View Full Version : Interesting Idea...
September 26th, 2007, 11:57 AM
check out this thread over on halomaps:
Interesting idea being kicked around - we're pretty sure it'll work, albeit kind of inefficiently...
September 26th, 2007, 01:19 PM
Interesting idea, but doubt that it will work in CE; no matter how many scripts are out in place.
Teh Ganon
September 26th, 2007, 01:50 PM
Interesting idea, but doubt that it will work in CE; no matter how many scripts are out in place.
kirby has defied the halo gods more than once. it does sound.. cool though i geuss.
September 26th, 2007, 02:51 PM
lol @ omega - kirby and I discussed how to do it, and we've got that figured out pretty well. dynamic spawning is the only real issue, and that's something that's plagued CE forever. It'll work, no doubt, and the scripting isn't that hard... we're just nailing down a couple loose ends...
September 26th, 2007, 03:24 PM
Hmmm.....I have a idea, that might help you and your "team" get this to work.
You would have to make a gravity gun that only the monitor can hold. However, the monitor cannot hold any weapons to begin with, so this is were the second part comes in.
Base the monitor on what the sentinel's are. Basically, they have no visible weapon, so make the model invisible on both sides (first person and third person). And they fire it from their "eye" (their weapon is placed near their eye) Those are some ideas off the top of my head.
I believe Patrick made a gravity gun, but it was for the MC.
September 26th, 2007, 03:31 PM
I think I saw that - looks like MC using the Force. That's an interesting idea, but still doesn't really solve the problem with dynamic spawning. Anyway - the gravity gun thing would be something to attach to the monitor as though it were a vehicle like the ghost where the driver fires the weapons too...
September 26th, 2007, 09:50 PM
I have no confidence in his project at all. Nothing good ever came out of halomaps forums.
September 26th, 2007, 11:07 PM
harsh words...
September 27th, 2007, 12:01 AM
harsh words...
There's no moderation over there, UXB is indifferent to what goes on in there; he couldn't care less. That's why all the tards that get rejected from here and halomods go there.
oh I don't know.
Kenny first started posting about his version of headlong over there first.
and massacre started modeling there too.
WOW, two people, and Kenny didn't even model or skin his map. It's all ripped.
September 27th, 2007, 01:00 AM
I thought halomods was a tardhouse these days?
do you mean gearbox?
halomods isn't all that bad IMO. I've been there a few times just looking. It's not great, but it's WAY better than halomaps. I haven't been to gbx in a while, dunno how it is still. I assume it's something like this site.
you said "nothing good ever came out of halomaps forums". you were wrong.
It's called a hyperbole :eng101:
September 27th, 2007, 08:25 AM
halomods isn't all that bad IMO. I've been there a few times just looking. It's not great, but it's WAY better than halomaps. I haven't been to gbx in a while, dunno how it is still. I assume it's something like this site.
It's called a hyperbole :eng101:
Halo CE section in gbx has kinda dried out after the migration...
I still think that this project will either be a pain in the ass, or impossible.
September 27th, 2007, 11:33 AM
Halomaps isn't half bad, Halo Guru, Kirby422, and quite a few other people are over there.
It's mostly full of noobs now, but still, if Dennis would let someone else moderate, it might have a chance.
September 27th, 2007, 04:16 PM
Amen.... if we had decent moderation that kept the idiots out...
September 28th, 2007, 01:35 PM
Hmmm.....I have a idea, that might help you and your "team" get this to work.
You would have to make a gravity gun that only the monitor can hold. However, the monitor cannot hold any weapons to begin with, so this is were the second part comes in.
Base the monitor on what the sentinel's are. Basically, they have no visible weapon, so make the model invisible on both sides (first person and third person). And they fire it from their "eye" (their weapon is placed near their eye) Those are some ideas off the top of my head.
dude.. im not a team, im a single person (do all my posts look like I have differnt charartoristics or something?...)
next, I am having 2 systems on the monitor, one that attachs the object infrount of the monitor to him, and the other is just pushing and pulling. adding weapons to something is easy, open teh animation tag, find the position you want (in this case, stand) and add the weapon label you want, and since it will be a monitor only, I would make a brand new weapon label. I already have a gun to push and pull anyways.
im alot smarter than you think you think.. yesh.
