View Full Version : Should Rattler be revived as a H2V project?
September 11th, 2007, 04:21 PM
As some of you know, I started a project called Rattler for HaloCE long, long ago. The idea was to create a map with the raw elements that made Blood Gulch popular but with enough uniqueness to make it new.
The project *seemed* popular but never managed to gain traction. Team members came and went and I admit I did not manage the project well (or else maybe The Ghost might have continued his awesome work :().
There remains a great deal of work completed and I'm thinking it would be fairly easy to get this into the Halo 2 Vista environment. So here's the poll, short and simple. Should Rattler be revived as a H2V project?
Original project link at gbx forum:
September 11th, 2007, 04:50 PM
I really think you should continue working on it, I was really looking forward to this spectacular map and was very disappointed when I heard it was canceled.
September 11th, 2007, 04:51 PM
show me what you've got so far, maybe i can do something with it.
been looking to do another map for a while now.
September 11th, 2007, 04:52 PM
I say yes, maps take a long time to develop if you want to do it right and have a lot of ideas, because some are good, and some are bad, so you work off that.
Never give up is what I say, ive got maps 3 years in the making right now.. sometimes scrapped and sometimes revived and reworked because i get different ideas about them.
September 11th, 2007, 04:59 PM
I really think you should continue working on it, I was really looking forward to this spectacular map and was very disappointed when I heard it was canceled.
Hence the "Oh, hell no" vote, eh?
The votes of outright assholes are being summarily discarded. That's a blanket rule for all your little attention-whore buddies, too, blind.
September 11th, 2007, 05:01 PM
show me what you've got so far, maybe i can do something with it.
been looking to do another map for a while now.
Everything is in the old Gearbox thread, especially the latter 1/3 posts.
If this gets revived I'm taking a more formal approach, including assignments and content management. My last informal mode failed miserably, and I'm not repeating that. However, there were a few participants who did damn fine work when things were rolling, especially Dominator and TheGhost. His texturing and atmosphere still blow me away.
September 11th, 2007, 05:02 PM
Oh shit, I thought I voted for the other thing.
In the future yes/no/maybe answers would provide greater clarity for one such as I.
September 11th, 2007, 05:02 PM
Oooo I remember this when I was a lurker in gbx! Its a definite yes.
September 11th, 2007, 05:03 PM
Will It Have A Secret Room
September 11th, 2007, 05:05 PM
the latter one thisr of posts? O_o that's well ver 200 posts xD
September 11th, 2007, 05:05 PM
Will It Have A Secret Room
Yeah, a kennel.
September 11th, 2007, 05:08 PM
Oh shit, I thought I voted for the other thing.
In the future yes/no/maybe answers would provide greater clarity for one such as I.
Where are you gonna be when juvenile cute doesn't earn you any points?
September 11th, 2007, 05:10 PM
Yeah, a kennel.
Fantastic, Hopefully Its Finished By The Time I Get Vista :(:embarrassed::p:mad::) :evil:
September 11th, 2007, 05:11 PM
Fantastic, Hopefully Its Finished By The Time I Get Vista :(:embarrassed::p:mad::) :evil:
I suggest sucking in that panting tongue, little puppy, and holding that boner... er, bone breath for a while.
September 11th, 2007, 05:18 PM
Where are you gonna be when juvenile cute doesn't earn you any points?Snorting coke with $100 bills.
September 11th, 2007, 05:20 PM
Snorting coke with $100 bills.
I'll be happy to finance that. Just send me the bill.
September 11th, 2007, 05:34 PM
Yea, hey Tex, sounds good. If you want I can help model and texture buildings.
September 11th, 2007, 05:41 PM
Okay, if things look good I'll put together a formal proposal. Any and all serious help is appreciated. But please note (and there is no offense meant to anyone by this) that I am the main structure modeler and layout designer, and I'd like to have TheGhost back as chief texture guy... as well as Dominator's involvement if he's willing and has the time. Also, Wave_of_Lag was working on a dune buggy that I hope he can finish (Wave?). I have plans for a gyroplane that I'd like to restart (my model was lost in a disk crash, but I hope to recover the data soon).
