View Full Version : Evolution is stupid!

September 17th, 2007, 10:28 AM

Decide for yourself.
WARNING: may lead to :lol:, :raise:, :shake:, :smithicide:or most probably :lock:.

September 17th, 2007, 10:49 AM
hah he's kinda funny actually.

September 17th, 2007, 10:57 AM

OK, Macro is going to come from a combination of Micro evolutions. You just don't get a SURGE of change(s) in on setting, its going to happen over time. His reasoning is stupid, he is stupid :maddowns:

Second. If you want to ask where the fucking big "bang" "came" from, then where did gawd come from :raise:? Thats what I thought


EDIT: Pause.

Yes, he is rather funny-bunny, but thats how he hides the fact that he is *drum roll*


He would appear more intelligent if he actually compared science against what that stupid book he likes to follow says. At least then he wouldn't look like a ranting stupid head :downs:

Ugh, religion debates.



Holy shit. He asks a guy from berkly (sp) how he thinks the universe was formed. He of course, being a non-stupid head replied "the big bang". Little dot, thats hot, spinning, ka-boom. Jazz. Here we are.

OK, mr religious man, how did the universe form? "Well gawd made it, then he made the earth in 7 days and poof here were are". OK, so you say we were made from nothing? No? This 'gawd' fellow who I'm convinced is unisex *shiver*, made us. Where did he come from? Nuthin. Thats what I thought. Your points are moot, and end up contradicting your own beliefs. Just shut up and believe what you want to believe, and leave EVERYONE ELSE ALONE :|.

Don't like gays? Great! Don't be gay, problem solved.
Don't like non-gawd fearing people? Great! Live your life fearing that anything you do can end you up in the "after-life's" jail.
O wait...sorry, we, America, do tend to intrude on everyone else.
Don't like Iraq's WMD? GREAT! STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM IRAQ! Wouldn't have any beef with them as long as we minded our own business now would we :downs:?

Ugh, play.

September 17th, 2007, 11:07 AM
he should watch discovery channel more though. he's only telling half facts, about the existance of antimatter. that's actually PROVEN, and he's yelling that it was only made upto support big bang.

September 17th, 2007, 11:45 AM
RING RING Hey its 1200 a.d. calling and they want their Fairy Tales back.
Its actually funny [not:(] that this is teached in schools. people died for our current more or less rational and empiristic science - and still ~ 250 years after the enlightment age there are still ppl who firmly believe that the earth was created by [the christian] god 6000 years ago and that science is the worst threath to humanity since mohammed.

Meh freedom of opinion obviously has its goods and its bads.



September 17th, 2007, 12:37 PM
You'll never succeed getting those hardcore numbnuts to understand real science. Pseudoscience is a powerful seducer.

Dr Nick
September 17th, 2007, 12:48 PM
he should watch discovery channel more though. he's only telling half facts, about the existance of antimatter. that's actually PROVEN, and he's yelling that it was only made upto support big bang.
Isn't it called Dark Matter?

September 17th, 2007, 12:50 PM
different thing.

also, rofl, he calls darwin a racist.

Dr Nick
September 17th, 2007, 02:20 PM
Also, he refers to House(the TV show) at about 1:15:00.

Rob Oplawar
September 17th, 2007, 02:31 PM
Ugh. Religious debates. Leave me out of it. Oh wait, I'm the one who came in here and posted, lol. I guess that means I want to say something.

Er, yeah. I'm the kind of person who will sit for hours on end pretending to be all wise and philosophical. I've had this whole religion/origin-of-the-universe/is-there-a-god argument with myself dozens of times. You know what conclusion I've come to?

There is absolutely no fucking way to know, and it does not matter one fucking bit. So, it's fine to let people believe what they want to believe, because in the end all that really matters is that you're a decent human being. If you are, then you will contribute something nice to the only thing we can tentatively identify (ie everybody else's existence) and if you're not, well, you'll be gone in a couple of decades anyway.

