View Full Version : [HALO 3] The Official Achievements & Service Records Thread! (Possible Spoilers)
September 26th, 2007, 12:13 AM
Well, here you post your current H3 Achievements. For example, here's my Achievements (So Far):
Used Car Salesman (lol):
Fear the Pink Mist:
Up Close and Personal:
UNSC Spartan:
The Road:
Last Stand:
The Key:
Campaign Complete: Normal
Campaign Complete: Heroic
Campaign Complete: Legendary
Black Eye:
Tough Luck:
Mah Service Record:
Anyway, just post your achievements and/or Service Records here.
September 27th, 2007, 06:59 PM
Campaign Complete, all level achievements, Graduate, MVP, Headshot Honcho, Fear the Pink Mist
September 28th, 2007, 11:00 AM
Finally, someone posts.
Anywho, I have all the normal campaign achievements, Fear the Pink Mist, Spartan Recruit, and a few others, but the school computers block me from accessing, so I can't check.
September 28th, 2007, 04:34 PM
I thought this might be the right place to put this. But I have no idea on how to get to the Character Customization screen. I swear I have browsed every menu and cannot find it.
September 28th, 2007, 05:52 PM
In the main menu or any lobby, press the start button then move left on the left thumbstick. I think it's the second option for your appearence.
September 28th, 2007, 07:52 PM
yay! thanks.
September 29th, 2007, 02:29 AM
Somewhere, someone posted what permutations were linked to what achievements. Can someone link to that? I mean, I'm pretty sure that the ODST and Scout stuff are linked to Graduate, because, I mean, I'm Apprentice Grade 2 and I have them, but I'm not sure about the others.
September 29th, 2007, 07:49 AM
Somewhere, someone posted what permutations were linked to what achievements. Can someone link to that? I mean, I'm pretty sure that the ODST and Scout stuff are linked to Graduate, because, I mean, I'm Apprentice Grade 2 and I have them, but I'm not sure about the others.
Body Pieces
EVA……………..Complete Tsavo Highway on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary
EOD……………..Complete Tsavo Highway on Legendary
Scout……………Unlock “Too Close to the Sun” Achievement (Destroy an enemy banshee with the Sp’laser or missile pod in a ranked playlist or campaign)
Flight……………Complete Tsavo Highway on Heroic or Legendary
Ascetic…………Unlock “Up Close and Personal” Achievement (Kill 5 enemies via melee or assassination in a ranked FFA playlist)
Commando….Unlock “Triple Kill” Achievement (Get one triple kill)
Shoulder Pieces
EVA……………..Complete The Ark on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary
EOD…………….Complete The Ark on Legendary
Security……….Earn 750 Gamerscore Points
Scout……………Unlock “We’re in for some Chop” Achievement (Destroy an enemy vehicle with a piece of equipment in a ranked playlist or campaign)
Flight……………Complete The Ark on Heroic or Legendary
Ascetic…………Unlock “Overkill” Achievement (Get one overkill)
Commando….Unlock “Killing Frenzy” Achievement (Get one killing frenzy)
Head Pieces
EVA……………..Complete Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary
EOD……………..Complete Campaign on Legendary
Security………..Earn 1,000 Gamerscore Points
Scout…………….Unlock “Used Car Salesman” Achievement (Destroy an enemy vehicle containing 3 enemies in Campaign or ranked playlists)
Mark V………….Unlock “UNSC Spartan” Achievement (Reach Sergeant ranking online)
ODST……………Unlock “Spartan Graduate” Achievement (Earn 5 EXP or complete 10 ranked matches)
Rogue………….Unlock “Spartan Officer” Achievement (Advance to the Spartan Officer ranks online)
Flight……………Complete Campaign on Heroic or Legendary
Ascetic………….Unlock “Steppin’ Razor” Achievement (Get one triple kill with an energy sword in ranked FFA)
Commando….Unlock “Overkill” Achievement (Get one overkill
September 30th, 2007, 02:51 PM
2.85 k/d ratio
<3 people who go omfg big map, lets fill up vehicles YAY!
Easy kills >:U
oh and why is there no ranked btb :( its my favorite gametype.
