View Full Version : [HALO 3] Halo 3 gets high score from Famitsu Magazine
September 19th, 2007, 04:31 PM
Wait, what?
An American-made First Person Shooter gets a 10 and three 9s ( from a Japanese magazine?
Holy fuck.
September 19th, 2007, 04:44 PM
lol, paid off.
September 19th, 2007, 04:55 PM
<high-pitched black guy voice> That's some wacked up shit right there
September 19th, 2007, 05:07 PM
lol, paid off.
Either that or halo 3 might be a good game? *gasp*
September 19th, 2007, 05:16 PM
Either that or halo 3 might be a good game? *gasp*
Halo 3 will be a good game. It won't be anything new though, and the Famitsu guys know that, and that's why they're known for being so harsh--because they're about seeing new things. Also, given that they don't like Xbox or Microsoft or FPS games in general, there is something overtly fishy about it. It has marketing written all over it.
September 19th, 2007, 05:47 PM
lol, paid, illegal. No.
September 19th, 2007, 05:49 PM
Wait, what?
An American-made First Person Shooter gets a 10 and three 9s ( from a Japanese magazine?
So, if they get that from a Japanese magazine, that means that it'll get three 10s and one 11 here.:p
September 19th, 2007, 06:17 PM
Halo 3 will be a good game. It won't be anything new though, and the Famitsu guys know that, and that's why they're known for being so harsh--because they're about seeing new things. Also, given that they don't like Xbox or Microsoft or FPS games in general, there is something overtly fishy about it. It has marketing written all over it.
yeah well microsoft wouldent pay them off because if somone found out they would be royally screwed i say its real its not for you to judge what somone likes - and theres plenty new features, i have a feeling the asian audience would like forge and the customizable armor
September 19th, 2007, 06:39 PM
Halo 3 will be a good game. It won't be anything new though
Forge is new. Halo 3 innovates the fps genre with not just a map editor, but a game in of itself. Think LittleBigPlanet, but in an fps. This is revolutionary. And of course the Japs love this "builditurself" kinda stuff. So it isn't a surprise to me that Famitsu rated this game highly.
September 19th, 2007, 06:44 PM
Forge is new. Halo 3 innovates the fps genre with not just a map editor, but a game in of itself. Think LittleBigPlanet, but in an fps. This is revolutionary. And of course the Japs love this "builditurself" kinda stuff. So it isn't a surprise to me that Famitsu rated this game highly.Lol, Far Cry: Instincts.
September 19th, 2007, 06:50 PM
Damn you FarCry. :mad:
September 19th, 2007, 07:19 PM
How dare you speak that way about far cry! Say your sorry!
September 19th, 2007, 07:31 PM
...Sorry FarCry. :(
September 19th, 2007, 07:32 PM
Lol, TimeSplitters
September 19th, 2007, 07:45 PM
Also Pariah.
September 19th, 2007, 07:56 PM
lol, illegal. No.
Yeah, and that'll stop a corporation like Microsoft. Never been caught red-handed before! :rolleyes:
yeah well microsoft wouldent pay them off because if somone found out they would be royally screwed i say its real its not for you to judge what somone likes - and theres plenty new features, i have a feeling the asian audience would like forge and the customizable armor
Uh huh, you keep telling yourself that a multi-billion corporation that's trying to take the console business by storm wouldn't want their flagship title to break sales records by reaching out past American buyers.
Forge is new. Halo 3 innovates the fps genre with not just a map editor, but a game in of itself. Think LittleBigPlanet, but in an fps. This is revolutionary. And of course the Japs love this "builditurself" kinda stuff. So it isn't a surprise to me that Famitsu rated this game highly.
LMAO, Forge is new? It's new for Halo. It's not new as in "it hasn't been done before" new.
And that was hilarious. Calling Halo revolutionary. That's a good one. Yeah, revolutionary in market sales, because that's as revolutionary as Halo gets.
September 19th, 2007, 07:59 PM
Just wondering, why do you post on these kinds of forums if you obviusly hate the game? (if not hate, find every possible flaw and exploit it, and rarely point out anything that bungie actually did well?)
September 19th, 2007, 09:47 PM
Just wondering, why do you post on these kinds of forums if you obviusly hate the game? (if not hate, find every possible flaw and exploit it, and rarely point out anything that bungie actually did well?)
Because he is unfun and boring. (just kidding, you're great Agg)
It is not impossible that Famitsu really really liked Halo 3, it's just highly unlikely based off of their track record.
September 19th, 2007, 09:50 PM
In the games you mentioned with map editors you cant use em while flying around in MP spawning exploding box's on people XD
September 19th, 2007, 09:52 PM
In the games you mentioned with map editors you cant use em while flying around in MP spawning exploding box's on people XD
It is ground-breaking for a console shooter to have this, you gotta admit.
...Although, is there any word on porting Garry's mod to the 360?
September 19th, 2007, 11:51 PM
Just wondering, why do you post on these kinds of forums if you obviusly hate the game? (if not hate, find every possible flaw and exploit it, and rarely point out anything that bungie actually did well?)
I don't hate the game/series. Strangely enough, I enjoyed the first game, wasn't happy with the way they handled the port, and I've now come to the realization that it's no longer about the game play that Bungie is focusing on. As a fan, I tried to show other fellow peers that they shouldn't eat up anything a developer happens to crap out of their anus, but that's beyond the point of repair here with Halo 3's fan base. I don't see a game; I see some Microsoft executives greedily rubbing their hands together because they're about to capitalize on the gaming business. And as such, I worry where the gaming business will then lead into, for recycled game play that isn't ground-breaking or that isn't new doesn't appeal to me at all. That doesn't scream out to me that it's worth dropping $50 on it and a monthly subscription to an online service.
And what's more, since when is pointing out the flaws in something so wrong? Would you rather have something fixed, or would you rather just make yourself believe that what developers give to you is enough and you feel like they've made a big enough effort, because with the resources behind them, I'm still trying to figure out how they neglected to focus on game play in Halo 2 instead of the best possible formula to keep people occupied with making them think they are getting the bang for their buck.
Also, I stick around here specifically because of the community.
In the games you mentioned with map editors you cant use em while flying around in MP spawning exploding box's on people XD
Yeah, Garry's Mod hasn't been done before.
September 19th, 2007, 11:55 PM
I would hope that Halo's, in my opinion, amazing story would draw more people in than gameplay, however good it is.
I am, of course, completely blinding myself to the truth if I say that that is true at all.
September 19th, 2007, 11:55 PM
Name a game that is COMPLETELY original in the past 5 years.
September 20th, 2007, 12:05 AM
Name a game that is COMPLETELY original in the past 5 years.
FEAR (perfect game play balance, utilized many FPS elements and combined them, psychological thriller storyline [haven't seen a good one since the 90's], and to top it off the multi player was even eventually free--not exactly greedy people, now are they?), Rise of Nations (great micro management RTS, combined numerous old RTS elements into one, and had numerous game modes), and Neverwinter Nights (Toolset--need I say more?). Hellgate is coming out in October as well. Spore in some time as well.
I would hope that Halo's, in my opinion, amazing story would draw more people in than gameplay, however good it is.
The story is heavily borrowed and has been done before, just to a different tune. : / Your best one should've been the music, which is amazing and definitely makes the game more appealing.
September 20th, 2007, 12:08 AM
Meh, none of those are completely original, they are just well done. But Spore, good one.
