August 21st, 2007, 08:43 AM
=EP= Gamers (Extreme Predators aka Elite Predators)
Hi all
Free Multi-game clan that emphasizes on teamwork, instruction, and friendship. We are not a clan that requires someone to be excellent at their game, but we look for members that will remain loyal and honest. We will train you if needed in your game and we will help you whenever you want it. We mainly communicate on our forums, but we also use TeamSpeak as well. We have been going now for about 5 years and are hoping to go on for many more. The games we play are Halo,Halo CE,Halo 2 Vista,Rainbow 6 Vegas,BF2142,RF online,Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2.
We are also looking for Division leaders as well. You need to have passion for the game you choose and will power to maintain the order in your division.
If you are interested please go to: www.extremepredators.com/forums (http://www.h2vista.net/forums/www.extremepredators.com/forums)
or www.extremepredators.com (http://www.h2vista.net/forums/www.extremepredators.com)
And sign up to the forums. You need to go to =EP= Application's Forms section to sign up for the clan. We need the follow details:
Games Interested In
Previous Clans
Reason for leaving
Why are you interested in =EP= Gamers
=EP= Gamers Details:
The Extreme Predators Mission Statement
Extreme Predators believe in Courtesy, Respect, Courage, Discipline for all these make up Honour. We at Extreme Predators would like to provide a respectable and clean place to come and enjoy fellowship and comradery. These are things that military units throughout time have had to accomplish by putting together men and women from all walks of life, in total disregard for religion, race, or nationality. We uphold these beliefs and would like to believe that the Extreme Predators is such a place. Extreme Predators try's to be as organized as possible in order to maintain a certain amount of discipline, but mostly out to have fun and enjoy ourselves. As with any organization a certain sense of order must be maintained to achieve this. The leadership will not hesitate to remove any person or persons causing insurection amongst the ranks.
Brief History
Extreme Predators was established to try and promote an clean gaming atmosphere within the online gaming community. Extreme Predators is comprised of members from all over the world, from all different walks of life. It was born to bring a group of guys who became friends to join together on periodic basis to have some clean fun.
Code of conduct
Our members just wanna come somewhere and enjoy themselves. Play some online games with friends, and have fun. There will not be any tolerance for any type of abuse of our website, forums or TS. Any abusive behaviour proven to be over the top will be dealt with accordingly. Absolutely no racial remarks or comments will be tolerated any where within the domain of the Extreme Predators.
We are an Elite Worldwide Gaming Community. We are a NO CHEAT clan. We are based on the game Halo, but recently we have branched out into other Games such as Rainbow 6 Vegas, Battlefield 2142 and G.R.A.W. Please take the time to Register to our site so you can take advantage of all the Newest Demos and Downloads!! Feel free to read the forums while your downloading!! Thx for visiting
=Extreme Predators=
=EP= Gamers (Extreme Predators aka Elite Predators)
Hi all
Free Multi-game clan that emphasizes on teamwork, instruction, and friendship. We are not a clan that requires someone to be excellent at their game, but we look for members that will remain loyal and honest. We will train you if needed in your game and we will help you whenever you want it. We mainly communicate on our forums, but we also use TeamSpeak as well. We have been going now for about 5 years and are hoping to go on for many more. The games we play are Halo,Halo CE,Halo 2 Vista,Rainbow 6 Vegas,BF2142,RF online,Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2.
We are also looking for Division leaders as well. You need to have passion for the game you choose and will power to maintain the order in your division.
If you are interested please go to: www.extremepredators.com/forums (http://www.h2vista.net/forums/www.extremepredators.com/forums)
or www.extremepredators.com (http://www.h2vista.net/forums/www.extremepredators.com)
And sign up to the forums. You need to go to =EP= Application's Forms section to sign up for the clan. We need the follow details:
Games Interested In
Previous Clans
Reason for leaving
Why are you interested in =EP= Gamers
=EP= Gamers Details:
The Extreme Predators Mission Statement
Extreme Predators believe in Courtesy, Respect, Courage, Discipline for all these make up Honour. We at Extreme Predators would like to provide a respectable and clean place to come and enjoy fellowship and comradery. These are things that military units throughout time have had to accomplish by putting together men and women from all walks of life, in total disregard for religion, race, or nationality. We uphold these beliefs and would like to believe that the Extreme Predators is such a place. Extreme Predators try's to be as organized as possible in order to maintain a certain amount of discipline, but mostly out to have fun and enjoy ourselves. As with any organization a certain sense of order must be maintained to achieve this. The leadership will not hesitate to remove any person or persons causing insurection amongst the ranks.
Brief History
Extreme Predators was established to try and promote an clean gaming atmosphere within the online gaming community. Extreme Predators is comprised of members from all over the world, from all different walks of life. It was born to bring a group of guys who became friends to join together on periodic basis to have some clean fun.
Code of conduct
Our members just wanna come somewhere and enjoy themselves. Play some online games with friends, and have fun. There will not be any tolerance for any type of abuse of our website, forums or TS. Any abusive behaviour proven to be over the top will be dealt with accordingly. Absolutely no racial remarks or comments will be tolerated any where within the domain of the Extreme Predators.
We are an Elite Worldwide Gaming Community. We are a NO CHEAT clan. We are based on the game Halo, but recently we have branched out into other Games such as Rainbow 6 Vegas, Battlefield 2142 and G.R.A.W. Please take the time to Register to our site so you can take advantage of all the Newest Demos and Downloads!! Feel free to read the forums while your downloading!! Thx for visiting
=Extreme Predators=