View Full Version : [WIP] Condemned
August 31st, 2007, 11:27 PM
Ok, so here goes nothing....
Here is one of my many HCE/H2V remake projects that I have been working on for awhile. This one here, which I am almost done with the basic modeling process, is Condemned, a remake of Damnation. I plan to continue working on my others (Athens[Chiron TL-34], Tranquil[Chill Out], Traxus[Rat Race], and Graveyard[Hang 'Em High]) once I have completed this project. The initial release will be for HCE, and then later for H2V once I upgrade. Just to let you know, these remakes are more advanced than just Battle Creek -> Beaver Creek and Blood Gulch -> Coagulation. Think more of Timberland -> Containment. (YES Containment is a remake of Timberland; the creators said so themselves on the bonus footage found on the H2 Map Pack disc.)
Here is the one part of the map that I can get some good angles on right now; the two base sides of the map are almost done, but still under construction.
This section of the map is complete for now, but the detailing stage hasn't even begun. MANY of the walls, floors, pillars, etc. will be in a massive state of disrepair. Remember how broken the beach wall on Zanzibar is? THAT state of disrepair, and then some. Also, in the detailing stage, the orange horizontal columns will be converted into industrial support cages that are also falling apart. Additionally, on many areas of the map, chain-link fences will be replacing walls, and will add many new tactical situations. Covenant plasma weapons will have a 100% chance of passing through chain links, whereas Human bullets will have a 75% chance, and explosives (Rockets, Fuel Rods, Needles, and Grenades) will have a 0% chance of going through, but the explosions themselves will have a 100% chance. Also, I will be adding ONE Warthog and a turret... FUN!
August 31st, 2007, 11:31 PM
I'm lookin forward to your series of maps, but uh...all you've given is a verbal rundown and a few shots of the same repeating patterned corridor....
Still looking forward to it though. I wish Bungie made more spiritual successors to Halo 1's maps.
August 31st, 2007, 11:39 PM
Just wait a day or two, then I'll have some pictures of the side bases, which are a bit more simple at the moment, but have been structurally redesigned quite a bit. I still have a few more conflicting areas to work out with them.
Also, if there is anyone who is experienced with map making, has some free time, and would be willing to help out, a 'guide', so to speak, would be greatly appreciated.
August 31st, 2007, 11:44 PM
looks ok so far, I'll give more crits and stuff once you implement all your ideas. Good luck.
August 31st, 2007, 11:53 PM
1. Condemned is a Human storage facility located on Earth, in the southwest desert region of the USA.
2. The middle region is just about the same, except the arc of the structure. The general layout is the same, but once I enter the detailing stage, all of the chain link fences, destroyed sections, ladders, guard rails, and HVAC systems will define the map. Along with the trippy underfoot-only lighting.
Teh Ganon
September 1st, 2007, 12:07 AM
Looks cool so far, keep it up!
September 1st, 2007, 12:35 AM
1. Condemned is a Human storage facility located on Earth, in the southwest desert region of the USA.
2. The middle region is just about the same, except the arc of the structure. The general layout is the same, but once I enter the detailing stage, all of the chain link fences, destroyed sections, ladders, guard rails, and HVAC systems will define the map. Along with the trippy underfoot-only lighting.
Looks more forerunner, what you could do is have it be an earthly forerunner facility under study by humans, in case you agree with what me and n00b think about the look.
September 1st, 2007, 12:57 AM
You'll see the differences tomorrow or the next day when I post the finished basic modeling that it is NOT Forerunner. Everywhere else is really straight-edged with indents in the floors and blast doors everywhere. Also, after it is skinned, the middle will definitely look Human. I plan to use a lot of old looking metal everywhere.
September 1st, 2007, 06:46 AM
So wait, what map is this? Damnation?
Looks nice, I can't even recognize it. Didn't know Containment was a remake of Timberland either, I hardly ever play on it. It's always the same maps:
Desolation (Or whatever is the name of the map in the latest map pack that isn't a remake of Hang 'Em High, I don't have my 360 on hand)
Never anything else.
