View Full Version : Something is going wrong with Physics tag...
August 29th, 2007, 05:09 PM
ok im working on some nice new eqiupment for my map pack. and i finished the model animations and collision for the trip mine object.
the trip mine needs to be a vehicle to work how i want it too and everything is working except the Physics tag.
i created my physics tag useing the same model as the collision geometry. it exported with no errors it just said.
### trip.jms
### created physics powerups\trip\
i opend guerilla and i tryed to load the tag but it just crashed. i checked debug.
08.29.07 17:03:45 guerilla pc ----------------------------------------------
08.29.07 17:03:45 reference function: _write_to_error_file
08.29.07 17:03:45 reference address: 4011a4
08.29.07 17:03:45 Couldn't read map file './'
08.29.07 17:03:53 EAX: 0xFFFFFFFE
08.29.07 17:03:53 EBX: 0x00198501
08.29.07 17:03:53 ECX: 0x0013EEA8
08.29.07 17:03:53 EDX: 0x000002CC
08.29.07 17:03:53 EDI: 0x0013EEA8
08.29.07 17:03:53 ESI: 0x00000000
08.29.07 17:03:53 EBP: 0x0013ED80
08.29.07 17:03:53 ESP: 0x0013ED70
08.29.07 17:03:53 EIP: 0x7C90EB94, C3 8D A4 24 ?????
08.29.07 17:03:53 EXCEPTION halt in \halopc\haloce\source\math\matrix_math.c,#1109: !realcmp(determinant, 0.0f)
usually i can figure out whats wrong by the final part of the debug but in this case, not so much... !realcmp(determinant, 0.0f) <---no idea what determinant is... all though it says 0.0f and if thats a measurement maybe the model isnt exporting area or something...
also here is my hierchy for my CG model.
i really need to know what im doing wrong so i can fix this so plz help
August 29th, 2007, 05:44 PM
overwrite an existing physics tag
(copy the warthog, and rename it)
August 29th, 2007, 06:13 PM
worked perfectly. there were a few errors but it actually created a working file this time. :)
unfortuneately i got this in sapien. i think i know how to fix though... 08.29.07 18:11:58 EAX: 0xFFFFFFFE
08.29.07 18:11:58 EBX: 0x00000001
08.29.07 18:11:58 ECX: 0x0013BF40
08.29.07 18:11:58 EDX: 0x000002CC
08.29.07 18:11:58 EDI: 0x0013BF40
08.29.07 18:11:58 ESI: 0x00000000
08.29.07 18:11:58 EBP: 0x0013BE18
08.29.07 18:11:58 ESP: 0x0013BE08
08.29.07 18:11:58 EIP: 0x7C90EB94, C3 8D A4 24 ?????
08.29.07 18:11:58 EXCEPTION halt in \halopc\haloce\source\tag_files\tag_groups.c,#3157 : #-1 is not a valid animation_graph_unit_seat_block index in [#0,#1)
im gonna try and fix the animation problem.
August 29th, 2007, 06:24 PM
Make sure your animation tag has at least one seat block. Throw in a weapons one for good measure too.
August 29th, 2007, 06:30 PM
its working completely now. thx. :)
if i have any other problems ill post them here.
September 4th, 2007, 06:22 PM
instead of making a new topic i guess id just bump this one...
sorry if thats against the rules.
i am working on the spike grenade and i made a effect tag that shoots out a whole bunch of spikes...... but the spikes don't come out in a 360 radius like i want them too. they come out sorta in a 45 to 90 degree cone. so how do i fix it. heres what my tag looks like.
also im working on animateing the m16 that im gonna put in the game... and i dont really know were the clip realease is for the animation .....
i think its there but i dont know.... (btw i didnt model this. i cant weapon model for shit. i can animate pretty dam good though)
September 7th, 2007, 03:21 PM
... ok really... im not trying to triple post but i think this just got pushed to the bottom on my last question...
also could a mod just rename this topic to "teh wankz question thread" or something cause i could just post my questions here from now on.
September 8th, 2007, 05:23 AM
he chamfered a cylinder :<
don't chamfer everything.
its not awesome.
tell him it's not cool.
as for the spike creation bit, you could look at the flood-carrier-form's explosion, and how it spawns infection forms. i know i used that thing as a base for chainspawning projectiles. (wich is freaking lol btw)
September 8th, 2007, 10:14 AM
no i got the spikes to spawn. but there not shooting out in all directions like they should. there all shooting out in one general direction
thats what im trying to fix.
September 9th, 2007, 06:51 PM
no i got the spikes to spawn. but there not shooting out in all directions like they should. there all shooting out in one general direction
thats what im trying to fix.
and he just told you how to do this, the flood carrier form when it explodes throws out flood infection forms in every direction sort of how you want to have projectiles going in every direction. So look at the flood carrier forms explosion effects, I'd extract the tags from the library or any map with flood in it then look through the effects tags and either edit or mimic them to make your grenade explosion.
September 10th, 2007, 06:07 PM
Wait, I thought the whole premise behind the spike grenade was that it did have a conical explosion. Correct me if I'm wrong.
September 10th, 2007, 06:11 PM
ya but if the grenade blows up and the spikes shoot off in a tight cone then its kind of pointless cause there not gonna hit anyone.
the conical explosion of the h3 one is not really a cone either the h3 one shoots at like 270 degrees i think.
September 10th, 2007, 09:20 PM
ya but if the grenade blows up and the spikes shoot off in a tight cone then its kind of pointless cause there not gonna hit anyone.
the conical explosion of the h3 one is not really a cone either the h3 one shoots at like 270 degrees i think.
Well, it's not super tight, but there most certainly was a conical effect. I remember clearly that they kept talking about how you could stand right next to the grenade and not get hit by the blast due to the conical explosion.
September 10th, 2007, 09:26 PM
ya im gonna work on spike grenade later. im not sure if i want to give up me stickeys yet really.
but im havening a annoying problem right now...
how do i convert a maya file (.mb) to something 3ds 8 can import? i dont care if its a plugin or whatever. i just need to know how to get a .mb into 3ds8...
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