View Full Version : I'm fucking pissed off
September 7th, 2007, 05:15 PM
I'm mellow now.
First day of school (it's like a once a week Christian school thingy, the people are cool) and I was pumped. I got to meet all my old friends, and everything was fun. I brought rope today because it was the first day, and I was expecting there to be crazy shit going on everywhere. Normally this wouldn't be any problem at all, seeing as how people get taped to trees and stuff all the time. (and everybody knows it) Well, crazy shit was still happening as it as always, but this one stupid bitchy member of the school board decided to give me crap. She always give me crap, and I fucking hate her. Well anyway, the stupid whore decided to bitch to my mother about my "actions". Now because of that ugly piece of cum drinking shit, my mom is taking me out of the school.
Now my simple joy of going to a school is no more. Now I can't see my friends. Now I;m so fucking pissed it's un fucking believable. I want to stab that fucking bitch right in her fucking dried up wrinkly badge. More explicit words: Fucking gay ass faggatory whore, you cum drinking dried up slut, I hope you die in a fire then be brought back to life so you can die again. Also, fuck.
Also, also, bitch.
That whole fucking family has always had something against me. With the exception of one of them, I hate them. Remember that hate letter I got a couple months ago? That was from one of their kids.
There goes my social life. My mom offered to put me in another school, but I don't want too. Couple reasons: Real school is gay. This school is fun. I have friends here.
September 7th, 2007, 05:32 PM
I'd be fucking pissd to. But, Public school isn't bad either :embarrassed: I have tons of fun there, you'll meet new friends.
You could talk to your mother about it and tell her not to listen to that shallow son of a bitch you call "The Whore"
September 7th, 2007, 05:43 PM
Been the odd, rarther, over sensible guy i am, This is not school, just sounds like a load of kids pratting about. I got straight A's in all High School subjects, and that was from hours of studing for years on end. Not messing around. And personally, you don't need friends, they just hold u back, but thats me, because im a fun hater! LOL.
Basically the most fun i've ever had is handing in some homework...oh yey!
People like to tell me 'Your a kid have fun' reply 'Fun is over rated'.
Anyway, sucks that your been taken out, i think thats a bit over the top, what 'actions' did u do anyway? LOL!
September 7th, 2007, 05:45 PM
Venus Lost.
My 360 RROD'd.
Atticus's PC died.
You get taken out of school.
This is the anniversary of Hurricane ivan devestating Grenada.
This is just ONE SHITTY DAY aimirite?
September 7th, 2007, 05:46 PM
Watchout guys! He may spit on us!!
September 7th, 2007, 05:49 PM
Venus Lost.
My 360 RROD'd.
Atticus's PC died.
You get taken out of school.
This is the anniversary of Hurricane ivan devestating Grenada.
This is just ONE SHITTY DAY aimirite?
You just had a mediocore day.
When u find out u have about 8 years to live, your house explodes, your girlfriend dumps you, your grandparents die and then u fall down into the sewers... Thats a bad day. Usually 2 of those things will happen in an average humans life too :eek: But not on the same day :(.
This should be a 'What was your worst day thread' lol.
Teh Ganon
September 7th, 2007, 06:19 PM
Well I see how you could be mad, but that sounds more like a daycamp than anything. also, "Real school is gay." oh man are you wrong. Have you even ever been to one? and when was the last time...
September 7th, 2007, 06:20 PM
Wah, wah, wah. I never knew kids could whine so much.
You're there to learn, as hard that is to get through your thick skull. God forbid someone did their job and got rid of the freeloaders who'd have a hissy fit if they'd have to do what they needed to do. I'd hate to see you when you get to the real world.
September 7th, 2007, 06:24 PM
You brought a rope to school?
Llama what kind of person are you at school?
Are you the preppy jackass that picks on others to make himself look cool?
Or a cool person but is sensibly an outcast.
Or other.
September 7th, 2007, 06:34 PM
Also, being out of school doesn't end your social life. If it does, then...that's kinda sad. Why can't you hang out with your friends AFTER school?
September 7th, 2007, 06:39 PM
Also, being out of school doesn't end your social life. If it does, then...that's kinda sad. Why can't you hang out with your friends AFTER school?
Because that is the smart thing to do ;).
Well what crazy 'shit' were you doing, it must have been pretty bad for your parents to take you out of that school.
September 7th, 2007, 07:22 PM
Well I see how you could be mad, but that sounds more like a daycamp than anything. also, "Real school is gay." oh man are you wrong. Have you even ever been to one? and when was the last time...