We'll see.
EDIT: I just remembered ALL of my original models were on the crashed disk (and the backup got screwed up). There are Max files of course, but I want the originals because they were parametric (I'll explain later). So getting that disk fixed is my highest priority. Thank God for a bonus check this Friday... :D
September 11th, 2007, 05:52 PM
buggy? GL getting that in H2V...
September 11th, 2007, 05:58 PM
buggy? GL getting that in H2V...
Why? Is it not as open to new vehicles as Halo CE is?
If so... :/
Teh Ganon
September 11th, 2007, 06:10 PM
Lets put it this way. H2V is the ugly old fat chick with the no touch policy.
September 11th, 2007, 06:15 PM
Unfortunately, H2V doesn't allow for any new custom content *at the moment*. Sorry Tex. I wouldn't mind the classic tagset anyway, I hope that that changes your opinion. I was really hoping to see this map come to H2V :(
September 11th, 2007, 06:28 PM
Wow, that blows my mind! So how far does that extend? Just to vehicles and weapons, or to structures as well? Hopefully not the latter, because that renders map-making for HVista damn near pointless.
If custom structures can be added, that's cool. I intended a "classic" version first anyway. Damn, though, suddenly it's even more of a shame that CE is near death...
September 11th, 2007, 06:33 PM
Basicly, all you can create is your own BSP, shaders, bitmaps, unicode strings... :| uhh..
There's also no scenery that comes with the editing kit. Gotta model it all in. You'll love instanced geometry though! It basically lets you ignore the sealed world rules to help save poly counts. If I wanted a pipe joined to two walls, I could make the pipe instanced geometry and cut off the end polygons (hidden in wall normally) and not have to stitch it in.
September 11th, 2007, 06:47 PM
Ah, so my approach to modeling (make stuff in Solidworks and export to 3ds) shouldn't be a problem then! :lol: Man, would Dom have loved that...
September 11th, 2007, 07:04 PM
Are you crazy! Of course you should!
September 11th, 2007, 07:04 PM
I still don't see how you modeled in solidworks, I have it in my CADD class and I cant do jack with it :P
September 11th, 2007, 07:54 PM
I still don't see how you modeled in solidworks, I have it in my CADD class and I cant do jack with it :P
Really? Wow. I sat down with Solidworks 97 many years ago and was cranking stuff out in minutes. But then, I was a professional designer having used many CAD programs at the time. Compared to others, SW is cake.
The beauty of it (and similar apps) is the parametric approach. Being able to create relationships between features is so, so powerful. One model can be used for many varied instances, and/or you can make easy edits just by clicking on dimension text and entering new values.
The free Modelpress publisher lets you export several formats to 3ds, SW being one of them. Very sweet.
September 11th, 2007, 08:32 PM
My school's robotics lab uses solidworks for a lot of stuff. They apparently love it.
September 11th, 2007, 09:31 PM
My school's robotics lab uses solidworks for a lot of stuff. They apparently love it.
Why doesn't my school have a robotics lab? :smith:
September 11th, 2007, 09:38 PM
Because most american schools are under funded.
September 11th, 2007, 09:59 PM
lewk, it says canada mister:
September 11th, 2007, 10:02 PM
Ah, hell no!
For H1 and H2. :)
I remember bugging you each day about this, you always replied with depressing emotions :(
September 11th, 2007, 10:08 PM
Ah, hell no!
For H1 and H2. :)
I remember bugging you each day about this, you always replied with depressing emotions :(
Well, the experience got depressing after awhile. Hell I couldn't play Halo CE without getting flamed or begged for it... :lol:
If there's enough interest I'll give it another shot.
September 11th, 2007, 10:09 PM
Yeah texrat! :clap:
September 11th, 2007, 10:18 PM
If there's enough interest I'll give it another shot.
