View Full Version : H3T
August 14th, 2007, 03:43 PM
Spartan Laser - Scooby Doo - Permission Given
AR Reticule - CMT Unknown - Masters said as long as credit is given it's OK.
AR Reticule - CMT Unknown - Masters said as long as credit is given it's OK.
Spiker Reticule - CMT Unknown - Masters said as long as credit is given it's OK.
Models/bitmaps are place holders until we make our own model and bitmap.
Equipment modeld by me
Animations done by FlamingRain
Sounds by CommanderAD and CtrlAltDel
August 14th, 2007, 06:46 PM
........Why would the bullets stay in? The whole purpose of the bubble shield is for you to fire out while they can't fire in.
August 14th, 2007, 06:48 PM
........Why would the bullets stay in? The whole purpose of the bubble shield is for you to fire out while they can't fire in.
oh yeah of course.. thats why bungie called the bubble shield a defensive equipment...
August 14th, 2007, 06:51 PM
........Why would the bullets stay in? The whole purpose of the bubble shield is for you to fire out while they can't fire in.
Um, I thought bubbleshield was soley a shield. If you shoot inside the bubble, it bounces back (or depletes, one of the two)
August 14th, 2007, 06:57 PM
The bubble is a shield. People who shoot you form the outside cant get you when your in the should because of the bubble, but if your inside the bubble then you cant shoot outside, but if someone goes inside you can shoot each other. I need a way to make projectiles say inside that are shot inside, and shots from outside stay out. and a way to make it so the bubble aloows players to walk in and out
August 14th, 2007, 07:00 PM
Woops my bad. I never really did get to use the shield in the beta and kinda mistook its function.
August 14th, 2007, 07:08 PM
Hey HDoan, you gotta make the bubble shield impervious to Spartan Laser, grenades, and other explosives.
August 14th, 2007, 07:09 PM
Hey HDoan, you gotta make the bubble shield impervious to Spartan Laser, grenades, and other explosives.
Already done
Heres a render
Note: Textures are temperary, going to redo
August 14th, 2007, 07:18 PM
Are you going to be able to fire outside if you are inside? You sure that it will be able to block grenades, tank fire, and plasma fire? I hope I won't win Slayer games by 'nading people in their own bubble shield. The activation of the bubble shield should have a dome that is like active camouflage.
The models look nice! The plasma grenades are coming back right? I hope the plasma and fragmentation grenades are redone, including their explosions.
August 14th, 2007, 07:22 PM
Its not a grenade, its a weapon that doesnt use the 2 weapon limit. Like the c4, once you drop it youll switch to your next weapon
and when your inside you cannot shoot outside, but explosions go through scenery
August 14th, 2007, 07:28 PM
Dang, so it's impossible for the bubble shield to completely block an explosion.
August 14th, 2007, 07:38 PM
yeah its impossible. SO anyone have any idea on how I can block bullets and walk in and out of the bubble
Choking Victim
August 14th, 2007, 08:07 PM
yeah its impossible. SO anyone have any idea on how I can block bullets and walk in and out of the bubble
well, using the script command (object_set_collideable <object> <boolean>) makes an object collidable to bullets, but not players. Though, i dont see how you could set the collision of a deployed object.
August 14th, 2007, 08:10 PM
I'm not really the best with scripts =/
August 14th, 2007, 08:31 PM
I'm not really the best with scripts =/
Then maybe a bubble shield is a little advanced for you? Try taking things a step at a time, a bubble shield will take a good amount of scripting, so try practicing.
EDIT: I stand corrected, it would be all tagwork.
August 14th, 2007, 08:39 PM
Ok, does anyone have any idea on how to make trip mine detonate when it has weight put on and when damaged?
August 14th, 2007, 08:42 PM
Well, I know how to make it detonate when stepped on, simply shoot an invisible projectile into the air that fades after 7 feet or so. If it hits something, then it detonates with a bang.
August 14th, 2007, 09:06 PM
Well, I know how to make it detonate when stepped on, simply shoot an invisible projectile into the air that fades after 7 feet or so. If it hits something, then it detonates with a bang.
am I only the only one who didn't get that?...
Well, making the bubble shield is impossible, huh?...Why don't you look at the reference tags of Kirby_422's Bubbleshield;
Could help you with what you're trying to do.
Do you have a picture of what the shield looks like?
August 14th, 2007, 09:09 PM
It's like shooting a fuel rod into the air, except make it fade after 3 feet (To stop it from killing Banshees) and make it invisible.
August 14th, 2007, 09:13 PM
It's like shooting a fuel rod into the air, except make it fade after 3 feet (To stop it from killing Banshees) and make it invisible.
That's actually a pretty good idea. I'd not have thought of getting a trip mine to work that way. Just give the projectile a large explosion.
August 14th, 2007, 11:40 PM
The whole purpose of the bubble shield is for you to fire out while they can't fire in.
The Bubble Shield deflects projectiles from both sides of the field, but allows players and vehicles to pass through.
However [according to the EGM scans, anyway], the new Forward Energy Shield equipment (the H3 retake of the stationary Covenant Energy Shields) generates a polarized field that you can shoot through when behind it even though it deflects incoming projectiles at its anterior. Although I'm assuming you won't be able to walk through them like the Bubble Shield and Shield Doors.
August 15th, 2007, 06:39 AM
yeah its impossible. SO anyone have any idea on how I can block bullets and walk in and out of the bubble
light fixture instead of scenery.
Edit: Please give me credit for that, I wasn't going to say because I was going to make it myself but I'm too busy/lazy lately so I thought I might as well tell you.
August 15th, 2007, 05:13 PM
The Bubble isn't scenery, it's a weapon.
August 15th, 2007, 06:07 PM
I know that, but if you look at kirbys bubble shield it spawns scenery.
August 15th, 2007, 06:18 PM
Thats what mine does, and I used kirby's shield grenade when I needed help, like finding out how to make it disapear after a period of time
August 15th, 2007, 06:23 PM
Ah, I see what you mean now.
Yeah, make it a light fixture with a Water Shader to make it clear, and you'll have a pretty good representation of the H3 Bubble Shield.
August 15th, 2007, 06:24 PM
Is there a way to give it a active camo look? Were everything in or behind it is disorted
August 15th, 2007, 06:39 PM
I would say use a Water shader, or take a look at the active camo itself to see if there is a shader referenced anywhere.
EDIT: No, the Active Camo has no shader references, I just checked. It looks like it would have to be a water shader for people with good graphics, and make another shader that has how it currently is for people with crappy graphics.