In the mini simulation society we call h2v.net, I'd like to think I've contributed at least a little bit, and if not, I'll inevitably leave someday, one way or another.

Edit: Also lol when I saw the thread title I thought the intention was to bash WoL's mod here.

September 17th, 2007, 05:35 PM
LOL, That video is bullshit. Kent Hovind is a stupid fucktard and a chronic lier.

1.) He never taught highschool science for 15 years.
2.) He does not have a Ph.D in any field of science.
3.) He does not have an IQ of 160.
4.) Kent Hovind went straight from highschool to "preaching".
5.) He uses fallacies and misrepresents data to argue creationism.

Kent Hovind is currently serving a 10 year jail sentence for tax fraud. He lied to the IRS about his taxes. I dont know but last time I checked one of the 10 commandments was "thou shall not lie". Kent Hovind's arguement to the IRs about his taxes was "My posessions belong to GOD, therefore I am not guilty of tax fraud".So you creationist can take this hipocrate and shove him up you ignorant asses.

If you want more info just research Kent Hovind on google or wikipedia.

1.) The Big Bang Theory has nothing to do with Evolution.(Anyone who would say otherwise is an ignorant dumbass who knows nothing about evolution or evolutionary theory. )

2.) Radiometric dating has shown that the world is approximatly 4.5 billion years only not 6000.

3.)Micro evolution and Machro evolution are the same thing only micro evolution is on a smaller time scale.

Time Scale
Micro evolution [---]
Machro evolution [----------------------------------------------]

4.) The Big Bang does not say that nothing explode.

Science works by asking a questions, than looking at evidence in nature to come to a conclusion.

Creation science works backwards. Their conclusion is GOD then they look for evidence to support this conclusion.

Therefore what have we learned..........That Creationism is BULLSHIT


September 17th, 2007, 05:56 PM
dark matter and antimatter are two different things. dark matter is matter that is not affected by electromagnetic energy (light and stuff)
antimatter is well, antimatter..

September 17th, 2007, 06:17 PM
Har har guys. All I ever hear around here is "godamn christians always voicing their opinions and trying to prove stuff to me". Guess what. All I ever see is other people trying to voice and force their non-belief on others. WAY TO GO!

September 17th, 2007, 06:18 PM
different thing.

also, rofl, he calls darwin a racist.
Darwin's Origin of Species =/= Guilded Age's Social Darwanism.

And Rob, I agree and I don't agree, the religion vs. science debate is a touchy subject and it may well be very reasonable to simply ignore it, but the fact is it can't be ignored as long as there are people willing to tow their respective flags. As long as obsolete and mutilated morals based on scripture which has lost a great deal of meaning and has been reduced and updated time after time into a not-so-faithful steamin heap of interpretation continues to be the chosen method of deciding the ethical and unethical, science will falter. But, just as well, it is not science's place to attempt to disprove religion simply for the sake of doing so, as many of the morals do hold true when applyed to more basic human behavior. The moral and legal code (minus specific punishments) dating back at least Hammaurabi was spread largely through religion, and personal interpretation can still render positive impact for human thought.

Science and religion are not antonymous and do not neccessarily contradict. People who promote one side over the other are in large part morons.

However, I disagree that knowing the origin of the universe is pointless Rob.

September 17th, 2007, 06:42 PM
This video confuses me.

September 17th, 2007, 06:57 PM
Too bad everyone's survival is pretty much ensured these days, otherwise this idiot would get eaten by some wild animal and we wouldn't have to deal with him.

September 17th, 2007, 07:01 PM
LOL, That video is bullshit. Kent Hovind is a stupid fucktard and a chronic lier.

1.) He never taught highschool science for 15 years.
2.) He does not have a Ph.D in any field of science.
3.) He does not have an IQ of 160.
4.) Kent Hovind went straight from highschool to "preaching".
5.) He uses fallacies and misrepresents data to argue creationism.

