View Full Version : Since Skiiran posted his Sci-Fi...

September 23rd, 2007, 08:52 PM
My turn. What you are about to read is an extravagant version of what I have, though it is hardly covered at all, giving the potential stupid bum who wants to steal my ideas a very hard time actually ripping off and making something worthwhile, because he/she doesn't even know a quarter of what the universe is all about.

Having said that, all contents following are:

Copyright (c)2007, me. All rights reserved.

Now, to start off with some background:

The 10th millennium, 103rd Century. Earth is lost to the sands of history. Having emigrated out to the galaxy in search of God, humans have manifested themselves cross the stars in a grand Imperium, founded on the self-sustaining construct of Basis, under the omnipotent entity that is the Basic Orthodox Church. Assuming control of two-thirds the galaxy, mankind is content with itself and its dominion. Any heresies are quelled within days of their beginning. Enemies of the Emperor and his Holy Empire know the wrath of God when they hear it. They shake in fear with the trembling ground at the thunderous sound of thousands of lasers discharging over the fields, etching flaring green swaths of electromagnetic energy across the sky. As the troops draw near the edge of towns, they fire their panzerfausts, sending hundreds of thousands of smoldering shells in a graceful arc towards their hapless victims, who watch in awe only to open their eyes as they realize they have just been consumed in a hell storm of fiery plasma.

That is the glory of God and his Holy Empire.

Technology has almost surpassed human imagination. Fusion has been miniaturized to the point of being no bigger than a AA battery, and the awesome destructiveness of black holes has been tamed to power starships, cities, and planets. The human lifespan is at an average of 180 years, with a 260 year maximum natural.

However, along with these great progressions comes the awful human tragedy that is war. Entire planets can be annihilated with a single shot from an overpowered magnetic driver, millions can be slaughtered with rapid-fire pulse lasers, and suns can be snuffed out in an instant.

This brutal balance is only limited by the power of the Supreme Hierarch of the Basic Orthodox Church and the Emperor themselves, and the many Guilds they have created to regulate Space Travel, Military, Commerce, and Resources.

However, those on Earth have not forgotten those who left them. They watch the rest of mankind thrive with greedy eyes, hoping to claim that vitality for themselves. Their expansive nature drives them at an attempt to conquer the mighty Basis Imperium. In a bloody 77-year war in the 104th Century Empire Established, the Scourge are driven back, and Earth is nearly destroyed. Celebrating their victory, the Imperium returns back to its original domain, forgetting entirely about the Nova Soviets left back on Earth.

Furious in their defeat, the NSSR rebuilds, and eventually recovers. However, wary as they are of the Imperium, they set out to find a way to circumvent that currently impassable barrier. By accident, they discover a way to transverse the myriad of universes in this dimmension, and set about conquering the inhabitants of them. Using overpowering swarm tactics the NSSR manages to gain a foothold across several universes, forming what would become the Universal Socialist Regime. Content with their current standing, they proceeded to wait until the end of Time in the Home Verse to get their revenge on the Holy Empire.

By the time the year 17 Billion rolls around, the God and the Empire have become one, with the naming of the one and only God-Emperor. His universe is falling apart at the seams, and He and His subjects must leave if they are to endure. Gathering the Priests, He has a gate built, through which He will lead his loyal worshipers through and on to salvation. But all is not well on the other side. The USR has been waiting, and they seek to arrest His exodus to safety, and make the Basics dissolve with the rest of Home Verse. Upon encountering this, the God-Emperor calls for a Great Crusade in which they will force their way through to the other side. Finding the weapon of old useless against these devils, the Basics revert to powered blades to slash through the shields and thick armor of the trans-human demons. After fifty years of bloody fighting, the Basics manage to warp their home into the new universe after securing enough space to do so. 300 years later, the Basics have captured this new universe, ending the First Domain crusade. Following that, the Great Purge takes place, and the God-Emperor cleanses the galaxy once and for all of the USR, after three million more years of fighting. The Scourge Machine Lord is slain by the hand of the God-Emperor himself, and the Imperium is ascended into absolute bliss and harmony.

End Note: NSSR/USR and their "Machine Lord" are not machines. They are descendants of the humans who elected to stay on Earth after the Wanderer Exodus in the 66th century (AD6534, to be exact).

September 23rd, 2007, 09:02 PM
30 trillion? The universe should be dead by then, right?