That's a silly question and you know it :)
September 11th, 2007, 10:31 PM
Yeah texrat! :clap:
And he voted no.
Take yer meds. :p
September 11th, 2007, 10:40 PM
Well, I really do like the theme of it. The last screenshot I saw wasn't exactly nice looking, but the sort of feel of it, I really liked. When I say not nice, I mean you, or whoever is doing it, need to step up on the models and terrain. I can see kind of what you're going for, but I don't think you're quite acheiving it. Get some good modelling help, like Tweek for instance if he ends up offering assistance. I'll look forward to this if it get back into action, and with a lot quicker progress then last time, lol.
September 11th, 2007, 10:47 PM
The texturing was never finished on the latter BSPs. However, what TheGhost did on version 5 was very, very close. If you saw that rendering in the thread you might be impressed.
Dominator did an incredible job with the Stronghold, coming up with ideas beyond what I'd originally conceived. I don't intend the Stronghold to be too complex, but on the other hand it should be meaningful and interesting because it's intended to be strategic (largest area of weapons and ammo spawning, site for sniping).
Thanks for the critique, though! I take everything into consideration.
September 11th, 2007, 11:20 PM
If you mean this
Then I'm not quite impressed. I mean, like I said before, I like the mood of it. It Also, at the same time though, gives a bit of feeling like coldsnap, which I think is a travesty of noob warfare. I think more detail is needed, perhaps some debris and such. Also, some more variation in the terrain would be nice, Some interesting paths or something would be good. I remember you saying it was supposed to have the simplicity and gameplay of bloodgulch. But still, bloodgulch was a little more advanced then some may think. The hills with the twisty path made a good spot for running and hiding from snipers atop the bunker, and the twistyness/large bumps made the warthog tend to stay on the paths to not get shot at from the bases, and to avoid flipping on the hills. But the twist in it made the trip a little longer, so it wasn't just a straight drive from A to B. Just think about little things in terrain you can do to add a little more gameplay value.
And I wasn't exactly sure about my modelling comment. I know this is an older model that was redone, but that's because dominator did it. This is your model I think? You said the majority of the models will be done by you. But if the rest of the modelling is on the same level as this structure, then some serious work needs to be done.
September 12th, 2007, 12:01 AM
I like the work in the top pic, but that one shot doesn't really do the work justice. It looked really nice in-game IMO. Sure there was more to be done, but I tend to visualize the potential even while looking at the raw product. I see it for what it can be, not necessarily how it appears.
And not to be simply defensive, but I don't see any problem with my models (there were no significant changes made to them in the BSP). Serious work needed? I don't see that. The only thing I'd like to do is increase polys but that was a no-no. The design works as desired. But that's something else that may not come across in the shot shown. Oh well.
As to the blood gulch aspect, I don't think you're giving me due credit as a designer. I have spent countless hours not just playing the map but analyzing every nook and cranny, every tactic, every bit of flow. Hell I could drive that map blindfolded, backwards in a forklift. I'm well aware of the physical and psychological elements that need to be replicated to recreate the experience. In fact, IMO the terrain elements of Rattler will be superior; one goal is to provide the ultimate driving and hog-nading experience. Blood Gulch is just a "yardstick".
Critiques are one thing, but your remarks are starting to look like criticism for the sake of criticism, without sincere motive. No offense meant by that.
September 12th, 2007, 02:31 AM
I like the work in the top pic, but that one shot doesn't really do the work justice. It looked really nice in-game IMO. Sure there was more to be done, but I tend to visualize the potential even while looking at the raw product. I see it for what it can be, not necessarily how it appears.
And not to be simply defensive, but I don't see any problem with my models (there were no significant changes made to them in the BSP). Serious work needed? I don't see that. The only thing I'd like to do is increase polys but that was a no-no. The design works as desired. But that's something else that may not come across in the shot shown. Oh well.
