View Full Version : What the hell.
September 19th, 2007, 12:50 PM
Victorian education officials say no further action will be taken against a six-year-old boy accused of running a "sex club" at a Melbourne primary school.
The department said it had investigated the claims and admitted the student had exposed other grade one pupils to sexual conversations at the school in the city's eastern suburbs.
The investigation follows claims by the mother of another six-year-old boy that her son was urged to perform a sex act, while the alleged ringleader had exposed himself in front of other students, reports said.
September 19th, 2007, 01:30 PM
what the hell?
September 19th, 2007, 01:39 PM
I fail to comprehend this.
teh lag
September 19th, 2007, 01:46 PM
Wait what? 0_o sex club...
September 19th, 2007, 02:17 PM
I can remember when random little kids did this shit and it didn't make national news.
Un freaking real.
September 19th, 2007, 02:35 PM
So that would make him a pedophile, right?
September 19th, 2007, 03:01 PM
What the fuck.....I would beat that kid...
September 19th, 2007, 05:39 PM
I can remember when random little kids did this shit and it didn't make national news.
Un freaking real.
Lots of stupid worthless crap makes the news. Remember, when there are major facts that must be ignored at all costs, you need to cover the neglagible.
Also, how is a six year old running a sex club?
September 19th, 2007, 05:45 PM
Wow I wonder if his parents abused him or something...cause this stuff just doesn't happen...
Rob Oplawar
September 19th, 2007, 06:53 PM
god, i really missed out when i was 6.
September 19th, 2007, 07:02 PM
Wow I wonder if his parents abused him or something...cause this stuff just doesn't happen...
Typically, that is a safe assumption.
This is sad. I would have a hard time not bringing some furry down on the child's parents if he had victimized my child.
September 19th, 2007, 07:13 PM
An obviously abused child does some crazy shit. Wow, how interesting.
September 19th, 2007, 08:19 PM
So that would make him a pedophile, right?
I looked into it and I think it makes them ALL pedophiles, since they were under the age of consent and all that.
September 19th, 2007, 08:22 PM
An obviously abused child does some crazy shit. Wow, how interesting.
No. Remember when you were six? I sure as hell do.
I had an older brother in sex ed. He would tell me all kinds of shit on the bus, half of which he made up. And me, I thought it was the funniest thing since those arm farts. I got in trouble once in first grade for writing the word "penis" on a piece of paper and passing it around the class. Every boy in the joint was laughing his ass off. Some girls too.
I also blame TV. I didn't have cable 'till I was fourteen, so I wasn't exposed to what this kid may have been exposed to in the media.
September 19th, 2007, 08:33 PM
Also, how is a six year old running a sex club?
That's what I would like to know... Then again parenting is getting worse and worse these days (heck I saw a kid destroying objects at work when the parents were just watching...)...
September 19th, 2007, 09:09 PM
No. Remember when you were six? I sure as hell do.
I had an older brother in sex ed. He would tell me all kinds of shit on the bus, half of which he made up. And me, I thought it was the funniest thing since those arm farts. I got in trouble once in first grade for writing the word "penis" on a piece of paper and passing it around the class. Every boy in the joint was laughing his ass off. Some girls too.
I also blame TV. I didn't have cable 'till I was fourteen, so I wasn't exposed to what this kid may have been exposed to in the media.
Same, I knew about loads of that stuff at that age. But to go that far is definitely not normal.
September 20th, 2007, 12:37 AM
what the fuck.
that's wrong >______>
September 20th, 2007, 02:37 AM
An obviously abused child does some crazy shit. Wow, how interesting.
no offence but you guys tend to be slower to mature in america.
australians in general tend to be very aware of this kind of stuff.
i knew when i was 6 about sex, without ever getting told or abused or watever the fuck you ppl are thinking.
i just picked up on it.
i didnt however do something like this but i cant see this as a once of situation. we just used to say sex and laugh about it.
also i knew 13 year olds that where having sex and we just shrugged it off. my sister worked as an Au pair in america for a year and she told me all about the differences between american kids and australian kids. it's just a side affect of your customs and traditions that you guys learn about this alot later then us.
September 20th, 2007, 04:27 AM
I remeber when sex was the funniest word evar :-3
though I can't say I know any 13 year olds that have had or are having sex >.>
Dr Nick
September 20th, 2007, 04:53 AM
So that would make him a pedophile, right?No, to be a pedophile, you have to be over the legal age, doing sexual acts with someone under the legal age.