September 23rd, 2007, 09:02 PM
Needs less Dune. : /

September 23rd, 2007, 09:04 PM
Needs less Dune. : /
But Dune was so good...

So much sci-fi has come out, it's hard to be super-original these days. My story borrows elements from Post-Nuke, Road Warrior, Judge Dredd, and even Waterworld.

But yeah, this was heavily borrowing from Dune. I was half expecting a Butlerian Jihad of some sort.

September 23rd, 2007, 09:06 PM
Where's the Spice? God-Emperors are not a Dune-specific thing. I also don't have navigators, Bene Gesserit-ish cults, prescience, nomadic desert dwellers, messiahs, and large worms producing strange substances that make awesome glowing eyes.

And if it sounds like fantasy towards the end, it isn't. This is, actually, a more realistic universe than most sci-fi universes, but the irony is that it revolves around religious zealots and technological marvels that grand the impression of godlikeness.

The NSSR/USR are not machines, and the Machine Lord is not a machine, also ironically.

September 23rd, 2007, 09:31 PM
Where's the Spice? God-Emperors are not a Dune-specific thing. I also don't have navigators, Bene Gesserit-ish cults, prescience, nomadic desert dwellers, messiahs, and large worms producing strange substances that make awesome glowing eyes.

And if it sounds like fantasy towards the end, it isn't. This is, actually, a more realistic universe than most sci-fi universes, but the irony is that it revolves around religious zealots and technological marvels that grand the impression of godlikeness.

The NSSR/USR are not machines, and the Machine Lord is not a machine, also ironically.
But all of your elements mirror the Dune plot structure behind it.

There's also the little bit where the old Soviet Union will never rise again. The Russians have learned from their mistakes. Their government was about as Communist as Castro's. The idea of such an old political ideal lasting that many years into the future is insane. The Orange Catholic Bible in the Dune setting doesn't even mirror Christianity, just itself in the religious context. Read his son's prequels sometime in the near future to get the back story behind that bit and what not.

September 23rd, 2007, 09:38 PM
too long didn't read

September 23rd, 2007, 09:47 PM
too long didn't read
I do beleive you mean:

Your little story there works. I haven't read Dune or anything but it's cool.

September 23rd, 2007, 09:50 PM
But all of your elements mirror the Dune plot structure behind it.

There's also the little bit where the old Soviet Union will never rise again. The Russians have learned from their mistakes. Their government was about as Communist as Castro's. The idea of such an old political ideal lasting that many years into the future is insane. The Orange Catholic Bible in the Dune setting doesn't even mirror Christianity, just itself in the religious context. Read his son's prequels sometime in the near future to get the back story behind that bit and what not.

The Soviet bit is all in the name, they actually aren't commies. There was hostile takeover sometime in the 2100s that lead to a fascist regime, that managed to survive in one form or another over the ages, sometimes indirectly. It thrives on conspiracies during its early life. Think Combine, without the aliens, without the ubiquitous pulse weapons, the adaptive and adoptive technologies, and without the voice filters and piggy gas masks.

I only read the original Dune books. The others lack the flavor that the originals had. Also, the Basic Orthodox Church is still Christianity. Hardly anything has changed at all, other than the religious hierarchy, and its importance in society.

I don't want to devulge too much, so I won't post the actual story, which actually isn't very Dune-like at all. There is a substance that may seem like spice on the surface, but it is actually a rock, does not grant any powers, and is merely an illegal hallucinogenic drug. Only for religious persons is it legal, but the public doesn't know that. The Church conducts experiments of questionable ethics during the late part of the Old Imperium (~8,200 to 10,440). Reforms and revolution lead to a temporary Republic, which is cast down again in favor of the old system, with reforms, and the Emperor is renamed as the Consecrated Tsar.

September 23rd, 2007, 10:45 PM
This is, actually, a more realistic universe than most sci-fi universes,

By the time the year 30 Trillion rolls around,


(if you don't know, the most recent theory suggests that the universe will end ~50 billion years from now. http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Emoticons/emot-buddy.gif)

September 24th, 2007, 07:22 AM
I have a quibble:

The human lifespan is at an average of 120 years, with a 200 year maximum natural.

For 120 to be the average, that means the low end would be 40. !!! You might wanna rethink that...