I have no confidence in his project at all. Nothing good ever came out of halomaps forums.
as soon as my cold goes away and my head isnt stuffed up, ill show you :P
its a simple process of attaching 2 invisible bipeds infrount of the monitor scripting them into AI so I can use the looking script to force them to look at eachother, and then (if (and stuff to make it so if both of them see a object, it gets attached to the monitor. its realy not hard at all lol, acualy, I dont even need to have full unsick thinking capacity to do it, and since I have hs_doc here at school, I should get typing lol.
wow, look at my incredible amount of posts here lol, like 8 or something?.. I feel very proud of my postcount[/sarcasm] lol, I realy should post here more often.. it would probly be alot beter then halomaps where I preaty much am repeating to people to search before asking all day long.. lol
September 28th, 2007, 04:27 PM
oh I don't know.
Kenny first started posting about his version of headlong over there first.
and massacre started modeling there too.
I was about to say.
but then again, I was smarter and more talented then everyone else there almost right from the start. Nothing good will really come out of a community that thinks this is hawt:
*removed picture for sake of people's eyes*
*point being the have no taste*
September 28th, 2007, 05:04 PM
Laptop monitor x1
Retina x2
September 28th, 2007, 05:20 PM
what the hell was that? it looked like a platypus with fans :confused:
September 28th, 2007, 05:57 PM
as soon as my cold goes away and my head isnt stuffed up, ill show you :P
its a simple process of attaching 2 invisible bipeds infrount of the monitor scripting them into AI so I can use the looking script to force them to look at eachother, and then (if (and stuff to make it so if both of them see a object, it gets attached to the monitor. its realy not hard at all lol, acualy, I dont even need to have full unsick thinking capacity to do it, and since I have hs_doc here at school, I should get typing lol.
It's good in concept, but all the objects will have to be vehicles. You won't be able to move scenery objects at all since scenery position doesn't sync. Every movable object in the map is going to be a vehicle, not to mention the massive undertaking of all possibly combinations of objects and players.
September 28th, 2007, 06:17 PM
Laptop monitor x1
Retina x2
Exactly, that was where I was oh....a year ago.
and they thought it was the shit.
thats wat I'm saying.
September 28th, 2007, 06:20 PM
I was about to say.
but then again, I was smarter and more talented then everyone else there almost right from the start. Nothing good will really come out of a community that thinks this is hawt:
Don't look it's ugly D:
I kinda like that, cept for the front.
September 28th, 2007, 06:28 PM
I kinda like that, cept for the front.
Exactly (
September 28th, 2007, 06:28 PM
[/threadjack] ? - lol...
Conscars - we know about the vehicle thing... I don't think it's gonna lag or anything unless someone's actually dumb enough to spawn everything in the map. Only real problem I see is huge map files (maybe) I dunno if maps with a lot of repetitive scenery objects get huge files or not...
September 28th, 2007, 07:26 PM
create map and new script. open all dev CE. press ~ enter and run scripted command. k, hack done.
September 28th, 2007, 08:27 PM
It's good in concept, but all the objects will have to be vehicles. You won't be able to move scenery objects at all since scenery position doesn't sync. Every movable object in the map is going to be a vehicle, not to mention the massive undertaking of all possibly combinations of objects and players.
I know that they have to be vehicles.. just because I dont post here that often, it doesnt mean im stupid like the billions of newbs I have to help on halomaps lol. and changing scripts isnt that hard, either just change all the stuff like monitor1 to monitor2, or just use notepads replace feature to replace monitor1 to monitor2 in a new copy of notepad and post it back.
you know.. its kinda anoying how you think anyone that isnt here is a moron.. I guess ill stick around here more often aways.. now that there is 500 newbs a day on halomaps, it seems like to much work lol. only isue is that I like that halomaps areas load faster than here, and oddly sceenshots dont load here right for me.. they are little like 16x16 images lol
September 28th, 2007, 09:39 PM
you know.. its kinda anoying how you think anyone that isnt here is a moron..
I don't recall ever saying or even implying that.
