t3h m00kz
September 12th, 2007, 04:15 PM
Halo PC Weapon Overview by Muki Hyena
This is a view of the weapons and their strengths and weaknesses in the hands of a moderately skilled player. After playing HPC since it came out, I've made a few observations concerning the weapons and figured I'd share. This is meant to be an objective view, based on an averagely skilled Halo player, someone who has a general idea of where the hitboxes are.
Clip size:
The amount of ammo in a single clip, followed by the likelihood of killing someone at optimum range before the clip is empty or the weapon overheats.
Damage in clip:
The amount of damage in one clip if all hits are direct and/or headshots.
Start capacity:
The amount of reserve ammo that comes with the gun when picked up.
Max capacity:
The amount of reserve ammo the gun can carry.
How accurate the gun is; IE how much of a chance the shot will hit if you're aiming at their hitbox.
Damage per shot:
The amount of damage each shot inflicts.
Firing rate:
How fast the gun fires.
Reload time:
How fast the gun reloads. And yes, this does matter, even when backpack reloading you have to wait for the amount of time it takes to normally reload.
Projectile speed:
The speed of the rounds fired.
Effective range:
The range at which the weapon can be used effectively.
- is mostly useless,
x is decently useful,
X is most effective.
Bullet magnetism:
The ammount of bullet magnetism in the weapon, how much the bullets move toward the target, the center representing the center of the screen.
- is no magnetism,
x is a probable hit,
X is a definite hit.
For you unbelievers:
The use of the weapon, made by estimating the prior strengths or weaknesses, as well as the range and versitility of the weapon.
M6D Pistol
Clip size: (12)
Damage in clip: xxxxxx- (Very high, 4 kills in 12 rounds)
Start capacity: xxxxxx- (48)
Max capacity: xxxxxx- (120)
Accuracy: xxxxxx- (Very accurate)
Damage per shot: xxxxx-- (High, 3Sk headshot)
Firing rate: xxxxx-- (3 rounds a second)
Reload time: xxxxx-- (Fast)
Projectile speed: xxxxxxx (Instant)
Bullet magnetism: --xXx-- (Short spread magnetism)
Effective range: xXXXXx- (Short and long range)
Versitility: xxxxxx- (Extremely useful)
The starting weapon; a puny sidearm that could practically be a high-powered, semi-automatic rifle. This gun has no weaknesses aside from extremely long ranges, and enough force behind it to take down anything in roughly 3/4ths of the clip. The maximum capacity of this gun lets you fire off three or four clips as many shots as you want before having to worry about ammo. If your first three shots miss, you have nine more to make up for it, and if those miss, you only have to sit through a two second reload. The ammount of bullet magnetism makes it effective in close range, and the scope and accuracy allows it to hold it's own against long-range enemies, and even snipers. This is overall the most versitile weapon, rendering most others as sidearms.
MA5B Assault Rifle
Clip size: (60)
Damage in clip: xxxxxx- (Very high, 3-4 kills in 60 rounds)
Start capacity: xxxx--- (180)
Max capacity: xxxxx-- (240)
Accuracy: xx----- (Very innaccurate)
Damage per shot: xx----- (Very low)
Firing rate: xxxxxxx (15 rounds a second)
Reload time: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Projectile speed: xxxxxxx (Instant)
Bullet magnetism: -xxxxx- (Wide spread magnetism)
Effective range: XXxx--- (Medium-short range)
Versitility: xxxx--- (Useful)
Extremely innaccurate, but very useful in short to meduim-short range, long range is out of the question. The extremely high ROF makes for good semi-anti-vehicle cover fire. It's also effective for spraying down close-range enemies.
M90 Shotgun
Clip size: (12)
Damage in clip: xxxxxxx (Extremely high, 12 kills in 12 rounds)
Start capacity: xxxxx-- (12)
Max capacity: xxxxxxx (60)
Accuracy: xx----- (Very innaccurate)
Damage per shot: xxxxxxx (Extremely high)
Firing rate: xx----- (One round every 2 seconds)
Reload time: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Projectile speed: xxxxxxx (Instant)
Bullet magnetism: -xXXXx- (Wide spread magnetism)
Effective range: XXxx--- (Short range)
Versitility: xxxx--- (Useful)
Excellent for short range, laggy connections, and anti-vehicle. The large clip allows you to spam practically as many shots as you want at a target before having to reload. If you're lucky you can get one or two of the pellets to hit someone at medium-long range, but the damage will be minimal.