Also, posters are making a valid point about the 30 trillion number. Some theorists believe that the rate of change and intelligence advancement is reaching its peak, which could very well mean the universe is at the midpoint of its lifecycle (assuming a bell curve, and that we are that important to the state of the universe, which quantum mechanics suggests we are). Even if they are incorrect, I'm not sure the universe has a potential 30 trillion year lifespan. Research catastrophe theory if you want more data (I will post links later if I remember)

September 24th, 2007, 03:44 PM
Meh, this isn't the Big Crunch type of universe, its the kind that fades out and dissolves into photons (Heat Death). This theory states that star and galaxy formation ceases at 10^14 years, which is 100 trillion years. If I approve these new theories you have, I might alter the timeline, but for now it will stay as it is.

Also, about the lifespan. The people can live longer than 200 years with the aid of nano-machines in their bloodstream, etc, but without that, 200 is the maximum. There are also many thousands of planets in the Imperium, each with different environments and living conditions, so those have to be factored in as well. The final subject to note is that humans go through cycles, where they rise and fall, but they always rise a little higher than they last fell. This is one such case. Humans are on the rise from about 8200EE to 9900EE, and then they are on a decline from then until about 10440EE, and then they rise again.

September 24th, 2007, 03:46 PM
But that's still odd. I'll accept your 200 as a typical limit but not the 120 as average. You really, really need to think that through and qualify it. Or not. You did ask for feedback, though...

September 24th, 2007, 04:05 PM
There are prison worlds, frozen wastelands, barren desert worlds, volcanic worlds, and Earth-like worlds. Not everybody is at the same technology level. While all of the medical marvels on Basis (which is not a planet, but a construct, and serves as the capital city/what-have-you) allow long lifespans, other planets are not as advanced. They typically do not have environmental control (which Basis has, being artificial in nature), are not as clean, have less sophisticated living environments, etc. Also, this is not the year 30 Trillion, this is only the 10th Millenium. By 30 Trillion, life spans are thousands of years possible (but generally shorter expectancy due the massive amounts of the population joining the Crusades).

The other reason I don't fancy people living for 300 years in the 10th Millenium is because you lose that sense of "times long gone" when the same generation that fought the Terra Novan rebellion (9998EE) is still alive when the Scourge (NSSR) Conflict begins (10338EE). The former is more like a 19th century conflict, and the latter is more World War I meets Vietnam.


Technologies of the Human Race at Basis circa 10,440E.E.

Power Production

Fission Batteries-Used in small electronics, the fission battery is capable of quite massive power output in a tiny package, no bigger than a 300mg pill. The heat generated by the battery is used in the same manner, as it is in a fusion battery, only more direct. Fission batteries are used in devices such as flashlights, heaters, etc.

Fusion-Nuclear fusion has been refined and honed almost as far as it can be. All small handheld devices are powered by small fusion batteries that need replacing at various intervals of time, ranging from 10 to 100 cycles (years) when continuously running, depending on power usage. Larger fusion batteries power civilian and small military vehicles. Larger fusion generators are used to provide power to areas where there is no direct connection to the central power hub, such as a construction site, remote outpost, or camping ground. Such generators are universal in application and size, for ease of use. Fusion batteries are classified in 7 types:

Class M-Micro fusion batteries for use in every day hand-held items requiring larger power supplies than fission batteries can supply. These are about the size of your standard 21st Century AA battery.
Class N-Medium sized devices for powering items such as hand-held cutting lasers, portable holographic displays, etc.
Class S-Standard-sized power cell for modern super-computers, AI, and self-sustained robotics.
Class L-Large fusion batteries generally used in vehicles.
Class G-Field generator type fusion batteries.
Class W-Military-grade fusion batteries, coming in a variety of styles, from backpack mounted for armor systems to magazines for plasma weaponry.

Fusion batteries work off the properties of plasma. Plasma is a superheated ionized gas. There are free electrons floating around amongst the ions. These electrons are extracted out the battery by a positively charged receptor inside, which alternates to a negative charge several trillion times a second to propel the electrons into the circuit. The same is true for the external positive end of the battery. The power provided by these electrons is used to cause plasma to arise inside the devices circuits, which then causes a current to flow. The heat provided by the battery also plays an important role in that it aids in the formation of plasma inside the plasma conduits. Once a fusion battery is initiated, it stores a new charge within its start-up capacitors, and begins the process of fusing the hydrogen inside into helium, and so on. As the hydrogen is used up, the magnetic field gets smaller and smaller, but retains power level, further compressing the hydrogen plasma into fusion state. When all of the hydrogen is converted to Helium, the battery ceases operation. The Helium is then used as the gas in lower power plasma weapons.