Meh, I didn't really mean that. I just don't like the idea of excessive homework, commitment to having to to be there every day, and not being able to sleep in. You know, the stuff you guys deal with. :p I guess I could try real school. I might just do it.
Wah, wah, wah. I never knew kids could whine so much.
You're there to learn, as hard that is to get through your thick skull. God forbid someone did their job and got rid of the freeloaders who'd have a hissy fit if they'd have to do what they needed to do. I'd hate to see you when you get to the real world.
-rep makes me sad. :( Also, I'm not really there for real learning. Sure, I learn stuff, do the work, and participate in class, but for real learning I take college classes online. I mostly there for the kids. I do enjoy the classes though. And no, the teachers don't talk about god in class.... The people do their work, but they have fun to. Usually everything is fine.
You brought a rope to school?
Llama what kind of person are you at school?
Are you the preppy jackass that picks on others to make himself look cool?
Or a cool person but is sensibly an outcast.
Or other.
Any other groups? #2 is most like me. I don't understand #1, why would picking on somebody make you look cool?
Also, being out of school doesn't end your social life. If it does, then...that's kinda sad. Why can't you hang out with your friends AFTER school?
Naw I know I can do that. It's not the same though. Not all of my friends are "best-buds" who I can call up anytime. You can't meat any chicks by hanging with you dude friends after school either can you? "End" was a strong word. I mostly meant "impair". It's just not the same as going to school. (even if it's hardly considered a school")
I brought a rope, and put it on the ground. Harmless. My parents aren't mad at me, they hate the person who complained about me.
Anyway I'm calm now. My drama bomb is pretty much over for now...
September 7th, 2007, 07:26 PM
-rep makes me sad. :( Also, I'm not really there for real learning. Sure, I learn stuff, do the work, and participate in class, but for real learning I take college classes online. I mostly there for the kids. I do enjoy the classes though. And no, the teachers don't talk about god in class.... The people do their work, but they have fun to. Usually everything is fine.
Don't develop the Digikid Syndrome. I'd believe you to be older than 16 if your first post didn't sound like a raging child throwing an Internet tantrum. You don't take college classes online because, for one, in order to do so, you either have to be taking AP classes, or you have to have taken the SAT or ACT and received the respective scores to be admitted for classes and admission into college. Given that you've also made it clear you don't give a damn about school and you're there to be a slacker, I seriously doubt you even have the grades to get noticed for even early admission.
teh lag
September 7th, 2007, 07:46 PM
You brought a rope to school?
^ Tbh. What were you doing with a rope?
September 7th, 2007, 07:53 PM
You can't meat any chicks by hanging with your dude friends after school either can you?
Gross... :eyesroll:
September 7th, 2007, 08:20 PM
Don't develop the Digikid Syndrome. I'd believe you to be older than 16 if your first post didn't sound like a raging child throwing an Internet tantrum. You don't take college classes online because, for one, in order to do so, you either have to be taking AP classes, or you have to have taken the SAT or ACT and received the respective scores to be admitted for classes and admission into college. Given that you've also made it clear you don't give a damn about school and you're there to be a slacker, I seriously doubt you even have the grades to get noticed for even early admission.
No, no, no, you got it all wrong. First thing, I don't exactly think rationally when I'm pissed off, which is why I treated this forum like a blog. Sorry about that. I DO take college courses online as part of a dual-credit program in high school. Recently I finished English II with an A. I have not yet taken the SAT or ACT, but I will in the future. I am not a slacker, and I give a big damn about school. I'm not going to be some middle aged guy working at best buy for a living. Sorry if I came across that way. Sorry for posting this thread too.(it did make me feel better though.) Honestly, I know this "school" I'm talking about is a joke. Although it does count as credit, I think they go way to easy on the students. Also, how can you compare me to digikid? Hes a middled aged guy thats married and I'm a 15 year old in school.
September 7th, 2007, 08:21 PM
Real school is gay.
Ah, the anthem of the 28-year-old Bagels & Deli clerk. :rolleyes:
September 7th, 2007, 08:23 PM
Ah, the anthem of the 28-year-old Bagels & Deli clerk. :rolleyes:
Errr, uhh. Meant "public" school, not school in general. Also, I have no idea how public school is.... :dumbass:
September 7th, 2007, 08:25 PM
Real "Public" school is gay.
Ah, the anthem of the 28-year-old Bagels & Deli clerk. :rolleyes:
Teh Ganon
September 7th, 2007, 08:28 PM
I say go for real school. You have nothing to lose. Everything that happens will either socially or mentally build you correctly to get around in the real world. Also sports.