September 20th, 2007, 04:53 AM
god, i really missed out when i was 6.
Also, what the fuck. It would n't have been a fucking sex club, it would have been 4 kids going:
A kid flashing his genitals at that age is not out of the norm imo. My 3 nephews were doing that until grade fucking 2. It's just little kids for fucks sake.
And if they are discussing sex, WHO THE FUCK IS TO BLAME FOR THAT.
Y HElo Thar Mr Media, turns out all that sex you've been bloating us with has turned out kids into sex crazy maniacs. Guess we didn't see that one coming :eyesroll:
September 20th, 2007, 05:00 AM
I remeber when sex was the funniest word evar :-3
though I can't say I know any 13 year olds that have had or are having sex >.>
I do.
My sister/s :(, friends, like half the population in this town.
Also Bodie is exactly right. My brother Rory now lives in America and he tells me all the kids and teenagers over there are "whiny little weiners that you'd think by looking at them or talking to them were 5 years younger than what they actually are."
September 20th, 2007, 05:21 AM
though I can't say I know any 13 year olds that have had or are having sex >.>
your to busy at home studying and not going out mucking around getting in trouble like i've been saying u should be doing >:U
it's just differnet customs. aussies just grow up quicker, i dont mean taht offensively in anyway it's just, we do.
September 20th, 2007, 06:25 AM
who the fuck studys?
pro tip zilla, you don't have to study to get good grades :downs:
September 20th, 2007, 04:06 PM
home work then >_____>
get in trouble dammit >:U
September 20th, 2007, 06:52 PM
LOL... Reminds me of first and second grade when I attended a catholic elementary school. Nearly every week, some kids gets caught actually attempting to have intercourse with each other and in some cases even with the same sex. (Yes first and second graders, and yes it was a catholic school) They weren't old enough to actually achieve anything, since mainly at that age the sexual organs aren't developed enough to be fully functional in those situations. The kids usually did it because they thought it was fun, and were curious, mainly because their parents won't tell them anything about it other than its bad and sinful.
September 20th, 2007, 07:26 PM
it's just differnet customs. aussies just grow up quicker, i dont mean taht offensively in anyway it's just, we do.
Do you have any data to back this up? Other than Dane's brother going over here and stereotyping the majority of our teenage population.
September 20th, 2007, 07:45 PM
This is what happens when mommy and daddy leave their pornos out in the open.
September 20th, 2007, 08:03 PM
LOL... Reminds me of first and second grade when I attended a catholic elementary school. Nearly every week, some kids gets caught actually attempting to have intercourse with each other and in some cases even with the same sex. (Yes first and second graders, and yes it was a catholic school) They weren't old enough to actually achieve anything, since mainly at that age the sexual organs aren't developed enough to be fully functional in those situations. The kids usually did it because they thought it was fun, and were curious, mainly because their parents won't tell them anything about it other than its bad and sinful.
Wait, wait, wait. How can you have sex with a 3 inch pre-pubescent non-erecting penis? wtf is all this then? I mean all of this is just ridiculous, makes me think of Brave New World.
On another note, n00b how do you not know people who had sex at 13?
I mean seriously, at my old school BJ's were goin around in 6th grade.
September 20th, 2007, 08:20 PM
though I can't say I know any 13 year olds that have had or are having sex >.>
I do :/, and 12 year olds who get pregnant.
September 21st, 2007, 12:23 AM
home work then >_____>
get in trouble dammit >:U
try less than 30 minutes a night :awesome:
I do :/, and 12 year olds who get pregnant.
way to fuck up your life >_>
On another note, n00b how do you not know people who had sex at 13?
I mean seriously, at my old school BJ's were goin around in 6th grade.
what is a BJ.
I can't think of anything that fits in that context.
E: oright >.>
September 21st, 2007, 01:23 AM
Xetsueiâ„¢;162959']Do you have any data to back this up? Other than Dane's brother going over here and stereotyping the majority of our teenage population.
i sure do.
my sister saying the exact same thing after living with 2 familys for a total of twelve months.
i never ment to be offensive as i previously stated. As soon as u can find a way for me to graph the maturity of people let me know.
Till then back off.
i merely expressed my opinion based on the fact that 90% of the people that had posted in the thread before hand had thought this strange for a 6 yr old to be know about. i then explained that due to the diferences between our 2 cultures this is not uncommon in australia.
i dont think i've ever heard of or met an australian who gained any information from a sex-ed class that he or she didnt already know about.
stop being so defensive.
