View Full Version : [HALO 3] Second live action film
August 23rd, 2007, 08:03 AM
This isn't the direct link, but rather recorded off a laptop screen. It looks pretty good, considering. I'm looking forward to the file itself.
August 23rd, 2007, 08:44 AM
holy shit the brutes look niiiiiiice
August 23rd, 2007, 09:07 AM
August 23rd, 2007, 11:38 AM
Just checking, thats halo the movie right?
I totally didnt think it would look like that, I'm not a fan of the like urban weird colours it had, I was hoping for a clean proper action film :)
August 23rd, 2007, 11:44 AM
no, it's not halo the movie. They're live action shorts promoting the game.
also, fully automatic battle rifles? Good job guys..
Teh Ganon
August 23rd, 2007, 11:50 AM
That is gonna be one cool movie...
August 23rd, 2007, 11:53 AM
what conscars said.
August 23rd, 2007, 12:06 PM
Wasn't very exciting :/.
But I wish I could make something like that D:
August 23rd, 2007, 01:26 PM
no, it's not halo the movie. They're live action shorts promoting the game.
also, fully automatic battle rifles? Good job guys..
Better than that craptastic burst feature in the actual. I would've preferred semi, but still.
Nice video. Need to find the actual though, I am not liking the purple human blood.
August 23rd, 2007, 03:04 PM
Looked cool. However those banshee's were moving WAY too fast.
Teh Ganon
August 23rd, 2007, 03:10 PM
Looked cool. However those banshee's were moving WAY too fast.
or is it in the game they are moving WAY too slow
August 23rd, 2007, 03:11 PM
the game is law.
August 23rd, 2007, 03:13 PM
no, it's not halo the movie. They're live action shorts promoting the game.
also, fully automatic battle rifles? Good job guys..Oh a bit like the E3 one?
Neuro Guro
August 23rd, 2007, 03:16 PM
Realistically they should be at a fairly fast speed to keep it in flight, but I can't say that is totally reasonable considering the anti-gravity tech they have.
August 23rd, 2007, 03:19 PM
That is gonna be one cool movie...
This short has nothing to do with the Halo movie :gtfo:.
Audio and Video don't sync, it sucks.
Teh Ganon
August 23rd, 2007, 03:48 PM
This short has nothing to do with the Halo movie :gtfo:.
Audio and Video don't sync, it sucks.
Hey man, take a breather. You arent in any postion to say that unless you work for bungie, are peter jackson, or are WETA digital. Iv'e got my hopes up on that this develops into more than short videos. I was mezmorized by the first one and the second one was the jelly filling. I enjoy watching them and thats all that matters.
August 23rd, 2007, 03:57 PM
Uh, Bungie confirmed this has nothing to do with the Halo movie, its just some shorts.
August 23rd, 2007, 04:23 PM
Yea, Bungie confirmed that these shorts are going to have zip in common with the actual movie. So yes, I am in a position to say it :gtfo:.
Is anyone else having Audio/Video sync issues? I'm using Windows Media Player cause I'm to lazy to setup Winamp.
Teh Ganon
August 23rd, 2007, 04:24 PM
bungie confirms a lot of things. Im still hoping. going to toss me out the door with your fancy smileys?
August 23rd, 2007, 04:32 PM
Yea, Bungie confirmed that these shorts are going to have zip in common with the actual movie. So yes, I am in a position to say it :gtfo:.
Is anyone else having Audio/Video sync issues? I'm using Windows Media Player cause I'm to lazy to setup Winamp.
bungie confirms a lot of things. Im still hoping. going to toss me out the door with your fancy smileys?
Cmon guys, lets just take a decent sized chill pill.
I think the short was confusing, I didn't get where the 3rd person view was coming from (it looked like some scope viewing the odst's).
I'm going to have to take a few more looks at it, but those brutes looked interesting. I liked seeing those spiker rounds hitting that wall (or needler rounds, but I saw brutes).
Teh Ganon
August 23rd, 2007, 04:39 PM
Yeah the brutes were cool to see, but I think they werent characterized correctly in looks. The odst guys were...badass. I belive that this quality of work could develop into something bigger. heh... It would at least be better than the DOOM movie.