September 7th, 2007, 08:40 PM
I say go for real school. You have nothing to lose. Everything that happens will either socially or mentally build you correctly to get around in the real world. Also sports.
I agree. I guess it's good I went to this "school" thing anyway, because I used to be terrified of taking a class away from my "mommy". It's no big deal now. I'm seriously thinking about it. Sports? Funny thing, one of my friends asked me to join their basketball team today. I've never been in any sports before, so I guess I will consider that too. Only thing is I don't want to taking up all my time.
September 7th, 2007, 09:00 PM
your "school" sounds like a dissfunctional waste of time :/
September 7th, 2007, 09:38 PM
No, no, no, you got it all wrong. First thing, I don't exactly think rationally when I'm pissed off, which is why I treated this forum like a blog. Sorry about that. I DO take college courses online as part of a dual-credit program in high school. Recently I finished English II with an A. I have not yet taken the SAT or ACT, but I will in the future. I am not a slacker, and I give a big damn about school. I'm not going to be some middle aged guy working at best buy for a living. Sorry if I came across that way. Sorry for posting this thread too.(it did make me feel better though.) Honestly, I know this "school" I'm talking about is a joke. Although it does count as credit, I think they go way to easy on the students. Also, how can you compare me to digikid? Hes a middled aged guy thats married and I'm a 15 year old in school.
English II? English II is not a college class. That's a high school class. A sophomore high school class to be exact. Nice try.
September 7th, 2007, 09:46 PM
English II? English II is not a college class. That's a high school class. A sophomore high school class to be exact. Nice try.
***sigh*** English II, English 1302, whatever it's called, I took it. Sorry if you don't believe me.
September 7th, 2007, 09:47 PM
I thought you hated public school and were home schooled?
September 7th, 2007, 09:54 PM
***sigh*** English II, English 1302, whatever it's called, I took it. Sorry if you don't believe me.
Seeing as how NO COLLEGE abbreviates a class course with a full "English," I would see you lying some more just digging a deeper grave for yourself, not to mention if you took this fictitious class you wouldn't have mixed it up with sophomore high school English and college English.
Also, aren't you home schooled? Since when do colleges recognize unaccredited learning sources without public school benifits? You'd first have to take the CPT if you ever want to get a GED, and NO college will admit you without a college degree, even if you have George Bush as your father.
Keep digging yourself deeper.
September 7th, 2007, 10:33 PM
Real school is gay.
...The fuck are you talking about, kid? Public ('real') school is awesome.
Well, it is here.
Teh Ganon
September 7th, 2007, 10:35 PM
He also said he is considering going there. Now rather than telling him that its just flat out awesome, tell him the advantages...
September 7th, 2007, 10:42 PM
Time for a [sober] Neuro quote! :giggle:
Advantage to public high school: it prepares you for the real evil in the world.
September 7th, 2007, 10:47 PM
I'm fucking pissed off.
There still hasn't been an answer to the fucking reason why the fucking someone would bring a peice of rope to school.
CMT still lurks here
These forums are filled with children.
But you don't see me posting about it (erm, until this post) or the shit the crops up in my life do you?
September 7th, 2007, 11:00 PM
your "school" sounds like a dissfunctional waste of time :/
god dam. i thought i'd be able to escape u academic vermin on the internet D:
look school is an absolute bludge, milk it for all it's worth, muck up, get in trouble, have fun and then when your a bit older and know exactly what u want to do and how to get there start studying.
Kids need to be kids not students.
September 7th, 2007, 11:12 PM
because it's physically impossible to find "work" fun :/
September 7th, 2007, 11:23 PM
Seeing as how NO COLLEGE abbreviates a class course with a full "English," I would see you lying some more just digging a deeper grave for yourself, not to mention if you took this fictitious class you wouldn't have mixed it up with sophomore high school English and college English.
Also, aren't you home schooled? Since when do colleges recognize unaccredited learning sources without public school benifits? You'd first have to take the CPT if you ever want to get a GED, and NO college will admit you without a college degree, even if you have George Bush as your father.
Keep digging yourself deeper.
Why do you insist that I'm lying? I've never lied to the forums, ever! (and if I did, it was an obvious joke) What do I have to do to make you believe me, scan the letter the college sent me stating I passed the class? Clearly you don't understand how the system works. (don't blame you, I don't understand it fully myself) Homeschool with accredited books from a real school --> a little bit of high school (basically the same thing) --> while in high school dual-credit courses are taken though a college. (still doing high school though, I'll just be two years ahead in college when I get out) I don't really understand it, because my mom set up all this stuff. But yes, I'm taking college classes.
