View Full Version : So I sent a letter to Dr. Laura Schlessinger...
August 18th, 2007, 03:38 PM
I listen to it nearly every day in my car. I love your books too, especially your new one, "The Proper Care & Feeding of Marriage."
But, something has arisen, this recent July 27th. I am, of course, talking about you going "undercover" in the forum and expose how hopeless people on the Internet are, and how they are all going to do nothing with their lives except for sit at their computer, acting like fools.
This is where I disagree with you, and if you'll bear with me, here's why.
The Internet grants a new level of anonymity never before achieved by anyone. This allows people to act like they're not, because none will be the wiser. Here's an example, using one of your posts.
Asking someone their real name on the Internet is very risky business. Know who else solicits people on the Internet, asking for their real names? Pedophiles. And I'm pretty sure you're not one of those, since all gays are pedophiles, and you're not homosexual. Your post seriously sounds like you're a pedophile who wants to rape this naive young man. I don't think that's quite the message you want to get across to your viewers.
Now, I'm not sure where you were going with this post. It honestly sounds like you're an old man, reminiscing about the "good old days" and yelling at youth to get off his lawn. I guess this post is about how if a teenager doesn't know something that other teenagers in the same forum know, he/she is instantly made a pariah. This is only true in the worst of forums. In 95% of Internet forums, most members are courteous enough to educate that person on what they don't know, while not making them feel like an idiot.
Obviously, my experience on the Internet differs greatly from yours, but you primarily deal in radio and books, so you know next to nothing about what Internet forums are really like. If you thought this forum had zero hope to improve, you would go nuts over 4chan (
Let's see what she says.
August 18th, 2007, 03:41 PM
wow, emmzee, just... wow...
August 18th, 2007, 03:42 PM
Oh this will be interesting, hehe.
Dr Nick
August 18th, 2007, 03:44 PM
I can't wait! This makes me think of rossmums alt. She's not exactly an established member, and she's getting flamed for acting like some sort of god.
August 18th, 2007, 03:45 PM
I can't wait! This makes me think of rossmums alt. She's not exactly an established member, and she's getting flamed for acting like some sort of god.
Except she's a radio personality and conservative author.
Dr Nick
August 18th, 2007, 03:48 PM
She's still no god. In fact, she looks looks kinda scary.
August 18th, 2007, 03:49 PM
This will be very interesting. I've never seen any of her posts before...well she only has five of them anyways.
August 18th, 2007, 03:58 PM
In fact, she looks looks kinda scary.
Just think how scary she is when you're not just looking at her face...
August 18th, 2007, 04:02 PM
.....What makes you think she posted that, and not some retard with good grammar?
Edit: Damnit korn....
August 18th, 2007, 04:03 PM
.....What makes you think she posted that, and not some retard with good grammar?
Apparently she talked about it on her talk show
August 18th, 2007, 04:04 PM
and not some retard with good grammar?
Edit: Damnit korn....
kinda defeats the label as a retard then ;p
and lulz
August 18th, 2007, 04:05 PM
Apparently she talked about it on her talk show
***sigh*** Anybody and everybody on tv is completely clueless...
August 18th, 2007, 04:05 PM
Just think how scary she is when you're not just looking at her face...
I didn't need to see that 0____0.
But guiz, I thought we were all trying to become domestic terrorists like those fine young gents over at 4chan?
August 18th, 2007, 04:09 PM
I didn't need to see that 0____0.
I gave fair warning
August 18th, 2007, 04:12 PM
I gave fair warning
Thats what made me want to look at it! :saddowns:
Dr Nick
August 18th, 2007, 04:16 PM
Thats what made me want to look at it! :saddowns:Curiosity killed the cat.
August 18th, 2007, 04:16 PM
I gave fair warning
The cat in my avatar clicked the link >___>.
Dr Nick
August 18th, 2007, 04:17 PM
The cat in my avatar clicked the link >___>.CURIOSITY KILLED THE CAT!
August 18th, 2007, 04:18 PM
***sigh*** Anybody and everybody on tv is completely clueless...
However if someone registered under their real name and then made a few posts, and then that same person talks about it on radio it kinda proves that she was actually that user.
August 18th, 2007, 04:21 PM
However if someone registered under their real name and then made a few posts, and then that same person talks about it on radio it kinda proves that she was actually that user.
