View Full Version : Memory Hacking Tutorial Basic-Intermediate

August 27th, 2007, 09:59 AM
Some people asked me...well I guess here it goes...usual excuses apply here to German ppl...no Blitzkrieg and no comments about the errors or my english.


Table of Content:

Part I. (Easy)

Memory System
Modifying Halo's Memory
Simple Memory Programming (VB.NET)Part II. (Intermediate)
Pointers / Offsets
Advanced Memory Programming (VB.NET)Part I.I Memory System

I'm not go into depth with this because...A. it changes occasionally B. I don't know everything about it...and I guess that's vital for explaining it.

Anyway I hope Korn & Co. don't find that many mistakes in here but I think I can try to explain the basic idea or at least get it across :)

Each byte (a byte consists of 8 bits..for example in Hex a byte would be "00" or "FF") has it's own address assigned to it. How big is the memory? Let's take a look...

Range: 0x00000000 to 0x7FFFE000

Wait, what does that mean? 0x is a syntax to display an offset. So 0x00 means it's 00 away from the starting index. So RAM ranges from 00000000 to 7FFFE000? Wait....7FFFE000(Hex) = 2147475456(Dec)...and each byte has it's own address? So we have 2147475456 bytes...roughly 2147475 kilo bytes...2147...mega bytes...2 giga bytes...of Random Access Memory(RAM)?

How can that be if not all computer have that amount? And why does Halo's Memory start at 0x00400000...and my other processes have the same starting index?

Magic?...it's Microsoft after all...no..no...Windows uses a Virtual Mapping system to assign chunks of memory to each individual process and hides the real memory address (which we don't care about anyway).

As you may notice memory informations like addresses or their corresponding bytes are displayed in Hex(imal). How to count Hex?
There are mathematical ways of doing it...but I wouldn't bother since everyone with Windows XP has a nifty tool called the calculator that already includes Hex calculating and conversion.

But to get back to the stone age and to start from the beginning....
Humans have 10 numbers to display all of the rest...0123456789...but why 10? No one knows for sure but we have 10 fingers after all right?

Well for Hex you just have to imagine that we have 16 fingers...ranging from 0123456789ABCDEF...and the counting is the same....

Hex : 00 01 02 ... 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11...1F..20
Dec : 00 01 02 ... 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17...31 32

So 20 in Hex is....32 in Dec. Seems easy doesn't it? Well it is...


Part I.II Modifying Halo's Memory

Can we plz build an aimbot now, plzplz? Nope sorry. Even though there is so much irony in that sentence...someone who wants to build an aimbot needs some kind of mathematical skills (except if he is copy pasting source or tutorial) and that requires some level of intelligence...

We are going to do simple things...so no vehicle hijacking or whatever you want to imagine...we gonna modify....the ubber amazing death count of a player! Cool or? Actually...there are 2 reasons why this isn't cool.

1. It doesn't work if you join a server *CRY*
2. It's the death count who cares anyway? *Hint*Kill Count Lawl*Hint*

And please...don't EVER ever think of memory hacking the ping....

Ok let's get started...take Notepad and open up Haloce.exe with it...
no please don't. For memory hacking we need special programs that are dedicated to us...to do this nerdy crap.

Here are the 2 main ones:
ArtMoney (http://www.artmoney.ru/e_download.htm)
CheatEngine (http://cheatengine.org/download.php)

Let's go back to the drawing board...all values or basically everything you see on screen is stored somewhere in the memory...let's stick to something visible and easy like the death count...I assume by know you know how to open up a process (haloce.exe,Halo) in one of those programs...it's not very hard really.

So let's start to search for the death count...ok we haven't died yet in game so let's search for 0! ...no...no.... let's not...it's a waste of time searching for 0...so try to avoid them if you can and always start with a higher number( even if it is 1)...so die once...yay press F1 in game and you see that you have died once! Now go into CheatEngine or ArtMoney and go to search...ok value? 1 obviously....type?

I guess I have to explain some basics things again.

Memory values are stored in Hex amiright? Yes I am.
But there are different ways of reading them...or using them for different types of data. So let's take a simple but effective example...

Dec: 62

Datatypes: Integer (1 to 10 bytes) , Float (aka Single/ 1 to 10 bytes), ASCII (1 byte?), Unicode (4 bytes?).

