to as a non-contributor who acts like I'm the shit, a holier-than-thou, and an elitist bastard.
I'm so useless. :smith:
They're confusing you for me.
August 13th, 2007, 11:44 PM
lol neuro pretty much sumed it up...
I agree with the comparison to school systems and such lol...
its also funny because, I stand pretty much in the same place here as I do at school (at least from my point of view).
Edit: Also like to point out I dont contribute much anymore, other than my own comments and view points every so often, if only I could finish somthing for ce to the point where I wud release it.
August 14th, 2007, 12:21 AM
Oh wow, so he just got 10 years older.....
Wait a second...
August 14th, 2007, 12:33 AM
Hey guys I'm older than most of you, obviously I'm better than you as a result.
August 14th, 2007, 12:43 AM
You forgot the part that we wouldn't understand cause we're younger and how we're so immature and rude. :downs:
August 14th, 2007, 12:46 AM
Oh my bad
August 14th, 2007, 01:12 AM
August 14th, 2007, 02:12 AM
Oh God no.
August 14th, 2007, 09:41 AM
Wow, emmzee just proved my point. Yet again I get a -rep from him saying nothing but "stfu up fag". What is this emmzee, the 4th time you have done the same thing? Way to cancel out the rep I got from members who contribute...
Also, dramabomb.
August 14th, 2007, 09:55 AM
"stfu up fag"
There is no way I would use grammar that atrocious.
Dr Nick
August 14th, 2007, 10:01 AM
There is no way I would use grammar that atrocious.Yes there is!
teh lag
August 14th, 2007, 10:03 AM
These forums interest ME because this ( thread was deleted, as was one asking why.
August 14th, 2007, 10:15 AM
You leaving would make this site a better place overall. :rolleyes:
Same for you. :rolleyes:
You're confusing these forums with the Gearbox forums.
This place makes the Gearbox forums look better IMHO. Sorry but I now see no difference between the two.
teh lag
August 14th, 2007, 10:23 AM
This place makes the Gearbox forums look better IMHO. Sorry but I now see no difference between the two.
Wait... so.... it's better... but you can't tell a difference?
am confused
August 14th, 2007, 10:25 AM
Over there they have PROPER rules and regulations. Here members get away with anything.
You understand now?
August 14th, 2007, 10:36 AM
There is no way I would use grammar that atrocious.
That is false, you do sometimes. However, I how no idea why I put an extra "up" in there...
August 14th, 2007, 10:38 AM
Over there they have PROPER rules and regulations. Here members get away with anything.
You understand now?
No. Every time I go there, some goons are flamebaiting and getting away with it.
August 14th, 2007, 10:41 AM
I meant back in the older days. They have abandoned it now for a while.
heck I think even Halomods has more proper regs than here. :(
August 14th, 2007, 10:43 AM
heck I think even Halomods has more proper regs than here. :(
Hey now, let's not say things we can't take back.
August 14th, 2007, 10:44 AM
These forums interest ME because this ( thread was deleted, as was one asking why.
They're private for a reason. Don't throw a fit because you didn't get invited, not our fault you whore off these forums. Get your own, then -rep circle jerk each other there.
August 14th, 2007, 10:47 AM
ok maybe it was a LITTLE extreme to say that.....but it sure as hell is the way I feel about it.
August 14th, 2007, 10:48 AM
Same for you. :rolleyes:
Please do tell why Aerowyn leaving the forums would make it a better place.
She contributes.
August 14th, 2007, 10:52 AM
oh she contributes oh the nearest dump.
It is quite simple. She is very rude and appears to jump on bandwagons without any motivation of her own.
August 14th, 2007, 10:55 AM
So, what have you contributed to the community recently?
August 14th, 2007, 11:06 AM
Too bad she's helping with numerous projects here, not to mention voice acting for the upcoming XCE campaign. Oh, and maybe she 'jumps on the bandwagon' because that's how she feels? Honestly, I think I know her a little more than you do. Tell me though, Digikid, do you know her personally? It sure sounds like it.
Also, your user title is self-contradicting. "I do not take no..." is a double negative, meaning you DO take it from anyone. Nice one.
teh lag
August 14th, 2007, 11:09 AM
oh she contributes oh the nearest dump.
