View Full Version : [HALO 3] Halo 3 IMAX Preview Event: August 21, 2007
August 20th, 2007, 11:09 PM
I am so going!
August 20th, 2007, 11:15 PM
Damn, I live roughly an hour away from an IMAX theater and its Seattle only. Well, have fun anyway. :)
August 21st, 2007, 12:13 AM
oh god, i got to go to jersey city for this, im going :p
August 21st, 2007, 12:17 AM
Whats in Jersey City lol.
I'll be there in Seattle. If you wanna find me ill have a black and light blue under-bill DC hat.
August 21st, 2007, 06:19 AM
There's going to be soo many leaked cam footage from this.
August 21st, 2007, 12:29 PM
Not if they do a strip search upon entrance. Frankie will be there after all with his rubber gloves and a very large grin.
Neuro Guro
August 21st, 2007, 04:16 PM
We need to send in a super army of spies to retrieve video! =D
Some one needs to bring one of the cameras that are like inside of a pen or something.
August 21st, 2007, 04:52 PM
We need to send in a super army of spies to retrieve video! =D
Some one needs to bring one of the cameras that are like inside of a pen or something.
Whats the closest imax to us? In cleveland? I know theres none around wooster >_>
August 21st, 2007, 05:03 PM
Not if they do a strip search upon entrance. Frankie will be there after all with his rubber gloves and a very large grin.
So true!
I'll go...If it was like closer then a 8 hour plane journey!
I'm not just hopping on a plane to go see some IMAX thing... *waits 2 hours after the event for videos*
I'm sure someone will sneakily get video of it...
August 21st, 2007, 06:04 PM
I don't quite see why they wouldn't release it to the public afterwards :3
Don't worry.
August 21st, 2007, 06:10 PM
They may, or may not. I suppose they did release the Sargent Johnson footage from the exclusive Halo 1 Launch Party 7 years ago, but I don't think the general public will be able to see the event if we're not in the area.
*Hopes it comes to LA*
August 21st, 2007, 07:20 PM
Its at the Seattle IMAX only, I believe.
August 21st, 2007, 08:01 PM
Its at the Seattle IMAX only, I believe.
Yes it is, these people seem kind of confused.
August 22nd, 2007, 02:39 AM
This event was holyfuckingshit fun.
t3h m00kz
August 22nd, 2007, 03:31 AM
I just got back. It was absolutely great.
Frank and Luke were both there not even fifty feet away from where we were sitting; walking into the theater with the pregame lobby up and open was just the best feeling in the world.
I had high expectations, and they were surpassed.
The single player looks amazing, Forge looks absolutely crazy fun (THEY SHOWED THE FLAME THROWER AND BRUTE HAMMER!), and the save films feature is pretty advanced! Three megs for one match on fuckin' Sandtrap... amazing technology.
I loved it, and I can't wait for this damn game. xD
August 22nd, 2007, 04:03 AM
lucky bastard >.>
August 22nd, 2007, 04:21 AM
What time did you get there and what showing did you go to Muki?
t3h m00kz
August 22nd, 2007, 04:33 AM
What time did you get there and what showing did you go to Muki?
Around nine thirty, second showing. They claimed they showed a little more than the first because we had to wait ;) I got a chance to yell out my current signature while in line outside.. was great. My room mate missed it though 'cause he was out looking at how long the line was... long line, but so worth it.
August 22nd, 2007, 05:24 AM
Description of changes by grammar-challenged BNet Member:
Ok, so Now that I saw the hole thing, let me fill in to you what I saw, some of which no one has ever seen.
Also, I saw this thing twice, which most people did not see. They exposed more in the 2nd one, but missed some from the first. Thats why my thread will be the most imformitive.
