View Full Version : need help with sapien
September 24th, 2007, 11:13 PM
ok when i open my scen in sapien, and it starts to loadn and like when it gets to the end of step 1, it says its corupt. i was wondering if i did something wrong
September 25th, 2007, 12:36 AM
When you do your level compiling in the Map Editor Launcher, you need to do do "Compile Only" then once that's done, "Light Only." Doing "Compile and Light" won't work and it'll give you that error.
September 25th, 2007, 01:43 AM
ok thank you bro! :D
September 25th, 2007, 01:49 AM
ok that only got me to part 2 script compiling, and as soon as it got to the end, the same error msg came up. you kno a way to fix that?
September 25th, 2007, 10:36 AM
bump, srry
September 25th, 2007, 10:49 AM
bump, srry
Most Americans are at school/work right now ^^
You are European right?
I don't know much about H2V modding but can you check the debug.txt?
September 25th, 2007, 10:51 AM
Most Americans are at school/work right now ^^
You are European right?
I don't know much about H2V modding but can you check the debug.txt?
im from europe, Italy. but sadly i live in ohio right now so no.what do you want me to check about it?
September 25th, 2007, 10:58 AM
im from europe, Italy. but sadly i live in ohio right now so no.what do you want me to check about it?
The last few lines of it should containt the error's cause.
September 25th, 2007, 11:03 AM
09.25.07 02:50:25.125 tool debug pc 11091. May 11 2007 11:07:03
================================================== ==========================================
Ώ ∞
09.25.07 02:50:25.125 Lightmap job started at 09.25.07 02:50:25.125
09.25.07 02:50:25.562 Finished start in 00:00:00 [h:m:s] (00:00:00 [h:m:s] total)
09.25.07 02:50:25.625 - mem (used= 0.00MB, free= 874.32MB)
09.25.07 02:50:25.765 multiplayer/mainmenu map - loading dervish and chief animations, mp models
09.25.07 02:50:30.156 ### DX9 tag 'shaders\shader_passes\shadow\shadow_generate' uses alphakill
09.25.07 02:50:30.203 ### DX9 tag 'shaders\shader_passes\shadow\shadow_generate' uses alphakill
09.25.07 02:50:30.281 ### DX9 tag 'shaders\shader_passes\shadow\shadow_generate' uses alphakill
09.25.07 02:50:30.359 ### DX9 tag 'shaders\shader_passes\shadow\shadow_generate' uses alphakill
09.25.07 02:50:42.734 file_open('tags\rasterizer\pixel_shaders_dx9\shade rs_shader_passes_lightmap_lightmap_tex_env_detail_ dbl_spec_0.psh') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
09.25.07 02:50:42.844 file_open('tags\rasterizer\pixel_shaders_dx9\shade rs_shader_passes_lightmap_lightmap_tex_env_detail_ dbl_spec_1.psh') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
09.25.07 02:50:42.969 file_open('tags\rasterizer\pixel_shaders_dx9\shade rs_shader_passes_lightmap_lightmap_tex_env_detail_ dbl_spec_2.psh') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
09.25.07 02:50:43.047 file_open('tags\rasterizer\pixel_shaders_dx9\shade rs_shader_passes_lightmap_lightmap_tex_env_detail_ dbl_spec_3.psh') error 0x00000002 'The system cannot find the file specified. '
09.25.07 02:50:43.125 ERROR: shader pass 'shaders\shader_passes\lightmap\lightmap_tex_env_d etail_dbl_spec' failed to postprocess
09.25.07 02:50:43.265 ### ERROR shader template 'shaders\shader_templates\opaque\tex_bump_env_dbl_ spec' references invalid pass 'shaders\shader_passes\lightmap\lightmap_tex_env_d etail_dbl_spec' in LOD #0 (skipping validation)
09.25.07 02:50:43.344 ### ERROR shader template 'shaders\shader_templates\opaque\tex_bump_env_dbl_ spec' references invalid pass 'shaders\shader_passes\lightmap\lightmap_tex_env_d etail_dbl_spec' in LOD #1 (skipping validation)
09.25.07 02:50:43.437 ### ERROR shader 'objects\characters\masterchief\shaders\masterchie f_visor' references invalid template 'shaders\shader_templates\opaque\tex_bump_env_dbl_ spec' (skipping validation)
09.25.07 02:50:43.531 TAG_LOAD: failed to postprocess: 'objects\characters\masterchief\shaders\masterchie f_visor.shader'
09.25.07 02:50:43.734 TAG_LOAD: removing invalid tag objects\characters\masterchief\shaders\masterchief _visor
09.25.07 02:50:44.125 ### WARNING model 'objects\weapons\rifle\smg\garbage\magazine\magazi ne' didn't have begin fade or max draw distances set and we couldn't build defaults
09.25.07 02:50:50.578 ### ERROR geometry 'objects\characters\elite\fp_body\fp_body' shader 'objects\characters\elite\shaders\inset_lights' is opaque but was imported as transparent
