August 23rd, 2007, 04:50 PM
Sense not all of you go to gearbox, I'll post this here too so the contest can get more contestants.
Modeling Challenge is for personal benefit. This weeks challenge Aug.15 - Aug.22 10PM eastern. Then I will post the voting thread along with the next weeks challenge.
120 minutes is allowed per model this week. Cheating is discouraged and you are only cheating yourself.
All submitted entries must have a 800x600 clay render and wire frame. (example) (http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/1928/clocktowerhf5.jpg)
The triangle count and timespan for each piece must be listed.
Textures are not permitted.
Multiple submissions are allowed and encouraged.
Please include your GBX Username in the renders filename.Theme
Military Outpost/Base - you guys know em those outpost/bases in games. i figured since this weeks topic is a slightly larger concept it would be better to make the time 2 hours. great example (http://stefan-morrell.cgsociety.org/gallery/321390/)
I'm going to extend the due date to Wed. August 29.
Here are the submissions so far:
i thought this would be real popular topic... guess i might win by default :botman:
since i apparently suck at picking topics any suggestions for next week?
just did another... now do i put both in the voting poll or pick one?
winner winner chicken dinner for the person who figures out what it's from.
I don't really see how the building from Futurerama is a military base...
Ok, here is my submission. I'm not very happy with it, it has a error, and it is missing a ton of stuff, but I just run out of time. I didn't measure my time exactly, but it is right near the 2 hours mark. The only thing I didn't model within the two hours was the cloth. I had made the cloth beforehand. I tried making it while speed modeling, but for some reason it kept "ripping" so I had no choice other than using the pre made one. I know it is kind of cheating, but I had no choice. Please try to ignore that smoothing error, I ran out of time.
http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/3967/speedmodeling4lc4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/4513/speedmodeling2ov3.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/4883/speedmodeling5js8.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
315,946 polys.
Time: 2 Hours
Triangles: 3773
Well, heres my outpost, would have done more, but ran out of time, I didn't fully think through the concept before hand though, just made it as I went really :botman: basicaly I envisioned that wall first, modeled it then the rest came as I made it.
Hope you like :o
EDIT: wow, lama has skillz, the only thing I'm gonna yell at u at for though is that cloth, cheater.. lol, also u only supposed to have 1 render and a wireframe but w/e...
er, only thing i dont like is the top of the tower, alien looking thingys.. lol
Ok, heres mine (don't make fun of it :( ). I just thought of military outpost in iraq and modeled this. The box looking sandbag thing is the commanders bunker with mobile satellite next to it (held down by sand bags). In the dugout area is artillery shells, which i put in a dugout for extra protection. I would have put a netting over the dugout, but didn't have time. The road blocks at each entrance are set up so cars cant come speeding in. On the other side is an area to park hummers and whatnot. The hill with sand bags is for a M240 gunner, or any light machine gun. I know its not that good, but i like it :lol: .
Time: 1 hr 53 min
Polys: 100,104 (hundreds of sand bags = many polys)
http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/1332/base3dv9.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/6032/base4au4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
By the way, i had a clay render that was more zoomed in but it cut off the front corners, so i wasnt sure what one to post :lol:
Deadline: August 29
Here is a link to the original thread:
Have fun!
Modeling Challenge is for personal benefit. This weeks challenge Aug.15 - Aug.22 10PM eastern. Then I will post the voting thread along with the next weeks challenge.
120 minutes is allowed per model this week. Cheating is discouraged and you are only cheating yourself.
All submitted entries must have a 800x600 clay render and wire frame. (example) (http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/1928/clocktowerhf5.jpg)
The triangle count and timespan for each piece must be listed.
Textures are not permitted.
Multiple submissions are allowed and encouraged.
Please include your GBX Username in the renders filename.Theme
Military Outpost/Base - you guys know em those outpost/bases in games. i figured since this weeks topic is a slightly larger concept it would be better to make the time 2 hours. great example (http://stefan-morrell.cgsociety.org/gallery/321390/)
I'm going to extend the due date to Wed. August 29.
Here are the submissions so far:
i thought this would be real popular topic... guess i might win by default :botman:
since i apparently suck at picking topics any suggestions for next week?
just did another... now do i put both in the voting poll or pick one?
winner winner chicken dinner for the person who figures out what it's from.
I don't really see how the building from Futurerama is a military base...
Ok, here is my submission. I'm not very happy with it, it has a error, and it is missing a ton of stuff, but I just run out of time. I didn't measure my time exactly, but it is right near the 2 hours mark. The only thing I didn't model within the two hours was the cloth. I had made the cloth beforehand. I tried making it while speed modeling, but for some reason it kept "ripping" so I had no choice other than using the pre made one. I know it is kind of cheating, but I had no choice. Please try to ignore that smoothing error, I ran out of time.
http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/3967/speedmodeling4lc4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/4513/speedmodeling2ov3.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/4883/speedmodeling5js8.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
315,946 polys.
Time: 2 Hours
Triangles: 3773
Well, heres my outpost, would have done more, but ran out of time, I didn't fully think through the concept before hand though, just made it as I went really :botman: basicaly I envisioned that wall first, modeled it then the rest came as I made it.
Hope you like :o
EDIT: wow, lama has skillz, the only thing I'm gonna yell at u at for though is that cloth, cheater.. lol, also u only supposed to have 1 render and a wireframe but w/e...
er, only thing i dont like is the top of the tower, alien looking thingys.. lol
Ok, heres mine (don't make fun of it :( ). I just thought of military outpost in iraq and modeled this. The box looking sandbag thing is the commanders bunker with mobile satellite next to it (held down by sand bags). In the dugout area is artillery shells, which i put in a dugout for extra protection. I would have put a netting over the dugout, but didn't have time. The road blocks at each entrance are set up so cars cant come speeding in. On the other side is an area to park hummers and whatnot. The hill with sand bags is for a M240 gunner, or any light machine gun. I know its not that good, but i like it :lol: .
Time: 1 hr 53 min
Polys: 100,104 (hundreds of sand bags = many polys)
http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/1332/base3dv9.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/6032/base4au4.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
By the way, i had a clay render that was more zoomed in but it cut off the front corners, so i wasnt sure what one to post :lol:
Deadline: August 29
Here is a link to the original thread:
Have fun!