View Full Version : Got lotz'a question.
August 13th, 2007, 10:19 PM
I'm no noob to tagging, but I can do all the hard stuff and not the easy stuff. Got lots of questions.
How do I make a gun more accurate? I was playing a build of my beta with some friends and Mr. Con said that he said it (AR) was overpowered because it took one clip of spray-and pray to kill with the AR. He said it should be 1 clip of accurate aiming. Well, how do I make it aim better?
did you try decreasing the error angles under the projectile sub-header of your .weapon tag? - Fixed.
And on the contrary to that question, how do I make a projectile bigger? How do I make it less accurate?
did you try increasing the error angles under the projectile sub-header of your .weapon tag? - Fixed
How do I make it (projectile) e-splode at the end? It took a skilled person to aim with my spartan laser.
Check out how the detonations are set up in the rocket launcher's rocket.projectile tag - Fixed
How do you make your crosshair turn red when it's farther away? I've noticed a difference.
try the reticule settings in the .weapon tag. They may be 0 only for default. - Fixed
My spartan laser really explodes when it hits the ground. I don't want it to LOOK like it is a spartan-laser-rocket-launcher cross, so I want the explosion to be smaller. How can I do that?
I try compiling my H3 SMG animations and I cant seem to compile them. They give me an error. There was something that L33T / F33T / CAD had released with IK about exporting something... Where do I export and how? And = CAD, if you're reading this please check your private messages.
What animations go to what in the plasma pistol... I'm so confused.. I've got overheated and overheating.... overcharge and overcharge again.... HUH? - Urgent - Fixed
Well, that about wraps it up. If I have any more questions I'll post it here so I dont make 20 trillion threads.
August 13th, 2007, 11:44 PM
How do I make a gun more accurate? I was playing a build of my beta with some friends and Mr. Con said that he said it (AR) was overpowered because it took one clip of spray-and pray to kill with the AR. He said it should be 1 clip of accurate aiming. Well, how do I make it aim better?
did you try decreasing the error angles under the projectile sub-header of your .weapon tag?
And on the contrary to that question, how do I make a projectile bigger? How do I make it less accurate?
You don't make the projectile's "bigger," you make them less accurate. See above.
How do I make it (projectile) e-splode at the end? It took a skilled person to aim with my spartan laser.
Check out how the detonations are set up in the rocket launcher's rocket.projectile tag
How do you make your crosshair turn red when it's farther away? I've noticed a difference.
try the reticule settings in the .weapon tag. They may be 0 only for default.
August 14th, 2007, 12:40 AM
Conscars, stop hogging all the questions :gonk:
How do I make it (projectile) e-splode at the end? It took a skilled person to aim with my spartan laser.
w00t im skilled!
I killed (Either you or conscars) with the sl and you hada sniper :-D
August 14th, 2007, 01:12 AM
Hay, but I killed you while you were in a hog.
August 14th, 2007, 01:34 AM
You guys forgot about little old me :'( and your laser shoots a little bit too the right of the crosshair
August 14th, 2007, 02:07 AM
Yep, that's all fixed now. The spartan laser now LOLE-PLODES when fired. Just got to fix out a few bugs and add in weapons (carbine, porta MG, beam rifle), and we could test again. Not soon though, could you please answer the animation question?
August 14th, 2007, 07:31 PM
Don't forget the other stuff I mentioned in the PM. In Halo PC modding, I decreased the spread of fire for a weapon and it becomes accurate. I remember getting owned with the sniper by Conscars.
August 14th, 2007, 11:50 PM
Any info on the animation help? And, also, new question added.
August 15th, 2007, 12:49 AM
you can try to make the explosion invisible, it was said in the other thread by HDoan 'bubble shield'.
What should I use to IM you?
August 18th, 2007, 05:25 AM
Still need help with animations. Gnite people.
August 18th, 2007, 03:51 PM
well i think FP animations are self explanitory.
just read the name of the anim and it will tell u wat it does.
3rd person animation... well thats a different story.
August 18th, 2007, 05:00 PM
DUH! Read the question closer. It has like First Person Overheat/Overheating/overheating again... Which one is which?
