View Full Version : [WIP/Recruitment] Teh Wankz Map Pack
September 19th, 2007, 05:53 PM
I proudly Present the WIP for Teh Wankz Map Pack .
Im looking for some help with the maps if you would like to help out and join the project contact me via PM or xfire (xfire is wankzta)
Pics of the levels. (NOTE: image quality is CRAP i know. i had to compress to keep it at a low file size so that it wouldnt take 10 hours to load. (
Pictures of weapons (PLZ NOTE!!!! i know the weapons in the maps are not accurate to there real life counter parts. i dont want them to be. what i did was i took weapons i liked and Haloized them to make them fun to use. dont bitch about it plz.
also some of the weapons are not done. IE the new sniper and shotgun and rockets are not done and a few others. also im not showing off my trip mines and stuff right now i may later when i get the models and textures polished up for the powerups.
plz remeber i need help with the project if you would like help out in any way i would like that. i cant do all of the work on my own. :)
post comments of what you think.
September 19th, 2007, 06:00 PM
I really like the maps, especially Hypothermia. However there may be some confusion with your Hypothermia and KiLLa's Hypothermia.
The M16 animations suck, you could really work on those more. Other than that, cool.
September 19th, 2007, 06:00 PM
The maps look fun, and have great gameplay aspects, but some parts need more variety to their textures. Backslash seems to purple. Vertigo seems too dark. The Circle Pit's uv's are screwed up. Hypothermia looks like it needs a better indoor area, but its looking good overall. The other stuff you posted looks pretty cool - that is, if you do it right.
September 19th, 2007, 06:06 PM
backslash is supposed to be purple but im gonna add some more details too it when i get time. vertigo looks to dark but its not really. the gamma is higher in halo so that the screenys look dark but ingame its a bit brighter. also for some reason when you run radiosity breakable glass blocks light COMPLETELY and the roof of vertigo is breakable glass. so idk how to fix.
and m16 animations are placeholder right now.
September 19th, 2007, 06:11 PM
Looks nice.
Also, can you stick spoiler tags around each map's pictures so the people with slow internet (Not me) load this page quicker (And it makes the page a lot smaller)?
September 19th, 2007, 06:12 PM
Very Nice work on what you have done yourself. I'll be happy to lend a helping hand. You can use my Pistol Uzi's, but I still need a skin for em.
September 19th, 2007, 06:14 PM
i would put spoiler tags around em but IDK how....
and i dont really need pistol uzi's. i have all the weapons drawn out. ive sorta decided what all the weapons will be and what there weakness and strong points are. the problem is animateing and modeling them....
September 19th, 2007, 06:16 PM
Write [ spoiler] [/spoiler] without the space.
September 19th, 2007, 06:20 PM
Things you want to hide
Bah stupid 500 internal error thing.
Looks good by the way. You should get pictures of the overall map.
September 19th, 2007, 06:21 PM
Mediocre maps, I guess that's the price you pay when you ship em' out in bulk.
September 19th, 2007, 06:23 PM
dude. have you played them? no. and this is WIP
so if your gonna say there mediocre. give a reason. so i can work on them.
September 19th, 2007, 06:28 PM
A reason? More variety.
September 19th, 2007, 06:30 PM
Why would a forerunner area have torches or warning stripes?
September 19th, 2007, 06:33 PM
They look much better then the beta.
Can't wait to play again, they were fun maps.
September 19th, 2007, 06:44 PM
well the reason i had torches is because its a forunner arena. and i though what would a cool arena have in it... and i though FYRE!!! :D i guess thats cause i played to much nox... and i dont know what warning stripes your talking about... :confused:
and by variety what do you mean. like variety in the maps as a group cause i got enough of that. (a covenet map a forunner map high up a underground map a swamp map and a sanctuary type map.)
or do you mean in like the maps design being similar. cause if you played them there not very similar. they all have a certain flow to them that seems different.
explanation of each map real quick i guess.
circle pit - small and intense. i designed it for 2-3 players sometimes 4. the game play is similar to that of a mosh pit XD and thats why its called the circle pit.
backslash- its sort of a horizontal map. i decided not to have any "floors" just make it all leveled out and elongated. i added the shield doors recently i don't know how well it will work out game play wize but ill see soon when i get a chance to test.
vertigo- its sort of a symmetrical and asymmetrical maps at the same time. its real fun to play ( i beta played it with some guys about a week ago... we played around 4 hours :D) but as the name suggests its very vertical and its all about getting to the top on objective game types.
hypothermia- its a VERY non-linear map. its kinda wide open and you can go around the map were you want (unless you stray to far from the bases and you start to freeze to death) ive put the power weapons farther out in the open so going for the rockets or the flamer is dangerous and the vehicles on the map are fun to use especially on team game types.
-dismal 2 hasnt been played yet cause its not done
-cliffside hasnt either.