As to the blood gulch aspect, I don't think you're giving me due credit as a designer. I have spent countless hours not just playing the map but analyzing every nook and cranny, every tactic, every bit of flow. Hell I could drive that map blindfolded, backwards in a forklift. I'm well aware of the physical and psychological elements that need to be replicated to recreate the experience. In fact, IMO the terrain elements of Rattler will be superior; one goal is to provide the ultimate driving and hog-nading experience. Blood Gulch is just a "yardstick".
Critiques are one thing, but your remarks are starting to look like criticism for the sake of criticism, without sincere motive. No offense meant by that.
Heh, sorry about that Tex, I didn't mean to sound like I was on the offense at all. I haven't really looked into the pictures much, so I guess I'm wrong about the gameplay. Just kind of saw the open space there, if I actually played on it I guess I would really get the feeling for it. Anyhow, on the modelling part, I do know I am right. You've got some really screwy faces on that building there. It's just plain messy. I dunno if your skills are improved since then, I wouldn't doubt it, but I was just saying if they haven't you may want to look up some tutorials or something. lol I'm really not trying to be over critical, I'd just like to see this put to its full potential. I'd offer to help myself on the modelling bits, but I've already got projects going up the wazoo :s
Edit: However, if you'd like to add me on aim or msn, I could give you tips no problem.
September 12th, 2007, 08:08 AM
I'm being sincere here: there shouldn't be any screwy faces on the models. You have to understand: I'm not modeling any faces. I'm using a parametric solid modeling program. The result is run through Modelpress to create a 3ds. I also use a vector cleanup program now (forget the name offhand). So, my poor Max modeling skills never come into play. ;) In fact, faces are automatically optimized and minimized.
Once I perfected the process, it was seamless and error-free. I could take a model created in SW, convert it, plop it into Max or gmax and it worked fine. The only additional work after that besides the usual texture prep was removing unnecessary faces, like those on the bottom, due to this originally being a solid. Of course, I get the idea now that I don't even have to do that in H2V.
So... I still don't get it. I don't see anything "messy" (oops, see edit below). Looks great, renders great.
EDIT: unless you're talking about the landscape only. Yes, THAT got jacked up. 3 people worked on it, and I was the worst :lol: Oh, and the upper right corner of the base does NOT look like that. I don't know what's up with that picture...
September 12th, 2007, 08:52 AM
I'm still up to helping, Tex :)
September 12th, 2007, 11:31 AM
Okay, for the remainder of the thread, everyone interested post your skills, maps you've worked on, and links to samples.
Here are the bonus essay questions that will separate the best from the rest. Pick one:
1. Explain in 1000 words or less the appeal of Blood Gulch that leads to its continued play, especially on CE. Use at least 3 elements to support your position.
2. What feature would you add to a Halo map that either hasn't been done, hasn't been done well, or hasn't been done enough? What would you do better?
3. Rattler has a similar layout to Blood Gulch, but includes a Stronghold. Using your imagination alone (and any ideas from the original thread), what do you think its purpose is? How would you use it? What value does the concept itself add to a game? Hint: if you've ever played a Tribes game you'll know.
4. Gearbox's upcoming Borderlands game is surprisingly similar to the original concept of Rattler, that is, a "Mad Max" sort of theme (although Rattler is in a contained environment). Read the hints about Borderlands on the Gearbox forum and explain in 1000 words or less why you think it will be a good or bad game.
September 12th, 2007, 12:31 PM
Needs moar porting\finishing (
owait, we're talkin' about rattler :downs:
September 12th, 2007, 03:06 PM
Where is the "revive it for CE" option?
September 12th, 2007, 03:12 PM
Where is the "revive it for CE" option?
Eh, I can't see a reason to do that. If Church isn't being played, nothing else will, either.
September 12th, 2007, 03:18 PM
Well... since you didn't put any pictures in the first post and I'm sure as hell not looking through that thread... I went ahead and voted 'no' because I don't like Blood Gulch to start with. Outright hate it, actually. :gets flamed for not bandwagoning:
September 12th, 2007, 03:21 PM
Yoyorast Island is being played.
