View Full Version : [HALO 3] Grunt fun
September 25th, 2007, 05:40 PM
Hey guys, well I just got Halo 3 and god damn do I love it. The first thing I noticed (apart from the overall change in controls and graphics) was the grunts. I mean lol who knew forcing a few rounds into the skull of a grunt could get anymore fun. Now just fighting against them is great. Improved lines an voices, new gruntish things for them to do, its just great.
So I wanted to make a topic where you can post your favorite things grunts have done in H3 so far, be it lines or actions. I’ll start off:
1) The kamikaze grunt, boy did I laugh when I turned a corner to see a grunt charging me with what looked like a plasma grenade in each hand screaming gibberish. I laughed even more when he blew to bits before he got to me XD
2) It’s not all that great but I found this line a bit fun. After plowing through a large number of grunts and brutes I killed one of the last remaining grunts. After that the last grunt kind of whimpered and said, “noooo, he was my best friend!” ah so much pleasure in that.:lol:
3) “The brochure said this would be fun!” As I blow through them.
4) "I can't run good when scared!"
5) “You fucking monkey!” I have no idea who it was talking to, my guess would be a brute that sent a little FF its way.
That’s all I have for now, but post your grunt funs here for all to see. Or heck post events from ever enemy that you found to be funny.
September 25th, 2007, 06:11 PM
I heard it in some clip.
Is it funny? Eh, I just wanted to share =(
September 26th, 2007, 12:40 AM
I heard one of the grunts say something about a Grunty thirst when I was unleashing hell with my Assault Rifle.
"Umm... I'm on your team now."
"KAMIKAZE!" (When holding two armed Plasma Nades)
"Can't... Run... With... Thing... On... Back!" (Yes, it's been in there since H1, and it's back in H3)
"Feet, don't fail me now!"
"Fuck you!" (On Legendary, right before the bastard charged at me and killed me with 2 Plasma Nades)
September 26th, 2007, 05:33 AM
"Fuck you!" (On Legendary, right before the bastard charged at me and killed me with 2 Plasma Nades)
r u srs? Thats the first time I've ever heard them venture out beyond damn or ass. Maybe bitch, but still, they always tried to keep it fun for the whole family it seemed...
September 26th, 2007, 09:28 AM
r u srs? Thats the first time I've ever heard them venture out beyond damn or ass. Maybe bitch, but still, they always tried to keep it fun for the whole family it seemed...
On the G4 special one of the Bungie guys said they wanted to give their fans what they wanted, even if I meant not creating a game for the mainstream of people. I guess that means less family friendly language. ;)
September 26th, 2007, 10:47 AM
I think I may have heard it in one of the leaked videos, as well as ingame.
September 26th, 2007, 02:29 PM
r u srs? Thats the first time I've ever heard them venture out beyond damn or ass. Maybe bitch, but still, they always tried to keep it fun for the whole family it seemed...
On G4's coverage, soemone asked Frankie what his favourite line was in the game and he said he couldn't say it on TV. Maybe this is true.
September 26th, 2007, 03:37 PM
Does Halo 3 tone down the language according to your difficulty like Halo 1 did?
September 26th, 2007, 03:50 PM
Does Halo 3 tone down the language according to your difficulty like Halo 1 did?
It did? The only time I noticed that there was a change in profanity was when Johnson was talking in the very first cutscene.
September 26th, 2007, 04:14 PM
I thought this was hilarious! There were like 6 grunts in one spot and I threw a plasma then they go WEEEEEEEEEE all at once. It was like super extreme WEEEE too lol.
[EJ] Bean
September 26th, 2007, 06:03 PM
r u srs? Thats the first time I've ever heard them venture out beyond damn or ass. Maybe bitch, but still, they always tried to keep it fun for the whole family it seemed...
The grunts have said 'F U!' (self censor) since halo 1. There were a few grunts that would say it on ledgendary in the level 'The Maw'. If memory serves correctly, it's near the POA's bridge.
September 26th, 2007, 09:09 PM
Bean;165994']The grunts have said 'F U!' (self censor) since halo 1. There were a few grunts that would say it on ledgendary in the level 'The Maw'. If memory serves correctly, it's near the POA's bridge.
