View Full Version : "Bleach the Movie Memories of Nobody" uploaded (fully subtitled)

Edward Elrich
September 15th, 2007, 10:41 PM
Note: the first four pages of posts are what this thread was formerly. If a mod wishes to delete these, feel free. The bitching about anime is scattered through those four pages, but it really starts on page 4.

The bleach movie was uploaded to dattebayo about a week ago. For anyone who doesn't know what dattebayo is, it is a group of people who subtitle episodes from the Japanese Naruto, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, and Bleach anime series, including the movies, and then make them available for download agin. (and these are the uncut episodes, which have some scenes not shown in the American dubs) here (http://www.dattebayo.com/t/bmovie1.torrent) is the link to the bleach movie, and here (http://www.dattebayo.com/t/) is the link to the downloads page.

So now some people are probably wondering "wtf? what is this .torrent thing, why is it so small, and why won't it play?" You need a BitTorrent client to get the file(s). If you are now asking "What the fuck is BitTorrent?" read this (http://www.dattebayo.com/how_to_get_naruto.aspx) page for all the information you need.

If you're the kind of person who hates peer-to-peer downloads, or just wants the file without messing around with unknown software, go to here (http://www.bleachexile.com/), get an account (they're free), go to the "Bleach anime downloads page" and click the "Bleach The Movie Memories of Nobody" link.

And if you have no clue what Bleach is at all and want to know first, go here (http://www.bleachexile.com/information/bleach-anime-guide/) to learn a bit more about it. (warning: the page gives a summary of the entire first episode. If you'd rather find our yourself, there's no page I know of.)

Oh, and http://www.bleachexile.com/images/scripts/emoticons/byakuya.gif

edit: If anyone asks me why dattebayo doesn't put direct downloads on their website, I will -rep you because the answer is given in this (http://www.dattebayo.com/how_to_get_naruto.aspx) page. (anyone who clicks this link might realize it's the same link from above.

September 15th, 2007, 10:51 PM
I dunno if this is legal.
Also, why post this? I hated bleach so much.

September 15th, 2007, 11:10 PM
Why post this? I hate anime so much.

September 15th, 2007, 11:21 PM
The only anime I like on Adult Swim is Full Metal Alchemist, and that comes on to late. Bleach = meh.

September 16th, 2007, 12:23 AM
Ah, I love the idea of pre pubescent teens running around with swords that weigh around one hundred pounds killing everything in site and talking to magical creatures.

The only anime that I find good, like llamma, is FMA. And thats solely because they understood that you need good dialog and plot, not just action and cheesy villians.

September 16th, 2007, 12:27 AM
FMA is cool. Bleach is not so good on Adult Swim. Instead, watch it in Japanese with English subtitles for those of you who like Bleach.
Byakuya isn't all that cool when there are "Arrancar" and "Vizards".

Dr Nick
September 16th, 2007, 12:30 AM
FMA is cool. Bleach is not so good on Adult Swim. Instead, watch it in Japanese with English subtitles for those of you who like Bleach.
Byakuya isn't all that cool when there are "Arrancar" and "Vizards".Agreed. Watch with subs!

Also, skip the filler eps.

September 16th, 2007, 04:52 AM
What the fuck is bleach?

Also, all that Naruto type shit and anime needs to die. The art style has been horribly beaten to death and constantly gets reincarnated and gets beaten to death again. All that big eyed triangular nosed big breasted bullshit.

September 16th, 2007, 05:03 AM
I watched an episode of narotou in brisbane a few weeks back :smith:

Anime it's self doesn't bother me. sure it's usually got some weird plot, nobody has turned 20, every guy has magic fighting powers and every girl has massive tits (regardless of age), but that just doesn't bother me because I don't watch it.

the thing I hate about it is the comunity around it which is like "OMFG ANIME IS THE BEST THIS NEW ONE IS SOOOOOOO COOL OMFG U GUYS WOW LOOK AT THIS THE PLOT IS TOTALY AWESOME (read-30 school girls with DD breasts use magic powers to kill robot ninja's)!!11ELEVENTY".

perhaps that's abit of a generalisation but whenever I say "I don't really like anime" to a fanboy I usualy get a responce like that :|

the only anime I've ever liked (since I grew out of pokemans :3) was cowboy bebop.