1)Bungie has a better looking game over all then Gears of war in darker lit conditions. No joke. Brighter condidions would also be better, but the terrain still lacks what the rest of Halo (the lighting is the best of any game ever seen from my eyes) in terms of looks. When I mean Terrain, I am talking mostly the dirt or sand. Also, when you drive, you do not really make any tracks. :( The stuff being kicked up looks very good [from the wheels] but needs to last longer as it dissipates to fast. In real life sand or dry dirt would not take that short to settle, espcially when moving that fast. The trails should be longer.
No more "oh look, there is the sky above this jelly like thin layer of water. Grass floats in the motion of the water, and does move even in water when you sift around in it. Grass graphics are ok, but move like it should.
3) Lighting effects are to amazing. Crysis what? They can not touch bungie on this front. you will see later on soon.....
4) Machine and Human models look overall better then in Gears of War. Some of the best looks you will see in the next gen market right now. Spartan and Arbitor Graphics looks supurb, but grunt, jackel, and buggers look OK. I kind of wish they had the detail that your marines amazingly have too.
5) Size is still halo like. Nothing Big from what I saw. In other words, don't bye all the hype. What really makes the game look and feel big is the sky. Having a covie ship flying right by you shows how big the game is above. Granted, the game is much bigger then most games you will play with, but from what I felt, not as big as bungie proclaims. Or at least what the player has time to see.
6) Warthog graphics finally look real now. Before they looked like Halo 2.5. Now they look next gen and I welcome the change. Damage graphics are meh. Better then almost any other FPS out there right now, or in the next 2 months. So its still very good, but nothing amazing compared to the rest of the game is what I am trying to get at.
7) Brutes are easy and well, predictable. I Saw a lot of AI action when Frankie got the sniper rifle on the higher ground on the 2nd session. They take cover, they do good things, but I am still looking for what really makes Bungie's AI stand out to the rest of the World's AI. Mind you, Frankie played on Heroic, but the game was still so easy, and both of them hardly worked together too. If you are very good, or are above a 25, you best stick with Legendary, as Heroic looks like something in between Heroic on Halo 2, and Halo 2's Legendary. They only died so much because They never stuck to gether, rushed to much, and Frankie sucks with the BR. (He is all over the screen but not on the target lol!) They had very good animations, like when you snipe a Brute in the head. By the way, it takes 2 shots to the head to kill a brute with armor. ONE MORE EXCLUSIVE THING! Brutes barrel roll out of the way of grenades, and crouch really low. Think of Tom Clancy. They do that animation in about 1second. They also stand in the same spot to long. Why would you do that? To be fair though, they use equipment a LOT. They also try to out wit you, and the AI is still very good. Just nothing that is different from what we have seen in other next gen games so far from what I saw.
8) Buggers are better to fight. They still are annoyingly flying around, but are slower, and more spread out. They are super agressive, so you can not really run away, but they are easier to play, and thus more fun to kill. Its better this time around.
9) Grunts are meh. They do a lot of damage on Heroic, and they seem to be more afraid of the arbiter, and talk to him more. I know because Frank and Luke where right next to one another when it happened. Interesting really.
10) jackals are still mean and hard, but not so hard. They seem weaker too. I don't like how the AI is handled to much with shielded jackals vrs Vehicals. It could be better. They are very much like Halo 2's E3 demo's AI, all in formation, and sharing the "follow his action" kind of brute thing. Oh, and Brute Packs consist of 12-15 Brutes.
12) Tree graphics FINALLY got updated, and look SO much better. Now they fit the next gen mark in my eyes.
13) PARTICLE EFFECTS ARE AMAZING! Very, very good. Muzzle effects are now what I call next gen, and the plasma weapons look like beasts. All expect for the Covie plasma turret. It was cool when he picked it up, but lame when he fired it. It looks like it could kill a horse, but then only spits a weak small built out. Plus it looks like the plasma is just frozen to the gun. Gets annoying after a while. Maybe it changing color a lil after some use might make it feel less annoying. I really think its just a look preference. Plasma effects for it are still good, but the gun handles like weak sauce when you see that bult leave and go to the target.