August 23rd, 2007, 06:21 PM
Looked cool. However those banshee's were moving WAY too fast.
In the game, they're moving way too slow. About five years ago, I had a wing pair of F-16's fly over me. They couldn't be much more than 100 feet off the ground. It looked similar.
Better than that craptastic burst feature in the actual. I would've preferred semi, but still.
Nice video. Need to find the actual though, I am not liking the purple human blood.
Assault weapons have settings for safe, burst, auto, etc. In real life, I'd have to assume they would be. And yes, I thought those were needles that hit the wall, but I'm thinking they were brute spiker rounds. Doesn't make much sense, though, as they're about the same size as the weapon itself.
the game is law.
game laws and RL laws do not match.
bungie confirms a lot of things. Im still hoping. going to toss me out the door with your fancy smileys?
No, we're just going to throw a noob warning at you. Bungie said it's not related to a Halo movie. It's going to be a miniseries of short live action films.
Yeah the brutes were cool to see, but I think they werent characterized correctly in looks. The odst guys were...badass. I belive that this quality of work could develop into something bigger. heh... It would at least be better than the DOOM movie.
No, they were, but only to the extend they were developed at that point in time. Brutes have come a long way since then. I think these live action films are to show the movie studios what they're missing out of. Once it's done, I think they'll be more open to larger budgets and a typical cut of the profits. I'd love to see Microsoft pull a movie production brand out of this, though. Only thing I didn't like was the size of the ODSTs. I know that's how the RL translation of the design is, but it doesn't look as badass as the e3 2003 demo.
I totally didnt think it would look like that, I'm not a fan of the like urban weird colours it had, I was hoping for a clean proper action film
I'm pretty sure there was a lot of discolorations from it being recorded off a laptop.
TIA Gangsta
August 23rd, 2007, 06:33 PM
Looked cool. However those banshee's were moving WAY too fast.
That's was just to make the action more intense.
And it was ok, but the basics of it were too obvious - just bunch of guys shouting and running around behind some walls. The camera angles weren't too good either.
This doesn't look like Halo at all. It looks like CoD or GRAW with aliens thrown in.
To truely take advantage of Halo's design, they really need to make it CG. It'll depict the Halo world a lot better.
August 23rd, 2007, 06:53 PM
In response to the earlier statement about the Halo movie, I recently got a copy of Wired, in which it stated that the movie is stalled, with no current plans to continue. A hiatus, more or less. Blomkamp was originally going to help out with the movie, and instead he's doing these shorts, since he had some pretty good stuff to contribute.
August 23rd, 2007, 08:20 PM
Cool, no one's answering me :awesome:. Is anyone else having Audio/Video sync issues?
August 23rd, 2007, 08:49 PM
@Zeph: I know real weapons have burst on them, I am just not a fan of burst on any weapon, period. As for the purple, on the inside of the Warthog's windshield, there is a purple spatter of blood from the hit marine.
August 23rd, 2007, 08:58 PM
Color distortion. Laptop screen. 'Nuff said.
August 23rd, 2007, 10:00 PM
this was awesome :D
interesting notes:
-there are actually three brutes. While you DO see two with spikers later, in the initial shot one can be seen carrying a spike grenade and another has a gravity hammer.
-The two ODSTs are T. Rymann, Bravo 21(c) and S. Hartley, Bravo 22. Hartley is the one who gets hit.
-However, the radio operator seems to refer to them as 'Alpha Team'
-Fallen brutes are marked with a red triangle and "Thread Neutralized" from the aerial camera. There are three marked.
-Spikes have a pink glow, instead of the yellow one. Possibly due to distortion, but there's a pretty big difference there.
-The warthog in the scene is the "H/AAV-20".
-When the hog busts through the wall at the end, you can see how the headlights look like. You can also spot an odd bubbly thing to the bottom left...odd fire? something else completely?
-The hog DOES in fact have two cupholders. :awesome:
It's the little things that make these clips, and most likely the movie as well, so awesome. I'm lovin it, can't wait for and HD feed directly from Bungie...
August 23rd, 2007, 10:42 PM
Scheweet! Cupholders!