I've done that level multiple times on legendary without ever hearing so much as a squeak from them. Those damn fuel rod wielding bastards.
September 26th, 2007, 09:32 PM
Bean;165994']The grunts have said 'F U!' (self censor) since halo 1. There were a few grunts that would say it on ledgendary in the level 'The Maw'. If memory serves correctly, it's near the POA's bridge.
I'm pretty sure I've heard them say it before.
September 26th, 2007, 09:40 PM
It sounds almost like "Ack!" followed by "Q!", if I am thinking of the right voice clip. It is a very staccato and brief exclamation, and still pretty hard to caome by, if I am (again) not mistaken.
September 26th, 2007, 09:43 PM
It did? The only time I noticed that there was a change in profanity was when Johnson was talking in the very first cutscene.
yeah... on Easy they hardly even said damn, on Legendary it was like being surrounded by seamen
t3h m00kz
September 27th, 2007, 04:03 AM
The grunt birthday party skull. Nuff said
September 27th, 2007, 08:18 AM
I could have sworn a brute told me to "suck my cock", I really thought I heard that could someone tell me what he really says
September 27th, 2007, 09:09 AM
Ledgendary on The Covenant
A grunt walked up to me and of course, I shot him. A grunt from afar screamed. MY BEST FREIND YOU FTARD.
Also, a grunt hit me in the WTF so I hit im in the LMAO LMAO.
September 27th, 2007, 11:07 AM
Check the Halo 1 grunt's .dialog files; it's in there.
But I have heard a brute say "Suck my cock!" on Legendary in H3.
Either that, or one of my co-op buddies sure sounded a lot like a Brute.
September 27th, 2007, 02:52 PM
Hmmm. I wonder exactly where the covenant learned their english.
September 27th, 2007, 02:56 PM
universal translators.
September 27th, 2007, 03:04 PM
yeah... on Easy they hardly even said damn, on Legendary it was like being surrounded by seamen
But on every difficulty in Halo 1, on the POA, after the covenant start using the lifepod holders to attach they're own landing craft, Cortana says "Clever Bastards!" So no change in dialog there.
September 27th, 2007, 03:36 PM
Anybody know where the grunt party skull is?
September 27th, 2007, 03:40 PM
But on every difficulty in Halo 1, on the POA, after the covenant start using the lifepod holders to attach they're own landing craft, Cortana says "Clever Bastards!" So no change in dialog there.
When did I ever say every line of dialog is changed? Learn to fucking read please.
September 27th, 2007, 04:04 PM
When did I ever say every line of dialog is changed? Learn to fucking read please.
No, what I meant was that Cortana says that line when playing through any of the difficulties. That means that there is no variation of the dialog to anything more profane.
September 27th, 2007, 04:13 PM
No, what I meant was that Cortana says that line when playing through any of the difficulties. That means that there is no variation of the dialog to anything more profane.
So you're saying, that since Cortana's lines are the same on every difficulty, there's no change whatsoever. Especially since I was talking about minor characters like Marines and Grunts.
September 27th, 2007, 04:38 PM
So you're saying, that since Cortana's lines are the same on every difficulty, there's no change whatsoever. Especially since I was talking about minor characters like Marines and Grunts.
Oh, ok, I thought you meant the dialog in general on the first level.
[EJ] Bean
September 27th, 2007, 04:40 PM
Hmmm. I wonder exactly where the covenant learned their english.
You always hear that aliens will pick up our TV and radio signals being transmitted from earth. So like if a covenant world is ~ 520 lightyears from earth, maybe they are just now getting our 21st century broadcasts in the year 2552 or whenever. Lol.
September 27th, 2007, 05:06 PM
Bean;166342']You always hear that aliens will pick up our TV and radio signals being transmitted from earth. So like if a covenant world is ~ 520 lightyears from earth, maybe they are just now getting our 21st century broadcasts in the year 2552 or whenever. Lol.
Yes, and they can read what we are posting right now. Poor them, having to read through all of Rossmum's posts...