August 15th, 2007, 07:23 PM
Oh thanks, im going to leave it as it was before, yellow and clear. It looks better then 100% clear unless we can get disorted look. Does anyone know how to add bump maps to it?
August 15th, 2007, 07:27 PM
....don't you people listen? No GBXmodel will EVER have a bump map applied to it. We've been saying this to people for years now. It's not possible. Nada. Period.
August 15th, 2007, 07:30 PM
I thought we were able to add bump maps to scenery and levels
August 15th, 2007, 07:32 PM
Just .shader_environment tags, which are for levels only.
I wonder what will happen if you make a model use a .shader_environment, though...
August 15th, 2007, 07:32 PM
just levels. The best thing you're gonna get is a glass shader.
Just .shader_environment tags, which are for levels only.
I wonder what will happen if you make a model use a .shader_environment, though...
you cant.. you think if we could use that method to get bump mapped GBXmodels we would have done it already? :downs:
August 15th, 2007, 07:37 PM
Yeah, I figure you would have done it before, I just tried it myself and it doesn't work.
Yeah, try a Glass shader, I like anything better then that ugly Yellow color.
August 15th, 2007, 07:38 PM
2 words. Multipurpose maps.
August 15th, 2007, 07:49 PM
Yes, you could use multipurpose, but there aren't very many good tutorials out there on how to make them, and thus most people can't.
August 15th, 2007, 08:05 PM
Ok, I just looked into the gravity lift tags from H2_lockout_final and it gives damage but the damage modifiers are set to 0, if I set it enough to kill vehicles it would work right? It would be too high or too low for anything. So if I edit the model and such of the grav lift would it work?
August 15th, 2007, 08:12 PM
Yes, it should.
MC's health is 150, I believe, and in most vehicles, only .18 of the damage is applied to him.
Just to ensure death though, make the damage 1250, that should be enough to bring down anything. Don't make the explosion any bigger than a tank shell, though.
August 15th, 2007, 08:27 PM
The Halo 3 Trip mine explosion doesn't have a tank shell explosion, the tank shell explosion is too large, but the Halo 3 Trip Mine explosion does have some shock-wave damage. Use the button at your own risk. Are vehicles going to be destructible? By the way, I'm missing out on Mongoose game play.:( Please put the rest of the Halo 1 weapons back in (since they are all going to be back in Halo 3) including the rocket launcher, the new flame thrower, and other Halo 3 weapons back.
I have 12 Halo 3 Beta Game Play videos that might be enough for Halo 3 sounds. Is the back pack weapons going to be in this mod? Please make it as H3 as possible. I'll bribe you with positive reputation points whenever I can.
August 15th, 2007, 08:35 PM
Use button at own risk.
If I can get a good mongoose tag maybe. I can't tag up vehicles so I'm not sure. I'll put all of the rocket and flamethrower and stuff back in after I reanimate them. I can't put in bare sounds from halo 3 gameplay because they'd sound like total horseshit in game. I'd need someone to gladly help with cleaning up sounds.
August 15th, 2007, 08:41 PM
Press 0 for Operator
What IM program do you have? I can send the videos through, depending what type and internet speed you have. Or, we can wait for Halo 3 Epsilon or something, get someone to record sounds for everything. The other Halo 3 weapons need to be in, I would like to talk to you about the H3T mods by PM or IM
August 15th, 2007, 08:44 PM
Got MSN?
August 15th, 2007, 09:02 PM
Yay it works, I dropped a bubble shield then my mine, it blew up but it didnt disapear so I flew up, bubble knocked me down, so I was spazzing
August 15th, 2007, 09:03 PM
Can i have a test map of that? ;)
August 15th, 2007, 09:07 PM
The H3T beta testers will get to test it after I adjust a few things
EDIT: Does anyone know how to make a scenery detonate after being shot?
August 15th, 2007, 09:38 PM
well, using the script command (object_set_collideable <object> <boolean>) makes an object collidable to bullets, but not players. Though, i dont see how you could set the collision of a deployed object.
How do you tie that to a scenery that would be called "shield_bubble"
object_set_collideable shield_bubble 1?
August 15th, 2007, 10:36 PM
A boolean is a true/false value, not an integer. Besides, to be able to use that command in the first place, the deployed object would have to be named (meaning you can't just spawn it with an effect).
August 15th, 2007, 10:40 PM
True and false and 0 and 1 are the same. But whatever. I'll ask HDoan how he spawns the bubbleshield. How would I go around not spawning it with an effect. Please elaborate. kthx.
August 15th, 2007, 10:47 PM
I made a projectile and the second it lands it chain spawns a scenery of it. Any ideas on how to make the trip mine disapear when it detonates and when its been damaged
August 15th, 2007, 10:58 PM
well, using the script command (object_set_collideable <object> <boolean>) makes an object collidable to bullets, but not players. Though, i dont see how you could set the collision of a deployed object.
exactly... i dont think its possible with scripts or without them, not on a moving one anyway... or a deployable one...
itd have to already be made, then its just a plain old shield tho kind of.
I had one possible idea, but i have no idea, what if u some how used device machines, like a door, idk, I havent made any doors for ce so i have no idea what there properties are or if you could make one work on somthing that moved.
EDIT: had one interesting idea, but tbh i have no idea, you know how when u throw a frag grenade, then if u shoot it with a rocket, the frag grenade its blown away, is there a way to make all the projectiles in the game behave like this? If we could be could make the bubble shield a simple damge effect somehow possibly... that might work, idk though, im jus pullin ideas out of my arse lol.
August 15th, 2007, 10:59 PM
True and false and 0 and 1 are the same. But whatever. I'll ask HDoan how he spawns the bubbleshield. How would I go around not spawning it with an effect. Please elaborate. kthx.
A short (integer) and a boolean (true/false) are two different return types. So, speaking in an Halo script sense, they are not the same thing.
Also, I would recommend placing the deployed bubble shield as a named object in the scenario, and when called upon (flashlight, or whatever) attach the object to the player then detach it immediately.
August 15th, 2007, 10:59 PM
The bubble shield is a weapon.
August 15th, 2007, 11:21 PM
my idea is a lil wierd but I think it cud work if u seriously messed around with all the projectiles in the game for a good long time lol...
if u throw a plasma grenade against somthing let it bounce off, then fire a rocket at the ground right before it hits the ground, the plasma grenade is thrown back or away somewhere else. Plasma grenades are just as much of a projectile as a pistol bullet, so if u can deflect a grenade using damage effects (instantaeous acceleration or w/e) then you should be able to do the same with a pistol bullet, now if you contruct a bubble shield somehow that is surrounded with a damage effect set up to work at deflecting any kind of projectile and have it constantly on, then we could possibly make some sort of set up where the mc would be able to pass through the shield, but bullets and grenades would all be deflected away, it wouldnt be purfect but its the only way I see working at all. Grenade explosions would still go through it due to there damage radius, unless u made the shield keep the grenades far enough away.
idk, there really is no good way to do this in halo ce, u cant make a collision model that lets people through and not bullets.