September 7th, 2007, 11:25 PM
because it's physically impossible to find "work" fun :/
Yeah, if your a lazy slob who just sleeps, shits and eat all day.
September 7th, 2007, 11:32 PM
Why do you insist that I'm lying? I've never lied to the forums, ever! (and if I did, it was an obvious joke) What do I have to do to make you believe me, scan the letter the college sent me stating I passed the class? Clearly you don't understand how the system works. (don't blame you, I don't understand it fully myself) Homeschool with accredited books from a real school --> a little bit of high school (basically the same thing) --> while in high school dual-credit courses are taken though a college. (still doing high school though, I'll just be two years ahead in college when I get out) I don't really understand it, because my mom set up all this stuff. But yes, I'm taking college classes.
You first have to be 16 or older to be in dual enrollment. Second, dual enrollment is available only to government-funded high schools, which you need to be enrolled in. If you're going to sit there and tell me you're getting a free meal because you're getting home schooled (which I'm so sure that you're learning as much as a public school kid is) and then also tell me that your mother magically makes your county's school board look the other way and enroll you, then that's probably the most fictitious lie I've heard to date.
September 7th, 2007, 11:48 PM
Yeah, if your a lazy slob who just sleeps, shits and eat all day.
Ach, jah mein fuhrer!
Sieg heil!
September 7th, 2007, 11:51 PM
You first have to be 16 or older to be in dual enrollment. Second, dual enrollment is available only to government-funded high schools, which you need to be enrolled in. If you're going to sit there and tell me you're getting a free meal because you're getting home schooled (which I'm so sure that you're learning as much as a public school kid is) and then also tell me that your mother magically makes your county's school board look the other way and enroll you, then that's probably the most fictitious lie I've heard to date.
I'm not going to say this again, I don't lie. What would I gain by telling the internet I was taking college classes when I was, in fact, not? Nothing. I don't need to lie, period. You may see me as the countless other people who have swore to god they were telling the truth (yet admitted they were lying later), but I'm not such a person. Damn it man, you don't even know what country I live in. I live and Texas btw, and if what your saying is true, I'm assuming Texas has more lenient laws. I'm not going to sit here and try to explain the complicated enrollment process. I'm taking the classes, period. Choose to believe me or not, it makes no difference in either of our lives.
September 7th, 2007, 11:56 PM
your "school" sounds like a dissfunctional waste of time :/
well put... lolz
also cant u just call all your friends, you don't need school to see them.
Last I checked school was intended for learning, not saying i don't have fun in school... just, don't rely on your school in order to have friends.
September 8th, 2007, 01:07 AM
Llama, get the fuck out of that shitty school. Public schools are better, because the people there are often REAL people.
September 8th, 2007, 01:17 AM
yeah i allways get a kick out of parents sending there kids to private schools for better educations and shit and cause there worried of ther ekids finding out about the real world.
because all of the private schools around where i live are the most drug infested places in the region lmao.
September 8th, 2007, 01:42 AM
Your MAD your going to a public school? Thats hella LOL.
September 8th, 2007, 01:49 AM
because all of the private schools around where i live are the most drug infested places in the region lmao.
probably because they have the money for it :rolleyes:
September 8th, 2007, 04:32 AM
...I'm not going to be some middle aged guy working at best buy for a living...
Ah, the anthem of the 28-year-old Bagels & Deli clerk. :rolleyes:
I'm sick of people who think that jobs in retail or foodservice are for losers. While they certainly aren't positions of power like being a CEO, about 75% of the people doing those jobs are there by choice, and remain working there because they do well and get paid well for doing well. The rest are people in-between jobs or high schoolers looking for extra cash, neither of which who stay longer than a year.
September 8th, 2007, 04:40 AM
I'm sick of people who think that jobs in retail or foodservice are for losers.
...or lawn, garden maintenance?
I totally agree with you.
In Germany many people think that they are over classified for these kind of proud of themselves.
In America they complain about the Mexicans...they do their job MORE than fine and deserve to have a better life than most Americans themselves.
Somebody has to do these jobs...the more people are willing to do them without egoism of being "higher" classified, the better. Pity that Germans and Americans don't lack of this egoism.
September 8th, 2007, 02:51 PM
Llama, get the fuck out of that shitty school. Public schools are better, because the people there are often REAL people.
If you go to anything but a public school. You're either going to be a social jackass or a social outcast, normally its the latter.