September 27th, 2007, 06:38 PM
universal translators.The Bestiarium book included with the Limited Edition says that they learned English on their own, and that it's a matter of pride to be able to cuss out their enemies.
September 28th, 2007, 12:08 AM
Lol, I need to check my Halo stuff on the first bonus disk of Legendary, after I played a couple games, I inserted the other disc and went to my RvB extras.
Never even looked at the first one (Except once, when I saw the top of the disk, thumbing through the case excitedly to get to my new RvB).
September 28th, 2007, 08:51 AM
It sounds almost like "Ack!" followed by "Q!", if I am thinking of the right voice clip. It is a very staccato and brief exclamation, and still pretty hard to caome by, if I am (again) not mistaken.
I think it's "Hurt you!"
September 28th, 2007, 03:00 PM
Lol, I need to check my Halo stuff on the first bonus disk of Legendary, after I played a couple games, I inserted the other disc and went to my RvB extras.
Never even looked at the first one (Except once, when I saw the top of the disk, thumbing through the case excitedly to get to my new RvB).
You skipped other discs just to watch RvB? Wow....I'd take the time to soak up the story and making of stuff first.
September 28th, 2007, 04:38 PM
Anybody know where the grunt party skull is?
To my knowledge there isn't one.
September 28th, 2007, 04:40 PM
There is one.
September 28th, 2007, 05:11 PM
I could've sworn I heard a grunt yell "Suck my dick!" on legendary, but he might have said something else. :\
September 28th, 2007, 07:37 PM
I've heard Brutes yell "SUCK MY COCK!" on Legendary, so Grunts saying it wouldn't be that far fetched.
Still, my favorite:
September 29th, 2007, 03:45 AM
Grunts and Brutes have cocks eh? :pervert:
September 29th, 2007, 03:46 AM
does that make anyone else wonder how large a grunt would be? :\
September 29th, 2007, 09:47 AM
does that make anyone else wonder how large a grunt would be? :\
I'm not sure why you would.
September 30th, 2007, 12:46 AM
Well we already know how ah... large (, brutes are.
September 30th, 2007, 02:40 AM
Though it's been confirmed that that was an... unfortunate armor accident.
"I'm coming, brother!" BOOM!
"Can... Can I have his helmet?" (It's back!)
*Teabags* (Yes, Grunts do teabag, but only rarely. I've died hundreds of times on Legendary and I have only had them do it once)
"Umm... Arbiter good! Demon good! Brutes bad, stinky stinky bad!"
"I love you." (Don't ask)
"Nice Marine, good Marine. I didn't mean to shoot you with the Plasma Pis-" *Marine fires*
"The voices in my head told me to do it." (After betraying 3 other Grunts and a Jackal with a Plasma Nade)
October 6th, 2007, 12:32 AM
Grunts and Brutes have cocks eh? :pervert:
That is gross you are gross.
Dr Nick
October 6th, 2007, 01:29 AM
I think they destroyed the grunts.
They don't even sound like grunts any more, it's more like Danny DeVito now :(
I do like how the grunts can use vehicles and stuff now! I think it's awesome, and how they just stand in the way, waiting to be shot down with a Pistol or BR!
What I hate is how the Jackals are terrible snipers :mad:
The AI is amazing, and it does provide a challenge, but I can't stand them, they have one set up everywhere, so that you can't hide :(
October 6th, 2007, 02:54 AM
I think they destroyed the grunts.
They don't even sound like grunts any more, it's more like Danny DeVito now :(
I do like how the grunts can use vehicles and stuff now! I think it's awesome, and how they just stand in the way, waiting to be shot down with a Pistol or BR!
What I hate is how the Jackals are terrible snipers :mad:
The AI is amazing, and it does provide a challenge, but I can't stand them, they have one set up everywhere, so that you can't hide :(
That would make them rather good snipers, then. I mean, I've been oneshotted on Normal by those fucks. Sad, I know.
October 6th, 2007, 06:26 AM
Filthy monkeys...
October 6th, 2007, 10:49 AM
October 6th, 2007, 10:53 AM
I thought he was taking a piss....or something.