August 15th, 2007, 11:26 PM
Hmmm.... it's a good idea i just don't know how.
August 15th, 2007, 11:29 PM
my idea is a lil wierd but I think it cud work if u seriously messed around with all the projectiles in the game for a good long time lol...
if u throw a plasma grenade against somthing let it bounce off, then fire a rocket at the ground right before it hits the ground, the plasma grenade is thrown back or away somewhere else. Plasma grenades are just as much of a projectile as a pistol bullet, so if u can deflect a grenade using damage effects (instantaeous acceleration or w/e) then you should be able to do the same with a pistol bullet, now if you contruct a bubble shield somehow that is surrounded with a damage effect set up to work at deflecting any kind of projectile and have it constantly on, then we could possibly make some sort of set up where the mc would be able to pass through the shield, but bullets and grenades would all be deflected away, it wouldnt be purfect but its the only way I see working at all. Grenade explosions would still go through it due to there damage radius, unless u made the shield keep the grenades far enough away.
idk, there really is no good way to do this in halo ce, u cant make a collision model that lets people through and not bullets.
Or, you could just use an unused collision material (ie. engineer) and set all projectile material collision responses to deflect off said material.
August 15th, 2007, 11:35 PM
That's actually a better idea however I dont get it. Can you elaborate or tell me how to do it step-by-step?
August 15th, 2007, 11:48 PM
I'm more concernd about the trip mine =/ Would you want a ctf game, red base capturing all the trip mine and putting it in the entrances to the flag? So unless we can set it so if you shoot the trip mine to blow it up and to make it disapear after it detonates Im unsure how it would be fun game play =/
EDIT: Ok since the banshee from sp blows up I opend it up and copied somethings, im going to go ingame and see if trip mine gets destroyed when shot
EDIT: Nope they just spawn with a tank shell and own me
August 16th, 2007, 12:08 AM
Plasma grenades are just as much of a projectile as a pistol bullet, so if u can deflect a grenade using damage effects (instantaeous acceleration or w/e) then you should be able to do the same with a pistol bullet,
Thrown grenades are scenery, iirc.
August 16th, 2007, 12:10 AM
No, they're projectiles. :/ Scenery objects don't have physics.
August 16th, 2007, 01:16 AM
Would you guys perfer a clear bubble shield, or using The thing that circles him when he is hit
August 16th, 2007, 01:23 AM
Or a watery/active camo bubble shield?
August 16th, 2007, 01:26 AM
Clear FTW.
August 16th, 2007, 03:02 AM
Heres a video of trip mine and bubble shield they are wips and bubble shield shader changed after this video
August 16th, 2007, 03:11 AM
The bubble shield would look sexier with the water looking thing. The shields just look odd on it. :l
August 16th, 2007, 03:16 AM
fine ill see what water looks like.. where is the shader located
August 16th, 2007, 03:28 AM
Also, prepare tommorow for a video of all animations going into H3T.
Or should I say tonight?
August 16th, 2007, 04:52 AM
The end is pure awesome. I mean, I knew MC was awesome, but not THAT awesome.
Also, for the water shader, try looking at B30. If you can't find it there, try Yoyorast Island's water shaders, it's called swim or something like that.
August 16th, 2007, 06:04 AM
just levels. The best thing you're gonna get is a glass shader.
you cant.. you think if we could use that method to get bump mapped GBXmodels we would have done it already? :downs:
You can use shader_environments for gbx models, it just doesn't include the bump map.
August 16th, 2007, 01:00 PM
You guys were right, water is sexy =/ but how do I fix this?
Only have the bubble has the water. Also how can I make an explosion radius smaller? Like how a longswords nuke has a big radius and a rocket has a much smaller one, how can I decrease the radius
August 16th, 2007, 01:34 PM
There should be an alpha map in the shader somewhere. Just remove that and it should work fine.
August 16th, 2007, 01:37 PM
HDoan - I'll be on MSN in a bit.
Also, that looks smexy.
August 16th, 2007, 01:37 PM
Did you UVW tile it? If yes remove the alpha.
August 16th, 2007, 04:05 PM
Any idea on the collision error? We can't seem to be able to walk in and out of the bubbal shield. And, if you are watching this, CAD, then please elaborate on your unused shader material engineer idea.
August 16th, 2007, 05:53 PM
In the water from b30 there is no alpha map =/
EDIT: Which one would you guys perfer, a plasma grenade or spiker grenade. If you choose plasma grenade ill learn particles, if you choose Spiker grenade then I have to model and etc.
August 16th, 2007, 06:15 PM
Plasma Grenade explosion looks better because of its the EMP shock wave, electricity bolts flying every where, and the sexy looks. Halo 3 Plasma Grenade FTW!
August 16th, 2007, 06:50 PM
In the water from b30 there is no alpha map =/
EDIT: Which one would you guys perfer, a plasma grenade or spiker grenade. If you choose plasma grenade ill learn particles, if you choose Spiker grenade then I have to model and etc.
Wrong. Go look at the base map's alpha, there it is. Just take out the directory for the base map and it should be fine.
August 16th, 2007, 07:11 PM
Pl0xx help with tehh collizion or i wall turn into tezh ubar n00bz!!
^ Writing that sentence was very hard.
Please help us with the collision. We can stop bugging you if you can help us.
August 16th, 2007, 07:12 PM
I can deal with the bubble shield right now, but I dont want my trip mine to own me when im 10 feet away and when people put it on there flag since it doesnt disapear so no one can grab fl;ag
August 16th, 2007, 07:12 PM
Or, you could just use an unused collision material (ie. engineer) and set all projectile material collision responses to deflect off said material.
yeah but the mc cant walk through that then...
I kno that would reflect projectiles, but what we need is a way to reflect projectiles but let the mc through at the same time...
I say you try for somthing simpler because I dont think the above would work...
just make one that creates a shield u get stuck in for a few moments, then make it go away.
(so you see someone throw a grenade or shoot a rocket at u, u use the shield and it comes up and protects you for a few seconds while the explosions occurs)
would be easier than making it like the halo 3 one (throw a shield is bounces to a halt deploys, then u can run in and out of it for protection cant really do this in ce)
actually i have a better idea for the shield, maybe you should make the textures your self instead of using the water which looks pretty retarded :D just a suggestion, not alot of skill behind stealing halos prexisting shaders. I reccommend making a nice translucent shader like the halo 3 one, now thats somthing that is possible.