Sniper Rifle
Clip size: (4)
Damage in clip: xxxxxx- (Very high, 4 kills in 4 rounds)
Start capacity: xx----- (8)
Max capacity: xxxx--- (24)
Accuracy: xxxxxxx (Extremely accurate)
Damage per shot: xxxxxx- (Very high, 1sk headshot)
Firing rate: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Reload time: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Projectile speed: xxxxxxx (Instant)
Bullet magnetism: ---X--- (No magnetism)
Effective range: --xXXXX (Medium to extremely long range)
Versitility: xxxxx-- (Very useful)
Good for long-range, but the low bullet magnetism and small clip means you'll have to know how the netcode works to use this gun effectively. Using this gun at close range is possible, but much more difficult than sniping from long range. The low maximum capacity requires you to conserve your shots. Managing to hit someone with two of the four shots or one headshot can be a 50/50 coinflip at times. Sometimes the concept of the hitbox can get totally messed up, sometimes they'll know where you are and try to avoid your shots. Very deadly in the hands of someone who knows how to use it.
M19 SSM "SPNKR" Rocket Launcher
Clip size: (2)
Damage in clip: xxxxxxx (Extremely high, 2+ kills in 2 rounds)
Start capacity: xx----- (2)
Max capacity: xxx---- (8)
Damage per shot: xxxxxxx (Extremely high)
Accuracy: xxxxxxx (Extremely accurate)
Firing rate: xxx---- (Slow)
Reload time: xx----- (Very slow)
Projectile speed: xx----- (Very slow)
Bullet magnetism: --xXx-- (Short spread magnetism)
Effective range: XXXx--- (Medium-short range)
Versitility: xxxx--- (Useful)
Slow rockets, huge splash damage. Easy to avoid, don't try sniping with these, although sometimes long range rockets are predictable. They can take out huge crowds and vehicles in one hit, but the small clip size and maximum capacity make up for
the damage.
Plasma Pistol
Clip size: (10-15 before overheating, 1 overcharge)
Damage in clip: xx----- (Very low, 1 kill in 3 overheatings)
Max capacity: xxxx--- (200 shots)
Accuracy: xxx---- (Innaccurate)
Damage per shot: xx----- (Very Low)
Overcharge damage: xxxxx-- (Very high)
Cool-down time: xxxxx-- (Fast)
Projectile speed: xxxxx-- (Fast)
OverCharge speed: xxx---- (Slow)
Firing rate: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Bullet magnetism: --xXx-- (Short spread magnetism)
OC magnetism: xxXXXxx (Very wide-spread magnetism)
Effective range: XXx---- (Short range)
Versitility: xxx---- (Not too useful)
The primary fire is very weak, but the overcharge makes this gun a bit useful in close-quarters. You'll have to go through mutiple overheatings to bring your target down. Never try fighting with the uncharged shots. This gun gets no love.
Plasma Rifle
Clip size: (10-15 before overheating)
Damage in clip: xx----- (Very low, one kill in 10-15 shots)
Capacity: xxxx--- (200 shots)
Accuracy: xx----- (Very innaccurate)
Damage per shot: xx----- (Very low)
Firing rate: xxxxx-- (Fast)
Cool-down time: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Projectile speed: xxxxx-- (Fast)
Bullet magnetism: --xXx-- (Short-spread magnetism)
Effective range: XXx---- (Short range)
Versitility: xxx---- (Not too useful)
It takes quite a bit to kill somebody with, but if does have a stun feature that keeps them in place for beatdowns... if you actually want to risk your neck and get that close. This gun could be so much stronger.