September 1st, 2007, 04:27 PM
I believe I have finished the basic modeling process. This, however, is only 1/10th of the full process. The next steps are to (in order): make a pre-alpha build; make any required refinements and adjustments; add details (guard rails, fences, pipes, framework, and damage) and lighting; place weapons, spawns, etc.; find someone to help me with the skinning process; BETA!; feedback; FINAL RELEASE! As yo can see, I still have quite a ways to go before even a few members of the community can play the map in a beta. Anyone who can provide substantial help in any way WILL BETA TEST Condemned, AND any other maps that I produce in the future.
All right, enough talk about the future. Here's what I have so far:
Top View
View from top of Red Base
View from top of Blue Base
Red Base Top
Blue Base Top
Red Base Bottom
Blue Base Bottom
Red Base Overlook
Blue Base Overlook
Blue Base Middle
The Trench
More of The Trench
I still have to add the HVAC system at Blue Base, and the chain-link fencing, but other than those and the detailing, the Condemned is pretty much in its final layout... unless I find some major problems during the pre-alpha test. I still need someone to help me ASAP with getting the map in-game at its current state. I hope that this map will some day become a finished product worthy of being played by the HCE and H2V community.
September 1st, 2007, 07:15 PM
Nope. As I said before, much of the map has been tweaked and remodeled. Here's some major changes: There are now two ladders connecting the Shotgun hallway and the Fuel Rod Gun balcony; The Sniper balcony is now at the same height as Blue Base; The central platform in Red Base now has two ladders leading to it; Many walls have been stripped away, and will be replaced with chain link fences (see the first post for details); The courtyard (previously home to three waterfalls) is now much more open, with many piles of debris giving cover; There is now a turret at the upper end of Red Base (left hole in the picture 'More of The Trench'), and a Warthog that spawns at the lower end of Blue Base (flat area in the picture 'Blue Base Bottom').
I have a quick question: Is there any way to place respawning ammo for weapons in a HCE multiplayer map?
September 1st, 2007, 07:32 PM
looks very good, although quite bevely. maybe you should make grates over the indents in the floor and make the area underneath have wires and hoses running through it. actually definately do that, it would look awesome. Just use a texture for the hoses and wires.
looks cool I think, I can see the resemblance much more than the timberland port.
teh lag
September 1st, 2007, 07:43 PM
I have a quick question: Is there any way to place respawning ammo for weapons in a HCE multiplayer map?
Make a custom item_collection tag that references the ammo pickup of your choosing.
September 1st, 2007, 07:58 PM
There will be pipes filling the orange triangular areas and prisms all over the map. The floors WILL have grates, but no wiring/pipes underneath them. Thats where the lights will be located. I plan to make the areas color-coded with grey-red, grey-blue, etc. lights, and numbers on the un-open-able doors.
EDIT: And thanks Teh Lag. I plan to have some ammo caches strategically positioned throughout the map to give another element to the already intense gameplay of the map.
September 1st, 2007, 08:07 PM
About time you posted, Ross.
Just wait till i start on the detailing phase. Simply put, Cortana's "This place is falling apart!" quote will not be enough to explain the damage to the structure. Half of the guard rails will be bent, broken, or completely torn from their supports. Crates will be strewn everywhere. Piles of dirt and debris will cover whole swaths of the map. Whole chunks of concrete and metal will be missing.
Here's an example: Open up Damnation, and go to the upper balcony, where the Fuel Rod Gun spawns. Go over to the plasma grenades from there. In Condemned, half of the wall to your left will be missing, and the only thing stopping you from falling through the hole into red base's upper regions will be a few remaining pieces of rebar. THATS how damaged it will be.
That good enough for ya, Post Whore?
September 1st, 2007, 08:28 PM
I like it so far, Damnation is my favorite stock map, as it easily requires the most strategy to win at of any map. However off-topic this might seem, I'd suggest changing the name to "Condemnation" to better reflect the evolution from "Damnation".