September 8th, 2007, 03:58 PM
Public school is awesome; I'd hate going to a private school, tbqh. Teekup is right. Part of it is an attitude of, "This school (and the people in it) are not worthy of me, and they aren't as smart, either." Almost like that job thing patrick and polar were talking about. It's you thinking you have too high of a social status to deal with such things. Most people that I've seen become outcasts at my school thought they were too awesome (better than everyone else), so in turn they ended up with the losers/by themselves.
September 8th, 2007, 04:09 PM
...or lawn, garden maintenance?
I totally agree with you.
In Germany many people think that they are over classified for these kind of proud of themselves.
In America they complain about the Mexicans...they do their job MORE than fine and deserve to have a better life than most Americans themselves.It's more or less the illusion of being smart. People look down on those kinds of jobs because they are pretty mindless, and anyone can learn how to do it. Now, if you want to be an executive of a corporation, you need to get a degree from a business college. If you want a job as a "professional" webmaster, you need a degree in computer sciences.
If you want a job as a sales associate, cashier, foodservice, etc etc, all you need is a 3-to-7-day training course with your employer. No extra education involved, so that must mean the job is for idiots! :haw:
However, the breaking point is consistency; sure, anyone can learn the job, but, can that person keep up the pace and keep everything in order? Can they go out of their way to not be a dick to the clientèle? Can they put their ego away for two minutes to realize that you can get promoted and get raises, turning that minimum wage paycheck into a bigger one somewhere down the line?
September 9th, 2007, 12:44 AM
I'm sick of people who think that jobs in retail or foodservice are for losers. While they certainly aren't positions of power like being a CEO, about 75% of the people doing those jobs are there by choice, and remain working there because they do well and get paid well for doing well. The rest are people in-between jobs or high schoolers looking for extra cash, neither of which who stay longer than a year.
I agree. Just like my Grandma always says, you have to learn to consider everyone's job important. Even the guy that takes out the trash for you, his job is important. It may not be a CEO OF A BIG COMPANY, but it's necessary and somebody's go to do it right? I just get sick of the whole "you work at the supermarket...? OHO MAN!"
t3h m00kz
September 9th, 2007, 12:54 AM
I'm fuckin pissed off because I grew up home schooled so i got social disorders and depression and shit and ain't got nothin better to do than play fuckin bitch ass Halo PC all day and I ain't ever had no pussy (condoms do not count) and god fucking damnit fucking got no friends god fuck man I'm so fucking pissed because I got beat up by like a dozen sixteen year old black girls one time and I was like FUCK YOU but they were like damnit i hate you because you white so then I moved to Washington State to live with a dude who I have sex with in the butt and now I got a job at dairy queen but I still ain't got no friends so I'm fucking pissed so fuck tha world and fuck my face in the fucking ass and above all
fuck the fuckin po-poz
motha fuckaz
Sorry, that was a bit off-topic.
Bad Waffle
September 9th, 2007, 01:03 AM
but anyways, i think the only bad thing about public school is that the people in them are the mainstream preps/gangstas/druggies and they cant see how AWESOME it is when a guy like starts busting out into air guitar as my friends carries around the boombox. Instead, they stare at you like you've got the bubonic plague and they tell the school security to sic you D:
September 9th, 2007, 01:08 AM
I agree. Just like my Grandma always says, you have to learn to consider everyone's job important. Even the guy that takes out the trash for you, his job is important. It may not be a CEO OF A BIG COMPANY, but it's necessary and somebody's go to do it right? I just get sick of the whole "you work at the supermarket...? OHO MAN!"
Dirty Jobs is the moral of this right now. Being a roadkill collector, or spraying paint all over a field may not be a good job but it makes civilized life possible for everybody else. Speaking of which, I'm gonna watch it now:D
September 9th, 2007, 02:38 AM
As far as I can tell he brought rope to school to tie people to trees and be a jackass.
Also on the careers issue thing, I agree. People in states somehow have come to the belief that they will fair better as office drones then as craftsmen, like carpenters. Its all part of the capitalist bullshit system-- People are willing to do shitty, stressful, and boring jobs just based on the idea that maybe some day they'll be the big man themselves. I have news though. In order for there to be rich people there must be poor people. And thats most likely you.
"No masters, No Slaves."
^Also I'm not an anarchist in case I just gave that vibe.
It holds true if you make the "s" a "z" =D
September 9th, 2007, 02:49 AM
But just last week, weren't you leading UMT in an anarchy, Massacre?
Anyway, get home schooled. You lose all aspects of your social life, but, with very few exceptions, you don't have a social life anyway because YOU'RE A FUCKING GEEK!