September 21st, 2007, 02:15 AM
The freshmen at my high school are looking more and more like little kids as time goes on. I guess parents are choosing not to put their kids in preschool anymore, those asses.
September 21st, 2007, 03:20 AM
I never went to preschool, nor did my sister. Going to preschool is an unnecessary activity which teaches little and gives you little else other than various illnesses caught off of the other kids. Sure, it might give those that go a few years of extra social experience, but that ends up amounting to practically nothing. Neither of us had any problems when we went into school (my sister started a year early, she's 1-2 years younger than most of her classmates), and we're far ahead of most our age.
As far as I'm concerned, preschool is little more than an excuse to get the kids out of the house. My mother stopped working just before I was born, so we stayed at home instead.
September 21st, 2007, 03:33 AM
Preschool can be very important and beneficial. Me suggests you look up the Montessori method.
September 21st, 2007, 04:06 AM
Key word is 'can'. From what I've seen, it usually isn't.
Kids being at home with one or both parents is far more beneficial than packing them off to fight and squabble with a bunch of snotty-nosed brats whose parents don't give a shit or have a job which they consider to be more important than their own children, anyway (or perhaps need to support them, in which case, it's understandable) - since that's typically what happens. Out of all my friends who did go, it was only because both parents worked.
September 21st, 2007, 07:37 PM
Key word is 'can'. From what I've seen, it usually isn't.
Kids being at home with one or both parents is far more beneficial than packing them off to fight and squabble with a bunch of snotty-nosed brats whose parents don't give a shit or have a job which they consider to be more important than their own children, anyway (or perhaps need to support them, in which case, it's understandable) - since that's typically what happens. Out of all my friends who did go, it was only because both parents worked.
You talk as if there's no discipline at preschool. The kids don't just get locked in a building to fend for themselves. It's a good way for the kids to learn how to play nice early on. Yes, parents can do that, but they often have jobs. Preschool gets the kids to learn how to play nice together in groups, that's not something that parents can always do. Sometimes siblings aren't enough. It's kind of naive to say that preschool usually isn't beneficial, and it seems like you're more arguing against poor parenting rather than preschool.
September 21st, 2007, 08:20 PM
I never went to preschool, nor did my sister. Going to preschool is an unnecessary activity which teaches little and gives you little else other than various illnesses caught off of the other kids. Sure, it might give those that go a few years of extra social experience, but that ends up amounting to practically nothing. Neither of us had any problems when we went into school (my sister started a year early, she's 1-2 years younger than most of her classmates), and we're far ahead of most our age.
As far as I'm concerned, preschool is little more than an excuse to get the kids out of the house. My mother stopped working just before I was born, so we stayed at home instead.Depends. I went to preschool, and as a result I was able to learn a lot better than a hell of a lot of people I know who didn't go. From what I've seen, it makes one hell of a difference.
September 22nd, 2007, 02:46 AM
I got in trouble in 5th grade (10 years old) once when I drew balloons on my friend's arm when he dozed off in class. We used to call each other fags all the time and would prove it by saying that the other person drew purple balloons on their arms, it was one of those retarded things that doesn't make sense but happened. Apperently my teacher thought I was drawing sperm D=/.
September 22nd, 2007, 03:48 AM
You talk as if there's no discipline at preschool. The kids don't just get locked in a building to fend for themselves. It's a good way for the kids to learn how to play nice early on. Yes, parents can do that, but they often have jobs. Preschool gets the kids to learn how to play nice together in groups, that's not something that parents can always do. Sometimes siblings aren't enough. It's kind of naive to say that preschool usually isn't beneficial, and it seems like you're more arguing against poor parenting rather than preschool.
I'm sure there is discipline, but knowing what kids that age are like, I can't see it being particularly beneficial. I was fine with playing with other kids in groups the day I went into school, despite never going to preschool.
It depends on the child and the parents, but it's rather naive to assume troublemakers do what they do because they 'didn't go to preschool'.
September 22nd, 2007, 09:44 PM
Why can't sex just be a regular social activity like in Brave New World? Things of this sort would be commonplace and nobody would care.
September 22nd, 2007, 10:01 PM
Why can't sex just be a regular social activity like in Brave New World? Things of this sort would be commonplace and nobody would care.
Because you make babies.
September 22nd, 2007, 10:06 PM
Because you make babies.
You haven't read the book I was referring to, have you?