September 20th, 2007, 12:17 AM
There is no such thing as complete originality. Everything borrows from something else. It's just how well you pull it off while bringing something of the next level to the table. FEAR did that by combining numerous FPS elements that have never been brought together all at once while pulling off an amazing storyline. Rise of Nations did so by implementing numerous RTS elements and combining them into one with a heavy twist of micromanagement. The options of customization were limitless with RoN. Neverwinter Nights is still extremely popular due to it's heavy customizable toolset that allows you to create worlds, lands, people, enemies, weapons, items, quests, scripts, etc. The power of the NWN toolset is still unmatched in its general ability to be so easy to use and still do amazing things with it.
Hellgate is going to be very new. It's not an RPG, it's not an MMO, and it's not an FPS; it's a bastard mix of all with some good old twists from Diablo. Spore is the next step in city simulation, but only amplified in such an aspect ratio that we can't even begin to imagine, and even then you need to multiply by infinity afterwards.
September 20th, 2007, 12:29 AM
The story is heavily borrowed and has been done before, just to a different tune. : / Your best one should've been the music, which is amazing and definitely makes the game more appealing.
Does that mean I CAN'T think it's well-presented and amazing? No. So shut your hole about that.
September 20th, 2007, 12:43 AM
Well, that was my point, that nothing is completely original. Halo brings a variety of cool FPS elements together also. Most notably, the fluidness of gameplay, due to the nades/weapon/melee system.
September 20th, 2007, 12:54 AM
FEAR (perfect game play balance, utilized many FPS elements and combined them, psychological thriller storyline [haven't seen a good one since the 90's], and to top it off the multi player was even eventually free--not exactly greedy people, now are they?), Rise of Nations (great micro management RTS, combined numerous old RTS elements into one, and had numerous game modes), and Neverwinter Nights (Toolset--need I say more?). Hellgate is coming out in October as well. Spore in some time as well.
The story is heavily borrowed and has been done before, just to a different tune. : / Your best one should've been the music, which is amazing and definitely makes the game more appealing.
The premise is recycled, but the story itself is original.
September 20th, 2007, 01:16 AM
Aga, halos story is original...
Btw, could it POSSIBLY be, that the game is actually good?
Lets put into perspective:
Famitsu: Played the game, have a track record of good trust worthy reviews. They say the game is great.
Agamemnon: Has never played it.
Sorry but whos the better judge for opinion here? Play the dam game before you rip into it.
September 20th, 2007, 01:18 AM
FEAR (perfect game play balance, utilized many FPS elements and combined them, psychological thriller storyline [haven't seen a good one since the 90's], and to top it off the multi player was even eventually free--not exactly greedy people, now are they
keyword eventually - and The only original thing they have in fear is the slowmotion powerup, you didint give him any reasons for the game being original even though that was the question he posed. You just basically told him you like it
September 20th, 2007, 05:04 PM
Does that mean I CAN'T think it's well-presented and amazing? No. So shut your hole about that.
What are you, Rossmum in disguise? Going to get your panties in a bunch when someone calmly denounces what you worship? I was civil about it; come back to me when you grow up and wish to be civil about it as well.
Well, that was my point, that nothing is completely original. Halo brings a variety of cool FPS elements together also. Most notably, the fluidness of gameplay, due to the nades/weapon/melee system.
"The fluidness of game play" is not an FPS element. That's actually a bona-fide opinion right there. I can counter with how Halo's levels were comprised of going through them all and then having to back-track your way through them in a series of set objectives that reeked of Doom.
Also, grenades/weapons/melee is also not new, especially all done in one game.
The premise is recycled, but the story itself is original.
Oh gee, you mean a cyborg ( that is pitted against all human strength to fight The Covenant ( (or [1] ( OR [2] ( on a Ring world ( known as Halo, only to find out the true enemy is the Flood ( (or [1] ( OR [2] (, which was created artificially by an ancient race of people known as the Forerunners ( is an original story?
Aga, halos story is original...
Look above.
Btw, could it POSSIBLY be, that the game is actually good?
Hmm, given that Famitsu doesn't look at anything American and Xbox, and especially in the same sentence, as something worth looking at, no, it doesn't seem to scream, "Hey, we were given the game and we gave an honest review." These guys are highly critical of even some of the games we consider to be high-piece titles that revolutionized gaming. I'm skeptical to blatantly believe that someone doesn't have their hand in this.
Lets put into perspective:
Famitsu: Played the game, have a track record of good trust worthy reviews. They say the game is great.
Yeah, and they also gave Dirge of Cerebrus a good score despite how bad the other Japanese reviewers put it as. Hmm, coincidence, or are they just protecting their trademark company (a.k.a. Square-Enix) from saving face of embarrassment, especially seeing as they rank all other Final Fantasy games high? Nah, that couldn't have crossed your mind, right?
Agamemnon: Has never played it.
Sorry but whos the better judge for opinion here? Play the dam game before you rip into it.
Did you even bother to actually read what I was arguing about? I guess not, because no where did I mention that I reviewed the game or how I said how Halo 3 is going to turn out in scores.
keyword eventually - and The only original thing they have in fear is the slowmotion powerup, you didint give him any reasons for the game being original even though that was the question he posed. You just basically told him you like it
Speak English. If you're talking about Halo being original, then check up above some where. If you're talking about him trying to save face by defending Bungie by saying nothing has been completely original, then stop following blindly as well.
Let's put it this way. If you've been fed dog crap for the past six years, and you've only been fed dog crap, then what's your tolerance level for it? "Yeah, the people giving us dog crap at first seemed lucrative, but after a while we just saw that a 100-man team with the resources of a multi-billion corporation just didn't have the power to do anything past dog crap, so we accept that and don't complain about it." Which makes perfect sense, especially if the sales are going to sky rocket with this game, and the first game also sold the Xbox as well.
They found a formula that works in marketing because people don't put much expectations into developers nowadays. All people pretty much do now is compare it to what they were playing the most. Case example is Gears of War; the buzz in the media was that it was going to be the "Halo-killer." And that's just it right there; the number one thing Xbox players are playing are Halo, so, of course, they would compare anything that tried to succeed past its fame and glory to Halo because that's the only thing they have to compare.
The whole point being is that no one really cares as long as they get a cheap thrill out of it and they make themselves believe that, on their delusional intelligence, they are playing something that has a "good story" and enriches their mind, when all they are really playing is recycled dog crap back from the 90's, and since they grew up on recycled dog crap of the 00's, how can someone that far conditioned be able to tell the difference, let alone be able to step back from their roots and be open-minded about the situation? They can't, as that's obvious as people here jump to conclusions as to what I was really talking about.
September 20th, 2007, 07:07 PM
Aga, halos story is original...
Not really, after reading that book I felt that without a doubt halo was influenced by this story.
September 20th, 2007, 07:46 PM
It's alright to incorporate an existing idea into your game. Agamemnon, I don't know why you're here. You seem to hate everything about Halo. Go over to this ( site, you'll be welcome quite well there.
September 20th, 2007, 09:50 PM
Aga, you are some kind of ass aren't you? I specifically said that it was my opinion and went 'lol, correct his opinion cuz he are wrong'. Yeah, you are some kind of ass.
And how DARE you accuse me of being an alt account?
Tau came AFTER Halo was far into development, and anyways they draw heavily from mecha anime and are hardly original.
Predators? "LOL FOUR JAWS AND CLOAKING MUST BE PRED RIPOFF." Provide me, right now, exact examples of Covenant species Halo has ripped off. What, you can't? MAYBE BECAUSE THEY COMBINE MANY DIFFERENT SOURCES.
