View Full Version : Post your Bad Experiances.

Neuro Guro
September 5th, 2007, 08:14 PM

September 5th, 2007, 08:17 PM
This just happened 10 minutes ago :smith:

[17:45] Connor: fuck I just spilled cereal in my computer
[17:45] Chris - Yay summer!: oooooooooh
[17:45] Chris - Yay summer!: IN the computer, or ON the keyboard
[17:46] Connor: dont worry it was dry cereal from the box
[17:46] Connor: I had it on the desk here
[17:46] Connor: and I bumped it with my binder
[17:46] Connor: and it tipped over and dumped cereal inside my open case
[17:46] Connor: I should prolly clean that up now
[17:46] Chris - Yay summer!: good idea
[17:48] Connor: there are dehydrated berries on my graphics card :(
[17:48] Chris - Yay summer!: n0000s
[17:48] Chris - Yay summer!: they must be destroyed
[17:48] Chris - Yay summer!: just tip the case sideways and collect the stuff that falls out
[17:50] Connor: *eats berries*
[17:50] Chris - Yay summer!: lol
[17:50] Chris - Yay summer!: have they all been neutralized then?
[17:51] Connor: I THINK SO
[17:51] Connor: woot

September 5th, 2007, 08:18 PM
"Bad Experiences", eh?

There was this one time my friend told me what a "Mississippi Mudpie" was...

September 5th, 2007, 08:19 PM
The military ruined my ability to enjoy a good shit session. After dinner, I would grab a book and sit on the porcelain until my ass went numb. I used to take Epic long shits before boot camp. But now...now I am ruined for life. It's like I can't enjoy a good shit. I don't even think about it, its like a land mine with a pressure switch. The second my ass hits the seat the shit blows. In fact, its like a fucking pooplosion with serious back blast. My wife gets pissed when it is her turn to clean the bathroom. There is usually the remains of a turd impacted on the back side of the bowl. Poor girl.

September 5th, 2007, 08:19 PM
What's a Mississippi Mudpie, Emmzee? :downs:

September 5th, 2007, 08:19 PM
My last 4 years have been a whole mess of very bad stomach problems.

Neuro Guro
September 5th, 2007, 08:20 PM

September 5th, 2007, 08:21 PM
Around here its a cheesecake. :downs:

September 5th, 2007, 08:24 PM

? :D

Neuro Guro
September 5th, 2007, 08:28 PM

September 5th, 2007, 08:29 PM
http://www.mysmiley.net/imgs/smile/sick/sick0019.gif (http://www.arlingtonhotelgroup.co.uk)

September 5th, 2007, 08:33 PM
This just happened 10 minutes ago :smith:

That's not that bad.

When I was in 8th grade, we were doing an experiment with thermometers, and we were using the ones that have mercury in them, so they are toxic. Anyways, I was younger and immature back then, so I decide to poke my friend in the ear with the thermometer I was using (don't ask why). When he felt it, he hit the thermometer out of my hand and it smashed against the wall , breaking. My teacher sees that, and comes over. First, he makes sure that nobody got any mercury on them, and then gets pissed at us. He go to the office to make us have a sheet to make us write down what we did, explain why we did it, then make it get signed by our parents, which would make my parents go crazy. Anyways, he comes back and tells us that we will do whatever we have to do the next day (I'm guessing detentions, but whatever), which included doing the paper. Just thinking of what our parents would do to us made us quite unhappy and uncomfortable and feeling sick. In other words, we felt horrible (you know how it feels when you get caught doing something wrong and you know you'll get into shit for it). The funny part is that when we had the same class the next day, the teacher didn't mention our punishment until the end of the class, when some kid reminded him of what happened. After 5 seconds of him trying to remember he said " Oh... yeah! You'll do your punishment tomorrow". After that, we had a talk to the kid to make him shut his mouth if ever that happened again, and yes, you guessed it, the next day, our teacher forgot again, and this time, nobody said a word about the incident. A week passed while my friend and I dreaded my teacher remembering. At last, Friday came, and we had him for the last class of the day. When the class is over, we go to him and tell him and remind him of the incident and he says "Oh... yeah! I forgot about that, just forget about it then".

