View Full Version : 2 machine questions...

August 22nd, 2007, 03:53 AM
ok first of all. i need to know where i can find a tutorial explaining how to set them up and what script to use. i think i set upproperly but im not sure.. secondly i need to know if ican sync mach's online.
i think if i swap one of the vehicle syncs for a mach it will work just fine.

August 22nd, 2007, 08:59 AM
ok first of all. i need to know where i can find a tutorial explaining how to set them up and what script to use. i think i set upproperly but im not sure.. secondly i need to know if ican sync mach's online.
i think if i swap one of the vehicle syncs for a mach it will work just fine.

Easy halo scripter has a device sync script.

August 22nd, 2007, 03:51 PM
lol i havent used EHS in like... since i learned to script....

i looked at the script it exported... ill go with my way of syncing it...
mainly cause its really over complicated way of doing it and it only allows the lift to work once.

now i just gota figure out how to make it so u hit a button and it goes up and when u hit a different button it goes down. i think i know how im gonna do it.

still help would be apreciated.

August 22nd, 2007, 04:10 PM
lol i havent used EHS in like... since i learned to script....

i looked at the script it exported... ill go with my way of syncing it...
mainly cause its really over complicated way of doing it and it only allows the lift to work once.

now i just gota figure out how to make it so u hit a button and it goes up and when u hit a different button it goes down. i think i know how im gonna do it.

still help would be apreciated.

You just need to kill bipeds with a vehicle and then operate the device machine by checking the heal of the bipeds

so if biped 1 is dead set the device machine to 1 or open
if biped 2 is dead set the device machine to 0 or closed.

Its simple really.

August 22nd, 2007, 04:17 PM
dude im gonna sync the machine by doing the vehi swap. much easier than all that crap.

right now ii need to know how to make the machine operate when i hit E on the control. i know how to script the elevater to go up and down but i dont know how too set up the controler to control it.

August 22nd, 2007, 04:21 PM
Is that why there are four bipeds in coldsnap? For machines?

August 22nd, 2007, 04:26 PM
i dont think there are any machines in a C-snap but there are in Hugeass if thats what u mean. cause yes thats why its in hugeass im pretty sure.

edit: i figured it out. basically i had the wrong control so i swaped it for the normal holo control and it works fine

August 22nd, 2007, 11:08 PM
dude im gonna sync the machine by doing the vehi swap. much easier than all that crap.

right now ii need to know how to make the machine operate when i hit E on the control. i know how to script the elevater to go up and down but i dont know how too set up the controler to control it.

You NEED to use biped deaths and all that crap to sync over the internet. There is no other way and if there is, it is far more complicated then the biped method.

August 22nd, 2007, 11:47 PM
well the way that i know ofis.

go into hht on the ce map AFTER is compiled.
go into globals and look for the vehicle dependencys and swap 1 of the vehicles dependencys for the mach tags.

so that instead of syncing a rwarthog like normal it syncs the mach instead.

August 23rd, 2007, 02:23 AM
good GOD stop making so many threads. you can ask all these in ONE thread. any mod reading this, please merge his topics so we can UNCLUTTER the forums. thanks.

August 23rd, 2007, 02:34 AM
I agree, but apparently mods want topics in different threads, remember what zeph said?

August 23rd, 2007, 12:42 PM
The Death-By-Vehicle method is the most functional and efficient way to sync devices over the netcode, anything else works inconsistently or not at all.

Halo syncs server-spawned biped and vehicle locations, and that's about it. Anything spawned by a client is ignored, and spawned-by-server object names aren't transmitted over the intertubes. This is why you use the vehicle and biped in tandem; the script in the map will spawn named bipeds locally (meaning only the client that spawned them can see them), and when the server-sync'd vehicle spawns, it crushes the bipeds that are spawned on the client machines, and the death of those local bipeds trigger the device state changes.

Believe me, I've tried many different methods that looked picture-perfect on paper, only to find them simply broken or back-asswards when I test them. The aforementioned method is a standard, and should be followed.

August 23rd, 2007, 03:38 PM
i know that. but if u make the server THINK that the mach is a vehicle then it will sync its local.
if my plan to do that actually works ill be happy but if not then ill just use the script.

btw you know u that whole way of crushing bipeds and stuff could probally be simplified too.

1 warthog
2 triggers

if warthog is in trig_1 then device_set_position 1
if warthog is in trig_2 then device_set_position 0

thats alot simpler than health checks and what not.

August 23rd, 2007, 08:21 PM
Your only (major) flaw is that server created vehicles are, obviously, server side. Meaning clients cannot test if it is in a trigger, or anything else for that matter.

== No sync.

August 24th, 2007, 12:35 AM
.... so scripts just DO NOT run on clients... i thought they ran but had no effect on the game unless you were host...

and thatgives me a idea...

RCON. could i possibly utilize that to allow scripts to run on clients?

August 24th, 2007, 12:40 AM
Clients can execute scripts, they just wont affect anything server side. Sometimes this can be harnessed and used to your advantage.

August 24th, 2007, 01:21 AM
ok so that makes sense... do those same rulz apply to bipeds?

btw do you think useing remoteconsole could make scripts actually work on clients?