If we would read that address to ASCII it would be ">"

ASCII Table (just use google) (http://www.ecowin.org/aulas/resources/tables/asciitable.jpg)

So what's the basic (I say basic cause Microsoft says different) difference between floats and integer? You guys are lucky that you are English native because it took me 2 years to figure out the German word even though I knew what an Integer basically was regarding memory hacking (ger.= ganze Zahl).

Type Range Comment
Integer 1 byte 0 .. 255 Usually health, lifes, number of stuffes
Integer 2 bytes 0 .. 65535 Usually money, number of stuffes, resources
Integer 3 bytes 0 .. 16777215 Use this type for ePSXe, ZSNES and ROCKNES emulators
Integer 4 bytes 0 .. 4294967295 Usually money,experience
Integer 8 bytes 0 .. 18446744073709551616 Usually money, if more then 4 milliardes
Float 4 bytes 1.5e-45 .. 3.4e+38 Some games uses it. Microsoft likes to use it.
Float 6 bytes 2.9e-39 .. 1.7e+38 Only for DOS games, that was created in Turbo Pascal
Float 8 bytes 5.0e-324 .. 1.7e+308 Macromedia Flash games
Float 10 bytes 3.4e-4951 .. 1.1e+4932 Only for mathematical programs

How do they know this numbers? Cheesecake...1 Byte can be 00 to FF...FF= 16 *16 = 256 so 255 numbers (because you start with 0)
1 Byte: 255
2 Bytes: Roughly 255*255
4 Bytes: Roughly 255*255*255*255

That's for integers.

Ok let's go back to our death count...as you may notice Floats are 2.3421 or whatever...I don't think the Bungie/GBX programmer would have wanted that would he?Player #1 died 2.5 times...No...Death Count is an Integer with 4 bytes (because Halo likes 4 bytes)...we can tell that from try & error or...experience.

No let's assume you died once (and make sure the game didn't restart while reading this ^^) go ahead and search for 1 - Integer...ok few secs later yay we have over 1 Mill Addresses with the value of 1...great...

What we need to do is filter...so either we search for the same value again and dismiss those that changed in the mean time or....we die again and filter 2...go on until we have a few addresses left.

Make sure you get the right address...one address might store the value and the other one just displays it...so if you have 2 addresses changing simultaneously make sure you test them by giving them a value of their own.

So there we have it...you know can change the death count by hand!

But wait? Why doesn't this work on other servers again?

Because for security reasons and to avoid stupidity all the vital memory memory data like positions, team indexes, kill/death/whatever count are stored ON THE FUCKING SERVER. And that's why you CANT I repeat YOU CANT hack your way trough RUNESCAPE or any other MMORPG. (Actually...nevermind I won't bother)

Part I.III Simple Memory Programming (VB.NET)

Alright now let's do one of the more funnier parts! Writing a trainer in VB.NET (yes no VB6 so Limited go into your corner :P, just kidding I love you ^^)

Let's get started...wait...how? Well either you take my source I released or let's create one step by step!

I assume that you have a basic knowledge on VB.NET by now. I'm going to use Visual Studio 2005 .NET Framework 3.0...but that doesn't really matter ^^.

THIS WILL HELP YOU ALL THE TIME: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/default.aspx

So we start of with a function and take a look on it how it works....the functions are called:

Public Declare Function GetWindowThreadProcessId Lib "User32" (ByVal hwnd As Integer, ByRef lpdwProcessId As Integer) As Integer
Public Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Integer, ByVal bInheritHandle As Integer, ByVal dwProcessId As Integer) As Integer
Public Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Integer) As Integer
Public Declare Function FindWindow Lib "User32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal Classname As String, ByVal WindowName As String) As Integer
'For Reading and Writing Process Memory
Public Declare Function WriteProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Integer, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Integer, ByRef lpBuffer As Integer, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Integer) As Integer
Public Declare Function ReadProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "ReadProcessMemory" (ByVal hProcess As Integer, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Integer, ByRef lpBuffer As Integer, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Integer) As Integer
'Disable Memory Protection
Public Declare Function VirtualProtectEx Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Integer, ByRef lpAddress As Object, ByVal dwSize As Integer, ByVal flNewProtect As Integer, ByRef lpflOldProtect As Integer) As IntegerThe first 3 Functions are for Process Handling...that means getting the process information, getting access to it and in the end close the access again.