A few months later, near the end of the school year, I decide to tell my parents what happened, and they just laughed... That week was the worst week of that year, and now, it's the funniest. I know that it's not that bad of an experience, but it one of the worst I've ever had.

September 5th, 2007, 08:36 PM
I just went sliding off the road to avoid a asshole making a very poor left turn. The worst part is he sped off before I could beat his ass.

September 5th, 2007, 08:45 PM
I was at the airport with my mom trying to find my sister who had arrived(Bob Hope Airport), anywhoo there is MAJOR traffic and the two lanes are packed. And theres this idiot lady with her daughter in the passenger seat, and shes not allowed to be in the lane she was waiting in, and she tried to cut in front of us so she could get to the place she wanted to go, but my mom honked and just floored it for a second and just shouted FUCK YOU to the lady. Man, it was so cool.

September 5th, 2007, 08:49 PM
Yes, please enlighten us all.

My guess its something that we call "Cow Patties" around here.
I told you via PM. It's too disgusting to post.

September 5th, 2007, 08:58 PM

Mercury is not toxic unless you are exposed to it for a long time, or if you inject/ingest it.

September 5th, 2007, 09:09 PM
It had a boudet? I don't get it.

Neuro Guro
September 5th, 2007, 09:17 PM

September 5th, 2007, 09:21 PM
Great story neuro, your story's always make my day! :) Wish I could contribute to this thread, but alas, I don't got diddly shit. :(

Edit: Wait, I do. A couple of years ago I went to camp for the first time. Earlier that day before I left for camp I had a serious case of acid reflux. I ignored it and took a few anti-acid tablets. Anywho, later that night when I trying to go to sleep among all the kids who wouldn't stfu and go to sleep, I puked all over the place. Great fun. I was the top bunk so when it hit the floor it splattered all over the place. Everybody was yelling at me to direct my puke into a nearby bucket but it was impossible. When your throwing up your whole dinner you can't exactly move. I was sent home the next day. Since then I've always been known as the guy who puked everywhere. Fail.

Neuro Guro
September 5th, 2007, 09:30 PM

September 5th, 2007, 09:32 PM
If I was you I would have made up some extravagant story about being forced to commit some sort of act with a Llama, thus where you get your name. Gotta think of this stuff ahead of time! =D

Oh btw, at driver's ED I think I saw Jesus in the wood on this desk. He told me to listen to the teacher because its an important lesson on drinking and driving and that my soul is at stake.

Share your weed plz plox

September 5th, 2007, 10:42 PM

September 5th, 2007, 10:54 PM
Neuro thats fuckin' funny to me 'cause that same thing happened to this guy I know when we were at a party. Me and my friend were getting stoked in the men's room when this dude aidan walks in like "Hey guys, lemme get some when I'm done with this wicked shit."

So we're like "alright man."

45 seconds later.

10 seconds later

10 seconds later

You could here it flushing everytime too. Went on for like 5 minutes, needless to say in our current "state" we more or less suffocated of laughter.
And then he started cussing at it. It just kept flushing until he got off.

September 5th, 2007, 11:17 PM
I accidentally clicked a hyper link to the CMT forums. ;_;

September 6th, 2007, 12:13 AM
I swear I just got a C on my maths test (wich is weird considering I usualy get A's <.<).


September 6th, 2007, 02:36 AM
I just went sliding off the road to avoid a asshole making a very poor left turn. The worst part is he sped off before I could beat his ass.
Guys I beat people up over bad left turns, I'm cool right?


I accidentally clicked a hyper link to the CMT forums. ;_;

Mine... oh man, there have been a few. Though I have to say, the worst I can remember clearly was probably when I fell ass over head down 30-odd concrete steps as a kid. Ouch.

