View Full Version : A really weird hack
September 28th, 2007, 09:17 PM
I play snow grove alot. It is an awsome map. I have also seen my fair share of hackers/botters, but this one was really weird.
The guys name was {AaK}Zero - with all the fancy letters. What first struck me as weird was his name not showing up on the player list. I asked him, he said he was #4. That name was 0+ -he had the name hack.
That part i can understand...this part i cannot. He seemed to come out of nowhere. I would run across the field, and id get meleed in the back by him. I had checked everywhere around me and I was 100% positive he WASNT there. He seems to be able to make himself disappear, not like distorted camo though...
on top of that, he was aimbotting, because he got sniper headshots when we were within melee distance of each other.
What the heck did this guy have? have any of you heard of this before?
September 28th, 2007, 10:09 PM
no he wasnt. It was CMT's dedi...
September 28th, 2007, 10:10 PM
Sounds pretty weird and all but this is what struck me:
on top of that, he was aimbotting, because he got sniper headshots when we were within melee distance of each other.
Sorry but not slightjacking him makes that comment not creditable. As that player could turn out to actually be good at that aspect of the game.
September 28th, 2007, 10:12 PM
Sounds pretty weird and all but this is what struck me:
Sorry but not slightjacking him makes that comment not creditable. As that player could turn out to actually be good at that aspect of the game.
i was sightjacking him.....Or else i would not have made that claim. Im not like all the others who yells "AIMBOTZZZZZ" when i see an impressive shot.
He also made waay too many impressive shots to be all skill.....
September 29th, 2007, 12:10 AM
just an idea... the dev console will accept commands like (unit_kill (vehicle_driver hog1))... so it would theoretically also accept other dev-executable command structures. If he has something running outside the game that allows him to essentially paste scripts (I dunno how long the console input buffer is) in to the dev console, he could be doing hax0rs based on that. I know you can do things like that - I'm pretty sure there was one hack that would lag the server by entering the paste & enter keystrokes into the console with just a bunch of text. Similar to how a chat room gets "Bombed." Anyway - pasting dev command structures is my theory.
September 29th, 2007, 12:55 AM
that sounds really strange. i had a similar occurance in a dedi. the guy was using a rocket launcher that had incredible homing, and shot tank shells. when i killed him (sniper beats hack ftw) i took his launcher, and it didnt have the same effect.
September 29th, 2007, 02:31 AM
Hacks? In MY CE? It's less likely than you think.
September 29th, 2007, 05:56 AM
Hehe....I think I know what he did...if I recall correctly me and Limited did it too on our own server on 2 innocent people.
September 29th, 2007, 04:09 PM
that method would only kill him, it wouldn't say the guy he thinks was hacking killed him. He would just flat out die.
September 29th, 2007, 04:44 PM
I know that... I'm just saying it's an example of dev executable code vs dev executable commands.... script pasting would work, but it sounds like someone had a better idea of what's going on...
October 1st, 2007, 07:01 PM
Ive seen people using this before too, mostly bots who dont want to be banned, I believe someone reffered to it as server cloaking a while back when I was playing some asshole aimbot.
October 1st, 2007, 07:03 PM
A Halo version of no_clip perhaps?
October 2nd, 2007, 09:07 PM
Hmm since I'm the big evil "haxxor" here can I say a few things? k thx.
OK first off, the name thing is from using Halo all Names(legit halo program I can send it to anyone all it does is allow a wider variety of characters in names unfortunatly some don't show up in Score and my name will always show up as {}+ or something close to that)as for the sneaking up thing, kenny you just got sloppy, one time you looked me right in the eyes and walked past and you always assumed that when an area was clear once, it was still clear. On the headshot matter Getting point blanc headshots in a tunnel where you have limitted mobility is probably the easiest thing to do in the WORLD, just because you can't do it doesn't mean I have to hack to do it.
Anyone who wants to play against me and see for yourself on these things add my xfire
October 3rd, 2007, 12:29 AM
Hmm since I'm the big evil "haxxor" here can I say a few things? k thx.
OK first off, the name thing is from using Halo all Names(legit halo program I can send it to anyone all it does is allow a wider variety of characters in names unfortunatly some don't show up in Score and my name will always show up as {}+ or something close to that)as for the sneaking up thing, kenny you just got sloppy, one time you looked me right in the eyes and walked past and you always assumed that when an area was clear once, it was still clear. On the headshot matter Getting point blanc headshots in a tunnel where you have limitted mobility is probably the easiest thing to do in the WORLD, just because you can't do it doesn't mean I have to hack to do it.