Protoss? Xenomorphs? Tyranids? ZERG? What are you, a slight-similarity-therefore-the-same spazzer? The protoss were Technological Gods who were all amazingly intellectual and had mastery over every field they took on. The Covenant are some sort of religious mishmash whose technology is held together by engineered beings. The Flood are a spore that group together into a parasitic organism, which, I will give you, guided by a hive mind to use the fallen's corpses against their former allies. The Zerg, slowly, over many generations, assimilate the DNA of target species, as do the Tyranids, and there are NO facts that point to various Hive fleets even being remotely guided by the same force. The Aliens? They have more in common with ants than the Covenant. (oh, wait, LOLFOURJAWS!)
September 20th, 2007, 10:07 PM
Aga, you are some kind of ass aren't you? I specifically said that it was my opinion and went 'lol, correct his opinion cuz he are wrong'. Yeah, you are some kind of ass.
And how DARE you accuse me of being an alt account?
Tau came AFTER Halo was far into development, and anyways they draw heavily from mecha anime and are hardly original.
Predators? "LOL FOUR JAWS AND CLOAKING MUST BE PRED RIPOFF." Provide me, right now, exact examples of Covenant species Halo has ripped off. What, you can't? MAYBE BECAUSE THEY COMBINE MANY DIFFERENT SOURCES.
Protoss? Xenomorphs? Tyranids? ZERG? What are you, a slight-similarity-therefore-the-same spazzer? The protoss were Technological Gods who were all amazingly intellectual and had mastery over every field they took on. The Covenant are some sort of religious mishmash whose technology is held together by engineered beings. The Flood are a spore that group together into a parasitic organism, which, I will give you, guided by a hive mind to use the fallen's corpses against their former allies. The Zerg, slowly, over many generations, assimilate the DNA of target species, as do the Tyranids, and there are NO facts that point to various Hive fleets even being remotely guided by the same force. The Aliens? They have more in common with ants than the Covenant. (oh, wait, LOLFOURJAWS!)
I agree. Aggy is right on many things, and is highly intelligent. However, when he's wrong about something, he's very, very, very wrong.
Originality is an important aspect of a game, very important. However, bungie does a fantastic job with it. Not because they make up their own ideas (they do with many things however), but because they're able to take many ideas from many sources and fit them together in something that actually works. Even so, originality won't kill the game.
It's like saying family guy sucks because the simpsons started it all. Sure halo doesn't necessarily have the most original features, but it's able to take so much content and get it to blend very well. And from my point of view, this makes one of the best FPS's of all time. (don't pull that "fear" or "Half life" crap on me. I've played many PC fps's, and from my point of view, the halo series is still top dog.)
Secondly, you debate that microsoft is just out there to make money, and doesn't care about gamers. I agree with you there, but does that mean that the game must be bad? Fuck no! Microsoft like any company needs money to survive, and if that means releasing loads of crap games, well too fucking bad for the suckers who buy them. However, they do know that they need a few actual good games, such as Halo, Bioshock...I can't think of any others. You assume most people are idiots, they are, but microsoft wouldn't be here today if they just released crap everywhere. They're smart enough to fit in mediocre games, and some great games into the mesh.
If your trying to avoid consumerism, you really suck at it. Denying people a job well done because they are lead by money whores is ignorant.
Thirdly, conspiracy theories are for things like 9-11 where it actually matters. (I believe in that stuff btw). But if your making up conspiracy theory's for a fucking game, well then, you've really gone down in brainstem function. You think microsoft can bribe every single reviewer in the world to give the game a good review? Excluding the fans who will obviusly rant their asses off as well if the game is good or bad? And don't pull that "their all suck ups who don't know a good game when they see one," because about 10 million people who have their eyes set on this game could really disagree with you.
Aggy, I respect you for your intellect, but jesus you are ignorant on some things.
September 20th, 2007, 10:15 PM
No way Dano, Agamemnom Just knows these things. Let's leave it at that.
He's on a higher form of consciousness than ourselves.
One where 8.9 reviewed games like FEAR are the epitome of perfection.
September 20th, 2007, 10:15 PM
EDIT: I agree with the above post, and the post above the above post.
September 20th, 2007, 10:20 PM
Did you even bother to actually read what I was arguing about? I guess not, because no where did I mention that I reviewed the game or how I said how Halo 3 is going to turn out in scores.
"Famitsu wouldn't legitimately give H3 those scores!"
But you're clearly in a position to tell us what it won't get in scores?
Now I see.
September 20th, 2007, 10:26 PM
I do as well, because it is worthy of agreement.
September 20th, 2007, 10:26 PM
EDIT: Argh, double post. Curses, quick reply!
September 20th, 2007, 10:32 PM
There's a delete function in the Edit menu, Skiiran :)
September 20th, 2007, 10:36 PM
Just wondering, why do you post on these kinds of forums if you obviusly hate the game?Agamemnon can be found at 2:02 to 2:15 (
September 20th, 2007, 10:44 PM
meh dont bother arguing hes had his mind made up before this thread began
and lol@nick
September 21st, 2007, 12:44 AM
It's alright to incorporate an existing idea into your game. Agamemnon, I don't know why you're here. You seem to hate everything about Halo. Go over to this ( site, you'll be welcome quite well there.
Aww, poor baby. Have nothing else to say? Need to vent now and assume where you think my loyalties lie? Why don't you go take Critical Thinking 101 (a.k.a graduate high school).
Aga, you are some kind of ass aren't you? I specifically said that it was my opinion and went 'lol, correct his opinion cuz he are wrong'. Yeah, you are some kind of ass.
Yeah, and I said it like that, right? And wait, I'm an ass? I told you to shut your mouth, right? :gonk:
And how DARE you accuse me of being an alt account?
Yeah, like this would be something new for you.
Tau came AFTER Halo was far into development, and anyways they draw heavily from mecha anime and are hardly original.
That's the only defense you have? Besides, I don't know WH40K. I just know that there's some race that's supposedly based off of the Protoss. What ever race that is.
Predators? "LOL FOUR JAWS AND CLOAKING MUST BE PRED RIPOFF." Provide me, right now, exact examples of Covenant species Halo has ripped off. What, you can't? MAYBE BECAUSE THEY COMBINE MANY DIFFERENT SOURCES.
Why are you screaming? Oh, anyways.
Covenant are religious. Have a hierarchy system. Have a general color scheme. The Elites are seven feet tall and are warriors that mimic the samurai. Unless you've been living under a rock for the past few years, that would also be the Protoss. You can go look it up for yourself. The general concept behind my debunk, of course, was that an alien religious-zealous race bent on galaxy domination is absolutely nothing new, especially when it's been done before.
Protoss? Xenomorphs? Tyranids? ZERG? What are you, a slight-similarity-therefore-the-same spazzer?
Sounds like I stirred someone's vagina. Not too happy your baby Jesus isn't real?
The protoss were Technological Gods who were all amazingly intellectual and had mastery over every field they took on.
Wrong. Go read the Starcraft manual some time. They are highly religious and are big on the whole warrior honor code thing. They have their hierarchy, they have the same body structure, and they also have plasma swords (what an original idea! [/sarcasm]).
The Flood are a spore that group together into a parasitic organism, which, I will give you, guided by a hive mind to use the fallen's corpses against their former allies. The Zerg, slowly, over many generations, assimilate the DNA of target species, as do the Tyranids, and there are NO facts that point to various Hive fleets even being remotely guided by the same force. The Aliens? They have more in common with ants than the Covenant. (oh, wait, LOLFOURJAWS!)