Don't think you are a geek? You are posting (Or at least looking) on a forum dedicated to a game which is the M-rated equivalent of Star Wars. Yes, quite a few things are different from Star Wars, and it may actually just be the rebellious teenage son of Star Wars and Star Trek, but still...
Yes, I'm a geek, too.
What was the topic about?
September 9th, 2007, 02:51 AM
^:fail: post
September 9th, 2007, 03:05 AM
^:fail: post
September 9th, 2007, 04:00 AM
^:fail: post
September 9th, 2007, 05:05 AM
I brought a rope, and put it on the ground. Harmless.
uh, what the fuck.
i'm with agamemnon here. :lie:
and nothing's wrong with working at best buy/fast foods/etc. i'm actually looking forward to working, so i'll have some extra cash.
September 9th, 2007, 01:29 PM
1. I'm sick of people who think that jobs in retail or foodservice are for losers. While they certainly aren't positions of power like being a CEO, 2. about 75% of the people doing those jobs are there by choice, and remain working there because they do well and get paid well for doing well. 3. The rest are people in-between jobs or high schoolers looking for extra cash, neither of which who stay longer than a year.
1. They ARE for losers. They're careers that are picked up off the floor by people who tried and failed at attaining something better or who lacked the motivation entirely, which is the definition of a loser job. And then when they're still working the same dead-end occupation fifteen years later, they'll be the first people in the world to tell you how they should have "shot for higher goals instead of having denied themself a lifestyle that could've been theirs had they put the effort into getting them," and "taken hold of opportunities when they had the chance, but now they'll be regretting it for the rest of their lives," or "I'm so damn stupid, I could've been somewhere just a little bit better, but now that's gone because I was a lazy fuck. I'm such a loser... don't you ever turn out like me, you keep your ass in school, you get an education, and you get a real job. DON'T limit yourself."
Polar, don't dump your disgruntled, coverted laments on me because your in your mid-twenties and in the same position. "HAY GUYS, I NEEDZ MOHNEY FUR A NEW COMPOOTUH, HOO WANTS TO WIRE SOME BUX TO THEIR OL' PAL, POHLUH, HUH?! :haw:"
Also, what the hell is "Bigot, much?" supposed to mean?
2. Of course they're there by choice. Hell, even prostitution you have to mentally commit yourself to before taking the job. :-|
3. No shit.
1. In America they complain about the Mexicans... 2. they do their job MORE than fine and 3. deserve to have a better life than most Americans themselves.
4. Somebody has to do these jobs...the more people are willing to do them without egoism of being "higher" classified, the better. Pity that Germans and Americans don't lack of this egoism.
1. Yeah, so? They come into the country in waves and throngs, stealing work from native youth and elders. In veritably constricting two large demographics, we now have a nationwide population of old people who haven't had a job in roughly forty years and are sitting in their homes atrophying, not going to sleep at night because of their effete lifestyles and not waking up in the morning because they have nothing to look forward to. Their entire lives at this point amount to nothing more than the happenstance of being ferried from their doorsteps over to their children's houses where they are assigned to "watch after the grandkids (grandkids babysitting the grandparents)." Aside from being more helpless and self-pitying than ever before, the only topic they are proficient in arguing about is how their doctor filled out the wrong medications out of their checklist of thirty-six various pills they have to take daily lest they risk dropping dead in their sleep, all because they haven't used their body for anything more than lifting themselves into bed in the past three decades, and their body has slowly begun to designate many standard functions as extraneous because of the lack of use.
And that's just the senior population. As for kids, well... since children and youth are now rarely ever needed as the standard lawncare pawns or moving services, the younger ones now recede into the house where they play video games all day while the parents are outside haggling with the landscaping management, and the older ones are getting jobs as electronics salesmen and technicians where they are *wait for it* ALSO PLAYING VIDEO GAMES! Honestly, how the fuck did "morbid obesity" become an epidemic? What bullshit. Hell, even the Mexian kids are growing into fat tubs of lard while their fathers go out and spend twelve hours crafting the land of the local WASP neighborhood. Because our kids no longer have a purpose they sit and decay and mature into pitiable lifeforms uncapable of doing more than ten consecutive pushups without heaving; it doesn't matter how much money they end up making as a middle class computer technician or how many plasma televisions they can fill their colonial houses with for their five-year-old kids, our sons regardless are no longer developing into men, and likewise with our daughters. They are no longer developing any practical skills, because they as of yet do not need to. And then when the time comes and they are called upon to perform man's work, they pussy out and crumble. Good fucking going.
2. I do agree that they are skilled at their labor. However, they should be helping to develop their own countries instead of taking jobs here.