The next 3 are vital for our memory purposes. Like the name says ReadProcessMemory/WriteProcessMemory. The next one is important too.
It changes the memory protection so we can write to it. You don't need this if you are only reading from memory and the memory is already set to "read". We are going to change it to "Read/Write" later on.

Let's add these constants:

Const PAGE_EXECUTE = &H10&
Const PAGE_GUARD = &H100&
Const PAGE_NOCACHE = &H200&
The functions and constants have to go on top of all other code or inside a module.

Now let's actually write some code and no more copy paste 'n shit.

So let's create create our Sub/Method:

Public Sub ChangeDeathCount(ByVal DeathCount as Integer)

End Sub
Cool amIright? So to call this Sub/Method we just have to type:

Sweet. Now let's add some code.

Dim myProcesses As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("haloce")
If myProcesses.Length = 0 Then
'Optional Stuff Goes Here...like Label displaying some kind of text
Exit Sub
End If

Dim processHandle As IntPtr = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, myProcesses(0).Id)
If processHandle = IntPtr.Zero Then
'Optional Stuff Goes Here...like Label displaying some kind of text
Exit Sub
End If
So with the first variable we check for the process if it exists...the process is inside the "...". Haloce.exe -> Haloce | Halo.exe -> Halo etc....

If the Process = 0...so it actually doesn't exist...it just exists the sub and doesn't execute anymore code.

The second variable + code opens the process for you by setting it to Process_All_Access (check the constant at the top!).

So we have something like this:

Public Sub ChangeDeathCount(ByVal DeathCount as Integer)
Dim myProcesses As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("haloce")
If myProcesses.Length = 0 Then
'Optional Stuff Goes Here...like Label displaying some kind of text
Exit Sub
End If

Dim processHandle As IntPtr = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, myProcesses(0).Id)
If processHandle = IntPtr.Zero Then
'Optional Stuff Goes Here...like Label displaying some kind of text
Exit Sub
End If

End Sub
So we have a Sub/Method that checks for the process Haloce.exe...great. Now let's do something! We need a few variables:

Dim Address(0 To 1) As Integer
Dim vBuffer(0 To 1) As Long
Dim convert(0 To 1) As Integer
Dim byte_array0 As Byte() = Nothing
So the first is the address we need...the vbuffer stores our memory bytes....bytearray get's the bytearray from the vbuffer for us...convert converts it to an Integer so our actual DeathCount.

So let's add the DeathCount Address we have from ArtMoney/CheatEngine...

Address(0) = &H402AB07A (HEXIMAL)
Address(0) = 1076539514 (DECIMAL)
Now let's read the memory from it:

ReadProcessMemory(processHandle, Address(0), vBuffer(0), 4, 0)
byte_array0 = BitConverter.GetBytes(vBuffer(0))
convert(0) = BitConverter.ToInt32(byte_array0, 0)


vBuffer(0) = DeathCount 'The DeathCount we want to write (Method)

VirtualProtectEx(processHandle, Address(0), 4, PAGE_READWRITE, 0)
WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, Address(0), vBuffer(0), 4, 0)

ReadProcessMemory(AtTheProcessHaloCE,FromTheAddres s,WritingTheValueToVbuffer,ByteSize(you don'tt need to change this reall),StartingIndex(this netiher))

Read byte array from the vbuffer and convert that to integer...

If you have the convert(0) you can display your death count anywhere on your app.

Now to write a custom DeathCount you just give vbuffer(0) a value and write the memory...we gave it a DeathCount Variable because we can insert any custom value when using the method (ChangeDeathCount(Value here) remember).

Finished yay! We just need to call the method:


Public Sub ChangeDeathCount(ByVal DeathCount as Integer)
Dim myProcesses As Process() = Process.GetProcessesByName("haloce")
If myProcesses.Length = 0 Then
'Optional Stuff Goes Here...like Label displaying some kind of text
Exit Sub
End If

Dim processHandle As IntPtr = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, 0, myProcesses(0).Id)
If processHandle = IntPtr.Zero Then
'Optional Stuff Goes Here...like Label displaying some kind of text
Exit Sub
End If

Dim Address(0 To 1) As Integer
Dim vBuffer(0 To 1) As Long
Dim convert(0 To 1) As Integer
Dim byte_array0 As Byte() = Nothing

Address(0) = &H402AB07A (HEXIMAL)
Address(0) = 1076539514 (DECIMAL)