Are they the extra-large kind, or the so-small-I-can't-fit-my-extra-large-soda-in-them kind?
Anyway, looks good, I want to see the feed from before I can say anything, really.
August 23rd, 2007, 11:39 PM
Wow, either that Warthog has SHIT handling or the actor playing the ODST just exaggerated his movements for emphasis when at the steering wheel.
-Spikes have a pink glow, instead of the yellow one. Possibly due to distortion, but there's a pretty big difference there.
The spikes are pink for the same reason the muzzle flashes, human blood, and scattered fires are pinkish purples: color distortion via LCD laptop screen being filtered through a camcorder vidcap.
Assault weapons have settings for safe, burst, auto, etc. In real life, I'd have to assume they would be.
Tbh. The fire switch on the side of the Battle Rifle at the aft of the rail sticks out like a sore thumb.
The only thing that seems exceptionally out of place for me is the firing sound... the four-pronged muzzle flash isn't a problem, as burning gases rushing out of a tube won't be carbon copied with every shot, much less with the compunding gases in automatic and/or burst fire and the relatively windy environment they were firing in.
However those banshee's were moving WAY too fast.
Not really, those Banshees were like twenty feet overhead at MOST.
The only thing I didn't like about the Banshee is that the fuel rod cannon's impact flash looked like a fucking empty Heineken bottle stuffed with July 4th firefountains, and had a splash radius of roughly fifteen inches. :-/
August 23rd, 2007, 11:45 PM
Yeah, I know the distortion plays a big part. Personally though, the blood, flashes, and fire didn't seem nearly as messed up as the spikes did. Then again the muzzle flash of the spiker seemed pretty pink too.
:p just an observation.
August 24th, 2007, 01:05 AM
I think it was the fact that we were watching somebody else's screen. If it were the actual video, it may have been better.
August 24th, 2007, 01:30 AM
...the four-pronged muzzle flash isn't a problem, as burning gases rushing out of a tube won't be carbon copied with every shot, much less with the compunding gases in automatic and/or burst fire and the relatively windy environment they were firing in.
You rarely actually see a constant, game-style flash anyway. Typically it's just a puff of smoke, the flash is only noticeable in certain conditions (night, certain humidity levels, etc.) and it also depends on both weapon and ammunition (for example, the Mosin-Nagant M44 carbine is more like a fucking flamethrower, while other rifles may have a very small flash).
Also keep in mind flash eliminators don't actually eliminate the flash, just deflect it in such a way that it's not so hard on the shooter's eyes while firing at night.
August 24th, 2007, 01:40 AM
You rarely actually see a constant, game-style flash anyway. Typically it's just a puff of smoke, the flash is only noticeable in certain conditions (night, certain humidity levels, etc.) and it also depends on both weapon and ammunition (for example, the Mosin-Nagant M44 carbine is more like a fucking flamethrower, while other rifles may have a very small flash).
Also keep in mind flash eliminators don't actually eliminate the flash, just deflect it in such a way that it's not so hard on the shooter's eyes while firing at night.
On the subject of the muzzle flash, if the flash, theoretically, were visible after every shot, then the pattern would not vary in general shape, due to the design of the flash hider, which has two slits pointing up at angles, and one pointing directly down, in a triangle pattern. This creates the signature battle rifle muzzle flash, with some gases ejecting out of the ports and the remainder being ejected forward. This being the case, a four pronged muzzle flash (assuming I'm interpreting the phrase correctly) would be incorrect, and impossible given the configuration, correct? Of course, we've all seen the Assault Rifle's muzzle flash, and it HAS no slits, so I guess that's all out the window in the Halo universe... >_<
August 24th, 2007, 02:04 AM
The camera angles weren't too good either.
You do know the unstable camera is for effect, and that was some damn good cinematography. Saving Private Ryan took the same approach and won the award for best cinematography at the Oscars (along with four other awards).
August 24th, 2007, 04:16 AM
game laws and RL laws do not match.
Real life and a science fiction game have inconsistencies?!
I'll alert the press.
August 24th, 2007, 11:38 AM
You do know the unstable camera is for effect, and that was some damn good cinematography. Saving Private Ryan took the same approach and won the award for best cinematography at the Oscars (along with four other awards).