Quantum Singularity- Black holes are almost 100% efficient at generating power.
Matter goes in, and heat, light, various other forms of radiation, and anti-matter come out. The spinning magnetic field produced by the accretion disk is turned into electrical power via an extensive system of superconductive coils that pass through the field. Heat generated from the singularity creates plasma in a chamber that surrounds the Zero-Point module in which the singularity is contained. The energy of the plasma is then harnessed in the same fashion as plasma batteries. The heat is used to power Stirling-type engines, for additional power. While ancient, modern technologies and materials have greatly boosted the power output of such engines into the terra watt range, with efficiencies as high as 90%, though normally it rests at 78-86%. In addition, the heat also powers an extensive array of modern thermo couplers. Total power output of a single, fully laid out reactor will generate roughly 5 terra watts of power. The anti-matter is channeled out mainly for use in propulsion systems, weapons arrays, or medical applications. As long as there is a constant stream of matter into the system, the reactor will continue to function. If there is a breech, feeding of the singularity will cease, and the singularity will collapse and evaporate.

Matter/Antimatter Reaction- Matter and Antimatter are combined 2kg each at a time for a controlled annihilation, resulting in a large release of useable kinetic energy and gamma radiation. The kinetic energy is used to cause particles to vibrate and heat up, and that heat is converted into electricity via Stirling engine. The gamma rays are used to charge up nuclear batteries, which may be used for a myriad of functions.

Propulsion (Space)

Ion Engines-The oldest and most reliable form of propulsion is the ion engine. Creates a gentle push against the craft. Mainly used on cruise ships, satellites, and space stations.
There are ion engines made for quick acceleration. This is achieved by shooting the ionized particles out of a particle accelerator at nearly the speed of light.

Plasma Drives-The most reliable form of practical and applicable space travel is the plasma drive. Utilizing fusion batteries (or singularity generators on a larger scale) to supply a propellant, plasma is squeezed through small holes in a magnetic bubble, creating a magnetic bottle. The resulting force pushes the craft in the desired direction.

Anti-Matter/Matter-Matter and anti-matter are combined in controlled amounts to create a concussive force behind the ship that drives the ship in the desired direction. A breech in the containment field will, however, cause extreme and often fatal damage to the ship. This is a powerful, yet high-risk option.

Vacuum Drive-Matter fed into a singularity reactor causes a small event horizon. Due to the artificially induced nature of the singularity, all virtual particles created will have one drawn in and one escaping. These "real" particles provide the thrust for propulsion. Nobody is sure why these artificial singularities behave this way.

Propulsion (Planet-side)

Wheels/Tracks-Oldest and most simple form of propulsion is by means of a spinning wheel or series of spinning wheels connected by tracks making contact with the ground and push the vehicle forward. Internal combustion engines operated early forms. In 10,440, they are operated by a rapidly alternating electromagnet pulling then pushing the wheel in the desired direction. Steering is achieved by changing the angle of the wheels in relation to the front of the vehicle.

Electro hydrodynamic Drive-Ancient design, but proven. EHD generators use electric currents to push and pull air, allowing vehicles to move without the need for large and dangerous combustibles. Powered by Class-L fusion batteries, or class-G on larger vehicles.
The first stage consists of a powerful air ionizer which, when supplied by high voltage in the kilovolt to mega volt range, ionizes the intake air into ion clouds which flow into the second stage of the device. The second stage consists of one or multiple stages of ion accelerators, powered by voltages in the mega volt or terra volt range, in which the ionized fluid is moved on a straight path along the length of the accelerating unit. Movement of the ion clouds can be electronically controlled to increase the effective efficiency. Within this path, the ions travel at a constant drift velocity and multiple impacts occur with the neutral fluid molecules present in the accelerating unit, which is open to the surrounding fluid. In accordance with Newton's Third Law of motion, the thruster will be acted upon by an equal and opposite force to the total force exerted by the ions over the neutral fluid within the second stage.
Optionally, the temperature, pressure and fluid constituents may be synthesized within the accelerating stage to increase the efficiency of momentum transfer between the charged ions and the neutral fluid molecules. The charged ions are then neutralized on their exit from the second stage. The electrical to mechanical conversion efficiency is equal to the ratio of the velocity of the neutral fluid to that of the moving ions. (Taken from Wikipedia).