EDIT: I think a trip mine would be easy...
August 16th, 2007, 07:23 PM
So then how do we make it disapear after being used and shrinking radius of blast
August 16th, 2007, 07:26 PM
Also, a side note, can anybody around here clean up sounds? They sound like shit and if it was ingame it would sound like more shit.
August 16th, 2007, 08:05 PM
Did you get every sound for every thing from the Halo 3 Beta already?
August 16th, 2007, 08:13 PM
So then how do we make it disapear after being used and shrinking radius of blast
In the damage_effect tag there is "radius" at the very top. Change those two values to change the distance the damage affects (ex: 0 to 5).
August 16th, 2007, 08:21 PM
Not every every sound but every sound for the weapons we're using excluding the sniper rifle.
August 16th, 2007, 08:31 PM
Sniper Rifle needs new animations if it doesn't have new sounds.
August 16th, 2007, 09:43 PM
I'm not able to import pistol animations. When I try to import I get this error from first-person moving and first-person overlays
--unable to convert: 1.0 to type: point3
EDIT: is there a math equasion for how much damage a weapon does? Like what number should I make a pistol 5 hit kill
August 16th, 2007, 11:42 PM
Okay, we should change the topic name to H3T Questions Thread.
Also, is there a way we can disable needler homing? The needler projectile is in my spiker and I made a new one and I want to change it so it doesn't home. I've looked everywhere and can't find it. Thanks.
August 16th, 2007, 11:59 PM
Also, im making a shotgun and the reload animation doesnt work, i imported the one from the original shotgun but when I reload theres no animation.
Also how do we make a scenery disapear after it detonates
August 17th, 2007, 04:39 AM
Sorry for double post, I started working on portable gravity lift, it works but just very good. Also when I use projectiles to spawn scenery, the scenery never spawns straight, is there a way to get it 100% straight? and CtrlAltDel how did you set up yourgrav lift so make you go up and when you go down it slows down yuor fall and sends you back up and doesnt make your vehicle go too far. and what particles are the ones from Truth from reconsiliation ship
August 17th, 2007, 05:49 PM
The HEK doesn't have a projectile thing (or whatever) like in Halo Modding Tools v3.5 (HMT v3.5, Halo PC modding). Try to find a way to get to the projectile and you should see homing some where there. Like how much range you are giving the projectile, it should be some where near there.
August 17th, 2007, 05:58 PM
and also I gave my scenery the model of a undeployed version of my portable gravity lift, it doesnt seem to show
August 17th, 2007, 06:07 PM
huh? Make the gravity lift blue!!
August 17th, 2007, 07:06 PM
Hi, I went in saipen and tried to add in the scenery and I get this from debug.txt
08.17.07 17:03:25 a hobo pc ----------------------------------------------
08.17.07 17:03:25 reference function: _write_to_error_file
08.17.07 17:03:25 reference address: 401b13
08.17.07 17:03:25 Couldn't read map file './'
08.17.07 17:03:25 CreateDevice succeeded with refresh rate = 0
08.17.07 17:03:26 DirectInput: 'Acquire (keyboard)' returned (DIERR_OTHERAPPHASPRIO#-2147024891)
08.17.07 17:03:26 Increasing sound decompression buffer size to 1048576 bytes
08.17.07 17:03:27 the model 'weapons\h3-shotgun\h3-shotgun' and the animation graph 'weapons\h3-shotgun\h3-shotgun' don't match
08.17.07 17:03:27 the object 'weapons\h3-shotgun\h3-shotgun' will not animate
08.17.07 17:03:28 the model 'weapons\spartan_laser\spartan_laser' and the collision model 'weapons\spartan_laser\spartan_laser' don't match (node counts don't match)
08.17.07 17:03:28 the object 'weapons\spartan_laser\spartan_laser' will not be collidable
08.17.07 17:03:55 local player 0, weapon (0x0), deleted unexpectedly
08.17.07 17:04:18 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:18 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:18 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:18 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:18 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:18 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:18 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:19 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:20 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:21 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:22 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:23 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:24 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:25 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:26 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:27 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:27 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:27 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:27 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:27 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:27 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:27 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:27 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:27 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:27 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:27 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:27 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:27 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
08.17.07 17:04:28 ### ERROR model effect type #2 can't render opaque shader
August 17th, 2007, 07:19 PM
ok here we go.
to make the bubble shield disapear AND be destroyable. first instead of it being a scenery object. build it as a vehicle. make all the physics and what not. then in guerilla open the collision model for it and make it destroable and make it have health and stuff. i think that will work.
about trip mine. make this a vehicle also and make it have health so when the mine detonates it will destroy the trip mine.
i think what will work.
August 17th, 2007, 07:22 PM
Ok, earlier Kirby_422 gave us a solution to the going in and out, sadly projectiles didnt deflect, there was another bubble shield inside of it with collision but there was something red inside it making my fps go from 60 to 1 in a second. Projectiles started to disapear so we just decided to not use it and just make a none going in and out shield
August 17th, 2007, 07:29 PM
i was explaining how to make it destroyable and make it dissapear.
August 17th, 2007, 08:03 PM
and I was explaining our situation with the bubble shield
August 17th, 2007, 08:24 PM
well have u tried looking around in the collision model cause there may be something in there that u could use... idk specfically but i no theres some stuff in there
August 17th, 2007, 09:08 PM
Does anyone know why my portable grav lift scenery wont show but it still sends me flying
August 17th, 2007, 09:13 PM
what do u mean by wont show up.
is the gbxmodel not rendering or is it rotated wrong or what?
August 17th, 2007, 09:38 PM
its not rendering, and also trip mine and bubble siheld when they are sent out they are never up straight is there a way to fix that
August 17th, 2007, 10:25 PM
Ok, earlier Kirby_422 gave us a solution to the going in and out, sadly projectiles didnt deflect, there was another bubble shield inside of it with collision but there was something red inside it making my fps go from 60 to 1 in a second. Projectiles started to disapear so we just decided to not use it and just make a none going in and out shield
No, you had it set up wrong :X.
But anyways I had almost identical setup and couldnt test because it literally dropped our FPS from 60 - 1 in about half a milisecond and then for me the game closed itself. :X
August 17th, 2007, 10:38 PM
Offtopic: I just got 60gb more hard drive space xD
And can anyone answer how to make trip mine disapear after being used, how to make scenery spawn straight after chain spawn from projectile and how CtrlAltDel did hiis grav lift
August 17th, 2007, 10:54 PM
i already told u how to make trip mine work.
rotation is always gonna be random when its spawned as scenery unlesss... mabye seetting some of the velocity cone stuff will fix it.
and congrats on the HD upgrade.
