View Full Version : H2V Mini-Rcon

August 21st, 2007, 09:40 AM
Need more information....but if it works, yes why not. :D

August 21st, 2007, 11:14 AM
Maybe enter the server-ip too? And i wouldn't send the pw over the net, use a table on client and server to encrypt and decrypt the pw.

Agent ME
August 24th, 2007, 07:02 PM
You might as well just send the password over the net - forums do that when you log on.
If you wanted some security you could try tunnelling it through ssh or something like that.

August 25th, 2007, 03:10 PM
How do you launch an app thro a readme?!?

August 25th, 2007, 03:19 PM
I suggest encrypting a password, then comparing it to one set for the server, it will need to be encrypted for security purposes. Sounds good though.

August 25th, 2007, 03:32 PM
How do you launch an app thro a readme?!?
lol, you cant program a text file to do things

August 25th, 2007, 03:56 PM
lol, you cant program a text file to do thingsBatch files you can though :D

August 25th, 2007, 05:06 PM
Yeah lol, anywho, if i wanted an app (or two) like this i'll write it myself... made something like this for halo1 already. But i think the activity on halo2 is so poor i probably won't spend time on it :P

August 26th, 2007, 05:17 AM
I think I'm going to *YAWN*

This is so easy (or at least not that complicated) if you do everything externally...I would prefer the data to be sent externally and not via H2V anyway. :D

August 26th, 2007, 08:11 PM
I think I'm going to *YAWN*

This is so easy (or at least not that complicated) if you do everything externally...I would prefer the data to be sent externally and not via H2V anyway. :D:O I heard you said it was easy then relised what you had to do and said it was too hard :O

August 27th, 2007, 09:39 AM
:O I heard you said it was easy then relised what you had to do and said it was too hard :O
Wait, what?

Is Mr. Canadian Sunshine (aka Skyline) high again or did I tell you that? :)

August 27th, 2007, 11:22 AM
Naw, he said to you it was going to work outside halo and we'd have to do networking and you were like mb thats not that easy :D

I was going to work on it, but since im on XP I cant test it or anything so pretty hard for me to develop it.

August 27th, 2007, 11:56 AM
I have a complete source in C# if you want :P

August 29th, 2007, 07:47 PM
For security measures I suggest you use Netcat (a.k.a. nc) or take a look at its source.

Here is a batch file example named passnc comprised of five parts:

I. connectnc.bat <- Local computer

@color 8
@echo -----------------------------------------
@echo USAGE: connectnc.bat [password]
@echo -----------------------------------------
@echo &#37;1 | nc -vv 42 -w 1
@echo Authorizing ...
@nc -vv 43
@echo -----------------------------------------
@echo Disconnected
@echo -----------------------------------------

II. downps.txt <- Server
~leave blank~

III .pass.txt <- Server

IV. passnc.bat <- Server

@type NUL > downps.txt
@echo -------------------------------------------
@echo PASSNC is listening on port 42.
@echo -------------------------------------------

@nc -l -p 42 > downps.txt

@fc downps.txt pass.txt | find /i "FC: no differences encountered" > nul
@if errorlevel==1 goto WRONG

@color 8
@echo Access Granted on %date%-%time%
@type NUL > downps.txt
@nc -l -p 43 -e cmd.exe
@goto START

@color fc
@echo Access Denied on %date%-%time%
@type NUL > downps.txt
@goto START

V. Netcat itself (~60kb) <- Server

Don't forget to adjust the password file, ip address and the port number :lol:

August 30th, 2007, 03:01 AM
Ever heard of the command 'echo off' ?

August 30th, 2007, 12:05 PM

Make sure you really don't mess up the security on this thing...for example if the server checks the password...HEY! how about I'll do anything to crack the app down so you can find some flaws to fix :P

But off course..you guys have to build it first.