Plasmagnetic Repulsors-Used to create a downward push that enables vehicles to hover. Plasmagnetic technology uses a laser-generated plasma and an alternating magnetic field to create a levitating force for hovercraft. Electric currents are created in the plasma through the process of electromagnetic induction by the alternating magnetic field of an onboard electromagnet. The resulting magnetic field produced in the plasma is repelled by the alternating magnetic field according to Lenz's Law, thus providing a ground-effect levitating force. (Wiki) Powered by Class-L or Class-G fusion batteries.

Plasma Drives-The most reliable form of practical and applicable travel is the plasma drive. Utilizing fusion batteries (or singularity generators on a larger scale) to supply a propellant, plasma is squeezed through small holes in a magnetic bubble, creating a magnetic bottle. The resulting force pushes the craft in the desired direction.

September 24th, 2007, 05:57 PM
I have a quibble:

For 120 to be the average, that means the low end would be 40. !!! You might wanna rethink that...

Also, posters are making a valid point about the 30 trillion number. Some theorists believe that the rate of change and intelligence advancement is reaching its peak, which could very well mean the universe is at the midpoint of its lifecycle (assuming a bell curve, and that we are that important to the state of the universe, which quantum mechanics suggests we are). Even if they are incorrect, I'm not sure the universe has a potential 30 trillion year lifespan. Research catastrophe theory if you want more data (I will post links later if I remember)

Shut up... I don't like thinking about our universe probably not being infinite :saddowns:

September 24th, 2007, 06:15 PM
Shut up... I don't like thinking about our universe probably not being infinite :saddowns:

Don't worry about it, you'll be long dead by the time it ends.


September 24th, 2007, 06:22 PM
Also, since I don't want one post to be 3 pages long:

Weapons Systems

Laser Weaponry-The oldest form of directed energy weapons lie in the Laser. Current lasers can be only a few microns in diameter and still be powerful enough to coax matter into a plasma state. Weapons, however, must have range and enough power to knock out a target in a quick burst, or several quick bursts. Laser weapons come in two types: Pulse Lasers and Beam Lasers.
Pulse lasers are the more powerful of the two types. They deliver a short, but ultra intense beam of energy to a target. Capacitors are charged, and then released all at once very rapidly to deliver this effect. 3 shots will drain your standard size military fusion battery. At the infantry level, pulse lasers are used as long-range sniper rifles and support weapons. To deliver rapid firepower, two or more laser assemblies must be used, alternating fire between them as the capacitors on each fired assembly recharges. A single blast from a standard infantry-level pulse laser is enough to punch through a human chest with an inch of tungsten on either side in 0.357 seconds. High-powered laser rifles will emit an extremely loud thunderclap as the air around the beam detonates. Larger laser assemblies may be used on fighter craft or vehicles, or point-defense on capital ships.
Beam Lasers are less powerful, but may be fired for long durations of time, and do not require multiple assemblies for sustained fire. These weapons are used to deliver a stream of laser energy to a target while disallowing it the ability to regenerate. These lasers are used in an anti-missile role at the surface and space level. They may be used in the anti-infantry/vehicle role to sweep an area or bring down lightly armored vehicles. They are also used by capital ships to engage targets not outside the 10 light-seconds, although this is rare. There are much more potent forms of beam weaponry, such as the electron beam cannon.