October 1st, 2007, 05:01 PM
Body Pieces
EVA……………..Complete Tsavo Highway on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary
EOD……………..Complete Tsavo Highway on Legendary
Scout……………Unlock “Too Close to the Sun” Achievement (Destroy an enemy banshee with the Sp’laser or missile pod in a ranked playlist or campaign)
Flight……………Complete Tsavo Highway on Heroic or Legendary
Ascetic…………Unlock “Up Close and Personal” Achievement (Kill 5 enemies via melee or assassination in a ranked FFA playlist)
Commando….Unlock “Triple Kill” Achievement (Get one triple kill)
Shoulder Pieces
EVA……………..Complete The Ark on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary
EOD…………….Complete The Ark on Legendary
Security……….Earn 750 Gamerscore Points
Scout……………Unlock “We’re in for some Chop” Achievement (Destroy an enemy vehicle with a piece of equipment in a ranked playlist or campaign)
Flight……………Complete The Ark on Heroic or Legendary
Ascetic…………Unlock “Overkill” Achievement (Get one overkill)
Commando….Unlock “Killing Frenzy” Achievement (Get one killing frenzy)
Head Pieces
EVA……………..Complete Campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary
EOD……………..Complete Campaign on Legendary
Security………..Earn 1,000 Gamerscore Points
Scout…………….Unlock “Used Car Salesman” Achievement (Destroy an enemy vehicle containing 3 enemies in Campaign or ranked playlists)
Mark V………….Unlock “UNSC Spartan” Achievement (Reach Sergeant ranking online)
ODST……………Unlock “Spartan Graduate” Achievement (Earn 5 EXP or complete 10 ranked matches)
Rogue………….Unlock “Spartan Officer” Achievement (Advance to the Spartan Officer ranks online)
Flight……………Complete Campaign on Heroic or Legendary
Ascetic………….Unlock “Steppin’ Razor” Achievement (Get one triple kill with an energy sword in ranked FFA)
Commando….Unlock “Overkill” Achievement (Get one overkill
Hell, the EOD and the Security armor is what I was going for in the first place. Guess my lack of Xbox live really isn't that much of a problem.
t3h m00kz
October 1st, 2007, 08:48 PM
All achievements, max level 32, Lt. grade 2, Marathon helmet unlocked, Katana armor unlocked.
October 1st, 2007, 09:51 PM
How do you get katana armor? :O
October 1st, 2007, 10:25 PM
All achievements, max level 32, Lt. grade 2, Marathon helmet unlocked, Katana armor unlocked.
what a sniper whore :P.
but srsly, just 92 wins for rank 32?
t3h m00kz
October 1st, 2007, 11:02 PM
How do you get katana armor? :O
No idea. I just got every achievement then checked the armors, and apparently I got the Katana somehow... I think it may go with the Marathon helmet.
what a sniper whore :P.
but srsly, just 92 wins for rank 32?
Yes, suprisingly. It's pretty crazy, I didn't expect to rank up so damn fast BUT I DID OMG ;o
October 1st, 2007, 11:11 PM
Habayusa armor with Katina is available when the game is 100% complete. Good going Muki!
t3h m00kz
October 2nd, 2007, 06:15 PM
Habayusa armor with Katina is available when the game is 100% complete. Good going Muki!
Now I gotta help my room mate with his... a few more to go ;)
The best thing about it is now I can't get people telling me how things are like it's fact because they've "played the game more than me" D<
October 2nd, 2007, 08:42 PM
Has anybody unlocked the ninja armor yet? Im just curious because I haven't seen anybody who has any ninja premutations on their spartan armor.
October 2nd, 2007, 10:35 PM
God, who here has gotten Steppin' Razor? It is fucking impossible, but I want that Ascetic Helmet soooo badly.
October 2nd, 2007, 10:36 PM
I've got all the MP achievments except the triple with sword, need to work on SP as well.
October 2nd, 2007, 10:47 PM
I've got all the MP achievments except the triple with sword, need to work on SP as well.
Yes, like I said, Steppin' Razor is a bitch.
October 3rd, 2007, 12:14 AM
I got it today, swords gametype and three unsuspecting victims.