August 18th, 2007, 05:54 PM
First-Person Overheating - Overheating initial (start) animation.
First-Person Overheated - Overheating looping animation.
First-Person Overheating-Again - Readying an overheated weapon.
First-Person O-H-Exit - Overheating final (exit) animation.
August 18th, 2007, 06:08 PM
What about O-H-S enter?
August 18th, 2007, 06:10 PM
From the old Halo Wiki:
Fp Animation Guide
By An Emu with Snippets Added by BioCroc noted by º
.jmo = Overlay
.jma = Base
.jmr = Replacement
.Jmm = Movementº Necessary Animations marked by a â€*
First-person Fire-1 â€*(may be substituted with fire)
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: Primary trigger firing animation First-person Fire-2
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: secondary trigger firing animation First-person fire â€* (may be substituted with fire-1)
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: firing animation (used in guns that have no secondary trigger, but fire-1 can also be used) First-person Ready â€*
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: Shown when you bring out a weapon First-person throw-grenade â€*
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: When MC throws a grenade First-person throw-overheated
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: When weapon is overheated and MC throws a grenade First-person idle â€*
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: default animation First-person melee â€*
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: Shown when mc melees First-person reload-empty â€* (can be substituted with reload)
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: When clip is empty and you reload First-person reload-full â€* (can be substituted with reload)
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: When clip still has ammo left and you reload) First-person reload â€* (can be substituted with reload-empty and
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: Normal reloading animation (used in guns that have same animation for reloading no matter how much ammo is left) First-person Moving
Animation Type:.jmo
Frames: -
Description: When Walking, the sway of the gun Picture by
[ZMT] L33T
First-person Overlays
Animation Type: .jmo
Frames: 9
Description: When Looking, the sway of the gun
keyframe 0-Default (used when not moving)
keyframe 1-Moving forward
keyframe 2-Moving backward
keyframe 3-Strafing left
keyframe 4-Strafing right
keyframe 5-Turing left
keyframe 6-Turning right
keyframe 7-Looking up
keyframe 8-Looking down
keyframe 9-full automatic fire
ex: Make keyframe 5 have your gun pointed slightly to the left so when you turn left your gun leads.
-Picture by [ZMT] L33T
First-person Posing
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: Shown when idle for too long (mc checks out his gun) First-person misfire-1
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: misfire animation for guns like the plasma rifle First-person o-h-exit
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: Shown when gun leaves overheated animation and resumes normal animations(?) First-person o-h-s-enter
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: (?) First-person overheated
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: when weapon is overheated (?) First-person overheating
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: The animation that is played when the gun starts overheating First-person overheating-again
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: Animation that is played when switching to a gun that is overheating. First-person overcharged
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: when weapon is charged (like when plasma pistol turns sideways) (?) First-person overcharged-jitter
Animation Type: .jmo
Frames: 16
Description: the jitter when your weapon is overcharged(like the shaking in plasma pistol) (?) First-person enter
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: in weapons like shotgun, where each round is loaded individually,
when mc begins to put shell into gun. Stops right when the shell is actually put into the gun. First-person exit-empty
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: in weapons like shotgun, where each round is loaded individually.
Shown when clip is empty and you reload. Begins after mc loads the last round into the gun. (?) (in the shotgun, this animation is where he cocks his gun after he finishes reloading all 12 rounds) First-person exit-full
Animation Type: .jma
Frames: -
Description: in weapons like shotgun, where each round is loaded individually.
Shown when you reload when the clip still has rounds in it. Begins after mc loads the last round into the gun (?) First-person ammunition
Animation Type: .jmo
Frames: (Magazine Capacity +1)
Description: This overlay animation changes the gun's appearance depending on how much ammunition is remaining in the weapon. For example, the needler uses this animation.
Frame 0 - Default
Frame 1 - Empty
Frame 2 - One Round Left
Frame 3 - Two Rounds Left
Frame 4 - Three Rounds Left
August 18th, 2007, 06:18 PM
Wow, I was looking for that. Thanks a shitload.
August 18th, 2007, 06:21 PM
No problem.
August 18th, 2007, 09:18 PM
New question added. Please answer. This is about IK.
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