September 1st, 2007, 09:03 PM
I thought of that, but Condemned fits the decrepit state of the structure better.
On a side note, I'm still looking for someone to help me get the map in-game...
September 1st, 2007, 09:11 PM
can we have some caved in roofs to show a night sky?
Not on this map. The height at which the walls stop is the playable area, and from there on up, the walls will continue, but a grey fog will shroud the area. If I can get it to work right, however, the wall where the waterfalls were will be broken open to reveal a rock wall, which will also be broken to reveal the sky. IF I can get it to work right.
September 1st, 2007, 09:14 PM
I'm good with the HEK, so if you need ANY help with that, I'm on hand. My Xfire is Jay2645.
But anyway, I like the concept of the map, seems to be a good idea.
Maybe stick a destroyed and flaming Hog outside one of the chain link fences, or maybe have a hog that flipped over and smashed through a wall. Maybe even have a crashed Pelican precariously perched on a smashed-in roof, looking as if it were to give way any second, sending it and the roof tumbling to the floor below.
So yeah, looks nice, like the idea and model so far. I can do everything EXCEPT model and skin when it comes to making maps. The HEK is the reason I'm in UMT.
EDIT: We posted at the same time, so I didn't see your post.
September 1st, 2007, 09:16 PM
I'm with ross on this one. I'm an absolute sucker for battle damage. Can't wait for it to be released.
September 1st, 2007, 09:20 PM
The smashed Warthogs and thrashed Pelicans will be for another of my remakes, Graveyard (Hang 'Em High; once-peaceful cliff-side grotto now littered with POA's wreckage and debris.), so I won't do that now. And thanks for the offer; i'll probably talk to you some time tomorrow kthxbai?
September 1st, 2007, 09:22 PM
How are you going to remake Blood Gulch? I would like to see that place be something like the Covie civil war on High Charity, with Elite bipeds instead of Spartans.
September 1st, 2007, 09:33 PM
I'm not doing Blood Gulch. So far, I only plan to make five maps: Athens Station OAC-144 (Chiron TL-34), Condemned (Damnation), Graveyard (Hang 'Em High), Tranquil (Chill Out), and Traxus (Rat Race). I am not using any custom bipeds or weapons, but I would like to use Neuro's Flamethrower Warthog on Condemned...
September 1st, 2007, 09:37 PM
Ah, OK.
A hog really wouldn't fit in the map (literally), so unless it has a bit more room for driving or is just the .gbxmodel sitting somewhere, unusable due to lack of maintenance, there's not too much point in it.
September 1st, 2007, 09:53 PM
I have intentionally made the map larger and the pathways wider for the sole purpose of giving Blue Team the Warthog. It won't be much of a force to be reckoned with, however, being that there will be a Rocket Launcher with extra ammo, a Fuel Rod Gun, two Flamethrowers with extra cannisters, two Shotguns with extra ammo, more than enough grenades, and a stationary Chaingun Turret at Red Base. You will not be able to drive EVERYWHERE, however. The central courtyard, the ramps at Red Base (but not to the uplink crate's former location), the walkway under the Active Camouflage, and from the lower Sniper location to the bottom of Blue Base are the Warthog-traversable areas. I have also already counter-balanced the Warthog's mobility and speed by making Blue Base more visible from the upper Sniper location and more accessible from the Shotgun location.
September 1st, 2007, 09:54 PM
Seriously, I just had an idea that you should have a crashed pelican poking halfway through a hole in the roof (or a wall) and have have it suspended by pieces of bending rebar, (complete with loud creaking noises.) and then where one normally have fallen on damnation you can put flaming pieces of debris to compensate for the fact that you can no longer fall.
September 1st, 2007, 09:56 PM
September 1st, 2007, 10:00 PM
ok, just suggesting, so wait is this facility underground or what? And now that you can walk around in the middle will there be crap everywhere?
September 1st, 2007, 10:17 PM
Yes, and yes.
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