You're big on that "SCREAM LOOK AT ME SCREAM SCREAM" thing aren't you? The Flood are assimilative, the Zerg are assimilative. Both are controlled by the hive mind. Both are biological. Both spread like a plague. Both have specific strains.
Originality is an important aspect of a game, very important. However, bungie does a fantastic job with it. Not because they make up their own ideas (they do with many things however), but because they're able to take many ideas from many sources and fit them together in something that actually works. Even so, originality won't kill the game.
Go read Ringworld. Seriously. It's like they copied + pasted the story. If you're going to get iffy about my comparisons to the races, then debunk how the game is based off of the book.
It's like saying family guy sucks because the simpsons started it all. Sure halo doesn't necessarily have the most original features, but it's able to take so much content and get it to blend very well. And from my point of view, this makes one of the best FPS's of all time. (don't pull that "fear" or "Half life" crap on me. I've played many PC fps's, and from my point of view, the halo series is still top dog.)
Then you're playing crap, because there's about as much ingenuity and balance in Halo as there is healthy food at KFC. Halo has done zip for the genre. Not a damn thing. It's a console game, and that's all it is and all it ever will be.
But thank you for proving me right on the recycled bit. I can't stand Family Guy because I feel like I'm watching recycled jokes and attempts to expand on some marketing. I don't even watch the Simpsons any more. Futurama is a joke, and I hope American Dad got canceled. Eventually people have to get tired of the same ideas being recycled.
Secondly, you debate that microsoft is just out there to make money, and doesn't care about gamers. I agree with you there, but does that mean that the game must be bad? Fuck no! Microsoft like any company needs money to survive, and if that means releasing loads of crap games, well too fucking bad for the suckers who buy them. However, they do know that they need a few actual good games, such as Halo, Bioshock...I can't think of any others.
That's because the two you just named aren't good at all. And have you been reading at all, or were you just assuming like the rest as well? I've given detailed opinions and no where did I scream out like a Bush conspirator "HALO SUX CUZ M$ DUZ IT LAWL." Seriously. If you're going to make an argument, then at least take the time to read through the thread.
You assume most people are idiots, they are, but microsoft wouldn't be here today if they just released crap everywhere.
Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista; those ring a bell? How many versions of Microsoft Word are there? How many people use a Microsoft operating system?
You give your fellow consumers too much credit.
They're smart enough to fit in mediocre games, and some great games into the mesh.
Still waiting for you to list me a great game.
If your trying to avoid consumerism, you really suck at it. Denying people a job well done because they are lead by money whores is ignorant.
Wow, holy crap. I'm stumped on this one! Were you half-asleep in your economy class today? There's that good ol' slogan! "If you don't buy this product you're putting people out of jobs!" Seriously, how low can people go. Gotta get that profit incentive somewhere, because I'm sure Jeremy Jones is just going to cry is heart out if he isn't rolling in the dough; maybe those Microsoft executives as well. Hmm. And, just like money, the cash flow will fall into someone else's lap. Hopefully someone deserving of it.
Also, isn't capitalism great?
Thirdly, conspiracy theories are for things like 9-11 where it actually matters. (I believe in that stuff btw).
Now it's all making sense.
But if your making up conspiracy theory's for a fucking game, well then, you've really gone down in brainstem function.
It's really ugly when someone who will defend something to the death will resort to petty things like that. I mean, the gaming business obviously isn't important at all. Billions of dollars only are floated around into it, and God knows how much resources Microsoft has put into it. But yeah, who's Microsoft? Just some tiny independent gaming company. Yeah, not notorious for greed at all. You've got me there with your critical thinking skills.
You think microsoft can bribe every single reviewer in the world to give the game a good review?
*looking for where I said every single reviewer*
Ah, guess I can't find it. More importantly though, what kind of reaction would something like "Famitsu scores Halo 3 high" get out of the gaming community? Even the blind Halo haters would take a double-take. And that isn't bribing; that's called smart marketing.
Excluding the fans who will obviusly rant their asses off as well if the game is good or bad? And don't pull that "their all suck ups who don't know a good game when they see one," because about 10 million people who have their eyes set on this game could really disagree with you.
Of course they will. That's because they are the majority. Majority rules, remember? You, Mr. Big-Shot-9/11-Conspiracy-Believer, should know that one. And when the majority rules, then what ever they rule upon is correct, right? I mean, to say that the majority of people that make up the consumer world and make the greedy world flourish mustn't be ignorant on some level, right? Hey, if lots of teens like American Eagle, then it must be the clothing is worth dropping $100 for, right? Especially if you can get the same t-shirt at Wal-Mart for $10, minus the AE logo, right?
Smart consumers indeed. They really know their stuff. Would definitely leave them alone in a room full of sharp knives. Nothing bad will happen there.
Aggy, I respect you for your intellect, but jesus you are ignorant on some things.
This coming from you. That. Is. Hilarious.
No way Dano, Agamemnom Just knows these things. Let's leave it at that.
He's on a higher form of consciousness than ourselves.
One where 8.9 reviewed games like FEAR are the epitome of perfection.
Thanks for pointing that one out, Veg. Reviewers are always right and they should always be trusted. Love that part where you made it seem like I was saying my word was final though. That part was my favorite. Doesn't make you look like you're trying to flame bait me on a subtle level of fainted intellect at all.
Agamemnon can be found at 2:02 to 2:15 (
Another great post by Nick. Glad you could contribute to the community for once, seeing as you're so busy doing so much for Prom--oh wait.
meh dont bother arguing hes had his mind made up before this thread began
Yeah, and that couldn't possibly work out for you or the others at all, right? Nah. I'm definitely the one seeing what I believe, right?
September 21st, 2007, 01:06 AM
I severely apologize for the screaming. While I realize it was no excuse, I had had a rough day. But I assure you I am not an alt account because... I am pretty sure I am not as lanky nor as zitty as Ross. So I don't think I'm a clone. Mostly.
The Protoss are not bent on Galactic domination. Nor are the Covenant. Nor are the Predators. Where are you getting these crazy ideas? Oh, you pull them from the void, right.
You have got me on the Protoss being religious and warrior-code-based (I did go back and read the manual, lol), but never are they bent on Galactic domination. They realize the threat of the Zerg and attempt to exterminate them by any means possible.
The Covenant are bent on joining their Gods on the great journey. Somehow, that journey requires the extermination of man. I do not see any reference to galactic domination in that description.
The Predators, man, I don't know what their plan is, other than to hunt exotic and powerful prey, which I'm pretty sure does not require galactic domination.
You have got me with the hive mind, I admitted that. After more careful and less hotheaded thinking, all that seems to be going on is the combination of a various amount of elements: super-intelligent hive mind (from Starcraft, Starship Troopers and possibly 40K), parasitic takeover of a host (Alien), and mass assimilation of the galaxy (40K). So you win on that count.
I still do not understand the Tau comparison. The Tau are like space commies: they work to peacefully assimilate as many species as they can, and use military force to gain new worlds or to defend ones they already have (although I admit forceful conflict is used). The Greater Good, well, that just seems to be everything working towards peace, not mass immigration to the great beyond. They also have very different designs and combat philosophies (while the Tau depend on elite forces of long-range infantry with heavy fire support, the Covenant focuses on massive swarms with occasional air cover).
September 21st, 2007, 01:28 AM
Aggy's entered the loony bin. Not even N- or Veeg would make a post that long.
September 21st, 2007, 01:32 AM
Hey guys, Donkey Kong ripped off monkeys, mario ripped off fat italian men, Quake ripped off Doom and Halo ripped off everything because halo sucks.