14) Being Hit in the head when playing no longer flashes your screen with red. Instead, you get a eletronic like error grid that is slightly transparent in the center of your screen, and is not to much of an annoyance. It also turns red if it is a heavy blow, like being hit with a sniper rifle. Good add on by Bungie. It only lasts for 1 second
15) Personal Sheilds can be destroyed by being run over by a warthog. They look good too. Bubble shields look better.
16) I think the voice we heard at E3 is now a phrofet. (sp?) When Frankie Died Next the the Sheild door that can be destroyed, and blocks attacks and vehicals, you could hear the phrofet hologram talk about the great journey.
17) You can like in MP, turn around your dead body's camera or look at your co-op buddy's camera.
18) There was prob. at max 50-60 enemies on screen. But you only had about 4 marines. So nothing has changed SO FAR here. (enemies are more abundant though.)
19) Weather Effects where steller
20) Punching Marines in the back wont always work. Frankie aimed at the neck when he could not jump the bridge, and it never hit him. AI can not jump a 4 foot jump to the other side of the bridge. Very sad :(
21) Animations were very good for the video game world, but the arbiter's jumping has not changed from halo 2, and still looks kind of cheesy. He does look sexy though.
22) Keys calls in on the inter calm and says (after you see the Forerunner ship) that she tried to get a hold of you, and glad that she can get you now. Sarge tells her something, and then she says it looks like they dug up a forerunner structure. We can only assume that is the ark. Thats exactly what she said.
23) Wraith AI for Heroic is kind of sad. Reminds me of Normal difficulty. it should not try to get that close to you. Maybe its scripted? Wraith looks amazing. The game is still really, really good. Best for sure out on the market.
24) You drop any duel wielding when you deploy the equipment. You also have an animation for it now.
25) Fuel Rod is just like in halo 2, only no following abilities. It kind of sucks ONLY because a Brute cheifton fired franky with it once, then 2 times at the ground, and his shields where only 3/4 damaged. They fire like every second. They still stand still. *really frustrates me.*
26) Brutes can go berserk, bet it is better looking. Odd looking boarding on the back of a gunner animation for them too.
More campain latter. Now give me a sec to post the multilayer stuff folks! I will correct spelling latter.
-Aktins Diet
Also, lulz (
August 22nd, 2007, 08:18 AM
It was a pretty fun event, I must say. There ended up being three showings and I would guess that the third showing got the longest demo out of the three; the second did seem to last longer than the first.
As I've said before, GOTY is simply a fact for Halo 3.
August 22nd, 2007, 02:20 PM
Nah Nick they only had two becuase at the end of the first they had extra tickets and we got in again for more fun, and the second was defiantly better than the first.
ExAm are you aktins?
August 22nd, 2007, 02:32 PM
No, there was an 11:15pm show. The first show was at ~9:00pm, second at ~10:00pm, and the third was 11:15pm.
August 22nd, 2007, 02:35 PM
First show was at 10? That was the second show at 11:15, I went to both of them.
August 22nd, 2007, 03:07 PM
No. First show was at 9:00PM. They let people in an hour early because the line was so long. The second show was at 10:00PM which was the originally scheduled time and it meant tons of us that would have been stuck outside until 11:00PM got in for that showing. Anyone left over got to go to the third showing at 11:15PM.
You went to the second and third shows.
August 22nd, 2007, 03:15 PM
No. First show was at 9:00PM. They let people in an hour early because the line was so long. The second show was at 10:00PM which was the originally scheduled time and it meant tons of us that would have been stuck outside until 11:00PM got in for that showing. Anyone left over got to go to the third showing at 11:15PM.
You went to the second and third shows.
I know I didn't becuase at the first showing they gave away a signed spartan helmet from legendary edition, and I was in that one, they let people in at 9 to to stand in another line.
August 22nd, 2007, 10:37 PM
Nah Nick they only had two becuase at the end of the first they had extra tickets and we got in again for more fun, and the second was defiantly better than the first.
ExAm are you aktins?NO.
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