View Full Version : RC3B Download and info

December 31st, 2006, 01:48 PM

Everything in here is finalized, just waiting on new sounds, and then RC4 will be the last before release.

Dedi is up as normal, don't give this map to anyone not registered on the forums, or host it somewhere.

December 31st, 2006, 01:50 PM
Cool, I'll download.

December 31st, 2006, 01:57 PM
I downloading right now and thx master u r the best

Elite Killa
December 31st, 2006, 02:00 PM
Downloading...I'll get the pizza for the party.

December 31st, 2006, 02:02 PM
Damn, i'm not in my computer, can't download it or play it :( save some pizza for me for tomorrow plz

December 31st, 2006, 02:04 PM
Darn internet is too slow on me, its froze on 1%

December 31st, 2006, 02:09 PM
atleast show me a video :(

December 31st, 2006, 02:09 PM
im dling now. :D

December 31st, 2006, 02:13 PM

December 31st, 2006, 02:14 PM
I'm really getting jealous, guess that there wont be any pizza left for me ...

December 31st, 2006, 02:17 PM
The grenades aren't finalized.


...neither is the BSP.

December 31st, 2006, 02:17 PM
Wow, you've really created a new naming system with this.

December 31st, 2006, 02:21 PM
Can't wait for the rest of the MP Maps :p

December 31st, 2006, 02:30 PM
Those are the 2 dots I was talking about. Dunno if it's just me seeing those. But likely a problem with the model.

TIA Gangsta
December 31st, 2006, 03:05 PM
W00T! Can't wait to play this! Thanks for the quick update. You guys rock!

Oh, this is off topic but some guy on the Bungie forums posted pics and 2 videos (that are hard to get working...) of the Halo 3 testing. It's not sure if he's one of the testers Bungie got and secretly took pictures with his camera, but one thing is for sure :

They are actually real. They don't tell much, but it's cool to see how Halo 3 is looking at the moment. The graphics are awesome, and we saw a very good shot of the Halo 3 AR in first person. Of course, this leaking was against the rules and was removed as soon as possible (and the guy was blacklisted), but I went onto their forums just a few minutes after the post! :lol:
So I saved the whole post in Microsoft Word!
Since this is against the rules, I won't be posting it here...but just as a hint..................
*THE LINKS ARE STILL UP BY SOME GUY WHO QUOTED IT..heh Bungie must have been so busy blacklisting and deleting the guy who original posted it, they must have missed the one member who quoted the post :XD:...so hurry there and take them down!*

*EDIT* And PLEASE don't PM me for links, cos I'm not going to give them...

*Another Edit* Sorry for those who couldn't get to Bungie forums in time. Bungie Mods have deleted the quote.

Elite Killa
December 31st, 2006, 03:49 PM
The name for the lazer is spelled wrong...it is called "Galileian". In the beta, it was "Galilean".

December 31st, 2006, 03:51 PM
Hardcore w00t

December 31st, 2006, 04:16 PM
Everything in here is finalized, just waiting on new sounds, and then RC4 will be the last before release.

that is awesome man. it's good to see your fixing up the sounds, give them a baset feel to em :D

December 31st, 2006, 04:57 PM
You have my trust on not releasing this, you also have my trust to find as many balancing issues and bugs as possible.

December 31st, 2006, 05:42 PM
gg 38.0kb/s >_>

Needs more powerful nades in RC4.

December 31st, 2006, 06:00 PM
Thanks the Pistol is awsome the laser is awsome you are awesome. +rep for you:)

Edit: when is this party?

December 31st, 2006, 06:04 PM
downloading, mso happy :D

December 31st, 2006, 06:08 PM
cool i just tested out ya map. these are some suggestions for ya.

1. FRG nade damage needs to just be a little bit weaker then the plasma, but i think you've established that in a poll :D
2. Also in another poll u need to remove the secondary colours. the silver on the bipeds kicks ass by itself and Silver can go with Any color, while other colors like pink >_> dont match very good with things like orange.
3. The rocket hog explosion. it just stops. ya need to prolong it and have the explosion gradually fade out.
4. The end menu (post game carnage)is still :\, i dunno if u guys are fixing that up tho, cudo's for fixing the ingame menu. it's nice to have a mouse curser back :D

ya sound i know you guys are tweeking it but just some suggestions here.
5. make the shot gun and the Rocket launcher a bit quieter they are really loud.
6. add some bass to the rocket launcher, it fires a rocket you want to be able to "feel" it go past, mb a bit of rumble in the backround. like have 2 sounds for it, the big fire and woosh, but then some sort of after sound where it rumbles for a bit.
7. take out some treble for the shot gun and the Rocket launcher.

some weapon suggestions. there mostly animation tweeks
8. the battle riffles animations are sweet, how ever the screen is a bit to dark, lighten it up a bit :)
9.the pitol's movement animation for general running only moves forwards and backwards. have it swing to the side a little.
10. the spiker needs a more obvious movement animation, it's really small, just a bit of tweeking.
11. i think theres a jig in the animation for the PR, where the animation stops and starts, it's very small.
12. the shot gun needs a little more animation tweeking as well. mb make an animation similar to the AR.
13. the sparton laser projectile, needs to be thicker.

overall dudes you've done a great job, there is nothing huge that i suggest needs to be changed, everything is there the map looks great. :leet:
MB you should put a dynamic light near the shot guns for the bases, over at blue base it's very dark under the walkway :D.
i'm glad you darkend the level up a bit, it looks loads better now.
overall you have done an extremly good job on the level, it looks great and it feels like a real map now. GJ

December 31st, 2006, 06:14 PM
If you guys haven't fixed the smoothing and shaders, I will cry ;_;

December 31st, 2006, 06:16 PM
As I mentioned in the server, there are two Spartan Laser bugs I've found - one is a small artifact protruding from the left side of the 4 in the ammo hud (not sure if it occurs during any other time) http://img206.imageshack.us/img206/8681/spartanlaserbugjq2.jpg
The other involves firing the SL and looking at the score sheet - the laser is 'above' the sheet, if you will, and blocks the majority of the players' information. http://img213.imageshack.us/img213/1873/spartanlaserbugscoreshefk6.jpg
Also, tbh, the grass could use a slightly higher resolution texture. Other than that, I have no problems.

December 31st, 2006, 06:24 PM
downloading 365kb yeah!

December 31st, 2006, 06:32 PM
hey dudes, mb think about changing the reticle mb?

you can see the h3 ar reticle at http://carnage.bungie.org/haloforum/halo.forum.pl?read=773345

December 31st, 2006, 06:34 PM
where do i extract the file to

December 31st, 2006, 06:37 PM
H3 reticle looks like a h1 pistol reticle tbh. We might do what we did in sp.

December 31st, 2006, 06:49 PM
ok, and did you get my pm?

December 31st, 2006, 06:59 PM
I don't care what the Assault Rifle reticule looks like as long as it's small enough to actually aim with when firing. It's accurate enough that it becomes a guessing game trying to aim it with that big ass reticule

December 31st, 2006, 07:12 PM
Masters, don't make it change size like it did in SP. That was distracting as hell, and definitely a bad idea for MP gameplay.

December 31st, 2006, 07:25 PM
The spartan laser projectile needs to be more red and wider. This is what it looks like in halo three.
__________________________________________________ __________
RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED __________________________________________________ __________

And not a tiny sentinel beam.

also the sniper rifle i have noticed is a one shot kill anywhere in the body even with shields on. sniper needs balencing.

Assualt rifle needs a smaller recticle. I cant aim with that huge thing!

Spartan laser needs its zoom back. i was on the server and everyone agrees with me.(on the server anyway)

AI would be great. sometimes the place seems abit bland without it.
Also it will give the TK noobs something to TK instead of actual players.

December 31st, 2006, 07:41 PM
by ai, do you mean bipeds for people to kill

December 31st, 2006, 07:41 PM
AI doesn't sync, and it's lame.

December 31st, 2006, 08:09 PM
I hate the New name of the Spartan Laser, not the best name for it, other then that, looks good.

December 31st, 2006, 08:13 PM
its cool but is it just me or is the pistol balck and blue


THE PISTOL LOOKS HORRABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or is my pc?

Elite Killa
December 31st, 2006, 08:26 PM
its cool but is it just me or is the pistol balck and blue

It is. It is the new skin for it.

December 31st, 2006, 08:29 PM
It is. It is the new skin for it.

No offence but its horrable :(

December 31st, 2006, 08:39 PM
k u plz bring back the awesome 3rd person skin of the AR.
it's just not as cool now that it's not shiny untill u pick it up :(
i'd rather have a bigger map with fuckign shiny AR then a smaller map without the shiny 3rd person skin

Elite Killa
December 31st, 2006, 08:47 PM
No offence but its horrable :(

Then tell that to the person who made the skin for it. I think it's awesome, but that's just my opinion.