Plasma Weaponry-Time tried and proven, plasma weaponry has been around since before humanity left Earth in AD6534. Plasma weapons are very reliable, and have many applications. They can be shaped into beam weapons, bolt weapons, stream weapons, shells, the ominous blob, and the exotic blade.
Plasma Bolt guns may come in several forms, including small arms, cannons, and turbo blaster batteries. The principle behind each is roughly the same: an amount of an easily excited gas (usually Xenon compressed to a liquid or Helium) is superheated via laser, and accelerated down the barrel via electromagnets, and exits as a coherent hyper-ionized plasmoid bolt held together by inertia and under intense pressure. At the small arms level, a fusion battery, usually lasting for 500 shots on standard setting, and 100 shots on maximum, supplies power. The gas magazine, however, is usually expended after 250 shots, making it necessary (although convenient) to reload both every other reload. In the event there are no gas magazines, the weapons may be set to utilize the atmosphere to supply the gas to be superheated, although this reduces the heat intensity of each shot, as well as the number of shot from the fusion pack to only 260. Plasma weapons are also used as urban sniper weapons, due to the slowness of a pulse laser to fire, recycle, and fire again, and because they give the firer's location away. Plasma bolt sniper rifles are configured for maximum setting only, and have extra powerful electromagnets to shove the plasmoid at around Mach 5 (See High Velocity (HV) Plasma Weapon) Accuracy ratings on a plasma sniper tend to be around .4 MOA at 200 meters. Bolt plasma weapons using raw Xenon fire bolts of plasma at 38,000 K, where as bolts formed using atmosphere will be a plasma at only 3,500 K. Bolts used planet-side must travel no slower than 600km/h in order to hold together with practical range. Anti-armor (sniper) plasma may be well within 100,000 K, and capital ship plasma batteries may fire up to 1,300,000 K plasma, and are used at the point-blank to 0.5 light second range.
Beam-type plasma weapons are limited in range, but deliver a steady stream of firepower onto a target, and are much more potent than a laser. Lasers will burn holes, but plasma will eat through decks and spread like a wildfire for several meters from the impact. Beam-type plasma weapons operate by using a magnetic "lens" to shape plasma accelerated by electromagnets into a coherent beam. The range is limited by how far the magnetic lens is extended. The farther the lens is extended, the less coherent the beam. Eventually, the EM field won't be strong enough to shape the plasma into a beam, and the plasma will simply disperse. Beam-type plasma weapons are utilized by ground forces in the form of shoulder mounted cannons, or mounted guns on vehicles. Space-borne craft use them at close range to eat away at enemy armor quickly, in order to deliver a final blow with a more potent weapon, such as an Anti-Matter cannon or rail driver. Ship-board weapons reach 1,000,000 K, and ground weapons may reach 150,000 K. Ship board plasma beam cannons are used at the 1 light-second to point blank range.
Plasma stream weapons are among the more primitive types. Utilizing the plasma from a fusion battery as the power source, they deliver a stream of searing plasma in the same manner as a flamethrower, though much more lethal. Users must be careful, due to the intense heat and possible back blast of the plasma contacting the target. Not to be used at ranges closer than 5 meters. Rendered ineffective at ranges greater than 50 meters. Heat is roughly 3,600 K on infantry throwers, and 38,000 K on vehicle-mounted weapons. Generally used to flush out enemy positions, or to deliver intense raw destructive power to an area, in order to level buildings, caves, or other hardened cover.
The "ominous blob" of plasma is generally used as a deterrent to pursuing craft in space. Its scattered EM fields will confuse sensors and tracking devices, and the intense heat will weaken (or even deplete) shields on vessels, and destroy any missiles or fighters.
Plasma shells are the oldest method of plasma delivery, but remain highly effective, even against modern technology. Basically, the weapon consists of two parts: the propulsion, and the shell itself. Early shells were propelled by gunpowder. Later, they were propelled by matter/anti-matter reactions, and presently, they are fired via linear induction, or coil-based MAGs. The shell itself is essentially a metal casing containing plasma, which is kept inside via magnetic fields. Each shell must be energized before firing, because the heat from active plasma would eat away the casing over time during storage. Shells may be configured to explode and spray the plasma, burst and let the plasma eat away the surroundings, or to let plasma escape while en-route to target coordinates, letting fall a deadly rain of hot plasma onto the battlefield, while the round comes smashing down like conventional artillery. These weapons are highly adaptive, and are even used aboard capital ships for punching through armor rapidly and causing massive internal damage. Primarily tanks, artillery, and capital ships utilize plasma shells. The temperature of plasma inside the shells varies depending on the settings of the shell.
Plasma may be used to form the blades of melee weapons. Plasma may either form the entire blade, or make up the "sharp" side(s) of a conventional-looking blade. Plasma is held into the desired shape by complex overlapping magnetic fields. These same fields cause a gyroscopic effect that makes the blade appear to have a noticeable weight. These same fields also allow for traditional combat using knives or swords.