It is quite simple. She is very rude and appears to jump on bandwagons without any motivation of her own.
Whereas you do what? Sit on your Chair of Elder Authority™ and tell us all how rude an immature we are (not to mention that you do this while making equally immature posts)? At least her posts have some meaning.
August 14th, 2007, 11:20 AM
You are right. But, considering the fact that they are already breaking their parents' guidelines, they have no business being here. Your statement is a perfect example of the point I was making earlier. That forms are not societies and for that matter are not inclusive but instead social clubs that operate on a totalitarian self reinforcing mind set.
The problem here is that by not taking into consideration the ease of which someone can overcoming restrictions normally placed on children in real society, such as not allowing access for children to see, hear or participate in "adult" or "non-family friendly" conversation through physical barriers, you in essence support the actions of the child.
The very openness of the technology removes the barriers we normally place on people, mostly children, in the real world and exposes them mostly through neglect or inconsideration to things we as a society may not want them to see without guidance or until they are ready and mature enough to comprehend.
The point I am making is that it is too easy for someone who, as you say, "has no business here" to actually be here that consideration should be made to either pre-qualify membership or in the absence of that restrict in some way what goes on. Establishing those restrictions is the determination of the Forum owner/administrator/dictator and is not imposed by actual society the forum is supposed to represent as originally postulated.
Now, as you have said before, you find no need for profanity; others do. Actually society as a general rule also has no need for profanity or else it would be allowed uncontrolled on network TV and every resume and job interview would be laced with it. it is just not necessary in the normal course of written discourse. I come to this conclusion not out of religious of spiritual beliefs but because I found that removing those certain profane words from my vocabulary, made my ides more acceptable, forced me to find other language to express them and thereby helped improve my ability to reason.
August 14th, 2007, 11:23 AM
Actually society as a general rule also has no need for profanity or else it would be allowed uncontrolled on network TV and every resume and job interview would be laced with it. it is just not necessary in the normal course of written discourse. I come to this conclusion not out of religious of spiritual beliefs but because I found that removing those certain profane words from my vocabulary, made my ides more acceptable, forced me to find other language to express them and thereby helped improve my ability to reason.
300 years ago, and I'm not making this up, "gosh" was considered swearing. People got over it. Foul language is relative. It's just like money. Certain words are considered profane only because that's the general consensus.
August 14th, 2007, 11:26 AM
This place makes the Gearbox forums look better IMHO. Sorry but I now see no difference between the two.
Which part do you like better, the constantly unmoderated, unrelenting, and illogical bashing of Christianity, or the tag-team Deja_vu / Texrat / Colin / Ryan self-congratulatory circle jerk about how Bush’s only intelligent presidential move in seven years has been leaving the conclusion of the Iraq War as the next president’s responsibility, with Kilde, Mickity Mike, and Hijikata thrown in the mix somewhere along the line?
Tell me, Digi, when was the last time you've actually been to Gearbox Forums? Obviously not any time in the past... year and a half, mb?
Also, if you want Aerowyn to leave then you will be our new Meat Loaf... or judging by that episode of South Park, I think it'd be safer to say that you're Cous-Cous. Hell, even if she doesn't leave I'll still push for the motion to rename your profile to Cous-Cous. :-/
All in favor say "aye."
August 14th, 2007, 11:27 AM
Also, do not mistake what I said (Dennis). It may have come across as people have a need for profanity, rather than them simply wanting to use whatever word it may be. I meant the latter, and I am posting this for the sake of clarity.
August 14th, 2007, 11:31 AM
Which part do you like better, the constantly unmoderated, unrelenting, and illogical bashing of Christianity, or the tag-team Deja_vu / Texrat / Colin / Ryan self-congratulatory circle jerk about how Bush’s only intelligent presidential move in seven years has been leaving the conclusion of the Iraq War as the next president’s responsibility, with Kilde, Mickity Mike, and Hijikata thrown in the mix somewhere along the line?
Tell me, Digi, when was the last time you've actually been to Gearbox Forums? Obviously not any time in the past... year and a half, mb?
Also, if you want Aerowyn to leave then you will be our new Meat Loaf... or judging by that episode of South Park, I think it'd be safer to say that you're Cous-Cous.