September 16th, 2007, 05:04 AM
What the fuck is bleach?

Also, all that Naruto type shit and anime needs to die. The art style has been horribly beaten to death and constantly gets reincarnated and gets beaten to death again. All that big eyed triangular nosed big breasted bullshit.
Yeah, pretty much. I can't go ten minutes at school or on the net without someone dribbling on about what happened in and expecting everyone to care. There's nothing special about anime at all, or at least nothing more than any other animated show has - so why the big fuss and the [I]fucking fanboys?

September 16th, 2007, 05:05 AM

September 16th, 2007, 06:34 AM
Yeah, pretty much. I can't go ten minutes at school or on the net without someone dribbling on about what happened in and expecting everyone to care. There's nothing special about anime at all, or at least nothing more than any other animated show has - so why the big fuss and the [I]fucking fanboys?
It's kids' cartoons...that are okay for adults to watch.

September 16th, 2007, 06:37 AM
...Despite the fact they seem largely aimed at children or teens?

September 16th, 2007, 06:43 AM
I don't see much difference between the average teenager and the average 20 something year old tbh.

take that how you want btw.

September 16th, 2007, 08:57 AM
I meant young teens, like 13-15.

Edward Elrich
September 16th, 2007, 09:18 AM
I don't know if it is legal to upload the movie like that. But just saying "this movie is availale here" is probably legal. Uploading it to a streaming video site, however, is against dattebayo's policy. if they find it, they will most likely report it and ban you from their site.

edit: if they're much more talk about which animes suck, rule, are talked about at school or on the web, I will lock this thread. And if the phrase "fucking fanboys" or anything resembling that is used again, I will -rep you. Rossum, trust me, I'm not a bleach fanboy. (or anything worse than that)

September 16th, 2007, 09:49 AM
Fucking fanboys.
Fucking fanboys.
Fucking fanboys.
Fucking fanboys.

I didn't call you a 'fucking fanboy', I merely stated my disdain for them.

Also, if you're going to be a twat, have a pre-emptive -. :)

September 16th, 2007, 09:55 AM
I watched an episode of narotou in brisbane a few weeks back :smith:

Anime it's self doesn't bother me. sure it's usually got some weird plot, nobody has turned 20, every guy has magic fighting powers and every girl has massive tits (regardless of age), but that just doesn't bother me because I don't watch it.

the thing I hate about it is the comunity around it which is like "OMFG ANIME IS THE BEST THIS NEW ONE IS SOOOOOOO COOL OMFG U GUYS WOW LOOK AT THIS THE PLOT IS TOTALY AWESOME (read-30 school girls with DD breasts use magic powers to kill robot ninja's)!!11ELEVENTY".

perhaps that's abit of a generalisation but whenever I say "I don't really like anime" to a fanboy I usualy get a responce like that :|

the only anime I've ever liked (since I grew out of pokemans :3) was cowboy bebop.
It's made by the Japanese, so they have to overcompensate for their flat chested women and tiny dicks. :downs:

September 16th, 2007, 10:24 AM
Edward, just as a heads up, don't post anime here on H2Vista.net, there are a very, very small number of people who like anime, and that Bleach movie is about a week old, so way post it? let others find it on their own.
as for every one else, please do not force people to dislike, or like anime, it's stupid, and very down grading to force people to believe or do things like you.
@ LlamaMaster: lmfao, I think I've point that out once. Asians don't have big dicks, or large breasts, but they are really smart, and they like cartoons of women with big breasts and men with big dicks.

Have a nice day/night, I'm going back to reading my book. >.> man I love reading books with gun fights in them.

September 16th, 2007, 11:44 AM
Bleach sucks. I was once interested in it, but then I realized that nobody ever fucking dies in it, and every episode is the goddamn same. gfg.


Also, I prefer to listen to a movie instead of reading it.

September 16th, 2007, 01:42 PM
you kind of have a point, no one really dies in Bleach, but some poeple do die in the movie. >.> most of the bad guys, and one good guy. But then again, most of the "Good guys" are Death gods, the Jeti knights of Anime! (please remember what was said about jeti, "they don't 'die'" or something like that, I can't remember what it said right down to the letter in that movie, it's been a year or two)

Edward Elrich
September 17th, 2007, 06:47 AM
To the people who just -repped me: I would have though an implied "after this post" would have been obvious for what I said. I'm locking this thread now, seeing as it's been spammed by anime haters. (not saying everyone who posted besides myself is an anime hater, but there seems to be a large majority)

September 17th, 2007, 06:59 AM
I see no 'spam', nor 'anime haters'. Care to point them out?