Kent Hovind is currently serving a 10 year jail sentence for tax fraud. He lied to the IRS about his taxes. I dont know but last time I checked one of the 10 commandments was "thou shall not lie". Kent Hovind's arguement to the IRs about his taxes was "My posessions belong to GOD, therefore I am not guilty of tax fraud".So you creationist can take this hipocrate and shove him up you ignorant asses.

If you want more info just research Kent Hovind on google or wikipedia.

1.) The Big Bang Theory has nothing to do with Evolution.(Anyone who would say otherwise is an ignorant dumbass who knows nothing about evolution or evolutionary theory. )

2.) Radiometric dating has shown that the world is approximatly 4.5 billion years only not 6000.

3.)Micro evolution and Machro evolution are the same thing only micro evolution is on a smaller time scale.

Time Scale
Micro evolution [---]
Machro evolution [----------------------------------------------]

4.) The Big Bang does not say that nothing explode.

Science works by asking a questions, than looking at evidence in nature to come to a conclusion.

Creation science works backwards. Their conclusion is GOD then they look for evidence to support this conclusion.

Therefore what have we learned..........That Creationism is BULLSHIT

1. Not all creationists are hypocrites. Stop making them out to be.
2. Pretty much all of Christianity believes in the Big Bang, as it (loosely) goes with the Creation depicted in Genesis. It's all about interpretation. This guy is way out there.

September 17th, 2007, 07:06 PM
This guy is actually very funny.

September 17th, 2007, 08:10 PM
OOOhh, I love this conservation of angular momentum bullshit. Because its just not possible that things will run out of momentum, collide, have gravity, or in general have the ability to create force.


Jeeze, he's humorous and sounds like he knows what he is talking about--he's a good public speaker. That in no way makes him right.

Good to know no one's been convinced yet.

September 17th, 2007, 08:17 PM
That was quite entertaining; why are the planets spinning backwards?

September 17th, 2007, 08:28 PM
1. Not all creationists are hypocrites. Stop making them out to be.
2. Pretty much all of Christianity believes in the Big Bang, as it (loosely) goes with the Creation depicted in Genesis. It's all about interpretation. This guy is way out there.

Obivously not all creationists are hipocrates but this particular one(Kent Hovind) is.

Kent Hovind is like the poster boy for creationism.

Just like Richard Dawkins is the poster boy for evolution/atheism.

Heres a funny video of hovind for your amusement.

Neuro Guro
September 17th, 2007, 08:35 PM

September 17th, 2007, 11:43 PM
Har har guys. All I ever hear around here is "godamn christians always voicing their opinions and trying to prove stuff to me". Guess what. All I ever see is other people trying to voice and force their non-belief on others. WAY TO GO!
And I try to force shut the fuck up on both sides :haw:

September 17th, 2007, 11:44 PM
And I try to force shut the fuck up on both sides :haw:
And that solves everything by putting a new equation into the problem. :haw:

September 18th, 2007, 02:32 AM
:raptor jesus:


September 18th, 2007, 02:38 AM
oh my fucking god this is making me irrated.

gah... just... WTf is wrong with this person.

September 18th, 2007, 06:12 AM
This is my take on it:

I believe what can be shown to me repeatedly, over periods of time. I can SEE natural selection at work, yes, in my own home! Try it with some insects that invade your home (moths work best, as they have colored wings that, depending on the color, can mean life or death). I did; three years ago we started getting moths in this house as black as night. Now, we have white walls, so it was easy to kill most of them off. Now, they're back, BUT (guess what?) their coloration is SIGNIFICANTLY lighter. I saw this happen before mine eyes, and thus, I believe it.

We can SEE molecules that make us up, we can SEE our own DNA. We cannot see some sort of miracle-worker pulling every string, or at least I can't.

September 18th, 2007, 06:30 AM
he won't show himself (any religions where the main character is a woman?) to you unless you truely belive :downs:

September 18th, 2007, 07:14 AM
Lol, ok I stopped at the whole angular momentum part. This is funny, but its clever how misleading and illogical his arguments are. The irony is that he contradicts his own beliefs with every point he makes. I'll finish watching it when I get the time.