I didn't say she wasn't. I'm just saying that in regards to the internet nobody on TV has a fucking clue what their talking about. Almost everybody here has a life...
August 18th, 2007, 04:38 PM
***sigh*** Anybody and everybody on tv is completely clueless...
Well, I guess she isn't.
Dr. Laura works in radio. Of course, you'd know that if you had read any of the posts in this thread.
August 18th, 2007, 04:43 PM
Well, I guess she isn't.
Dr. Laura works in radio. Of course, you'd know that if you had read any of the posts in this thread.
Whatever. Tv, radio, their both broadcast to people so it makes little difference.
August 18th, 2007, 04:44 PM
I must say, her hopes in righting the forums might of been a good idea at the time of planing, but this forum is where the "E-Bullies" come to play, cause I don't know about you guys, but I'm a "E-victim" of some of the members here.
but still, if she was going to do some undercover work, she should of had some help some some of the Mods and Admins of some of the forums that aren't known for how bad their "E-Bullies" are, but are known for how helpful the members are. being helpful on these forums is basicly helping others rip the newer members who are trying to work hard to have a good rep.
And I swear that I'm sorry for fucking up these forums, threads, posts, and some members, hell I bet just about every new member with -rep bars are banned from CMT's part of the forums because of me, and I bet there are a few people playing Halo CE who are getting banned because of me, or because of some pice of shit trying to make me look like I'm a low life aimbotter.
And did I forget to say "I'm sorry!"
August 18th, 2007, 04:46 PM
Whatever. Tv, radio, their both broadcast to people so it makes little difference.
Of course, there's no difference, because, heaven forbid, you can't watch television! You just listen to it, just like the radio!
August 18th, 2007, 04:46 PM
1. Who the hell is she?
2. She put on the tv?
Are we sure this isnt just joke joke person having a laugh by making a new account acting as this person?
August 18th, 2007, 04:49 PM
Emmzee when was it on the radio?
August 18th, 2007, 04:50 PM
1. Who the hell is she?
2. She put on the tv?
Are we sure this isnt just joke joke person having a laugh by making a new account acting as this person?
1. Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a conservative author and radio personality. She believes all gay people are pedophiles, and pedophiles are only homosesxual. She also thinks everyone in Internet forums has no life, and they're exactly the same IRL as in the forum.
2. Radio, and kind of. She talked about going "undercover" in an undisclosed forum (our forum) at the request of one of the board's member's mothers, and, after 5 posts that didn't get the desired result (flaming), she decided there was no hope for this forum.
Emmzee when was it on the radio?
I don't know; it wasn't me who heard it. And if I want to hear it archived on her website, I have to subscribe (read: pay money), so I might never hear it.
August 18th, 2007, 04:52 PM
sup bugmenot :awesome:
I am trying to find it right now.
August 18th, 2007, 05:04 PM
Wait, some one on these forums's mum asked this laura person to check it out? Lol
I'd have a chat with her, but I bet my intelligence would puzzle her.
August 18th, 2007, 05:08 PM
When were you told of this emmzee?
August 18th, 2007, 05:14 PM
When were you told of this emmzee?
Of what?
August 18th, 2007, 05:17 PM
Of what?I think hes trying to find out when it was on the radio then he can tell which archive to listen to :).
I wonder if will we have the enjoyment of reading her crazy posts ever again? She may have given up and though we all had no lifes, bit immature to draw that conclusion dont you think?
August 18th, 2007, 05:25 PM
1. Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a conservative author and radio personality. She believes all gay people are pedophiles, and pedophiles are only homosesxual. She also thinks everyone in Internet forums has no life, and they're exactly the same IRL as in the forum.
2. Radio, and kind of. She talked about going "undercover" in an undisclosed forum (our forum) at the request of one of the board's member's mothers, and, after 5 posts that didn't get the desired result (flaming), she decided there was no hope for this forum.
I don't know; it wasn't me who heard it. And if I want to hear it archived on her website, I have to subscribe (read: pay money), so I might never hear it.
Emmzee, do you live in Southern California? I think she's only on KFI (AM 640), but I'm not sure if she's on other radio stations or not.
August 18th, 2007, 05:26 PM
Emmzee, do you live in Southern California? I think she's only on KFI (AM 640), but I'm not sure if she's on other radio stations or not.
She is on XM radio also.
August 18th, 2007, 05:31 PM
I want to bash her face in.