Plus, a lock is totally unnecessary. Overreact more.

Reaper Man
September 17th, 2007, 09:10 AM
@ LlamaMaster: lmfao, I think I've point that out once. Asians don't have big dicks, or large breasts, but they are really smart, and they like cartoons of women with big breasts and men with big dicks.
My god, you believe those stereotypes? Then again, you do fit the criteria for the stereotypical stupid American...

I know some Asian chicks with respectably-sized breasts. By respectably, I mean big. :haw:

September 17th, 2007, 10:18 AM
To the people who just -repped me: I would have though an implied "after this post" would have been obvious for what I said. I'm locking this thread now, seeing as it's been spammed by anime haters. (not saying everyone who posted besides myself is an anime hater, but there seems to be a large majority)
So wait, not enjoying low-brow, recycled humor, shy-overplayed-young-children-"love" stories makes you an anime hater? Well, sign me up then, because a ninja in an orange jump suit makes a whole lot of sense to me.

September 17th, 2007, 11:15 AM
So wait, not enjoying low-brow, recycled humor, shy-overplayed-young-children-"love" stories makes you an anime hater? Well, sign me up then, because a ninja in an orange jump suit makes a whole lot of sense to me.
How dare you spam this wonderful thread with your anti-anime propaganda? People like you should be ashamed of yourselves, now the thread will have to be locked just to prove that point <:mad:>


September 17th, 2007, 12:06 PM
My god, you believe those stereotypes? Then again, you do fit the criteria for the stereotypical stupid American...

I know some Asian chicks with respectably-sized breasts. By respectably, I mean big. :haw:
well, I don't believe it 100%, I don't know the size of a man's dick who lives in asia, with my luck, it could be a big horse dick. as for breast size, I've meet a larg number of asian women with all sizes of breasts. hell there was a asian women 1 year older then me at my old job that was not only 6" taller then me, but might have a size B or C bra. >.>

September 17th, 2007, 12:21 PM
tentacles. [/thread]

September 17th, 2007, 12:57 PM

now [/thread]

September 17th, 2007, 02:45 PM
Indeed XD.
Soz mister, have to spread some rep around first. :_(

September 17th, 2007, 04:25 PM

September 17th, 2007, 06:56 PM
You should watch the more brutal and gory anime's like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Blood +, Full Metal Alchemist, Ghost In The Shell, and even Code Geass. Not that shitty sappy crap like Gundam, Inuyasha etc.

I would put Big O in the pile of crap animes but it actually had a VERY good plot.

Edward Elrich
September 17th, 2007, 07:01 PM
Now that we've established the fact that everyone hates Bleach, I think a change of title is in order. (and no, it has nothing to do with bleach.) And Reaperman, why -rep me for locking the thread?

edit: and now the anime bitching begins. Pokemon, Yugioh, and most other anime shown on Cartoon Network (not including Adult Swim or Naruto. I'm talking about the ones where they drastically change the dialogue or even completely skip episodes) are the ones that really get on my nerves.
FMA is awesome, and as for all the others you guys have been talking about, give me a week to go to youtube, google video, and anywhere else these are to watch them for myself. If, after this post, anyone talks about Bleach, you'll get -repped. As I said above, we already know that nobody likes it.

September 17th, 2007, 11:32 PM
First of all, unless I'm much mistaken... you have 50 points or less so your -reps won't do shit. Hard luck, son.

Second, after your recent posts, I think I will go out on a limb and call you a fanboy, since you're so opposed to anything which could negatively portray Bleach or anime as a whole. If this is the case (likely; I can't see any other reason for you to explode like that and start making threats), then you are one hell of a childish bigot. Stop trying to steer the conversation down the path you want it to follow and let us at least state our opinions; whether you ignore them or then proceed to debate points with us is up to you and quite frankly I couldn't care less.