August 17th, 2007, 11:49 PM
Your vehicle idea won't work if there is no vehicle respawn time.
August 18th, 2007, 12:03 AM
Umm can someone explain why my portable gravity lift scenery refuses to show up ingame but still makes me fly
August 18th, 2007, 01:29 AM
welll since theyll be vehicles theyll be destroyable soo... just make a attachment in the .vehicle tag that is acontinuos damageeffect and it will eventually die.
btw ur grav lift aint showin up cause ur shaders are fuxed.
August 18th, 2007, 02:06 AM
I dont think its the shader because I tried different bitmaps and shaders and still get the same error oh and trailer coming soon
August 18th, 2007, 02:48 AM
try changing it to a completely diff shader in 3ds. and also try and import it into 3ds with teh ghosts scripts. thatll tell u if its a corruptioin error a shader error or a geometry error.
August 18th, 2007, 03:05 AM
hmm...for the trip mine , will it be able to stick to vehicles?
August 18th, 2007, 03:09 AM
it sticks to vehicles right now but I am changing that later
August 18th, 2007, 03:21 AM
Yes. It's fun doing people will stay away from say, a warthog in a CTF game.
August 18th, 2007, 03:29 AM
Its funner putting a mine in your flag so they cant grab it xD
August 18th, 2007, 04:37 AM
Lol, I remember once I was playing a game that had mines in it (I forgot which game it was), and the mines stuck to anything. So one day I stuck a mine to a guy with friendly fire off, and then I sent him into a group of people on the other team. He was being shot at from all directions, but he managed to hit someone right before they were going to kill him. The mine went kablooie, I got all the points for the kills, and he died from a sniper shot as the dust cleared. I got first place. =P
August 18th, 2007, 01:52 PM
IN unreal tournament 2004 I always stick mines on my team and turn them into suicide bombers.
Last night me and Frain recorded some of the video but soe some reaso my hard drive didnt work so we have to record it all over again xD It was fun though, my favorite moment was when we wer fighting in a bubble, I droped a mine and ran out of it
August 18th, 2007, 02:06 PM
xD that was fun. I was like OSHIT MINE BOOM.
August 18th, 2007, 09:06 PM
We re-recorded the video this morning and I am currently at my cousins house for one of their birthday parties, I will edit the video tonight and have another sleepless night
August 18th, 2007, 09:44 PM
What you sleep during the night like normal people?
August 18th, 2007, 10:59 PM
No, I sleep in the morning and wake up at the night. The light burns my eyes and I cannot leave my room because then my allergies to fresh oxygen, grass, and cement will kick in
August 19th, 2007, 12:30 AM
Amen.....well I would like to see a map with good bubble shields, but I understand certain complications stunt these developments.
August 19th, 2007, 01:15 AM
how about this:
you have bubble shields under the map, along with a biped. built in, named, so you can use the Object_set_collidable commands. then you use an If statement like
cond player_has_weapon_readied & player_action_test_action
object attatch shield head
object detatch shield
sleep 1000
object attatch shield bipedundermap
this would allow the bubble shield to spawn when you press action, and would stop only bullets. As for explosions, im still working on that.....
oh and the h3 weapons are MUCH better than the ones i previously saw, on h3t_bloodgulch. (I dont think that was your team was it? with _theArbiter_?)
August 19th, 2007, 01:26 AM
Acctualy Kenny, that was me and Flaming Rains team.
Anyway heres the video I made, this is the first video I ever synced +rep and pointers are appreciated.
Or embed
August 19th, 2007, 01:31 AM
The map looks massively improved... but the BR still looks very little like its h3 counterpart.
August 19th, 2007, 01:35 AM
Just to tell you guys im using wide screen so some parts of my perspective are missing
August 19th, 2007, 01:40 AM
That test was actually fun. +rep and crit pleasee.
August 19th, 2007, 01:44 AM
Man I'm going to love using that landmine. Any estimate on the next beta?
No glaring mistakes from what I see.
Edit: Actually, will the new bubble shield actually be using the water effect cause that shield effect would be annoying as fuck to look through.
August 19th, 2007, 01:45 AM
Bubble shield actually works - We had a rule that if you were in a bubble shield no shooting in or out.
Trip mine dissapears - Stays there forever. For-Ev-Er.
Portable Grav Lift works - Port grav lift needs to work.
EMP ball added - Duh.
And the assault rifle anims, sounds and stuff,
August 19th, 2007, 01:49 AM
Lol it was fun, when ever I got in caves I would put mines in the entrances, It would be impossibl for flaming to get in but he kept trying xD
August 19th, 2007, 01:53 AM
Hey, I got in once but I didnt get out xD.
August 19th, 2007, 02:00 AM
Is there anyway tot ake down a poll and put in a new one? and could a magical mod or admin change topic name to H3T please and thanks
EDIT: Thanks mysterious person
August 19th, 2007, 03:26 AM
those fp animations suck. the guns don't even point towards the middle of the screen. also, i can hardly see how that beta version of bloodgulch is "massively improved" as fried put it. looks just like all the blood gulch varients i've ever seen from the hmt days. hardly worth a mention, to be honest.
August 19th, 2007, 03:31 AM
It's not as shitty when you play it. You don't have to look at something for 2 seconds and immediately jump on the bandwagon. Those bloodgulch varients are noob versions where there are 5000 power weapons that make the map explosion haven. This is actually balanced and not like that. But yes, it is still a beta build and really, I have to agree with you.
August 19th, 2007, 03:41 AM
what bandwagon? i'm just stating the fact that your animations look terrible, despite the fact that we already told you that weapons were improperly positioned in your little preview movies. :downs:
your bloodgulch version is not a noob varient HOW? :raise:
August 19th, 2007, 03:46 AM
Were just using bloodgulch as a test map until I model a level
August 19th, 2007, 04:29 AM
You probably already know this, but the trip-mine doesn't land correctly.
Reaper Man
August 19th, 2007, 04:36 AM
those fp animations suck. the guns don't even point towards the middle of the screen. also, i can hardly see how that beta version of bloodgulch is "massively improved" as fried put it. looks just like all the blood gulch varients i've ever seen from the hmt days. hardly worth a mention, to be honest.
I agree completely. Pretty much what I was gunna post.
August 19th, 2007, 09:17 AM
Umm can someone explain why my portable gravity lift scenery refuses to show up ingame but still makes me fly
Was it above the 0 0 0 grid in max?