And I only saw one bayonet on the Spiker. It should have two. Read this:


And I also agree with changing the reticle of the AR. Make it look like the one showing up in h3.

December 31st, 2006, 08:59 PM
Then tell that to the person who made the skin for it. I think it's awesome, but that's just my opinion.

And I only saw one bayonet on the Spiker. It should have two. Read this:


And I also agree with changing the reticle of the AR. Make it look like the one showing up in h3.
I like CMT's idea for the AR reticle.

December 31st, 2006, 09:11 PM
Hmm, I like the new pistol skin!

December 31st, 2006, 09:18 PM
lol i made that pistol skin lol, its just black and blue, with a more detailed multi map

December 31st, 2006, 09:44 PM
Hey, Masters, you need to move the Teleporters by each base out a bit more, so poeple can have a better chance to defend the flag from people who teleport there and back and kill people.

Elite Killa
December 31st, 2006, 09:47 PM
I like CMT's idea for the AR reticle.

Which is?

December 31st, 2006, 09:56 PM
The spartan laser projectile needs to be more red and wider. This is what it looks like in halo three.
__________________________________________________ __________
RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED RED __________________________________________________ __________

And not a tiny sentinel beam.

also the sniper rifle i have noticed is a one shot kill anywhere in the body even with shields on. sniper needs balencing.

Assualt rifle needs a smaller recticle. I cant aim with that huge thing!

Spartan laser needs its zoom back. i was on the server and everyone agrees with me.(on the server anyway)

AI would be great. sometimes the place seems abit bland without it.
Also it will give the TK noobs something to TK instead of actual players.
Agree on the laser beam, AR reticle and zoom. Disagree on sniper and AI. AI = fail. And the sniper is NOT a one-hit kill, unless you hit them in the head. Trust me, it's just you.

I hate the New name of the Spartan Laser, not the best name for it, other then that, looks good.
'Spartan laser' sounds childish tbh.

Then tell that to the person who made the skin for it. I think it's awesome, but that's just my opinion.

And I only saw one bayonet on the Spiker. It should have two. Read this:


And I also agree with changing the reticle of the AR. Make it look like the one showing up in h3.
The spiker has two... go look again...

lol i made that pistol skin lol, its just black and blue, with a more detailed multi map
It wins, so do you.





And as a final request, grenades need more power, and less cartoony orange explosion.

December 31st, 2006, 10:06 PM
Rossmum wins

If theres one person i can trust to give a thhorough, thought out anlysis of anythign its him.

December 31st, 2006, 10:07 PM
Don't use FOV hacks. I'll look into a new AR reticle. AR has the same shaders as from the last betas, dunno why someone was ocmplaining about it

December 31st, 2006, 10:15 PM
FOV hacks or not, it's there, and very visible during the animations. Especially around the LCD and the seam on the AR, and the BR's cocking lever. No point half-assing the smoothing under the assumption nobody is going to see it...

December 31st, 2006, 10:18 PM
I never notice it, and we arn't going to support 3p hacks. If you want to do something that the game wasn't intended to, go ahead, but we arn't going to waste time on something for people who want to use a FOV hack.

December 31st, 2006, 10:22 PM
You can plainly see the LCD screen and the area surrounding it ingame even with a smaller than standard FOV, can you not? Same with the left side of the BR?

December 31st, 2006, 10:22 PM
I really don't like the new cliff walls, they are too dark and make the rest of the map look very dark.

December 31st, 2006, 10:28 PM
I don't see the left side of br, and the AR screen is suppose to be that way. I honestly don't know what you're complaining about.

December 31st, 2006, 10:32 PM
the cliff walls and the grassy top of the map look rather bland compared the the detailed structures, and the even more detailed cmt weapons.

oh, and my biped annoyance:


December 31st, 2006, 10:35 PM
The triangles around the bottom of the LCD were smoothed on the original model, and looked good. Now they're unsmoothed, they just look plain sloppy, IMO.

...But whatever.

December 31st, 2006, 10:39 PM
There are a lot of minor graphical glitches, but functionally, the weapons are perfect. More powerful nades would make sense in ANY game but Halo, in most games you can't run around shooting and throwing nades at the same time. I never liked that about Halo, but nades as powerful as other games would be just stupid, nobody would use anything else. Few people ever played Republic Commando, but that game was like that. And nobody ever uses anything but nades. Ever. As far as graphical glitches, there's the obvious, the Laser screen (it really would look better as just "picked up a Laser, I don't care what the Halo 3 version is called", when you melee with the shotgun your arm is upside down, and the spiker shots are just reskinned needles, those really need a new model. It wouldn't be hard, just little orange cylinders. I'm not sure if the contrail is blue in Halo 3 but regardless it looks like crap, they should have an orange contrail or no contrail. The Needler needs way more spawn ammo, NOBODY is going to own the map with only 1 reserve clip. The shine on the Needles seems to appear and disappear at random. The Rocket Hog really should have the same firing sound as the Rocket Launcher. The whole animated Assault Rifle reticule is neat but not very functional ingame, it just needs to look the same but be a bit smaller, and it needs a bigger clip BADLY. Nobody ever hits with every single bullet in their AR clip, and unless you do, it's really hard to get a kill with it. 40 shot clip minimum. It would be nice if the plasma weapons did a little more damage since the lead with them is so extreme, but I really can't complain as it seems about the same as Halo 1. I'm glad to see the things I wanted for the Br and Plasma Rifle put into effect, the PR finally has a new firing sound and the BRG nades aren't so whory or ridiculously plentiful, also the timing on the Pistol melee was fized... ever got around to trying the flamethrower melee. But why is the whole front half of the model missing (and it seems to be purposeful)? The Spiker pickup icon sucks... it's the same as the reticule when you're carrying it.The other weapons are effective enough now that the pistol doesn't just rule everything, but that might have more to do with the map's layout. Graphically, the map isn't what I had hoped for, but it plays extremely well. everything seems perfectly balanced (more so then Halo 1 even) and except for the sniper spawns, nothing was really out of place. The open vehicle areas need a bit more scenery but people hardly ever go there anyway. (sorry if this doesn't read well, I had to keep editing it with more bugs I remembered XD) Overall the map was excellent and functionally almost perfect to my tastes. Good work.

EDIT: One more thing, is it me, or do the LODs still look like regular Halo chiefs?

December 31st, 2006, 10:42 PM
yer those triangle parts do look off.

and WHOA at the difference in the CMT biped o_O in multiplayer, his head is WAY too high off his shoulders. Making him have a long neck, and making him look gangly and thin >_>

and why the fuck is the laser called Galileian?

it says on the gun


oh wait. theres a G there


December 31st, 2006, 10:46 PM
omg aimbot???
Red 0

December 31st, 2006, 10:50 PM

December 31st, 2006, 10:50 PM
-Post delelted :) -

:) Dootuz :)

December 31st, 2006, 10:52 PM
First of all, find a dictionary. Please. I can hardly tell what you're trying to say.

Second, no, it's a lot better than the RC2 version.

December 31st, 2006, 10:53 PM
Bingie? There's no such thing as a noob game, (honestly, there's no such thing as a noob) it depends 90% on the community whether a game is good or not.

December 31st, 2006, 11:01 PM
hes an idiot rossmum dont worry, he thinks the boxed example is the letter that displays when aimbotting, course only he would know cuz this guy probably DOES aimbot


December 31st, 2006, 11:02 PM
STFU for being yourself, go self mutilate.

December 31st, 2006, 11:28 PM
Ok, I found a few things, that I thought was funny,
#1 - The Halo Ring thingy
#2 - The Plasma Nade that will not go boom
#3 - Elite Killer's Body, no gun, can't die, but is still there. don't know why >.<

December 31st, 2006, 11:33 PM
1. uh, the "halo ring thing" is the biped shield recharge effect.
2. probably a server lag thing.
3. server lag.


January 1st, 2007, 12:36 AM
I was in that game, woot! Stealth was just acting drunk the whole time

January 1st, 2007, 01:31 AM
hes an idiot rossmum dont worry, he thinks the boxed example is the letter that displays when aimbotting, course only he would know cuz this guy probably DOES aimbot


English please? and im not saying there mod is horrable im jsut saying the pisotl skin is XD

January 1st, 2007, 01:43 AM

Everything in here is finalized[...]
Too late...

January 1st, 2007, 01:45 AM
Gah! Smooth the FP guns, please.


January 1st, 2007, 01:58 AM
1. uh, the "halo ring thing" is the biped shield recharge effect.
2. probably a server lag thing.
3. server lag.