September 18th, 2007, 01:52 AM
I still say the best one ever made (read out of the 1 that I have seen) is cowboy bebop.

hela cool ending :(

Edward Elrich
September 18th, 2007, 01:03 PM
Didn't I just say that Pokemon and Yugioh weren't that good? And you're right, I'm probably overreacting about the -reps. You can't judge people in the forums by rep alone.

edit: I'm done now. Occasionaly I'll post with my opinion about an anime, but for the most part, I'll stay out.

I'm neutral about this anime, but I'm wondering what other people think of InuYasha.

September 18th, 2007, 01:41 PM
Lets watch anime, then hentai and go :fap:. :downs:

September 18th, 2007, 01:42 PM
InuYasha is GAY. Ghost in the Shell ftw. That came out when I was a kid, and it owns any of that rectal seepage they show now.

September 18th, 2007, 03:28 PM
I see no 'spam', nor 'anime haters'. Care to point them out?

I hate anime :downs:

September 18th, 2007, 11:16 PM
I hate anime :downs:
OMG WTF -REP :mad::mad::mad:

I don't like it, but I don't truly hate it, either. It's the fanbase and the general attitude held towards it that really shits me.

September 19th, 2007, 12:26 AM
does that also apply to the attitudes of those who are instantly "ANIME SUXORZ!!ELEVENTY1!"?

That's a propper question btw.

September 19th, 2007, 12:32 AM

September 19th, 2007, 03:06 PM
I still say the best one ever made (read out of the 1 that I have seen) is cowboy bebop.

hela cool ending :(

Cowboy Bebop is the greatest. Adult Swim is re-airing it at 1:00 AM again. :)

September 19th, 2007, 03:09 PM
OMG WTF -REP :mad::mad::mad:

I don't like it, but I don't truly hate it, either. It's the fanbase and the general attitude held towards it that really shits me.

I wish I could say I don't truly hate it, cause hate sounds too fanboyish. But the fact is I tried watching a lot of it and eventually I decided that I just couldn't stand it.

September 20th, 2007, 12:46 AM
Actually, my friend Tom is a huge Bleach fan, right. So, we had practically nothing to do in chemistry or physics (finished course in the latter, supposedly beginning some revision in the former). He started watching ep. 1, and so did I. Having watched through to the first few minutes of 5, it's not too bad and it sure as hell beat doing absolutely jack shit for 3 hours... but still, nothing to centre your entire life around the way a lot of people I encounter have.

That said, anime in general still rates as 'meh' to me.

September 20th, 2007, 12:47 AM
Cowboy Bebop is the greatest. Adult Swim is re-airing it at 1:00 AM again. :)
hardly anybody in australia (that I know of anyways) has cable.

however ABC 2 was airing it earlier this year (at 8:30) so that's where I saw it. hopefully they'll run it again next year.

Edward Elrich
September 20th, 2007, 09:16 PM
Wow, I just realized how dumb some of the things in Bleach are. (SPANISH COUNTING SYSTEM!!!!) <--this actually happens later on in the anime.

And if that sounded fanboyish, it wasn't supposed to. (yes, the person trying to stop any flaming of Bleach has just flamed something in Bleach. What now?)

September 21st, 2007, 12:00 AM
Having watched through to the first few minutes of 5, it's not too bad and it sure as hell beat doing absolutely jack shit for 3 hours... but still, nothing to centre your entire life around the way a lot of people I encounter have.

Bleach starts out awesome, but eventually it just follows the standard rules of animu; bandages heal everything, the protagonist always wins, the protagonist always makes friends with defeated adversaries, etc etc etc etc.

September 21st, 2007, 02:36 AM
Bleach starts out awesome, but eventually it just follows the standard rules of animu; bandages heal everything, the protagonist always wins, the protagonist always makes friends with defeated adversaries, etc etc etc etc.

Well, worth getting through the awesome ones, at the very least.

September 21st, 2007, 03:12 AM


September 21st, 2007, 03:46 AM
Thanks for that really reeally useful post dano.

September 21st, 2007, 03:58 AM
because 99&#37; of the drivel you post contributes just as much, if not more! :rolleyes:

September 21st, 2007, 07:08 AM
I did it for the lulz.

Reaper Man
September 21st, 2007, 07:30 AM
I don't think anybody lol'd. http://i.somethingawful.com/forumsystem/emoticons/emot-downsowned.gif