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View Full Version : [CRYSIS] Oh God yes D: Crysis demo sept 25th

August 27th, 2007, 06:50 PM

I hate school on the 25th now more then ever.

August 27th, 2007, 06:55 PM

Its about time. I have been waiting for this game more than any other game ever.

August 27th, 2007, 07:01 PM
This is very unfair. D:

School on that day, plus shitty computer :gonk:

August 27th, 2007, 07:05 PM
Lol, this is funny. I am eager to see what becomes of the demo when its put up against halo 3. The price factor is kind of cheating, but w/e.

I personally hate Crysis, its just a dx10 showcase. It's the posterchild for the graphics > gameplay movement.

I'm not saying its a bad game, just a great looking mediocre game.

August 27th, 2007, 07:12 PM
Spartacus you're an idiot.

August 27th, 2007, 07:13 PM
Lol, this is funny. I am eager to see what becomes of the demo when its put up against halo 3. The price factor is kind of cheating, but w/e.

I personally hate Crysis, its just a dx10 showcase. It's the posterchild for the graphics > gameplay movement.

I'm not saying its a bad game, just a great looking mediocre game.You havent even PLAYED the game yet. I think the gameplay looks freaking amazing, I LOVE the suit idea, makes gameplay TOTALLY different. I'd play crysis over halo (1,2,3) ANY day.

Elite Killa
August 27th, 2007, 07:14 PM
Ironic that the demo comes out on the release date of Halo 3.:raise:

August 27th, 2007, 07:24 PM
Oh yeah and Crytek says theres going to be a big surprise. Maybe official annoucement that its on Xbox 360?

August 27th, 2007, 07:27 PM
Oh yeah and Crytek says theres going to be a big surprise. Maybe official annoucement that its on Xbox 360?

Try Mac.

August 28th, 2007, 08:03 AM
Try Mac.
If so, then I'll be happy².

August 28th, 2007, 09:14 AM
Try Mac.

If so, then I'll be happy².

That would be the death of them. I highly doubt there are macs out there that can run the game smoothly with high settings.

August 28th, 2007, 04:37 PM
I am totally going to forget about halo 3 for a demo! [sarcasm/]

August 28th, 2007, 04:50 PM
I won't be able to play Halo 3 for a very long time so Crysis will make me happy.

August 28th, 2007, 06:48 PM
You havent even PLAYED the game yet. I think the gameplay looks freaking amazing, I LOVE the suit idea, makes gameplay TOTALLY different. I'd play crysis over halo (1,2,3) ANY day.

Exactly, the gameplay 'looks' freakin amazing. Crysis isn't a bad game, but from what has been released, the storyline is pitiful (aliens, again, zero depth). The stupid nanosuit will affect gameplay, it'll make it much more interesting, and customizable weapons are cool, but how much different is it from any other shooter?

If you strip away the distructable envrionments, amazing graphics and the overall 'nice look', then it hasn't brought much to the table so far.

For example, I just finished bioshock. It was a great game. A tad more linear than I was expecting, but it had an excellent storyline (u have to play it to understand, or go check out spoilers...). The combat was extremely open. It could be crafted to be extremely monotonous, or u do some crazy shit (-enrage a guy in a crowd -set another on fire -throw ~3 waves of bees at the rest of the lot).

I didn't like some parts of the game, it wasn't perfect, but it was good enough.

Crysis will be pretty close to good enough, but in the end, it just wont cut it. It'll sell, hell I might be playing it one day, but it just relies on graphics way too much.

That would be the death of them. I highly doubt there are macs out there that can run the game smoothly with high settings.

Lol, a mac couldnt even touch crysis. And its a games for windows game, let alone it uses dx10.

Dr Nick
August 29th, 2007, 06:57 AM
That's the worst day ever.
Everyone's going to be playing Halo 3 for weeks!
If it were me, I would've released it at least a few days before!

Reaper Man
August 29th, 2007, 08:19 AM
Oh yeah and Crytek says theres going to be a big surprise. Maybe official annoucement that its on Xbox 360?
:XD: Crysis on a 360 = http://bestanimations.com/Military/Explosions/Explode-02-june.gif

A 360 cant' even use DX10.

August 29th, 2007, 09:40 AM
A 360 cant' even use DX10.

The game still looks amazing using DirectX 9.

August 31st, 2007, 02:13 AM
That would be the death of them. I highly doubt there are macs out there that can run the game smoothly with high settings.

You stand corrected! Remember TheGhost's Mac? All you've got to do is install Vista!

Poof. All your problems are seamless.

August 31st, 2007, 02:22 AM
That day is gonna suck for me, wont be able to play Crysis or Halo 3 :( Bah.

I can sort of understand where your coming from ImSpartacus, what they have said about the storyline hasnt really pulled me into buy the game either, but perhaps thats to keep it a little secret :) We can only hope :D

The game doesnt look bad in DX9 but obviously DX10 is much better, this on a mac, well I dont think so really, more likely to be 360, sticking with M$.

August 31st, 2007, 02:43 AM
That would be the death of them. I highly doubt there are macs out there that can run the game smoothly with high settings.

lol@ the ignorant Mac hater.

I don't use them to (pc forever :^D) but You must admit they have some serious power.

