View Full Version : Possibilities for a H3 Snowbound-type forcefield for HaloCE
September 8th, 2007, 04:52 PM
I'm currently looking into ways to make a forcefield that blocks weapon fire and vehicles but not players. So far, I think I have found most of the pieces I would need.
First off there is a vehicle glitch in the old pemba beta by Paladin. I found this glitch awhile ago and forgot about it but I don't think I was the first to find it. I uploaded a recording of it here:
What happens is that there is an invisible one way vehicle barrier that stops the hogs from leaving the area where the red hog spawned, though players can walk and shoot though it just fine. I think this glitch has something to do with the material ids in 3ds and the shader symbols I've read about in the official hek tutorial.
The other half of the forcefield would be stopping weapons fire while still allowing players though. For that I have noticed that water planes cause some weapons fire to explode on impact, like rockets and frg blasts. With some tweaking, blocking other weapons with a transparent water plane might be possible.
So, with two planes, one for the pemba vehicle glitch to block vehicles, and the other for a transparent water-like plane to block weapons fire, I think a Snowbound type forcefield would be possible for HaloCe.
Much of this is still speculation since some of this stuff I've never worked with before or had the time to test but I thought it was interesting enough as it is now so I decided to share what I had so far.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
September 8th, 2007, 04:55 PM
or you can set invisible bipeds with infinite hp and the biped-pass through flag on and give them a high weight so they cant fly away
September 8th, 2007, 04:56 PM
Sounds like a good plan :)
or you can set invisible bipeds with infinite hp and the biped-pass through flag on and give them a high weight so they cant fly away
September 8th, 2007, 04:56 PM
My idea:
Create a weapon tag (Projectiles impact weapons, but bipeds do not collide), use the shield door model. Place it on the map, attach it to an invisible scenery with a script. Continuously re-create the weapon so it doesn't disappear.
teh lag
September 8th, 2007, 04:57 PM
.Weapon tags allow players to pass through but have bullet collision; a script to recreate one every 30 secs or so (therefore preventing respawn dissapearing) would do the trick.
September 8th, 2007, 04:58 PM
Either he made a player clip there (on Pemba), or there are nearly co-planar faces there and it causes that to happen.
September 8th, 2007, 05:09 PM
Either he made a player clip there (on Pemba), or there are nearly co-planar faces there and it causes that to happen.
Ya, I figured the glitch had something to do with the model itself. I would prefer to do it that way if I can. The script is a neat idea but I'm sure that this should be possible by just using faces, player clipping, or some combination of shader symbols.
If Paladin still has the model, maybe he could take screenshot of that area in 3DS so we could know for sure. I haven't seen him around lately so I may pm him later about it.
September 8th, 2007, 05:11 PM
Well, if both lag and leet said it, I'd say to do it that way. They both know their shit, and I am sure they would have suggested an easier way if they could have.
September 8th, 2007, 05:14 PM
Ya, it may end up being the easier way in the end since I've only seen that invisibile vehicle wall glitch once on all the maps I've played on.
September 8th, 2007, 05:20 PM
Sounds like a good plan :)
lol ive done it it works but no syncysyncy
September 8th, 2007, 09:12 PM
lol ive done it it works but no syncysyncy
video example, mb?... Why don't we make one for public anyway?
September 8th, 2007, 09:17 PM
Why can't you just do like a piece of glass with an invisible teleporter surrounding it.
September 8th, 2007, 09:26 PM
My idea:
Create a weapon tag (Projectiles impact weapons, but bipeds do not collide), use the shield door model. Place it on the map, attach it to an invisible scenery with a script. Continuously re-create the weapon so it doesn't disappear.
Bubble shield.
t3h m00kz
September 8th, 2007, 09:26 PM
Why can't you just do like a piece of glass with an invisible teleporter surrounding it.
Because that's retarded.
September 8th, 2007, 09:28 PM
Yes, who wants to go through a piece of glass all-
Wait, where the fuck am I? Oh right, just through the tele.
Tele green-y ness throws off gameplay. I think I might use this for a flare XD.
September 8th, 2007, 09:28 PM
forgive me if this sounds stupid, I stopped modding after Halo CE came out... but can't you just make an object or a certain material collidable with projectiles but not bipeds...?
September 8th, 2007, 09:28 PM
video example, mb?... Why don't we make one for public anyway?
nah no point. it also makes the map file massive
Yes, who wants to go through a piece of glass all-
Wait, where the fuck am I? Oh right, just through the tele.