As for conservation of angular momentum, he simply ignored the presents of gravity pulling bodies of mass together, forming other explosions and various collisions creating a very chaotic chain reaction. Really shows his credibility of knowledge on the subject.

I still however strongly disagree with many aspects of the big bang theory as it begins as just an implausible story of "a beginning" which is just as illogical as any ridiculous biblical explanation. I do agree with the strong evidence supporting that all the mass in the universe originally originated from a single point. To me the most logically backing is that there is no absolute beginning to the universe. That there wasn't just one day when *poof* theres the universe. All the mass, all the energy, or all that we know to currently exist has always existed in constant existence with no beginning, and no end in some form or another and that our perception of time as a sequential measurement instead of a realm of space distorts that view. Perhaps that "single point" which lead to the big bang was just a form or stage that the universe gone though leading up the big bang, and before that something else, but the point is that I think that there is no logically definable point which you can say was the absolute beginning.

Any argument that supports the ideology that there was an absolute beginning is meaningless because it just leaves off another question asking, "Well what caused that to happen?" Of course biblical explanations has even worse non-sense. But as for the big bang, its at least a step forward in trying to inevitably find the "origin" of the universe. Think of trying the find the origin of the universe hypothetically as trying to find the starting point of an infinite line. Biblical explanations do zigzags and wild spin off tangents off that line to make pretty shapes and pictures while trying seek an answer to where the beginning is, while fact supported scientific theories draw lines towards the general direction in which the line seems to originate from. Either way, no matter what point on the line you reach, it will still extend forever.

September 18th, 2007, 07:21 AM
I call the whole "where did the universe come from and does it end (and how)" train of thought, a mind fuck.

try it some time.

September 18th, 2007, 07:27 AM
well a friend of mines mum is heavily religous.
she's a seventh day adventist and as such theres no sex before marage (more sp?) yada yada yada but theres also a bigger issue. according to this religion u cant live with someone before your married either.
"till death do us part" my fucking ass. she's on her 4th or 5th husband now as a result of marrying them before realising that they cant live together....

look to me i see religion as a lifestyle choice. you can choose to go to church, you can choose to incorperate ideals from religion into your life and i dont have any problem with taht at all, in fact i think some of it has positive impacts on ppl's lives. But as soon as religion becomes your life thats where the problems begin and u need to take a step back.
Blind faith in anything is always a bad idea because it leaves yourself incredibly closed minded and unwilling to learn knew ideals.
i'm an athesist (sp) and as such i didnt believe a word that guy said. yet i managed to sit down for an hour and watch him so i could learn and take it onboard to expand my own opinion.
and i believe thats the way anything as touchy as religion Vs science should be viewed.

and as a result of an hour long video i have strengthend my opinion with a broader view and came to the conclusion that if this talking close-minded walking hypocrite is the best they have to convince people that creationism is the way everything happened then they have got some serious problems.

so jahrain your sorta a steady state cross big bang fella eh :)
the dousche talking made some refference to there being multiple big bangs according to scientists where the universe shrinks and compacts again into a small area before exploding again.
I havnt heard anything on that but it's an interesting theory.

September 18th, 2007, 07:39 AM
Anyone who believes there is no possible compromise between religion and science is an idiot. It's not hard, so long as you're willing to take the contradictions and work them out for yourself.

September 18th, 2007, 08:48 AM
Anyone who believes there is no possible compromise between religion and science is an idiot. It's not hard, so long as you're willing to take the contradictions and work them out for yourself.

I say there's no possible compromise between them, making me an idiot I guess. Since they're both -ISMs, and approach explanation of evidence in totally opposite ways, I can't see them reconciled.

I can see spirituality and science intersecting though.

September 18th, 2007, 09:12 AM
omg that movie [Jesus Camp] creeped the crap outa me. try and watch it in Black and white mode and there you go: Hitlerjugend Part 2.

Also, +rep for u mister `rat.

September 18th, 2007, 09:17 AM
I say there's no possible compromise between them, making me an idiot I guess. Since they're both -ISMs, and approach explanation of evidence in totally opposite ways, I can't see them reconciled.