September 28th, 2007, 09:58 PM
I don't recall ever saying or even implying that.
you realy gotta see a doctor about memory loss lol
I have no confidence in his project at all. Nothing good ever came out of halomaps forums.
calling people from halomaps morons right there lol
It's good in concept, but all the objects will have to be vehicles. You won't be able to move scenery objects at all since scenery position doesn't sync. Every movable object in the map is going to be a vehicle, not to mention the massive undertaking of all possibly combinations of objects and players.
treating me like a moron lol
do these 2 posts jog your memory?.. lets just stop arguing before this becomes a flame war lol, ok?.. :rolleyes:
September 28th, 2007, 10:42 PM
September 28th, 2007, 10:53 PM
you realy gotta see a doctor about memory loss lol
Maybe you should see a psychiatrist about your twisted reality problem;
calling people from halomaps morons right there lol
No, I exaggerated and said nothing good ever came out of halomaps. Holy shit, maybe I should stop trying to emphasize a point since you obviously can't see an exaggeration for what it is. Let me make things nice and simple for you from now on. What I meant was that I was confident that this project would go anywhere since halomaps users in general (underlined for your convenience) tend not to finish things they start.
treating me like a moron lol
How was I in that post calling you a moron? NOW I see you really do deserve that title.
Try again.
September 28th, 2007, 11:15 PM
I would say that H2V members IN GENERAL tend to not finish what they start. Most people don't. There are simply a dumber crowd of noobs at halomaps. Perhaps you should look at the individual, not the collective. I'm pretty sure intelligence, will, and skill at map making have nothing to do with 10-yr-old kids with flagrant ID-10-T errors....
Anyway - back on topic. This isn't something that actually requires that much real WORK. We have a monitor model already thanks to Bungie. Adding the markers necessary to employ the script is a 5 minute job. The hard part is scripting - which I'm sure Kirby is more than capable of...
September 28th, 2007, 11:37 PM
Maybe you should see a psychiatrist about your twisted reality problem
and you should get there ahead so you get the best seat
treating me like a moron lol
How was I in that post calling you a moron? NOW I see you really do deserve that title.
hypocrite.. lol
NOW LETS JUST SHUT UP.. (im probly just gonna stop posting in this topic and just post in the halomaps one in the link in the first post)
September 29th, 2007, 02:02 AM
so...who likes cake? the band
September 29th, 2007, 10:41 AM
We (also me) thought about's really not worth the effort.
Gravity works but the Halo engine is down right crappy for these things...I don't know if a specific "bug", that existed for me when creating the Gravity Gun in HaloCE, still exists in H2V.
September 29th, 2007, 11:57 AM
Kirby, I never said or thought you weren't smart, I was just thinking of something. :)
Now, do not be hating me for saying this, but this should get a lock, for the fact that people are flaming. So Im going to agree with Kirby. Also, no -Rep for me saying that please. ;)
September 29th, 2007, 12:26 PM
you know.. its kinda anoying how you think anyone that isnt here is a moron
You can read minds :haw:. Teach me.
September 29th, 2007, 12:29 PM
Woot - CodeBrain really has a brain - lol. Please... no flaming in my thread. Patrick - were you the one that developed the grav gun where the vid on youdube looks like MC is using the Force on hogs and tanks and stuff? We weren't thinking of using that, but rather a steady attachment much closer. It would lack the ability to shoot stuff away or pull it really close tho...
September 29th, 2007, 01:00 PM
Woot - CodeBrain really has a brain - lol. Please... no flaming in my thread. Patrick - were you the one that developed the grav gun where the vid on youdube looks like MC is using the Force on hogs and tanks and stuff? We weren't thinking of using that, but rather a steady attachment much closer. It would lack the ability to shoot stuff away or pull it really close tho...
Yeah that was me...but hmm how-is-that-guy-called-again-Locke-would-slap-me....ahh yes ExileLord made a Grav Gun...simpler and only done via could pull stuff towards you or shoot it away. The vid should be also on was done in H2X.
Ohh also for reference:
Bitterbanana using vectors to determine the object being watched at 0_o:
(Sorry can't find the vid...)
Meh I may think about this again...I would need to rewrite all the coding and I have a few projects going on... >.<
So if you guys would use an app you would have to get the XYZ of every object...vehicles/players/weapons/scenery and then determine the one being looked at and then sync it to wherever you want to have it...just like in Forge.
September 29th, 2007, 01:32 PM
Or make a volume trigger with the biped_looking method and attach that to a vehicle (aka monitor) and that would automatically lock onto what you're looking at, AND be able to control the distance away it locked on.... different angles on the bipeds = different zeroing in distance on the look...
September 30th, 2007, 12:39 AM
WOW, two people, and Kenny didn't even model or skin his map. It's all ripped.
Give him some credit, it's one of the highest quality rips I've ever seen, and he put a fair amount of work into getting it to look decent
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