View Full Version : [SOLVED] Halo 2 Will Not Start Installation

September 7th, 2007, 02:03 PM
I just wana start by saying thanks for taking an intrest in the post.

Wel as the title suggest my copy of Halo 2 will not start playing. i may have lied a little bit cos it does sort of instal but then it just disapears completely when i click play.

I have checked the log files and absolutely nothing. no problem ad no sign of it.

i have scoured the net looking for an answer and have found a few vague ones. but none of them have worked, ive tried secondary logon, enabling uac, creating second user. but i am still at a loss.

sooo basically PLEASE HELP

p.s my game is genuine i bought it from tesco....£30....bloody scam...but it was an impulse buy lol

September 7th, 2007, 02:40 PM
Urh post your system specs?

September 7th, 2007, 02:56 PM
uhhh.....carp....i was hoping this wouldnt pop up

my system does not actually meet the system spec, i have vista if thats what you mean, but it does not have necesary hardware


im getting a new comp on tue that does. but i dont think the spec is the problem it seems to be a software problem cos the game wont even begin...i was hoping that somebody would have some magical fix or something to do...cos with vista you gota mess round with all the admin rights etc thought it coulda been something like that.

Mr Buckshot
September 7th, 2007, 11:56 PM
uhhh.....carp....i was hoping this wouldnt pop up

my system does not actually meet the system spec, i have vista if thats what you mean, but it does not have necesary hardware


im getting a new comp on tue that does. but i dont think the spec is the problem it seems to be a software problem cos the game wont even begin...i was hoping that somebody would have some magical fix or something to do...cos with vista you gota mess round with all the admin rights etc thought it coulda been something like that.

...they're called minimum system requirements for a reason...you either won't run the game or your performance will be horrendous if you don't meet those requirements.

Post your actual specs (if you don't know how to do that, then google...too lazy to explain how). I'm talking CPU type and speed, amount of RAM, and video card model.

September 8th, 2007, 10:00 AM
maybe some spyware on your computer, a virus mb.

September 8th, 2007, 11:02 AM
uhhh.....carp....i was hoping this wouldnt pop up
From nothing comes nothing...the error has to have a cause somewhere :)

September 8th, 2007, 01:12 PM
sempron 2500 (1.74 GHz)
Radeon 9250 (256MB)

I know that it wont run very well / at all on those specs but im not even getting a 'your computer does not meet the necesary specifications' just nothing, it just turns off as if its been closed down.

Oh well i will wait a couple days for the new comp but i think that i will be back. cheers to everyone who replied

Mr Buckshot
September 8th, 2007, 01:45 PM
The Radeon 9250 is a DX8.1 shader 1.4 video card, it won't even run the game at all.

And if you're actually running H2V on Vista, 1 GB and above is strongly recommended (if you use the wowloader hack on XP, 512 MB will suffice). In fact, 1 GB of RAM is recommended just for browsing around on Vista alone unless you prefer turning off all the Aero treats.

Also Sempron is to Athlon as Celeron is to Pentium. But the Sempron should suffice for now.

September 8th, 2007, 03:48 PM
hmmm damn

that would explain it then.......tbh i didnt really know much about the graphics card but it appears it is more outdated than it thought.

ok then just to clarify, the new comps specs:

athlon 64 X2 4200
1GB ram
(and here is the problem) intergrated geforce 6100

just realised that its gonna have problems with the crappy graphics but it should be ok part from that?

Mr Buckshot
September 8th, 2007, 03:56 PM
Geforce 6100 will run H2V, but not well at all. You can hit 20-30 fps if you run it on XP (large scale firefights WILL chug it down a lot), but when you go to Vista, say hi to single digit framerates, even at 640x480 on lowest.

But since it is a Geforce 6100 motherboard, there will most likely be an available PCI-express slot. Use it, but use it wisely (i.e. don't get a Geforce 7100 or something).

as for how outdated the 9250 is, it is just a refreshed Radeon 9200, which was groundbreaking in 2001, then lost its ground by 2003 as more games began to utilize DX9.

September 8th, 2007, 03:59 PM
yeah im going to have to, its an asus M2M-MX, so the expansion slot aint a problem. any suggestion on a reasonably priced card?

Mr Buckshot
September 8th, 2007, 04:09 PM

Geforce 7600 GT, great bang for buck ($90, hard to beat THAT). No DX10 support but that's not too much of a concern as of now.

For $10 more, DX10 support in an ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT (by the way, it won't out-perform high-end DX9 cards):


Of course, if you are a man (lmao):

(I am joking about the last one).

This is assuming you are American or that you live in America, by the way (shipping out of the U.S. from newegg will drive the cost up a bit).

September 8th, 2007, 04:21 PM
lol i wish....

im actually from wales which is little bit at the bottom left of the uk (incase you didnt know) lol

i thought the whole point of vista was that it was the only os that supported dx10. on that note my current graphics card is dx 8.1 but i have dx10 instaled or thats what it tells me when i do a dx diagnostic....im kinda confused on that...shed any light??

Mr Buckshot
September 8th, 2007, 04:40 PM
Installing a later DirectX driver does very little unless you actually have the appropriate hardware shader. For example, for the DirectX 10 driver to be worth downloading, you need a DX10-compliant card (that means one that uses shader model 4.0). My desktop and laptop both use DX9c (shader model 3.0) video cards, hence downloading the DirectX10 driver will do almost nothing for me.

It shows up on the vista diagnostic as DirectX10, but that's only the driver. It won't improve compatibility with games or make your graphics better, sorry. Hardware-wise you're still stuck at DX8.1.

Vista does more than support DX10. A lot more. It's just a little early to make games exclusive to it, since the OS has not yet become standard.

sorry if I was a prick on the first reply, I was just a bit frustrated.

September 8th, 2007, 05:21 PM
ahhh it makes sense then...cos i read that all newer DX versions are backwards compatible so having it wont make a diffrence but its also not detrimental.

no worries sorry for calling u a belittling prick lol i bet u get a lot of people making threads just cos they havent read up.....gues that makes me one lol.

Anywhos i think this thread has lost its tracks...i dunno if a mod will delete these last few posts or not..

will update in a couple of days with the results form the new comp just to clarify the answer to my problem

cheers again

September 9th, 2007, 04:11 AM
Wow...lmao....how scary...the comp of my bro has the same specs..or let's say had because he upgraded his GFX card...and has the 1.4GHZ Sempron.

It's a old but still good decent rig. :)