August 14th, 2007, 11:42 AM
300 years ago, and I'm not making this up, "gosh" was considered swearing. People got over it. Foul language is relative. It's just like money. Certain words are considered profane only because that's the general consensus.It is natural for language to mutate and change and that is not what I was referring to. What I am referring to is, as you put it, the general current societal consensus on acceptable language. I amnot talking about what is acceptable in the context of the localized sub-culture, cliché or club, you belong to.
The Internet and by extension Forums by their very nature allow people for the most part unimpeded access to cross those sub-cultural boundaries and make the language that is acceptable maybe only for that sub-group available to everyone and by extension the society as a whole which may consider it unaceptable.
Just becasue it is available does not make it generally acceptable.
Also, do not mistake what I said (Dennis). It may have come across as people have a need for profanity, rather than them simply wanting to use whatever word it may be. I meant the latter, and I am posting this for the sake of clarity.Duly noted. I agree that people may wish, are free to and do use profanity but I do not agree that in most cases it actually improves the clarity of a conversation. It may have greater impact but not necessarily clarity.
August 14th, 2007, 11:52 AM
I like forums because it really shows how people can act when they get behind that monitor. What really makes me laugh is the members who don't contribute anything to the community and act like they're "the shit".
im ballin
August 14th, 2007, 12:31 PM
dude, youre the shit!
the reason i come to foruims is because i like to flame people and insult people and get away with it. yes, the power of being not-moron is mine, all mine!
i love these forums, i hate 90 percent of the people, and the people i do like, are all internet-government people heehee regulars win.
also, im on a spanish keyboard, and it sucks ass.
so bai, im gonna party moar in spain
August 14th, 2007, 12:42 PM
oh she contributes oh the nearest dump.
It is quite simple. She is very rude and appears to jump on bandwagons without any motivation of her own.
Oh, you're calling me trash now, right? What a laugh.
You wanna say I'm rude? I can deal with that. And these few posts have been, but it's only out of defense of myself, Lightning, and Rossmum. Do you think I WANT to sit here and get angry about all this? I don't. I don't want to get banned over shit like this because quite frankly, you aren't worth it. But some things just have to be said.
You mess around with my friends and you're messing around with me. I'm sorry but I just won't have that shit. I'm motivated by the simple fact that you seem to wanna start arguments on this forum CONSTANTLY. You are not fit to be a member here if all you want to do is fight. Because you know what? No amount of flamebaiting and belitting the other members is going to get you an ounce of that "respect" that you think your "elderly" status will bring you. See your rep right now? You're nothing here.
You think all I have to say is garbage? More stink comes out of your mouth than any other members here. You're just TRYING to start fights. You're flame-baiting and you're making this place a miserable place to be.
And you know what your problem is? You think it's everyone else's fault, when you can't even turn the mirror to yourself and see yourself causing the problems in the first place.
So if all you have to say to this is going to be a stink on how "immature" we are (and I am SO tired of that word by now), then just close your mouth, because no one wants to smell the shit you've been shoveling.
August 14th, 2007, 01:02 PM
Oh my. :o
August 14th, 2007, 01:02 PM
Oh, you're calling me trash now, right? What a laugh.
You wanna say I'm rude? I can deal with that. And these few posts have been, but it's only out of defense of myself, Lightning, and Rossmum. Do you think I WANT to sit here and get angry about all this? I don't. I don't want to get banned over shit like this because quite frankly, you aren't worth it. But some things just have to be said.
You mess around with my friends and you're messing around with me. I'm sorry but I just won't have that shit. I'm motivated by the simple fact that you seem to wanna start arguments on this forum CONSTANTLY. You are not fit to be a member here if all you want to do is fight. Because you know what? No amount of flamebaiting and belitting the other members is going to get you an ounce of that "respect" that you think your "elderly" status will bring you. See your rep right now? You're nothing here.
You think all I have to say is garbage? More stink comes out of your mouth than any other members here. You're just TRYING to start fights. You're flame-baiting and you're making this place a miserable place to be.
And you know what your problem is? You think it's everyone else's fault, when you can't even turn the mirror to yourself and see yourself causing the problems in the first place.
So if all you have to say to this is going to be a stink on how "immature" we are (and I am SO tired of that word by now), then just close your mouth, because no one wants to smell the shit you've been shoveling.