09.25.07 02:50:51.703 ### WARNING model 'objects\characters\elite\elite_mp' variant 'default' cannot find region 'hg_lights'
09.25.07 02:50:51.953 ### WARNING unit 'objects\characters\elite\elite_mp' does not have both a render model and an animation graph
09.25.07 02:50:52.797 WARNING: shader 'objects\weapons\multiplayer\flag\shaders\flag' could not resolve bitmap 'base_map'
09.25.07 02:50:53.953 WARNING: shader 'objects\weapons\rifle\battle_rifle\shaders\tens' could not resolve bitmap 'zero'
09.25.07 02:50:54.015 WARNING: shader 'objects\weapons\rifle\battle_rifle\shaders\ones' could not resolve bitmap 'zero'
09.25.07 02:50:54.359 ### WARNING shader pass 'shaders\shader_passes\texture_camera\scope' texture #0 (implementation #0) has source extern - ignoring parameter name "scope"
09.25.07 02:50:55.297 ### WARNING model 'objects\weapons\rifle\brute_plasma_rifle\brute_pl asma_rifle' collision model region 'default' has no corresponding model region (will not be collideable)
09.25.07 02:50:55.672 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\weapons\rifle\covenant_carbine\re loading' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:50:55.922 ### WARNING effect 'effects\impact\explosion_small\brute_shot\detonat ion' part 'effects\impact\explosion_small\brute_shot\detonat ion' was not found
09.25.07 02:50:56.234 sound 'sound\weapons\energy_sword\sword_impact_character ' maximum gain is too large: 2.00dB, should be <= 0.0dB
09.25.07 02:50:56.359 sound 'sound\weapons\energy_sword\sword_impact_character ' gain bounds clamped to: [-2.00dB, 0.00dB]
09.25.07 02:50:58.109 sound 'sound\vehicles\scorpion\scorpion_projectile_up' maximum gain is too large: 3.00dB, should be <= 0.0dB
09.25.07 02:50:58.187 sound 'sound\vehicles\scorpion\scorpion_projectile_up' gain bounds clamped to: [-3.00dB, 0.00dB]
09.25.07 02:50:58.281 damage info postprocess: couldn't find a physics model constraint with name: hinge02
09.25.07 02:50:58.594 ### WARNING object 'objects\vehicles\ghost\garbage\seat\seat' has a bounding sphere radius much less than its model (0.120000 vs 0.364857)
09.25.07 02:50:58.703 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\ghost\hull_destroyed_ini tial_damage' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:50:58.797 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\ghost\hull_major_damage' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:50:58.906 ### WARNING object 'objects\vehicles\ghost\garbage\l_wing_shell\l_win g_shell' has a bounding sphere radius much less than its model (0.080000 vs 0.285048)
09.25.07 02:50:59.000 ### WARNING object 'objects\vehicles\ghost\garbage\r_wing_shell\r_win g_shell' has a bounding sphere radius much less than its model (0.120000 vs 0.264751)
09.25.07 02:50:59.469 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\scorpion\trans_hull_majo r' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:50:59.594 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\scorpion\trans_driver_ma jor' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:50:59.703 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\scorpion\trans_front_tre ad_major' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:50:59.797 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\scorpion\trans_back_trea d_major' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:50:59.969 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\scorpion\trans_turret_ma jor' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:00.078 ### WARNING effect 'effects\impact\explosion_large\scorpion_shell\she ll_explosion' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:00.390 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_hull_destro yed' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:00.500 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_rudder_dest royed' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:00.609 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_wing_medium _damage' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:00.687 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_wing_destro yed' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:00.797 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_rudder_medi um_damage' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:00.906 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_rudder_majo