August 19th, 2007, 01:08 PM
actually i made my bubble shield that u can go in and out...Hoan PM me for details......
August 19th, 2007, 01:10 PM
those fp animations suck. the guns don't even point towards the middle of the screen. also, i can hardly see how that beta version of bloodgulch is "massively improved" as fried put it. looks just like all the blood gulch varients i've ever seen from the hmt days. hardly worth a mention, to be honest.
100% agreed with you snaf, i dont see why they would want to make a blood gulch mod anyway, i mean, theres thousands of them..
August 19th, 2007, 01:13 PM
I fail to see why everyone thinks this is a blood gulch mod........
Were just using bloodgulch as a test map until I model a level
Though I also fail to see why you would put trees in a test map.....
August 19th, 2007, 01:18 PM
Ahh.. FRain didnt tell me that while we were testing
Shame on you :fail:
August 19th, 2007, 01:34 PM
I fail to see why everyone thinks this is a blood gulch mod........
because when you take the original version of something and change it, that's called a MOD :downs:
August 19th, 2007, 01:35 PM
I fail to see why everyone thinks this is a blood gulch mod........
Though I also fail to see why you would put trees in a test map.....
Blame Flaming Rain, he compiles it and thinks tree's and rocks are sexy.
Ahh.. FRain didnt tell me that while we were testing
Shame on you :fail:
Sorry but a beta is coming out soon
August 19th, 2007, 03:16 PM
I <3 TREES!!!!
Ya okay, I'm done.
August 19th, 2007, 03:22 PM
I hate the rocks and trees, its now like a H2_Coagulation variant except there is a rock slide and new trees are scattered everywhere. We don't need that much trees or rocks, I liked the original blood gulch before it had 100 trees and boulders. They don't provide much cover, they tend to be more of a hindrance. :(
August 19th, 2007, 03:37 PM
I'll just add little stumps and stuff to hide behind.
August 19th, 2007, 03:44 PM
No...i don't think stumps are very useful for anything...they don't even look good. Don't make wooden sky-bases. I can nade you to death when you hide behind your 1 foot tall stool.
August 19th, 2007, 04:02 PM
Pff screw the nades I could own you with a Halo 2 Magnum when your hiding behind there
August 19th, 2007, 04:08 PM
Anyway, my point is that the excessive scenery is not tactical. Keep the map clear.
August 19th, 2007, 07:43 PM
Not tactical? Hah, bloodgulch has always been a QUICK RUN TO OTHER BASE GET FLAG THERE IS NO COVER! map. I mainly added trees to improve cover and gameplay. If you guys like it being a map where you can easily get sniped half way across the map then fine! That's why I never liked bloodgulch. You saw a guy with a sniper, unless you were at the other base you were dead.
August 19th, 2007, 07:44 PM
thats why they call it blood gulch, a gulch is a dried up river, and there isnt many trees :-/
August 19th, 2007, 07:58 PM
This was supposed to take place before that all happened but whatever floats your boat. If you want a coverless map then that's fine with me.
August 19th, 2007, 10:36 PM
how about an original map with good content? can you do that?
August 19th, 2007, 11:25 PM
Yup, can do.
August 20th, 2007, 12:00 AM
can you fix the animations?
August 20th, 2007, 12:23 AM
Yes, all of my animations are NEVER final.
Also, /threadhijack
How is it for my first non-fail primitive model? Is it OK? BTW: this is roughly based off of h3 turret but not a 100% copy.
August 20th, 2007, 12:29 AM
It looks pretty bad, also wireframe please?
August 20th, 2007, 12:30 AM
proportions look WAY off.
August 20th, 2007, 12:30 AM
First let me render it again, that was it an hour ago. I've added some details.
Snaf, btw in case you didnt see....
How is it for my first non-fail primitive model? Is it OK? BTW: this is roughly based off of h3 turret but not a 100% copy.
I don't really care about porportions on a model that isn't a replica 100%.
August 20th, 2007, 12:32 AM
The covenant plasma cannon is bad ass.
I think I can handle snipers, since in Halo 3 a lot of the weapons have Covenant and Human counter-parts.
Edit: By the way, how do you rename links to be shorter? Like changing that plasma turret link into just Plasma Turret? Thanks.
August 20th, 2007, 12:43 AM
it's ok... nothing like WOW, but ok.
August 20th, 2007, 12:58 AM
Yeah, I'd keep working on it. Maybe draw it out on paper first.
August 20th, 2007, 01:11 AM
its time for snaf to most those pwntastic tuts.
August 20th, 2007, 01:12 AM
Ya, the plane modeling tuts? Gonna start watching them soon, thanks though.
August 20th, 2007, 03:43 PM
Does anyone know how to edit the Assault rifle counter?
August 20th, 2007, 03:51 PM
Open the ammo counter shader and change the numeric counter limit.
August 20th, 2007, 05:18 PM
Thanks. That really throws you off in a battle when you think you have 23 rounds but more like 10 left.
August 21st, 2007, 02:02 PM
I wont be able to do any progrss for 5 days starting tomorrow, disney land ftw. Video coming soon
EDIT: Heres a render of the regenerator
EDIT: Raw footage from last night beta
August 21st, 2007, 03:53 PM
Here, lets see if this works:
In terms of gameplay, this beta was really fun. But in terms of design and graphics it wasn't all that great.
August 21st, 2007, 03:54 PM
Whats with the twitch melee for the spiker?
August 21st, 2007, 03:55 PM
That beta was cracking fun, yes everything isnt 100% perfect yes things need a bit of tweeking, but that didnt stop me getting a ton of fun from the map. But its looking great so far :)
August 21st, 2007, 03:57 PM
Lol when you where gone, I shoved trip mines and emp bombs at my flag so you guys couldnt get it, then I shoved trip mines at blue base entances so you cant get up, then I was planning to put one in teleporter
August 21st, 2007, 03:57 PM
oh hi, isn't that the spiker that has con's skin on it? weren't you told to get rid of it? yeah. i think so.
August 21st, 2007, 03:58 PM
Another thing how come I'm never invited ><.
August 21st, 2007, 04:00 PM
Im not sure whos skin the spiker is, you'll have to ask FlamingRain about that one since he made the tags for the spiker.
[BD] Spartan
August 21st, 2007, 04:04 PM
That was pretty cool beta there. Looks fun:lol:
So equipment will be held like the c4s on extinction?
August 21st, 2007, 04:43 PM
Im not sure whos skin the spiker is, you'll have to ask FlamingRain about that one since he made the tags for the spiker.
post a side shot of it.
