View Full Version : [Map] Halo 3 Team Public Alpha\Beta 1 (Soul Runner)
August 31st, 2007, 05:08 PM
Welcome! Thanks for looking at my thead. By now I've probably already been banned, but I'd like to post my public beta somewhere where I can get REAL crit, and not noobs going "OMG SEX IN A CAN FTW!" in halomaps and such.
This beta is meant for testing gameplay only. The shaders and such FAIL on this, and some weapons just plain fail. My next step is to get everything look sexy, and such. This is one of my first indoor maps. It has many bugs, *lighting glitch in 1 room* and errors that will all be fixed in the final version of Soulrunner.
With that taken care of, I present.... H3T_Soulrunner;8448270;/fileinfo.html
Here's the readme (not included in .rar for filesize)
Title : H3T_soulrunner_pb1
Release Date : 08/30/2007
Author : FlamingRain & HDoan
Email Address : FlamingRain: HDoan:
Web Page :
Description :Modeled by Flaming Rain, equipment by HDoan, weapons by FlamingRain
A abandoned Spartan training facility, it was adandoned shortly after the electricity was put out by the covenant.
As the station crashlanded on a planet, it was shortly after that that a remaining spartan on this
complex had dug a hole in the top to let in sunlight. Backup light generators are now online. This place
is overgrown with vegetation.
Recommendation: [optional]
Slayer 6 people
Known Bugs: [optional]
Lighting in one room is fuxxed. Will be fixed.
Melee on AR and BR FP does not show up. Fixed.
Spiker model fails. Will fix.
Ground shader fails. Will fix.
Spartan Laser fp model is fuxxed. Will fix.
Acknowledgement: [optional]
H3T team
HDoan: Weapons, bitmaps, equipment, modeler, effects
FlamingRain: Level designer, modeler, effects, weapons, Leader
CommanderAD: Sounds
CtrlAltDestr0y: Beta testing and fixing up sounds
Limited: Beta testing and moral support
Conscars: Beta testing and help
Bleach: Beta testing.
Kirby_422: Helped out with tags and answered questions
Mom & Dad: Nothing. Hmm, that gives me idea for secret room.
More Info: [optional]
This is just a beta test, weapons and bipeds will change and there will be more in the future.
Here's a battle scene that I did.
August 31st, 2007, 05:13 PM
... what the fuck? H2Vista kept giving me server 500 internal errors and it posted 3 times? WTF!?
August 31st, 2007, 05:35 PM
i guess ima try it
August 31st, 2007, 05:40 PM
i guess ima try it
Also, the only gametypes supported are CTF, Slayer and Oddball.
August 31st, 2007, 05:42 PM
Holy crap this map lags like hell on my PC. You need a more expansive (read large) test map I was barely able to test this.
Assault Rifle: Looks fine the final part of the reload could use a speed up. I mean why does the hand go that far up.
Battle Rifle: Scope looks fugly and has the same reload problem.
Spiker: Looks fine though you should change the trail.
Shotgun: Ew. Looks bad in general. Sounds need to sync better. I hope this is just a placeholder.
Splazer: What did you do to this poor Splazer? Its missing a big chunk and whats with the green when it fires?
Pistol: Can't really say much for this gun really.
Bubble Shield: Only works half the time. Spiker just goes straight through and so don't regular bullets too sometimes.
Grav Lift: Doesn't even work. If anything this propelled me sideways more than it did up. Lagged like hell if the projectiles hit anything too.......
August 31st, 2007, 06:46 PM
i get horrible lag to
August 31st, 2007, 06:52 PM
Oh my god, what did you do to create such bad frame rate? I couldn't do anything because I got a constant 6 FPS.
August 31st, 2007, 07:27 PM
I didnt do anything. HDoan has a ATI Radeon 9800 pro and he got NO bad fps. I'm running on an ATI X1650 and I didnt have any problems.
August 31st, 2007, 07:34 PM
I didnt do anything. HDoan has a ATI Radeon 9800 pro and he got NO bad fps. I'm running on an ATI X1650 and I didnt have any problems.
And I'm running a radeon xpress 200, think of me...
August 31st, 2007, 07:43 PM
It was ok, animations are really weird.
Pistol--Needs a faster firing animation, reload sound needs to sync with reload.
Assault Rifle--Reload looks really funky, shooting animations could be better.
Spiker--Melee is all wrong, otherwise its OK still needs better work on the model.
Sniper--Needs a newer model.
Shotgun--Better FP placement, I can see through the model. Also needs better sounds.
Shield nade--It never disappears.
'Mancannon' nade--Moves when you try going on it.
Plasma Pistol--It's allright, not much change but some shader change is noticeable.
August 31st, 2007, 08:01 PM
1 - K.
2 - K.
3 - Didn't know that a overhand slice was wrong, but OK.
4 - Workin' on it.
5 - Duh.
6 - Didn't know I had a shield nade... Oh, you mean bubble shield.
7 - Yep, trying to fix that.
8 - Yup, I'll make new anims for it.
Does anyone want to make a server?