Ya, I know, but I still think they are funny.

I was in that game, woot! Stealth was just acting drunk the whole time
Thanks, I wasn't Drunk, I was just having fun.

Too late...
you still have some work to do.

January 1st, 2007, 02:09 AM
Too late...
Just because you think it should be differn't doesn't mean it's wrong the way it is. You don't think about the way things like the nades interact with the weapons, or how making pistol spawns around the map would upset the ballance of power.

January 1st, 2007, 02:21 AM
Thanks, I wasn't Drunk, I was just having fun.

So was I when I said that...I was kidding

January 1st, 2007, 03:03 AM
Well my one giant complaint so far is that you still can't pick up ammo for the BRG!! once you take those 4 nade shots, you have to swap that br for another weap and then find a new br to swap again.

January 1st, 2007, 03:20 AM
Or you can just pick up a new brg, the weapon ages with each shot fired.

Reaper Man
January 1st, 2007, 03:40 AM
English please? and im not saying there mod is horrable im jsut saying the pisotl skin is XD
LOL, hypocrite.

January 1st, 2007, 03:46 AM
Too late...
Hahahah, nice.

Gah! Smooth the FP guns, please.

THANK YOU! Finally someone else who gets it!

Or you can just pick up a new brg, the weapon ages with each shot fired.
Doesn't it load off 2 separate ammo pickups? Or did you change it? I was about to say, if it still loads off the pickups... you could just place a couple of them.

As for how the nades interact with the weapons? I think I got one nade kill today. I only threw about 50... I can see what you're trying to do, but just shrink the max count instead of messing with the grenade. 2 frag grenades is enough to de-shield 2 people, or kill one in Halo... at the moment, it takes about double those amounts.

January 1st, 2007, 04:32 AM
It takes 2 nades to and a few shots froma smg to brign someone down. I'm keeping it the way it is, making them stronger will screw up the weapon ballance.

January 1st, 2007, 04:47 AM
From what I've seen and heard, it takes a damn sight more than that... In any case, 2 grenades just to drop the shields and do a pitiful amount of damage? They're hardly worth using! And I can't see it screwing up the balance, either, since Halo was decently balanced and they were more powerful.

TIA Gangsta
January 1st, 2007, 05:31 AM
Oh and that guy has a point, I like the old bipeds better than the new Halo Wars bipeds. The HW bipeds makes the MasterChief look lanky XD

January 1st, 2007, 08:34 AM
Me and my friend found a bug while playing today if you drop the sniper while on the top balcony in the middle in certain spots it will fall straight through the map.

January 1st, 2007, 08:43 AM
Needs less quoting of pics...

January 1st, 2007, 10:20 AM
Needs more "SPAM ATTACK!!!!!!".

January 1st, 2007, 10:47 AM
hmmm whenveer i download this, it doesnt come as a text file..anyone know why? :(

WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
January 1st, 2007, 10:57 AM
hmmm whenveer i download this, it doesnt come as a text file..anyone know why? :(It's not supposed to be a text file...

January 1st, 2007, 10:58 AM
do you mean come 'with' a text file?

Elite Killa
January 1st, 2007, 11:56 AM
Agree on the laser beam, AR reticle and zoom. Disagree on sniper and AI. AI = fail. And the sniper is NOT a one-hit kill, unless you hit them in the head. Trust me, it's just you.

'Spartan laser' sounds childish tbh.

The spiker has two... go look again...

It wins, so do you.





And as a final request, grenades need more power, and less cartoony orange explosion.

Your right. I apologize.

January 1st, 2007, 11:59 AM
The BRG grenades needs to be toned down on cars, its a one shoot kill if it jits the driver any where on his body, make it less affective on cars, it should just be used to flip the cars.

How do you change the color of the text in the in game chat, I know its in the config file but what line is it at?

January 1st, 2007, 12:21 PM
Spartan Laser:
-according to 1up, a targeting beam is projected while charging
-what's with the band connecting the muzzle guard to the stock, stray vertex?
-the beam and charging ball of energy aren't aligned with the barrel in FP
-I know sounds aren't finalized till t3h_Lag is back, so I won't go into this one
-it's metal, why isn't it shiny-ful?

Assault Rifle:
-I'm sorry, but the reload animations are terrible
-what happened to the cool weapon status labels on the display?
-why is the skin detailed but the model isn't? (btw, kudos Dane)
-the SMG already has that reticule, the AR's field of fire is tighter, so make the AR's reticule tighter
-the original reloading sounds fit better (try changing the order in which they play, or increasing the pitch), as does the new safety-click
-for the compass, the direction indicator (E, SE, etc.) is cool, but why does the arrow only point six ways (<, ^, etc.)? The arrow should constantly and steadily revolve around the digital lettering.

Battle Rifle:
-using the original particle effect?
-I hope those animations aren't final
-in addition to the BR reticule bitmap, add one for the grenade launcher for effectively inferring the trajectory (similar to the Brute Shot)
-I know it's a part of the firing animation, and probably can't be fixed, but a new grenade is loaded into the chamber even when you're out of grenades

-what is going on in that melee?
-a transparent clip would be cool
-maybe add red lights on the magazine receiver, as seen in Bungie's latest ViDoc. Both lights can glow when the ammo capacity is between 60 and 31 rounds, one light glows between 30 and 6 rounds, the one light flashes for 5 and under, and both lights flash when the reloading, and the lights are extinguished when the chamber is empty.

-model in the ridges on the slide
-I love the blue. Keep it.
-it's pretty damn shiny for tarnished metal, tone down the shaders. Only a little, don't destroy them.

-blue lights!
-I already mentioned the ridges on the magazine, but they aren't shaped right, they're way too deep, and too edgy

TIA Gangsta
January 1st, 2007, 12:44 PM
Actually the shotgun still has the green bits from Halo 2, but they change to a shiny reflective blue sometimes in the Vidoc. It's probably light, but yeah the original colour is green, not blue.

January 1st, 2007, 12:47 PM
do you mean come 'with' a text file?

no it IS text file, thats all i get.....when i open it, it shows al these weird symbols...



January 1st, 2007, 12:56 PM
maeby rename it to a .map and try? and please change the pistol from black back to sliver!!

January 1st, 2007, 01:06 PM
maeby rename it to a .map and try?
No, remove the .Text and try it, if that dosen't work, then delete it, download it again, and before you check save, check the name.

please change the pistol from black back to sliver!!
ha ha ha, No!!! the Black is a better look for the Pistol, leave it as is.

WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
January 1st, 2007, 02:05 PM
Spartan Laser:
-according to 1up, a targeting beam is projected while charging
-what's with the band connecting the muzzle guard to the stock, stray vertex?
-the beam and charging ball of energy aren't aligned with the barrel in FP
-I know sounds aren't finalized till t3h_Lag is back, so I won't go into this one
-it's metal, why isn't it shiny-ful?
I think the SL looks fine now, not every single piece of metal has to be shiny.

Assault Rifle:
-I'm sorry, but the reload animations are terrible
The reload animation is quite good, lets see you do better.
-what happened to the cool weapon status labels on the display?
-why is the skin detailed but the model isn't? (btw, kudos Dane)
-the SMG already has that reticule, the AR's field of fire is tighter, so make the AR's reticule tighter
-the original reloading sounds fit better (try changing the order in which they play, or increasing the pitch), as does the new safety-click
-for the compass, the direction indicator (E, SE, etc.) is cool, but why does the arrow only point six ways (<, ^, etc.)? The arrow should constantly and steadily revolve around the digital lettering.
Hey, do you know how many bitmap sequences and how long that would take (and possibly hard that is)? It's fine now, it really doesn't need to revolve steadily.

Battle Rifle:
-I hope those animations aren't final
I partly agree with you on one animation - the melee, I think it is really bad.
-in addition to the BR reticule bitmap, add one for the grenade launcher for effectively inferring the trajectory (similar to the Brute Shot)
-I know it's a part of the firing animation, and probably can't be fixed, but a new grenade is loaded into the chamber even when you're out of grenades

January 1st, 2007, 03:45 PM
I don't think Masters realizes the meaning of RCs. D:

January 1st, 2007, 03:49 PM
<<I think the SL looks fine now, not every single piece of metal has to be shiny.>>
-True, not all of the metal has to be shiny. Some of it does. None of it is.

<<The reload animation is quite good, lets see you do better.>>
-Bah! I have no time for Gmax animating.

-[Ammo Fine, Ammo OK, Ammo Low, Change Mag]

-The skin shows features that should be three-dimensional, but don't show up in the model. A fine example being the rubber studs on the grip.