r_damage' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:01.094 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_turret_majo r_damage' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:01.203 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_turret_back hatch_major_damage' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:01.312 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\turrets\mortar\wr aith_mortar_explosion' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:01.469 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\wraith\trans_minigun_des troyed' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:01.890 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\banshee\trans_delayed_hu ll_destroyed_damage' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:02.000 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\banshee\trans_cab_med_da mage' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:02.109 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\banshee\trans_cab_major_ damage' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:02.312 ### ERROR geometry 'objects\weapons\support_high\flak_cannon\projecti les\flak_projectile' shader 'objects\weapons\support_high\flak_cannon\shaders\ flak_bolt_luminous' is transparent but was imported as opaque
09.25.07 02:51:02.640 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\spectre\trans_hull_destr oyed' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:02.765 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\spectre\trans_wing_minor _damage' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:02.859 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\spectre\trans_wing_mediu m_damage' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:02.969 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\spectre\trans_wing_major _damage' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:03.125 ### WARNING effect 'effects\objects\vehicles\spectre\trans_turret_maj or_damage' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:03.531 ### WARNING model 'objects\powerups\active_camouflage\active_camoufl age' collision model region 'glass' has no corresponding model region (will not be collideable)
09.25.07 02:51:04.187 ### WARNING effect 'effects\impact\explosion_large\satchel_charge\sat chel_charge_explosion' particle system is invalid
09.25.07 02:51:04.375 --------- lightmap stats ---------
09.25.07 02:51:04.469 photons cast: 0
09.25.07 02:51:04.562 raytests from photons: 0 (0.00)
09.25.07 02:51:04.656 calls to find_photons: 0
09.25.07 02:51:04.765 raytests from find_photons: 0 (0.00)
09.25.07 02:51:04.859 calls to compute_light_value: 0
09.25.07 02:51:04.922 sun tests: 0
09.25.07 02:51:05.015 sun raytests: 0 (0.00)
09.25.07 02:51:05.125 point light tests: 0
09.25.07 02:51:05.219 point light raytests: 0 (0.00)
09.25.07 02:51:05.312 surface light tests: 0
09.25.07 02:51:05.422 surface light raytests: 0 (0.00)
09.25.07 02:51:05.515 indirect radiance raytests: 0 (0.00) this is it
September 25th, 2007, 11:09 AM
It didn't do any lightmaps. It could be a problem with your model, or you're referencing a sky in your .scenario that has missing tags.
September 25th, 2007, 11:10 AM
how do i fix it?
September 25th, 2007, 05:35 PM
can anyone help me?
September 25th, 2007, 05:51 PM
You need to have a +sky material set somewhere in your map for the lightmaps to work.
September 25th, 2007, 05:54 PM
i do have a sky, and its named +sky
im going to try and just compile only and see if i
have any luck with that.
edit: still the same. idfk im bout to give up..
September 25th, 2007, 06:02 PM
There are no errors given. So the model isn't set up right or the materials aren't.
September 25th, 2007, 07:23 PM
so i should just start a new one again, huh?
September 26th, 2007, 04:55 AM
Or fix what's wrong with your current model.
September 26th, 2007, 11:19 AM
idk how to and what ppl are telling me don't help
September 26th, 2007, 01:53 PM
In order to provide some help we'd need some more info on your model/level or someone could take a look at your model or you could watch a basic tutorial video to make sure you've done what is needed.
September 26th, 2007, 02:11 PM
ok ive been using max 8 for about a month. i do know a few things, but im no expert.
here is the model download:
and here are some pictures:
September 26th, 2007, 02:16 PM
Could you show one with the material editor open?