Dr Nick
October 6th, 2007, 11:30 AM
That would make them rather good snipers, then. I mean, I've been oneshotted on Normal by those fucks. Sad, I know.What? That you got sniped by a Jackal, or that you play on Normal? ;)
October 6th, 2007, 06:56 PM
Filthy monkeys...
teh lag
October 6th, 2007, 07:04 PM
Looked more like just having a brute pee.
October 6th, 2007, 07:09 PM
But if he was peeing, then... a stream of whatever color Brutes pee would come out.
Well, Bungie DID say that the Brutes could be doing something completely unrelated to fighting when you come around a corner...
October 7th, 2007, 09:50 PM
When did I ever say every line of dialog is changed? Learn to fucking read please.
When did these comments become acceptable here? Did I miss some kind of horrid take over of the h2v forums by douche bags after halo 3's launch. I haven't been on the forums lately (not since h3 launched) and then I come back to check out some of the halo 3 discussions only to find this garbage. That and someone else made a similarly shitty reply to me in another thread also. Hell it may have even been you, but I can't recall.
But just because no one else pointed it out, I'll do the honors.
/rant warning
Learn some fucking manners please. :confused:
All he did was say Cortana's lines don't change in profanity with difficulty levels and you blatantly reply like that?
First of all when did he ever say that no ones lines changed with difficulty levels? If anything the point he was making was that Bungie didn't really change Sargent Johnson's lines with difficulty for the sake of making the game more voice friendly, if they were doing it because of this then wouldn't they have changed Cortana's lines too or all the other profanities, otherwise it kind of makes changing Johnson's replies useless in that respect.
The whole Sargent Johnson thing is most likely just an extra, to make the game more interesting to people, or possibly just some random Bungie humor. I don't remember the lines exactly but I recall Johnson referring to Halo as something like a "god damn hula-hoop in space". :XD:
Filthy monkeys...
almost forgot...
LMFAO... I can't believe they took the time to do that animations and all rofl...
October 7th, 2007, 10:09 PM
All he did was say Cortana's lines don't change in profanity with difficulty levels and you blatantly reply like that?
First of all when did he ever say that no ones lines changed with difficulty levels? If anything the point he was making was that Bungie didn't really change Sargent Johnson's lines with difficulty for the sake of making the game more voice friendly, if they were doing it because of this then wouldn't they have changed Cortana's lines too or all the other profanities, otherwise it kind of makes changing Johnson's replies useless in that respect.
The whole Sargent Johnson thing is most likely just an extra, to make the game more interesting to people, or possibly just some random Bungie humor. I don't remember the lines exactly but I recall Johnson referring to Halo as something like a "god damn hula-hoop in space". :XD:
So you didn't understand a word of what I said, just like he didn't. Good job.
October 7th, 2007, 11:19 PM
When did these comments become acceptable here? Did I miss some kind of horrid take over of the h2v forums by douche bags after halo 3's launch. I haven't been on the forums lately (not since h3 launched) and then I come back to check out some of the halo 3 discussions only to find this garbage. That and someone else made a similarly shitty reply to me in another thread also. Hell it may have even been you, but I can't recall.
But just because no one else pointed it out, I'll do the honors.
/rant warning
Learn some fucking manners please. :confused:
All he did was say Cortana's lines don't change in profanity with difficulty levels and you blatantly reply like that?
First of all when did he ever say that no ones lines changed with difficulty levels? If anything the point he was making was that Bungie didn't really change Sargent Johnson's lines with difficulty for the sake of making the game more voice friendly, if they were doing it because of this then wouldn't they have changed Cortana's lines too or all the other profanities, otherwise it kind of makes changing Johnson's replies useless in that respect.
The whole Sargent Johnson thing is most likely just an extra, to make the game more interesting to people, or possibly just some random Bungie humor. I don't remember the lines exactly but I recall Johnson referring to Halo as something like a "god damn hula-hoop in space". :XD:
almost forgot...
LMFAO... I can't believe they took the time to do that animations and all rofl...A single brute does that only once in the game, in a room with every grunt sleeping. He takes advantage of his relative privacy to piss on the wall :P
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