ReadProcessMemory(processHandle, Address(0), vBuffer(0), 4, 0)
byte_array0 = BitConverter.GetBytes(vBuffer(0))
convert(0) = BitConverter.ToInt32(byte_array0, 0)


vBuffer(0) = DeathCount 'The DeathCount we want to write (Method)

VirtualProtectEx(processHandle, Address(0), 4, PAGE_READWRITE, 0)
WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, Address(0), vBuffer(0), 4, 0)

End Sub

Part II.I Pointers and Offsets


I think I'm going to start off with Offsets since they are easier to understand and more common really. An Offset is like the name says...a offset from one point to the next one. So how does this help us? I'm going to give you 2 examples so you get a basic idea...

Regarding Halo 2 Vista:

If you tried to memory hack Halo 2 Vista you may have noticed that the addresses change on restart...first we thought this would be due to pointers but they also seemed to change. Like I said above every process has something like a starting memory index...we realized that the offset from the starting index stays the same but that the starting index always changes...So Halo2.exe + Offset always works...but a single address like 40092E42 won't. So when programming you have to get the base index first and then add the offset on top of it. Here are 2 ways on finding out the base address of the process....

Either you have an app that tells you the base address so you just take the address and substract the base index so we have the actual offset. Like 40000001 (Address), 40000000 (Starting Index)...so 40000001-40000000 = 1 so Base Index (40000000) + 1 = Our Address (40000001)

or if you use CheatEngine it gives you most of the time something like this:
"Halo2.exe + 1" (Double click on the address for this)
So Halo2.exe is the base index and 1 is the offset.

Regarding Memory Chunks:

Let's take the player informations as an example...they are memory chunks with a fixed size and every player in the server has one of his own...so let's pretend the memory chunk for the player starts with the player name....

The size of those memory chunks in Halo never change...so the offset from PL1Name to PL2Name is always constant (if I remember correctly it's 0x200).

So you basically need 1 address to get all of the rest...time saving right? I'm gonna use this information for the a little bit more complex VB.NET code later on...


*to be continued*

Part II.II Advanced Memory Programming (VB.NET)

I'm going to explain some of my sources I made in the past. Some or most of them have a simple mathematical fact behind them. Maybe this can give you some inspiritation.

BlueArrow Hack:

!!This shouldn't be used for cheating purposes. I hope the people that can follow this are smart enough not to misuse this information!!

This Hack changes the team you are on...so you can see the enemies arrows above their heads. The server doesn't see this because this data doesn't get sent from the client to the server.


Basically each player has it's own Team Index...I bet there is a address that shows you what player index you are but I like to do this the hard way. Remember that each player has a specific offset? So does the playername and the player team index. So what I did I read the profile name and checked each player ingame for their names until the names matched with the profile name and changed according to that the team index.

We can write this pretty complex:

For i = 0 To 10
Address(0) += 2
ReadProcessMemory(processHandle, Address(0), vBuffer(0), 4, 0)
ret0 = BitConverter.GetBytes(vBuffer(0))
TextBox1.Text &= System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ret0)
For i is a loop...it loops from 0 to 10 so 11 times. Why? Because a profile name in Halo has 11 chars. So Textbox1.Text &= System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(ret0) (which is Textbox1.Text = Textbox1.Text & the new char).

So Textbox1.Text holds the name for us.

For ia = 0 To 15
For i = 0 To 10

ReadProcessMemory(processHandle, Address(1), vBuffer(1), 2, 0)
ret0 = BitConverter.GetBytes(vBuffer(1))
TextBox2.Paste(System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetStr ing(ret0))
Address(1) = Address(1) + 2

If TextBox1.Text = TextBox2.Text Then
Exit Sub
Address(1) += &H1EA
End If
So this thing has 2 loops...a loop inside a loop..the loop is checks for each player 0 to 15..because a halo game can hold up to 16 players.

The next loop (i) get's the player name again....and stores the name into Textbox2. If Textbox1(ProfileName) and Textbox2(CurrentInGameName) match then it executes the method ChangeTeams(ia) where ia is the current player...if they don't match the offset goes to the next playername and this whole thing repeats itself.