Halo introduced teh oh so cool melee attacks in a first person shooter, the awesome vehicle system, and it set the benchmark for alot of first person shooters. The recharging bar hud and shields thing has been ripped off more times than I can care to count.
So what if the game drew inspiration from some book. Good on them.
Oh, and btw, your analysis of the Protoss happens to fit these ( guys, not many people know of them at all, right.
It can't POSSIBLY be that bungie based the elites and the covenant of those same guys, could it?
Your logic could also be used to say:
September 21st, 2007, 05:17 AM
Another great post by Nick. Glad you could contribute to the community for once, seeing as you're so busy doing so much for Prom--oh wait.I could release an application that listed the names of Halo 2 maps, nothing more, and my contribution to the community would vastly exceed yours.
Nice try with the Prometheus flamebait, though. A lesser man, like you, would have taken it. You'll be getting no Prometheus details or defenses from me :)
September 21st, 2007, 06:02 AM
September 21st, 2007, 09:40 AM
FEAR is actually a horrible example for a 'lolcustom' game. It is extremely derivative of a number of American and Japanese Horror films for its themes, scare tactics, and details, while slowmo is certainly not a first.
The more I think about it, the less Aga's argument makes sense, and the more I think that, by his logic, he actually hates all the things he claims Halo rips off. The only original things I can think of, in fact, are Alien and Predator.
Think about it.
Starcraft? Space Marines? Zerg? Ancient religious race pushed to the brink of extinction? Reminds you of 40K and its first races, don't you think?
40K? Space Marines in enormous suit armor used as special forces? Hive-minded galactic consumers? Starship Troopers. God-Emperor controlling all of human-controlled space? Specialized people needed for FTL-travel? Dune.
Now, the idea of the forerunners (i.e. an ancient precursor race) may not be original, but the Forerunners themselves are wrapped in a style all their own that combines the smooth lines of futuristic architecture with the stylization of ancient glyphs. What's my point with this? Even though these may all be slightly derivative of each other, ALL of them (Halo, Starcraft, 40K, Dune, Alien, Predator, et cetera) do it amazingly, and each with its own unique style. Can't we just be happy with that?
And there is no doubting Microsoft is money whores, but I hope that Bungie isn't.
September 21st, 2007, 11:48 AM
I have always found if you get to technical with a game, you're more likely to not enjoy it......i mean seriously originality where the story came from and was ripped off blah blah blah. I sit my ass down with my mates and play halo all day and i enjoy the hell out of it and find it to be the best damn game i have ever played. This is just my opinion and i never put any stock into what reviewers say usually cuz i tend to not give two shits. If the game is fun to me then thats good enough.
It seems alot of you are hellbent on making people think your opinion is right......also you all seem to think you have something to prove to this Agg bloke. let it go O_o
September 21st, 2007, 02:36 PM
I think we should all just give up arguing with aggy when it comes to games. Apparently he's too stubborn to actually consider an opinion.
September 21st, 2007, 06:27 PM
Lol at Aggy's last post. I didn't even read it.
September 21st, 2007, 08:59 PM
I severely apologize for the screaming. While I realize it was no excuse, I had had a rough day. But I assure you I am not an alt account because... I am pretty sure I am not as lanky nor as zitty as Ross. So I don't think I'm a clone. Mostly.
The Protoss are not bent on Galactic domination. Nor are the Covenant. Nor are the Predators. Where are you getting these crazy ideas? Oh, you pull them from the void, right.
You have got me on the Protoss being religious and warrior-code-based (I did go back and read the manual, lol), but never are they bent on Galactic domination. They realize the threat of the Zerg and attempt to exterminate them by any means possible.
The Covenant are bent on joining their Gods on the great journey. Somehow, that journey requires the extermination of man. I do not see any reference to galactic domination in that description.
The Predators, man, I don't know what their plan is, other than to hunt exotic and powerful prey, which I'm pretty sure does not require galactic domination.
You have got me with the hive mind, I admitted that. After more careful and less hotheaded thinking, all that seems to be going on is the combination of a various amount of elements: super-intelligent hive mind (from Starcraft, Starship Troopers and possibly 40K), parasitic takeover of a host (Alien), and mass assimilation of the galaxy (40K). So you win on that count.
I still do not understand the Tau comparison. The Tau are like space commies: they work to peacefully assimilate as many species as they can, and use military force to gain new worlds or to defend ones they already have (although I admit forceful conflict is used). The Greater Good, well, that just seems to be everything working towards peace, not mass immigration to the great beyond. They also have very different designs and combat philosophies (while the Tau depend on elite forces of long-range infantry with heavy fire support, the Covenant focuses on massive swarms with occasional air cover).
Like I said, I don't know much of 40K at all. I heard from a bunch of people who were drawing the inspiration from Starcraft that some race in the 40K universe was like the Protoss to some sort. Glad to see you're calm about it though.
Hey guys, Donkey Kong ripped off monkeys, mario ripped off fat italian men, Quake ripped off Doom and Halo ripped off everything because halo sucks.
Yeah, and that's exactly what I said. GJ Dano at twisting my words.
Halo introduced teh oh so cool melee attacks in a first person shooter,
Yeah, that's never been done before (
the awesome vehicle system,
That's never been done before either. (
and it set the benchmark for alot of first person shooters.
Like? I mean, really. List me 20 FPS games that credit Halo to be "groundbreaking" and to take a chapter from them. Considering that Halo is the third successful FPS on the console to receive high critical reception (with Goldeneye and Perfect Dark ahead of it clearly), I would really like to know what critical things Halo has done for the genre and for the Xbox besides sell well and make the masses believe it's worth the price they pay for.
The recharging bar hud and shields thing has been ripped off more times than I can care to count.
Start counting then.
So what if the game drew inspiration from some book. Good on them.
Yes, good for them they can recycle a story and ideas and pull it off horribly and still sell millions. Great stuff.
Oh, and btw, your analysis of the Protoss happens to fit these ( guys, not many people know of them at all, right.
Yeah, I said that. This doesn't surprise me you didn't see me say it though, seeing as you're bent on your own agenda of making others think I'm saying one thing when I'm not.
It can't POSSIBLY be that bungie based the elites and the covenant of those same guys, could it?
Hmm, elite warrior society, cloaking devices, shields, religious structure, same build structure...Then again, you're not going to bother to see the similarities in story and character design, so what does it matter to you? You've been twisting my words for quite some time now.
Your logic could also be used to say:
Yeah, and that's what I said. :rolleyes:
You're funny Dano. Didn't take you for a blind fan boy though. Well, I guess we're all wrong sometimes. Pity some can't admit it.
I could release an application that listed the names of Halo 2 maps, nothing more, and my contribution to the community would vastly exceed yours.
Hmm, sorry? All I could read here was, "I have a huge ego and you are far less superior then me."
Nice try with the Prometheus flamebait, though. A lesser man, like you, would have taken it.
This coming from a kid who sets up flame bait and ridicules others he sees as lesser than he is. Yeah, you're definitely one to talk. :rolleyes:
You'll be getting no Prometheus details or defenses from me :)
Yes, and I really want them. Look at me! I'm teeming with anticipation!
FEAR is actually a horrible example for a 'lolcustom' game. It is extremely derivative of a number of American and Japanese Horror films for its themes, scare tactics, and details, while slowmo is certainly not a first.
What is an "lolcustom" game? I'm pretty sure I said that FEAR combined numerous elements from various FPS games. No, actually I did say that. What are you trying to twist this into?