Battlestar Galactica also takes the same approach, and is one of the best shows on TV.
August 24th, 2007, 11:52 AM
I've never really found the Halo 3 live action films very interesting... this was very well made though. I would have liked it better if it had shown more stuff...
August 24th, 2007, 11:56 AM
That wasn't the whole thing, Bungie said so.
August 24th, 2007, 12:01 PM
That wasn't the whole thing, Bungie said so.
Did they? Also, the marines' armor looked like plastic, and the Warthog's steering wheel looked like a child's toy.
August 24th, 2007, 12:06 PM
I've never really found the Halo 3 live action films very interesting...
You speak as if they've released more than one film prior to this short. :-?
August 24th, 2007, 12:08 PM
You speak as if they've released more than one film prior to this short. :-?
*cough* Arms Race *cough*
August 24th, 2007, 12:12 PM
You speak as if they've released more than one film prior to this short. :-?
August 24th, 2007, 12:14 PM
Did they? Also, the marines' armor looked like plastic, and the Warthog's steering wheel looked like a child's toy.
What the hell is it with kids these days assuming anything not shiny enough to put out an eye at 50 paces is plastic?
August 24th, 2007, 12:22 PM
I was saying that I didn't like the Live Action Films, therefore I was talking about Arms Race and this one, so when I said "live action films" it makes sense.
What the hell is it with kids these days assuming anything not shiny enough to put out an eye at 50 paces is plastic?
It's not because it's not shiny, it's the way the paint looks. The parts where the paints was supposed to be worn off look like they where painted on and not at all real. The marine who's driving is turning the wheel up to 5 times without the vehicle itself turning, so it looks like somebody who's playing with a toy wheel.
August 24th, 2007, 12:55 PM
1. I was saying that I didn't like the Live Action Films, therefore I was talking about Arms Race and this one, so when I said "live action films" it makes sense.
2. It's not because it's not shiny, it's the way the paint looks. The parts where the paints was supposed to be worn off look like they where painted on and not at all real. 3. The marine who's driving is turning the wheel up to 5 times without the vehicle itself turning, so it looks like somebody who's playing with a toy wheel.
1. In your first reference you said "I've never really liked..." which implies that you're addressing a full series of shorts in a passed timeframe.
2. What does the paint have to do with the metal looking like plastic?
3. /uberagree
August 24th, 2007, 01:22 PM
1. In your first reference you said "I've never really liked..." which implies that you're addressing a full series of shorts in a passed timeframe.
2. What does the paint have to do with the metal looking like plastic?
3. /uberagree
1. Let's not start fighting over this. I guess that I wasn't being precise enough.
2. Hmm... I guess that it doesn't have to do anything to do with it. I guess it could also be the texture that makes it look like plastic (nothing to do with shinyness). I don't know, but it just looks like plastic to me, and they probably did use plastic. It could also be the fact that it was a filmed video of the video.
3. Yep
August 24th, 2007, 01:23 PM
If you paint metal with the right paint, you can make it look like plastic real easy. Same goes for actual plastic with respect to making it appear metallic.
August 24th, 2007, 02:00 PM
And in reality, shiny armor is a no go in the battlefield. And the kind of plate body armor the marines use actually makes sense when going up against plasma based weaponry. Bungie didn't just dish out some random armor, the stuff the marines where looks designed to take on the covenant.
August 24th, 2007, 03:57 PM
Actually, it was designed to take on other humans :downs:.
August 24th, 2007, 05:46 PM
Kevlar is for taking on other humans. But I don't think cloth does that well under super heated plasma.
August 24th, 2007, 07:35 PM
I'm referring to the plates, which were designed prior to human contact with the Covenant. But your statement holds true as well.
August 24th, 2007, 10:06 PM
Actually, it was designed to take on other humans :downs:.
I love baseless statements.
August 24th, 2007, 10:32 PM
And in reality, shiny armor is a no go in the battlefield. And the kind of plate body armor the marines use actually makes sense when going up against plasma based weaponry. Bungie didn't just dish out some random armor, the stuff the marines where looks designed to take on the covenant.