Tele green-y ness throws off gameplay. I think I might use this for a flare XD.
he means the shader. jeez... not netgame equipment.
September 8th, 2007, 09:31 PM
Because still you would get a teleport whoosh with green effect sound.
Unless you remove those effects, then you would just warp a million.
September 8th, 2007, 09:36 PM
nah no point. it also makes the map file massive
Why not use the same Method CMT did for SPv2? They figured out how to put more things in the campaign, remember? Some sorta compression stuff...
September 8th, 2007, 09:42 PM
Because still you would get a teleport whoosh with green effect sound.
Unless you remove those effects, then you would just warp a million.
Actually, if you use a scripted cutscene teleporter you avoid the sound effect and you don't have to have the green glowy thing. In fact, I would bet that most secret teleporters work in this manner since all the well hidden ones don't make noise.
The problem with using the teleporter/piece of glass idea is that the transition would not be smooth and players would know it wasn't like the original.
September 8th, 2007, 09:45 PM
whats so retarded about it? I mean you could just make the new tele effect little lightning bolts or something. it'd be simple. All you would have to do is stretch the teleporter shader across your hall, and then stick some on both sides, its probably easiest and simplist.
September 8th, 2007, 10:01 PM
Its a good idea and fairly simple to understand. I'd just prefer to do this without teleporters if I could since the pemba glitch is just a plane with some material symbols.
September 8th, 2007, 10:27 PM
Ya, that would stink.
However, it wouldn't be that hard to create an anti-camper/teleblocker script with triggervolume placed around where you're supposed to pop out.
September 9th, 2007, 12:11 AM
so what, I mean, if theres a guy standing right there you wouldn't be able to walk through anyway...
September 9th, 2007, 12:45 AM
Blocking teleports is a valid but annoying tactic on some maps, like bloodgulch for instace. I just find it annoying sometimes. Using a scripted teleporter I could kill/destroy/respawn any object blocking the teleport before teleporting the player through. Just an idea I've had for awhile.
I plan to try using special material ids on planes before I resort to the teleporter thing anyway.
September 9th, 2007, 01:09 AM
hold on here,which are we talking about?
A: an invisible surface with a teleporter on either side, allowing you to teleport past the surface while stopping bullets n grenades n shit
B: a surface that can be passed through by bipeds, but not projectiles and it has a teleporter's shader
September 9th, 2007, 02:15 AM
September 9th, 2007, 04:38 AM also could make a simple glass wall...and then make teleporters on each teleport to the other site...
but that would be cheap ass...I like the weapon idea :D
September 9th, 2007, 06:21 AM
that was suggested a page ago :3
the problem with that was tele blockers.
HOWEVER, if the passage containing this thing was wide enough only for people to walk in single file, that could make a bit more sense.
Then make more teleporters....if they block the whole wall you can't penetrate it in the first place....:rolleyes:
September 9th, 2007, 09:11 AM
hold on here,which are we talking about?
A: an invisible surface with a teleporter on either side, allowing you to teleport past the surface while stopping bullets n grenades n shit
B: a surface that can be passed through by bipeds, but not projectiles and it has a teleporter's shader
Actually, there were four ideas - invisible bipeds, a scenery-type weapon object and a script, a piece of glass with a plasma shader and teleporters, and the invisible barrier like the one I found on Pemba. I think this shader symbol was one of the ones that caused it:
Large collideable property. This flag or shader symbol when applied to a material that is applied to a face or surface sets the surface up to not be rendered and only have collision.
You know on Gephyrophobia how banshees don't fall down past a certain height but smaller objects like the MC, weapons and grenades keep going? Its something like that. The pemba barrier is a bit different though since an unpiloted banshee will fall down into the fog when the piloted one doesn't. I tried to rocket grenade the warthog past the one on pemba but it wouldn't go through.
If I make a plane with that and another plane with something that affects weapons like the forcefield shader (still looking into that part of it), then I have a working forcefield without scripting, bipeds, teleporters, or weapons. Even if I don't get that part working, an anti-vehicle barrier would come in handy for sealing your bases if you didn't want players tricking vehicles in.
September 9th, 2007, 09:16 AM
Actually, the * material symbol creates the opposite effect that you want. It lets in projectiles, though it keeps players out. (Thus, it is used for player clips)
The effect that you observed on Gephyrophobia was created using a vehicle floor/vehicle ceiling. This is a user-defined value in the BSP tag that tells the game how low/high any vehicles can go on the Z-axis.
September 9th, 2007, 09:44 AM
Forgot about vehicle ceilings. Those are just values right? If they were planes I could borrow the effect but I guess thats not going to work.