I can see spirituality and science intersecting though.
They aren't both -isms. Do they end in ISM? No, they're terms.

September 18th, 2007, 09:25 AM
I say there's no possible compromise between them, making me an idiot I guess. Since they're both -ISMs, and approach explanation of evidence in totally opposite ways, I can't see them reconciled.

I can see spirituality and science intersecting though.
I'm Christian and also very interested in physics. I just don't take the Bible literally, and I don't believe anyone should. It's been manipulated so much through the ages that a lot of the meaning has changed entirely and so you get people making completely idiotic claims which it 'backs up' - when in actual fact, it doesn't support their ideas at all.

It's [I]extreme religion that doesn't mix so well with science, and vice versa. Basically the twats who think they're correct to the letter and feel the need to try and prove it.

Rob Oplawar
September 18th, 2007, 10:00 AM
However, I disagree that knowing the origin of the universe is pointless Rob.

What I said that it doesn't matter one bit. Which sci-fi author was it, who wrote a book in which science proved God didn't exist? I felt that book was a load of crap because even if it could be logically proven without a doubt that God doesn't exist, well, I mean, there are people who are convinced that the world is flat. Conversely, if Jesus made his second coming and saved the world from its sins in front of everyone's eyes, people would still call it a load of crap.

What I'm saying is I personally found it to be a complete waste of time to try to answer this question because we are limited to what we can perceive and nothing more, and with that amount of subjective data it is impossible to make a completely certain objective conclusion. It all comes back to Descartes- All I can know for sure is that I exist, and by extension, I can figure that you all probably exist, although there's no way to even be sure of that. It's just impossible to know for sure, and even if I did know, it wouldn't matter, because it wouldn't change the fact that my goal in life is to be a good person, contribute a bit to society, produce a couple of offspring, and die.

I guess another way to put my argument is that atheist or not, people tend to want to be good people, and want the world to continuously improve, and science and religion in that respect have the same goal in mind- and personal religion is very good and personal science is very good, but mob religion and mob science both tend to get out of hand. So it's a waste of time for them to be continuously bickering like this. Let's stop wasting our time on the unsolvable argument and get our focus back on more realistic goals.

Speaking of which, I've got to go put my new computer together so I can get back to work on Bridge CE.


It's extreme religion that doesn't mix so well with science, and vice versa. Basically the twats who think they're correct to the letter and feel the need to try and prove it.
Exactly, thank you Ross.

September 18th, 2007, 10:14 AM
Which sci-fi author was it, who wrote a book in which science proved God didn't exist? I felt that book was a load of crap because even if it could be logically proven without a doubt that God doesn't exist, well, I mean, there are people who are convinced that the world is flat.
If it could be prove logically and without a doubt id rather
stick to that.
Unfortunatly the only way this could be done is via philosophical reasoning. And philosphy is a never ending story itself: thesis+antithesis=synthesis -> =thesis+antithesis...you get the point.
But id rather prefer this method instead of the "HARR we R teh righteous christians! jesus was god himself, mary was a virgin and fags, liberals and muslims burn in hell YARR"
If everyone tried a personal approach on spirituallity, our chances of at least one of us getting it right would multiply.

Speaking of which, I've got to go put my new computer together so I can get back to work on Bridge CE.

Good idea. Looking forward to that. :)

September 18th, 2007, 10:36 AM
I'm Christian and also very interested in physics. I just don't take the Bible literally, and I don't believe anyone should. It's been manipulated so much through the ages that a lot of the meaning has changed entirely and so you get people making completely idiotic claims which it 'backs up' - when in actual fact, it doesn't support their ideas at all.

It's [I]extreme religion that doesn't mix so well with science, and vice versa. Basically the twats who think they're correct to the letter and feel the need to try and prove it.

Might I ask you what has been manipulated? What meaning has changed, there's no way you can take the story of christ as something that has changed.

September 18th, 2007, 10:51 AM
How couldn't the meaning have changed over thousands of years and several translations?