CMT Snow Grove is being played.
Delta Ruined is being played.
I can also often find a fully populated server with No Remorse being played.
Church had no potential other than eye candy.
If your map creates a fun environment with many interacting locations, then it will be played.
EDIT: Hell, I hate Blood Gulch too. It's a damn good map, but I can't stand it when the competition is stronger than my incompetent allies. I still play on it a lot because of its popularity, but I constantly exploit its flaws to get the upper hand.
September 12th, 2007, 03:22 PM
Well... since you didn't put any pictures in the first post and I'm sure as hell not looking through that thread... I went ahead and voted 'no' because I don't like Blood Gulch to start with. Outright hate it, actually. :gets flamed for not bandwagoning:
Yay for short attention spans!
Your input is appreciated nonetheless. I expected to hear from the 3 Blood Gulch haters sooner or later.
September 12th, 2007, 03:25 PM
Here, since you were having a little trouble seeing what I was talking about in errors, I made a quick little model to show you. It's not exactly proportionate to yours, but it was done quick and uses the correct way yours should have been done. Notice how there are no long lines of triangulation visible when smooth faces are turned off. Just all nice square/rectangular polygons. This makes the smoothing much nicer, keeps it easier to work with, and makes it easier for the uvw mapper and skinner. If you'd like I can send you the max file as well. It is all one peice too.
September 12th, 2007, 03:30 PM
Yoyorast Island is being played.
CMT Snow Grove is being played.
Delta Ruined is being played.
I can also often find a fully populated server with No Remorse being played.
Church had no potential other than eye candy.
If your map creates a fun environment with many interacting locations, then it will be played.
EDIT: Hell, I hate Blood Gulch too. It's a damn good map, but I can't stand it when the competition is stronger than my incompetent allies. I still play on it a lot because of its popularity, but I constantly exploit its flaws to get the upper hand.
I can't argue with your points... even regarding Blood Gulch. If a team is extremely imbalanced on BG, that's it. No way for the inferior team to regroup. They just sit there being pwned, and quitting. Been there, done that, too many times. I don't even like being on a vastly superior team: no challenge = no fun to me. And I'm a middling player-- I tend to rise (or lower) to with the abilities of the majority. :lol:
But I expect to keep such things in mind and compensate with Rattler. For instance, it should always be possible for a team under heavy siege to get to a weapon, vehicle or location that allows them to break the cycle. Not easily, just possibly. Thanks for reminding me of this.
September 12th, 2007, 03:31 PM
Gulch would have had less problems if the bases were built into the walls and had several exits... so hogs couldn't circle around the bases pointlessly and trap you
September 12th, 2007, 03:35 PM
Here, since you were having a little trouble seeing what I was talking about in errors, I made a quick little model to show you. It's not exactly proportionate to yours, but it was done quick and uses the correct way yours should have been done. Notice how there are no long lines of triangulation visible when smooth faces are turned off. Just all nice square/rectangular polygons. This makes the smoothing much nicer, keeps it easier to work with, and makes it easier for the uvw mapper and skinner. If you'd like I can send you the max file as well. It is all one peice too.
Ok thanks. I did finally see once I tilted my laptop screen. :lol:
But those odd triangles are not in my model. I don't recall that screen shot or why it shows features that aren't really there. And while you say Dominator cleaned up the models, and I'm sure he did at times, there were also times when I brought my originals into gmax or 3d Max and never saw anything like that.
So, and I'm not being an argumentive pissant here, I don't think I caused that, intentionally or otherwise. Not sure what was going on there. My models had perfect faces when I was done... however, I do know there were some long triangles but in the places they manifested they did not appear to be a problem.
I appreciate the work you just did, but the only thing that would truly help me see what *might* be going on would be to watch someone else import my models and reproduce the errors in person. I have never seen them in any design environment...