If the * material does the opposite, then I'm not sure which one(s) would. I asked Paladin about it and he said the glitch was just a plane with some material symbols on it. Unless I'm the only one that experienced that glitch it should be possible to replicate, or at least thats what I'm hoping.
September 9th, 2007, 10:27 AM
the only way this is going to work and make it look proper is like l33t said. use weapons. teleporters will look retarded. and there is no way materials will give you the desired effect. the effect paladin achieved was through nearly co-planar faces and this glitch only happens by chance. you can't recreate it every time you make that error.
September 9th, 2007, 03:32 PM
I guess trying out the nearly co-planar faces would be more of a pain then its worth if it can only happen by chance. :confused2:
Thanks for explaining that, PenGuin. I guess I'll see what I can do with l33t's weapon idea then.
September 9th, 2007, 06:30 PM
What happens is that there is an invisible one way vehicle barrier that stops the hogs from leaving the area where the red hog spawned, though players can walk and shoot though it just fine. I think this glitch has something to do with the material ids in 3ds and the shader symbols I've read about in the official hek tutorial.
- that ones simple, its a coplanar face error most likely... related to the bsp and not able to be created using scenery, only bsp collision structure's
The other half of the forcefield would be stopping weapons fire while still allowing players though. For that I have noticed that water planes cause some weapons fire to explode on impact, like rockets and frg blasts. With some tweaking, blocking other weapons with a transparent water plane might be possible.
-Another simple one this is caused by the fogplane used in water, when you check off "is water" in a .fog tag it makes the fog act like water, so when your in it, you sound like your underwater and such, and also when you throw/shoot stuff at the water splashes and deflections occur, another element of the game reserved for bsp structures only, won't work with scenery.
So, with two planes, one for the pemba vehicle glitch to block vehicles, and the other for a transparent water-like plane to block weapons fire, I think a Snowbound type forcefield would be possible for HaloCe.
Comments and suggestions are welcome.
It won't work unfortunately
The only good idea I was ever able to come up with so far was to somehow use .damage effects and forces to stop the bullets/grenades, but idk... thats also another highly unlikely method.
Wouldn't passes through other bipeds work actually... I never saw that flag before, assuming it makes the player able to walk through any bipeds collision then it should work.
The only side effect is walking through players, can kind of be solved by adding small .damage effects with small force accelerations to the player bipeds so you cant completely walk through a player, but still be able to walk through the forcefield made from a biped.
Choking Victim
September 9th, 2007, 07:01 PM
make the wall a biped and check the "dead" flag in sapien. boom, dont think it'll stop vehicles though, never thought about it.
September 9th, 2007, 08:23 PM
Ya, I kinda figured the pemba glitch and the water plane would be bsp only things. My idea for using a water plane for deflection was kinda far fetched but its the only plane I know of that effects weapons (rockets and frg blasts explode when they hit it) and allows players to walk through it.
The pemba glitch and the gephy vehicle floor are the only things I've seen that affect vehicles. The wall as a dead biped sounds like a good cannidate for handling weapon fire though. These are rather creative ideas so I haven't completely given up on the idea of eventually finding a way to make the forcefield.
September 10th, 2007, 01:55 PM
make the wall a biped and check the "dead" flag in sapien. boom, dont think it'll stop vehicles though, never thought about it.
don't think so either. so between those 2 i think l33t's wins
Choking Victim
September 10th, 2007, 03:38 PM
don't think so either. so between those 2 i think l33t's wins
It stops bullets, and you can walk through it...same exact thing fool. Try killing yourself in halo, then shoot your dead body, it stops bullets, now walk over it. What a surprise, it doesn't collide with you. I dunno if you meant to come out sounding like a total cock, but you kinda did. Forgiven.
September 10th, 2007, 04:17 PM
noes :( i <3 you choking i know what you mean but i remember attempting something like this before and there was some sort of error, i forget what it was that just screwed it up. yea did not mean to come across as an ass there >_>
Choking Victim
September 10th, 2007, 04:36 PM
lol, its fine pengy. i actually just tried this, took literally 5 seconds to get it working, and it works like a dream. ill post a video.
sadly vehicles still go through, but if the enterance is as narrow as that, thenyou could probably write up a script testing if a player in a vehicle is in a trigger volume at the enterance, and if there is, then create an object that has full collision to everything.
Another method to make the shield would be to create a piece of scenery with full collision and everything, then place it in the map, write a script using the (object_set_collideable <object> <boolean>) command, and make it false. thats probably your best bet so far, itll save a small amount of tagspace.