Now think before you post, fool.
August 24th, 2007, 11:00 PM
Give me a quote from a Bungie-related source, whether it be in an update or in a novel that states the basis behind your comments.
August 24th, 2007, 11:12 PM
What the guy is trying to say is whare does it say that the armor the marines where in Halo 1, 2 and 3 was designed to fight humans.
August 24th, 2007, 11:18 PM
I mean it makes no sense for the humans to use armor they designed to fight each other. Especially after a 27 year war. Unless you can find a legitimate reason.......
August 24th, 2007, 11:54 PM
I mean it makes no sense for the humans to use armor they designed to fight each other. Especially after a 27 year war. Unless you can find a legitimate reason.......
Another great point...
What the guy is trying to say is where does it say that the armor the marines where in Halo 1, 2 and 3 was designed to fight humans.
Yes, that's what I tried to ask...
August 24th, 2007, 11:58 PM
You don't see the U.S. using different weapons in Iraq just because the 5.56mm is too small, do you? We've been using the same damn gun and caliber for almost 50 years now, and it was only during the late 80s and early 90s that you saw the modern webbing appear on our troops. You use what you have, and seeing that the only real defense against plasma are the shields used by Spartan IIs and the Covenant, there is no motive to improve the armor. Yes, there are refractive coatings. Do they work? Not really.
Also, there's the whole issue of trying to re-outfit an entire military force spanning more than one planet. That is expensive, time consuming, and impractical to even try and do rapidly.
August 25th, 2007, 12:02 AM
Another great point...
Yes, that's what I tried to ask...
Ellipses are done to death...
August 25th, 2007, 12:03 AM
Then it's a good thing you've never spoken to Iron_Forge...
August 25th, 2007, 12:10 AM
I don't see why this conversation warrants ellipses...
August 25th, 2007, 12:14 AM
The marines' Halo 3 armor is basically sexier Halo 2 armor, which in turn was sexier Halo 1 armor (color aside).
August 25th, 2007, 01:28 AM
Actually think about it for a second. Why would troops use the same armor through out an entire galaxy. why would marines stationed on reach (POA marines) use the same exact armor as the troops on earth which was light years away. And plasma, though can really only be stopped by shielding, the damage can be weakened with objects that don't melt or conduct heat easily. Based on what the covenant weaponry looks like in the games, it would take multiple shots for that kind of plasma to penetrate steel plating. The rounds travel at the speed of paint balls, meaning they don't kill using penetration (which Kevlar is designed to prevent). However the fact that if you shoot super heated plasma at a human body, it will cause severe burning and intense pain. However, the rounds look like they cool down very quickly, meaning that it would take many hits to soften a solid steel plate to penetrate it and hit the flesh. Meaning that the armor marines where, which is likely based on light wait metal plating (from the looks of it) is nearly impenetrable to covenant weaponry. However, it doesn't cover the entire body, as it would be too hard to maneuver in that kind of armor, meaning if a round does hit you (which is likely based on the amount of covering) it's going to cause a horrible wound.
Also, just as a side note, burn wounds usually aren't fatal. People who die from being lit on fire usually die of trauma rather than the fire itself. Meaning covenant weaponry isn't made to kill, it's made to burn and cause extreme pain to your enemy until they loose the will to fight on. At which point they either die from shock, or just lay on the ground in pain, making them simple targets for infantry. Which is likely why humans can take so many rounds.
August 25th, 2007, 04:02 AM
Damn, did you see the other videos at that site? Exclusive Single Player footage. W00t.
That flare equipment looks freaking awesome. Adds a lot new gameplay strategies to the game.
August 25th, 2007, 04:03 AM
The marine who's driving is turning the wheel up to 5 times without the vehicle itself turning, so it looks like somebody who's playing with a toy wheel.
Some vehicles are like that. The tractor at our school farm, for one.
Give me a quote from a Bungie-related source, whether it be in an update or in a novel that states the basis behind your comments.