Clip size: (15 rounds)
Damage in clip: xxx---- (Moderate, 2 kills in 15 shots)
Start capacity: xx----- (30)
Max capacity: xxx---- (60)
Accuracy: xx----- (Very innaccurate)
Damage per shot: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Firing rate: xxxxx-- (High)
Reload time: xxxxx-- (Fast)
Projectile speed: xx----- (Very slow)
Bullet magnetism: xxXXXxx (Very wide-spread magnetism)
Effective range: XXx---- (Short range)
Versitility: xxx---- (Not too useful)
While the needles do track and cause huge explosions, the speed of the needles allow for easy dodging. This is only useful on people who aren't expecting it. If the speed and tracking on the needles were increased, the range would be further, and the weapon would be much more useful.
(Sorry for the small image)
Fuel Rod Gun
Clip size: (3-4 before overheating)
Damage in clip: xxxxxx- (Very high, 2+ kills in 3-4 shots)
Capacity: xxxxx-- (20-30 shots)
Damage per shot: xxxxxx- (Very high)
Firing rate: xxxx--- (Two shots a second)
Cool-down time: xx----- (Very slow)
Projectile speed: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Bullet magnetism: ------- (Random shots)
Effective range: XXXxx-- (Medium-short range)
Versitility: xxxxx-- (Very useful)
Huge explosions, good rate of fire, definently a heavy weapon. It can take out crowds relatively quickly, and piss a lot of people off. Sometimes the shots won't kill, but they'll do a good ammount of damage and flip vehicles and whatnot.
Pistol comparisons
Alot of debate has gone on about the M6 pistols, and due to that I'd like to compare the pistols used throughout the games.
M6D Pistol (Halo 1)
Clip size: xxxxxx- (12, very high chance of a kill in one clip)
Start capacity: xxxxxx- (48)
Max capacity: xxxxxx- (120)
Accuracy: xxxxxx- (Very accurate)
Damage per shot: xxxxx-- (High, 3Sk headshot)
Firing rate: xxxxx-- (3 rounds a second)
Reload time: xxxxx-- (Fast)
Projectile speed: xxxxxxx (Instant)
Bullet magnetism: --xXx-- (Short spread magnetism)
Effective range: xXXXXx- (Short and long range)
Versitility: xxxxxx- (Extremely useful)
This gun renders all of the other guns useless. Let's face it, no other gun is as useful and versitile as this one. With the range and power behind this gun, only someone new to the game would ever think about picking up a needler or a plasma rifle. Bungie has, on multiple occasions, admitted to regretting making the Halo 1 pistol as powerful as it is.
M6C Magnum (Halo 2)
Clip size: x------ (12, extremely low chance of a kill)
Start capacity: xxxx--- (48)
Max capacity: xxx---- (120)
Accuracy: xxx---- (Innacurate)
Damage per shot: x------ (Extremely low, 14Sk headshot)
Firing rate: xxxxxx- (Very high)
Reload time: xxxxx-- (Very fast)
Projectile speed: xxxxxxx (instant)
Bullet magnetism: -xxXxx- (Medium-spread magnetism)
Effective range: xXx----- (Short range)
Versitility: xxx---- (Not too useful)
Bungie took a step in the other direction, only make the gun useless. No scope attatchment, extremely low effective range. When it takes more shots than there is in the clip to kill something, there's a problem. While it is dual-wieldable, the effective range renders it useless compared to the other weapons.
M6G Pistol (Halo 3)
Clip size: xxxx--- (8, moderate chance of a kill)
Start capacity: xxxxxx- (24?)
Max capacity: xxxx--- (40)
Accuracy: xxxxxx- (Very accurate)
Damage per shot: xxxx--- (5Sk headshot)
Firing rate: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Reload time: xxxxx-- (Fast)
Projectile speed: xxxxxxx (instant)
Bullet magnetism: --xXx-- (Short spread magnetism)
Effective range: xXXxx-- (Medium-short range)
Versitility: xxxx--- (Useful)
I feel this version is the most balanced out of the three. A lower firing rate, no scope, lower damage, but not enough of a decline from the original pistol to make it completely useless. While the firing rate is still a bit low, it is, in fact, dual wieldable, making for a three two-bullet-shot kill.