September 19th, 2007, 06:54 PM
Still, torches wouldn't be found in a forerunner area; you could still do something interesting with them, but the torches right now just look... Stupid.
September 19th, 2007, 07:01 PM
well i really like them...
but maybe ill change em to like a energy fire or a becon... or a red fire on red side and a blue fire on blue side. that would be cool :)
September 19th, 2007, 07:06 PM
All the maps look nice except for Backslash. The display cases for the weapons look way out of place. They are just cuts into the wall and look totally unnatural, I think you should just let the weapons lay on the ground.
I like Vertigo a lot, I would definitely download it. I would probably download all of them except Backslash, it just looks like a Longest clone, and I hate small maps. That's just me though.
I'd be glad to help, if you need anything just send me a PM.
Elite Killa
September 19th, 2007, 07:10 PM
I like how in Backslash that the shield doors work like the ones in Snowbound, when bullets and grenades are deflected yet the players can walk through it. Nice job implementing that in.
I don't like the G36 model. It doesn't look that good.
September 19th, 2007, 07:16 PM
Turbosquid weapon models...........
Especially the Glock. You either downloaded it or ripped it from falujah.
September 19th, 2007, 07:31 PM
lol. dude i know i use turbo squid cause i CANNOT plane model. here your choice.
A) see me model
B) see me download rig and animate a turbo squid model.
you should probably see b. snaf knows that for sure :lol:
yeah i downloaded the glock and riged and animated myself. it looks good except overlays look bad. i can never seem to get those right.
and g36 FP model isn't done. that screeny is of the 3rdperson model. yes they are different. i actually spent some time and created 3rd person models for most of the weapons. except glock. that didnt need one.
September 19th, 2007, 07:47 PM
dude. have you played them? no. and this is WIP
so if your gonna say there mediocre. give a reason. so i can work on them.
I can understand why these maps look so poor, because according to your post you seem to think that gameplay is the only thing that matters in a map. My post still hold value whether or not these maps are WIP or not. Mediocre isn't bad, but fair enough, I should give you the right criticism. Work on putting in more texture variety and better UV's.
t3h m00kz
September 19th, 2007, 07:51 PM
Give the sniper some permanent camera impulse of about -0.03 and we're talkin'
September 19th, 2007, 07:55 PM
The maps look neat. The name "Hypothermia" is taken so I suggest you change it. Also, you seriously need to learn how to UV a map properly. It would make your maps look so much better. Also, stock geometry isn't that interesting. Anyways, if you put some more time and effort into them, they could turn out very nice!
September 19th, 2007, 07:56 PM
textures idk. i have a habit of useing bungies textures.
and the funny thing is. i only learned how to properly UVW yesterday. :lol: thats why the UVW is actually nice looking on circle pit. so im sure ill be fixing the UVW on all the maps soon.
also i dont say gameplay is more important that graphics. mainly the thing is i like to get the gameplay and flow of the map completely done and when i feel the map is EXACTLY how i want it ill make the map look more detailed and stuff. cause what usually happpens when i model it fully detailed and THEN go and beta is i find something wrong and i have to remove something that i just spent alot of time detailing. or i run radiosity 1 and then i got to add a portal somewhere.
you know what i mean?
Give the sniper some permanent camera impulse of about -0.03 and we're talkin'
*starts up kornman*
also the map name is actually wmp_hypothermia all the maps have wmp_ in front to specify there part of the wankstas map pack.
September 19th, 2007, 11:08 PM
Everything looks nice and fun to me. :)
September 20th, 2007, 12:28 AM
Everything looks like total shit to me :/
Terrible uvs (in the "almost finished" ones) and terrible uvs on that M16 thing. The guns are obviously ripped, and that Pit level is just awful all together.
The rest of the levels looks pretty meh as well.
Try harder, please.
September 20th, 2007, 12:30 AM
textures idk. i have a habit of useing bungies textures.
and the funny thing is. i only learned how to properly UVW yesterday. :lol: thats why the UVW is actually nice looking on circle pit.
The ENTIRE thing has TERRIBLE uvws and your other maps actually have BETTER uvws.
t3h m00kz
September 20th, 2007, 01:25 AM
*starts up kornman*
You're seriously going to do that? You're the MAN LOL
I have a few modified weapon tags you could look at if you wanted as well... they're probably not very good though, they're just something I whipped up after a week of learning how to mod.
I'll send you the map.
September 20th, 2007, 04:58 AM
load of shit tbh.
i suggest you have a look at wha tgood maps look like, because they look quite a bit different.
you've got no fucking clue what you're doing in the UV editor.
September 20th, 2007, 05:47 AM
Now now guys lets not be too harsh here, its obvious he's put alot of good work into these maps to get them ingame and modelled/skinned, just because they lack some needed uvw details doesn't make them 'shit' maps.