August 31st, 2007, 08:16 PM
It was ok, animations are really weird.
Pistol--Needs a faster firing animation, reload sound needs to sync with reload.
Assault Rifle--Reload looks really funky, shooting animations could be better.
Spiker--Melee is all wrong, otherwise its OK still needs better work on the model.
Sniper--Needs a newer model.
Shotgun--Better FP placement, I can see through the model. Also needs better sounds.
Shield nade--It never disappears.
'Mancannon' nade--Moves when you try going on it.
Plasma Pistol--It's allright, not much change but some shader change is noticeable.
Pistol: Will fix
Ar: Frain messed with the animations he will fix or he will not sleep another night knowing he wont be able to turn off the lights.
Spiker: The melee is fine just I think it is too fast
sniper: we are waiting for killa ep to finish textures
bubble shield: will fix
Portable gravity lift: Not sure how to add weight to a .equipment and to use it efficiently I run and before I hit it I jump and hold forward.
Plasma pistol: Flaming Rain is making new animations soon
Good day
Teh Ganon
August 31st, 2007, 08:31 PM
I really did not like anything in this little map tbh. Whether it be just me or fact, the only thing that I liked was the spiker reload. btw i have a radeon 9250, ran the map on the lowest settings, had noticeable fps lag.
August 31st, 2007, 09:18 PM
Does anyone want to make a server?
I'll make one, limited to 8 people.. Crappy internet. After 6 people join the pings get sort of edgy.
August 31st, 2007, 09:30 PM
I don't think more people are going to help the fps problem for those of us who have sucky comps. I mean seriously what the hell did you do to make it lag like that?
August 31st, 2007, 09:41 PM
I get 90+ FPS :\
'iunno what your talking about..
August 31st, 2007, 09:56 PM
Your forgetting that not all of us have good comps, and a map that simple and bad looking shouldn't have a FPS drop this high even for me, hell I run church better than this, and I'm running this on the lowest setting possible.
August 31st, 2007, 10:02 PM
Well I just put down that mancannon thing inside and it shot against the wall like nonstop, got me down to 9 FPS. I was pretty surprised, it was spamming out beams.
August 31st, 2007, 11:09 PM
That or all the blood you bleed =/ I wonder how much poly the map is
September 1st, 2007, 01:10 AM
It could be that I couldn't get a good lightmap running to light the indoor, so I used floating white dynamic lights to make the map lit. I'll fix that sooner or later, but first I need it to have a new BSP.
Are any servers with this map still up?
September 1st, 2007, 03:36 AM
You just got people that little bit closer to their hard drives head-crashing with that complete waste of space, spin cycles and time it took to download, store and play this collection of aborted of monkey fetuses you call a map file.
Your sick.
September 1st, 2007, 11:28 AM
Did you know that the trip mine never dissapears after you deploy it? Therefore you always die when you go near it.
September 1st, 2007, 12:22 PM
I wonder how H3CE is doing with their mods??
September 1st, 2007, 02:40 PM
This map is bad. Why did you bother giving us this? Even for an alpha this is pretty bad. How the hell did you make it manage to lag people's systems out xD.
Next time you want to release an alpha, actually make it have some content that is complete. Your animations need a lot of work, the equipment is really buggy, and the map itself is terrible.
September 1st, 2007, 02:48 PM
You just got people that little bit closer to their hard drives head-crashing with that complete waste of space, spin cycles and time it took to download, store and play this collection of aborted of monkey fetuses you call a map file.
Your sick.
.................................................. ..............
Why insult when you can give critisism? If you're going to post say something helpful or dont at all.
So you feel like being a complete asscrack instead of being helpful. Failure. Go get a warning.
September 1st, 2007, 03:19 PM
.................................................. ..............
Why insult when you can give critisism? If you're going to post say something helpful or dont at all.
So you feel like being a complete asscrack instead of being helpful. Failure. Go get a warning.
Trying to give criticism to you is close to impossible.
What have you done to improve your work before with the criticism you were given; nothing.
September 1st, 2007, 03:36 PM
Yes, of course. That was BEFORE, think of NOW. Fail.
September 1st, 2007, 03:44 PM
What is the point of putting "Fail." at the end of all of your posts? Is it to signify to the reader that that is the type of post he/she is reading? If so, please move it up to the front of your post, that way we may save our time and choose not to read it.
Also, you are the same NOW as you were BEFORE, therefore, we no longer give you criticism. If you don't know how I can tell I suggest re-reading all of your posts. :X
September 1st, 2007, 03:57 PM
Yes, of course. That was BEFORE, think of NOW. Fail.
Wow... is that how you see it? If there was no before there would be no 'NOW' or after. Seeing you haven't improved much from 'before' [oh hai before] even when people did give you criticism.
Looking at the video this isn't even worth downloading. Fix the gameplay. Fail [this fail isn't as meaningless as when you say it to everyone].
September 1st, 2007, 04:44 PM
The only thing I have to say and I've told you is, release a H3T_BloodGulch Beta, not this lagging piece of lag.
That's all I got.
September 1st, 2007, 04:54 PM
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