September 22nd, 2007, 10:07 PM
i sure do.
i merely expressed my opinion based on the fact that 90% of the people that had posted in the thread before hand had thought this strange for a 6 yr old to be know about. I'm not sure they were surprised because it was a six year-old that knew about sex, it was more like the obscene charges/accusations claiming that he was running a sex club. I had known what it was since I was 4, mainly because I asked a shit load of questions about everything, and my parents were always happy to answer.
Key word is 'can'. From what I've seen, it usually isn't.
Kids being at home with one or both parents is far more beneficial than packing them off to fight and squabble with a bunch of snotty-nosed brats whose parents don't give a shit or have a job which they consider to be more important than their own children, anyway (or perhaps need to support them, in which case, it's understandable) - since that's typically what happens. Out of all my friends who did go, it was only because both parents worked.
Tbh. I never went to preschool, and I am right up there with the top of my class. I opted to stay home and write to the number 500 and learn to spell and read with my parents help. As a result, I knew how to read before all of my classmates. Not only that, I could read well. Back in first grade, I kicked ass in all of the games we used to play. It got so bad sometimes that I would have to sit out because the other kids bitched that they couldn't win. I never got lower than a 100% on anything, either. But, unfortunately, I have become lazy over the years and have not applied myself as I should have. My point is, DOWN WITH PRESCHOOL! No really, it sucks. D:
Seriously though, preschool really isn't necessary. In fact, it's pretty much day-care.
September 22nd, 2007, 10:11 PM
I'm not sure they were surprised because it was a six year-old that knew about sex, it was more like the obscene charges/accusations claiming that he was running a sex club. I had known what it was since I was 4, mainly because I asked a shit load of questions about everything, and my parents were always happy to answer.
Tbh. I never went to preschool, and I am right up there with the top of my class. I opted to stay home and write to the number 500 and learn to spell and read with my parents help. As a result, I knew how to read before all of my classmates. Not only that, I could read well. Back in first grade, I kicked ass in all of the games we used to play. It got so bad sometimes that I would have to sit out because the other kids bitched that they couldn't win. I never got lower than a 100% on anything, either. But, unfortunately, I have become lazy over the years and have not applied myself as I should have. My point is, DOWN WITH PRESCHOOL! No really, it sucks. D:
Seriously though, preschool really isn't necessary. In fact, it's pretty much day-care.
I went to pre-school, and my grades are average at best. The argument for pre-school is the same as the argument for private schools, which is basically bullshit. Public and private schools teach the same academic subjects, but in public school, you get to watch a freshman pull a knife on a cop and get maced 15 feet away from you! It's like dinner and a show!
September 22nd, 2007, 10:13 PM
Why can't sex just be a regular social activity like in Brave New World? Things of this sort would be commonplace and nobody would care.
You mean people care today? :confused:
September 22nd, 2007, 10:13 PM
You mean people care today? :confused:
Judging by the article on which this thread is based on, yes.
September 22nd, 2007, 10:16 PM
Judging by the article on which this thread is based on, yes.
When I said people, I meant the majority.
September 23rd, 2007, 01:56 AM
Tbh. I never went to preschool, and I am right up there with the top of my class. I opted to stay home and write to the number 500 and learn to spell and read with my parents help. As a result, I knew how to read before all of my classmates. Not only that, I could read well. Back in first grade, I kicked ass in all of the games we used to play. It got so bad sometimes that I would have to sit out because the other kids bitched that they couldn't win. I never got lower than a 100% on anything, either. But, unfortunately, I have become lazy over the years and have not applied myself as I should have
You sound almost exactly like me. I had the reading ability of an average 13-year-old by age 6, and the only reason I'm beginning to drop off now as far as marks go is because I'm getting way too stressed out over shit.
Also, to build on what Emmzee said about private schools - in England, I went to both private and public schools. Both were quite good, but the private was slightly superior. Over here? I also went to a private school, and it was the worst school I've ever been to in my life. The majority of the teachers didn't give a shit and those who did soon put in for transfers or simply gave up altogether. My current school is a public selective high school, and it's great. I actually wish I wasn't finishing it in 5 days :smith:
September 23rd, 2007, 05:18 AM
Wait what?
NSW finish's school when?
September 23rd, 2007, 05:27 AM
September 23rd, 2007, 06:02 AM
Don't you have a 4th term till december (or don't yr 12's have to attend that?)
September 23rd, 2007, 06:20 AM
No, because that's when the HSC is...
September 23rd, 2007, 08:20 PM
Thanks for keeping this thread on topic, guys.
Oh wait.
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