The more I think about it, the less Aga's argument makes sense, and the more I think that, by his logic, he actually hates all the things he claims Halo rips off. The only original things I can think of, in fact, are Alien and Predator.
People are big on assumptions around here, aren't they? I'd love for someone to point out where I've said that I hate Halo.
Starcraft? Space Marines? Zerg? Ancient religious race pushed to the brink of extinction? Reminds you of 40K and its first races, don't you think?
40K? Space Marines in enormous suit armor used as special forces? Hive-minded galactic consumers? Starship Troopers. God-Emperor controlling all of human-controlled space? Specialized people needed for FTL-travel? Dune.
Now, the idea of the forerunners (i.e. an ancient precursor race) may not be original, but the Forerunners themselves are wrapped in a style all their own that combines the smooth lines of futuristic architecture with the stylization of ancient glyphs. What's my point with this? Even though these may all be slightly derivative of each other, ALL of them (Halo, Starcraft, 40K, Dune, Alien, Predator, et cetera) do it amazingly, and each with its own unique style. Can't we just be happy with that?
No, because Starcraft had an original story. Blizzard has stated numerous times they draw their inspiration from Alien and Predator movies and from 40K as well. At least they don't deny it. But, like I said, the story is completely original. The game is also perfectly balanced.
Halo? Halo is a recycled story of Ringworld and with horrible game play balance. It's successful because a) it's a console FPS that received enough hype for people to take notice and buy Xboxes for. Halo 1 wasn't a hit because of the story or because of the horrible game play balance; it was a hit because it was the first multi player game for the Xbox that encouraged friends to multi-link together with since the days of Goldeneye 64 on the N64. It was the new wave of cool. I can remember distincivly doing exactly that with friends; we all getting together and having a 16 free for all into the wee hours of the morning just having so much fun, and the fun derived ONLY from the fact that we were all there playing video games together and doing some of the most random and retarded things ever. That's what made Halo 1 fun. Not the story, not the horrible balance. Just getting together with friends and shooting rockets at one another and laughing about it and doing Governator impressions.
And there is no doubting Microsoft is money whores, but I hope that Bungie isn't.
The people who stayed behind when Halo 2 production started should say something about that. I'm not saying they all are, but there has to be a reason why co-founder Alex Seropian and a good other number of Bungie founding employees left. I mean, the money had to be good. The only other thing I could think of is if Microsoft was actually telling them what they could and couldn't do and Alex Seropian and company didn't like that, so they left do to their own thing. And, again, this would be nothing new. Blizzard did this for Blizzard North and they ended up all pretty much leaving.
I have always found if you get to technical with a game, you're more likely to not enjoy it......i mean seriously originality where the story came from and was ripped off blah blah blah. I sit my ass down with my mates and play halo all day and i enjoy the hell out of it and find it to be the best damn game i have ever played. This is just my opinion and i never put any stock into what reviewers say usually cuz i tend to not give two shits. If the game is fun to me then thats good enough.
Hey, I have no problem with that. That's the whole incentive right there for the majority of video gamers. They're just out for the short-term entertainment value. To each of his own.
It seems alot of you are hellbent on making people think your opinion is right......also you all seem to think you have something to prove to this Agg bloke. let it go O_o
The first open-minded person about this. You guys are far and few between, but it's good to know that even though you do like Halo, you're not trying to rip my head off here.
I think we should all just give up arguing with aggy when it comes to games. Apparently he's too stubborn to actually consider an opinion.
This coming from the 9/11 conspiracy believer and who is also defending Halo 3. You're just full of contradictions, aren't you?
Lol at Aggy's last post. I didn't even read it.
Cool. First person to add to my ignore list. :D
September 21st, 2007, 09:03 PM
Ooooo, ooooo, add me, too!
September 21st, 2007, 10:05 PM
Ringworlds are nothing new. I think they are actually considered some form of Dyson sphere.
Ringworld the story's story has a story nothing like Halo. Yes, the ring was built by ancient benefactors, but it was discovered by a coalition of a feline race, humanity, and some bovine race. Halo was discovered by accident by a ship on the run from a religious menace, was used as a containment device for a parasite, and, if needed, was the ultimate weapon. Ringworld simply had crashed survivors trying to return home. Ringworld encompassed a sun. Halo was nowhere near this size. Really, calling a story recycled because they both have (very dissimilar) ringworlds seems quite ignorant.
September 21st, 2007, 10:07 PM
Ringworlds are nothing new. I think they are actually considered some form of Dyson sphere.
Ringworld the story's story has a story nothing like Halo. Yes, the ring was built by ancient benefactors, but it was discovered by a coalition of a feline race, humanity, and some bovine race. Halo was discovered by accident by a ship on the run from a religious menace, was used as a containment device for a parasite, and, if needed, was the ultimate weapon. Ringworld simply had crashed survivors trying to return home. Ringworld encompassed a sun. Halo was nowhere near this size. Really, calling a story recycled because they both have (very dissimilar) ringworlds seems quite ignorant.
And yet with borrowed elements from various other games as well as two factions all waging war against the third faction (humans) all the while the third faction is facing defeat is something so new, right? I mean, to claim the plot elements in Halo are original isn't ignorant; it's down-right blind to believe that it hasn't been done before.
September 21st, 2007, 10:09 PM
But you were claiming that it was recycled from Ringworld. I won't deny that every story has elements similar to another, but does that make everything after 'I am Legend' and 'Starship Troopers' (I know there are more, but you get my point) nothing new?
September 21st, 2007, 10:15 PM
If you're going to say a story is recycled due to slight similarities, you may as well call every story told in human history recycled, there have always been recurring themes in literature across many of the greatest works, because there seem to be certain things we identify with well. Hell, call all of Star Wars recycled while you're at it, Lucas explains very clearly how he borrowed from many elements of classic storytelling.
September 21st, 2007, 10:19 PM
You're still not getting it. While new games come with recycled stories and recycled game play, what makes them ok is when they're seen for what they really are. I'm sure you can go find hundreds of thousands of kids who will defend Halo to the death calling it "the best FPS evar!" when there is no such thing, and especially with Halo not even coming remotely close to some of the others that defined and redefined the genre. I have never seen so much hype for one game. Ever. World of Warcraft didn't even have this much media attention and marketing involved. It just has Microsoft written all over it.
And it's no better off with the competition they have either. Sony is too confident in theirselves and fail to see their terrible marketing strategies and they always recycle Final Fantasy or Metal Gear or some other Japanese vRPG import. Nintendo might actually have the best system out, but with its kid-like appeal and it too having its recycled selection of games (Mario, Metriod, SSB, Zelda, etc.) it's not like it's stirring much competition either.
And, all in all, the whole point of redefining the genre of different games seems to be an impossible idea if developers are more interested in making a quick buck and keep defeating themselves by saying, "It can't be done." None of it is helping the future of where the gaming business is going, except down hill, and Halo 3 is leading the charge down that hill.
If you're going to say a story is recycled due to slight similarities, you may as well call every story told in human history recycled, there have always been recurring themes in literature across many of the greatest works, because there seem to be certain things we identify with well. Hell, call all of Star Wars recycled while you're at it, Lucas explains very clearly how he borrowed from many elements of classic storytelling.
Yeah, no. Don't pull that crap with me. While literary classics do draw from past literary classics, they are still original in story design and plot concept, mainly because literary classics teach instead of entertain. The last game I played where I sat there and thought about the surrounding world was Deus Ex. That's what video games should be. Not cheap forms of entertainment; they should be a work of art that opens a thought of individuality. Halo does not do that.