September 18th, 2007, 11:04 AM
That wasn't my question, but I do see your point.

September 18th, 2007, 11:09 AM
Yeah, as for the manipulation part - find me a place in the Bible where God has something against people having sex. Now take a look at the stance the Catholic Church has had on the matter for the last several hundred years. Something's obviously been twisted or snuck in sideways, there.

September 18th, 2007, 11:12 AM
There's different forms of christianity,and through these different forms people take different beliefs. For example, say I were to say it's bad to have sex unless you're married. One person could go hey, it's bad but I'm still going to do it, while the other waits until marriage. I hope you understand what i'm saying : \

September 18th, 2007, 11:25 AM
Yeah, I do. What I'm saying is that the way those different sects form is usually through some sort of alteration which suits the group's founders, or a dispute which causes one to break into several. It's pretty much impossible to tell exactly what is or isn't 'fact' as laid down by the original publications of the Bible unless you have those very early versions handy.


7,000th post, bitches :haw:

September 18th, 2007, 12:05 PM
They aren't both -isms. Do they end in ISM? No, they're terms.

Objective science = humanism.

Try again.

September 18th, 2007, 12:08 PM
It's extreme religion that doesn't mix so well with science, and vice versa. Basically the twats who think they're correct to the letter and feel the need to try and prove it.

You have to remember that religion, any religion, is a system of belief. In its purest sense even science is a religion. That's why the term "religion" is vague, and I drew a distinction between religion and spirituality.

September 18th, 2007, 12:11 PM
You have to remember that religion, any religion, is a system of belief. In its purest sense even science is a religion. That's why the term "religion" is vague, and I drew a distinction between religion and spirituality.
Hey that's not fair, it's 3 in the morning and my brain isn't awake enough to come up with a counter. <:mad:>

September 18th, 2007, 12:13 PM
Hey that's not fair, it's 3 in the morning and my brain isn't awake enough to come up with a counter. <:mad:>

My bad Rossie. Flame me later, okay? <3

September 18th, 2007, 12:14 PM
Sounds like a plan :haw:

...Time to sleep, before I go latch onto another forum.

September 18th, 2007, 12:15 PM
happy 7k posts o_o

Neuro Guro
September 18th, 2007, 08:47 PM

September 18th, 2007, 09:28 PM
I thought science was supposed to be unbiased?

September 18th, 2007, 09:46 PM
How couldn't the meaning have changed over thousands of years and several translations?
Just for kicks and cause he's right I'm going to point out that in the Hebrew Torah, Adam is with Eve the entire time she gets tricked by the snake and eats the fruit. Its in there two words, little things like that make a huge difference.

Neuro Guro
September 18th, 2007, 10:22 PM

September 19th, 2007, 01:15 AM
lawl neuro <3

September 19th, 2007, 04:45 PM
This is my take on it:

I believe what can be shown to me repeatedly, over periods of time. I can SEE natural selection at work, yes, in my own home! Try it with some insects that invade your home (moths work best, as they have colored wings that, depending on the color, can mean life or death). I did; three years ago we started getting moths in this house as black as night. Now, we have white walls, so it was easy to kill most of them off. Now, they're back, BUT (guess what?) their coloration is SIGNIFICANTLY lighter. I saw this happen before mine eyes, and thus, I believe it.

We can SEE molecules that make us up, we can SEE our own DNA. We cannot see some sort of miracle-worker pulling every string, or at least I can't.

Durr... Its all a lie! Gawd did that to tests yurr faiths.

Thing is, is even if he did believe that evolution exists, he still didn't evolve yet. As in he is still a monkey.
So are you an albino monkey or is that post intended to be racist?

September 20th, 2007, 12:58 AM
i dont see any racism in that Jah.
your digging to deep into it.

just a funny T-shirt being worn by a stupid person :downs:

September 20th, 2007, 07:11 AM
Objective science = humanism.

Try again.
Id say positivism would be a bit more correct in this case :haw:
Im a good noodle right?