Halo PC Weapon Overview by Muki Hyena
This is a view of the weapons and their strengths and weaknesses in the hands of a moderately skilled player. After playing HPC since it came out, I've made a few observations concerning the weapons and figured I'd share. This is meant to be an objective view, based on an averagely skilled Halo player, someone who has a general idea of where the hitboxes are.
Clip size:
The amount of ammo in a single clip, followed by the likelihood of killing someone at optimum range before the clip is empty or the weapon overheats.
Damage in clip:
The amount of damage in one clip if all hits are direct and/or headshots.
Start capacity:
The amount of reserve ammo that comes with the gun when picked up.
Max capacity:
The amount of reserve ammo the gun can carry.
How accurate the gun is; IE how much of a chance the shot will hit if you're aiming at their hitbox.
Damage per shot:
The amount of damage each shot inflicts.
Firing rate:
How fast the gun fires.
Reload time:
How fast the gun reloads. And yes, this does matter, even when backpack reloading you have to wait for the amount of time it takes to normally reload.
Projectile speed:
The speed of the rounds fired.
Effective range:
The range at which the weapon can be used effectively.
- is mostly useless,
x is decently useful,
X is most effective.
Bullet magnetism:
The ammount of bullet magnetism in the weapon, how much the bullets move toward the target, the center representing the center of the screen.
- is no magnetism,
x is a probable hit,
X is a definite hit.
For you unbelievers:
The use of the weapon, made by estimating the prior strengths or weaknesses, as well as the range and versitility of the weapon.
M6D Pistol
Clip size: (12)
Damage in clip: xxxxxx- (Very high, 4 kills in 12 rounds)
Start capacity: xxxxxx- (48)
Max capacity: xxxxxx- (120)
Accuracy: xxxxxx- (Very accurate)
Damage per shot: xxxxx-- (High, 3Sk headshot)
Firing rate: xxxxx-- (3 rounds a second)
Reload time: xxxxx-- (Fast)
Projectile speed: xxxxxxx (Instant)
Bullet magnetism: --xXx-- (Short spread magnetism)
Effective range: xXXXXx- (Short and long range)
Versitility: xxxxxx- (Extremely useful)
The starting weapon; a puny sidearm that could practically be a high-powered, semi-automatic rifle. This gun has no weaknesses aside from extremely long ranges, and enough force behind it to take down anything in roughly 3/4ths of the clip. The maximum capacity of this gun lets you fire off three or four clips as many shots as you want before having to worry about ammo. If your first three shots miss, you have nine more to make up for it, and if those miss, you only have to sit through a two second reload. The ammount of bullet magnetism makes it effective in close range, and the scope and accuracy allows it to hold it's own against long-range enemies, and even snipers. This is overall the most versitile weapon, rendering most others as sidearms.
MA5B Assault Rifle
Clip size: (60)
Damage in clip: xxxxxx- (Very high, 3-4 kills in 60 rounds)
Start capacity: xxxx--- (180)
Max capacity: xxxxx-- (240)
Accuracy: xx----- (Very innaccurate)
Damage per shot: xx----- (Very low)
Firing rate: xxxxxxx (15 rounds a second)
Reload time: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Projectile speed: xxxxxxx (Instant)
Bullet magnetism: -xxxxx- (Wide spread magnetism)
Effective range: XXxx--- (Medium-short range)
Versitility: xxxx--- (Useful)
Extremely innaccurate, but very useful in short to meduim-short range, long range is out of the question. The extremely high ROF makes for good semi-anti-vehicle cover fire. It's also effective for spraying down close-range enemies.
M90 Shotgun
Clip size: (12)
Damage in clip: xxxxxxx (Extremely high, 12 kills in 12 rounds)
Start capacity: xxxxx-- (12)
Max capacity: xxxxxxx (60)
Accuracy: xx----- (Very innaccurate)
Damage per shot: xxxxxxx (Extremely high)
Firing rate: xx----- (One round every 2 seconds)
Reload time: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Projectile speed: xxxxxxx (Instant)
Bullet magnetism: -xXXXx- (Wide spread magnetism)
Effective range: XXxx--- (Short range)
Versitility: xxxx--- (Useful)
Excellent for short range, laggy connections, and anti-vehicle. The large clip allows you to spam practically as many shots as you want at a target before having to reload. If you're lucky you can get one or two of the pellets to hit someone at medium-long range, but the damage will be minimal.