September 6th, 2007, 02:41 AM
my , now EX, girlfriend once asked me to shave my armpits. being the mindless slave i am, did that. with one of those machines things. now they work fine for your face. but not for armpits :x

chop chop chop, ouch ouch ouch.

was done, i look, and it's all bleeding!
kthnx bitch.

couldn't do anything involving arm-movement normal for 4 days.

September 6th, 2007, 02:46 AM
I once got a (possibly cancerous) mole removed in my armpit when I was like 12.

I know what your going though :X

September 6th, 2007, 03:25 AM
oshi i just thought of something for this thread.

but by the time i got through the mountains of neuro's shit, drving accidents and armpits i forgot it :gonk:

will post later :D

September 6th, 2007, 06:27 AM
Once, when I was at my mate Mitchell's place in 04, we were smoking some weed as per usual, Friday night.

I chipped in with a shitload and we started getting wasted, rite. So then I start freaking out, and thinking my heart has stopped. I panicked and then , Lol, I got over it. I stared at the carpet and followed it with my finger for the next 5 minutes.

I started watching the movie again (we were watching a movie) and I'm focussed hard on it, then all of a sudden, I swear, the ENTIRE room went blue, and I freaked the fuck out and jumped, then my friend Glen jumped cause I jumped, and said "what the fuck!" and punched my shoulder.

I felt that punch for the next 2 hours. Not pain. Just a circulation of...weirdness, that I could NOT stop focusing on.

Then, shit got real bad. I tried to smoke another one, turns out it was a party cone that was getting passed around the room. Being stupid, and not realizing this was a HUGE thumb screwed cone, and trying to look bad ass, I tried to toke the entire thing.
I chocked and hyperventilated, went outside and wheezed for about 10 minutes. I came back in, and then it happened.

I could see a red grid. Everywhere. A red, fucking grid, as If someone had coated my eyes in a mesh. I moved my head, and it trailed, and covered my entire vision, in red.

I pretty much stopped smoking weed after that. Do enjoy the occasional bit if it's offered to me at a party.

Reaper Man
September 6th, 2007, 08:30 AM
One day, a couple years ago, I was playing CE, and I met this asshole rossmum. God, what a horrible day. :fail:
Since that day, I have become a boobaholic. Boobaholics Anonymous meeting, anyone?

September 6th, 2007, 10:27 AM
When I was a kid playing in my local tee-ball leagues I came home after a short rain storm. I was in my cleats and went around to the side of my house where there's a wooden stairwell going down to my back yard. My first step on the wood slid and I went under the hand rail and over the side to fall about three meters onto some rocks. I landed on my back and there was a massive bruise there for weeks.

Out on the lake, I think my sophomore year of high school, I was being towed on an inter tube. Some massive boat was also out on the lake and the boat towing me hit its wake. When my tube hit that point I went spinning into the air. I was told I had to of been at least 20-30 feet in the air. I fell into the water backwards folded in half. Hurt like hell, and the doctor said I severely strained my back.

My freshman year of high school, I was playing some football an hour or so before dark. There wasn't much light around and we kept playing after it got dark. I caught a punt and ran for the endzone. Along the way, I ran right into one of my black friends. I didn't see him at all. His head hit my ribs, bruising four of them. I went down and had to slowly crawl to the side. We weren't wearing pads or helmets so my friend was dizzy for a while, but he was ok.

The next year on the lake one of my friend's dad took me out on a jet ski. He fishtailed and I was thrown off going 30 miles and hour. The momentum of the jet ski carried it the direction I went and it hit my head while I was under water. The bump from swelling was big enough to change the shape of my head. The wind from riding in a speed boat caused it to hurt, lol.

In fall of 05, I was going to UTk. Thanks to absolutely shitty scheduling options, I had classes that pretty much covering up all regular meal times. The only time I could make use of my meal plan was ridiculously fucking early in the morning or 2-4pm. I was eating one real meal a day and surviving off chips, microwaveable pastas and junk food for the rest. That diet for about two months was too much.

I took apart a disposable camera once to try and make better use of the capacitor and flash. I learned it had two capacitors the hard way.

I have a psychobitch ex-girlfriend who has done the worst thing possible. She's with my best friend now.