<<Hey, do you know how many bitmap sequences and how long that would take (and possibly hard that is)? It's fine now, it really doesn't need to revolve steadily.>>
-You're right, it isn't necessary.

<<I partly agree with you on one animation - the melee, I think it is really bad.>>
-[insert smiley here]

WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
January 1st, 2007, 03:53 PM
-The skin shows features that should be three-dimensional, but don't show up in the model. A fine example being the rubber studs on the grip.


<<Hey, do you know how many bitmap sequences and how long that would take (and possibly hard that is)? It's fine now, it really doesn't need to revolve steadily.>>
-Bitmap? What about a shader?

Shaders use bitmaps. It takes several bitmaps for the top, bottom, left, right, and diagonal angles of the pointer. That is 8 bitmaps. Now, to make it revolve smoothly and all around, would take... I am assuming 32 or so bitmaps. Maybe 16 if you aren't some perfectionist.

<<I partly agree with you on one animation - the melee, I think it is really bad.>>
-[insert smiley here]
:)My answers in red.

Edit: Oh how dare you, you changed your post about the bitmaps.

January 1st, 2007, 05:22 PM
hey dudes
theres something going on with these map releases:


January 1st, 2007, 05:24 PM
hey dudes
theres something going on with these map releases:

hey, what is up with that?
Edit | and I'm going to bring up something that was in RC2
BRG Nades, there needs to be 5 or 6, not 4, back in that build only the main BR rounds were Over powered, the nade it's self was fine, or it would of been cut down too 4 along time ago, and like Masterz said about the needler ammo amount, it is the Skill of the person wielding the thing, the BRG nade is more of a Anti Vehicle nade then a Anti Ground unit nade like the Plasma nade and the Frag nade, and the Frag nade is way too weak and CMT needs to have it have it so you start out with 1 Frag, and 1 plasma nade so if you respawn and the other team is at your base with a hog, you can stick them.
and there is a few other things that I would love to see fixed before releasing of this map, Custom Game Types, I would like to see CMT make some Custom Game types like H2CE did, and the hogs, remove the Rocket Hog, and put in the Gauss hog, the Gauss hog would be better for this map, in Cliff run, the Rocket Hog with a small amount of homing to the rockets, I would have to do some moding and find the best homing for what I mean, but it should have a very small amount, about half of what the Needler has.
the Teleporters, we need some way to defend the flag, and with hogs running around, and the other team running from the teleporters to steel the flag and run, that is a pain, and when the other team run through the teleporter and fires one some one, and goes back through a few times, that is a pain, add a turret or two, that would be very help full.
The needler needs some more Spawn points, Keep the Pistol Black, it looks better that way, give the AR the cross hears from the first SP mod, but smaller so it is between the size of the SMG cross hears, and the Pistol Cross hears, don't give the BR any more crosshears, it is just fine right now, but if you want, add it to the Zoom. The Spartan Laser, Yes People I will not call it what ever it is being called now in RC3b, fix the name, and when no one is holding it, can you have it look like the idol Amin, that would look better, and add zoom to it, it would really help, and if you can, add a targeting laser to it, just a tiny one.

January 1st, 2007, 05:48 PM
other people are hosting this map without permission cuz it aint released yet

January 1st, 2007, 06:04 PM
From what I've seen and heard, it takes a damn sight more than that... In any case, 2 grenades just to drop the shields and do a pitiful amount of damage? They're hardly worth using! And I can't see it screwing up the balance, either, since Halo was decently balanced and they were more powerful.
Exactly. keep the FRG as powerful as they have allways been, there just ridiculously underpowered at the moment.

and i never got a response to the things i posted about earlier >_> such as the rocket hog explosion >_>

January 1st, 2007, 07:49 PM
Please please please make it so that you can pick up ammo for the BRG, or at least add some more starting ammo for it.

WhÎþLå§h ÐÆmØÑ
January 1st, 2007, 08:00 PM
Please please please make it so that you can pick up ammo for the BRG, or at least add some more starting ammo for it.You can pick up ammo for the Brg...

January 1st, 2007, 08:01 PM
There's just no pickup sound. It's a bug

January 1st, 2007, 08:17 PM
Those are the 2 dots I was talking about. Dunno if it's just me seeing those. But likely a problem with the model.

You saw that too???

January 1st, 2007, 08:51 PM
Spartan Laser:
-it's metal, why isn't it shiny-ful?
It looks alright the way it is.

Assault Rifle:

-I'm sorry, but the reload animations are terrible
Out. ---->

Battle Rifle:

-I hope those animations aren't final
They're mostly fine, as Whip said.


-a transparent clip would be cool
-maybe add red lights on the magazine receiver, as seen in Bungie's latest ViDoc. Both lights can glow when the ammo capacity is between 60 and 31 rounds, one light glows between 30 and 6 rounds, the one light flashes for 5 and under, and both lights flash when the reloading, and the lights are extinguished when the chamber is empty.
So then they have to not only muck around with the shaders, skins, and then do all manners of ungodly things to get the lights to work and the mag transparent, they then have to model 60 rounds of ammo inside the mag and animate them ALL, not to mention send the polycount skyrocketing beyond what Halo can handle.

-model in the ridges on the slide
-I love the blue. Keep it.
Agreed on the blue.

Modeling the ridges would be a waste, though.

-blue lights!
-I already mentioned the ridges on the magazine, but they aren't shaped right, they're way too deep, and too edgy
Red is fine. And those ridges are done with shaders, I think. Not actual model work.

maeby rename it to a .map and try? and please change the pistol from black back to sliver!!
NO. OUT ---->

Edit - sorry about formatting, fucking thing kept auto-inserting quote tags for no reason whatsoever.

January 1st, 2007, 09:04 PM
u got it buddy :D

January 1st, 2007, 09:20 PM
there is no sound, and no text for picking up BRG ammo, but you can watch the #s go from being "78" rounds, to "144" rounds.

January 1st, 2007, 09:33 PM
I still want to know what the fuck is with the flamethrower missing its whole front half, and why your arm is upside down when you melee with the shotgun.

So then they have to not only muck around with the shaders, skins, and then do all manners of ungodly things to get the lights to work and the mag transparent, they then have to model 60 rounds of ammo inside the mag and animate them ALL, not to mention send the polycount skyrocketing beyond what Halo can handle.

That made me laugh

January 1st, 2007, 09:42 PM
Hey, I found a bug.... tell me if notice anything weird about these two photos (not a game, just take a shot at it. Answer is at bottom)
This one has 32 bullets.

This one has 36 bullets.

the regular...not exactly

They may have different amounts of bulllets on the bullet counter (place on the gun)

But, on the hud, they both show the same amount of bullets. 36.

I find nothing wrong with the gun in the second picture (I keep forgetting it's name...)

I only find that the Assault rifle spends four bullets in one bullet of the counter on the HUD. and sometimes, one shot will equal two bullets on the HUD.

I just find that odd:confused2: :eyesroll:

EDIT: Any possible way you can fix that?......

January 1st, 2007, 09:49 PM
Thats odd, we made a 32 bullet hud just for AR. I'll get it working tomaorw afternoon. Nice catch btw.

January 1st, 2007, 09:49 PM
Thats odd, we made a 32 bullet hud just for AR. I'll get it working tomaorw afternoon. Nice catch btw.

Thank you:)

oh and I love what you did with the pistol:D

January 1st, 2007, 10:22 PM
I still want to know what the fuck is with the flamethrower missing its whole front half
It's meant to look like the H2 flamer, which was a lot shorter.

January 1st, 2007, 10:39 PM
It's meant to look like the H2 flamer, which was a lot shorter.
Halo 2 has a Flamer?

January 1st, 2007, 11:27 PM
they do have it I watch ther behide the seen they delete the flmathower

January 1st, 2007, 11:33 PM
Halo 2 has a Flamer?
Not ingame, though the tags are buried on the disc somewhere. Just like the grav rifle and flamer on Halo Xbox.

January 2nd, 2007, 12:39 AM
Not ingame, though the tags are buried on the disc somewhere. Just like the grav rifle and flamer on Halo Xbox.
I know there is a Grav rifle in Halo PC and CE, and in Halo2, but is more of a Hammor.

January 2nd, 2007, 01:23 AM
...Huh? I don't get it :|

January 2nd, 2007, 01:31 AM
...Huh? I don't get it :|
Have you ever moded Halo PC? and have you ever gone into BloodGulch or DeathIsland and typed in "Cheat_all_Weapons"? there is a Graf rifle in Halo PC and CE, and as for Halo 2, just look at this,

January 2nd, 2007, 01:35 AM
Dude, click the sig. I quite obviously mod PC. Your sentence just didn't make much sense to me, that's all.

January 2nd, 2007, 01:36 AM
I get a big 404 with that link.