Italy is a perfect precursor; for years, the entire workforce was moving to America in search of "better opportunities" while the countries itself sunk deeper into disarray. The population (everyone who remained in the country and everyone who was emigrating) was a race of unorganized, agrarian, rural farmbodies. They had their skills, yes, but they were only menial skills, worthy of menial occupations; they weren't cut out for anything but the lowest of offices, and upon entering America they were not going to be inducted the through the stratification of the local society. They have to build their revenue and work their way up, steadily acclimating to the local people and being assmiliated into them over the years. As for the ones who lived back in Italy, they eventually got themselves organized and refined, and now they're one of the most prosperous countries in the world and a member of G-8. Italy, as far as I'm concerned, is a prime example of what Mexico is, and what Mexico can be if their workers assist their fatherland.
3. No, they don't. Like I said, they are performing menial tasks, and they still have to work their way up in society. They sure as hell are capable workers, there's no denying that, but so were the blacks, the Irish, the Italians, and every other ethnic group who has come into America. They had their places, and then they steadily percolated through. Now the Mexicans have ability, but they just have to hold out, wait for their acceptance by the locals to become tempered, and then they can slowly work their way up while menial tasks slowly open up to the rest of the population.
4. It's true that someone has to do these jobs, and that each form of labor in society is as necessary as every other as was a foundational value in ancient Confucian societies, but there is a difference between "being as necessary" and "being as important as the next," or as the Chinese had acknowledged: an emperor and a street-sweeper both maintain order in society, but the emperor is the custodian of the empire, while the street-sweeper is the custodian of his stretch of paved paths.
As for what you said about ego, that is not a part of the matter. Middle-aged, middle-class people in America look down on these jobs is because they typically have been working since they were kids so that they could get better jobs over time and not have to do that kind of work, so that they could earn more money and enjoy themselves later on in life while they're still young enough to enjoy it. Even so, most people look back at such jobs wistfully, because they did physical work and got excercise and had a good time doing it, as opposed to sitting in an office all day and wandering around a garage overseeing everyone else.
However, you make it seem like everyone spits on the Mexicans as they pass by and chucks tomatoes at them, while in reality the majority of the population does appreciate what do and are incredibly friendly with them.
Most people that I've seen become outcasts at my school thought they were too awesome (better than everyone else), so in turn they ended up with the losers/by themselves.
Well they say they're too awesome, just as a defense mechanism to cover their being unsure of themselves.
It's more or less the illusion of being smart. People look down on those kinds of jobs because they are pretty mindless, and anyone can learn how to do it. Now, if you want to be an executive of a corporation, you need to get a degree from a business college. If you want a job as a "professional" webmaster, you need a degree in computer sciences.
If you want a job as a sales associate, cashier, foodservice, etc etc, all you need is a 3-to-7-day training course with your employer. 1. No extra education involved, so that must mean the job is for idiots! :haw:
However, the breaking point is consistency; sure, anyone can learn the job, but, 2. can that person keep up the pace and keep everything in order? Can they go out of their way to not be a dick to the clientèle? Can they put their 3. ego away for two minutes to realize that you can get promoted and get raises, turning that minimum wage paycheck into a bigger one somewhere down the line?
1. Now you're getting it.
2. People on the lower end don't have an ego to worry about keeping in check because they haven't earned in themselves the right to think so highly of themselves over other people.
3. Words and phrases due for prompt blacklisting: ego, immature, ignorant, closed-minded.
I agree. Just like my Grandma always says, you have to learn to consider everyone's job important. Even the guy that takes out the trash for you, his job is important. It may not be a CEO OF A BIG COMPANY, but it's necessary and somebody's go to do it right? I just get sick of the whole "you work at the supermarket...? OHO MAN!"
See #4 in my response to Pat, and #1 in my first response to Polar.
September 9th, 2007, 01:41 PM
Quick! Someone get her email and pull a goatse beam!
Bad Waffle
September 9th, 2007, 01:49 PM
:words::words::words::words::words::words::words:: words::words::words::words::words::words:
okay dole, step back, and ask yourself. Is there a reason you posted a rant so long not even relating to the topic?
El Lobo
September 9th, 2007, 01:54 PM
What kind of kinky shit do you do at your school that you would need a rope to do it. I can see an air horn or silly string, something like that, but a fucking rope? What the hell is wrong with you.
September 9th, 2007, 02:03 PM
okay dole, step back, and ask yourself. Is there a reason you posted a rant so long not even relating to the topic?
Because it's completely relevant to the current discussion at hand.