August 18th, 2007, 05:45 PM
She's like the Jack Thompson of the Internet.
August 18th, 2007, 05:50 PM
Lol, I don't even know who this laura person is, but I did a unfiltered google image search for "Dr Laura" and found mostly nude pictures of her. :sick:
August 18th, 2007, 05:53 PM
What the heck did you type in? :lmao:
August 18th, 2007, 05:55 PM
Trust me, you would wish you haven't seen it... X_X She's hairy as an ape.
August 18th, 2007, 06:01 PM
August 18th, 2007, 06:08 PM
Emmzee, do you live in Southern California? I think she's only on KFI (AM 640), but I'm not sure if she's on other radio stations or not.
You can hear her from anywhere in the country.
August 18th, 2007, 06:12 PM
You can hear her from anywhere in the country.Thankfully I cant hear her tripe here in UK :)
And LOL jahrain :D
August 18th, 2007, 06:30 PM
Lol, I don't even know who this laura person is, but I did a unfiltered google image search for "Dr Laura" and found mostly nude pictures of her. :sick:
I did that when she first signed up :-3
also lol@thread.
August 18th, 2007, 06:51 PM
August 18th, 2007, 06:52 PM
You know, its a shame that some people attack the internet and the people who use it. Its a global community which gets people scared. People got scared back when they used to think that the train in the movie theatre was going to come out of the screen and crush them.
As many a good psychologist would state, fear is based off of the loss of control. When you don't know who you're talking to -- you lose control. When you don't understand the concept of exactly how what you're using works -- you lose control.
I know many homosexual people -- they are normal people.
For an alleged Doctor, your signature:
"It goes on and says 'Pedophilia and child molestation have zero to do with being gay, homosexual orientation' and that’s not true. That is not true. How many letters have I read on the air from gay men who acknowledge that a huge portion of the male homosexual populace is predatory on young boys."Shows me how grossly incompetent your inferences are. Firstly -- writing letters is a choice, and thus you're getting a self-selecting audience ( for your survey.
Secondly, you are only counting the letters you read on air from people who confessed to being gay... another self-selecting set.
Thirdly, you are only counting the people who even confessed to being gay (making them sexually liberal enough to confess it, thus potentially more open to odd thoughts in the first place.)
I have little faith in your competence as a professional. You're easily swayed by hearsay from small demographic sects and you generalize it across everyone belonging to all related demographics. At that point, you are no longer being an objective analyst.
You (rather) become a paranoid pundit.
That being said, its really welcome to have a pundit who will actually openly debate his or her viewpoint with the masses on a public venue. I would enjoy hearing your response.
August 18th, 2007, 07:10 PM
lmfa @ kornman, I think that image would suck any one's soul right out of them with out warning.
August 18th, 2007, 07:14 PM
The only thing pedophilia has to do with homosexuality is that they are both sexual orientations or sexual preferences. If their exists pedophiles who are homosexuals, that does not imply that if they are homosexual, then they are likely to be pedophile. Thats like saying, if there exists a monkey that likes bananas, then if anyone likes bananas, they are a more likely to be a monkey. Its surprising how easily people fall for this type of false logic, especially when coming from the mouth of a professional.
August 18th, 2007, 07:16 PM
Damn you beat me to it!:mad:
August 18th, 2007, 07:17 PM
The only thing pedophilia has to do with homosexuality is that they are both sexual orientations or sexual preferences. If their exists pedophiles who are homosexuals, that does not imply that if they are homosexual, then they are likely to be pedophile. Thats like saying, if there exists a monkey that likes bananas, then if anyone likes bananas, they are a more likely to be a monkey. Its surprising how easily people fall for this type of false logic, especially when coming from the mouth of a professional.
This is why I want to fold her face in. She is supposed to be a "professional", yet she constantly spits out this idiotic crap.
Christ I hate Conservatists.
August 18th, 2007, 07:20 PM
For an alleged Doctor
She's not a real doctor. It's just a title.
Dr. Laura on Tourette's. (
El Lobo
August 18th, 2007, 07:31 PM
What a stupid, ignorant bitch. There's bigger stuff out there to talk about than some internet forum. The old bag needs to get her priorities straight.
August 18th, 2007, 07:37 PM
Betcha shes manipulating the post and telling it on her radio show in a way that will give the internet a bad know, like what Jack Thompson does to video games.