January 2nd, 2007, 01:38 AM
Whoops. I'll have to fix it :|


January 2nd, 2007, 11:08 AM
Pistol should look more like it's made out of onyx instead of looking like it was actually spray painted onto the silver

that'd be effin sweet if you could do that...basically like ...buffer it so it looks shinier. :shocked:

January 2nd, 2007, 12:52 PM
The gravity rifle in Halo 1 was meant to be a 100% completely and totally seperate entity from the Fist of Ruhkt, at least, in Halo 1 it looks like some sort of forerunner weapon. It's fun to go and mod the Campaign so the energy sword grav rifle and fuel rod are useable though, I always take off the damage effect on the grav and just have it send things flying FAR.

January 2nd, 2007, 01:38 PM
It looks like a bee in H1. GG Bungie, nice skin/UV job there. :D

January 2nd, 2007, 01:45 PM
Well, ugliness is probably why it wasn't ingame <.<
Bungie is too self-conscious

January 2nd, 2007, 01:55 PM
Nah, apparently the original was basically the same as the flamer so they ditched them both.

January 2nd, 2007, 02:45 PM
Here is my analisys of the Gravity gun/rifle:

(masterz can we have one pretty please:worship: )

ok Bungies first attempt was the gravity wrench it can be seen in the halo evolution vid on gametrailers.com

The weapon evolved in to what we know as the gravity rifle/gun.

Bungie never finished it here is what we have:

Third person:

First Person No Hud or Model:

Projectile (Great Balls of Fire!):

So The H2Ce Team set out to fix this in their mod:

Third person:

Third person HUD image:

First Person:

First person charging (must charge for aproxamently 3 seconds):


The effect:

The Gravity Hammer is a weapon the Brute Cheiftan Tarterus wields in Halo 2 the hammer is used to melee and the gravity generators combined with the melee fling you away from you attacker here is a picture form a modded game:

if you would like to use the H2CE gravity gun/rifle here is the map:


here is the location of the gun I used the superjump code on the debug menu:


The spraypaint can sprays black, blinds players, and shocks them with the melee.

Nah, apparently the original was basically the same as the flamer so they ditched them both.

no the projectile in game is fire and the gun was supposed to be like the H2CE one the fire might have been an effect, they only ditched the grav rifle bec of release and no real point to it, the flamer was never finished and was supposed to be ingame so they revived it in Halo PC

January 2nd, 2007, 03:08 PM
You do know that most if not all of us knew all that, right?

And the HPC grav gun is basically a flamethrower, from what I remember of using it...

Elite Killa
January 2nd, 2007, 08:05 PM
Me no want to use big ass hammer.

*EDIT* I saw the name "Scooby" on the back of the Galileian.

January 2nd, 2007, 10:31 PM
If the Spiker model is not fixed before the final version is released, I'm killing something.

January 3rd, 2007, 02:18 AM
If the Spiker model is not fixed before the final version is released, I'm killing something.

January 3rd, 2007, 02:28 AM
Name the problems on it so we can fix it.

January 3rd, 2007, 03:18 AM
The animations are nice, though the model looks a bit bland from FP. Just needs some detailing to spice it up.

Reaper Man
January 3rd, 2007, 05:22 AM
GASP. Maybe it's because Scooby made and textured the thing.

January 3rd, 2007, 09:57 AM
the spikers mele dosen't do enough damage, and i dont know if its lag or what(ive never meled a still guy yet)

TIA Gangsta
January 3rd, 2007, 10:15 AM
the spikers mele dosen't do enough damage, and i dont know if its lag or what(ive never meled a still guy yet)

I've killed someone in one hit (from the front) with the Spiker melee, maybe his shields were down or something, I dunno. It is a very powerful melee though.
Sharp things hurt...

January 3rd, 2007, 10:47 AM
Me no want to use big ass hammer.

*EDIT* I saw the name "Scooby" on the back of the Galileian.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, HOLDUP PEOPLE!! a bigass hammer such as announced in Halo 3 doesn't sound too bad:D :D :D :D

hint, hint

January 3rd, 2007, 11:10 AM
I played with my friend in fragment, he meleed me in the head with the spiker and it wasa one hit kill. It's not too weak, learn to lead your melees.

January 3rd, 2007, 11:29 AM
Name the problems on it so we can fix it.
He's been buging me about how the angle of the Blades on the Spiker isn't right, you may want to look into that, just check and see if the angles are right.

the spikers mele dosen't do enough damage, and i dont know if its lag or what(ive never meled a still guy yet)
I've killed poeple with the Melee, and I've been killed by people with the Melee, it takes two hits to kill some one with the melee in the front, where with any other weapon, it would take 5 or more hits in the front to kill some one, and for the sword as you guys may know is a One hit kill, you don't want it any more powerfull, but I think there should be abit more force to it, so if you hit some one with it, they fly forword abit more.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, HOLDUP PEOPLE!! a bigass hammer such as announced in Halo 3 doesn't sound too bad:D :D :D :D

hint, hint
no, I see no point in puting a big hammer in Halo CE.
hint hint

January 3rd, 2007, 02:30 PM
then i guess it was lag, alot of people were there at the time anyway

Elite Killa
January 3rd, 2007, 02:32 PM
Yeah that usually happens to me a lot when there's a lot of people.

TIA Gangsta
January 3rd, 2007, 02:37 PM
Soooo...when is the next RC released?

January 3rd, 2007, 02:40 PM
when the mod is done.

January 3rd, 2007, 02:41 PM
:lie: :words:
Soooo...when is the next RC released?
NEVER! Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :words: :lie:

TIA Gangsta
January 3rd, 2007, 02:49 PM
when the mod is done.

Yeah I figured that out, but do you have any sort of an estimation of the date of release?

January 3rd, 2007, 02:51 PM
Um, this Month.

January 3rd, 2007, 03:09 PM
I keep thinking the mod is going to be done on January 7th because, well. That's what Masterz sig says.....if what I'm thinking isn't true. Then what's up with that date on your sig Masterz?

TIA Gangsta
January 3rd, 2007, 03:12 PM
I keep thinking the mod is going to be done on January 7th because, well. That's what Masterz sig says.....if what I'm thinking isn't true. Then what's up with that date on your sig Masterz?

AHH! I didn;t notice that!

And yeah, Stealth says it's "this month", so I guess Jan 7th is a good date to rely on =D

January 3rd, 2007, 03:49 PM
07 is the year, not the day, we don't have a date, but I would say RC4 will be sometime in the next 7 days. Some members on the board will be selected to beta test the other final maps as well.

January 3rd, 2007, 03:55 PM
Um, this Month.

AHH! I didn;t notice that!

And yeah, Stealth says it's "this month", so I guess Jan 7th is a good date to rely on =D
ya, this month, there is no set date, you never ask the set date, because there is never s et date untel the day they release it.
Edit | oh Masterz and can I borow your sig for a sec, thanks,
"CMT MP Jan 07" = "CMT MP January of 2007"
99% of the time when you see something that says "...coming January 07..." or "...Coming June 07..." the will mean that the 07 is 2007, duh.

TIA Gangsta
January 3rd, 2007, 04:41 PM

January 3rd, 2007, 04:52 PM
07 is the year, not the day, we don't have a daym, but I would say RC4 will be sometime in the next 7 days. Some members on teh board will be selected to beta test the other final maps as well.
liek me :lol:

Elite Killa
January 3rd, 2007, 05:52 PM
GASP. Maybe it's because Scooby made and textured the thing.

In the old CMT forums you said you'll leave me alone after you have been released from the ban bin. This looks like you're not keeping your promise...

January 3rd, 2007, 05:53 PM
I hope to play the new betas some times, I really like the way the CMT coagulation and cliffrun look, I can't wait.
Also, CMT, do you know any ways to make it so after one of your beta maps is downloaded and put in the Custom Edition folder it can't be copied or moved with out deleting it, this is just a thing I was wondering about after the "black mailing" attempt the rippers made, I'm just wondering.
Also, is there a trial version of any of the versions of 3ds max or other good modeling programs, I want to start learning how to model for when Halo 2 Vista comes out and so I can start doing some Custom Edition things.
Any ways, can't wait till the maps are out.

Sorry, I'm still new here, edited

Elite Killa
January 3rd, 2007, 05:54 PM
I hope to play the new betas some times, I really like the way the CMT coagulation and cliffrun look, I can't wait.
Also, stealth and masterz, do you know any ways to make it so after one of your beta maps is downloaded and put in the Custom Edition folder it can't be copied or moved with out deleting it, this is just a thing I was wondering about after the "black mailing" attempt the rippers made, I'm just wondering.
Also, is there a trial version of any of the versions of 3ds max or other good modeling programs, I want to start learning how to model for when Halo 2 Vista comes out and so I can start doing some Custom Edition things.
Any ways, can't wait till the maps are out.

