View Full Version : Modeling Challenge #3 - Military Outpost

August 15th, 2007, 09:30 PM
Hey, well first before I begin, this is somthing Influx (Aka Dominator) has been trying to start over at gbx (I believe some other people suggested the idea too but w/e...) and he asked me to post it up over here to try and get more people.

Right now we only have about 7 people submitting per challenge, and I dont know if the mods here would have a problem with it though because the voting and submissions will only be done over at the gbx forum (cant really make 2 voting threads for the same challenge)

So yeah, I'm just announcing it here because much of the modelers over at gbx left for this forum when halo 2 vista came out, so anyone who is interested, check it out (it's just for fun and practice)...

(ok now to the actual challenge)

Modeling Challenge is for personal benefit. This weeks challenge Aug.15 - Aug.22 10PM eastern. Then I will post the voting thread along with the next weeks challenge.


120 minutes is allowed per model this week. Cheating is discouraged and you are only cheating yourself.
All submitted entries must have a 800x600 clay render and wire frame. (example) (http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/1928/clocktowerhf5.jpg)
The triangle count and timespan for each piece must be listed.
Textures are not permitted.
Multiple submissions are allowed and encouraged.
Please include your GBX Username in the renders filename.Theme

Military Outpost/Base - you guys know em those outpost/bases in games. i figured since this weeks topic is a slightly larger concept it would be better to make the time 2 hours. great example (http://stefan-morrell.cgsociety.org/gallery/321390/)

Please post all submissions over at the thread on gbx (to keep things organized, voting will also occur over at the gbx gallery forum) http://gbxforums.gearboxsoftware.com/showthread.php?t=65339

EDIT: Also go here if you are interested in voting on last weeks challenge http://gbxforums.gearboxsoftware.com/showthread.php?t=65337

August 15th, 2007, 09:32 PM
If only they had an artists version of this contest cause I already have a few ideas going through my head.

August 15th, 2007, 09:34 PM
by artist's u mean 2d drawings or sketches I'm guessing? (tbh artist is a very general term, can be drawing 3d modeling gfx design, music, dance... etc lol)

We might be able to start somthing like that too...

(i'd start it but I dont think I have the right talent to be making the calls on it my drawing skills are still lacking lol)

August 15th, 2007, 09:36 PM
I forgot concept in there seeing as this would really gear more towards concept drawings.

August 15th, 2007, 09:45 PM
I forgot concept in there seeing as this would really gear more towards concept drawings.

not sure i understood..

u mean the theme wud work better with concept drawings?

idk.. were alloud 2 hours on the model (120 mins) but that doesnt mean u cant sketch out ideas before hand, I did that with my lamp for the last challenge, this ones going to be more difficult.