September 12th, 2007, 03:37 PM
Gulch would have had less problems if the bases were built into the walls and had several exits... so hogs couldn't circle around the bases pointlessly and trap you
I differ with your opinion. I think the circling is fine, but it shouldn't be easy. In Rattler my intention was to make the terrain immediately surrounding the base rough. That got lost in the process (probably my fault) but I won't let that happen again.
September 12th, 2007, 03:39 PM
Ah I see, I just saw that picture, saw the fucked up faces, and thought I might help you out. Guess you got it covered though. Sometimes you don't always see those kinds of faces just in the viewport, have you rendered all of your projects? That's what really makes them stick out. Good luck with your project! Do you happen to still have the base model, or did you lose it with your HD?
September 12th, 2007, 03:40 PM
Good idea, actually. You could look at Grove as a model for that, that's the hardest map I've ever had to drive a hog in.
If I had known your intention was to make a version of Gulch that didn't suck, I wouldn't have voted no. =\
September 12th, 2007, 03:44 PM
Ah I see, I just saw that picture, saw the fucked up faces, and thought I might help you out. Guess you got it covered though. Sometimes you don't always see those kinds of faces just in the viewport, have you rendered all of your projects? That's what really makes them stick out. Good luck with your project!
Yeah, I always rendered them.
But now that I think about it, I think there might have been a brief period when a version or 2 of Modelpress was doing funky things. You may be seeing the result of a buggy translation. Also, there was a period where I was trying to find the right balance between smooth and low-poly and I output a lot of junk in the process. :lol: But Modelpress improved considerably and the final models I was producing toward the end were near-flawless. Not crediting my ability, because again I was making solids, but perhaps Modelpress and 3d Max both started playing nicer. ;) I know my Max skills sure didn't improve (Dom will attest).
Don't get me wrong-- I really do appreciate your input. If I'm going to model at all, I need to know what can go wrong.
September 12th, 2007, 03:45 PM
Good idea, actually. You could look at Grove as a model for that, that's the hardest map I've ever had to drive a hog in.
If I had known your intention was to make a version of Gulch that didn't suck, I wouldn't have voted no. =\
My error for not making that clear, not yours. Yes, I will do my best to remove sucky elements. :D
EDIT: one goal of Rattler is to make things REALLY hard on noob drivers. The name "rattler" derived from the bone-rattling drives. ;)
September 12th, 2007, 03:58 PM
I figured I'd drop by in this topic because of my ties to this project way back when. It's nice to see you around, Tex!
Anyways, if you want to continue this project I would definitely go for H2V. You couldn't do a custom vehicle, but the BSP process wouldn't be much different.
September 12th, 2007, 04:06 PM
I figured I'd drop by in this topic because of my ties to this project way back when. It's nice to see you around, Tex!
Anyways, if you want to continue this project I would definitely go for H2V. You couldn't do a custom vehicle, but the BSP process wouldn't be much different.
You're evading the important question, Ghostie.
Hint: you get a bye on the references and essay qustion. ;)
September 12th, 2007, 04:39 PM
And I wasn't exactly sure about my modelling comment. I know this is an older model that was redone, but that's because dominator did it. This is your model I think? You said the majority of the models will be done by you. But if the rest of the modelling is on the same level as this structure, then some serious work needs to be done.
nice to see people read the posts...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
the modeling is done i stopped compiling it because of the mouse/sapien problem... i had to install HEK and everything on a different computer and never transfered this projects files over. whats left is a few texturing problems and mostly scenery/weapon/lighting placements...
heres the base from the last beta (texrat you have this beta)
obviously ignore the detail maps on the ground
September 12th, 2007, 04:47 PM
Ok thanks. I did finally see once I tilted my laptop screen. :lol:
But those odd triangles are not in my model. I don't recall that screen shot or why it shows features that aren't really there. And while you say Dominator cleaned up the models, and I'm sure he did at times, there were also times when I brought my originals into gmax or 3d Max and never saw anything like that.