He isn't a CMT member...

And some soldier in Iraq was doing this...


January 3rd, 2007, 07:35 PM
HOLY CRAP!That's a pretty small reticule for the assault rifle. Should CMT change the aiming reticule for the MA5C too?The current aiming reticule gives the illusion that the bullets can go anywhere in that area which is not true as the gun is significantly more accurate then the old ar and so should mb be decreased in size to show that it is more accurate. Also, can't wait untill CMT's coagulation is released. Currently, the h2_coagulation is really crappy and sucks. Bad.

January 3rd, 2007, 07:38 PM
07 is the year, not the day, we don't have a date, but I would say RC4 will be sometime in the next 7 days. Some members on the board will be selected to beta test the other final maps as well.

Whoa, so....there will only be a few to beta?

well, all I can do is hope :ohsnap:

January 3rd, 2007, 09:33 PM
Whoa, whoa, whoa, HOLDUP PEOPLE!! a bigass hammer such as announced in Halo 3 doesn't sound too bad:D :D :D :D

hint, hint
Hint hint- NO.

I played with my friend in fragment, he meleed me in the head with the spiker and it wasa one hit kill. It's not too weak, learn to lead your melees.
Yep. It's fine, just prone to lag like all other melees.

when the mod is done.

:lie: :words:
NEVER! Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! :words: :lie:
Way to take :words: out of context entirely and ruin it. :|

AHH! I didn;t notice that!

And yeah, Stealth says it's "this month", so I guess Jan 7th is a good date to rely on =D
No, it's "WHEN IT'S DONE". Don't ask again.

In the old CMT forums you said you'll leave me alone after you have been released from the ban bin. This looks like you're not keeping your promise...

Dude, stop overreacting. He was here before you anyways, before CMT even merged with H2V, so if you're that worked up over it, you shouldn't have registered.

Whoa, so....there will only be a few to beta?

well, all I can do is hope :ohsnap:
Don't get your hopes up. Beta testers are usually people that are well known for being trustworthy. And I happen to have more than one friend who would state otherwise, in your case (complete with Xfire convo histories about "someone" giving out a specific pre-release version of Hypo and later Coldsnap). :rolleyes:

January 3rd, 2007, 09:49 PM
Actualy, the majority of the people providing feedback will be able to participate in the the final betas of the other maps to be released.

Edward Elrich
January 3rd, 2007, 09:54 PM
Is the warthog's status (the one that shows you the health of passenger and gunner) supposed to be custom? Because right now it is unchanged.

edit: other than that, great job, but the Spartan Laser has a strange name.

January 3rd, 2007, 09:55 PM
What does "being here before you" have to do with being mean?
He wasn't being mean. He was pointing out an obvious fact. If you'd like to be mean, I'm sure he could actually show it to you.

Quit complaining. If you don't like it, leave... he wasn't picking on you, he'd do the same for anyone else.

Actualy, the majority of the people providing feedback will be able to participate in the the final betas of the other maps to be released.
Ah, I see. So it's closed, just a lot of testers?

[edit] No need to repost the SL pic. We've all seen it, and someone already posted it anyway.

Reaper Man
January 3rd, 2007, 09:55 PM
The rocket hog shows a gauss icon.

Elite Killa
January 3rd, 2007, 09:58 PM
I noticed that too. Alright I'll delete the SL post.

Reaper Man
January 3rd, 2007, 09:59 PM
In the old CMT forums you said you'll leave me alone after you have been released from the ban bin. This looks like you're not keeping your promise...
Aww, boo-fucking-hoo. I wasn't "being mean" I was pointing out a blunt fact. Scooby made and textured the Spartan laser. Aww.. did I insult you again?

Elite Killa
January 3rd, 2007, 09:59 PM
Look Reaper I apologize...

Now lets just forget I said that and get back on topic.

January 3rd, 2007, 11:26 PM
I hope to play the new betas some times, I really like the way the CMT coagulation and cliffrun look, I can't wait.
Also, stealth and masterz, do you know any ways to make it so after one of your beta maps is downloaded and put in the Custom Edition folder it can't be copied or moved with out deleting it, this is just a thing I was wondering about after the "black mailing" attempt the rippers made, I'm just wondering.
Also, is there a trial version of any of the versions of 3ds max or other good modeling programs, I want to start learning how to model for when Halo 2 Vista comes out and so I can start doing some Custom Edition things.
Any ways, can't wait till the maps are out.

He isn't a CMT member...

And some soldier in Iraq was doing this...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_XnzJVJnI0&eurl (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_XnzJVJnI0&eurl [/quote)
Ya, I was a member of CMT's little Beta testing team, but I got droped from Masterz's list of testers because I some times talked like I was apart of CMT, and afew times I've had to point out to him why I said what I said, and a few other things that I yet to know, but right now, I act as a little Voice at TSL for CMT, there is some talk about how great CMT's work is, and I've kind of become the Q&A guy, but not because I want to or because Masterz told me to, I'm doing it because I'm maybe the only one over there that is a member of CMT's old forums, and a member here, and is all most up-to-date on what CMT is doing, so I try to help some of the members know more about CMT, nothing more then that.

Actualy, the majority of the people providing feedback will be able to participate in the the final betas of the other maps to be released.
Goody, I hope this time it will be alittle more fun.

The rocket hog shows a gauss icon.
Well yes and no, Yes it dose look at it dose share the Gauss hog's Icon, but I think it is the same one from the First SP mod CMT made, and the shape is the same as the RL hog's weapon, so it dosen't mater really.

Aww, boo-fucking-hoo. I wasn't "being mean" I was pointing out a blunt fact. Scooby made and textured the Spartan laser. Aww.. did I insult you again?
Elite Killa, Reaper man, and Rossmum, will you guys try to keep the flaming down abit, Elite killa, he was pointing out the fact, so what, he dose that alot to me and I take it the wrong way 70% of the time, you just have to get use to it.
Reaper man, I think some of use members need to be alittle more nicer to you this time around, you haven't done anything wrong yet.
Rossmum, thanks for trying your best to keep the peace here at the forums with out the Admins and Mods to get to worked up.

January 4th, 2007, 01:31 AM
I love this map but theres a few things I would like to ask about.
for one thing the spiker imo seems like it should be larger because its a brute weapon, and brutes are pretty big ... maybe the size of the assault rifle? Another thing is the hud, i think the part of it with the ammo and weapon on the right should be sharper and clearer to be like the rest of the hud. http://i18.tinypic.com/30wnjn6.jpg
Also will we see new grenades,such as the h3 spike grenade,or vehicles like the mongoose.

Anyway, ive played custom edition scence its been out, and this is one of my favorite maps. I look forward to the release of this map and others.

January 4th, 2007, 01:33 AM
Hit the nail right on the head.

Edward Elrich
January 4th, 2007, 07:18 AM
Posted by: Edward Elrich
Is the warthog's status (the one that shows you the health of passenger and gunner) supposed to be custom? Because right now it is unchanged.
What I meant here was when you are the driver of any warthog (at least the gauss warthog) and someone else gets in, their health appears at the upper-left-hand corner of the screen. Right now, that indicator is unchanged. Was this intentional, or is there no way to change it? (or is CMT working on this to change it in the next update?)

January 4th, 2007, 07:24 AM
The old H2 hud is only placeholder until Leet finishes the new one. I'll look at making it match more.

January 4th, 2007, 11:54 AM
I think the SMG animation might be a little too quick as compared to the other weapons.

Edward Elrich
January 4th, 2007, 12:15 PM
OK. I'm sorry this is being spread out, but this is the first time I can access a computer. Is the Spartan Laser-like weapon (I can't remember the name of it right now) supposed to have the sound of a Sentinal beam when it fires, or is that just a placeholder sound until a custom one is made?

January 4th, 2007, 12:40 PM
I think it's a placeholder, but i'm not sure.

January 4th, 2007, 01:20 PM
I think the SMG animation might be a little too quick as compared to the other weapons.
Too Quick, lets see you take your time when you're out on the battle field trying to stay alive and you run out of ammo, now if any of the Reload anim.s need to be fixed, I say speed some of them up, to me it looks like the MC is taking his time at reloading the RL in Halo 1, and in Halo 2 he quickly removes the spent clip and puts a new one in, and goes on.

January 4th, 2007, 01:26 PM
Whoa, whoa, whoa, HOLDUP PEOPLE!! a bigass hammer such as announced in Halo 3 doesn't sound too bad:D :D :D :D

hint, hint
Thats what I ment by my analisys post but i guess my analisis got in the way I was pm'd saying it had nothing to do with the topic. SO to evryone I'm sorry. My idea was for CMT to implement the gravity gun in a future RC I was trying to help by posting about the dynamics of the ones already on CE.