August 18th, 2007, 08:55 PM
Zeph eagerly awaits reply.
August 18th, 2007, 09:01 PM
I don't. Out of all honesty I hope that one day she fathoms the ability to just shut up.
August 18th, 2007, 09:03 PM
That comment applies to a lot of people. Especially lawyers.
Elite Killa
August 18th, 2007, 09:08 PM
I want to fucking beat the shit out of this bitch.
I just had to say that, I'm sorry.
Rob Oplawar
August 18th, 2007, 09:12 PM
Meh, everybody thinks they know everything about everything, and that nobody else understands what they're talking about when they insult each other. I say it's the people who publicly announce to everyone else their dire assessment of something they don't like who cause the problems. That radio lady says this forum is hopeless; you guys say she's hopeless.
...But I'm the only one who really understands everything, and I'm not causing any trouble because I'm not announcing my beliefs, completely 100% accurate as they are, to everybody else.
... oops =X
August 18th, 2007, 09:41 PM
H2v on the radio cause someones mum asked a radio personallity to go undercover?
August 18th, 2007, 09:56 PM
I want to hear that particular talk-show episode. Sounds fun.
Dr Nick
August 18th, 2007, 11:01 PM
H2v on the radio cause someones mum asked a radio personallity to go undercover?
HEY! I bet it was that kid who got banned and tried to hack the website a couple weeks ago!
August 18th, 2007, 11:02 PM
Though she really missed the entire concept of "going undercover"
Neuro Guro
August 18th, 2007, 11:06 PM
I bet theres a lot of guys that want to hook up with her...
That is... If they have a taste for seafood.
August 18th, 2007, 11:15 PM
I bet theres a lot of guys that want to hook up with her...
That is... If they have a taste for seafood.
Dr Nick
August 18th, 2007, 11:18 PM
:eyesroll::eyesroll: indeed...
Neuro Guro
August 18th, 2007, 11:21 PM
Its ok if you didn't get that one Llama. You may one day.
August 18th, 2007, 11:24 PM
Where did she go? She is the closest thing to Jack Thompson I'll ever get to yell at. :saddowns:
August 18th, 2007, 11:40 PM
on a side note
where the fuck is WOL these days?
havnt seen him for like a week S:
Bad Waffle
August 18th, 2007, 11:50 PM
school started.
I checked the ip's on dr laura, shes unique from everybody else says jcap. Maybe it was a user on a proxy, maybe not. I want to hear this "webcast" before we take any further action.
August 18th, 2007, 11:52 PM
school started.
I checked the ip's on dr laura, shes unique from everybody else says jcap. Maybe it was a user on a proxy, maybe not. I want to hear this "webcast" before we take any further action.
It's $6.95/month. Not worth it just to listen to one thing.
Although, if you do get it to listen to the one where she talked about our forum, it's on or after July 27th.
August 19th, 2007, 12:22 AM
It's $6.95/month. Not worth it just to listen to one thing.
Although, if you do get it to listen to the one where she talked about our forum, it's on or after July 27th.
I already posted a login and password for the files.
Dr Nick
August 19th, 2007, 12:36 AM
I already posted a login and password for the files.What page?
August 19th, 2007, 12:42 AM
sup bugmenot :awesome:
I am trying to find it right now.
gosh that was hard to find :eyesroll:
August 19th, 2007, 12:50 AM
Wait she charges people to listen to her shit?
Dr Nick
August 19th, 2007, 01:07 AM
Wait she charges people to listen to her shit?
You know, people could twist your words, and it would still give people the same feeling... Congratulations.
August 19th, 2007, 04:18 PM
Wait she charges people to listen to her shit?
Yep, she gets paid to talk shit.
Did any one work out precisely which date it was?
August 19th, 2007, 05:37 PM
I bet it was Pred1ator's mum.
August 19th, 2007, 07:14 PM
aw fuck, why don't i get an interview, i'm the fucking internet-hitler.
i've got a knack for telling people they suck, and STILL it doesn't get me on the radio.
August 19th, 2007, 07:57 PM
I bet it was Pred1ator's mum.
I am glad regret that that little douche rag sweet member left.
February 19th, 2011, 04:09 AM
Bumping For memory's
February 19th, 2011, 04:11 AM
free emmzee
February 19th, 2011, 04:14 AM
no mods no masters
February 19th, 2011, 05:12 AM
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