View Full Version : All levels?
August 16th, 2007, 01:16 PM
I did not know if this belongs here or not, but here it goes...:
I already beat Halo once already, I do not feel like doing it again for another profile. Is there a way to "switch around" profiles? Like, for example, taking code from one profile, and giving it to a new profile. I am not talking about my LIVE profile, the profile that the game asks you to pick when you click any button.
Edit: I do recall that this idea worked for Halo 1 PC, you had to switch\change numbers around or something...
August 16th, 2007, 01:24 PM
Halo 2 says it says data into the My Games/Halo 2/Saved Games folder or some where in that Halo 2 folder. Look for .sav files.
If you find any that is linked to the profile where you got 100% could you send me the .sav? Its for development of something
August 16th, 2007, 01:41 PM
I am sorry to say there is no .sav files in here....only .HALO2 files.
When I opened my profile, I got this:
RGMH ( éÒ6‚(%\L«£Ã*¸¶W¢—H a l o 2 P r o f i l e : C o d e B r a i n
I tried changing the name (notice the spacing) and loaded up Halo 2, it did not show up. However, I found something interesting...
I opened it and got this:
è–ØF ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ- C o d e B r a i n n G l i t c h i n g s 2 œ¤ Ì] Qµ K¤
This would have to do with the profile settings.
That is all that has to do with my profile.....
Any ideas?
August 16th, 2007, 09:41 PM
there is a way to play all of the levels in under 1 hour, and all you have to do is hit "Enter" heh, it was fun.
I can't find the thread over at bungie's forums that says how to do it, but if you take all of your H2V SP maps and back them up some where, then delete all but the H2V map file called "00a_introduction" copy it 14 times, and rename each of them so they have the same file name as the SP maps you backed up and deleted, and once you have all of those copied and renamed, you start up the game, start from the first level, then just hit "Enter" until you get to the end.
August 17th, 2007, 01:27 AM
you mean this?
Get achevments for all levels, Warrior Hero and Legend all under 30 minutes!!!
This is not considered cheating, since Hired Gun did nothing to prevent it.
k heres what you do.
Goto your halo 2 maps folder
Usually:C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo 2\maps
Now. See your file?
Move 01b_spacestation-08b_detlacontrol somewhere else
Make 14 more copys of that. then rename the copys
Then just do it on legendary.
Everytime you see the intro start, hit enter or A on the controler
It will be alot of loading screens but its faster than doing the whole game (again for some of us).
After you got what you came for just put the old maps back.
Found it right here:
Post # 37
I can beleive you forgot your own post.....:)
August 17th, 2007, 01:30 AM
Either that or you want to beat it on legendary. Be a man and do it the way I did. Pansy.
August 17th, 2007, 01:32 AM
Legendary is fucking hard >:0
I beat it on normal twice, but it didnt give me the achievement. figures.
August 17th, 2007, 01:37 AM
Hey, the entire reason I rape online was because I actually worked hard to beat it on legendary. Trust me, it pays off.
August 17th, 2007, 01:40 AM
So did I, as soon as I beat Legendary the hard way, I was very happy. Took me awhile through: had to learn enemy positions and kept dieing. <----- Did it for Skulls
EDIT: Concars, were you on LIVE at the time? If not, you need to complete levels that you did not have LIVE on at the time.
August 17th, 2007, 04:10 AM
I'm trying Halo 2 on Legendary for the first time (can play Halo 1 on legendary like most people play normal).
I fucking HATE the drones. And the Jackals. They make me sad. :(
August 17th, 2007, 08:03 AM
Here is some tips for beating legendary:
Drones are weak against explosions. Use grenades, rockets, brute shots, needlers, anything that makes explosions. GBP skull does wonders here. Sputnik is awesome as well.
The Jackel Snipers and normal Jackels have been seriously upgraded during the last few difficulties. The normal Jackels fire charged shots more often then ever, and their fire rate is increased a lot. Snipers have DEADLY accuarcy, be careful, otherwise you could be in a "BOOM HEADSHOT!!!" moment. my advice is to hide behind walls, and when you see them not looking at you...Give them a headshot they deserve so much. For the normal jackels, sputnik and gbp skulls do wonders. <--- aplpiles to snipers also.
If you mean the Flood, or the Spec Ops Elites wielding swords, then I have some tips for them as well.
The Ultimate flood weapon, is the energy sword, it kills them in one hit. Also, it only uses 3 ammo, because they are just dead already....:)
Always active camo when you have the chance, it helps....but not for long. Thats when you strike them with the sword. If they still melee behind your back, make sure you turn around a lot, to get the idea where the enemy is coming from.
The Ultra Elites, now here is a tough opponent (except the flood juggernaut, but that has to be modded to fight it)
On legendary, these bastards come in BIG NUMBERS (not so much in the beginning, but later on they will appear often. They have these qualitys:
Fast Fire Rate
High Health
High Sheilds
Second weapon
Anger Management Problems
They have a range of weapon choice, ranging through needlers to a beam rifle. Their second weapon is ALWAYS a energy sword. Two things make them switch to this weapon
1. You walk too close to them, and they get pissed.
2. They see you wielding their sacred blade, and they think: "OmG tEh n00b oVa TeHiR iS wIeLdInG MeH bLaDe!1!11 I mUsT kIlL TaHt N00b! (that took longer than you think to type out) Anyway, they get pissed, and switch to their sword.
If you still have questions, go to for a GUIDE for HALO 2 for BEATING LEGENDARY! And no, I am not advertising. Just a little guide that should help you if you still have problems with beating legendary.
Good luck!
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