You guys could have provided a couple of links to tutorials that would help him improve his uvw skills, but i guess you're somewhat above that?
wanksta(-=Inferno=-) i'd suggest looking into watching/reading some tutorials on uvw mapping, its fairly simple stuff and it'll make your maps looks complete, there's a simple uvw mapping tutorial in the HEK map making videos that are on halomaps.
September 20th, 2007, 06:12 AM
Well the way I see it, I worked hard to learn everything I have without any tutorials. I'm not making it that easy for them, (as selfish as that sounds) if they're not putting much effort into learning to begin with.
They just need to persevere, as we all do. If they really want to learn, and need tutorials, they'd bother to look and search rather than waiting for everyone else to do that for them.
Llama Juice
September 20th, 2007, 07:30 AM
It's easy to find a tutorial that shows you a poor method. If someone who isn't recognized here links a tutorial I usually wont even bother. If Snaf or Leukemia posts one... then hell I'll check it out.
Oh yea, this thread is about the maps...
Backlash is WAY too purple... the overall skinning job is unimaginative and it is just kinda... blah.
You already know about how horrible the UVs are so... yea I'll leave that alone...
Look at Damnation for inspiration as to how to skin your map. Best of luck to you.
September 20th, 2007, 12:10 PM
This looks great. The Covenant thing is a bit too purple, but you've got some awesome stuff in there - and you've got the shields working :D
I'd just repeat stuff that has been said so far, so I'll I'm going to say is good job and good luck.
September 20th, 2007, 01:19 PM
Looks nice.
Also, can you stick spoiler tags around each map's pictures so the people with slow internet (Not me) load this page quicker (And it makes the page a lot smaller)? The pictures get loaded in the background regardless of spoiler tags. ;)
Nice job on the map even though like Dano said that the UV/Materials could be way better. Overall nice and nifty features and design though. :)
t3h m00kz
September 20th, 2007, 02:12 PM
I'd also suggest lowering the damage or at least the rate of fire on the pistol, because if that monster can kill somebody in thee/four shots with a HIGHER rate of fire than the original, and if the carbine is based on the H2 carbine in terms of damage, take a moment to think about who's going to win that fight.
I suggest either damage of 15, or a rate of fire of 1.25 rounds per second.
But that's just my opinion.
September 20th, 2007, 03:44 PM
dont worry ive got the carbine in and the pistol pretty even.
and pistol fire rate was only uped a little. from 3.5 to 4.
and btw dude im putting ALOT of effort into learning. and i dont know how you think the uvw in circle pit is WORSE because the ground the cliffs the floor and most of the rest of the building is mapped properly (besides the outside of the building haveing a few chinks.)
and i guess i will go look up tutorials since everyone says so.
well i looked on google and i found tutorials for UVW but there not relevent to what im trying to do. one was to simple and was stuff i already knew. the other was to complex and was about UVW mapping circles and space ships and stuff..... god dam it.
ok im doing it my own way ill post a picture of the work ive done soon. basically im detaching each piece that i want to have a separate uvw and mapping them. It looks good so far.
September 20th, 2007, 06:00 PM
Dude, the level Circle Pit has TERRIBLE uvws. The edges of the textures are left hanging in the middle of big walls, off center, the doorway edges aren't done properly and the entire thing looks like you clicked on your whole map and applied an automatic unwrap.
September 20th, 2007, 06:34 PM
ok, im pretty sure by what you just said i dont know what im doing with uvw.....
im gonna check the ghosts tutorials.
and that was completley useless
September 20th, 2007, 08:06 PM
ok here is updated pictures of the hypothermia bsp with a new little "thing" that i don't think has ever been done before in HCE.
i only ran radiosity to like 0.372349 or something like that so its really weird looking in some places.
what do you guys think?
also does anyone know how to fix the weird shadows inside the snow?
September 20th, 2007, 08:09 PM
Depth snow has been done before in a map by Penguin I believe, was never released though. I would remove it if I were you, it's hell on gameplay if you can't find dropped items. Also, you're using a floor texture on a wall, not to mention the UV's are still poorly done. Spend more time on it.
September 20th, 2007, 08:14 PM
yeah i got the floor and wall texture mixed up while i was exporting....
and what if i get weapons to land ONTOP of the snow. i have a idea on how to do it. im 95% sure it will work.
btw 2nd person to do it in CE isnt bad. lol
September 20th, 2007, 08:20 PM
If you can do that, then keep the snow. Just make sure to spend extra time on your UV's. Might wanna change the name of your map pack too, you probably don't want the word "wank" anywhere near your maps
September 20th, 2007, 08:21 PM
your probally right about that XD
maybe i should use infernos map pack instead.
September 20th, 2007, 11:15 PM
Well, the concepts I'm seeing here look really nice and have potential... but the modeling isn't that great and the uvw is terrible...
I would suggest focusing on perfecting one map at a time, especially vertigo. That map looks like the most original and most awesome of them all. I hope something good comes of this.
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