Oh well I can dream can't I? :eyesroll:

January 4th, 2007, 02:10 PM
I noticed a relatively large problem. heres a video i took of it to demonstrait whats happening. keep your eye on the ammo counter in the upper right side. i haven't tested this with any other weapons, only the smg.


January 4th, 2007, 02:30 PM
Too Quick, lets see you take your time when you're out on the battle field trying to stay alive and you run out of ammo, now if any of the Reload anim.s need to be fixed, I say speed some of them up, to me it looks like the MC is taking his time at reloading the RL in Halo 1, and in Halo 2 he quickly removes the spent clip and puts a new one in, and goes on.

I meant the melee animation, not the reload one. I should have specified which one. My bad.

January 4th, 2007, 02:43 PM
I noticed a relatively large problem. heres a video i took of it to demonstrait whats happening. keep your eye on the ammo counter in the upper right side. i haven't tested this with any other weapons, only the smg.


It's supposed to be like that, because when you reload, the MC throws the SMG clip away.

January 4th, 2007, 02:46 PM
but in the Bungie campaign, he saves what ever's left in the clip to use later. other wise its just a waste. and also my other complaint is that you can't pick up ammo for the BRG.

TIA Gangsta
January 4th, 2007, 03:07 PM
but in the Bungie campaign, he saves what ever's left in the clip to use later. other wise its just a waste. and also my other complaint is that you can't pick up ammo for the BRG.

Firstly, CMT don't copy Bungie on every aspect. They like to make their own original (and kick ass) weapons too. Masterz already explained that it's supposed to be like that because it's a "caseless" SMG and so you can't save any ammo...or something like that...Basically don't worry about it, it's meant to be like that. This just means you need to play more tactically and think about what you do with your ammo.

And secondly, you can pick up BRG ammo, it just doesn't tell you, and sometimes the pick-up noise doesn't come up. Just look at your ammo count and you'll see the ammo went from 72 to 144.
If you mean the grenade launcher on the BRG, then no you can't, but a simple solution to that is going up to a BRG on the floor and hold E to swap it. If the BRG hasn't been used, you'll have a BRG with the full 4 grenades. Just walk over the BRG that you just dropped and you'll get your ammo back.

January 4th, 2007, 03:19 PM
Will the aiming reticule change for the MA5C in the RC4 or in the final?

January 4th, 2007, 04:31 PM
I noticed a relatively large problem. heres a video i took of it to demonstrait whats happening. keep your eye on the ammo counter in the upper right side. i haven't tested this with any other weapons, only the smg.

That isn't much of a bug any more, we all know about it.

I meant the melee animation, not the reload one. I should have specified which one. My bad.
same deal.

It's supposed to be like that, because when you reload, the MC throws the SMG clip away.
ya, and now masters is fixing it.

Firstly, CMT don't copy Bungie on every aspect. They like to make their own original (and kick ass) weapons too. Masterz already explained that it's supposed to be like that because it's a "caseless" SMG and so you can't save any ammo...or something like that...Basically don't worry about it, it's meant to be like that. This just means you need to play more tactically and think about what you do with your ammo.

And secondly, you can pick up BRG ammo, it just doesn't tell you, and sometimes the pick-up noise doesn't come up. Just look at your ammo count and you'll see the ammo went from 72 to 144.
If you mean the grenade launcher on the BRG, then no you can't, but a simple solution to that is going up to a BRG on the floor and hold E to swap it. If the BRG hasn't been used, you'll have a BRG with the full 4 grenades. Just walk over the BRG that you just dropped and you'll get your ammo back.
Well, where do you think CMT got the Silenced SMG from, if you have the Book called, "The are of Halo - Creating a virtual word" on page 108 you can see all of the SMGs that was going to be in Halo 2, SMG with the clear magazine and the Silenced SMG, along with other stuff.

Will the aiming reticule change for the MA5C in the RC4 or in the final?
I hope so, I liked that one.

Edward Elrich
January 4th, 2007, 07:11 PM
Here's a question: is the weapon ammo count being changed at all? Because it looks much different from the one in the update in the general discussion threads (the "CMT blowout!" update is where this picture is, it's the last one in the first post.)

edit: wait, it's the third post, not the first one.

January 4th, 2007, 07:44 PM
Hint hint- NO.

Yep. It's fine, just prone to lag like all other melees.


Way to take :words: out of context entirely and ruin it. :|

No, it's "WHEN IT'S DONE". Don't ask again.


Dude, stop overreacting. He was here before you anyways, before CMT even merged with H2V, so if you're that worked up over it, you shouldn't have registered.

Don't get your hopes up. Beta testers are usually people that are well known for being trustworthy. And I happen to have more than one friend who would state otherwise, in your case (complete with Xfire convo histories about "someone" giving out a specific pre-release version of Hypo and later Coldsnap). :rolleyes:

I told you guys, I didin't do that lamo, cheaters, anymore -_-;;

That's one of the reasons I got a new name &#167;nyper. heard of it?

January 4th, 2007, 08:10 PM
The Brute Spiker 3rd person model looks so small... >_<

January 4th, 2007, 09:21 PM
The Brute Spiker 3rd person model looks so small... >_<

Sometimes I can't even find it XD

It is waaay too small, size it up a bit plz.

Elite Killa
January 4th, 2007, 09:32 PM
but in the Bungie campaign, he saves what ever's left in the clip to use later. other wise its just a waste. and also my other complaint is that you can't pick up ammo for the BRG.

Do you mean grenandes for it or the ammunition itself? If it is the grenades, then you can't...you just have to find another BRG.

January 4th, 2007, 09:49 PM
I meant the melee animation, not the reload one. I should have specified which one. My bad.
Agreed. Too fast.

I told you guys, I didin't do that lamo, cheaters, anymore -_-;;

That's one of the reasons I got a new name §nyper. heard of it?
Tbh, I wouldn't trust an ex-leaker no matter what.

The Brute Spiker 3rd person model looks so small... >_<
I agree.

January 5th, 2007, 05:38 AM
yeah the spiker is really small, when i was playing i didnt even know there where 2 sitting in the middle of the map :\. i wouldnt make it as big as the AR tho, cause you got to remember the MC is trying to thrust this weapon in one hand, something that big would be awkward and tiring.

Masters i reckon u should but in a BR near the base closer to the flag, it might seem excessive but the BRG is the best defence against hog drivers. if there was one near the flag it'd be a little easier to defend, just a thought.

Also how did ya's go with the rocket hog explosion. did u look into fixing up the end of the animation cause it was just cutting out suddenly.

and i have to agree with rossmum on the leaker part of things, i take the same stance with botters, but i dont think this is the right place to discuss it.

edit: i'm looking forward to the final beta, hope i receive a spot on it and the other maps.

January 5th, 2007, 06:18 AM
BRG x2 spawns by teleport out of base. That should be pretty much close enough, though if a guy comes out of nowhere you'll just have to try stop him along the way.

January 5th, 2007, 06:37 AM
i know man but i was thinking one closer to the hogs near the flag. it might be a tad excessive tho :(

or i can just frag nade him >_>

Edward Elrich
January 5th, 2007, 07:10 AM
I've noticed that the weapon respawn times on some weapons is insanely fast. I drop the weapon, and what seems like five seconds later, it's gone.

TIA Gangsta
January 5th, 2007, 10:30 AM
I bet the final maps will be released at the very end of January.

*EDIT* I just remembered something I wanted to post yesterday. I was browsing the CE lobby yesterday and was about to enter the Beta server when I saw a map called "h3_coagulation". I was like "wtf". I clicked it and inside was a person with CMT in their name (can't remember full name) and someone else without CMT in their name.
And what got me the most interested was the game name...."Testing Bubble Shield"

Shit, can someone PLEEASE fill me in on what's going on, in case I missed something? Is it some secret project or something...? Never seen it before, and never saw it after.

Edward Elrich
January 5th, 2007, 11:37 AM
Is the Assault Rifle supposed to have the default melee animations, or are the CMT ones supposed to be there? Also, the Assault Rifle's ammo counter has 36 slots (the lights that are supposed to say how much is left in the clip, besides the display on the weapon itself) but only 32 rounds.

January 5th, 2007, 11:59 AM
I bet the final maps will be released at the very end of January.