August 31st, 2007, 03:19 AM
You havent even PLAYED the game yet. I think the gameplay looks freaking amazing, I LOVE the suit idea, makes gameplay TOTALLY different. I'd play crysis over halo (1,2,3) ANY day.
Bold statement to compare what you'd indefinitely play between two unreleased games you've not seen more than videos of.

August 31st, 2007, 03:30 AM
A statement that could be made, is:

"To me, Crysis is a game I'm anticipating to be extremely well done. As I've seen from its videos and pictures is that it may just be worth playing over other games. Hopefully multiplayer will do it justice enough and my 50 dollars will go a few extra miles, even on my DX9 card."

I concur with that statement. I will play the demo and decide whether or not it's a potential purchase.

August 31st, 2007, 12:31 PM
You stand corrected! Remember TheGhost's Mac? All you've got to do is install Vista!

Poof. All your problems are seamless.

I'm sorry, the Ghost has a Mac?:XD: Awesome!

lol@ the ignorant Mac hater.

I don't use them to (pc forever :^D) but You must admit they have some serious power.

I don't hate Macs. They have a nice interface once you get used to it, just like Vista. Macs have serious potential for multimedia but beyond that:shake: How can you people possibly think that the Mac would be able to run this game on High settings. I say High settings because that is where the line is drawn between what the game is supposed to look like and where people must lower the detail of the intended presentation to get better performance. Seriously, the best graphics I've seen for a Mac is the ATi Radeon X1900 G5 Edition, the equivalent to the X1900 GT and we all know that card isn't too solid either. LOL Smash is the only person who will say it is.

August 31st, 2007, 07:01 PM
Damn this game looks good. I might just have to buy it.

August 31st, 2007, 08:54 PM
Exactly, the gameplay 'looks' freakin amazing. Crysis isn't a bad game, but from what has been released, the storyline is pitiful (aliens, again, zero depth). The stupid nanosuit will affect gameplay, it'll make it much more interesting, and customizable weapons are cool, but how much different is it from any other shooter?
Wow, you make me want to get out of the game development industry. My games are going to have enemies in them. :(. It's just a clone of all other games.
The nanosuit is just plot to match gameplay elements. I fail to see how you can find customizable weapons cool, yet not understand how instantly changing your attributes will make it different from any other shooter.

If you strip away the distructable envrionments, amazing graphics and the overall 'nice look', then it hasn't brought much to the table so far.

For example, I just finished bioshock. It was a great game. A tad more linear than I was expecting, but it had an excellent storyline (u have to play it to understand, or go check out spoilers...). The combat was extremely open. It could be crafted to be extremely monotonous, or u do some crazy shit (-enrage a guy in a crowd -set another on fire -throw ~3 waves of bees at the rest of the lot).

I didn't like some parts of the game, it wasn't perfect, but it was good enough.
So you're saying an event system, real time attribute changes, and zero-gravity combat isn't anything new for a fps? Crysis will only be as linear as the world geometry. I mean, you need to go across the levels to move through the game, but that's a given as with any multi-level game. You can play through it once and do event A then play it again and play event B instead.

Crysis will be pretty close to good enough, but in the end, it just wont cut it. It'll sell, hell I might be playing it one day, but it just relies on graphics way too much.
Lol, a mac couldnt even touch crysis. And its a games for windows game, let alone it uses dx10.
Why are you even talking. You dont even know enough about the game to describe the features, yet you talk about the hardware requirements and say it's entirely graphics? I could have sworn the procedural animations, water, long distance view, physics, modular vehicle damage, etc. had something to do with it.
The game will scale back at least two years to hardware. Granted, the Mac actually had higher end hardware of whatever generation it was in (read NOT an X1300), it would run it fine in boot camp. It does use DX10, but it will also run in DX9. DX10 and DX9 users will be able to play together (although the DX10 users will have the game run in DX9 mode). The problem with Cryengine2 and Mac is OpenGL. The engine's already been licensed to at least two companies, so we would have heard of Open GL support already. It would be one of their main selling points.

September 2nd, 2007, 09:23 AM
Wow, you make me want to get out of the game development industry. My games are going to have enemies in them. :(. It's just a clone of all other games.
The nanosuit is just plot to match gameplay elements. I fail to see how you can find customizable weapons cool, yet not understand how instantly changing your attributes will make it different from any other shooter.

So you're saying an event system, real time attribute changes, and zero-gravity combat isn't anything new for a fps? Crysis will only be as linear as the world geometry. I mean, you need to go across the levels to move through the game, but that's a given as with any multi-level game. You can play through it once and do event A then play it again and play event B instead.

Why are you even talking. You dont even know enough about the game to describe the features, yet you talk about the hardware requirements and say it's entirely graphics? I could have sworn the procedural animations, water, long distance view, physics, modular vehicle damage, etc. had something to do with it.
The game will scale back at least two years to hardware. Granted, the Mac actually had higher end hardware of whatever generation it was in (read NOT an X1300), it would run it fine in boot camp. It does use DX10, but it will also run in DX9. DX10 and DX9 users will be able to play together (although the DX10 users will have the game run in DX9 mode). The problem with Cryengine2 and Mac is OpenGL. The engine's already been licensed to at least two companies, so we would have heard of Open GL support already. It would be one of their main selling points.

Lulz:XD: Spartacus got owned! Sorry man but those are the facts.