View Full Version : NO! IT CAN NOT BE!

September 7th, 2007, 01:06 PM


I'm on my way down to best buy to pick up a new PSU, according to ASUS Blinking power light is one of two problems; Damaged voltage regulator on the motherboard resulting in a full motherboard RMA (5 Year Warranty, I'm good) or damaged PSU (More likely of the two.) I'm going to pick up a nice shitastic 650w Antec to test my PC with, if it works I'm going to RMA my OCZ 600w and get it replaced, hopefully I'll be without a PC for no time at all due to my awesome scamming ability, I'll keep the Best Buy PSU until my RMA'd one comes in, then return it back to Best Buy. Because I've got a Best Buy account I'll get my full purchase refunded to me instantly so in the end I only come out paying a few dollars in shipping to OCZ (which I can more then handle with my current financial situation, hell I could replace most my PC but I'd rather not.)


September 7th, 2007, 01:09 PM

Mine is broken too...either PSU or Mboard. Maybe I'm gonna pick one up tommorow...oh here btw:


600 Watts? If the price is under 100$ you won't get a PSU with that power....

September 7th, 2007, 01:15 PM
Its $122 something in store on sale now. Antec TruePower Trio 650w, from the reviews I've had a chance to access (GG Mother, I love how you ruined my laptop that I now have to work on, stupid woman) it seems as if it will even be a suitable replacement for the OCZ but I'm not going to keep it or even use it under any load, I'll just be runing everything as far from full load as possible. No gaming (360 ahoy!), no encoding, no nothing that I purchased this damn beast for. :(

Oh well, with OCZ's advanced RMA system I should only be out of a service for a week, maybe a bit longer.

Edit: Actually, or should I say amazingly, its cheaper in store at Best Buy right now then at NewEgg. Too bad its a POS. :(

September 7th, 2007, 03:26 PM
Looks like you should buy more dependable parts next time. ;)

September 7th, 2007, 04:07 PM
Looks like your avatar has jiggly boobs.

And good news, I just hooked up the shitastic Antec PSU and it all work, so I'm going to rip out my old PSU and install this one. I should be up and running sometime tonight, I'll have my A-RMA done next week so I should have my full system back soon. :)

September 7th, 2007, 07:17 PM
Double post.

I'm currently posting from my good old PC, everything is working with the new PSU. Also got a new desk set up going which I'll post pics of later. :)

September 8th, 2007, 04:10 AM
I hope I'm going to be as lucky as you are. ;)