Rob Oplawar
September 6th, 2007, 11:06 AM
This thread is :lol: :sick:

I have the worst experience ever about once a month. I'm addicted to Flaming hot Cheetos. The serving size is like 20 cheetos, but I tend to eat two of those medium sized bags in one sitting (according to the label about 30 servings). I try to keep myself from doing this too often, but I tend to do it about once a month anyway. The day after eating them, I get the flaming red shits that go on for hours, it seems. It just won't stop coming, and it burns like hell!

It is fail.

El Lobo
September 6th, 2007, 11:35 AM
I've taken it in the ass on numerous occasions.

September 6th, 2007, 11:36 AM
I've taken it in the ass on numerous occasions.Enema's are a bitch. :(

September 6th, 2007, 02:57 PM
I was caught making out with my boyfriend by my catholic grandparents. That didn't ended well.

September 7th, 2007, 01:00 AM
I was caught making out with my boyfriend by my catholic grandparents. That didn't ended well.


that is my new sig.

September 7th, 2007, 09:13 PM

What did they do? (that makes two now, right?)

September 7th, 2007, 09:22 PM
My worst experience is when this French kid told my AP English I was a mute, and all the girls felt bad for making fun of my collection of band shirts and started hanging out with me. :gonk:

September 7th, 2007, 09:37 PM
What did they do? (that makes two now, right?)

They dragged me to church and ordered the pastor to "cleans" me. He stared at them and just asked them to leave. I got a laugh out of it.

September 8th, 2007, 12:56 AM
Ok, so it's PAC right (championship of track), and I'm standing minding my own business, and this kid has the audacity to release his discus throw early and hit me in the head with it!

So, it was a bit of a rainy night then, and he wasn't the first to have thrown one over here (I did myself). My friend beefy told me and bimbo that he'd say if a discus is coming. So we talk for a bit, then he yells discus and says, run. Ignorant me takes it for heart, and I run instead of duck. So, I start running the other (wrong) way and it hits me. For a second it's like the Call of Duty games, where a shell goes off next to you and your vision goes wacky and you hear a loud ring. The ring lasted, though I recovered my vision quickly. The whole feeling was like, surreal. It felt as though I wasn't there, and I couldn't decide what I was or was not doing, I just acted. So, I want to stand up and walk, but some coach tells me to sit down, and asks me questions. By then I remembered them, the only clear sign of my hit was me not being able to speak worth a shit. My words were completely fucked up. Anyway, when I got back to thinking about this, if I had run the other way, I would never have been hit! But, despite mild concussion, I find it better that it hit my head than somewhere else. If it hit my back or arm, it'd hurt like hell. When it hit my head, I felt absolutely nothing at all, just that my head had been violently jerked to the other side. Also, just to let you guys know, I wasn't being a dumbass standing around where they were throwing. Here is a visual representation:

("aiming this way" means that's where they were supposed to aim, not where it went)
Anyway, the next two weeks or so at school = huge lump on my head so I look weird and it was sore as hell.

Anther time is when I am following my sister around the house when I was like, 6. We go into the bathroom, then she starts to run out, then slams the door in my face! The door knob broke my head open. D:

Then, like, a year ago, I was riding my bike with a friend, getting ready to go somewhere. I decide to go uber fast, and it was fun. Then all of a sudden my chain falls off... there is a moment of pure calm, then the biked swerves out of control, and I skid on the asphalt and rocks that are ahead of me. My right arm was mostly skinned, especially my elbow. I just get up and head back to my house, but not before hearing this lady and kid who are innocently gardening, freak out. The lady goes, "Are you right? " She asked it several times. The 3 year old was fucking hilarious. He says in the most funny voice ever, "Oh my GOD!!" It was a funny experience, though painful for a few weeks.

September 8th, 2007, 02:32 AM
I caught my friend on fire last year in Chemistry during a Halloween Lab. Like, had to hose down with fire extinguisher and fire blankets and "stop-drop-roll". I guess it wasn't too bad for me, but he was pretty pissed.