EDIT 2: ding ding we have a winner :) (
that was the above method, with the set collidable script.
September 10th, 2007, 05:03 PM
lol, its fine pengy. i actually just tried this, took literally 5 seconds to get it working, and it works like a dream. ill post a video.
sadly vehicles still go through, but if the enterance is as narrow as that, thenyou could probably write up a script testing if a player in a vehicle is in a trigger volume at the enterance, and if there is, then create an object that has full collision to everything.
Another method to make the shield would be to create a piece of scenery with full collision and everything, then place it in the map, write a script using the (object_set_collideable <object> <boolean>) command, and make it false. thats probably your best bet so far, itll save a small amount of tagspace.
That looks awesome, Choking. Tomorrow when I get some free time I'm definately going to try some of this out. That collision set command should prove handy. :)
EDIT 2: ding ding we have a winner :) (
that was the above method, with the set collidable script.
Even more awesome, this is great. Definately +rep :D
Choking Victim
September 10th, 2007, 05:07 PM
woot, thanks :). If you need it later on i'd be glad to help out.
September 10th, 2007, 05:16 PM
Thanks for your offer, Choking, I'll definately take you up on that when the time comes. :)
Thanks again all for discussing your ideas with me on how this could be done as it was a lot of fun seeing all the creative ways we thought up to try.
September 10th, 2007, 05:16 PM
It's about time people caught onto this.
September 10th, 2007, 06:04 PM
That is some kind'a pro, right there. That expands my map-making possibilities tenfold; I could now put into place some of my old concepts I'd thrown out for being impossible. +rep.
September 10th, 2007, 06:55 PM
maybe ill use that in my map im working
good job for figureing it out.
September 10th, 2007, 08:34 PM
There are tons of uses for this but the one I see the most application for is sealing your bases against vehicles and perhaps spawn campers.
For a random example, imagine the bloodgulch base - cover the skylight/hole in the ceiling over the flag room with this forcefield and you'll never have a banshee stuck in your flag room again. You'll also still be able to drop down into the base, preserving the three ways to the flag, though it will remain to be seen if you could still throw the flag back up to a team mate, lol.
Also, you can now guarantee that all of your footway only routes that you want to be vehicle free will stay that way. :)
September 10th, 2007, 11:23 PM
Lightfixture for blocking bullets, then just make a tiny invisible wall so vehicles cant fit through
September 11th, 2007, 01:15 AM
Shield doors, there's an interesting gameplay dynamic I would have never figured out. I'll be sure to PM you if I want to use 'em correctly :p
*Subscribes to thread*
September 11th, 2007, 01:52 PM
woo. nicely done choking. but for some reason when ever i tried using bipeds for objects they just never worked right :( maybe i f'd up the collision or somethin i dunno. nice job though
September 15th, 2007, 04:06 PM
or you can set invisible bipeds with infinite hp and the biped-pass through flag on and give them a high weight so they cant fly away
How do you do that? Just wondering. Like is there instrucions of how to do this?
September 16th, 2007, 01:06 AM
lol, its fine pengy. i actually just tried this, took literally 5 seconds to get it working, and it works like a dream. ill post a video.
sadly vehicles still go through, but if the enterance is as narrow as that, thenyou could probably write up a script testing if a player in a vehicle is in a trigger volume at the enterance, and if there is, then create an object that has full collision to everything.
Another method to make the shield would be to create a piece of scenery with full collision and everything, then place it in the map, write a script using the (object_set_collideable <object> <boolean>) command, and make it false. thats probably your best bet so far, itll save a small amount of tagspace.
EDIT 2: ding ding we have a winner :) (
that was the above method, with the set collidable script.
I wonder if your scripts could work for the bubble sheild too?:confused:
September 16th, 2007, 01:20 AM
Nice work Choking Victim :D
Choking Victim
September 16th, 2007, 08:45 AM
I wonder if your scripts could work for the bubble sheild too?:confused:
well, idk if its possible to do it with the bubble shield, since you can't really name a spawned object. but CAD came up with a good method for the bubble shield using garbage tags.
Thanks conscars :)
September 16th, 2007, 09:10 PM
Does it sync online though?
September 16th, 2007, 10:13 PM
September 21st, 2007, 09:25 PM
Does it sync online though?
Um... it's a shield. It doesn't move :eyesroll:
September 21st, 2007, 09:34 PM
but the point is, a shield doesn't move, and you can't break it. It stays there no matter what. That's rather like asking if a wall syncs.
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