*EDIT* I just remembered something I wanted to post yesterday. I was browsing the CE lobby yesterday and was about to enter the Beta server when I saw a map called "h3_coagulation". I was like "wtf". I clicked it and inside was a person with CMT in their name (can't remember full name) and someone else without CMT in their name.
And what got me the most interested was the game name...."Testing Bubble Shield"

Shit, can someone PLEEASE fill me in on what's going on, in case I missed something? Is it some secret project or something...? Never seen it before, and never saw it after.Dude u saw it too? yea the CMT person was CMT-Pengy i remember that.I think that's beta they're testing.

Elite Killa
January 5th, 2007, 01:50 PM
I bet the final maps will be released at the very end of January.

*EDIT* I just remembered something I wanted to post yesterday. I was browsing the CE lobby yesterday and was about to enter the Beta server when I saw a map called "h3_coagulation". I was like "wtf". I clicked it and inside was a person with CMT in their name (can't remember full name) and someone else without CMT in their name.
And what got me the most interested was the game name...."Testing Bubble Shield"

Shit, can someone PLEEASE fill me in on what's going on, in case I missed something? Is it some secret project or something...? Never seen it before, and never saw it after.
Yeah I remember you telling me that. But why h3_coagulation? There is a Halo 3 map called Valhalla that Bungie is working on that should've replaced Blood Gulch and Coagulation...

January 5th, 2007, 02:19 PM
(the lights that are supposed to say how much is left in the clip, besides the display on the weapon itself)
I'm one hundred percent positive those lights have nothing to do with ammunition.
It's probably a charge meter of sorts for the Assault Rifle's battery, that powers the display counter and flashlight.

January 5th, 2007, 02:30 PM
Weren't exactly suppose to see that....

January 5th, 2007, 02:41 PM
Yeah I remember you telling me that. But why h3_coagulation? There is a Halo 3 map called Valhalla that Bungie is working on that should've replaced Blood Gulch and Coagulation...
Maybe it's just called h3_coagulation but it's valhalla inside or something.

January 5th, 2007, 03:32 PM
are you going to keep that HUD from the chain hog? ( or was it the rocket hog ) it's the one with Gunner status near the radar not the top left

January 5th, 2007, 03:56 PM
http://www.hackhalo.org/l33t/videos/shieldz.wmv was the map we were playing.

EDIT: Ask for it, and I'll rip your fuckin eyes out.

EDIT2: And it has nothing to do with CMT.

Edward Elrich
January 5th, 2007, 04:10 PM
What I meant was...

Here is the HUD when the AR has 32 rounds in the clip.

And 28 rounds.

And 26 rounds.

As you can see (if not I'll take better screenshots to show it), the ammo counter does not match the actual amount left in the clip (except for when it has zero clips left.) Also, according to the weapon HUD, there seem to be 36 rounds in each ammo clip.

edit: The Assault Rifle has a battery? Or are you confusing it with the flashlight battery?

January 5th, 2007, 04:28 PM
http://www.hackhalo.org/l33t/videos/shieldz.wmv was the map we were playing.

EDIT: Ask for it, and I'll rip your fuckin eyes out.

EDIT2: And it has nothing to do with CMT.
Dude, I like your Shield nade, but I see some bugs, one, it dosen't look like it fads away and lets you out, and two it dosen't look right, but it is cool, don't put that in to CMT's maps yet, wait for Halo 2 Vista.

January 5th, 2007, 04:32 PM
I fixed the fading, and the shaders are still a work-in-progress.

TIA Gangsta
January 5th, 2007, 04:47 PM
Erm, so who is actually making this map? And when, if ever, will it be out.

January 5th, 2007, 05:01 PM
Erm, so who is actually making this map? And when, if ever, will it be out.
CtrlAltDestroy (aka L33t) is and as for release date, no one knows, not ever L33t dose.

TIA Gangsta
January 5th, 2007, 05:08 PM
Wow those weapons are actually pretty good for being made by just one person. Nice work!

I guess you haven't made the Shield Grenade HUD yet. At the moment it's coming out of the plasma nade HUD. Oh, and I'd reccomend only allowing begin able to carry one shield nade at a time. And of course, more work on the looks of the shield nade, and shape. But it's still early days.

Keep up the awesome work!

January 5th, 2007, 05:28 PM
Its not just one person. :x

January 5th, 2007, 06:22 PM
http://www.hackhalo.org/l33t/videos/shieldz.wmv was the map we were playing.

EDIT: Ask for it, and I'll rip your fuckin eyes out.

EDIT2: And it has nothing to do with CMT.
But I've known you since you were a wee noob on the halomods forums :(

Wow those weapons are actually pretty good for being made by just one person. Nice work!

I guess you haven't made the Shield Grenade HUD yet. At the moment it's coming out of the plasma nade HUD. Oh, and I'd reccomend only allowing begin able to carry one shield nade at a time. And of course, more work on the looks of the shield nade, and shape. But it's still early days.

Keep up the awesome work!
You guys DO know that the shield nade isn't actually in Halo 3, right? It was just something pretty to show off in the trailer? Either way, awesome stuff, L33T.

Edward Elrich
January 5th, 2007, 06:23 PM
Posted by: Edward Elrich
What I meant was...

Here is the HUD when the AR has 32 rounds in the clip.

And 28 rounds.

And 26 rounds.

As you can see (if not I'll take better screenshots to show it), the ammo counter does not match the actual amount left in the clip (except for when it has zero clips left.) Also, according to the weapon HUD, there seem to be 36 rounds in each ammo clip.

edit: The Assault Rifle has a battery? Or are you confusing it with the flashlight battery?

I ask again: What's up with the Assault Rifle's HUD?

edit: on a different note: Bungie never said the shield thing in the H3 preview was a grenade. They actually said: "Who said anything about it being a grenade?" or something similar to that.

January 5th, 2007, 06:26 PM
Someone fucked up the bitmap. Keep your pants on, it's no big deal and they'll probably get it sorted soon.

January 5th, 2007, 06:33 PM
Maybe make it so when you throw the plasma ( should look like shield nade ) when it blows up it turns into a shield, and you use a script that rests for like 5 seconds and then it uses a " Object_destroy shield_nade_name" code

January 5th, 2007, 06:36 PM
Your idea needs less COPYING of L33T's work.

Unless you're talking to L33T, in which case ignore that >_>

January 5th, 2007, 06:44 PM
You cant spawn something with an object name.

EDIT: I love you too hunter. ;)

January 5th, 2007, 06:53 PM

Heh. I just found my first post, I used to be such a noob :D

January 5th, 2007, 07:14 PM
Someone needs to fix the damn support beams by the fountain. Go stand by them and look, some of them are hovering >_>

January 5th, 2007, 08:16 PM
Just a suggestion, the Assault Rifle Aiming reticule should change to take away illusion that the gun is inaccurate. You could either create a new custom reticule, or maybe just make the current reticule smaller.

January 5th, 2007, 08:19 PM
I bet the final maps will be released at the very end of January.

look at Masterz sig.

January 5th, 2007, 09:27 PM
did dano post about the invis walls (phantom faces?) that we found at the fountain.
basically on every side there is an invis wall. i could get screenies if you'd like?

January 6th, 2007, 08:19 AM
I don't know if this was mentioned already, but the shotgun particle effect is not aligned with the barrel in FP, although it was in RC_2 and RC_3.

TIA Gangsta
January 6th, 2007, 11:00 AM
I don't know if this was mentioned already, but the shotgun particle effect is not aligned with the barrel in FP, although it was in RC_2 and RC_3.

Well they changed the skin and stuff from it, so something must have happened by accident when doing so.

January 6th, 2007, 11:21 AM
I think that the chaingun hog needs some boost...Rarely do I see a team use it <_<'

January 6th, 2007, 11:46 AM
ya, every one uses the Rocket hogs, but I say remove the Rocket hogs, and give the Chaingun hog a boost of some sorts, and put some Turrets at the base for better defence.

January 6th, 2007, 12:11 PM
Chaingun hog has a boost already, the chaingun is alot stronger than it is in normal CE. And we realy don't have the tag room for more stuff, I already had to downrez some more stuff to get it to compile.

January 6th, 2007, 01:31 PM
The only time i see soemone use the chain hog is if when all rocket hogs are gone and there despret like if there out of ammo and theres no guns around, and you see someone steal your flag and run away

January 6th, 2007, 01:35 PM
hey, like I said, remove the Rocket Hog, that will open up some space.

January 6th, 2007, 01:43 PM
No thats dumb.

January 6th, 2007, 01:53 PM
No thats dumb.
Why do you think that? I think you should remove it, every one uses it, and it is a great vehicle for whoreing.

January 6th, 2007, 02:18 PM
Because rocket hogs are cool? And the chain hogs are still very good, if you use them.

Anyway, I am locking this topic, CMT_RC1_grove is going out later today. Real release will be in a few days.