August 21st, 2007, 05:01 PM
oh hi, isn't that the spiker that has con's skin on it? weren't you told to get rid of it? yeah. i think so.
I think awhile back in one of FlamingRain's locked topics he said that he can use Conscars skin but Conscar said that he can't release a map with it untill he see's some real progress with the Spiker.
August 21st, 2007, 05:03 PM
Doesnt conscar have the blood on his skin? anyway heres ours
August 21st, 2007, 05:09 PM
Yes, that's my skin. The bloody blades are just a different version. I said flaming rain can use it in his betas until I see a lot of decent work from H3T, then he can use it in releases.
August 21st, 2007, 05:12 PM
ah, ok :3
August 21st, 2007, 05:54 PM
Disney land trip cancled =/ Our neighbors always play in our yard and do mischief and we orderd a fence to be done long ago, but its going to be on Friday so we have to stay. Now I cant snap Mickey Mouses head
August 21st, 2007, 07:59 PM
oh hi, isn't that the spiker that has con's skin on it? weren't you told to get rid of it? yeah. i think so.
Stop trying to make me a failure. Ya thx.
Also, forgot to add, Spiker and AR reticles courtesy of CMT Dissolution Build 1. I ripped from old CMT so I don't have SPV2 tags.
August 21st, 2007, 09:43 PM
me make you a failure? dude, you did it to yourself. ya thx.
August 21st, 2007, 09:59 PM
Me thinks this is going to end up bad, take it to the pm's ladies
August 21st, 2007, 10:11 PM
Also, forgot to add, Spiker and AR reticles courtesy of CMT Dissolution Build 1. I ripped from old CMT so I don't have SPV2 tags.
Did you ask permission?
August 21st, 2007, 10:18 PM
Spartan Laser - Scooby Doo - Permission Given
AR Reticule - CMT Unknown - Masters said as long as credit is given it's OK.
AR Reticule - CMT Unknown - Masters said as long as credit is given it's OK.
Spiker Reticule - CMT Unknown - Masters said as long as credit is given it's OK.
Models/bitmaps are place holders until we make our own model and bitmap.
Equipment modeld by me
Animations done by FlamingRain
Sounds by CommanderAD and CtrlAltDel
Also there was a thread on Halomaps forums with ripped laser,spiker with bitmaps. and Masterz said that It is okay to use them just credit CMT
August 21st, 2007, 10:22 PM
HDoan, shut them up please. Not only that, it's only temporary. KNOW THE FACTS BEFORE YOU START.
August 21st, 2007, 10:31 PM
Rain, I'm asking legit question on whether or not you were given permission based on you HISTORY. I don't need to know the facts before I start asking you anything. Don't turn into a little piss-ant.
August 21st, 2007, 10:33 PM
It looks like so far you took a whole bunch of stuff that isn't yours and created horrid animations for them D:.
August 21st, 2007, 10:39 PM
Rain, I'm asking legit question on whether or not you were given permission based on you HISTORY. I don't need to know the facts before I start asking you anything. Don't turn into a little piss-ant.
Usually one answers questions in order to get the facts, I'm gonna have to say that snaf is 100% correct here. And that you're a failure.
August 21st, 2007, 10:46 PM
[BD] Spartan
August 21st, 2007, 11:05 PM
Snaf was just asking you a question just chill.
August 21st, 2007, 11:06 PM
You should change your name to..
August 21st, 2007, 11:08 PM
Guys seriously, please stop spamming and flaming
August 31st, 2007, 05:30 PM
We've saddled up and decided to release a public beta sometime today. This beta mainly tests gameplay and design, rather than graphics and sexiness. I think the gameplay part of the mod is finished but I need to start working on graphics and such. Prepare for teh beta releaz0rz in about 20 mins.
August 31st, 2007, 05:33 PM
:gonk: why did it get bumped
teh beta releaz0rz
graphics and sexiness
Who declared H3T sexy?
I need to start working on graphics and such
Are you working on a new game? If you were thats copyright infringement.
When will you realize no one besides wants this H3T crap. Did you read any posts at all?
August 31st, 2007, 05:33 PM
Yea? I'll see how you did.
Also, dammit silent....can't take a joke?
August 31st, 2007, 05:38 PM
:gonk: why did it get bumped
Who declared H3T sexy?
Are you working on a new game? If you were thats copyright infringement.
When will you realize no one besides wants this H3T crap. Did you read any posts at all?
LMAO! I meant graphics and sexiness meaning that it ISNT graphically good and sexy. K. Fail.
Also, CRAP? Watch videos. I haven't posted any. That's why.
It isnt all that graphically great, but the gameplay is awesome. K, I think that silentwind you didnt read any of my post.
Also, I never said that someone thought H3T was sexy, I said that it WASN'T sexy. Once again, you didnt read any of my post.
August 31st, 2007, 05:44 PM
***insert emo song here***
August 31st, 2007, 05:51 PM
Wait what the hell? That post wasn't emo at all.
August 31st, 2007, 05:54 PM
Either way looking at the video.........what the hell did you do to that poor Splazer?
August 31st, 2007, 05:54 PM
This community is still too serious about jokes and such. They also have 1 person lose reputation and then treat them that way forever. Do you guys ever grow up? No, you dont. Sorry. Fail.
Oh, and the splazer FP animation got fucked up somewhere in the process. I dunno where to fix it so I'm going to reanimate it later.
August 31st, 2007, 06:00 PM
It's not too serious, they just hate you.
August 31st, 2007, 06:00 PM
Well, from the video I can see you guys have improved a lot as modders, and from your posts I can see you have improved as community members too, though you still need to get over being a whiny little bitch rain... no offense. If you guys keep up this mod at its current rate of improvement, it could actually end up being worth playing.
August 31st, 2007, 06:03 PM
Um... it sucks, even if it is yours. Maybe you should grow up.
August 31st, 2007, 06:13 PM
Everyone hush.
I had fun, so f you all if you dont.
August 31st, 2007, 06:33 PM
No, you dont. Sorry. Fail.
ohhh the irony
August 31st, 2007, 06:35 PM
August 31st, 2007, 06:42 PM
Uhhh... gameplay for halo 1 was already pretty good so idk how you improved on that but make it worse with that map.
August 31st, 2007, 09:05 PM
Am I a whiney female dog :awesome:
Scooby Doo
September 1st, 2007, 10:06 AM
Reaper Man
September 1st, 2007, 10:14 AM
OH DEAR GOD. When will you give up on animation? They're so inorganic. Have you ever actually OBSERVED yourself in the mirror trying animations before animating them? Nobody would brush their fucking hand slowly up the gun as if they were stroking it... Also, why the fuck are half of the normals of the Spartan Laser flipped?