The armour the Spartans wear is designed to be effective against both projectiles and energy weapons, using a hard, refractive ceramic outer layer which gives it the shiny, pitted green appearance - as described by Bungie and also in the novel series. Looking at the armour issued to regular ground troops, there's obviously a rather large difference in composition, and one you could presume to be brought about by different design considerations (i.e. designed to protect from human weaponry rather than Covenant). There's not really any way of proving that to be completely correct, but it would make sense. Introducing a whole new range of armour across such an expansive force would take quite a long time and would cost a lot, and as we all know, governments will always take the lowest bid.
August 25th, 2007, 03:11 PM
There's not really any way of proving that to be completely correct, but it would make sense. Introducing a whole new range of armour across such an expansive force would take quite a long time and would cost a lot, and as we all know, governments will always take the lowest bid.
Correct, but in a situation like that I doubt that the people would let there governments take the lowest bid. Sure people do today, but when your entire species is on the line, I think there'd be a little change in action. Also, it would make more sense that rather than the UNSC replacing the entire style of body armor in one sweep, individual governments could pay for and replace the armor for the troops on their system.
Think of it this way (if you live in the US). Lets say that the rule in the constitution didn't exist where states could not hold a military, lets just say they could. A new style of effective medium priced armor just pushed through. The feds want to give their army a better edge so they order the states to replace their troops armor with the more efficient model by, lets say, 2010. Each state would invest some of their tax money to reinforce their armies with the new armor and weapons. The states with either more money and/or a smaller army would obviusly be the first to change.
Now put that into the Halo perspective. Planets like Reach were of huge military value. Millions of troops, meaning that if the UNSC gave the order, it would take some time for that planets government to supply all those troops with newer armor and weapons. Which is why troops in Halo CE (FYI: came from reach) had an older variant of armor. While if we go to another, smaller planet, they would likely have already gotten the majority of the troops re supplied. Or if we fast forward between the time difference of Halo 1 and Halo 2, that would offer earths government some time to re supply it's troops. Not to mention thats the central hub of the UNSC.
August 25th, 2007, 03:47 PM
Looked cool. However those banshee's were moving WAY too fast.
They moved Alot faster in the books then the games
August 25th, 2007, 03:54 PM
Correct, but in a situation like that I doubt that the people would let there governments take the lowest bid. Sure people do today, but when your entire species is on the line, I think there'd be a little change in action. Also, it would make more sense that rather than the UNSC replacing the entire style of body armor in one sweep, individual governments could pay for and replace the armor for the troops on their system.
Think of it this way (if you live in the US). Lets say that the rule in the constitution didn't exist where states could not hold a military, lets just say they could. A new style of effective medium priced armor just pushed through. The feds want to give their army a better edge so they order the states to replace their troops armor with the more efficient model by, lets say, 2010. Each state would invest some of their tax money to reinforce their armies with the new armor and weapons. The states with either more money and/or a smaller army would obviusly be the first to change.
Now put that into the Halo perspective. Planets like Reach were of huge military value. Millions of troops, meaning that if the UNSC gave the order, it would take some time for that planets government to supply all those troops with newer armor and weapons. Which is why troops in Halo CE (FYI: came from reach) had an older variant of armor. While if we go to another, smaller planet, they would likely have already gotten the majority of the troops re supplied. Or if we fast forward between the time difference of Halo 1 and Halo 2, that would offer earths government some time to re supply it's troops. Not to mention thats the central hub of the UNSC.
The time between Halo 1 (which took place immediately after REACH) and Halo 2 was only a few weeks at most. The Master Chief was only on Halo for four days, and then he was in space for about a week until Halo 2. Do you think that the entire UNSC can re-equip in that amount of time?
August 25th, 2007, 04:06 PM
The "entire" UNSC. My "entire" argument was based on the fact that systems equip their troops. Rather than a full out weapons and armor exchange, it happens slowly, system by system. And if my theory is right (doubt it, but it's the only reasonable explanation), then we have no idea when the new gear was completed and started to be handed out on earth. Reach could have been far behind in a replacement. Not to mention the fact that armor could vary depending on what planet your on. Troops in Germany don't where the same armor as troops in England.
August 25th, 2007, 05:40 PM
REACH was where most of the research and development took place. They would have been one of the first to receive the new equipment.
It can't be proven either way, my main point was Veegie being dense in the head with his first comment, because he didn't take the time to read and comprehend the entire thread.