Anyone who wants to play against me and see for yourself on these things add my xfire
Im not that dumb. i have played for many years, and up until the past few months have been very good at it, but never in my life have i seen anyone make a headshot at point blank in the middle of a clearing on a guy that was running and jumping in the opposite direction, at a distance of a couple feet. I also noticed a few too frequent spectacular headshots, that even a professional (lol) could not pull off. There was more than skill going on there.....
im not lying.....i have many more screenies like this.....and yes there were a couple times i did pass you and realized it too late, but there were others where my motion tracker was not even blipping and I somehow die from you in the middle of the clearing.........its just...suspicious..i was also sightjacking you alot of the time :). If you were not hacking, it could have just been a dropped package or something screwy with the net, but i am 100% positive you were not on my screen until you killed me. It just made me very suspicious....
Thats not the point anyways. i did not come here to accuse you of hacking. I am not the type of n00b who says "OMFG HAX0RS!!!!!!!" and goes to a forum to b*tch about it. I came here to ask if this was possible.
Now if it was me on a bad day (it was late here) than i humbly appologise and will want to play you again sometimes. It was just the name not showing up on the list, the appearing out of nowhere, and the spectacular headshots that brought me to suspect foul play. I hope you understand...
October 3rd, 2007, 06:10 PM
i did not come here to accuse you of hacking.
Then Please Explain Why You Named This Thread A Really Weird Hack.
That was one the Snowgrove 24/7 No ban Server, I will give you credit for being good but don't readily assume your so good that the odds of being a level or two higher then you are low, there are people on there that make me look like a chump without hacking. Remember that.
October 3rd, 2007, 06:36 PM
I will give you credit for being good but don't readily assume your so good that the odds of being a level or two higher then you are low, there are people on there that make me look like a chump without hacking. Remember that.
your a botter, just like so many other people in the aak clan.
October 3rd, 2007, 06:45 PM
I titled it a really weird hack because to me it appeared, like a really weird hack. This wasnt a personal attack against you, it was about why it was doing that/what kind of hack it was. I could have named it "Zero was hacking" but i didnt. im not that type.
That a nice score you got there.
October 3rd, 2007, 06:57 PM
That a nice score you got there.
His score is mathematically impossible. 25:0...divide by 0 :hist101:
October 3rd, 2007, 06:58 PM
your a botter, just like so many other people in the aak clan.
October 3rd, 2007, 07:05 PM
your a botter, just like so many other people in the aak clan.
Yeah, I gotta agree with you there, I'm IN THE AAK CLAN! And yeah, I've seen my share of botters too, but I don't bot, ask anyone who's played me on snowgrove; ironclad, spartty, vern, TONS of people, if any of you recongnize me as (666)TrU7H? Anyone?
Anyways, yeah I've seen some people in AaK that bots, about 2 or 3.
And Kenny wasn't lying when he said he was good, he IS pretty good. (Not as good as me, but he's good nevertheless hehehehehe:lol:)
EDIT: I personally havn't gotten around to playing zero yet, but I will eventually, lately I've been busy with schoolwork, projects, friends, and Halo 3, so sorry for those of you that wanted me on snowgrove :(.
P.S. if anyone of you want to play me on snowgrove or Halo 3: x-fire = linjay
Gamertag = The3rdLegion
October 3rd, 2007, 08:26 PM
Jay is MY name.
October 3rd, 2007, 08:41 PM
I play snow grove alot. It is an awsome map. I have also seen my fair share of hackers/botters, but this one was really weird.
The guys name was {AaK}Zero - with all the fancy letters. What first struck me as weird was his name not showing up on the player list. I asked him, he said he was #4. That name was 0+ -he had the name hack.
That part i can understand...this part i cannot. He seemed to come out of nowhere. I would run across the field, and id get meleed in the back by him. I had checked everywhere around me and I was 100% positive he WASNT there. He seems to be able to make himself disappear, not like distorted camo though...
on top of that, he was aimbotting, because he got sniper headshots when we were within melee distance of each other.
What the heck did this guy have? have any of you heard of this before?