September 21st, 2007, 10:26 PM
You're still not getting it. While new games come with recycled stories and recycled game play, what makes them ok is when they're seen for what they really are. I'm sure you can go find hundreds of thousands of kids who will defend Halo to the death calling it "the best FPS evar!" when there is no such thing, and especially with Halo not even coming remotely close to some of the others that defined and redefined the genre. I have never seen so much hype for one game. Ever. World of Warcraft didn't even have this much media attention and marketing involved. It just has Microsoft written all over it.
And it's no better off with the competition they have either. Sony is too confident in theirselves and fail to see their terrible marketing strategies and they always recycle Final Fantasy or Metal Gear or some other Japanese vRPG import. Nintendo might actually have the best system out, but with its kid-like appeal and it too having its recycled selection of games (Mario, Metriod, SSB, Zelda, etc.) it's not like it's stirring much competition either.
And, all in all, the whole point of redefining the genre of different games seems to be an impossible idea if developers are more interested in making a quick buck and keep defeating themselves by saying, "It can't be done." None of it is helping the future of where the gaming business is going, except down hill, and Halo 3 is leading the charge down that hill.
And now, I think I get it. It's not just Halo 3's problem, it's the whole industry's problem? Yes, I agree. I also agree that there has never been more hype for something. However, this hype is more like car commercials: they're there to make you feel good for buying it. Microsoft knows it will outsell everything. They're making sure those millions try to convince their friends, and that they will convince their friend's friends, yes, but it's primarily there to keep people in those long lines, to keep preorders coming. It's a sound, if insulting strategy.
But I don't think we're idiots if we're enjoying it. It's fun. It gets me pumped. Why? Because I like them. We could yell back and forth all day about the advertising tactics and derivativeness of media and literature, but it really won't change anyone's made-up mind.
September 21st, 2007, 10:30 PM
But I don't think we're idiots if we're enjoying it. It's fun. It gets me pumped. Why? Because I like them.
And I see your point Agg, but this is my point. Sure, the fanboys are wrong for calling it the greatest thing since sex, but what Halo does it does extremely well. It's not wrong for people to enjoy it, and find the storyline compelling.
It may be overhyped, but when all the hype is gone I bet you people will still be playing it, and keep playing it for years after that. They did with Halo 1, and again with Halo 2. Sheer originality has its place, but it doesn't always define a classic.
September 21st, 2007, 10:35 PM
But I don't think we're idiots if we're enjoying it. It's fun. It gets me pumped. Why? Because I like them. We could yell back and forth all day about the advertising tactics and derivativeness of media and literature, but it really won't change anyone's made-up mind.
And I'm not trying to call anyone who does enjoy it an idiot. Like I said, to each his own. Hey, I have no doubt Halo 3 will indeed be fun. I was just pointing it out, maybe hopefully someone got something out of it, not trying to shove my idea behind it down anyone's throat. But your last bit there--there are exceptions to that. People can change, it just has to be an effort on their part to see the other side of something.
And I see your point Agg, but this is my point. Sure, the fanboys are wrong for calling it the greatest thing since sex, but what Halo does it does extremely well. It's not wrong for people to enjoy it, and find the storyline compelling.
It may be overhyped, but when all the hype is gone I bet you people will still be playing it, and keep playing it for years after that. They did with Halo 1, and again with Halo 2. Sheer originality has its place, but it doesn't always define a classic.
Pretty much what I said to Skiiran, except that I won't be buying Halo 3, mostly because I won't be buying a 360. College books are too damn expensive for me to have a disposable income on anything of entertainment value, and even if I did have the money, I still wouldn't buy a 360 or Halo 3. But, like I said to Skiiran, to each his own. Nothing wrong with that at all.
September 21st, 2007, 10:38 PM
Well, good. Glad this could all be resolved and discussed with only one or two outbursts (again, sorry :embarrassed:).
September 21st, 2007, 10:41 PM
Yeah, it's ok. Sorry for calling you Ross. :(
September 21st, 2007, 10:45 PM
It's no big deal.
Lolnub. I will greatly enjoy Halo 3, but I'm not going to call 'hurr ten' on every category.
September 22nd, 2007, 01:02 AM
Especially from just the Beta experience :awesome:
September 23rd, 2007, 12:46 AM
Every story in human history is recycled, they just have different spins on them, to keep them fresh.
You have:
Tragic love story.
Happily-ever-after love story.
Man's struggle against all odds.
Heroic tragedy.
Those are the basics. Any other so-called original story can relate back to one of those, and often times is a combination of those.
Halo's story was good until Halo 2, where they killed it with very bad execution, and some somewhat undesired elements.
Also, Halo: Combat Evolved set the bar for environments, graphics, and sound during its time.
September 23rd, 2007, 12:52 AM
So aggy this video game sucks becuase its not original? Wow. You can take any videogame and say it was based off something else. Woohoo.
Why are you here?
September 23rd, 2007, 01:48 AM
Every story in human history is recycled, they just have different spins on them, to keep them fresh.
You have:
Tragic love story.
Happily-ever-after love story.
Man's struggle against all odds.
Heroic tragedy.
Those are the basics. Any other so-called original story can relate back to one of those, and often times is a combination of those.
Thank you for that expert literary evaluation. The classics in literature have been explained; they're not teaching devices, they're just recycled forms of entertainment with, ah, as you put it, "different spins."
Also, Halo: Combat Evolved set the bar for environments, graphics, and sound during its time.
You mean the repetitive environments?
And yeah, Halo was so alien. I mean, the human earth climate and everything--that was completely new. I've never seen the earth's landscape before.
And I hope you're joking about the graphics.
So aggy this video game sucks becuase its not original? Wow. You can take any videogame and say it was based off something else. Woohoo.
Yeah, and that's what I said. Glad you could read Dano.
Why are you here?
Oh look, someone else who didn't bother to read the thread. I get to add another person to my ignore list. :D
September 23rd, 2007, 02:33 AM
You're still not getting it. While new games come with recycled stories and recycled game play, what makes them ok is when they're seen for what they really are. I'm sure you can go find hundreds of thousands of kids who will defend Halo to the death calling it "the best FPS evar!" when there is no such thing, and especially with Halo not even coming remotely close to some of the others that defined and redefined the genre. I have never seen so much hype for one game. Ever. World of Warcraft didn't even have this much media attention and marketing involved. It just has Microsoft written all over it.
And it's no better off with the competition they have either. Sony is too confident in theirselves and fail to see their terrible marketing strategies and they always recycle Final Fantasy or Metal Gear or some other Japanese vRPG import. Nintendo might actually have the best system out, but with its kid-like appeal and it too having its recycled selection of games (Mario, Metriod, SSB, Zelda, etc.) it's not like it's stirring much competition either.
And, all in all, the whole point of redefining the genre of different games seems to be an impossible idea if developers are more interested in making a quick buck and keep defeating themselves by saying, "It can't be done." None of it is helping the future of where the gaming business is going, except down hill, and Halo 3 is leading the charge down that hill.
Yeah, no. Don't pull that crap with me. While literary classics do draw from past literary classics, they are still original in story design and plot concept, mainly because literary classics teach instead of entertain. The last game I played where I sat there and thought about the surrounding world was Deus Ex. That's what video games should be. Not cheap forms of entertainment; they should be a work of art that opens a thought of individuality. Halo does not do that.
Dude, you are the most pessimistic person I've ever seen. That's PRETTY BAD coming from me, knowing who I know. Shit isn't supposed to be as in depth as you say it is. You just play the fucking game, and have fun. Jesus christ. You seem to have lost all meaning of what games are.