Particle Acceleration- The newest in weapons technology, these weapons operate by accelerating clusters/short beams of particles at near the speed of light onto a target via micro-particle accelerators, ranging in size (which relates almost directly to power), they may be as small as the 21st century 4.6x30mm, or as big as a 21st century 20x110mm bullet. At manufacture, these cartridge-sized accelerators may be configured to favor a certain particle, or to favor a certain amount of a given particle, which may slow or raise the speed of the cluster/pulse, as well as it's characteristics. The total size of a cluster is roughly the size of a speck of dust. How fast it is accelerated is determined by the size of the cartridge. Mass varies depending on the type of particle. Most weapons are configured to fire beams of electrons. Second most common are proton beams. The accelerator is never 100% guaranteed to fire the configured particle, due to quantum mechanics. However, the reliability rate to get the configured particle is 96%, so deviances are rare occurrences. Acceleration weapons are operated via a spring-loaded hammer making brief contact on the end of a cartridge, completing the circuit and activating the device. The concussive recoil knocks the carrier group back into position for the next shot. Spent casings are extracted mechanically as the carrier recoils back. The energy release on each shot is enough to vaporize the internal components of each cartridge, which gives the illusion of ancient projectile casings which had dense slugs mounted on top. The group of particles is further accelerated by a linear induction system following all the way down the barrel. Particle Acceleration weapons are generally referred to as Pulse Rifles or Pulse Cannons, because it's a brief burst of energy that is discharged towards the target. Pulse rifles, while accurate on their own, are not ideal for sniper role as the recoil is too great for high-precision shooting, and rounds required to create enough energy to punch through shields in a single shot would tear a soldier's arm off his/her shoulders in a sniper configuration. Strength of a cartridge is written in two parts, i.e. .81-06kJ. The first number is multiplied by the second, times 1,000. Thus, “81” is the power, and “06” is the size (81% of 6000J). Acceleration weaponry is limited to small arms only at this time. Anti-matter configuration is banned, and would be unlikely to work in the first place, because the quantity generated would not be enough to withstand contact with the atmosphere for more than a few hundred nanoseconds.

Anti-Matter-This remains the most controversial form of weapon in the universe. AM is banned for use in planet-side battles and planetary bombardment, and some groups are working to ban them from space use as well, claiming that they "destroy precious natural resources." Anti matter weapons come in two forms: explosives, and directed energy weapons.
Explosives work in much the same fashion as plasma-based explosives, only they may remain in storage without the need to have their contents disposed of or de-energized. Typically used by planetary cannons on planets with insufficient economies for orbital defenses.
Direct-energy AM weapons are more complex. Anti-matter generated by the platform's (or ship's) singularity reactor, or an accelerator for just this purpose, is funneled out, and stored in a chamber connected to the weapon's magnetic accelerators. When a target is acquired, the weapon is fired, and the antimatter is dumped onto the target. However, once firing is commenced, all AM in the chamber must be expended, or the weapon would destroy itself as AM left in the firing tube will cease to be suspended by a magnetic field, and destroy the barrel. For this reason, barrels are made as short as possible, and the weapons are fired only if the target's shields are out, and a hit is guaranteed. Some versions of the weapon expel the anti-matter more rapidly by pulsing it down the beam at regular intervals. Used at ranges within 10 light-seconds.

Hyperbradyon Beams-A new technology for mounting on space-faring craft, the Hyperbradyon Beam is an expensive device that utilizes superbradyon particles in a tight, coherent beam to bombard a ship and slice through it's hull. No one is quite sure how it works yet, because the inventors and their notes are dead and destroyed, and the company they worked for was dissolved in 10,437EE. Only two are in service, both with the Imperial Military at Basis. Long range weapon, used at 10 light-minutes or less.

Singularity Cannon- a particle accelerator programmed to form black holes is fired via MAG at a target to tear it apart with gravitational forces. This is a last resort weapon that requires extensive authorization to use, and is banned from being used within 100 light years of any inhabited star system, because there is always the probability that a stable singularity may form.

Magnetic Acceleration-Many ships have their main weapons based around this concept. Linear or coil induction is used to propel a projectile at hypersonic speeds towards a target. These projectiles can rip through ship hulls and scatter the debris into space, but they are easily evaded at long ranges. On the ground, MAGs are used as artillery to brutally bombard an enemy into submission, or to soften them up for the infantry move out. Typical shipboard MACs fire at around Mach 25, where super MACs designed for cracking planets and moons fire 2.4M tonnes at around Mach 105. Point defense MAGs fire 1 tonne at roughly Mach 7 to 9. Ground-based MAGs also fire 1 tonne within this range. Plasma-based weaponry and the newer Accelerators have overrun small arms MAGs.