September 1st, 2007, 12:59 PM
September 1st, 2007, 09:32 PM
September 1st, 2007, 10:20 PM
Lol, he does stroke it....... also there is no point in making weapons if the map is lame D:
September 1st, 2007, 11:15 PM
Lol, he does stroke it....... also there is no point in making weapons if the map is lame D:
Are you on the bandwagon, or just an idiot?
September 2nd, 2007, 12:36 AM
wow that sucks.....btw the MA5C reload animation made me laugh as hell hahaha
EDIT: i just played the map and....ur not very creative arent ya?
September 2nd, 2007, 01:08 AM
Learn some modeling tuts
September 2nd, 2007, 01:15 AM
also has bad frame lags sometimes....and kinda bad gameplay cuze they placed those covie shields in the way and u can rlly get around....also the bubble shield is a weapon....u shoot it and spins lol...aslo doesnt block most shoots
September 2nd, 2007, 01:28 AM
wow that sucks.....btw the MA5C reload animation made me laugh as hell hahaha
EDIT: i just played the map and....ur not very creative arent ya?
Yeah, and lets see your failure animation.... you call it HMT. YOU FAIL, GOOD DAY SIR.
also has bad frame lags sometimes....and kinda bad gameplay cuze they placed those covie shields in the way and u can rlly get around....also the bubble shield is a weapon....u shoot it and spins lol...aslo doesnt block most shoots
Yes, but its better than your failure of a bubble shield that makes you bleed 13842389045890234980423431743824390716974832169432 16749327143138423890458902349804234317438243907169 74832169432167493271431384238904589023498042343174 38243907169748321694321674932714313842389045890234 98042343174382439071697483216943216749327143138423 89045890234980423431743824390716974832169432167493 27143138423890458902349804234317438243907169748321 69432167493271431384238904589023498042343174382439 07169748321694321674932714313842389045890234980423 43174382439071697483216943216749327143138423890458 90234980423431743824390716974832169432167493271431 38423890458902349804234317438243907169748321694321 67493271431384238904589023498042343174382439071697 48321694321674932714313842389045890234980423431743 82439071697483216943216749327143138423890458902349 80423431743824390716974832169432167493271431384238 90458902349804234317438243907169748321694321674932 71431384238904589023498042343174382439071697483216 94321674932714313842389045890234980423431743824390 71697483216943216749327143138423890458902349804234 31743824390716974832169432167493271431384238904589 02349804234317438243907169748321694321674932714313 84238904589023498042343174382439071697483216943216 74932714313842389045890234980423431743824390716974 83216943216749327143138423890458902349804234317438 24390716974832169432167493271431384238904589023498 04234317438243907169748321694321674932714313842389 04589023498042343174382439071697483216943216749327 14313842389045890234980423431743824390716974832169 43216749327143138423890458902349804234317438243907 16974832169432167493271431384238904589023498042343 17438243907169748321694321674932714313842389045890 23498042343174382439071697483216943216749327143138 42389045890234980423431743824390716974832169432167 49327143138423890458902349804234317438243907169748 32169432167493271431384238904589023498042343174382 43907169748321694321674932714313842389045890234980 42343174382439071697483216943216749327143138423890 45890234980423431743824390716974832169432167493271 43138423890458902349804234317438243907169748321694 32167493271431384238904589023498042343174382439071 69748321694321674932714313842389045890234980423431 74382439071697483216943216749327143138423890458902 34980423431743824390716974832169432167493271431384 23890458902349804234317438243907169748321694321674 93271431384238904589023498042343174382439071697483 21694321674932714313842389045890234980423431743824 39071697483216943216749327143138423890458902349804 23431743824390716974832169432167493271431384238904 58902349804234317438243907169748321694321674932714 3
times and your fps drops down to -83290498013490878231478023090654903402890498203489 02349802348902398042389032489023442398503249804328 90238902348902348045832904980134908782314780230906 54903402890498203489023498023489023980423890324890 23442398503249804328902389023489023480458329049801 34908782314780230906549034028904982034890234980234 89023980423890324890234423985032498043289023890234 89023480458329049801349087823147802309065490340289 04982034890234980234890239804238903248902344239850 32498043289023890234890234804583290498013490878231 47802309065490340289049820348902349802348902398042 38903248902344239850324980432890238902348902348045 83290498013490878231478023090654903402890498203489 02349802348902398042389032489023442398503249804328 90238902348902348045832904980134908782314780230906 54903402890498203489023498023489023980423890324890 23442398503249804328902389023489023480458329049801 34908782314780230906549034028904982034890234980234 89023980423890324890234423985032498043289023890234 89023480458329049801349087823147802309065490340289 04982034890234980234890239804238903248902344239850 32498043289023890234890234804583290498013490878231 47802309065490340289049820348902349802348902398042 38903248902344239850324980432890238902348902348045 83290498013490878231478023090654903402890498203489 02349802348902398042389032489023442398503249804328 90238902348902348045832904980134908782314780230906 54903402890498203489023498023489023980423890324890 23442398503249804328902389023489023480458329049801 34908782314780230906549034028904982034890234980234 89023980423890324890234423985032498043289023890234 89023480458329049801349087823147802309065490340289 04982034890234980234890239804238903248902344239850 32498043289023890234890234804583290498013490878231 47802309065490340289049820348902349802348902398042 38903248902344239850324980432890238902348902348045 83290498013490878231478023090654903402890498203489 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47802309065490340289049820348902349802348902398042 38903248902344239850324980432890238902348902348045 83290498013490878231478023090654903402890498203489 02349802348902398042389032489023442398503249804328 90238902348902348045832904980134908782314780230906 54903402890498203489023498023489023980423890324890 23442398503249804328902389023489023480458329049801 34908782314780230906549034028904982034890234980234 89023980423890324890234423985032498043289023890234 89023480458329049801349087823147802309065490340289 04982034890234980234890239804238903248902344239850 32498043289023890234890234804583290498013490878231 47802309065490340289049820348902349802348902398042 38903248902344239850324980432890238902348902348045
September 2nd, 2007, 01:30 AM
What the hell did you post the numbers for?
September 2nd, 2007, 01:31 AM
Read post.
September 2nd, 2007, 01:33 AM
Yeah, and lets see your failure animation.... you call it HMT. YOU FAIL, GOOD DAY SIR.
With a red rep box, your saying he fails?
Stop trying to be cocky, so you made some good animations. Thats good, but you shouldn't fracking be rude about it. And no if it's anyone that fails, its you. Seriously.
September 2nd, 2007, 01:37 AM
Stop acting like babies and stop flaming
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