Lol, that reminds me once that someone had letters bigger than of you to type and such like 20-25 font size and it has in bold white print saying, "Shit" xD:lol: Also, people said that Tru7h bots but he never does and now they blaim me and im like, i have never botted in my life and they did that about 5-6 times to me and i had alot of people to back me up saying i dont bot so :/
October 3rd, 2007, 08:45 PM
your a botter, just like so many other people in the aak clan.
Yes cause we all obviously bot.
ANYWHO just here to say I'm going to record some of my gameplay, maybe make a REALLY short montage and let you kids decide whether or not I bot.
October 3rd, 2007, 09:55 PM
or you can go away.... botter.
October 3rd, 2007, 10:03 PM
Baturkin what is your issue with me, best to my memory I don't even know you, and I've NEVER had any issues with the HIV clan.
October 3rd, 2007, 10:48 PM
Jay is MY name.
What?...My real name is Lin Jie friends pronounce it: "Lin Jay"...
And I thought that it sounds better so I put that on my x-fire, and it's been there for almost 2 years now, way before I even HEARD about this forum, or you for that matter.
Back on topic: Until I actually play zero, I'm staying neutral on this.
P.S. concerning vern: he doesn't bot.
October 4th, 2007, 12:03 AM
Not gunna become a flame off -_-
EDIT Heres the video, don't care if you like the music or not, its rather epic for just being regular old boring gameplay >> if you watch when I check the score my name shows up as {}+
October 4th, 2007, 08:36 AM
^^that video just furthers my claim....
October 4th, 2007, 08:41 AM
which is why i said that. When i played him, I would come around a corner and get poped in the head by his sniper. If that above is his normal gameplay, he MUST have been botting..........
The "really weird hack" was probably me on a bad day and i was really tired.....I dropped that one.
October 4th, 2007, 11:23 AM
Baturkin what is your issue with me, best to my memory I don't even know you, and I've NEVER had any issues with the HIV clan.
nuthin, just feel like being an ass.
October 4th, 2007, 11:31 AM
Yes cause we all obviously bot.
ANYWHO just here to say I'm going to record some of my gameplay, maybe make a REALLY short montage and let you kids decide whether or not I bot.
Thats not biased.
October 4th, 2007, 06:40 PM
Fine I can record a thousand times over, I can have anyone here record me a thousand times over, I mostly play in snowgrove servers Look for me there, come under different names if you want, I DEMAND SOMEONE FILMS ME BOTTING THIS IS WORSE THEN COURT IN A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY WHERE ITS GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT AND EVIDENCE COUNTS FOR SHIT!
October 4th, 2007, 06:48 PM
he called in sick...
now can we lock this...i got off topic. It was about that hack i thought he had......not him aimbotting.
October 4th, 2007, 07:23 PM
Whoa.....hold on a sec here...
to quote sonic from youtube: "This proves nothing. I aggree just about alot of people in the MSK clan and AAK clan bot. I'm sorry but I've fought you before and I've seen bot. Doesn't matter if you put this video you can just turn off bot then use it when your not recording. You don't know me but I know you."
Uh.....ok, MSK and the AaK clan both have their share of botters, but you can't use sweeping generalization and suddenly accuse zero of botting, or hacking, whatever you want to call it (script hacking if you want that), you have to set up a controlled experiment. I'm already working out the experiment procedures, so...maybe, just maybe, this will all be resolved this weekend.
October 4th, 2007, 10:58 PM
Reading the first post I don't see any traces of hacking from what you described. I get point-blank shots with the sniper a lot, and it isn't hard to hide behind something then jump up and attack like a ninja. The only hack I see their is a Name hack.
October 4th, 2007, 11:56 PM
and Name hack is what I'm admitting to, I mean it doesn't improve my performance obviously >>*points at video*
October 5th, 2007, 12:03 AM
Reading the first post I don't see any traces of hacking from what you described. I get point-blank shots with the sniper a lot, and it isn't hard to hide behind something then jump up and attack like a ninja. The only hack I see their is a Name hack.
This wasnt just point blank. This was running opposite directions and having your target jumping nearly over your head kind of point blank. That was probably just a luck shot, because i honestly dont think hes botting anymore.
I started this thread because he would appear behind me where there was very little cover for him to "hide", and i was completely positive no one was there. What was the strangest part was he never appeared on my radar. its not like i was still or anything either.....
Its probably just me. i wanted to confirm this either does or doesnt exist. That was the whole reason i started this thread. now lets let it die that way...
October 5th, 2007, 12:19 PM
I still can't believe it's not butter
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