Sniper Rifle
Clip size: (4)
Damage in clip: xxxxxx- (Very high, 4 kills in 4 rounds)
Start capacity: xx----- (8)
Max capacity: xxxx--- (24)
Accuracy: xxxxxxx (Extremely accurate)
Damage per shot: xxxxxx- (Very high, 1sk headshot)
Firing rate: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Reload time: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Projectile speed: xxxxxxx (Instant)
Bullet magnetism: ---X--- (No magnetism)
Effective range: --xXXXX (Medium to extremely long range)
Versitility: xxxxx-- (Very useful)
Good for long-range, but the low bullet magnetism and small clip means you'll have to know how the netcode works to use this gun effectively. Using this gun at close range is possible, but much more difficult than sniping from long range. The low maximum capacity requires you to conserve your shots. Managing to hit someone with two of the four shots or one headshot can be a 50/50 coinflip at times. Sometimes the concept of the hitbox can get totally messed up, sometimes they'll know where you are and try to avoid your shots. Very deadly in the hands of someone who knows how to use it.
M19 SSM "SPNKR" Rocket Launcher
Clip size: (2)
Damage in clip: xxxxxxx (Extremely high, 2+ kills in 2 rounds)
Start capacity: xx----- (2)
Max capacity: xxx---- (8)
Damage per shot: xxxxxxx (Extremely high)
Accuracy: xxxxxxx (Extremely accurate)
Firing rate: xxx---- (Slow)
Reload time: xx----- (Very slow)
Projectile speed: xx----- (Very slow)
Bullet magnetism: --xXx-- (Short spread magnetism)
Effective range: XXXx--- (Medium-short range)
Versitility: xxxx--- (Useful)
Slow rockets, huge splash damage. Easy to avoid, don't try sniping with these, although sometimes long range rockets are predictable. They can take out huge crowds and vehicles in one hit, but the small clip size and maximum capacity make up for
the damage.
Plasma Pistol
Clip size: (10-15 before overheating, 1 overcharge)
Damage in clip: xx----- (Very low, 1 kill in 3 overheatings)
Max capacity: xxxx--- (200 shots)
Accuracy: xxx---- (Innaccurate)
Damage per shot: xx----- (Very Low)
Overcharge damage: xxxxx-- (Very high)
Cool-down time: xxxxx-- (Fast)
Projectile speed: xxxxx-- (Fast)
OverCharge speed: xxx---- (Slow)
Firing rate: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Bullet magnetism: --xXx-- (Short spread magnetism)
OC magnetism: xxXXXxx (Very wide-spread magnetism)
Effective range: XXx---- (Short range)
Versitility: xxx---- (Not too useful)
The primary fire is very weak, but the overcharge makes this gun a bit useful in close-quarters. You'll have to go through mutiple overheatings to bring your target down. Never try fighting with the uncharged shots. This gun gets no love.
Plasma Rifle
Clip size: (10-15 before overheating)
Damage in clip: xx----- (Very low, one kill in 10-15 shots)
Capacity: xxxx--- (200 shots)
Accuracy: xx----- (Very innaccurate)
Damage per shot: xx----- (Very low)
Firing rate: xxxxx-- (Fast)
Cool-down time: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Projectile speed: xxxxx-- (Fast)
Bullet magnetism: --xXx-- (Short-spread magnetism)
Effective range: XXx---- (Short range)
Versitility: xxx---- (Not too useful)
It takes quite a bit to kill somebody with, but if does have a stun feature that keeps them in place for beatdowns... if you actually want to risk your neck and get that close. This gun could be so much stronger.