Miscellaneous Weapons-Throughout the universe, there are many weapons not listed here. Such may include projectile weapons using a Matter/Anti-Matter reaction to propel the round, ultra-sonic vibrating blades, catapults throwing plasma bombs or other devices, seismic charges to destroy ground for travel or break up asteroid fields, blow darts, old-fashioned blades, electric weapons sparking bolts of electricity onto the target akin to a lightning strike, missiles of various forms, nuclear devices, and many others.

September 24th, 2007, 09:36 PM
Uhhh, way too long; didn't read and just skimming I found this:

Quantum Singularity- Black holes are almost 100% efficient at generating power.
Matter goes in, and heat, light, various other forms of radiation, and anti-matter come out.
That's so completely wrong. It's the area outside the event horizon where the accretion occurs and various forms of radiation are emitted; anything inside the event horizon will be completely trapped

September 24th, 2007, 09:59 PM
Jets spewing out the center (not as literal as it sounds) mean anything? Do the real and non-real particles created mean anything? Does a magnetic field spinning around the event mean anything either? For example, as the gases from a star go around the disk in on their merry way to their doom, it gets hotter as it is pressed to the outer rim by centripetal (centrifugal?) force, from which it will spiral inwards, eventually.


I also didn't specify exactly where said products are coming from. Looking at that quote, I never once mentioned anything regarding accretion disks or event horizons. It merely states what can come out of the 'reactor', if you will.

September 24th, 2007, 10:03 PM
Jets spewing out the center (not as literal as it sounds) mean anything? Do the real and non-real particles created mean anything? Does a magnetic field spinning around the event mean anything either? For example, as the gases from a star go around the disk in on their merry way to their doom, it gets hotter as it is pressed to the outer rim by centripetal force, from which it will spiral inwards, eventually.


I also didn't specify exactly where said products are coming from.
That would be more likely to come from a quasar.

September 24th, 2007, 10:07 PM
And what is a quasar but a black hole in the center of a galaxy?

September 24th, 2007, 10:11 PM
Jets spewing out the center (not as literal as it sounds) mean anything? Do the real and non-real particles created mean anything? Does a magnetic field spinning around the event mean anything either? For example, as the gases from a star go around the disk in on their merry way to their doom, it gets hotter as it is pressed to the outer rim by centripetal (centrifugal?) force, from which it will spiral inwards, eventually.


I also didn't specify exactly where said products are coming from. Looking at that quote, I never once mentioned anything regarding accretion disks or event horizons. It merely states what can come out of the 'reactor', if you will.
That's due to the extreme gravitational force, and must occur beyond the event horizon in the accretion disk, like I said.

EDIT: And by the way, the efficiency of supermassive black holes is generally between 8 - 10%, not 100.

September 25th, 2007, 03:03 PM
Yeah, I wrote this when I read the issue of Scientific American stating that it was around 92%, so it is not totally up to date. Either way, it is more efficient than fusion.

Besides, it is sci-fi. Nothing is 100% accurate in such a universe. It's OK to have some fun with it, which is the whole point.

September 25th, 2007, 04:28 PM
And what is a quasar but a black hole in the center of a galaxy?
But it's more than a black hole. A quasar is a compact halo of matter surrounding a massive black hole. A black hole is just that, a black hole.

Also, you could probably get untold amounts of energy from a white hole, if a civilization could develop the technology to keep one open.

September 25th, 2007, 04:31 PM
Obviously something is going to be going into the black hole in order to have it as a 'reactor'.

Why are we so focused on the singularity generators? I am not totally clueless about black holes, I know more about them than your average Joe. I just refuse to use "gravimetric" stuff in my universe, since it has no basis on anything real, and hence it is not a viable form of power production or propulsion to me.

September 25th, 2007, 04:35 PM
Could you work Dyson Spheres into this story? That would be sweet.

September 25th, 2007, 05:29 PM
Actually, the Basis construct is similar. It's a wheel structure, a central hub disc with three spokes leading out to a rim. The disc has a spire emerging from both sides. All of the surface of the disc is habitable, as is the inside edge of the outer rim. It should be noted that this construct was not found by man, but built. However, as per your request, later in the storyline, towards the end of the universe, I could have planets are enclosed in Dyson Spheres to protect from the cold dark universe, and even earlier on for solar systems whose stars have gone out.