I appreciate the work you just did, but the only thing that would truly help me see what *might* be going on would be to watch someone else import my models and reproduce the errors in person. I have never seen them in any design environment...
the errors occured because the export/import process added backfaces to every single plane, so for every single face there was another facing the other way. which is not a problem when viewing it in max you wont even notice the errors but it will not compile through Tool because of open edges, degenerate triangles, and intersecting faces. the problem was halo's sealed world rule... now there is none in h2v so you could take your models and just place them in the scene and compile the map.
September 12th, 2007, 04:54 PM
nice to see people read the posts...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
There's no need to be rude when somebody is putting effort into trying to help. Also, I actually did read the thread. I was under the impression that the first picture was the model texrat created, and that the second picture was the fixed up version that you did. All I was saying is that if his skills were the same as whatever made that first screwy picture, then he needed more practice. But we already sorted it out, so your post was rather pointless.
September 12th, 2007, 04:55 PM
nice to see people read the posts...:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
the modeling is done i stopped compiling it because of the mouse/sapien problem... i had to install HEK and everything on a different computer and never transfered this projects files over. whats left is a few texturing problems and mostly scenery/weapon/lighting placements...
heres the base from the last beta (texrat you have this beta)
obviously ignore the detail maps on the ground
Love it, ladder looks a bit fat though. :)
September 12th, 2007, 05:00 PM
Ok, ok, we're cool, just the usual serious internet misunderstanding.
I had forgotten about the backface issue and never really knew enough about it anyway due to inexperience with Hek. Thank you for straightening me out Dom.
Glad to hear I can be lazy in H2V though. That makes my day. But damned if the Modelpress Publisher hasn't expired, and it *looks* like Infographics isn't releasing updates. I am contacting them to find out what's what. I may have to look into different practices...
By the way, that screenshots rocks IMO. Maybe a compromise between yours and TheGhost's texturing and atmosphere would be ideal...
And if there's not much left to do in the CE version, maybe we SHOULD finish it, if nothing else to test playability for H2V. Well?
EDIT: I don't wanna speak for Dom, but I believe he and I both have had a BLAST driving on that sucker. I know my kids have.
September 12th, 2007, 05:12 PM
Just a few recentish samples. The brute model is Teh Lags, I just painted the textures for it. The rest of the screenshots are all me.
Oops, didn't see Dom's post. Seems you guys don't need help after all. :(
September 12th, 2007, 05:25 PM
Nice work, Dano!
September 12th, 2007, 05:27 PM
Pfft. Showoff. :)
September 12th, 2007, 05:27 PM
I try :)
September 19th, 2007, 05:01 PM
Tex, my opinion: Try to make the level. H2V or CE or both, however, keep in mind that mapping teams tend to have a shelf life of warm milk. Especially with school in session.
I would love to see a well thought out nicely textured level unencumbered by secret rooms, useless unbalanced weapons and fanciful and incomplete vehicles.
Using the Bloodgulch level as a concept model will establish the correct size because it offers the openness of the terrain people like and yet adds the difficulty of any new features you create. I think people like BG because it fits well with all weapon and game types except maybe race which isn't in Halo 2. If you want a sniper game the open area fits, if you want a CTF game the close hills near the bases offer some cover and bring the playing field close to but not next to the bases. The tele's are spaced just right to get people back into the battle keeping it in the center of the map.
Distances in excess of BG's bases force people to use the hogs and inhibit the lone cowboy approach to game play a lot of players use. Make the map. I for one would like to see it completed.
September 20th, 2007, 09:54 PM
yes you should make it - if your gonna finish and release this time
September 20th, 2007, 10:35 PM
I would love to see a well thought out nicely textured level unencumbered by secret rooms, useless unbalanced weapons and fanciful and incomplete vehicles.
Amen to that. I look forward to this map.
I think people like BG because it fits well with all weapon and game types except maybe race which isn't in Halo 2.
I will admit that BG has some good balance/design points but it was also the demo map which adds to its popularity since its the first map many players ever saw.
September 20th, 2007, 10:40 PM
I disagree, BG is popular because of its gameplay, not that it was in the demo.
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