El Lobo
August 14th, 2007, 01:07 PM
August 14th, 2007, 01:08 PM
Oddly, i don't feel like jumping into the little argument thats going on...yet :D
What i enjoy about these forums is that for the most part when someone posts a W.I.P or Map, they get feedback that is for the most part, 0% BS. If it sucks, it sucks. But what i love even more is that sometimes people will jump in and give tips. Thats what i love a lot about these forums, the help. Most of the folks on here are nice people. And of course the hilarity sometimes is to immense for me to read. And theres a lot of features on the website itself that makes it a hella fun place to post your thoughts. The Reputation feature is great and the layout i love compared to some forums i have been on. Colors i like as well.
But mostly its the great, smart, and funny people that are on here.
Makes it a great place.
Take care,
August 14th, 2007, 01:10 PM
So, what have you contributed to the community recently?
Other than trolling, of course.
El Lobo
August 14th, 2007, 01:14 PM
I'm a caring and giving member of the community that has befriended hundreds of players over the years. I'll admit, I hate and flame shit head members that annoy me, but for the most part, I give out a lot of lovin. So what good have you done?
August 14th, 2007, 01:17 PM
I'm a caring and giving member of the community (bullshit) that has befriended hundreds of players over the years. I'll admit, I hate and flame shit head members that annoy me, but for the most part, I give out a lot of lovin (bullshit). So what good have you done?
I haven't taken your bullshit.
August 14th, 2007, 01:25 PM
Come on guys, this thread isn't an open invitation to flame each other. :(
August 14th, 2007, 01:30 PM
Alright, I believe that is quite enough, on everyone's part. lets try and salvage whats left of this thread and get back on topic.
Hopefully a moderator will come and clean this up
August 14th, 2007, 01:39 PM
Alright, I believe that is quite enough, on everyone's part. lets try and salvage whats left of this thread and get back on topic.
Hopefully a moderator will come and clean this up
I agree. Actually I hope they just go ahead and lock the topic. You know if Digikid comes back in here it'll be a flamewar all over again. D:
August 14th, 2007, 03:36 PM
I'm a caring and giving member of the community that has befriended hundreds of players over the years. I'll admit, I hate and flame shit head members that annoy me, but for the most part, I give out a lot of lovin. So what good have you done?
Thank you . I am the same way.
This did not start until some members started shoving at me. So naturally I will shove back. That will NEVER change. Sorry.
Now I will not say sorry but I will stop this now. but one more shove in my direction and trust me I will shove back. No exceptions.
I am sorry that you all had to see this. If we could start over again then sure lets do so....but no more shoving.
August 14th, 2007, 03:39 PM
Thank you . I am the same way.
This did not start until some members started shoving at me. So naturally I will shove back. That will NEVER change. Sorry.
Now I will not say sorry but I will stop this now. but one more shove in my direction and trust me I will shove back. No exceptions.
I am sorry that you all had to see this. If we could start over again then sure lets do so....but no more shoving.
Yes mother.
August 14th, 2007, 03:45 PM
Now I will not say sorry but I will stop this now. but one more shove in my direction and trust me I will shove back. No exceptions.
Shove back, I DARE you to. You don't want to go toe-to-toe with me.
You say you don't want us to "shove," but you give us perfectly good reason to. You come in here and automatically assume you're going to be treated like the HBIC because you happen to be 38 (or was it 28?). I'm sorry, but it takes respect to earn respect.
You want to come in here, belittle members of the forum that are much better liked than you, trash everyone that doesn't side with you, and STILL you expect to be treated nicely here? You're out of your mind.
I only give as much respect as I receive. And seeing as you've insulted me numerous times and made assumptions about me for the simple fact that I'm a woman, I'd say you'll get nothing from me.
You aren't welcome here anymore, Digikid.
August 14th, 2007, 03:47 PM
Well that is tough shit...because I am you cannot make that desicion. If you do not like it then please do not let the door hit your butt on the way out.
August 14th, 2007, 03:57 PM
"because I am you cannot make that desicion."
Actually, that's not up to you.
August 14th, 2007, 03:59 PM
But it is not up to her either.
August 14th, 2007, 04:34 PM
You guys need to learn when to back out of the argument and shut up.
Make a new thread if you want, but i'll "abuse my power" if you mess that up too! :)
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