Let's take a look at the other method:

Public Sub ChangeTeams(ByVal PlayerNumber As Integer)

Address(2) = AddressHereCencored 'Team Index PL1
Address(2) += PlayerNumber * 512

ReadProcessMemory(processHandle, Address(2), vBuffer(0), 4, 0)

ret0 = BitConverter.GetBytes(vBuffer(0))
convert(0) = BitConverter.ToInt32(ret0, 0)

If convert(0) = 1 Then
vBuffer(0) = 0
VirtualProtectEx(processHandle, Address(2), 4, PAGE_READWRITE, 0)
WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, Address(2), vBuffer(0), 4, 0)
End If
If convert(0) = 0 Then
vBuffer(0) = 1
VirtualProtectEx(processHandle, Address(2), 4, PAGE_READWRITE, 0)
WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, Address(2), vBuffer(0), 4, 0)
End If
So we had ChangeTeams(ia) before...ia is our playerindex. Address(0) += PlayerIndex * 512..so if we are PlayerIndex 0 then 0*512 = 0 so Address(0) += 0 so we are the first player inside the game :D

The next thing is to toggle the team. If we are on Team 0 then we are going to be on Team 1 and vice versa.

And there you have it...coding time about 1 hour and debugging with the help of Skyline :)

Halo CE FlyCam:

How to make a smooth transition.


For motherloop = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1

Sensitivity = ListBox7.SelectedItem.ToString
ListBox1.SelectedIndex = line

X1 = ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString
Y1 = ListBox2.SelectedItem.ToString
Z1 = ListBox3.SelectedItem.ToString
XL1 = ListBox4.SelectedItem.ToString
YL1 = ListBox5.SelectedItem.ToString
FoV1 = ListBox6.SelectedIndex.ToString

ListBox1.SelectedIndex = line + 1
X2 = ListBox1.SelectedItem.ToString
Y2 = ListBox2.SelectedItem.ToString
Z2 = ListBox3.SelectedItem.ToString
XL2 = ListBox4.SelectedItem.ToString
YL2 = ListBox5.SelectedItem.ToString
FoV2 = ListBox6.SelectedIndex.ToString

XDif = (X1 - X2) / Sensitivity
YDif = (Y1 - Y2) / Sensitivity
ZDif = (Z1 - Z2) / Sensitivity
XLDif = (XL1 - XL2) / Sensitivity
YLDif = (YL1 - YL2) / Sensitivity
FoVDif = (FoV1 - FoV2) / Sensitivity

For daloop = 0 To (Sensitivity - 1)

X = X1 - (XDif * (daloop + 1))
vBuffer(0) = X
Y = Y1 - (YDif * (daloop + 1))
vBuffer(1) = Y
Z = Z1 - (ZDif * (daloop + 1))
vBuffer(2) = Z
XL = XL1 - (XLDif * (daloop + 1))
vBuffer(3) = XL
YL = YL1 - (YLDif * (daloop + 1))
vBuffer(4) = YL
FoV = FoV1 - (FoVDif * (daloop + 1))
vBuffer(5) = FoV

VirtualProtectEx(processHandle, Address(0), 4, PAGE_READWRITE, 0)
VirtualProtectEx(processHandle, Address(1), 4, PAGE_READWRITE, 0)
VirtualProtectEx(processHandle, Address(2), 4, PAGE_READWRITE, 0)
VirtualProtectEx(processHandle, Address(3), 4, PAGE_READWRITE, 0)
VirtualProtectEx(processHandle, Address(4), 4, PAGE_READWRITE, 0)
VirtualProtectEx(processHandle, Address(6), 4, PAGE_READWRITE, 0)

WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, Address(0), vBuffer(0), 4, 0)
WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, Address(1), vBuffer(1), 4, 0)
WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, Address(2), vBuffer(2), 4, 0)
WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, Address(3), vBuffer(3), 4, 0)
WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, Address(4), vBuffer(4), 4, 0)

If CheckBox1.Checked = True Then
WriteProcessMemory(processHandle, Address(6), vBuffer(5), 4, 0) 'This is the optional FoV
End If

line += 1
Catch ex As Exception

End Try

X1 is the first X-position point of the camera, X2 obviously the second one. Now we calculate the difference bewteen those. So if X1 =1 and X2 = 2 then XDif = -1.
Now we don't want it to jump from X1 to X2 immedatly so we divide it by the user given sensitivity...let's say 10...so -1 / 10 = -0.1.

Now the next step is a bit harder to understand...X1 + 0.1 = 1.1...+ 0.1 again 1.2...until we have 2.0 (X2). We divided by 10 (sensitivity) so we have to add those again to make a smooth transition.