September 26th, 2007, 02:18 PM
September 26th, 2007, 02:23 PM
Ok, looks ok... did you link the level to the level root?
September 26th, 2007, 02:32 PM
yes im positive i did that. i remember doing it.
September 26th, 2007, 02:39 PM
You can check that by clicking the select by name button (the list with the arrow next to it) and then check the display subtree box. Should look like this:
(without the preceding ...)
Could be more items or less.
Also how big is your level? Or for that matter how big is the level-root? If it has a diameter of 10 you're level would fit in masterchiefs eye :)
September 26th, 2007, 02:43 PM
it goes:
'box01 is spaced to the right more but for some reason when ever i do it on here, is don't space it.
my level is 2000x2000
here is a pic of the root. i forget how big it is
September 26th, 2007, 02:50 PM
Yeah that's why i used the dots, spaces at the start disappear.
Hmm, looks like your level is ok. Any export errors?
September 26th, 2007, 02:55 PM
idk what u mean. like with compiling? if so yes
September 26th, 2007, 03:00 PM
I think i just spotted it, looks like your level isn't in the skybox, i think you made the blue wall your skybox but that's not gonna work. In order to be able to light your level and have a sky your level needs to be inside the skybox.
September 26th, 2007, 03:01 PM
I think i just spotted it, looks like your level isn't in the skybox, i think you made the blue wall your skybox but that's not gonna work. In order to be able to light your level and have a sky your level needs to be inside the skybox.
plz explain.
September 26th, 2007, 03:14 PM
Well, that's basic mapping. Very simply put, make a box, make it an editable mesh or poly, select all faces, flip them (then you can see inside the box), tessellate a few times, give all side and top faces an id 1 (+sky) and make your level out of the bottom of the box. Perhaps have a look at a vid-tut.
There are video-tutorials here
Personally i like the one from cheesenips most.
September 26th, 2007, 03:16 PM
thanx im gonna check it out.
September 26th, 2007, 03:24 PM
That was sort of how to do it right next time, in order to make your level work you could simply do the same, make a box that's bigger than your level with your level inside it (do the stuff i wrote in previous post), link it to the root and it should work too. And just a tip, it's easier not to attach all your stuff to eachother, just make sure everything is linked to the root.
September 26th, 2007, 04:06 PM
ok i did all that, and i exported my ass file, but i get this error when i try to compile. wtf
September 26th, 2007, 05:04 PM
I really don't know, did you change something like using kornmans tool first and then go back to the original? Maybe you can delete the complete level-tag, so any old data is gone, under tags->scenarios->multi->'your level' and then compile again.
September 26th, 2007, 08:31 PM
nope, all i did was model
i think im just gonna start another map. hopefully i get this one right :/
September 26th, 2007, 10:20 PM
you dont have to create a box all the way around your level to make a skybox. the way he had it before was fine, because he concealed off the level and had a skybox texture in use. I do it all the time and most maps use that technique, i mean have you ever looked at bloodgulches model by chance?
your error though, im not too sure.. if I didnt have work for the rest of the week I would gladly take a look at your max file and try and compile it myself...
I'll let you know if i quit tomorrow, kthxbi
edit: is your h2v up to date through live patches? that tool older version makes me wonder if your tool version is older then your .ass exporter.. bungie or bluestreak did you use?
September 27th, 2007, 12:19 AM
i used bungies, and always have. idk i fucked the model up trying to fix it so im just goign to scrap it, and start another, hopefully i get everything right this time. and i compiled ass files befor, idk i started getting that error when i changed something in the materals and skybox :/
September 27th, 2007, 06:33 AM
Lol, i just got the exact same error. I replaced the original tool with kornmans tool and that gave the error. So i put the original back and now it compiles as it should/did.
September 27th, 2007, 06:45 AM
Oh and for the lighting (radiosity), for starters it's best to start the way i described or is shown in most tutorials.
September 27th, 2007, 06:47 PM
if you have the max file still, id be willing to take a look at it for you and help you understand what happened wrong..
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