If you want to be taught lessons and think about the surrounding world, go to fucking school, listen to some boring old guy rant on about things that are useless to know anyway, because "life is pointless" and we're all just a cluster fuck of minuscule beings in a field of nothingness.
Video games are meant to let you ESCAPE from this huge ball of shit we call life. They are MEANT to entertain. If a video game doesn't entertain, you may as well be twiddling your thumbs and watching a screen "oh yah rally mister vidja game you have taught we well thats so interesting hurrrr". Get LESS of a grip. Loosen the fuck up.
I myself, Like to get in a group of friends, order pizza and enjoy a fucking game and live the experience. I used to sit with a group of friends, playing such simple shitty games as Worms Armageddon, with 8 people and having the most fun of my life. I'd trade that for depth anyday.
And what the fuck, saying halo's storyline doesn't have depth is like saying FEAR didn't mash together Slow-motion, The Grudge and some shitty Swat movie. OH HOW ORIGINAL /biased.
If you critically bash and analyze everything in the way you do with video games, It's a wonder your still alive ":suicide:"
Bad Waffle
September 23rd, 2007, 03:44 AM
psst dane, agamemnon is an author, he's built to be pessimistic toward any game that doesnt play like a book :smith:
September 23rd, 2007, 04:09 AM
psst dane, agamemnon is an author, he's built to be pessimistic toward any game that doesnt play like a book :smith:"Press A to flip page" ~:awesome:>
September 23rd, 2007, 08:22 AM
oh dam Wave O' I wish I could rep you.
September 23rd, 2007, 12:28 PM
Dude, you are the most pessimistic person I've ever seen. That's PRETTY BAD coming from me, knowing who I know. Shit isn't supposed to be as in depth as you say it is. You just play the fucking game, and have fun. Jesus christ. You seem to have lost all meaning of what games are.
If you want to be taught lessons and think about the surrounding world, go to fucking school, listen to some boring old guy rant on about things that are useless to know anyway, because "life is pointless" and we're all just a cluster fuck of minuscule beings in a field of nothingness.
Video games are meant to let you ESCAPE from this huge ball of shit we call life. They are MEANT to entertain. If a video game doesn't entertain, you may as well be twiddling your thumbs and watching a screen "oh yah rally mister vidja game you have taught we well thats so interesting hurrrr". Get LESS of a grip. Loosen the fuck up.
I myself, Like to get in a group of friends, order pizza and enjoy a fucking game and live the experience. I used to sit with a group of friends, playing such simple shitty games as Worms Armageddon, with 8 people and having the most fun of my life. I'd trade that for depth anyday.
And what the fuck, saying halo's storyline doesn't have depth is like saying FEAR didn't mash together Slow-motion, The Grudge and some shitty Swat movie. OH HOW ORIGINAL /biased.
If you critically bash and analyze everything in the way you do with video games, It's a wonder your still alive ":suicide:"
September 23rd, 2007, 02:26 PM
Dude, you are the most pessimistic person I've ever seen. That's PRETTY BAD coming from me, knowing who I know. Shit isn't supposed to be as in depth as you say it is. You just play the fucking game, and have fun. Jesus christ. You seem to have lost all meaning of what games are.
I didn't know there was a universal agreement as to spending $400 for a system, $50 for a game, and how ever much is costs to pay to play online could equate to fun. Excuse my ignorance. :downs:
It's fun though, you trying to defend and define "fun." Yeah, it's just a game, but to Microsoft it's their meal ticket, and to thousands of other game developers it's their meal ticket as well. It's a product; a consumer product. Just like an intelligent consumer, I'm only going to buy something that I don't already have or that is actually worth buying.
So hey, if it's worth the $50 to buy recycled content, then be my guest, but don't make the mistake of pulling the, "it's just a game" argument. If it was just a game, you would've never tried to defend it like this before, nor the countless other people who did in this thread.
If you want to be taught lessons and think about the surrounding world, go to fucking school, listen to some boring old guy rant on about things that are useless to know anyway, because "life is pointless" and we're all just a cluster fuck of minuscule beings in a field of nothingness.
Aren't you just the little optimist? Ah, I know what we should do. We should become hedonists, ignore other people's problems and worries, and act like the surrounding world around us doesn't affect us. That's a better plan, right? I mean, the majority of people already do that now. Can't be a bad plan if most people are doing it, right? :awesome:
Video games are meant to let you ESCAPE from this huge ball of shit we call life. They are MEANT to entertain. If a video game doesn't entertain, you may as well be twiddling your thumbs and watching a screen "oh yah rally mister vidja game you have taught we well thats so interesting hurrrr". Get LESS of a grip. Loosen the fuck up.
Cry more. Everyone has their different value of entertainment. The huddled masses in Rome thought Colosseum violence was entertainment. If you can't accept that fact then that's not my problem, you'll just have a bigger problem coping with life and other people not giving in to petty common vices. So sue me because my entertainment threshold requires my intelligence to be used, not insulted.
I myself, Like to get in a group of friends, order pizza and enjoy a fucking game and live the experience. I used to sit with a group of friends, playing such simple shitty games as Worms Armageddon, with 8 people and having the most fun of my life. I'd trade that for depth anyday.
And so it comes out. You're a short-term person. Just like B.F. Skinner found out with operative conditioning, the pidgeon will always go for the short-term reward, despite the long-term reward is more beneficial. No wonder you're defending it like this, getting all up in a hissy-fit, and are unable to comprehend the long-term reward.
And what the fuck, saying halo's storyline doesn't have depth is like saying FEAR didn't mash together Slow-motion, The Grudge and some shitty Swat movie. OH HOW ORIGINAL /biased.
Have you played FEAR? Curious, or are you going to take the Veegie road and go, "lol, reviews"?
If you critically bash and analyze everything in the way you do with video games, It's a wonder your still alive ":suicide:"
That didn't even make sense. You were supposed to finish that sentence, not go into something completely different. Then again, you are a short-term person, so I understand your thought process is that of a seven-year-old child easily pleased by big explosions and manly grunts, so no hard feelings there. I still just find it funny how people seem to think that if you are an educated individual who is able to recognize everything that happens around them and critically analyzes it that you some how are "insane" or "suicidal." Considering I'm neither, and never have been, and actually have a healthy social life and I am also usually the life of the party, I can only wonder why you decided to assume what your empty mind lead you to believe.
Oh, that's right. Short-term person. I'll try to make the posts shorter for you and less complicated.
psst dane, agamemnon is an author, he's built to be pessimistic toward any game that doesnt play like a book
Yeah, sorry if I can't drop my IQ points to squeel like a little girl when I play the same game over after I dropped some money that could've been spent on something better that would enrich my senses or perception on reality. Yeah, silly me. I should go be part of the majority, become an alcoholic, smoke some marijuana, say "fuck you" to the government, and achieve hedonistic status in the world. What a load of change I will do for it as well. :rolleyes:
"Press A to flip page" ~:awesome:>
What's wrong? Can't contrive your own argument? Need to bandwagon on someone else's petty insult?
Oh, that's right, I forgot; your attention span renders you unable you to read anything that doesn't agree with your die-hard opinion.
You and Exam brothers or something?
September 23rd, 2007, 02:45 PM
The huddled masses in Rome thought Colosseum violence was entertainment.
That IS entertainment.
September 23rd, 2007, 03:48 PM
Of course it is. People killing others for the sole purpose of being told to is surely a high form of intelligent entertainment that doesn't make us seem like animals at all. You've got me there Masters.
September 23rd, 2007, 03:49 PM
I think we are done here.
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