X = X1 - (XDif * (daloop + 1)) means that X1 - XDif (-0.1 remember?) * daloop (which is basically the sensitivity)...

so X= 1 - (-0.1) = 1.1...1.2...1.3......1.9...2.0 (X2).

If the loop is done it takes the next 2 lines in the application and has a new X1 and X2.

I admit that this code is not that easy to understand. ^^

to be continued....

Love De Lux
August 27th, 2007, 10:24 AM
Nice tut. :)

Because for security reasons and to avoid stupidity all the vital memory memory data like positions, team indexes, kill/death/whatever count are stored ON THE FUCKING SERVER. And that's why you CANT I repeat YOU CANT hack your way trough RUNESCAPE or any other MMORPG. (Actually...nevermind I won't bother)


It's more likely a litlle trick, but it sync, so :)

August 27th, 2007, 10:27 AM
Don't make this thing so complicated..otherwise I have to explain even more.


You could a few months ago cheat in WOW by sending modified packages to the server.

August 27th, 2007, 12:29 PM
Humans have 10 numbers to display all of the rest...0123456789...but why 10? No one knows for sure but we have 10 fingers after all right?Freak, you have 10 fingers? ALIEN! I have 8 fingers :)

Also, nice work, wrong forum though :O :P Also you can get that to sync, but you have to do it on your own dedicated sever :D You can sync it (I think) if your host, but addresses change every time, thats why dedicated works best.

August 27th, 2007, 12:41 PM
If you have 8 fingers, which one is the middle one :confused:.

August 27th, 2007, 01:15 PM
Good one, sunshine. :D

August 27th, 2007, 01:24 PM
If you have 8 fingers, which one is the middle one :confused:.
Well I have 2 middle fingers, so it works out :P
Ty jestesz gupy, moi peice wie jestesz wiency jak ty.

August 27th, 2007, 01:33 PM
Well I have 2 middle fingers, so it works out :P
Ty jestesz gupy, moi peice wie jestesz wiency jak ty.
Oh wow, very original.

August 27th, 2007, 01:36 PM
Oh wow, very original.
Yup, you burned yourself huh :D

August 27th, 2007, 04:03 PM
I am confuzzled by what 9mm said D=.

I shall have to try memory hacking out later. I'm assuming you can screw around with other values (grenades, ammo, etc.) as well?

August 27th, 2007, 04:06 PM
You can try yes, will it work, depends :D

August 27th, 2007, 04:06 PM
Great tutorial, even though I knew how to do that already. Looking forward to seeing the pointers and offsets part. :D

August 28th, 2007, 11:31 AM
Hey guys thanks for the positive feedback! I'm going to continue to write this now...:)

August 31st, 2007, 03:33 PM
Very nice. Thanks!

August 31st, 2007, 05:49 PM
Hey guys thanks for the positive feedback! I'm going to continue to write this now...:)

I didn't even realise you didn't have perfect English until I read your English for a whole page :P

Seriously though, I actually understood most of that, and I've never programmed a thing in my life. Good job!

August 31st, 2007, 11:14 PM
for those of us who arn't old gearbox hands, 9mm man is limited right?

so this would only affect the death count if you were admin right?
and this doesn't work with VB 6? (:gonk:)

any chance you could show us how to make that bullet cam of yours? that'd be really cool for machinima's. :)

btw, this is a really good tutorial (now I just need to learn vb.net :saddowns:)

September 1st, 2007, 09:00 AM
My comp is being gay right now ^^

But all my sources are on an external HDD so at the end of this tut I'm going to show you as much of my work as possible :)

and maybe some of skyline's code....

so this would only affect the death count if you were admin right?
Well...if you have access to the server memory you can change the death count for each player...but yeah in the end you have to host the game.

and this doesn't work with VB 6? (:gonk:)
I used VB6 a long time ago..works too and the source is decent (you can find it on the web easily)

But I won't support VB6 because A. Korn likes Buttsecks B. I know more coding "techniques" in .NET

Some sources I am going to explain at the end:
-GreenArrow Hack
-Name Hacking
-Portal Server App
-Gravity Gun
-HaloCE FlyCam

Many of those sources have a simple (yes Bitter...very simple stuff ^^)
mathematical aspect behind them...which is what I like about making those apps :)


How do I know when a projectile gets shot and when it hits an object?