Thank goodness for the lunge.
t3h m00kz
October 8th, 2007, 07:41 PM
Funny story. When I was trying to get the Steppin' Razor achievement, the first game that came up was crazy KOTH on The Pit, the hill was below the sword spawn. First three kills of the day got me the achievement. I was like "YES OMFG"
Fun shit
Also, I suggest putting all service records up on the front page with each player's name.
October 9th, 2007, 12:56 PM
My service Record:
October 9th, 2007, 01:23 PM
Has anybody unlocked the ninja armor yet? Im just curious because I haven't seen anybody who has any ninja premutations on their spartan armor.
if you are talking about the Hayabusa set all you need to do to unlock the set is get all the skulls; I was able to do it in one night and got the armor just to piss off my friend. To get the katana you have to unlock every achievement in the game. [/RANT] I personally hate everything about the armor, it's not Halo and everyone whores the hell out of it. If I wanted to look like a goddamn anime robot that looks like it would be more at home fighting it out in deep space against some menacing super villain, I would have bought a Wii. [/END Rant]
October 9th, 2007, 02:42 PM
Some people like it, so deal with it.
October 9th, 2007, 02:59 PM
How exactly do you get the spartan officier achievement?
October 9th, 2007, 03:11 PM
How exactly do you get the spartan officier achievement?
"Spartan Officer - 25 points.
Advance to the Spartan Officer ranks
Some people like it, so deal with it.
I can deal with it, I'm just saying I don't like it and won't use it. :-3
October 9th, 2007, 03:28 PM
I know that, but what do you need to do to get this, play x number of games in matchmaking? get a specific rank (exemple: lieutenant)? something like that.
October 9th, 2007, 03:36 PM
There is no real X number of games that you need to play, it all really depends on the amount of games won (I think) with each game won you get points/exp and the more points/exp the higher your rank, I'm not entirely sure on the amount of points/exp needed for The rank though. I’ll try and find it for you.
Update: huh, well seeing as how google and other search engines are being asses to me this is the only thing I found that could answer your question.
The question this guy was asking:
"im already a gunnery sargent how do i become and spartan officer"
The answer:
"You must get to lieutenant rank online. To do that you must have 70 EXP points AND a level 10 in any ranked play list. If you don't get the level 10, then you will just keep going up past Gunnery Sergent Grade 2 to grade 3 & 4."
So I'm guessing once you make lieutenant you rank up to officer, if you don't make lieutenant then you never make officer. It looks like I'm as stumped as you are 0_o
October 10th, 2007, 01:08 AM
I know that, but what do you need to do to get this, play x number of games in matchmaking? get a specific rank (exemple: lieutenant)? something like that. A win in an unranked playlist gets you +1 EXP, a ranked win gets you something like 3 or 5, I don't know which, and quitting gets you -3. You get Spartan Officer when you reach Lieutenant, I believe.
October 10th, 2007, 04:13 AM
Are you sure ExAm? I get -1 EXP for quitting a game, and get +1 EXP for winning/top half of scores (but losing team) in both ranked and unranked, and occasionally 2 EXP for winning a really long game.
October 10th, 2007, 04:04 PM
Are you sure ExAm? I get -1 EXP for quitting a game, and get +1 EXP for winning/top half of scores (but losing team) in both ranked and unranked, and occasionally 2 EXP for winning a really long game.
1 EXP for winning a team game
1 EXP for being in the top 3 in a FFA game
1 EXP for being in the top half of a losing team
-1 EXP for quitting from a ranked game
-1 EXP from quitting from a social team game (you can quit from non team non ranked games just fine.)
October 10th, 2007, 06:41 PM
Are you sure ExAm? I get -1 EXP for quitting a game, and get +1 EXP for winning/top half of scores (but losing team) in both ranked and unranked, and occasionally 2 EXP for winning a really long game.Not what I saw, but noted.
October 11th, 2007, 12:25 AM
Actually, I believe in FFA games, it goes:
1st: 3 Points
2nd: 2 Points
3rd: 1 Point
4th-5th: Nothing
October 11th, 2007, 05:56 AM
Actually, I believe in FFA games, it goes:
1st: 3 Points
2nd: 2 Points
3rd: 1 Point
4th-5th: Nothing
I come in the top 3 most of the time in rumble pit, and i never go up by 3.
October 11th, 2007, 05:39 PM
Hmm... I do.
Wonder why?
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