August 25th, 2007, 08:50 PM
Correct, it can't be proven. And I think thats what bungie wants.
August 26th, 2007, 02:57 AM
REACH was where most of the research and development took place. They would have been one of the first to receive the new equipment.
It can't be proven either way, my main point was Veegie being dense in the head with his first comment, because he didn't take the time to read and comprehend the entire thread.
Flaming is against the rules. :)
The topic is about the "second live action film". Not the logic behind the creation of Marine armor, sorry. That requirement isn't sensible in the least.
"He was being stupid because uh... there isn't a definitive answer to prove him wrong or right in this off topic discussion."
August 26th, 2007, 11:13 AM
You aren't getting it still...
You had asked what prompted my statement, and I showed you. You then decided to turn it into the thread's discussion. You of all people should realize that not everything is stated directly, and learn to infer things from context.
As for the live action film, I don't believe there is much else to say other than what has been said, until the full version is released.
August 26th, 2007, 05:19 PM
Some vehicles are like that. The tractor at our school farm, for one.
If you're really comparing the handling of an offroading military vehicle with 500+ years of technological advancement to that of an automated plow, then that's just a further blow to its performance.
1. Flaming is against the rules. :)
2. The topic is about the "second live action film". Not the logic behind the creation of Marine armor, sorry. That requirement isn't sensible in the least.
3. "He was being stupid because uh... there isn't a definitive answer to prove him wrong or right in this off topic discussion."
1. That's classic.
2. You instigated it...
3. This is coming from the person who went around proclaiming "Jub-Jub" was Last Resort's working title?
August 26th, 2007, 05:25 PM
The technology in Halo is not revolutionary, it's evolutionary.
August 26th, 2007, 09:44 PM
If you're really comparing the handling of an offroading military vehicle with 500+ years of technological advancement to that of an automated plow, then that's just a further blow to its performance.
1. That's classic.
2. You instigated it...
3. This is coming from the person who went around proclaiming "Jub-Jub" was Last Resort's working title?
*Questioned it
*Made an educated guess on something that no one had 100% confirmation of at the time.
Woe is my validity for I stand on par with normalcy.
August 26th, 2007, 10:20 PM
*Made an educated guess on something that no one had 100% confirmation of at the time.
That's your defense?
If it was just an educated guess, than why do you pass it off in such esteem as to imply that your source or gut feeling is unquestionably valid? And to think that you're the guy who will repudiate any factoid that isn't directly confirmed by Bungie, or dump anyone else who decides to make an "educated guess" flat on their ass.
August 26th, 2007, 10:24 PM
Why do I pass it off in such as esteem as to imply that my source is unquestionably valid?
I've never met someone that is content with being wrong.
But then again, we've boiled the situation down to your personal-interpretation.
TIA Gangsta
August 27th, 2007, 02:54 PM
Found a high quality version of the second live action film:
Might wanna add this to the first post too (
August 27th, 2007, 05:04 PM
I think the reason that its inaccurate to the game is that in the game, the battles and the war in general is greatly simplified and changed to be easier for the players comprehension. If it was more realistic, like an actual war, you spend much of your time wondering what the fuck was going on. This is a depiction of halo as something much closer to an actual war, hence why the banshee is fast and things. The movies are meant to be a gritty and realistic telling of halo. And realisticly, you would want your flying vehicle to be able to move way faster than the 20mph it seems to pull in game.
August 28th, 2007, 11:57 AM
What confuses me the most is........why didn't they get into the pelican?
August 28th, 2007, 02:01 PM
Probably those air patrols. There was no way a pelican could evade them when trying to get to a destination. And based on the fact that "the package" is probably important they probably wouldn't want to risk it. If a banshee is after a warthog, if it misses it needs to make another sweep. If it's after a pelican, all it needs to do is stay on its tail and keep holding down the trigger.
August 28th, 2007, 02:10 PM
its much quicker for the peli just to drop the hog, and the warthog has a gun.
August 28th, 2007, 02:13 PM
Easier yes. Safer, based on those banshee's, probably not.
August 31st, 2007, 02:38 PM
topic closed. High quality copy found through msn.
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