You take the XYZ of the projectile at one moment and then let the app pause for 200 millisecs and then check again...if XYZ(1) <> XYZ(2) it means the projectile is moving...start a second process to check if the projectile hits an object by doing the same above...and if XYZ(1) = XYZ(2) then the projectile is not moving anymore :D


I'm going to explain all those things at the end...my thoughts on how to do this things.:)

Reaper Man
September 1st, 2007, 09:04 AM
Freak, you have 10 fingers? ALIEN! I have 8 fingers :)

8 fingers and 2 opposable thumbs, amirite?

September 1st, 2007, 07:24 PM
I was using artmoney trying to find the death value and I was getting alot of results >.>

how many deaths do you usually need before you can narrow it down?

September 2nd, 2007, 06:19 AM
I was using artmoney trying to find the death value and I was getting alot of results >.>

how many deaths do you usually need before you can narrow it down?
Depends...on the app and the type of searching...usually about 4/5 deaths.

September 2nd, 2007, 06:30 AM
your goinna make me cry. Now i have to convert this from VB->C#

September 2nd, 2007, 06:58 AM
Depends...on the app and the type of searching...usually about 4/5 deaths.

using artmoney (I was filtering for only 4 bit numbers) I was getting several thousand for 30 deaths <.< (on a public server)

September 2nd, 2007, 07:16 AM
your goinna make me cry. Now i have to convert this from VB->C#
*YAWN* a converter can do this in sec ;)

Actually I though about rewriting the source a bit to make it a bit more user friendly...:D

Make a server yourself...don't filter 4 bytes...the address is included in the tutorial so you can check whether there might be a problem with ArtMoney.

Also try CheatEngine if you can. :)

September 2nd, 2007, 07:36 AM
Will do :)

September 2nd, 2007, 01:59 PM
I added add the code for the BlueArrow Hack for you guys. Please just take it as reference and not as a method of cheating. :rolleyes:

I'll add a few more sources later on.

September 2nd, 2007, 03:55 PM
Wow, this entire tutorial is really helpful. Even though I get lost halfway through it. :lol:

And yes, please do rewrite the source if you get a chance. :) Is there anyway this can work for VB? Because that's the only programming I really know.

September 2nd, 2007, 04:01 PM
Wow, this entire tutorial is really helpful. Even though I get lost halfway through it. :lol:

And yes, please do rewrite the source if you get a chance. :) Is there anyway this can work for VB? Because that's the only programming I really know.
VB? This is VB. Do you mean VB6? :D

September 2nd, 2007, 04:13 PM
Oh yea, Visual Basic 6 is what I meant.

September 3rd, 2007, 11:52 AM
Oh yea, Visual Basic 6 is what I meant.
Bad enough that it's in VB already...I would just go ahead and upgrade from VB6 to .NET...it's VERY easy :)

I'm gonna add some sources...because I'm bored. :D

September 3rd, 2007, 03:32 PM
Damn, I gotta re-learn another language. I'm liking these sources though. Waiting for the bulletchase cam.

September 3rd, 2007, 03:35 PM
Damn, I gotta re-learn another language.
Just take a look at VB.NET...you are going to see that it's so easy. :)

I mean, even I can find a connection between Java and VB.NET :p


and it (VS05 or the Express Editions) already include a VB6 to .NET converter, even though it sucks sometimes :rolleyes:

September 3rd, 2007, 03:40 PM
yea C# isant all that diffrent

Messagebox.Show("Sup", "This is A MesageBox");

September 3rd, 2007, 03:46 PM
yea C# isn't all that different

Messagebox.Show("Sup", "This is A MessageBox");

Which is the exact same for VB.NET only that little ";" which is more Java-like.

The only language that goes really far away from these syntaxes is, in my opinion, C++. C++'s syntax is unnecessary hard.

December 2nd, 2007, 11:30 PM
You may already know about this program "me and haloguru made it awhile ago." it allows you to change the score of player one. if you are the host of the server, this is an easy way to make people "shit" themselves.

http://ts.wmclan.net:73/Halo Kill Adder.zip (http://ts.wmclan.net:73/Halo&#37;20Kill%20Adder.zip)

-note haloguru did most of the work

December 2nd, 2007, 11:38 PM
Quite a big bump. Though I'm glad someone did. Patrick, you ever going to finish that tutorial? :D

December 3rd, 2007, 12:12 AM
Pat I gave you the first addresses that we started with, then we expanded it and you finished it. :(

No creditz

December 3rd, 2007, 04:04 PM
New program coming soon! no details yet...