Clip size: (15 rounds)
Damage in clip: xxx---- (Moderate, 2 kills in 15 shots)
Start capacity: xx----- (30)
Max capacity: xxx---- (60)
Accuracy: xx----- (Very innaccurate)
Damage per shot: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Firing rate: xxxxx-- (High)
Reload time: xxxxx-- (Fast)
Projectile speed: xx----- (Very slow)
Bullet magnetism: xxXXXxx (Very wide-spread magnetism)
Effective range: XXx---- (Short range)
Versitility: xxx---- (Not too useful)
While the needles do track and cause huge explosions, the speed of the needles allow for easy dodging. This is only useful on people who aren't expecting it. If the speed and tracking on the needles were increased, the range would be further, and the weapon would be much more useful.
(Sorry for the small image)
Fuel Rod Gun
Clip size: (3-4 before overheating)
Damage in clip: xxxxxx- (Very high, 2+ kills in 3-4 shots)
Capacity: xxxxx-- (20-30 shots)
Damage per shot: xxxxxx- (Very high)
Firing rate: xxxx--- (Two shots a second)
Cool-down time: xx----- (Very slow)
Projectile speed: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Bullet magnetism: ------- (Random shots)
Effective range: XXXxx-- (Medium-short range)
Versitility: xxxxx-- (Very useful)
Huge explosions, good rate of fire, definently a heavy weapon. It can take out crowds relatively quickly, and piss a lot of people off. Sometimes the shots won't kill, but they'll do a good ammount of damage and flip vehicles and whatnot.
Pistol comparisons
Alot of debate has gone on about the M6 pistols, and due to that I'd like to compare the pistols used throughout the games.
M6D Pistol (Halo 1)
Clip size: xxxxxx- (12, very high chance of a kill in one clip)
Start capacity: xxxxxx- (48)
Max capacity: xxxxxx- (120)
Accuracy: xxxxxx- (Very accurate)
Damage per shot: xxxxx-- (High, 3Sk headshot)
Firing rate: xxxxx-- (3 rounds a second)
Reload time: xxxxx-- (Fast)
Projectile speed: xxxxxxx (Instant)
Bullet magnetism: --xXx-- (Short spread magnetism)
Effective range: xXXXXx- (Short and long range)
Versitility: xxxxxx- (Extremely useful)
This gun renders all of the other guns useless. Let's face it, no other gun is as useful and versitile as this one. With the range and power behind this gun, only someone new to the game would ever think about picking up a needler or a plasma rifle. Bungie has, on multiple occasions, admitted to regretting making the Halo 1 pistol as powerful as it is.
M6C Magnum (Halo 2)
Clip size: x------ (12, extremely low chance of a kill)
Start capacity: xxxx--- (48)
Max capacity: xxx---- (120)
Accuracy: xxx---- (Innacurate)
Damage per shot: x------ (Extremely low, 14Sk headshot)
Firing rate: xxxxxx- (Very high)
Reload time: xxxxx-- (Very fast)
Projectile speed: xxxxxxx (instant)
Bullet magnetism: -xxXxx- (Medium-spread magnetism)
Effective range: xXx----- (Short range)
Versitility: xxx---- (Not too useful)
Bungie took a step in the other direction, only make the gun useless. No scope attatchment, extremely low effective range. When it takes more shots than there is in the clip to kill something, there's a problem. While it is dual-wieldable, the effective range renders it useless compared to the other weapons.
M6G Pistol (Halo 3)
Clip size: xxxx--- (8, moderate chance of a kill)
Start capacity: xxxxxx- (24?)
Max capacity: xxxx--- (40)
Accuracy: xxxxxx- (Very accurate)
Damage per shot: xxxx--- (5Sk headshot)
Firing rate: xxxx--- (Moderate)
Reload time: xxxxx-- (Fast)
Projectile speed: xxxxxxx (instant)
Bullet magnetism: --xXx-- (Short spread magnetism)
Effective range: xXXxx-- (Medium-short range)
Versitility: xxxx--- (Useful)
I feel this version is the most balanced out of the three. A lower firing rate, no scope, lower damage, but not enough of a decline from the original pistol to make it completely useless. While the firing rate is still a bit low, it is, in fact, dual wieldable, making for a three two-bullet-shot kill.