I don't reassure myself of my composure or coherence after I have spoken, because if I hadn't been perfectly confident in what I was going to say and why I was saying it before I posted, I wouldn't have had the motivation to dedicate forrty minutes to writing that in the first place.
Bad Waffle
September 9th, 2007, 03:15 PM
how in the bloody hell does arguing about jobs and how some are classified relevant to how llama was expelled from school by a crazy admin? i think you're just going insane, because theres no other way you could make a connection between the two.
Neuro Guro
September 9th, 2007, 03:25 PM
I'm mellow now.
First day of school (it's like a once a week Christian school thingy, the people are cool) and I was pumped. I got to meet all my old friends, and everything was fun. I brought rope today because it was the first day, and I was expecting there to be crazy shit going on everywhere. Normally this wouldn't be any problem at all, seeing as how people get taped to trees and stuff all the time. (and everybody knows it) Well, crazy shit was still happening as it as always, but this one stupid bitchy member of the school board decided to give me crap. She always give me crap, and I fucking hate her. Well anyway, the stupid whore decided to bitch to my mother about my "actions". Now because of that ugly piece of cum drinking shit, my mom is taking me out of the school.
Now my simple joy of going to a school is no more. Now I can't see my friends. Now I;m so fucking pissed it's un fucking believable. I want to stab that fucking bitch right in her fucking dried up wrinkly badge. More explicit words: Fucking gay ass faggatory whore, you cum drinking dried up slut, I hope you die in a fire then be brought back to life so you can die again. Also, fuck.
Also, also, bitch.
That whole fucking family has always had something against me. With the exception of one of them, I hate them. Remember that hate letter I got a couple months ago? That was from one of their kids.
There goes my social life. My mom offered to put me in another school, but I don't want too. Couple reasons: Real school is gay. This school is fun. I have friends here.
Jesus Christ Llama, stop your bitching. Have you ever taken a moment to be grateful for what you have in your life? Did you know kids in Ethiopia will practically chew their fingers off because they're so hungry?
Yeah damn thats horrible isn't it? But not possibly as close to you losing your "social life". hmmmmm yeah about that.. >.> Seems to me you're just like the rest of the population of kids today that fell out of their mom's ass who have been brained washed into thinking that money, having fun, and having a social life is the key to life.
Heres some spoilers for you: There more to life then being the popular kid at some prep-shit private school. When your body is rotting in your hole at the end of your years is there going to be any kind of mark you've left on this world that is significant enough that people would even still remember you? Hopefully these few words of text will inspire something left inside of you to make some changes for the best, before you've wasted the rest of your life and only find out at the end that you should have tried to see things for how they are in this reality.
September 9th, 2007, 03:38 PM
Neuro? Being serious?
Neuro Guro
September 9th, 2007, 03:41 PM
Neuro? Being serious?
,also cocks.
September 9th, 2007, 03:44 PM
Public school is awesome; I'd hate going to a private school, tbqh. Teekup is right. Part of it is an attitude of, "This school (and the people in it) are not worthy of me, and they aren't as smart, either." Almost like that job thing patrick and polar were talking about. It's you thinking you have too high of a social status to deal with such things. Most people that I've seen become outcasts at my school thought they were too awesome (better than everyone else), so in turn they ended up with the losers/by themselves.
We have a huge population of that here at Fort Mill High. For some reason a large preppy group from up north are really outcast, the local jocks and preps won't even bother with them, its really embarassing to see how they have such an attitude with teachers to make them look cool, every one will literally just stare them down until they yield to the teacher.
September 9th, 2007, 03:44 PM
:) thats more like it
EDIT: Teekie, you finished your message before i did :fail:
September 9th, 2007, 03:45 PM
There goes my social life.
You have a social life?
September 9th, 2007, 03:47 PM
,also cocks.
Good save.
September 9th, 2007, 04:52 PM
how in the bloody hell does arguing about jobs and how some are classified relevant to how llama was expelled from school by a crazy admin? i think you're just going insane, because theres no other way you could make a connection between the two.
Hehe, you're funny. :p
Obviously you haven't read the past two pages? :-?
September 9th, 2007, 04:53 PM
We have a huge population of that here at Fort Mill High. For some reason a large preppy group from up north are really outcast, the local jocks and preps won't even bother with them, its really embarassing to see how they have such an attitude with teachers to make them look cool, every one will literally just stare them down until they yield to the teacher.
Yes, I hate people that try to be cool by doing something like that, so at my school we tend to do the same thing.
September 9th, 2007, 08:50 PM
Well, this topic failed. Posted it when I was mad, and it doesn't make much since anymore. Locked.
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