December 3rd, 2007, 04:06 PM
New program coming soon! no details yet...

Still trying to figure out that password on your previous one. Might I question what that blood gulch thing is on that site? The 3d warthog course. It's very well done, yet has no real purpose.

And Patrick, your right. Languages are similar. Nearing the end of my first semester of my java course I'm understanding how arrays works and now the tutorials for actionscript make sense.

December 3rd, 2007, 04:11 PM
Pat I gave you the first addresses that we started with, then we expanded it and you finished it. :(

No creditz
Hey sorry ^^

I loose track of stuff. :D

I guess I could finish this tutorial some day...:rolleyes: :)

December 3rd, 2007, 04:54 PM
After all, that computer can't still be broken.. :p

December 4th, 2007, 04:47 PM
After all, that computer can't still be broken.. :p
No it got fixed...after 3 months...

Thanks German-American MSI warranty system. ;)

December 10th, 2007, 11:09 PM
Still trying to figure out that password on your previous one. Might I question what that blood gulch thing is on that site? The 3d warthog course. It's very well done, yet has no real purpose.
lmao, I was testing out a free game engine. the bloodgulch was made by spartan04 the other maps where by me.

December 16th, 2007, 08:22 PM
How would you send a float I know what it is but cant figure it out

December 16th, 2007, 09:04 PM
Patrick doesn't come here, try another halo forum (or 2).

December 17th, 2007, 09:15 AM
How would you send a float I know what it is but cant figure it out
Change in the WriteProcessMemory function the vbuffer as Integer to vbuffer as Float. You are always going to write floats then. I haven't found another alternative.

December 17th, 2007, 04:09 PM
Actually I tryed making it into a single a double and a byte what am I messing up on? This is the code basically but I havnt changed cant get how I want it to work

December 17th, 2007, 04:14 PM
Public Declare Function WriteProcessMemory Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hProcess As Integer, ByVal lpBaseAddress As Integer, ByRef lpBuffer As Single, ByVal nSize As Integer, ByRef lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Integer) As Integer

December 17th, 2007, 04:28 PM
Whoa that was fast

I got it working to thank you so much Ill help you find a way around it try using if then statements

December 20th, 2007, 11:05 AM
It doesnt send decimals how do I fix?

December 22nd, 2007, 09:12 AM
Could you please tell me exactly how to hack it with Vista. I'm able to do it on XP, but i do not understand how you did it on Vista.

For example in another game: on XP there is a static address for something and even after restart it remains the same. On Vista there is no static address but the trick with process.exe+address doesn't work (address = the address i found out - process.exe).

December 22nd, 2007, 05:04 PM
Could you please tell me excactly how to hack it with vista. I'm able to do it on XP, but i do not understand how you did it on vista.

For example how do you find out the Base Index by using Cheat Engine?
There is a tutorial with CheatEngine. Not sure if it answers your question, but take note that it exists.

December 22nd, 2007, 09:14 PM
I've already done this tutorial successfully.
If you reread my post you will see that i changed my question a bit. I noticed that Cheat Engine just uses "process.exe" as the Basic Address.
Btw. how can i find out the Basic Address without Cheat Engine :)

December 23rd, 2007, 11:17 AM
Use this module:http://files.filefront.com/ProcessMemoryvb/;9310314;/fileinfo.html

(note the lpbuffer is set to single, change that if needed)

Public HaloMem As ProcessMemory.ProcessMemory
HaloMem.ProcessName = "processname"
(Add From Image Address adds an offset to the base address (in case it's zero it return the actual base address obviously))

August 27th, 2008, 10:14 PM
yea blue arrow hack is cool ill like to make a video of that but im confused in all this please i need help w/ the fly cam v 2 its alot more confusin than the fisrt flycam please explain more

August 28th, 2008, 06:01 AM
Urgh this is oooooooooold.

Register here...you get a lot more support:

September 6th, 2008, 10:42 AM
wow this is an old topic but im lost think u can help?

September 7th, 2008, 03:42 AM
Sure go ahead.

September 7th, 2008, 05:44 PM
Click This Link (http://www.modacity.net/forums/login.php?do=logout)

Flycam, you mean Pats one?

September 13th, 2008, 03:12 PM
nvm i understand it now