View Full Version : Sapien Expert Mode

August 13th, 2007, 06:54 PM
What exactly does the menu item "Expert Mode" do when it is activated? I cant see any difference.

I am looking for an in-depth answer; steps that illustrate exactly how it functions would be quite useful. Basically, I think it does fuck all, but I would rather ask those who have used Sapien frequently than make a guess.

And of course, no asking any other questions no matter how closely related they are, because as we all know certain moderators like us making new topics for every new question!

August 13th, 2007, 07:00 PM
Well I don't really know. I guess it must be for SP maps or something with more features.

August 13th, 2007, 07:02 PM
Well I don't really know. I guess it must be for SP maps or something with more features.SP? Never though of that, could be I suppose. When I pressed it, nothing really pop'd up with new advanced features.

August 13th, 2007, 07:04 PM
It's in Guerilla too. Oshit, did I say guerilla? Haha no, because according to the thread title that would be offtopic and enough to warrent a warning, wouldn't it?

August 13th, 2007, 07:18 PM
Sapien wasn't mentioned in your post. I smell a ban. =o

teh lag
August 13th, 2007, 07:18 PM
It's in Guerilla too. Oshit, did I say guerilla? Haha no, because according to the thread title that would be offtopic and enough to warrent a warning, wouldn't it?

Srsly. What the christ was that all about in Nick's thread?

Anyhow, I've never seen a major difference with it on or off. It could be one of those things that was supposed to be implimented, but got screwed like alot of other stuff unfortunately was :(.

August 13th, 2007, 07:23 PM
From a quick test, in guerilla expert mode gives you access to greyed out values that aren't normally changable. It probably also does this in sapien but I haven't taken the time to check.

Also, in sapien it gives access to the console in the game window (as far as my setup is concerned), but the console stays enabled if it is then turned off.

August 13th, 2007, 07:24 PM
Kornman says there's a difference in Guerilla Sapien. No really, guerilla. I can't see any difference.

August 13th, 2007, 07:28 PM
Make a new scenario tag and add a scenery block. Expert mode gives access to 3 drop down menus within the block. Just an example mind, obviously gives access to more than just those 3 :p.

August 13th, 2007, 07:39 PM
Make a new scenario tag and add a scenery block. Expert mode gives access to 3 drop down menus within the block. Just an example mind, obviously gives access to more than just those 3 :p.Any indication whether the unlocked features are really for "experts" lol? Or are they just mediocre things.

August 13th, 2007, 07:51 PM
It has more options, lets you re-referance tags I believe. I don't have H2EK on this PC, so I can't check.

August 13th, 2007, 07:55 PM
normal mode should have been the locked down HEK, and expert mode the good ol' CE-like version.

teh lag
August 13th, 2007, 07:57 PM
normal mode should have been the locked down HEK, and expert mode the good ol' CE-like version.

We can always fantasize about what could (and should) have been... :(

August 13th, 2007, 07:57 PM
normal mode should have been the locked down HEK, and expert mode the good ol' CE-like version.Too right, to be honest I dont see why it unlocks stuff since it doesnt really unlock THAT much. Like some one said I think it was put in before they locked the whole kit down.

Did bungie/hired gun mention any updates to the editing kit?

August 13th, 2007, 08:04 PM
It's more likely that the values that are made changable by expert mode are values that either don't need to be changed, shouldn't be changed, or if changed to an incorrect value would cause problems later on.

In other words, you need to have "Expert" knowledge to know what each value does and what they should and shouldn't be.

August 13th, 2007, 08:59 PM
Did bungie/hired gun mention any updates to the editing kit?

Nobody official has mentioned anything about ANY updates yet. It makes me sad.

August 13th, 2007, 09:31 PM
The expert mode just unlocks certain attributes for tags you can edit in sapien just like in guerrilla. Usually its for properties you shouldn't be messing with.

August 14th, 2007, 12:37 AM
Expert mode has been in guerilla (and sapien) since Bungie was dealing with it. Its nothing Pi put into it. Its really meant for a programmer to fix small things tool fucked up on, or from fucked up inputs made by a designer.

August 14th, 2007, 12:46 PM
Did bungie/hired gun mention any updates to the editing kit?

The "Map Editor" kit we have is unsupported by Microsoft, Pi, and Hired Gun. Expect no updates, unless they see fit. Which at the current rate of decay, I see no inclination for an update or any type of tag release. :(

As for the Sapien Expert mode, yes after toying around with it, I've noticed it's mainly values that are only made during import. Given that the designer/artist/whatever gives it a bad import value, instead of re-importing after changing, they have access to the debug.html, and Guerilla's expert mode which allows the change to happen in less time. (Depending on it's complexity)